UDK: 811.163.42'271.1 929 Jonke Lj. Review article Received on April 14 2020 Slavica Vrsaljko University of Zadar, Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education
[email protected] THE ROLE OF LJUDEVIT JONKE IN LINGUISTIC AND POLITICAL ISSUES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE SIGNING OF THE DECLARATION ON THE NAME AND STATUS OF THE CROATIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE Abstract The paper speaks about the role of Ljudevit Jonke, who has been a long-time authority in standard language as well as linguistic and po- litical matters in Croatia according to Croatian standardology. Special emphasis is put on his role in the context of events before signing of the Declaration on the Name and Status of the Croatian Literary Language and rejection of the document by the authorities of that time as well as condemnation of its signatories. In this context, Ljudevit Jonke imposed himself as a figure of immeasurable significance, responsible for reviving its aim in fighting for equal status of the Croatian language, especially in the 1960s and 1970s. Keywords: Ljudevit Jonke; linguistic and political matters; Declaration on the Name and Status of the Croatian Literary Language srpnja 2020. 87 SLAVICA VRSALJKO 1. Ljudevit Jonke – scientific, teaching and professional activity Ljudevit Jonke was born in 1907 in Karlovac. In the linguistic lite- rature, he is singled out as the most important Croatian linguist of the Croatian orientation in the second half of the 20th century. In additi- on to this merit, Ivo Pranjković summarizes his scientific, teaching and professional work in several categories, stating, among others, how he influenced the popularization, studying, translating and acquaintance of Croatian readers with Czech literature, and no one among Croats in the 20th century contributed more to it than Ljudevit Jonke.