

6-5-2020 CSP & Probate Council Meeting Probate & Estate Planning Section Bates Page No. 0059 FROM THE COMMITTEE ON MODEL CIVIL JURY INSTRUCTtONS

---·------The Committee5o!lcits comment onthe following proposals by April 1, 2014. Comments may be sari: ln writingto Timothy J. Raublnger, Reporter, Cornn1lttee Modelon CivH Jury J ristrucUons, Michigan Hall or Justice, P 0. Box 30052, Lansing, Ml 48909-7504, or c!,=cironlcallyto [email protected]" -----■------

PROPOSED The Committee is considerlng 1he adoption of amended Instructions for use in ca es whare a will or trust Is being contested and the deletion of two instructions previously used in those cases_


The contestant has lhe burden of proving by a oreponderance of the evidence that there was undue influence a erted on the decedent in the making of the will

Undue influence is rnfluenoe which Is so great that it overpowers the decedent's free will and prevents f him/ her] from doing as ( he/ she ] pleaseswith [ hls / her) property,

T be ''undue," th influence exerted upon the decedent must be of such a degree that it overpowered the decedent's free choice and cDused [ him/ her] to ac against [his/ her] own freewill and to act in accordance with the will or the ( person Ip rsons] who influenced l him I her].

The influence exerted may be by [ fore / lh1eats I flattery/ persu slon /fraud/ misrepresentation / physical coercion I moral coercion/ ( othar) ]. Av ill which results from undue influence is a will which lh decedentwould no\ oth l\vlse have made. It disposes of the deceden 's property in a manner different from the disposition the decedent would have made had [ lie I she ] been 'fre of such lnnuence.

Th word "undue" must be ernphaslzed, uecaus the decedent rnay be influenced In lhe disposl ion of f his / her ] property byspecific and drr&t influences wi hout such influences becoming undue T ls is true even though the will would not have been ,1ado bu tor uci1 i 1 16 1C;1:: I ·., 11vl i,1· pi i,,t:-1 f0, ,ci l spoust:: / chl'.J / pafunt/ ro2lativt:: / friend/ housekeeper/ (other) J to- Puge 1 of 'l

6-5-2020 CSP & Probate Council Meeting Probate & Estate Planning Section Bates Page No. 0060 a. ([advise/ persuade/ arQue /flatter/ solicit/ entreat/ implore ].) b. (appeal to the decedent's [ hope / ears/ prejudices/ ense of justice / sense of dutyJ sense of gratitude/ sense of pity J,) c. •(appeal to ties- of [ friendship / affection / k'1nshlp ],) d. "((other],) provided the decedent's power to res ls uch influence is not ovorcome and I hls / her J capacity tofinally acl in accordance with l his / her ] own free will s not overpowered. A will which results must be lhe free will and purpose of the decedent and not that of [ another person I other persons}.

Mere existence of the opportunity, motive or even the ability to control tbe free will of 1he decedent is not suificientto esiilblish that the decedent's will Is the result of undue inOuenoe.

Undue influence may be proven by Indirect or clrnurnstantial vtdence.

•"If you find: a. That.[name] llad a confidential or fiduciaryrel,atlonship with the decedent: and b. That ( name l (or a person or interest he represen d) benefited from the will: and c. That [ name] had an opportunityto Influence t�1e decedent in givingthat bene 1 ; then you should co sider such circumstanc-.es,alc1ng With all the evidence, in delermininq whether the contestant has proven undue inOuence.

A uconficfential or fiduciaryrelatio nship" is a relationship where one person.places confidence. reliance and ttust in another pa on. �,uch lhat the second personhas authorityor QOWer over some asoectof the fjrst oerson's affairs, and thefirst person exoects that the second person wilt act with integrity and fidelity towards the first person's affairs. The relationship mav be fonnal.informal. orofess!onal and/or ersonal.

Note on Use •Toe Court should choose among subsections a� those Which are applicable to the case.

This Instruction should be accompanied by MCivJI 8.01, Meaning of Burden of Proof.

0 0nly oiva the Instruction regarding a coofi entlal ,or fiduciaryrelationshlo if the contest.ant seeks to establish a presumotion of undue innuance and has offered evl • · •· · vldence. Whether h con prcJ.Sumolion is a

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6-5-2020 CSP & Probate Council Meeting Probate & Estate Planning Section Bates Page No. 0061 groceclural matter, rather t an ao evidentimy rn lter, because it is the job of the [ipclerof fact o decide,as an evidenlj rymatter, whether the contes1 nl has proven the facts. Widma\rerv Leonard,422 Mjch 280, 289; 373 NW2d 538 {1985}. If the court determines,as a procedural matter, that the contestant has established the presumption. the buraen of producingevldence shlft.s lo the opposing party, bu1 tt1e burden of proof always remains with the contestant. MRE 301. The courtneed not. and should not. discuss lts procedural determination as to the oresumption wlthU1e finder of a fact, in orderto avoid Influencing its verdict If the opposing partyg roduces no evidence to, but the oresumptlon,th court may direct a verdict in favor of the contestant. Wtdmaver. 422 Mich at 89. If the c1pposlng partyproduces evidence to rebut the presumption, an lnfefenceremains forthe juryto consider, vlhich is reflec;\ed in the above 1ns1ructions. See Id.

Comment in ra Estate of Karmey 468 Mich 68: 658 NW'td 798 (2003): Widmayer v LBonard, 422 Mich 280: 373 NW2d538 (1985): Kar v Hogan, 399 Mich 529; 251 NW2d 77 (1976); In re WilleyEs/ale, 9 Mich App 245; 156 NW2d 631 (1967); In ro Lan9fois Estate, 361 W Mich 646: 106 N2d 132 (1960); In r&Paquin's Estate, 328 Mich 293: 43 NW2d858 (1950l: In B J.�·s Estate, 298 Mich 303; 298 NW 77 9 (1941 ); In ra Kramer's Estate, 324 Mich 626: 37 NW2d 564 (1949); In re Reed's Estate, 273 Mich 334; 263 NW 76 (1935); ln re Curtis Estate, 197 Mich 473; 163 NW 944 (1917); Nelson v Wlf}glns, 172 Mich 191; 137 NW 623 (1912).

History M Civ JI 170.44 was qdded January 1984. Amended December8, 2003.


