1T(U() ?I~ ... :• Titne to Sell???
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May, 195Q 'Vol (JO, No. 8 I 9 5 9 s u p p L E M E N T • • • 1t(U() ?I~ ... :• Titne To Sell??? THEN CONSIDER AUCTION AS YOlJR METHOD IRWIN HEIMAN The benefit of more than 30 years experience 1n stamp dealing is yours - our clientele is world wide and actively in- terested in every field of collecting. ·Specialist-prepared auction catalogues will present your holdings in a manner to a s ~ure you t_he maximmn net result. An immediate, interest free, cash advnnce c:m be made on suitable properties. Our commission is 20 % of the gross realization; there is no other charge. Full settlement· is made within 30 days after sale. Early. Fall dates are availahle now. PRIVATE SALE: Some properties, because of their nature, are best sold privately. Our constant awareness of the Philatelic Market often enables u s to effect a sale within a few days of receipt. W c place many valuable properties each year in this manner. Serving American Philately Since 1926 IRR71N HEIMAN~ Inc. 2 WEST 46th STREET ~ NEW YORK 36, N.Y. THE AMERICAN AIR MAIL SOCIETY -.~IBPOST A Non•Profit Corporati.on Incorporated 1944 rJ.LD_-;f'OllBNAL Organized 1923 Under the Laws of Ohio Official Publ1cation of the PRESIDENT John J. Smith AMERICAN Am MAIL SOCIETY Ferndale & Emerson sts. Philadelphia 11, Pa. Volume 30 No. 8 Issue No. 349 SECRETARY-TREASURER Ruth T. Smith CONTENTS For May, 1959 Ferndale & Emerson Sta. Philadelphia 11, Pa. Articles VICE-PRESIDENTS Volume III of American Air Mail Bernard Davis Ca:talogue Now Available ............... 194 Joseph L. Eisendrath, Jr. Vin Fiz Pioneers Plan :to Florence L. Kleinert Address Convention ........................... 195 Robert W. Murch A.A.M.S. Nomina:ting Committee BDI!POR - Other Publications Repor:t ......... ............................ 196 L. B. Gatchell Hear Ye! Hear Ye! ................................ 199 ATTORNEY Aviation Pioneer Reaches 94 ................ 201 George D. Kingdom Firs:t Pos:tally Used Air Mail Stamp . .. 202 omECTOR OF Finding and Au:then:ticating A FOREIGN RELATIONS Double Surcharge Stamp . .. .. 204 Dr. Max Kronstein Commemorate First Trans-Pacific AUCTION MANAGER Flight .................... ······················· .... 212 Samuel S .• Goldsticker, Jr. Flights. of :the Pioneer Avia:tors ............ 215 DmECTORS Regular Featltres Alton J. Blank Official Section ................................ 198 Samuel S. Goldsticker, Jr. Chap:ter News . .. .. 200 Louise S. Hoffman Ernest A. Kehr Tips by Julius . .. .. .. 208 Dr. Southgate Leigh C.A.M. Cover No:tes ............................... 210 Lester S. Manning Airs of :the Mon:th . .. .. 220 Dr. Tomas Terry Earl H. Wellman Aero Pos:tal Stationery No:tes ............ 223 APJ Ads ......................... Inside back cover ADVANCE BULLETIN SERVICE Herbert Brandner EDITO:R 4038 Forest Ave. Joseph L. Eisendra:th, Jr. Brookfield, Ill. 350 No. Deere Park Drive, Highland Park, IlL SALES MANAGER ASSISTANT EDITORS Herman Kleinert Robert W. Murch 213 Virginia Ave. Ernest A. Kehr L. B. Gatchell Fullerton, Pa. DEPARTMENT AND ASSOCIATE EDITORS R. Lee Black, N. Pelletier, Florence L. Klein MEMBERSHIP DUES ert, Dr. Max Kronstein, Thomas J. O'Sullivan, $4.00 PER YEAR Richard L. Singley, William R. Ware, Sol Whit· Dues include subscription to man, Julius Weiss, James Wotherspoon, John THE AffiPOST JOURNAL. AP· Watson, William T. Wynn, Frank Blumenthal plicants must furnish two ref Samuel S. Goldsticker, Jr., J. S. Langabeer. erences, philatelic J?referred. At least one must reside in Appli Published monthly at Albion, Erie Co., Pa.,U.S.A. cant's home town. Applicants Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office under 21 years must be guar at Albion, Pa., February 10, 1932, under anteed by Parent or· Guardian. the Act of March 3, 1879. The AmPOST JOURNAL is not conducted for Membership may be terminated profit. The Editor, and all others, serve without by the Society in accordance compensation. Receipts from advertising, sub with its By-Laws. scriptions and contributions are applied to the betterment of the magazine and the promotion Correspondence concerning sub of aero-philately. scriptions, back numbers and The Editor and Officers of The American Air bound volumes, address changes Mail Society assume no responsibility for the and other matters and all re accuracy of statements made by contributors. mittances should be sent to the Every effort is made to insure correctness o1 Treasurer. All general com all articles. munications and advertising Subscription Rates: $4.00 per year, 35c per cop7. should be sent to the Editor. Advertising Rate Card available from the Editor. MAY, 1959 PAGE 193 Volume Ill of American Air Mail Catalogue Now Available BY