Appendix. Corpus Data

Appendix. Corpus Data

Appendix. Corpus Data See Chapter 10 for more information on the sources of these data. The frequency dictionaries by Moguš et al. (1999) and Šojat (1983) are used as points of refer- ence for usage prior to 1991. The Mannheim Croatian Corpus (MCC) is not available in an online searchable version; data are reported according to Grčević (2002b), who does not list all of the forms included here. For the pairs in the table, borrowings or other dispreferred forms are listed first, and forms recommended in recent handbooks and usage guides are listed second. 284 Moguš Šojat Feral Tribune Nacional Vijenac Večernji list Glas Vjesnik Hrvatsko Fokus MCC Blog corpus (1935–1977, (1980, 130k) (2001–02, (1997–2000, (2001–02, (1999, 2.2m) Slavonije (2000–03, slovo (2003–2005, (1997–1999, (2004–2005, 1m) 0.6m) 6.9m) 1.5m) (2002–2005, 46.6m) (2001–02, 2.7m) 14m) 1m) 17m) 0.5m) advokat, -ica 87.1% (27) 0.0% (0) 7.2% (11) 2.2% (20) 8.8% (3) 1.1% (5) 0.6% (13) 0.6% (53) 0.0% (0) 1.5% (3) 1.2% (16) 18.2% (4) odvjetnik, -ica 12.9% (4) 100.0% (5) 92.8% (142) 97.8% (876) 91.2% (31) 98.9% (436) 99.4% (2074) 99.4% (9145) 100.0% (39) 98.5% (198) 98.8% (1318) 81.8% (18) ‘lawyer’ aerodrom 100.0% (47) 100.0% (16) 29.7% (19) 68.0% (170) 14.3% (5) 58.7% (88) 32.5% (397) 34.7% (793) 33.3% (1) 25.0% (9) – – 96.2% (25) zračna luka 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 70.3% (45) 32.0% (80) 85.7% (30) 41.3% (62) 67.5% (825) 65.3% (1494) 66.7% (2) 75.0% (27) – – 3.8% (1) ‘airport’ ambasada 100.0% (5) 100.0% (16) 84.2% (16) 37.8% (131) 10.5% (4) 7.1% (8) 6.0% (35) 7.1% (159) 6.3% (1) 0.9% (1) 5.4% (47) 36.4% (4) veleposlanstvo 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 15.8% (3) 62.2% (216) 89.5% (34) 92.9% (105) 94.0% (545) 92.9% (2084) 93.7% (15) 99.1% (113) 94.6% (831) 63.6% (7) ‘embassy’ ambasador, 100.0% (21) 100.0% (18) 64.5% (20) 32.4% (260) 43.5% (10) 7.1% (12) 6.4% (55) 6.7% (307) 9.1% (4) 6.7% (11) – – 37.5% (3) -ica veleposlanik, 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 35.5% (11) 67.6% (542) 56.5% (13) 92.9% (158) 93.6% (798) 93.3% (4267) 90.9% (40) 93.3% (154) – – 62.5% (5) -ica ‘ambassador’ analiza 100.0% (107) 100.0% (18) 100.0% (45) 98.3% (340) 93.5% (186) 94.6% (141) 98.8% (1271) 97.5% (3526) 67.3% (37) 94.3% (247) 90.6% (934) 96.6% (28) raščlamba 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 1.7% (6) 6.5% (13) 5.4% (8) 1.2% (16) 2.5% (91) 32.7% (18) 5.7% (15) 9.4% (97) 3.4% (1) ‘analysis’ armija 38.7% (94) 30.0% (9) 19.6% (39) 13.7% (252) 6.6% (5) 14.5% (105) 5.0% (123) 9.3% (1031) 12.0% (42) 15.8% (126) 11.1% (406) 4.9% (3) vojska 61.3% (149) 70.0% (21) 80.4% (160) 86.3% (1593) 93.4% (71) 85.5% (621) 95.0% (2322) 90.7% (10030) 88.0% (308) 84.2% (674) 88.9% (3236) 95.1% (58) ‘army’ atmosfera 96.0% (48) 100.0% (8) 84.6% (44) 86.5% (628) 76.0% (285) 72.4% (113) 77.2% (1263) 64.4% (3200) 39.7% (23) 19.2% (53) – – 91.8% (56) ozračje 4.0% (2) 0.0% (0) 15.4% (8) 13.5% (98) 24.0% (90) 27.6% (43) 22.8% (372) 35.6% (1770) 60.3% (35) 80.8% (223) – – 8.2% (5) ‘atmosphere’ (continued) Continued Moguš Šojat Feral Tribune Nacional Vijenac Večernji list Glas Vjesnik Hrvatsko Fokus MCC Blog corpus (1935–1977, (1980, 130k) (2001–02, (1997–2000, (2001–02, (1999, 2.2m) Slavonije (2000–03, slovo (2003–2005, (1997–1999, (2004–2005, 1m) 0.6m) 6.9m) 1.5m) (2002–2005, 46.6m) (2001–02, 2.7m) 14m) 1m) 17m) 0.5m) avion 95.2% (100) 92.6% (25) 71.4% (30) 50.5% (359) 68.4% (26) 22.9% (147) 33.2% (459) 24.3% (1220) 16.7% (9) 42.2% (49) 27.0% (726) 84.8% (56) zrakoplov 4.8% (5) 7.4% (2) 28.6% (12) 49.5% (352) 31.6% (12) 77.1% (496) 66.8% (923) 75.7% (3807) 83.3% (45) 57.8% (67) 73.0% (1964) 15.2% (10) ‘airplane’ biblioteka 63.9% (23) 71.4% (10) 42.9% (15) 68.2% (101) 50.7% (221) 19.3% (17) 15.5% (161) 23.5% (613) 22.7% (5) 43.6% (65) 12.3% (159) 32.0% (16) knjižnica 36.1% (13) 28.6% (4) 57.1% (20) 31.8% (47) 49.3% (215) 80.7% (71) 84.5% (877) 76.5% (2001) 77.3% (17) 56.4% (84) 87.7% (1135) 68.0% (34) ‘library’ biografi ja 83.3% (10) 50.0% (1) 87.5% (28) 83.0% (278) 76.7% (122) 69.6% (16) 59.2% (129) 74.8% (562) 42.9% (6) 8.8% (6) – – 41.7% (10) životopis 16.7% (2) 50.0% (1) 12.5% (4) 17.0% (57) 23.3% (37) 30.4% (7) 40.8% (89) 25.2% (189) 57.1% (8) 91.2% (62) – – 58.3% (14) ‘biography’ budžet 47.3% (26) 37.5% (3) 25.8% (17) 24.6% (262) 37.8% (31) 4.5% (19) 5.7% (246) 4.0% (469) 4.0% (5) 0.8% (4) 4.0% (125) 40.0% (12) proračun 52.7% (29) 62.5% (5) 74.2% (49) 75.4% (802) 62.2% (51) 95.5% (402) 94.3% (4091) 96.0% (11156) 96.0% (119) 99.2% (487) 96.0% (2994) 60.0% (18) ‘budget’ centar 48.6% (71) 82.0% (73) 84.5% (174) 67.5% (1492) 62.9% (485) 64.9% (517) 70.6% (7244) 76.3% (14764) 67.9% (150) 53.9% (472) 76.7% (5758) 88.3% (136) središte 51.4% (75) 18.0% (16) 15.5% (32) 32.5% (718) 37.1% (286) 35.1% (280) 29.4% (3015) 23.7% (4590) 32.1% (71) 46.1% (403) 23.3% (1754) 11.7% (18) ‘center’ civilizacija 96.0% (24) (0) 97.4% (37) 93.0% (120) 98.7% (155) 100.0% (27) 94.6% (141) 94.8% (1161) 