+G-e&l-a�at4he-see�t-ma�-will-asa result--okmooa,-b:,fl.uenoe,the AtesraAt-has-tFte--al¾rdefK>f-pr�Htriroo a�&-f eltew ng-f>f-&peeni&flfr..

a,-i:ha-!-fAa,me}had a,fidt:1siafy'-felaij�· Ji.U:r.-ttle-aooedent-:- 0� me}-,(0 '68A-aHP.teroo� h raprasimte£B ef?afitas-lffim-t wil , ,w M-�4 G�R • h id��[na+�-a4-a-A-G�f)0A\ffii o-lnntl8Rse t��Jvins--tha 9€:flefi:+..

1;1;11-oo-aga!A&t-tha-wm-if... y0� ,�e&-f}fvf>6Sffi-OR&-lra11 Vf9�e+=t�l+t6irWie�, yattf-V-ttf 'ril ii1 fr.woFof •lh •Jilt-

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6-5-2020 CSP & Probate Council Meeting Probate & Estate Planning Section Bates Page No. 0062 /\ '!.fi�P/-Felatiern,.1:\-l�is-&Ae-eHA ail�WP.OffJ a�orsa�aoos--se �\ele-ffi$H1l flOlh· <:lf&GJH'a§afai tAH� atef.�md--1:A rusloo-pe l'l-G8F!lfels--��� e �rup-l:lj4"0aSGR-a�k.AE:Wl�&;-R3SG'af66&;-p �ffi9!-at-a!Jtl:l0f�ty,.

Note on Use

he committee recommends that this instruction be deleted in light of the prooosed amendment to M Civ JI 170.44,making M Civ JI 170.45 no longer necessary.

}A-����FeS�f)Hei=H3kffidoo-in��+&-+f\&tH.1c�OO-Js- ���ly W'neil�'0--00f'1Git+M&-G-OOJOOt-i�utaUver-fiQ{:JGiafy-has--oot-iA-tfoou�0 ��rasY�k:>n,i.e. the Ra�cla�e-ev-iaeM&-tsoolR� �01-�e�,ue&t-wa&noi moS-e-a&a-f8&1l��e-tmlu0m,e.anel-2) t hare� s -a�st-YffletRer on 8-f)HWJfe--Gf-t�eil:lree oomp,gfl&At&-Gt�m�� HM�G-t £l�A�&ts,M-R�IJJ,Q,g;mwer: ·06lRa��-MjsA-2-8,�+3-N l\�d 638 �

� . A4fl Gt1�ea-l-tREf·pfe6�ffiPHGn,a,A£H �-1�8� ·fWSI &-p�����f!P'��&-4\flcen��FH& M-G-w-JI 170.44 Wil-l-Goo�6ttr.-UAauelnRueooe-Bura&1H">��'-

Ai}FSl:Mmf:l�sls-o��RY-GRlY-U=ie-aetl���� 0\4�es�§4Re,msumf.Hion, a11-01�--lhaH& done, Uie etfas f.}resuFRptiGR, oisaw�ra��-vaKlib1-agalf\6t-4A&-paAy-R-a'Mo-f:�ooam of..th�f:}ti�!w-e��faef-mFRaiAs�s,&aR--Gia�Ag-ood\J& •.-Athill& � l-l1:1oo�RE-3G4-;-Widma;Ye���ttlef-S-i s-�8-§-M�R� • at-al�vA4,s-e� tAe--pfe&HfFi�xi&t.thef&-iS-fl�daRsa-a am.I r,es+A��f900rnptjeR;--1he-� y J:iavf�e-be:=tefit-Gf-Y:l�F5St,J�GFH&-enUUe&-k1--a-fHr� . AR��-: �F,6llj9fa.

Gften lherawlU�e-tiasle disputaGA one-e' fl)GFe•Gfthe e'8meAtfi-64Ae-pi:es�t;oo, l:}ioo--sase-tfl�h&ijJG�ot-&ul)m+�t-e,\emM�l.J:\e-J\lFY-foF-cleGi&it.>�;,piaaHYi fG�e,1flef�-will-b&-Ae-4ispute,hat the-p�at+ve--tia1.,J�A=H.�� �AJA.ile it i& said §eASfaUyu,e tha! e:'1islen�nMe�atle��ian--e� i�oob,1& �le,4'7--MiaMw200; 290--N�. ReF-Oare a R\l?""Aee� mt-aY-aMAI�Ri�ti6Usio1y ac a rnattar---0f'a•��--a§eRt.§ �-ian � ·war'1�ABfiGiasy,attaHts�ieffi;-J:t�i6ian--patien�le�f'lfteAt,a6€0u� i�s�efak-Of..wstemer-:-Yf+las&-4M�s-a4isput&t��mes-r-e1anoosh½l Kiste,i:t--l,-v.W--be-{;!eemadfid!:j�ia a ,y <-elatieAs��&a--fR�F-Gf..iaw,--Se0;---JR _c..t,aft')-&f � , lah-6&;+4-f-n2,3; �8-N���Ae-dtmoown-l Y'la-tn&l��t-a�FR��£9ffiJ,1-8�-ll-of...them, /\ maffi�-e-1-a1400 s i,:;-Ge\SE Ro• -Ofi:latea pro,s.1::1mpti on-ek1Rd-u�l-R-r.a--!;s�ate of :-

6-5-2020 CSP & Probate Council Meeting Probate & Estate Planning Section Bates Page No. 0063 +Ai&-ifl6tR:H3UOfH,RGUki �

�t �est�t�a1m�l-d�a;iaF;-J

Gf-.3ttemay.afl�N�;.1t 1 1i6»-Ap�W�G (1 Q70) (suo��&Rl,lee-i&v-t,Ra;➔t bl roun�at AJAer-e M &\ilt�twmev a�GG&t.1At.aR wor lso*wstoo&-0 ouAda1llon ; FH'8-Spll/�tal�5'2-Mi ����� roHatskeJ�ate;-2.S�IGA-513; 278-NWi&8--(-t83iij wm iA-faiJGF-Of--a\:t<¾ ft -ltpH8iO-'.iw:n;1r-e-laslalfix..ebtai. oo--lAdef:)efiil A\.a ViGa;-fH8Sl:Jffif}tiofl-..oi HOOIJ -iAflt:i&RGe-f ��}H�IEJFaiJ!6£"-6l : � W-&"�0-{4Q2"6-} ��GF)i--/,l}-F9 J¾rtlerooe'oE�Jate;--48 l�-;---M W-7+4-(-�8�C.Ar,

History M Clv JI 170.45 was added January 1984. Amended March 1990, December 8, 2003.


