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DIATOM ALGAE (BACILLARIOPHYTA) in WATERBODIES and WATERCOURSES on KOTELNY ISLAND (NEW SIBERIAN ISLANDS ARCHIPELAGO) S.I. Genkala,#, V.A DIATOM ALGAE (BACILLARIOPHYTA) IN WATERBODIES AND WATERCOURSES ON KOTELNY ISLAND (NEW SIBERIAN ISLANDS ARCHIPELAGO) S.I. Genkala,#, V.A. Gabyshevb,## aInstitute for Biology of Inland Waters of Russian Academy of Sciences Borok, Nekouz District, Yaroslavl Region, 152742, Russia #e-mail: [email protected] bInstitute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Lenin Ave., 41, Yakutsk, 677980, Russia ##e-mail: [email protected] DOI: 10.31857/S0006813620080049 This electron microscopy study of phytoplankton from 12 waterbodies and watercourses on Kotelny Island (New Siberian Islands) has revealed 70 taxa of diatom algae from 28 genera, including 19 forms from 9 genera identified only to the genus. The study has significantly expanded the taxonomic spectrum of Bacillariophyta of the island both at the species (from 22 to 71) and genus (from 7 to 31) levels. Among the recorded species, 34 are new for the flora of New Siberian Islands and 22 for the flora of Yakutia (the Republic of Sakha). The majority of the species new for the Republic are rare freshwater species preferring oligotrophic waterbodies. Keywords: Kotelny Island, Yakutiya, phytoplankton, Bacillariophyta, electron microscopy, new for flora. Acknowledgements This study was conducted within the framework of the state assignment projects “Fundamental and applied aspects of the study on diversity of the plant world of North and Central Yakutia” (№ АААА-А17-117020110056-0) and “Systematics, diversity and phylogeny of aquatic autotrophic organisms in Russia and other regions of the world” (№ АААА-А18- 118012690095-4). The authors are grateful to Doctor of Biological Science, Professor E.V. Likhoshvai for the opportunity to use equipment of the Shared Use Center “Electron Microscopy” in Limnological Institute of the Siberian Brunch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Chief Specialist at the Shared Use Center “Ultramicroanalysis” V.I. Egorov, and Research Engineer of the Educational, Scientific and Technological Laboratory “Graphene Nanotechnology” of the North-Eastern Federal University V.B. Timofeev for their help with SEM and TEM. References 1 Anisimova M.A., Ivanova V.V., Pushina Z.V., Pitulko V.V. 2009. Lagunnue otlozheniya ostrova Zhokhova: vozrast, usloviya formorovaniya i znachenie dlya paleogeograficheskikh rekonstrultsiy regiona Novosibirskikh ostrovov [Zhokhov Island Lagoon Deposits, Their Age, Formation and Significance to Paleo-geographic Reconstruction of the New Siberian Islands Region]. – Izvestiya RAN. Seria geograficheskaya. P. 107–119 (In Russ.). Bondarenko N.A., Genkal S.I. 2005. 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