The J W. HALC CORK BREAD 1Democracies Rapped in Hitler's
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1 MONDAY, DECEMBER 80,1040 SSE FOTJHTEEMI ' iHanr({rBtrr Eantteg HmtUt ■ V ■ _ Avorago Doily Clrcahtion ror Uw Mootb of Nofoortor, ltd* The Weather Norman A. Nelson, son of Mr. Foreoaat of V. H. Weotber Aereria and Mrs. Arvld Nelson. Of «7 Com-1 STORB CLOSED AT 5:S0 TUESDAY. 6,564 A bout Town stock road, is one of 88 Hanill- . TALL CEDARS Mambtu ot Mm AjbOH ton college athletes honored with : CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY. Big Reductions Btumm o l ClrwMoMuoa C Waring and ontder toaigktt letters or numerals as the result Wodneaday fair, eoaUntMd oaM. i.Hr. M d M n . Max Benga and of participation In ' fall sports. NEW YEAR’S Ijtar., Una, and Miaa Mar- , Nelson, a senior, earned his letter , On All 1940 M anehe$ter-^A City of Village Charnft ^nga, wer» recant grueata I plajing in the line on the Hamtl- Sale of Lady Pepperell the Waldorf-Astoria In >'ew ■ ton varsity football team. The VOL. LX„ NO. 77 AdvarttohiC «• Pago M> DINNER and DANCE MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31,1940 * dty. ' i Hamilton eleven waa successful (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE LI I this season defeating its prime MANCHESTER SPORTS CENTER General Electric --------- A New Year’s party wUl be held ' rivals, Haverford and 'Union. ! Wells Street S h e e t s and Pillow Cases f-%y General Welfare Center, No. i ____ ------ * ' 41, at the School street Recreation Invltation.s are being received SheeUi and Caaea for every bed for evetV budget. Japan Faces Fire Bombs Rain on London Center tonight. 'Those attending in town to attend the Inaugural Refrigerators Tiiesflay Evening, December 31 Stock up now, while ahecta and caaea are aale priced. Expect Roosevelt A ,-——, are ashed to bring a ten-cent gift I ball to be held in the State ar- 1 Air a man or worpan.)-i. Rofresh- 1 raory, Hartford, on Wednesday Subscription: .$6.00 Per Couple. Task Buying Democracies Rapped . menta will be,' served during the ' evening. January 8. The ball is 6 ami 8 ru. ft. Lady Pepperell evening. being glvefi in lionor of Governor- Dancing! Entertainment! Dinner by Otuino! elect Robert A. ihirley and Mrs. Dre.s.s O ptional. Message Will Tell Vital Goods The Booster club will enjoy a Hurley an'l will be under the aus Floor Models Sheets and Cases Christmas party this evening at (Ke.servalions mtisl be made by December 28 through pices 'of First Company, Gov-. Trim, fine, aoft, durable aheeta, tub teated 7:45 at the N*irth Methodist I ernor's Foot Guard.. Walter Wilkintwh, Ward Dnugan or,other committee In Hitler’s Message; for 200 waahinga. dhureh. Each one is reminded to m em b ers.) Of Aid to Britain Purchasing Power in bring a ten cent gift. The Beethoven Glee fdub will Reg. Price Sale Price United States Cut to i rehearse tonight at 7;80 at the 1 Fnisnuel Buthernn church. .Ml 6.r'x99'’ .. • $1.09 Early Indicates Presi-, Suggration Given for Safe ' Sales from > Goods and I members are urged to be pre.sent dent Will Discuss Plan Celebration of Holiday Nazis Hit Roosevel 'a s several ' ciincerts have been / Newly-Mined Gold Now arranged for the near future. 72”x 9 9 ".......................• $1.39 $1.15 For Landing and Leas* Chicago, Dec. 31 (/p,— if Washington, Dec. SI.—(/P> — PreM, With Norl of Ton- Better Heat The Junior choir wit! have a 72"xl08” .................. $1.19 ryoii’re going anywhere tonight ' Broken Window Blamed Plcrlgeii Fighting Forcctl| $1.19 ing War E4|uipment; ileavp your car in the garage Japan faces Increasingly severe for rehearsal tomorrow evening at On ‘Hit-Skip i’edestrian’ HALE'S SELF SERVE land use a street car, bus, train difficulties in purchasing vitally sent from Goveriiiiif’iit 1911 Will Bring Vi^l 6;.80 at St. Mary's parish house. 8 1 "x 9 9 "....................... $1.19 No Decision on De* The Original In Ne.v England! $1.19 ■or taxicab. I needed raw materials and supplies R H < Torrent of t.leveland. Dec. 31 ij-, F’o- tory AgaiiiNt All Odd»j(| Less Money tailed Program Yet. \ jlia t was the National Safe- I abroad In 1941, according to a sur- ; li' c recorded an accident today ty Council’s suggestion today CauNtie Omiment on s r ’ x i o s ” ......................• .$1..59 $1.29 I vey o f its financial status after the \ as caused by a “hit-skip pedes INo .Mention Made From for a safe celebration of New trian " i— 1910 G. E. R {ui"ra (floor models) AND HEALTH MARKET Washington, Dec. 31.