Tl1e contestant Ila th burden or proving by a preoonderance oi the evidence tha there was undue lnfluenc exerted on the setttor in the f creation I amendment I revocation ] of the trust.

Undue influenc 6 influence that is so great that II overpowera U-,e settler's free will and prevents [ him / her I from doing as ( he / he ] plea�os wl h [ his / her l property.

To be "undue," the I fluence x rted upon tr,e se tlor must be of such d gree that rt overpowered the settler's free choiceand caused ( him /her] to act agsins [ his /her] wn fr e will and lo act in accordanc with the will of the ( perso11 /persons) wh influenced ( hlm / her ].

The Influence exerted may be by {force/ t r ats I f!�ttery/persuasion / fraud I lsrapresentatlon / physlcal coercion/ moral coercion / ott1 r ]. Action that results from undue Influence is action that the setll r wo ld not olllerwise have take . It disposes of the trust property in a manner diff erenl from the cJlspos!tion the eltlor would have made ha ( he I sh J been r ree of such innuen e. I Tt; ,.. ;d" 11 Ju "n, �l L, a, ph sized, :::.aca1r( 'll0 - -itl�A i ·1t1y l,o , flt.11;;,1 '--J Ir, Ille disposillon of the trust propeny by sp cifi� and ir c1 i1 nuen s without .;uch nfluences Pagc:.·.5 of 9

6-5-2020 CSP & Probate Council Meeting Probate & Estate Planning Section Bates Page No. 0064 becoming undue. This is true even though the trust would not have been made but for such 1nfluence. It is not improper for a [ pouse / ,clli!d / pmcnt / relative / friend / hou.seke€perI other] to-

·a ... (l advise/ persuade/ mgue / flatter I solicit/ •�ntreat /implore].) b. �(appeal to the deceden s r hopes / rearsI prejudices/sense of justice J sense of duty/ sense of gratitude I sense of pity J, c. e(appeal to ties of [ friendship/ affection / kinship ),) d. "([ other],) provided the settler's power to resist such influence is not overcome and [ his/ her] capacity to finally act In accordance with ( his/ her] own free will is not ov rpowered. A trust hat results must be the free will and purpose of the settlor and not tha of { another person I otherpersons }.

Mere existence of the opportunity, motive or even the ability to co,1lrol the free will of the settloris not sufficientta establlsl1 that ( creation J amendment I revocation ] of the trust ls the result or undue Influence.

Indirect or ciri::umstan ial evidence.

•--1r youfind· a. That [name) had a conndential or fiduciary relationship with the decedent: and b. That [name) (or a person or Inter st he repres�mted) benefited from the will;and c. That[name) had an opportunityto influence1h,3 decedent In giving thal benefit: then you should consider such circumstances,along with all the evidence, in detenT1lnlno whether the contestant has oroven undue influence.

A "confidentialor fiduciaryre lationship" is a relationship where one person places confidence, rel ance and trust in another per on, :such that he second person has allhority or power over some asoect of the firs person'saffa irs, and the firstperson expects hat the second person will act wjlh integrityand fidelity awards the first person's affairs. The relationship may be fom1al. informal. orofess!onal and/or personal. Note on Use '"The Court should choose among subsections a-d those which are applicable to the case. This instruction should be accompanied by M Clv JI 8.01, Definition of Burden of Proof. · •• · rding a confldential or fiducia -I ' · · the co µrt.! un µ 1011 o · undue:; infiut:;n r�li e ents of the presumption into evidence. Whether the Page 6 of 9

6-5-2020 CSP & Probate Council Meeting Probate & Estate Planning Section Bates Page No. 0065 contes1an has introduced evid nee of the 3 elements of the resum tian is procedural matter, rather 'lhan an evidemliaryma Uer. because it is the job of lhe finder of fact to decide, as an eviden larymatter, whether the aon estant has proven the facts. Wldmayer v Leonard. 422 Mich 280, 289: 373 NW2d 538 (1985). If the coun determines,as a proceduralmatter, that the cont!�stant has established the presump ion. the burden of produclnq evidences rfts to the opposing party, bur lhe burden of proof always remains wlth the contestant. MRE 301. The courtneed not. and should not, discuss Its rocedural determination as ta the resum tion wi'th the finder of a fact, in order to avold Influencing its verdict If the opPoslngparty produces no evidence to rebut the presumption, the co rt may direct a verdict in favor of the contestan Widmayer, 422 Mich at 289. If the opposing partyoroduces evidence to rebu the oresumplion, an inference remains for I e !uryt o consider,which is reflected in the above instructions. See Id. Comment This instruction is virtuallyidentical to M Civ JI 170.44

In re Esfate of Karmey. 488 Mich 68; 658 NW2d ?96 (2003); Widmayer v Leonard, 422 Mich 280: 373 NW2d·538 (1985J: Kar v Hogan, 399 Mich 529; 251 NW2d 77 (1976); In re WilleyEstate, 9 Mich App 245i 156 NW2d 631 (1967); In ra Langi is Estate, 361 Mich 646; 106 NW2d 132 {1960); In Paquln's Estate, 328 Mlcf1 293: 43 NW2d 858 (1950); In re Ba/k's Estate, 298 Mich 303; 298 NW 779 (1941); In re Kramer'sEstate, 324 Mich 626; 37 NW2d 564 (1949); ln re Reed's Estate, 273 Mich 334; 263 NW 76 (1935); In re CurlisEstate, 197 Mich 473; 163 NW 944 {1917); Nelson v Wjggins. 172 Mich 191; 137 NW 623 {1912).

History M Civ JI 179,10 was added June 2011.


