History and Development of the Communication Regulatory
HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE COMMUNICATION REGULATORY AGENCY IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 1998 – 2005 A thesis presented to the faculty of the College of Communication of Ohio University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Arts Adin Sadic March 2006 2 This thesis entitled HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE COMMUNICATION REGULATORY AGENCY IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 1998 – 2005 by ADIN SADIC has been approved for the School of Telecommunications and the College of Communication by __________________________________________ Gregory Newton Associate Professor of Telecommunications __________________________________________ Gregory Shepherd Interim Dean, College of Communication 3 SADIC, ADIN. M.A. March 2006. Communication Studies History and Development of the Communication Regulatory Agency in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1998 – 2005 (247 pp.) Director of Thesis: Gregory Newton During the war against Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) over 250,000 people were killed, and countless others were injured and lost loved ones. Almost half of the B&H population was forced from their homes. The ethnic map of the country was changed drastically and overall damage was estimated at US $100 billion. Experts agree that misuse of the media was largely responsible for the events that triggered the war and kept it going despite all attempts at peace. This study examines and follows the efforts of the international community to regulate the broadcast media environment in postwar B&H. One of the greatest challenges for the international community in B&H was the elimination of hate language in the media. There was constant resistance from the local ethnocentric political parties in the establishment of the independent media regulatory body and implementation of new standards.
VESNA CVJETKOVIĆ-KURELEC »Virginija« Dimitrije Demetera (jezičnop ovijesni osvrt) 1 Život i rad Dimitrije Demetera (1811-1872) u hrvatskoj su književnoj i kazališnoj historiografiji višestruko istraživani. Svoju punu znanstvenu valorizaciju dobilo je sveukupno književno stvaralaštvo na hrvatskome jeziku. Pritom su utvrđeni dosadašnji stavovi o njegovu opusu, ali i revidirane ocjene o njegovim dramskim ostvarenjima. Mislimo prvenstveno na rasprave Nikole Batuši• ća, Branka Hećimovića i Darka Suvina, koje su nametnule novu interpretaciju Deme· terovih drama, pogotovu tragedije »Teuta«, pobijajući ocjene iz prošloga stoljeća i iz razdoblja modeme, QO kojima ta drama predstavlja vrhunac onovremene hrvatske dramske književnosti. 2 ))Spominjan uvijek s razlogom i pravom kao utemeljitelj suvre menog hrvatskog glumišta, on mu kao baštinu nije ostavio svoje dramsko djelo za koje su i on intimno a i mnogobrojni kritičari nakon njega smatrali da stoji u samu vrhu naše tragedije«, naglašava Nikola Batušić. 3 Osnovne primjedbe na piščevo ne· poznavanje dramaturških pravila i na neprimjerenost scenskoga jezika upućene su i na ostala dramska ostvarenja Dimitrije Demetera (dvije knjige )>Dramatičnih pokuše• nija«), dok su predlošci za opere »Porin« i ))Ljubav i zloba« uglavnom zahvaljujući glazbi uspjeli sačuvati dio svoga dramskoga naboja. Međutim, književna je historia· grafija ep »Grobnička polje« izdvojila kao ostvarenje po kojem Demeter s pravom ulazi u glavne predstavnike hrvatske književnosti devetnaestoga stoljeća. 4 Ako uz ovo djelo dodamo već istaknuto mjesto u osnivanju, razvoju i organizaciji kazališnog života u Zagrebu i ključnu ulogu koju je odigrao u pokretu ilirizma, tada je cjeloku pan udio ovoga Grka u hrvatskoj kulturi nesumnjivo velik. Zato i s pravom smatramo da svaki prilog koji može pridonijeti nešto novo u opisu njegova lika i stvaralaštva za služuje pozornost, to više ako se odnosi na gotovo neistraženu stranu Demeterova djelovanja.
Book Art in Croatia BOOK ART IN CROATIA National and University Library in Zagreb, Zagreb, 2018 Contents Foreword / 4 Centuries of Book Art in Croatia / 5 Catalogue / 21 Foreword The National and University Library in Croatia, with the aim to present and promote the Croatian cultural heritage has prepared the exhibition Book Art in Croatia. The exhibition gives a historical view of book preparation and design in Croatia from the Middle Ages to the present day. It includes manuscript and printed books on different topics and themes, from mediaeval evangelistaries and missals to contemporary illustrated editions, print portfolios and artists’ books. Featured are the items that represent the best samples of artistic book design in Croatia with regard to their graphic design and harmonious relationship between the visual and graphic layout and content. The author of the exhibition is art historian Milan Pelc, who selected 60 items for presentation on panels. In addition to the introductory essay, the publication contains the catalogue of items with short descriptions. 4 Milan Pelc CENTURIES OF BOOK ART IN CROATIA Introduction Book art, a constituent part of written culture and Croatian cultural heritage as a whole, is ex- ceptionally rich and diverse. This essay does not pretend to describe it in its entirety. Its goal is to shed light on some (key) moments in its complex historical development and point to its most important specificities. The essay does not pertain to entire Croatian literary heritage, but only to the part created on the historical Croatian territory and created by the Croats. Namely, with regard to its origins, the Croatian literary heritage can be divided into three big groups.
Yugoslavia Chemical Chronology 2008-2001 | 1999-1996 | 1995-1990 | 1989-1970 | 1969-1918 Last update: May 2010 As of May 2010, this chronology is no longer being updated. For current developments, please see the Yugoslavia Chemical Overview. This annotated chronology is based on the data sources that follow each entry. Public sources often provide conflicting information on classified military programs. In some cases we are unable to resolve these discrepancies, in others we have deliberately refrained from doing so to highlight the potential influence of false or misleading information as it appeared over time. In many cases, we are unable to independently verify claims. Hence in reviewing this chronology, readers should take into account the credibility of the sources employed here. Inclusion in this chronology does not necessarily indicate that a particular development is of direct or indirect proliferation significance. Some entries provide international or domestic context for technological development and national policymaking. Moreover, some entries may refer to developments with positive consequences for nonproliferation 2008-2001 24 July 2008 The Serbian government submits a draft law on the implementation of the CWC to Parliament for consideration. This law will update an earlier law adopted in 2005. —"Update on National Implementation as at 14 November 2008," Chemical Disarmament Quarterly, Vol. 6 No. 4 (December 2008), p. 19. 6 June 2008 The process of down-sizing and reorganizing the 246th NBC Defense Brigade of the Serbian army is completed. The unit which has been reduced to a single battalion is now based at the Tzar Lazar barracks in Krusevac. The reduction in the unit's size, in the 1980s the unit was a full regiment, reflects the lower priority of NBC defense in the post-Cold War environment.