
-. - - -- s i ysriss fss g.- rf s - 2 'fre MMtiia Jpailg H3l: Pwrsclan. ptorimtg, roemlm-- 8, 1888.

ren county, net Republican gain of 11: A JAPMESE EBBOJSr. Shelby county, net Republican lo-- s of 19; Newton county, complete, Republican -: gain. :- THINGS SEEN San Francisco, 11 a. m , Nov. 7. Forty-tw-o THE INTERESTING BY OUR precincts in the state of Nevada out ,AN AMERICAN CORRESPONDENT. of 17 give Harrison 3,147, Cleveland 2,534. Three of the precincts are incomplete and - - forty-tw- o gie counting only to 2 a. m. The TI10. Prison of Toldo An JSmiy OF precincts above mentioned in 1884 gave Bulldiass Blaine 3,150, Cleveland 2,534. Returns . "Punishment Cell" Tho Workshops--A ' .. a from thirtv-nin- e precincts in Nevada, give Carious Fact The Women's Quarter. at Cassidy, Democrat, 1,GS3 and Bartine, j i . . - SOYS YOUTHS ss Iclilgawa A Case. and Republican, for 1,934. Brooklyn, Nov. 7. Complete and semi- With exception of the county indica- the Yoshiwara, of F PERSONAL GOSSIP. official returns of Kintrs show from latest returns there is a l'ir which plenty hereafter, tho two prisons of a Cleveland majority of 11,954. The follow-- . tions that Cleveland has carried New Tokio are most interesting-'thing- s have BOOTS SHOE! con- the I Lew. Wallace known and injr is the vote lor congress: fcecona York state." Following this in the World Gen. is what ia .as a gressional district Felix Campbell, Dem-ocia- t, extra is this: "This is what they say at seen in Japan. These are, first, the great baseball crank. headquarters, prison upon of t 19.912; Thomas S.ivard, Republican, the national Democratic the Island Ishikawa, at tho President Carnot's tour through France 16,021). TUird M. J. Coombs, Democrat, and it was given out as the official utter- south of the city, and, second, the convict comrjlete any thB the will cost tho nation about $50,000. Is.tiie most of in state. Chron-- e 13,252; William C. Wallace. Republican, ance of the national committee to female of Ichigawa, in j a . .ncisco, Cal., Nov. 7. The and prison the center 21,211. John M". Clancey, Demo- of anxious visitors who thronged The king of Italy his temper- - tin- - election of four Republican Fourth crowd of the city itself. Tho former is completely isinown fcr 20.993: William E. Robinson, Repub- the parlors morning in search of latest -n iuterior mstrictrf, us crat, this isolated, all communication with the main ance in all things, except smoking. in the 11,351. Thomas II. MagnOr, news. The statement passed upon the wil fiist and ic-'d districts lican, Filth polico Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes has resigned '- li Democrat. 18,069; Henry J. Hesse, Repub- fact that corrected returns from iuterior of land being by ferry, and contains ibbs,ti .)'1 BisjKS O iiiocrats, and 2,0o2 - - by lican. 10,320. the state show a large cutting down of men and boys, all of whom aro serving the presidency of thp Medical library, Boston. - WLien need of a ttt JDf 'i-- ents Jwve been defeated in N. , Nov. 7. returns Harrison gains and many of tho term3 of ten years or less. The latter con- nvWi a)d fagan., Repjbirans. Me- Trenton, J Latest earlier John Grass, the Sioux chief, is said to be , the Democrats will have a majority where the plurality had already tains 1,400 men and 110 women, among dia and Wi.deier. Ji, haver show counties very quick at figures. He is an Indian sum- and Sixth dia- of three ou joint ballot in the next legisla- been given purporting to be in full, are whom ore many serving life sentences. i te elected n the Third Especially is mer, so to speak. fietnrns from the Fourth district ture. still found to be incomplete. There is a convict farm attached, and it te jCfSSsj'Aa ls, Nov. 7. returns or in Kings county, Senator Stanford is not contented in the &nd uo ind cation is given as St. Louis. Unofficial this true it is claimed here capital punishment is inflicted, i raeairre of most extraordi- theie will be a tfyht before that senate. He is a business man puro sim- not Morrow, Republican, the vote this city shows where it is said ' and GOOD ivlieifcer or When was Otherwise tho two prisons resemble each - BOYS BAD BOYS been Returns from the Fifth nary and altogether surprising results. the count is completed. it ple. It is understood that he will soon ro- elected. 