:J:e-�aoli&A--tRat he-settleF-{-Gte \eo-./-ameMea-1-r•evo�stas a r�lk=)f A0U&·h=»ll46A-Ge,lfle-£GAt �&lR'S'-bUFden 0$-p• '!�A9-al\.-tl:Hae-of..tl:1€---followln§ ��

��affie-}-Aae--a--fw1:194af>J-f0ia{ioo4i �itM-l;e-settl-e , . tota • ar-Re+(tir-a-peFSen--a ·llter-es-t--he-F-epreseflt�� em�reatl9fhl affteRdme-otI fOI/OGatioA-}-of...tfi�r-wst,cHlG 3-:--thaley feason- ' e--f!Gtl : r-y-reJ.atioA&hirr{.:i-aF��f:l�lJ-Ai�.JlYefl-G&tAe s MleHH-fJWi-nu-lfl' D6Acifl-

lf..yeu-fiml-t»at-al\.-tnre& r opoo;H00&-1-la �pr-eveH. 1=!01�th0-tettlaHra�o:i--ls Pag,� 7 of 9

6-5-2020 CSP & Probate Council Meeting Probate & Estate Planning Section Bates Page No. 0066 1»w!ffe--a&-a--fe�kmciT1e--iAfweR�·RfH•Wi , �1 setHor..'..s Gl�e� · • RIJ;31id 1 � "• -of..URGJJ8-IA 1:18HG&-c

--A' us-ia-f}'-ralaMoA&AI ·· · - OO--OHA&quaUty-wl S�i)BF&�pli:l{;as-,:-.,:,�te--ti:us n �ef-pe. 0fl-f arolAg h uejoot-ma e , M lh&-4ru&lod�8f�8A-t-9Rti°'els-t e-wbj � o �rolati� f-knowledge:-t� 1 &;--f,9W8 , HflOT- uthO

Note on Use The comrnitte recommend that 1111sioslruotlon be deleted ln light of lhe proposed amendment lo M Civ JI H0.10, making M Civ JI 170.25 no longer necossarv.

1 A-S-36 8-f;)E€&UmptiefK)kJAGl:J&4A ti u 8AG0,tms-l-AstH,1�1GA--ls--a??I Gaela-eAly whei:& · · · :,+1A&-pU%a ro� ,claPt-has-flot--i�rodYG0C1-eYldooGS-1.. !:me " • pliSH74. , a-fi

F\00--Aa d lo maa+-tRE1--f)r-e&1:1mp\iE>l=l:-and-iA-sa&a&-tRakl fl t 8--ffi�resum �aA&ert ap�ieable-1:1Ad�influ0RG&--lnstru He" ·s- . -ru&i-GGRtesl�e-lAflueRGO Definitie ,::-,:,ir;,iru�Afy-tf e-abJigatieA-to--GGme-k�fWaFG ;il):i . . � A4-tf-�S..Q he-e#e�,.&-J)ra&�&fl FM{Hif:a111:mkKil.FBG:1ao--YefOf��if¼sHRe-µa�av-iAg-t�e- +iefit fH1 iA-&-wU�me�la�mtA1t'tlflGl¥.> F;-Wf)fa t&-�eAlfiM4�hat-all-t;lemSflts-of ·&-A&EW!dam,&-o pos�Hg-th�m 001 , e{}art-y �, IM-Pf sum�lien-l&-er:�tJYeG-1-0.a-ai�\64-v8f4iG.-MR-E--304-i: �81';-,:,-UJ}fir.

0 ,etl-4Rera-v.-l11-Be�-i.fii:ID r.=���,;:.,nnFe-ef-the...elemoots--e4A&f)re s1:H,:lfr!ien,. sa- . lo-f\G maAtto thej�F-®sislefl.:-+Y-pis-a-Uy, �f.::.,tflOf�II -oo-a�i-U�6-f,titf3W�G¼a,ybenefited frorn--th >.Alt� 1 aooral!y-#ta�s-tonce of a confie.aAHal-rela�loo6-m��slie� ..&tal-H-'++-lf\11i�A�OO-{ -��ooroare a nuff'��a-tiE>RS · f.>S s-a--ma-He;:..s r�� At.i}�fdian wa, � 1-ien�+Gtacfl-.B>a+H:m�ar9y-peAiteAt.-a6GEH:!fl-taR f.:-blRtaSo-tf\6f6-ls-a-dl&put&ti� . I l¾Giat)'· {'Blal5eAGhipa�a matt Kl , R-re-&itale-cJ..K.ar.R , , 2,3 (2GG3�r-t�t-r�sGA-t-R deft � · Hiee-s-4'lvl •:: -r11j:;� '" - ' • ' ;• : • ' '. ' Tf:I , et�c�Rw ttHi9C"o-tif.'�-v...... ,.•...... ,., PfeSUmpU0r�-GHJnSHe---iAflt:f8Ft&2-:-lnro &late of-/(.;1Fmey- Pa g.c 6 of9

6-5-2020 CSP & Probate Council Meeting Probate & Estate Planning Section Bates Page No. 0067 �� . A ses-tl=la-tarm�UGiaf:y-ffilal�ensllli " IA&lea0-af4;011fldeRtlal-o il�Glal)' rala�i��RGh:tst&A-tAat-tti fms..!!.filusiaFy-r laYoA&t-li�Ao.!:GGn.fid Atia� 1 fl41:1-alaPf481alief1&hl�av-e,.JdeAt!Gakneaning ;oo. JR ra-listate-0' (.a -m&yT

�struGtioA-Should-ae-aGGempanl&G-bY-M-Gi l--&.-01;-Defon-of Alt ur-0en f..Proof.

Gamma fit ��ef+-l�a� ilar--t -Giv-Jl-4+0:4 In ra Estal�mieytWkirna.ye,;-l�r-v-l./sg�:n=r.�99--MIGR--52� 9-7-Sr,-Sae-als<:H� Ga-J<-�f.a,3�0H,Ad1:1Giaf.Y4'8latioA6filp.-0f--atlGmsy-aRtl-sleF§YAlaR}HR �J.lw.tw�i�6-Mlel+App-430f1.Q.70)-{sL1b&tant.a�-tJeAe kJariveEl-by-s mabts �OO-WR-a�i��!s--aUGmey a1'd-4er-a1;oo1:;1i:i1ant--wef&aieG-trnsl eGe� �b.RdatOfl- }HR-f8-Sf)#/el�otat6;-3&�!G��R--F&+laskelJ!.&.&tat9;-�v1iG� 513 �1938�� &V f-af-a\\GfAay-¼.IJ:l�d vhar-E"...tes at· bta A d-lnde13 deflt..a&Vls p.r86ijffifJ'aR-eklRGl:la-lAt!YeF-16&-ftlBt,jllM : R--RJ-!.;:JEt�e-stat�lGh-434-{�j dOGto

History M Civ JI 179.25 w a added June 2011.

