Student Life Dean Announces Plans to Retire After 7 Years Committee

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Student Life Dean Announces Plans to Retire After 7 Years Committee Established 1881 WEATHER, p. 4 MIT’s Oldest and THU: 75°F | 62°F Largest Newspaper Slight chance showers FRI: 84°F | 67°F Sunny SAT: 86°F | 69°F Sunny Established 1881 Volume 135, Number 17 Thursday, July 9, 2015 Established 1881 VIVIAN Hu—THE TECH A few test fireworks light up the sky during the July 4 fireworks on the Charles River. Student Life DeanEstablished announces 1881 Committee favors plans to retire after 7 years partial divestment Will aid with transition once appointment is made Supports creating ‘Climate Institute’ By Katherine Nazemi “We are grateful to them both By Katherine Nazemi presents the findings of the Climate NEWS EDITOR for making a difference in the lives NEWS EDITOR Change Conversation Committee. of so many students,” President L. The suggestions include estab- Chris Colombo will retire from Rafael Reif said. A report issued by the Climate lishing a climate-related General his position as Dean for Student While serving as Dean of Stu- Change Conversation Committee Institute Requirement, setting in- Life after seven years at MIT and 40 dent Life, Colombo led several ma- proposed the creation of a Climate ternal carbon pricing, and holding years of service at various universi- jor policy changes, including insti- Institute at MIT to address the chal- informational seminars with mem- ties. HeEstablished will continue to serve as 1881 tuting a new dining plan, leading lenges of climate change, and to bers of Congress. Committee lead- dean until a successor is appointed. the initiative to place area directors provide a framework for the many ership will turn these findings into a Chancellor Cynthia Barnhart in all dorms, implementing new other recommendations listed in set of specific and targeted recom- PhD ’88 announced Dean Co- security policies, and reopening the report. mendations to deliver to President lombo’s retirement in an email on Maseeh Hall. Released June 15, the report de- L. Rafael Reif. Monday. Many of these policy changes clares climate change to be “soci- Given the grave threat climate Dean Colombo leads MIT’s were unpopular among pockets ety’s grandest challenge of the pres- change poses, the report states, Division of Student Life, which of the undergraduate community, ent day, possibly of all time” and “even exceptional measures should oversees the offices of Residential many of whom felt that key deci- urges MIT to “get its house in order.” not be eschewed.” Life, Student Development and sions were made without their The report represents the culmi- Support, Religious Life, as well as input, or that the new policies nation of a nine-month-long cam- Divestment the Department of Athletics, Physi- were inconsistent with their vi- pus conversation on MIT’s role in One of the most prominent cal Education and Recreation. He sion of MIT culture. Students on combating climate change, sparked voices throughout the campus- also serves as Housemaster of Next by student activism in support of di- COURTESY OF THE DIVISION OF STUDENT LIFE House with his wife, Bette. Colombo, Page 2 vesting from fossil fuel companies. It Climate, Page 5 Student funding to be Fall housing to debut IN Short MIT insurance waivers are avalilable online between now halved in UA debt ‘crisis’ gender-inclusive opt-in and September 15. Review Committee to probe crisis causes Dorms implement change individually Free yoga classes are available in 56-162 from 6 to 7:15 p.m. By William Navarre and ganization will be able to pay off its By Alexandra Delmore Dining website defines gender- each Monday through Aug. 31. Katherine Nazemi debt and budget about $263,000 for ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR inclusive housing as “a policy that Bring your own yoga mat! NEWS EDITORS the upcoming academic year. Ap- provides MIT students with the proximately one third of the UA’s Beginning this fall, all under- option to live in residences with Free self-defense courses are The Undergraduate Association revenue comes from funds raised graduate and graduate dormitories whomever they choose, regardless available every Monday and has “run through its money” and through the MIT Student Life Fee; will offer gender-inclusive housing. of biological sex, gender, or gender Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m. has gone into debt. In the coming most of the remainder is provided This means that “people are identity.” This definition leaves the in DuPont Wrestling Room in year, it will be forced to reduce its by the Institute. not limited to have to share a room details about implementation up to W32. budget — much of which currently Davis wrote that the $263,000 with someone of a specific gender individual dorms. funds student groups — by approx- available to