0.000. Kim- Wisconsin might other so closely that it is not necessary to ! jneasre and no conclus- - Harrison's majoritv is over learned that Illinois and i sign. ric are ball, Republican, for governor, has 10,000 be close states as well as Indiana and Con- distinguish between them in description. s based them. J Peters-hof- uui city sent to the state The a wpoden A few days ago, in a gun foundry at f, ink T. 1 he Republicans majoiilv, and the Republican ticket necticut telegrams were entrance is through massive BOOT-- OR At, Xov. 3,000 majority for state. Air. Defreest was the czar lifted a mass of steel weighing SHOE BOOT OR 'li'ree conpressn"ii in thi- - state. wsllrauge from about committee iu each gateway into a guard room, adjoining D.OOO cundidate-i- . In one Democratic state com- 700 pounds, cheers the sur- Vhititg, Republican, be elected in sheriff tn tor other the only of the which are tho offices of the director und'offl-cia- nearly to the of 11 the PJighth cougreasionaPdistncfc John J. mittee in the rooms. He said: "We are rounding workmen. itb. which now seems probable, on the The prison itself consists of a score or nine Renubli- - O'Neill, Democrat, pre en t incumbent, is not in as bad a shape as we were atton will stand jb. 1SS4. We will concede more of detached ono story buildings, all of Tho important news goes forth that Con- Democrats. Additional re- - beaten by Henry jSieucnugiiaus, day after election in txrt 1,800 every county for wood and somo of them merely substantial gressman Hopkins, of Illinois, writes with noon dot not niateri- - by and in the Ninth district nothing. I have wired G-iv-e ? gjved pto who was beaten receive them I shall sheds, under which the rougher labor, like his left hand. Somebody will now remark call, e can you - vote for troveruor. Luce's. Nathan Fauk. Republican, returns. Till I ns a for surely suit in tie the Glover, is now errors in the stono 13 performed. dormi- exceed lO.OtJO. two years ago by John M. claim the state. There are breaking, Tho that his left hand is his right hand. wdi C'astleman, by though how exten-siv- e'l tooth price and quality. . 7. elected over Democrat, Kmgs county returns, tories aro enormous wooden cages, the front , nin"s Nov. Harrison's is com- will be Tho wedding of Princess Sophia of Prussia ;n Jyvra will probably exceed 30- ,- 2.10J. In the Tenth district, which do not kuow. The count and part of the back formed of bars as thick posed of several of the southern wards of looked after." and the crown of Greece is to tako in the Sixth dihtrict and as ono's arm, beforo which again is a narrow place of Tho ter - city, and nine outlying counties, suffi- headquarters Colonel at Berlin the last June next. n i he Eighth. ar,e both do- the At Republican covered passage where tho warder on guard are rccehed to indicate the sa-d- : say anything until it princess is not to enter tho Greek church. C. & CO., - cient return Quay "I can't E. . .: tue Republicans every con- LEWIS walks at nisht. election ot Kinsey, Republican, over Clark, is all over. Of course Harrison is elected ' I ,i state but one. Says a foreign correspondent: "Tho lran-r.,'- present incumbent, by a handsome undoubtedly carried New York TUS PUXISIIJIEXT CELL. - Nov. 7. 12:55 Six .' the and has crown prince of Germany is a dear little fel- Iuoidnapjive majority. Fiom oilier sections of the state state. lam told that an attempt has been On leaving tho dbrmitories we passed prvciuctti iu even county a low, C years old, with fair skin, hair and JX'. Cleveland. 1J0.86S. The letums are too meagre to estimate made bv Democrats in Kings to small, isolated square erection, peaked N MAIN STRSET. .. results. Nothing lias yet been received but they do it." and coloring generally, and full of lifo and in- HO uci a IS34, gRveJBlame S1.054, t steal the state can't gabled liko a li tie temple. The door was i Ht,615. irom Kansas City or other prominent In the same 'issue ot the World which telligence." 111 solemnly unlocked and flung back and I was Conn., Nov. 7. noinls m the state from which returns are contains the above double le.tded type, James Depew, of Chauncey, is a Later state anxiously looked for. an edition are motioned to enter. It was tho punishment a brother elect Conjirsssman Edw.-u- W. carried over from earlier prominent business man in Detroit, Mich., The Head quart" ers for Best Boors an 'W ashington, D. C. Nov. 7. All daylong these wonts, apropois of Colonel Brice cell,.another spotless wooden box, well ven- the I , Democrat, of the fourth district. 