n Sup1em Coort has deta t d o too Comm11tee on Modol Ctvlt Jury lnstruc Ions tho nd ado l Model C ll Jury In tru ti r1s. MCR 2.512(0). In drafting Model Civil J ry !ns1n,J�11ons. 11 no the commit ec's funcllon lo cre,;11e ne la,.. or anliclpat ru! n9s of the Michlg n , Cou,i or Court ot Appeals on �ubsl.snll e la � TI1 commltlee's responsibility Is to produce ru;1ruct1Qn 1 a s.upported 'Io sung r

Themembers of the Committee on Model Civll Jury Instructions are:

Chalr; Alfred M. But.zbaugh Reporter: Timothy J. Raublngar Members: Benjamin J. Aloia; Hon. Jane M. Beckering; Mark R. Bendure; Hon. Ma� T. Boonstra; W. Mack Faison; Donald J. Gasior k; Gary P. Gordon; Elizabelh Phelps Hardy; Helen K. Joyner; Daniel ,I. McCarthy; Hon. Elizabeth M. Pezzetti; Hon. Jam s R. Redford: Hon. Douglas 8. Shapiro; Noreen L. Slank: Hon. Michael R. Smith; Paul C. Smith; Hon. Donald A Teeple; Thomas Van Dusen. Hon. Michael D. Warr n, Jr.: Thomas W. Waun.

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6-5-2020 CSP & Probate Council Meeting Probate & Estate Planning Section Bates Page No. 0068 EXHIBIT 3

6-5-2020 CSP & Probate Council Meeting Probate & Estate Planning Section Bates Page No. 0069 COURT RULES. FORMS. AND PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE

To: Probate and Estate Planning Council Members From: Melisa M. W. Mysliwiec, Chair RE: SCAO Form Revisions in light of MCL 700.5306(6) Date: May 30. 2020

Our c1 mmittt:t: sugge t. that Council rcqucsl th1.: below suggested r vi ions to c i ·ting: Forms P · 625. 6 � l. 633, 6 8.:i. an I 675 in Ii Jht of M �·1. 700.:306(6 ). Requc ·t · for revi ions mu:t b made next week in Dreier tu h' ·onsidcrcd the Trial Court S ·n i ·e Divisi 111 or th1.: .'uuc 'ourt Administrative Office this fall.


SB I IO passed in late December and was assigned PA 170: "''"'.I· 1islatun:.m1., J\ 1du um ·nt�/-019-2020/ ubl1ca ·

Our committee has reviewed 2019 PA 170 as well as SCAO Forms PC 625. 63 I. 633, 638a, and 675. and we believe the following revisions will best accommodate MCL 700.5306(6).

PC 625 Petition for Appointment of Guardian of Incapacitated Individual. • Edit title to add "or Limited Guardian" • Change the word "adult" throughout document to "individual" to coincide with the language used in the statute. • Add an instruction or use note indicating that this form is only to be used if there is no guardian in place. and that if the individual already has a guardian or limited guardian, PC 675 Petition to Tcnninate/Modify Guardianship must be used if seeking a limited guardianship under MCL 700.5306(6). • Add a new #8. with optional checkbox for use. referencing MCL 700.5306(6). • Add a new #9. with optional checkbox foruse. for specific facts as to the need for a limited guardian under MCL 700.5306(6). • Correct remaining numbering • Add another chc::ckbox to # 14 (# 12 on original form) for limited guardian for visitation purposes • Add MCL 700.5306(6) to the bottom right side of form.

PC 631 Order Regarding Appointment of Guardian of Incapacitated Individual • Edit title to add "or Limited Guardian" • Change the word "adult" throughout document to "individual" w coincide with the language used in the statute. • Add a new #6, with optional checkbox for use. referencing MCL 700.5306(6). • Change #JO (#9 on original form) to add "or limited guardian." • Add a new checkbox option to# I I (#IO on original fo1m) fora limited guardian for purposes of visitation.

6-5-2020 CSP & Probate Council Meeting Probate & Estate Planning Section Bates Page No. 0070 COURT RULES. FORMS. AND PROCEEDINGS COMMrn·EE

• Add a checkbox to# 14 (#13 on original form), making it optional, since entry into LEIN (the law enforcement informationnetwork) wouldn't be necessary when only a limited guardian for purposes of visitation is appointed.

PC 675 Petition to Terminate/Modify Guardianship • Edit #8 to list three options afterthe appointed individuals name and information: a checkbox fora successor guardian. a checkbox fora temporary guardian pending appointment of a successor. and a checkbox for a limited guardian forpurposes of visitation. • Delete #9 (since it has been combined into #8) • Correct remaining numbering • Add MCL 700.5306(6) to the bottom right side of fonn.

PC 638a Order Regarding Te,mination/Moditication of Guardian forMinor/Guardian for LI I/Conservator • Edit #5 so that the firstcheckbox says only "continues to be an incapacitated individual." and create a new checkbox that provides "conlinues to need a guardian as a means of providing continuing care and supervision of the person." • Add a new #6. with optional checkbox for use. referencing MCL 700.5306(6). • Correct remaining numbering • Add another check box to # 12 (# 11 on original form) under (a} fora successor limited guardian forvisitation purposes and a new (d). with optional checkbox, fora limited guardian forpurposes of visitation. • Add MCL 700.5306(6) to the bottom right side of form.

PC 633 Letters of Guardianship • Edit title to add checkboxes for "Full" or "Limited" underneathtitle. • Add another checkbox to #2 forlimited guardian for visitation purposes

Respectfully submitted.

Melisa M. W. Mysliwiec

6-5-2020 CSP & Probate Council Meeting Probate & Estate Planning Section Bates Page No. 0071 J 1.. t f , 1.. • 1 , 1 I I 1 , I• .. _, J . J,� l ,.J


In the matter of -=-:,-- ---:.,...,--,--,--c-.,...,...--0------­ XXX-XX- Alleged-:-,- incapacitated indi11idual Last four digits of SSN Date or birth Race Sex Address of alleged mcapacitate

� 1 · I. , am interested in this matter (c"\ Name (type or pnnt) and make this petition as ----,------,-,--,....,,....---,-,------­ -=-s1ate interesVretationship @ C 2. An action within the jurisdiction of the family division of circ1Jit court involving the family or family members of the person

named above has been previously flied in ______Court, Case Number ______. was

assigned to Judge ______, and 0 remains 0 is no longer pending.