L. B. GATCHELL HE Catalogue Committee of the American• Air Mail Society has announced that VOLUME III of the AMERICAN AIR MAIL CATALOGUE was T released on April 6. This 408 page volume supplements the material which has previously appeared in certain Sections of Volume I and Volume II. It is, how ever, a complete Catalogue in itself as to subjects treated and for the period covered. Volume I was released in 1947 and Volume II followed in 1950. The new volume thus treats a period of some 12 years for all subjects included in Volume I and which continue to appear in Volume III and a period of about 9 years for the F.A.M. Covers, whose earlier listings appeared in Volume II. The popular Airposts included in this present Supplement are: U.S. Airpost Stamps U.S. Contract Air Mail Flights U.S. Pioneer Flights U.S. Dedication Covers U.S, Governmental Flights U.S. Crash Covers U.S. Foreign Air Mail Flights (F.A.M.s) The present volume matches the earlier two in size and binding and bears a brilliant green and brown dust jacket. There are many maps and hundreds of illustrations. The price is $5.00. The Catalogue may be had from many stamp dealers and book stores or may be ordered direct, post free from GEORGE D. KINGDOM, Tyler Building, Conneaut, Ohio. More than five years of study, research and hard work have gone into this new Edition. It is the product of an editorial Board headed by L. B, GATCHELL of Upper Montclair, N. J. who served as Editor-in-Chief. GEORGE D. KINGDOM of Conneaut, Ohio is Business Manager for the book. Art Editor LESTER S. MAN NING of Detroit, Mich. contributed the beautifully executed maps which appear throughout the C.A.M. and F.A.M. Sections. More than 40 others, all well qualified in their particular fields, served as Section Editors or Assistant Editors. Volume III, as were the earlier two volumes, is again dedicated to the memory of the late WALTER J. CONRATH, former editor of THE AIRPOST JOURNAL and President of the AMERICAN AIR MAIL SOCIETY - a man who is lovingly re membered for his many contributions to the publication program of the Society. Also note is made by 'the Editor that during the prepamtion of Volume III death took such distinguished students and Co-Editors as the late Lt. Col. MAX G. JOHL, LOUIS W. CHARLAT, KARL B. WEBER, and CHARLES G. RIESS. The Contract Air Mail Section - largest in the book - is dedicated to Mr. Riess. Volume III has been produced in but a limited Edition and prompt action in ordering is urged on those who wish to secure a copy. During the processing of Volume III, less than 50 unbound copies of Volume I ( 1947) were discovered at the Albion print shop. Arrangements have been made to have these bound. While a goodly number has already been reserved, a limited supply will be available from MR. KINGDOM on a first come, first served basis at $7.50 per copy, post free. Both Volume I and Volume II have been out of print for several years. Unfortun ately, no copies of Volume II are available. It is obvious to everyone who knows printing costs that a 408 page fabrikoid bound printed book cannot be sold for $5.00. As is known to most members of the {Continued on page 203) PAGE 194 THE .MRPOST JOURNAL Vin Flz Pioneers Plan To Address AAMS Convention At Chicago REAL surprise feature of the forthcoming• A.A.M.S. Convention at Chicago on June 26-28, will be the attendance of Mrs. Mabel Rodgers Wiggin A and Charles "Wiggin, who recently became members of the Society. Mabel was Mrs. Galbraith Rodgers, wife of the pilot of the Vin Fiz Flyer, first aera: plane to cross the United States in 1911. She and Charles, then mechanic for Rod gers, accompanied the cross-country flight by train. (See Airpost Journal of De cember, 1956). Charles is one of the few survivors of early flying in this country, and has what he calls "a second Smithsonian Institution" of early pioneer material. They plan to be on hand to tell of early days of aviation, and particularly of the Vin Fiz flight, and will make available some of their priceless material for inspection. Their reminiscences will feature the Sunday brunch session at Joe Eisendrath's in Highland Park. If the yarns the Wiggins will spin at the convention are anything at ahl like the tales they have written for the editor, you will have an occasion you will never forget! Lists of Convention Auction STAMPS FOR THE WOUNDED Lots Available on Request HAS NEW ADDRESS In 1942, when the work of Stamps For If you are not coming to the Conven the Wounded began, the owners of the tion in Chicago in June and you wish to Herald Tribune very generously supplied make bids on two groups of auction ma the necessary office space in which to terial offered, you can obtain a copy of conduct the physical collection and dis the lots being sold.