the UA this year will be identity,” Senior Associate Dean of “Freshmen requesting GIH will The graduate housing waitlist imately half. “$4000 less than our total budget Residential Life and Dining Henry be contacted by Housing to discuss is open for Fall 2015. UA President Matthew J. Davis for just the Fall semester last year.” J. Humphreys said in an interview specifically what rooming situa- ’16 broke the news to the under- Student group funding awarded with The Tech. tion they prefer,” Maseeh president MIT web certificates expire graduate student body in a June through the UA Finance Board will Students, including incoming Sydney E. Hodges ’16 wrote in an on July 31 and will need to be 24 email, revealing that the UA has likely decrease by at least half dur- freshmen, will be permitted to opt email to The Tech. “Upperclassmen renewed. spent through its reserves and will ing what Davis is calling a “crisis.” in to gender-inclusive housing; stu- and Spring [in-house] lotteries [at end the fiscal year with a liability of Davis declined to comment on dents will not be assigned to gen- Maseeh] will be run the same as al- Send news information and $52,255.22 on its Umbrella account. whether student groups will see der-inclusive rooms without their ways — just with the option to room tips to After collecting its annual consent. $315,000 allowance in July, the or- UA Debt, Page 5 The MIT Residential life and GIH, Page 2 cruft’S PoeM on SaturDAY StuMPer A reView written You ProBABLY SECTIONS BEXLEY You have plenty of time since all your unDer Duress saw it ALreaDY Fun Pages . .3 friends are in California. FUN, p. 3 Weather �����������������4 Hear about when The Terminator gets one star. Inside Out was good. Campus Life . .4 Infinite was lined with SUDOKU anD techDOKU Make your friends read Go see it. Arts . .8 labs, not administration! about it under duress. Sports . .12 Because your crossword dictionary is in ARTS, p. 9 CAMPUS LIFE, p. 4 your term dorm. FUN, p. 3 ARTS, p. 11 2 The Tech Thursday, July 9, 2015 OBItuarY Dean set Established 1881 Prof. Mujid Kazimi dies at 67 Chairman to retire Will Conway ’16 Kazimi was a professor of Nuclear Engineering Editor in Chief By David L. Chandler in 1947, and later moved with his generated fundamental insights Leon Lin ’16 MIT NEWS OFFICE family to Amman, Jordan. He into the range of options for fuel- in a year earned his bachelor’s degree in recycling technologies, enabling Business Manager Mujid S. Kazimi, the TEPCO nuclear engineering from Al- the sustainable development of Fiona Lam ’17 Professor of Nuclear Engineering exandria University in Egypt in nuclear energy along economi- Search comm. Managing Editor and one of the world’s foremost 1969, then came to MIT, where he cally competitive paths that will will seek input Anthony Yu ’16 educators and researchers in nu- earned an SM in 1971 and a PhD take advantage of the abundance clear technology, died suddenly in 1973. Before joining the MIT of natural uranium.” Kazimi co- Executive Editor on Wednesday in China. faculty in 1976, Kazimi worked chaired, with Ernest Moniz — the Colombo, from Page 1 Tushar Kamath ’16 Kazimi, who was 67, suffered briefly at Westinghouse Electric former MIT physicist who is now a heart attack while visiting Har- Corp. and Brookhaven National the U.S. Secretary of Energy — an ec-discuss welcomed the news NEWS StAFF bin Engineering University to Laboratory. influential, and widely read, in- on Monday with an email thread News Editors: Patricia Z. Dominguez ’17, participate in an international Kazimi was an expert in the terdisciplinary study on the fu- whose subject included the William Navarre ’17, Katherine Nazemi ’17; advisory committee. He held design and analysis of nuclear ture of the nuclear fuel cycle. phrase “everyone be happy.” Assoc iate News Editors: Alexandra Delmore ’17, faculty appointments in MIT’s power plants and the nuclear Kazimi received many honors Drew Bent ’18, Ray Wang ’18; Staff: Stan Gill ’14, Departments of Nuclear Sci- fuel cycle. He supervised 45 PhD for his work. He was a member of Search Committee Kath Xu ’16, Rohan Banerjee ’18, William A. ence and Engineering (NSE) theses and 80 master’s theses the National Academy of Engi- In her email to the MIT com- Rodríguez ’18, Sanjana Srivastava ’18, Jennifer and Department of Mechanical at MIT; Lester notes that many neering, a fellow of the American munity, Chancellor Barnhart F. Switzer ’18, Amy Wang ’18; Meteorologists: Engineering, and was director of of his students have gone on to Nuclear Society and the Interna- announced that she would form Vince Agard ’11, Roman Kowch ’12, Shaena both MIT’s Center for Advanced faculty positions at universities tional Nuclear Energy Academy, a committee to begin the search Berlin ’13, Casey Hilgenbrink ’15, Ray Hua Nuclear Energy Systems and the for Dean Colombo’s successor.
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