3. The -adult is a resident of------,------­ ® City, village, or township County State and has a home address and telephone number of ______Address

City State Zip Telephone no. D The individual is a citizen of the following foreign country: ______4. The adult has D a patient advocate/power of attorney for health care. (Specify name and address betow.J ® ,,., . '·" [] a power of attorney. (Specifyname and address oelow) [] a conservator. (Specify nameand address below.)

Name and address @ =] 5. :JThe patient advocate designation was not executed in compliance wtth MCL 700.5506. 7 The patient advocate is not complying with the terms of the designation or of MCL 700.5506 to MCL 700.5512. :JThe patient advocate Is not acting consistent with the ward's best interests.

6. The aault lacks sufficient understanding or capacity to make or communicate informed decisions because of (!I"9 0 mental illness. 0 mental deficiency. 0 physical Illness or disability. D chronic intox1cat1on D chronic drug use. :J ______• :• T tf ' ' ,, I ; I,'. ® 7. Specific facts about the adult!� recent condition or conduct that lead me to believe the adult needs a guardian are (Attach a separate sheet if more spaceis needed.)

,,,.-:\ (;;I_ 8. The name. address. and telephone number of the person/age1ncy (if any) who currently has care and custody of the adult J ,!'', J•• are ______

(SEE SECOND PAGE) USE NOTE: II lh1s form ,s being filed m the c1rcwt court fan1tly division pl ase enter lhe courtname and county In the upper left-handcorner or the form Do not write below this line .. For court use only "

,, ••ro �" f' I It ... "'•,

6-5-2020 CSP & Probate Council Meeting Probate & Estate Planning Section Bates Page No. 0072 Petition for Appointment of Guardian of Incapacitated Individual (12/18) FIie No. ______® 9. The adult C is not entitled to receive Veterans Administration benefits. The Veterans Administration claimant number is ______

10: The alleged incapacitated individual has 0 a spouse whose name and address are listed below. D adult child(ren) whose name(s) and address(es) are listed below fl living parent(s) whose name(s) and address(es) are listed below. L no spouse, adult child(ren), or parent(s). The names and addresses of presumptive heirs are listed below. = none of the above (must notify Attorney General - see 1nstruct1ons for the address of the Attorney General).


City Slate Zlp Te1epho11e No. ! I 1 Street addres:,

City State Zip Telephone No. ! ! !

Street addresu

City State Zip Telephone No. ! I !

�) 1 t. None of the adults named above is under any legal incapacity except ______

,..-..._ Give name. legal incapacity, and representative of the._J: ••person. l:•1,., ii any (!'!) +2. I REQUEST that the court determine the adult is an incapacitated individual and appoint .,.,------­ Name

Address -==------,,:-:------,,,.------=.,.,..,,..,...,..-=--=-, who has priority as Cit State Zip Telephone no. ---,-----,-..,,.....---,------. D full guardian with all powers provided by statute. Priority relationship D limited guardian with the following powers:

f I ,t (o) 13. No other person appears to have authority to act 1n the circumstances. I request that a temporary guardian be ' appointed pending a hearing on this petition because of the following emergency:

I declare under the penalties of perjury that this petition has been examined by me and that its contents are true to the best of my information. knowledge, and belief.

Attorney signature Date

Attorney name (typeor print) Bar no. Pntitioner signature

Attorney address Potitioner address

City. state. zip Telephone no. Ciry, state. zip Telephone no.

(,2) CJ 14. NOMINATION BY THE ALLEGED INCAPACITATED INDIVIDUAL In the event the courtfinds that I require a guardian, I nominate: :-:-----,--,----:-:-:--:------­ Name. address, and telephone no.

Date Signature of alleged incapacitated individual 6-5-2020 CSP & Probate Council Meeting Probate & Estate Planning Section Bates Page No. 0073 Approved, SCAO JIS CODE: OAG STATE OF MICHIGAN FILE NO. PROBATE COURT ORDER REGARDING Al>POINTMENT OF COUNTY OF GUARDIAN'OF INCAPACITATED INDIVIDUAL

In the matter of ______""Fi,--rs-:-t.-m...,.idd.,.., ,,-el -. a-n-,d-,-la-s:-t n_a_me _ __ _ Court ORI Date of birht Race Sex Current address of incapacitated individual

1. Date of hearing: ______Judge:------=-­ Bar no. THE COURT FINDS: 2. Notice of hearing was given to or waived by all interested persons. ::] 3. The individual is not in need of a guardian. =:l4. Upon the presentation of clear and convincing evidence, the ind1v1dual named above, by reason of C mental illness O mental deficiency O chronic use of drugs C chronic intoxication O physical illness or disat,il1ty O other ______is impaired to the extent of lacking sufficient understanding or capacity to make or communicate informed decisions and is an incapacitated individual. ::J5. Upon the presentation of clear and convincing evidence, app,>intment of a guardian is necessary as a means of providing ,. continuing care and supervision of the individual. 7 6. The individual is D partially O totally without the capacity to care for himself/herself. =17 There 1s no competent, suitable persolJ. williQg to act as guardian, and the appointment of a professional guardian 1s m the best interests of the adoft. A bond must be filed. '· , 1 � {,_, ,. 8. Financial protection is required for the individual. IT IS ORDERED: ,, '"'" ; ,.L .. 9. The petition for appointment of guardian' is granted. [] denied on the merits. 0 dismissed/withdrawn. CJ rn. :-,--,,----,--,,------, whose address and telephone number are: Name (typ or print)

Adclress City State Zip Telephone no. is appointed guardian of the aault and shall qualify by filing an acceptance of appointment. a. shall have the following powers 0 full guardian with all authority and responsibilities granted and imposed by law. D except as follows:------0 limited guardian with only the following powers: ______

': .,,,.,.,,._f .... '• ·�·· . .-uy 1;1• •' .' t�: .r, (, [] In addition, the guardian has the autho�ity to execute a written consent for formal voluntarymental health treatment. unless objected to by the incapacitated individual.

CJb. Bond of$ ______must be filed.

1t. The guardian is not permitted to act until letters of guardianship are issued. After qualification, the guardian shall comply with all relevant requirements under the law.