'and doas not earo for public or poli deal life, 2Zr. the chairman of the Republican congres- conceding nothing:" "But there is little tilated but perfectly dark, and with walls so Shoes as Price?. ere of ewfean his majority is although in respects he resembles his the Lowest arts oqually divided sional ci'i paign committee has been reasonable doubt that Benjamin Harrison thick as to render it practically silent. "How other milieu thus by anxious lor information president of the United famous b visitors will be the next many prisoners havo been in it during tho brother. as the of the election 111 congrts-sion- al 7. Derao--i to result States." Hing Kalakaua is in vory poor health. .t'Uirre,'P., Nor. The For lack of detailed re- Democratic, in a last month?"' I asked. The director sum- w iJie election of E. S. districts. The Evening News, Ho smokes tho concede pot ts ho had been unable ta give any defi- late extra heads election matters thus: moned tho chief warder and repeated my constantly, and Hawaiian r, Republican, to congress froui the 2 depending on question to him. "H'tori mo gozaimasea minister of statistics has never been able to defeating John Lynch, nite replies to these inquiries. At o'clock "Not yet settled; Cleveland "a strict, In" aid that he felt confident of the elec- California. New York prob- nono whatever," was thereply. "Whatother count the. number cf cigarettes he destroys in , Illinois and eat member. Repub- Indi- twenty-fou- r :famoiti tion of Harrison and about twelve ably Republican, Connecticut .and punishments have 3'ouP "Ione whatever." hours. sfcer, N. Y., Nov. 7. Monroe ccun-ifbci- of representa- lican majority in the house ana both Di mocratic." lilo floggingP When this question was F. L. Stanton, tho humorous editor of The gives Harrison 5,020 plu- - Such leports as have been received Nov. 7. Eight hundred tives. Iudiniiapolis, translated the director and tho little group of Smithvillo (Ga.) 2?ews, accepted an edi- fiom West A irginia lead him to claim the and twenty precincts in Indiana give Har- has - officials all laughed together at the baro idea. Rome. ,!?. Jv Nov. 7. The Democratic the legislature, with the consequent gain rison 12S.S77, Cleveland 120,937, a Republi- torial position on The Tribune, of fa SFew Jersey is uow estimated of a United fctates senator. can gain of 5,998 over "St. I could not help wpndcring whether thoro Mr. Stanton has achieved considerable repu- NewYoik, Nov. 7. The Pest publishes Indiau.inolis. Nov. 7. Complete returns was anotbsr prison in the wprld with no tation as a humorous writer. , 5T. Y., Nov. 7. The evening j the lollowtng graceful editorial: "One of from the Second ward of this city, General method of punishment for 2,000 criminals ex- The emperor of Austria is a great smoker, of 18,000 for of Lite Harrison 1,050, sifrnaies a plurality the most agreeable featuie& the Harrison's ward, give cept ono dark cell, and that not not used for but he prefers a bad cigar to a good one. Ho jtnfl ?,0ft) for H11 in New York eanva.- - ana one to which "ve more than Cleveland 350. The S'ime waid in 1SS4 a month. And tho recollection of tho filthy gain ntno assembly-- at once was gave 729, Clevela id 229. Net Re- uses tho cheap cigars tho Vienna cabmen efiabhcans ' referred while it progressing, Blaine and suffocating sty used as a punishment cell iSouftressionai delegatibn is ua- - personal character or the can- of 200. The third precinct affect. Doubtless ho thinks that as a man of was that the publican gain In tho city prison of San Francisco canio upon ' didates commanded eveiyhody's respect. of the Second ward. General Harrison's rank he ought to smoke rank cigars. 7. says: 315. 84, zno liko a nausea. srlc, Nov. The Telegram Now that the election ot Harrison and precinct, gives Harrison Cleveland On a lonely road near Sag Harbor, L L, e of Harrison stands Te- - seems certainly 23(J, Cleveland 00, a net A Japaneso prison be, divided into two election Moriou assured this will against Blaine ma' lives a man who claims to bo a of i to certain . New York has do their opponents of the gain of 91 votes. parts dormitories and workshops. Of cells brother atxc lnncn to relieve Republican Gen. Boulanger. Ho been to ttie Republican column and stint: of defeat. General Harnson stands COUNTY MAJORITIES IX NEW YORK. or prison buildings, properly speaking, there has a hermit for ( re- - years. He is a handsome, courteous