FOLK DANCE SCENE First Class Mail 4362 COOLIDGE AVE. U.S. POSTAGE LOS ANGELES, CA 90066 PAID Culver City, CA Permit No. 69 First Class Mail Dated Material ORDER FORM Please enter my subscription to FOLK DANCE SCENE for one year, beginning with the next published issue. Subscription rate: $15.00/year (U.S. First Class), $18.00/year in U.S. currency (Foreign) Published monthly except for June/July and December/January issues. NAME _________________________________________ ADDRESS _________________________________________ PHONE (_____)_____–________ CITY _________________________________________ STATE __________________ E-MAIL _________________________________________ ZIP __________–________ Please mail subscription orders to the Subscription Office: 2010 Parnell Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90025 (Allow 6-8 weeks for subscription to go into effect if order is mailed after the 10th of the month.) Published by the Folk Dance Federation of California, South Volume 37, No. 10 Dec. 2001/Jan. 2002 Folk Dance Scene Committee Club Directory Coordinators Jay Michtom
[email protected] (818) 368-1957 Jill Michtom
[email protected] (818) 368-1957 Calendar Jay Michtom
[email protected] (818) 368-1957 Beginner’s Classes On the Scene Jill Michtom
[email protected] (818) 368-1957 Club Directory Steve Himel
[email protected] (949) 646-7082 Club Time Contact Location Contributing Editor Richard Duree
[email protected] (714) 641-7450 CABRILLO INT'L FOLK Tue 7:00-8:00 (858) 459-1336 Georgina SAN DIEGO, Balboa Park Club Contributing Editor Jatila