12. Upon acceptance of appointment, the guardian shall petition for the appointment of a conservator or for another protective order under MCL 700.5401 et seq. Do not write below this line • For court use only

,, j, 1· I t, tf • ' ,,!. j • ' , ,( I . ' I,

' 1, 1 MCL 700 1105, MCL 700.5106. MCL 700.5107 MC 700.5306. MCL 700.5313. MCL 700.5319(1) PC 631 (12119) ORDER REGARDING APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN OF INCAPACITATED INDIVIDUAL I• 6-5-2020 CSP & Probate Council Meeting Probate & Estate Planning Section Bates Page No. 0074 Order Regarding Appointment of Guardian or Incapacitated Individual (12/19) File No. ______

13_ If a guardian ,s appointed, the Mlchigan Department of State Police shall immediately enter the legally incapacitated individual's identifying information in this courtorder on the law enforcement information network.

D 't4. The D attorney D guardian ad litem for the individual is discharged.


Date Judge

Attorney name (type or print) Bar no.

Address City Stale Zip Telephone no.


In the matter of 7 ______"'"F,-rs.,.1.-m-1dd.,,.le___ an- d-;-;l--as....,1-n--ar_n_e ______Court ORI Date of birth Race Sex Current address of ward

1. I am interested in this matter as =------:-::-----:-...... -,--�------­ s1ate relatlonsl1lp/interesI 0 2. a. The interested persons for the minor, their relationship to the minor. and their addresses are: NAME RELATIONSHIP NUMBER AOORESS ANO TELEPHONE Street address Parent DOB City State Telephone No. ! 12'P I Street address Parent DOB Crly State Zip elephone No ! I r

Street address Conservator City Stare Zip Telephone No. I I !

Street address Guardian City State Zlp Telephone No. ! I !

Street address Person with care/ custody of minor� J2ip City State elephone No. I r days 'Also hst persons who had principal care and custody of the minor duI Ing the 63 preceding fihng the pehhon. [Jb. The minor is a member of an Indian tribe. or is eligible for membership in an Indian tribe. The name of the tribe is

0 The minor is not an Indian child as defined by MGR :3.002(12). 0 It is unknown whether the minor is an Indian child as defined by MCR 3.002(12).

c. If this guardianship is terminated. the minor child will be returned to □------


USE NOTE: If th,s fo1m Is being filed m the c1rc\Iit COLm fam,Iydivision. please enter the coun name and county in the upper left-hand corner of the form_ Do not wnte below this line - For court use only

PETITION TO TERMINATE/MODIFY GUARDIANSHIP MCL 700.5208, MCL 700.5210. MCL 700.5219, Pc 675 (12118) MCR 5.125(C)(25), MCR 5.404(F)(4). (5), MCR 5.408 6-5-2020 CSP & Probate Council Meeting Probate & Estate Planning Section Bates Page No. 0076 Petition to Terminate/Modify Guardianship (12118) FIie No. ______r-1 3. The incapacitated individual, whose telephone number is ______has a guardian whose address is =------=:------:=------and has Ca spouse D adult child(ren) D living parents whose name(s) and address(es) are 11sted below. C no spouse, adult child(ren), or parent(s). The names and addresses of presumptive heirs** are listed below. D none of the above (must notify the Attorney General***).


Street address C,ty 51ate Zip Telephone no. 1 I ! Street address Guardian \Zip City Stale Telephone no \ !

.. Presumptive heirs includes minor children. if any ... Notifythe Attorney General by sending a copy of this form to Attorney General, Public Administration. PO Box 30755, Lansing. Ml 48909. 4, The reasons why the court should take action are ______

I REQUEST that the court: [J 5. Terminate the guardianship. 0 6. Accept the guardian's resignation. 0 7. Remove the guardian who O has D has not been suspended. [J 8. Appoint------Name (typo or print) Address City State Zip Telephone no. ,, ! as--s-1;1ece.ssor"9uardlan. r7 ,I, ..-.-l 1\ Hi" L.J9. AJ3poin,,.;,..--,------,----,--'------l--• -. -''- -J ----=-.-..,...... --,. __ ...... ______Name tlype or prtnt) •' ,; l} l Address ' . . City Zip TelephOM no. State asa temporary guardian pending appointment-et-a successor. [J 10. Modifythe powers of the guardian as follows: ______

I declare under the penalties of perjury that this petition has been examined by me and that its contents are true to the best of my information, knowledge, and belief.


Attorney signature Ptllitioner signature

Name (typeor print) Bar no. Name (type or print) Address Address

City, state, zip Telephon no City, state, z,p Telephon no NOMINATION BY MINOR: =i I am 14 years of age or older. I nominate ______as my guardian, who lives at Name

Address State Zip


In the matter of ______"'"F-irs-:-1-m....,.di 7d::-el --. na ""'ct,.,.al _s..,..t n_a_m_e______1. Date of hearing: ______Judge ______Bar no. THE COURT FINDS:

[J 2. Notice of hearing was given to or waived by all interested peI-sons.

3. C::la. A petition to O terminate [J modify a D guardianship Cl conservatorship was filed with this court and should be [] granted. LJdenied. 0 dismissed.

CJ b. On the court's own motion. the O guardianship O conservatorship should be 0 terminated. 0 modified.

J 4. The fiduciary O should be removed and a successor appointed. ':lshould be permitted to resign and a successor appointed. �I has died or become disabled and a successor must be appointed. [] is not effectively performing the duties of a guardian and the welfare of the incapacitated individual requires immediate action and the appointment of a temporary guardian.

1 l<•f �,d; h 0 5. The ind1v1dual O continues to be an incapacitated individual �:1nd in·need ef a guardian as a means of providing continuing care and supervision of the person r- .• , •• r., , , ,,., , continues to be a person in need of a cons1ervator. 0 Is a minor who continues to need a guardian Dis no longer in need of a D guardian. 0 conservator.

!] B. There is no qualified, suitable individual willing to act as conservator/guardian and the appointment of a professional guardian/conservator as fiduciary is in the best interest of the individual. A bond must be filed.

[J7: A coguardian is necessary.


[] a. The petition is [Jgranted . [l denied on the merits. [7di�1missed/withdrawn.

9. The appointment of a special conservator is necessary to pre:serve the estate or secure its proper administration.

[j 10 ______is [J removed [J permitted to resign as�-.,.,,..------Name of fiduciary Type of fiduciary 0 S/he shall file with this courtand serve on the interested persons a final account no later than ______Date

.. , 'i.,. .-.l

(SEE SECOND PAGE) Do not write below this line - For court use only

PC 638a (12/19) ORDER REGARDING TERMINATION/MODIFICATION OF GUARDIAN FOR �gt;��:!���: �g� ;��:;;��: MINOR OR LIi/CONSERVATOR MCL 700.5312, MCL 700.5414. MCL 700.5419, MCL 700.5431. MCR 5.204

6-5-2020 CSP & Probate Council Meeting Probate & Estate Planning Section Bates Page No. 0078 Order Re: Termination/Modification of Guardian for Minor/LIi/Conservator (12/19) File No, ______

11. [_J Name=-=------""--'.Address;;-::;-=-::------=------::---:------=------:::=-=---,------is appointed City State Zip Telephone no.