French- Jyietory certain if other states well itli all who know him as a citizen Nov. 7. County majorities. is nothing whatever. "Walking across the t&ey 1SS4. we feel he fill New York, man who seems to havo known tho world well wre in and a lawyer and sure will 11G0.) yard wo entered tho first workekop, where a vn.figS?nn says: The latest dis- - the presidential chair with dignity and Albany Cleveland in other days. iqc leate that the election of Harn-- His opinions upon important Hill 200J couplo of hundred prisoners were maLing - 330 Caleb Foote, tho oldest in Massachu- i i rod beyond question. Thecor- ;s, Alleghaney Harrison machinery and steam boilers. Ono warder, editor smj a tonics are not ours and he as lie him 19012 c receivrd from counties in Broome Harr.son armed on?y with a sword, is reckoned for setts, is about to retire from the editorial refnrns self ha said, an uninstructed political 2100 inercas&KtiiTison'spluinl- - government' bo Cattaragus Harrison fifteen men, hero tho prisoners chair of Tho-Salo- Gazette, which he has s JbesoVar economist, but the will 3 cver3 and wcro safe and honored in his hands Caj uga Harrison working on contract orders for outside firms, filled since 1S25. Mr. Footo has been con- - Miller 20.-- a die- dfepatches have leeu received until we provide lnnr, as we shall hope to tho supervision of ono skilled nected with Tho Gazette for seventy-on- o Chautauqua Harrison . . 5924 under teacher f m Inflinna. and so far as thev indicate do next time, with a successor who can years, tho office ap- i 5SL0 and ono representative of tho linn giving tho having entered as an i&tJft they point to Republican gins. bnast better economical equipment. The Miller.... Cleveland . . . G30 contract. So it was in tho fino art depart- prentice. latefer douot was raisea oy reports share of the vice president 111 goveimen al Chemung Hnois had one Democratic was work is small, but Mr. Morton's accession Chenango Harrison.... 1172 ment and every other of tho score of work- Octavo Feuillct, overpowered by grief at 11 '1000 '" iit.ed by the latest dispatches from w ill certainly add greatly to the social at- Clinton n.irriso shops. tho death of his son, a young man SO, has 10000 cf say that the Republican tractions of Washington hot h for protec- Columbia Harrison A CUItlOITS TACT. announced to the director of tho Gymnaso ' of Columbus Harrison 400 nil ticket has a plurality not less tionists and jnxifl. reformers." Prisoners employed at tho higher classes of that ho cannot writo his promised comedy, n Hi.tMi. Cortland Harrison 1473! labor aro credited with one-tent-h tho sum re- that his pen is broken, his"7 literary career at p0lo 1.50. 9&8Q . wuri Patnam county gives Kim-- . Delaware Harrison .rci CMLSren's Suits, Wmx &20 juu; Uj 1401 ceived for their handiwork. But as tho wo-- k an end, his closed i governor l,Ck)0 majority oyer Miller inkstand forever, in t Dutchess Harrison 1039 was so good and tho running expenses seemed mourning and desolation. School Knse Pants, 25 cents at the 990 City, 7. Twenty-fou- r pre-- . .Miller so light 1 was much surprised to learn that at IJov. 22.1'J Mr. Dodsou (Lewis Carroll) asked a little p city of thirty give Clev-,,- d Erie Harrison tho prison was not yet self supporting, only t the oat Ess-j- 2102 girl on the seashore ono day if sho liad read 4S, Harrison 9,520; Francis 8,465, 'fi&Rr" llarrisoa seven-tenth- s of tho total cost being realized FAMOUS ! CLOT.FTNH " Miller 192S' "Ahco in Wonderland." The child an- tho sale of prisoners' work. ' M 2111 fiom Another swered, "Yes," ucd after a pause said sho Cut is ap close Lbnt an official Franklin Harrison is every ia aecticut' Miller 2501 curious fact that adult prisoner was very sorry to hear that tbo man who may lie accessary. t decide the detained six months his sentence ex- t Harrjson 1317 for after ; 1 ease?ui Fulton had written tho book was mad. Sho had -- $, Halms beeuthe that stata 1207 pires if he is not claimed in the mean time i l before. The unoffi ial re- - Miller heard tho clergyman tell her mamma so. times Genesse Harrison. 