— (/P) Year’s Eve. | j strain o f 43 months war In China. Latest Suggestion to Either of MeMaggil 9 0 "x t0 8 "..................... .$1.69 $1.39 — President Roosevelt, it was The council also offered this I Japanese purchasing power In Give Every PoHtiihle 1 Melvin Ehrbar, 34, reported Retliiretl for Clearance. indicated at the White House advice: the United States, the survey In that while turning a^downtown , Of Roohex'elt Speedll KOPPERS dicated today, already has been re comer in his automobile, he ' TUESDAY SPECIALS Lady Pepperell today, probably ,will discuss "Be prepared for anything Anteriean AitI to Brit (bulling for Inereafledl Take Advanlniee of The.-ic Savings NO^^ the other driver may do. wheth stricted to about *200,000,000 an felt a sharp bump and then ' in his annual message to (Con nually—a sum which represents ain; Tense Emotions. saw a man withdraw his arms ] ■J D ouble ^,-AC Clreen Stamps Given With Cash .Sales er you are driving or walking. W ar .Aid for Britainl^l COKE Pillow Cases gress next Monday a plan for "If you must drive, don't most of the money derived from from the' broken glass of a rear j| .Ml D ay T u esday. lending and leasing war drink. sales of Japanese goods- here and window. I Rp|f* rriro .Sale I*rica their newly mined gold. I Berlin, Dec. ,31.— (/P;—The Berlin. Dec. 31.— Better results In yonr nun ftir- The ' M ' l u l i CORK equipment to England. "Don’t ri<le with a drinking The pede.atrian ran into a ; naee — or your nionev back. driver. The extent of future Japanese j OeiTTian presK, witli a nod of I burlesque theater to hide, Ehr- 1 [ Adolf Hitler denounced “ tha aUHCHiSTW COMH- Hale's (Quality ■I2"x36' Stephen Early, the presi buying in the United States will That's the fair and .srjuare i»ro- • 29c "Step up your caution wben I con.sent from the (Jerman I bar said. ' | ; democrac'ie.s’’ and their c8pK>| posltlon on which wo ask yon to dent’s press secretary, said it depend, trade experts here believe, Headquarters for Genera) Electric in Manchester, you step out tonight!” I government, relea.sed today a I lali.stic-working.s in a NeiV try Hoppers Coke. Once yoa 4 5 ’ 'x 3 6 ’ ' ...............................3 5 c would seem logical to him for on the volume of Japanese-made try this ooneentrated high-test loaf 29c goods sold to the American market I torrent of caustic comment i Year’s mes.sage today, ami ONCE FOR ALT,! ' Mr. Roosevelt to talk about fuel, we know yon will use It BREAD and also on the extent Japan is ; on President Roo.sevelt’.s la t-; ! promi.sed his. fighting fo pernianenlly—just as thousands the proposal at that time. able to increase its gold produc Ur^e Watch Our Ignition F.\|>erts quickly will ' Substandards of tion. .suggestion to give every i that 1911 would bring them o f others are didng. Ineliidini; give new snap and smoothness |o i He added, however, that he did Jury Derides I po.ssihle American, aid to: im ny of your neighbors. your car. Start the New Year not think the president had decid ImiMirts llei'rrwie Hllghtly JL ■ victory all odds. wdth new driving pleasure, new Lady Pepperell ed whether to go Into It In detail Commerce Department figures Britain. Witii the appearance I Oil All Roofs ”i>od up to now has placed tha Sugar 10-Lb.Cloth Bag 50c for the first ten months of 1940 The Associated building in lyjndon was destroyed the an- Cash Price. ^ 1 Q n n smooth-operating reonomles! Be- , ?! . or only In a general way, leaving r,l'.lent Guildhall damageil and St. Paul's c.Ttlie-lral (arrows) endan- of explosive editorials on the I stamp of approval on our battle.'* Hopson Guilty show imp«,rts from Japan amount . — ) endan ■ he told the Nazi party and peopla Per Ton .. tp lO .U U cause performance and economy details for submission later. At gered when central London undei .vent its fieicest incendiary bomb subject there was evidence on Boardslpy't. ed to *122.«r,7,(X)0, a slight de in a long New Year’s message. dc|>eiid absolutely on Ignition, Percale Sheets any rate, he said, the entire pro attack of the war. Dotted ar-a cover.s "the erty"—London's Wall every side of tensing emo- During Raids .stop In. W e’ll show evaetly what posal will go before Congress soon crease from the *123,.312,000 worth street, which was haid h)t In a hrlcfor message to his flghU Slight mlawoaVes. oil .ipotx oi' iidewn hema. Of Mail Fraud of silk ami other products pur- jtion.s. But at tile same timi-; ing men, he promi.Hed th’at “tha we mean! M.l>.