Name Address

-::::-:------::-:------=------:-:--,------is appointed City State Zip Telephone no. rJ a. successor guardian of the incapacitated individual and qualifies by filing an acceptance of appointment. The guardian shall have the following powers: D full guardian with all authority and responsibilities granted and imposed by law.

[J except as follows:

D limited guardian with only the following powers. ______

temporary guardian and shall serve until =------with the following powers: ______Date

D In addition, guardian has the authority to execute a written consent for formal voluntary mental health treatment, unless objected to by the incapacitated individual. D Bond of $------must be filed The guardian is not permitted to act until letters of gw,1rdianship are issued. After qualification. the guardian shall comply with all relevant requirements under the law. 0 b. successor □ full [] limited □ temporary guardian of the minor child and qualifies by filingan acceptance of appointment. []Bond of $ ______must be filed.

The guardian is not permitted to act until letters of guardianship are issued. Afterqualification, the guardian shall comply with all relevant requirements under the law. □The temporaryguardian shall serve until =------with the following powers: ______Date

0 Child support shall be paid [] as stated in the placement plan. □------

c; C. D successor O special conservatorand shall hc1ve the following powers: ______

An acceptance of appointment is to be filed. 0 Bond of$ ______must be filed.

The conservatoris not permitted to act until letters of conservatorshipare issued. Afterqualification, the conservator shall comply with all relevant requirements under the law.

' ' • 1• • l' ,

6-5-2020 CSP & Probate Council Meeting Probate & Estate Planning Section Bates Page No. 0079 Order Re; Termination/Modificationof Guardian for Mlnor/LII/Conaervator (12/19) FIie No. ______

01-2. The 0 guardianship O conservatorship is D terminated D modified as follows: ______

'' 01-3. The D attorney D guardian ad litem for the individual is discharged. 0 1-4. Other:

'IB. The matter is D closed. D not closed.


Attorney name (type or print) Bar nu

Address State Telephone no.

6-5-2020 CSP & Probate Council Meeting Probate & Estate Planning Section Bates Page No. 0080 ------T -- JISCODE LOG


In the matter of

TO: Name dfld address Guardian's telephone no !

1. You have been appointed by will or other witnessed writing by the court as ______guardian of the individual named above. Type of guardian (full limited temporary. etc 1

2. Having filedan acceptance of appointment. you have the care. custody, and control of that individual:

a. together with all authority and responsibilities granted and imposed by law.

b. except as follows:

c. as to the following powers and responsibilities only:

3. These letters of guardianship expire on -,------­ Date

Date Judge Bar no

At1orney name (type or pnnt Bar nn --l -- --


Telephone no

SEE NOTICE OF DUTIES ON SECOND PAGE I certify that I have compared this copy with the original on file and that it is a correct copy of the whole of such original, and on this date, these letters are in full force and effect

Datil Dcpuly µro a1♦, 111qlsterlcler�

USE NOTE: If this form is being filed in the circuil court family division, please enter the court name and county in the upper left-hand corner of the form

Do not write below this line - For court use only

MCL 330 1631 MCL 700 5103 MCL 700 5214 MCL 700 5215(1), {g) MCL 700 5314(a) (e) PC 633 rg:121 LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP MCL 700 54107. MCR 5 202. MCR 5 40210) MCR 5 405(C), MCR 5 406(A). MCR 5 409

6-5-2020 CSP & Probate Council Meeting Probate & Estate Planning Section Bates Page No. 0081 ------:------NOTICE OF DUTY TO VISIT

You are required by law to visit the individual for whom you are g1jardian at least once every three months.


You are required by law to file with this court a written reporton the indicated form(s) and at the indicated times. Forms are available at the court

CHANGE IN PLACE OF RESIDENCE: You re require ti to prompt y inform the court of any chang In the ward's residence w1th1n I days or the change. You ar a1s0 re wred to keep th court and inter sled persons 1n armed In writing w1th1n 7 days of any ch"'nge In your address.

ANNUAL REPORT: Your annual report on condition of ward is due on ..,------of each year. (Use form PC 634 or PC 654 0>1te In addition. you must serve the report on the ward and interested persons as specified in the Michigan CourtRules and file proof of service with the court.

ACCOUNTS: You must Ile with this court one a year either on the anmvers ry dat f your le Ilers of authority or on another dat. you choose (yoLI must notify th court of l111s date) or more often 1f the court directs. a complete itemized accounting of your drn1nistr lion of the estate. On terrmnallon of the 1nd1v1dl1al's disability you shall account to ttiecourt or to the 1r1d1v1dual or that mdiv1dual's succ ssors The accounts must be served on the required persons at the same time they are flied with tl1e court. along with proof of service. u form PC 58..l or PC 584 "Acr:ourit ")

ONGOING DUTY TO REPORT: Pursuant to MCL 700 5319(2) rr aconseNator has not been appointed or the wr1rd'sest te and you d · termme that there I mor c sh or property that Is re dIly convertibleinto cash m the ward's estate than w s esllmated by th guardian · d lItern nd reported to th coun. you must report the amnunt of the dditional cash or property to the court

DEATH OF WARD: If lh ward die during the u rdiansh,p. you must give written notification to the court wi11iin 14 day of th 1nd1v1 ual's date o death. If accounts are required to b_ filed with the court. a final account must be filed within 56 days of the late of eath_

DELEGATION OF DUTIES: You are required by law to notify the court when you delegate duties under a durable power of attorney.

ATTENTION The above provisions are reporting duties only and are not the only duties required of you These mandatory provIsIons are specified In court rules� dopted by t11e M1ch1gan Su reme Court Youi failure to comply may requIr · the court to appoint p c1al fiduciary in your place nd to suspend your powers This may r suit rn your removal s fiduciary. The court1s proh1b1ted by statute from giving you leg I advic


6-5-2020 CSP & Probate Council Meeting Probate & Estate Planning Section Bates Page No. 0082