80.6% (58) 90.3% (176) 90.8% (324) 100.0% (26) uljudba 4.0% (1) (0) 2.6% (1) 7.0% (9) 1.3% (2) 0.0% (0) 5.4% (8) 5.2% (64) 19.4% (14) 9.7% (19) 9.2% (33) 0.0% (0) civilization’ datum 100.0% (16) 100.0% (8) 91.4% (32) 97.4% (229) 97.4% (74) 95.7% (88) 98.8% (929) 96.5% (2134) 42.9% (9) 72.3% (115) 90.7% (603) 97.2% (35) nadnevak 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 8.6% (3) 2.6% (6) 2.6% (2) 4.3% (4) 1.2% (11) 3.5% (78) 57.1% (12) 27.7% (44) 9.3% (62) 2.8% (1) ‘date’ delegacija 100.0% (154) 100.0% (46) 60.9% (14) 64.3% (277) 70.0% (7) 29.3% (39) 31.8% (236) 23.4% (968) 39.3% (11) 60.0% (57) 19.4% (324) 66.7% (2) izaslanstvo 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 39.1% (9) 35.7% (154) 30.0% (3) 70.7% (94) 68.2% (506) 76.6% (3172) 60.7% (17) 40.0% (38) 80.6% (1344) 33.3% (1) ‘delegation’ delegat, -kinja 94.8% (91) 94.5% (52) 20.0% (2) 28.2% (55) 37.5% (3) 23.3% (21) 18.5% (79) 25.2% (456) 18.8% (3) 23.2% (13) 16.9% (148) 100.0% (1) izaslanik, -ica 5.2% (5) 5.5% (3) 80.0% (8) 71.8% (140) 62.5% (5) 76.7% (69) 81.5% (347) 74.8% (1355) 81.2% (13) 76.8% (43) 83.1% (730) 0.0% (0) ‘delegate’ direktor, -ica 99.0% (101) 100.0% (32) 64.4% (114) 79.7% (2499) 59.3% (233) 73.7% (960) 53.1% (5444) 64.2% (15313) 52.1% (62) 51.0% (358) 72.9% (4904) 72.9% (43) ravnatelj, -ica 1.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 35.6% (63) 20.3% (635) 40.7% (160) 26.3% (342) 46.9% (4802) 35.8% (8551) 47.9% (57) 49.0% (344) 27.1% (1824) 27.1% (16) ‘director’ efekt 56.7% (34) 40.0% (6) 54.7% (35) 54.7% (248) 80.1% (209) 33.2% (74) 26.8% (354) 29.5% (1130) 30.3% (10) 20.1% (59) – – 73.3% (22) učinak 43.3% (26) 60.0% (9) 45.3% (29) 45.3% (205) 19.9% (52) 66.8% (149) 73.2% (966) 70.5% (2696) 69.7% (23) 79.9% (235) – – 26.7% (8) ‘effect’ ekonomija 5.0% (13) 1.3% (1) 30.4% (21) 18.1% (244) 45.7% (37) 13.2% (82) 15.3% (730) 14.0% (2190) 21.1% (42) 10.0% (168) 21.1% (1011) 64.3% (36) gospodarstvo 5.4% (14) 0.0% (0) 36.2% (25) 72.5% (977) 46.9% (38) 77.0% (480) 80.0% (3814) 81.1% (12667) 55.3% (110) 86.9% (1463) 74.1% (3548) 17.9% (10) privreda 89.6% (234) 98.7% (74) 33.3% (23) 9.4% (127) 7.4% (6) 9.8% (61) 4.7% (226) 4.8% (754) 23.6% (47) 3.1% (53) 4.7% (226) 17.9% (10) ‘economy’ emigrant, -ica 60.0% (3) (0) 62.5% (5) 57.6% (166) 55.0% (22) 44.4% (12) 16.7% (20) 26.9% (248) 30.3% (10) 19.1% (33) – – 0.0% (0) iseljenik, -ica 40.0% (2) (0) 37.5% (3) 42.4% (122) 45.0% (18) 55.6% (15) 83.3% (100) 73.1% (673) 69.7% (23) 80.9% (140) – – 100.0% (1) ‘emigrant’ Evropa, 100.0% *(106) 100.0% (46) 56.5% (108) 3.7% (97) 0.8% (4) 1.0% (6) 0.8% (34) 0.9% (188) 3.7% (16) 0.4% (7) – – 11.1% (8) Europa 0.0% *(0) 0.0% (0) 43.5% (83) 96.3% (2509) 99.2% (477) 99.0% (615) 99.2% (4371) 99.1% (20791) 96.3% (414) 99.6% (1980) – – 88.9% (64) ‘Europe’ faktor 98.4% (125) 87.5% (7) 82.9% (34) 42.0% (136) 61.7% (50) 42.7% (41) 49.3% (307) 50.4% (1079) 14.8% (9) 6.4% (21) 36.1% (307) 78.7% (37) čimbenik 1.6% (2) 12.5% (1) 17.1% (7) 58.0% (188) 38.3% (31) 57.3% (55) 50.7% (316) 49.6% (1062) 85.2% (52) 93.6% (309) 63.9% (543) 21.3% (10) ‘factor’ fi nale 83.3% (10) 59.4% (19) 73.3% (11) 54.3% (245) 62.7% (52) 72.6% (276) 68.4% (2067) 76.9% (5991) 42.9% (3) 71.3% (92) 76.9% (2240) 73.3% (11) završnica 16.7% (2) 40.6% (13) 26.7% (4) 45.7% (206) 37.3% (31) 27.4% (104) 31.6% (954) 23.1% (1798) 57.1% (4) 28.7% (37) 23.1% (673) 26.7% (4) ‘finale, final(s)’ fi rma 43.8% (7) 0.0% (0) 43.2% (51) 1.7% (53) 13.9% (23) 0.6% (7) 2.8% (281) 3.3% (676) 6.5% (6) 0.7% (10) 3.9% (196) 80.4% (181) tvrtka 56.2% (9) 100.0% (5) 56.8% (67) 98.3% (3063) 86.1% (143) 99.4%(1124) 97.2% (9660) 96.7% (19710) 93.5% (86) 99.3% (1374) 96.1% (4862) 19.6% (44) ‘firm’ geografi ja 40.0% (6) (0) 100.0% (10) 46.9% (15) 58.8% (20) 54.5% (6) 41.9% (26) 43.2% (64) 66.7% (2) 35.7% (5) 28.2% (24) 0.0% (0) zemljopis 60.0% (9) (0) 0.0% (0) 53.1% (17) 41.2% (14) 45.5% (5) 58.1% (36) 56.8% (84) 33.3% (1) 64.3% (9) 71.8% (61) 100.0% (7) ‘geography’ glasanje 100.0% (3) 100.0% (8) 77.8% (7) 7.7% (24) 31.3% (5) 9.3% (5) 30.7% (248) 14.4% (390) 15.8% (3) 2.8% (3) 5.6% (35) 69.6% (16) glasovanje 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 22.2% (2) 92.3% (289) 68.7% (11) 90.7% (49) 69.3% (560) 85.6% (2315) 84.2% (16) 97.2% (104) 94.4% (595) 30.4% (7) ‘voting’ (continued) Continued Moguš Šojat Feral Tribune Nacional Vijenac Večernji list Glas Vjesnik Hrvatsko Fokus MCC Blog corpus (1935–1977, (1980, 130k) (2001–02, (1997–2000, (2001–02, (1999, 2.2m) Slavonije (2000–03, slovo (2003–2005, (1997–1999, (2004–2005, 1m) 0.6m) 6.9m) 1.5m) (2002–2005, 46.6m) (2001–02, 2.7m) 14m) 1m) 17m) 0.5m) gledalac 100.0% (48) 92.1% (35) 48.8% (20) 1.4% (11) 4.5% (19) 0.3% (1) 0.1% (1) 3.1% (107) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 3.8% (70) 36.0% (9) gledatelj 0.0% (0) 7.9% (3) 51.2% (21) 98.6% (749) 95.5% (402) 99.7% (360) 99.9% (1502) 96.9% (3354) 100.0% (42) 100.0% (139) 96.2% (1758) 64.0% (16) ‘watcher, viewer’ godišnjica 71.8% (56)

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