.-'~-.'.-.-."'--.-.--~----.---- ._ ..•..... _... IIPEBEZA B' PREVEZA B I1paK'LlKU '"COU .6.SUn;pou .6.ls9vou<; LUIl1tocriou 'Yta '"CTJv Icr'"Copia Kat '"COV I10A,l'LlcrIlO '"CTJ<; I1pe~s1,;a<; (16-20 Lcn'tqt~plou 2009) Proceedings of the Second International Symposium for the History and Culture of Preveza (16-20 September 2009) ANATYIIO OFFPRINT E 71:10"'1] flO VIKIj E7I:Iflt},cia Scientific Editors Maplva BpeA.Al]-ZuxOU Marina Vrelli-Zachou Xpi]crwr; L'taupO.KOr; Christos Stavrakos E7I:IfleAcia EK60(J1]r; Editors N1Kor; 11. KapullncAar; Nikos D. Karabelas Michael Stork Michael Stork llANEIIILTHMIO InANNINnN UNIVERSITY OF IOANNINA ~HMOL IIPEBEZAl: MUNICIPALITY OF PREVEZA I~PYMA AKTIA NIKOTIOAIL ACTIA NICOPOLIS FOUNDATION IIPEBEZA 2010 PREVEZA 2010 Copyright © 2010 IIaVE1!IGtl'II.110 Iroavvivrov, "'1'1110<; IIp£pE~a<;, 1op1JJ.la AKTIa N1K01tOA.l<; University ofIoannina, M1lllicipaIity ofPreveza, Actia Nicopolis Foundation IIaVE1!IGTIJJ.l1O 1roavvivrov, IIaVE1!ICITl]J.l101)1tOA.l], 451 10 1roa.vvlva Tl]A..: 26510-06544/ email:
[email protected], chstavra@uoLgr MIJ.lO<; IIp£pE~a<;, EA. BEV1~£A.01J & IIaxouJ.ll] 1,481 00 IIp£pE~a Tl]A..: 26820-29889 / email:
[email protected] 1opllJ.la AK'tia N1K01tOA.I<;, E9vu(1j<; AVTIG'tUGEro<; 114,481 00 IIp£pE~a Tl]A..: 26820-22233 / email:
[email protected] University ofIoanniua, University Campus, 451 10 1oaunina, Greece Tel.: +30-26510-06544 / email:
[email protected]@uoi.gr Municipality ofPreveza, El. Venizelou & 1, Pachoumi str., 481 00 Preveza, Greece Tel.: +30-26820-29889 / email:
[email protected] Actia Nicopolis FOlmdation, 114, Antistaseos str., 481 00 Preveza, Greece Tel.: +30-26820-22233 / email:
[email protected] cISBN 978-960-99475-1-0 [I] 978-960-99475-2-7 [II] 978-960-99475-0-3 [set] Simon MERCIECA The Battle of Preveza 1538: the Knights of Malta's Perspective !ACOMO BOSIO IS KNOWN PRIMARILY for his three-volume history of the Knights of St John with each volume runniug into over 700 pages and each page nearly the size G of an A3 sheet.