13 8' by his friends, and until ho is of adult ago if CHEAP LUM3' R Mr. Dodson sent , retKived from alt bat four small New York, Nov. 7. An extra World 1110 Next day his misinformed bo has reached is unclaimed. ' i! jWe of 833 s-- s: 3:30 p. Demo- Miller.... not it and special copy Tiie Cleveland a plurality It At in. the national Greene Cleveland admirer a with tho Fisher LumlDer Company, coiner ." Ue that he has earned the fatate, cratic committee announced that New 7'1 Theso prisoners wear bluo instead of red, author s compliments. selling common length Dimension luaalx ,' ! - Miller i than 500 ote. York wa4 so doubtful that an official 110' i after their sentences havo expired. elec- Herkimer Harrison 1st grade Y. P. Mooring, $'J.Ou d .fast; . nd. Va., Nov. 7. Great excite- - pminjfc will be necessary to decide the 2354 Tho women's quarter at Ichigawa is sepa- - Jeflersim- - Harrison 2d " " :.e tion. This will take thieedays. 4300 rated from the men'j by a high wooden fenco QUEER ARTICLES OF FOOD. tllo'!Re-pnbliea- Lewis Harrison " O t ' the quie of yestBrdaj'. Ptiyuov'of n 185 Poplar siding rv situation Wisconsin Chairman Livingstone Harrison . 152.; and gateway guarded by a ccntinel, and con- - - v ha-- - J - " L7o carnea tne .state- ur a state central committee, claims Mudiooii Hanison sists of two or threo dormitories and ono At Emereldi tho tidbit is roast monkey. id a iRjority. TJie Democrats elect the by 2.000. "1 .1 , Miller 150s large, comfortable workshop, where all the tho horso is And alv otber um'oer and ijuilOtrig rc&te . Republicans one and Missouri Cole county, official: gives In Arabia a favorite article of Monroe Harrison 4S5 110 employed for spot ac yard. We u ha . m 1.821, are together at labor let out by food. cash solicit a skai trade bifui. Harrison 1,70; Fnmcis Montgomery Harrison . 037 " contract. When I was thero they wcro all 9rk, tNov. 7. The World says: ISffJ, Kimball 1,7 J3. The same in '84 irave 447 In Egypt various portions of tho camel are 131-- m - Miller.... RtSHER LTTMEIl COMPAQ Y m Brio refuses to concede Harri- - Cleveland 1.520, Blaine i,5!3. Fo- congress C01 hemming silk handkerchiefs, each seated - Niagara Harrison eaten with relish. ii 'a Ktion. He has not yet conceded Eleventh district, Bland- 1 .ih?, Muoitk 1931 upou tho matted lloor beforo a httlo table, - Oneida Harrison Tho inhabitants of Cochin China prefer x ork state. 1715. e Kings Cleveland llStii and vcry neat they ell locked and very pretty is rotten eggs to lresh ones. -- KTTnrrp - ii igo, Nov. 7. ?Jkj Republican state California Count m San Francisco Onondaga Harrison 0100' some of them, with their loeso red gowns.and TEH o:-'- - uti committee claims &),OO0 jilm-alit- progressing slowly. Republicans say Ontario Harrison 1175 simply twisted hair. "Tho20 aro forgers," In India the flesh of tho elephant is con- i Cleveland's majority in the citv will be r rcison in this state and 10,000 to Orange Harrison 383 said tho officer, pointing to threo of them; "I sidered particularly One. m . O .or governor. 4,009. The Democrats cla.m 8,000 to 9.000. or Fife Orleans Hat risou 1081 do not liko them to bo eo pretty." Ono of ths tiry JVlcKee, of the Democratic Nebraska Returns indicate that Har- Miller 1001 In South America tho inhabitants cat ser- lie College of Music t f bv 25,000 major- i women had a 3'oung baby playing besido her, Hirh:.. ictral conunittep, says the returns rison will carry the state Oswego Harrison 3SG1 pents, lizards and centipedes. . .1 ity. another of them, as sho glanced by the committee. ue too mewjrre Miller 30191 and up at At Terracina a guest will be asked whether x received county complete, gives 10C0 us, showed a faco entirely different a claim on, but that those Miscouri Pettis Otsego Harri-o- n from t'o ho prefer a laud or a water eel. Begins Tuesday, 13, .! favorable, be.njr fully up to the Harrison 2,410. Cleveland 4,274. Ftske 12, Miller 930 rest, pale, sad and refined, and I saw that Kovember 1888. i cta.med in the poll made before ibe Sticitor 19, Kimball 3,423. Francis 335. Putnam Harrison 5a3 her hands w cro small and very white. It The pariahs of Hindostan contend with l and that if they continue ou the In '84 it gave Cleveland 3,471, Blaine 3,U57 Miller.'. :... was Hanai Ume, tho once famous geisha of tho dogs, vultures and kites for putrid car- . elected 3,410, aimer2vill be found to be For congiess. Heard, Democrat, 10000 rion. 1 ' Queens Cleveland Tokio, famous for her beauty, her samisen : . . ; at 5,(W0 majority. He is unable to Upton, Republican, 3,401. Cleveland 510 All branches of music taught, and le Renssalear playing, her dancing, her prido, and iapsS Many settlers in remote localities along tbo , . .w .ny estimation on the presidential New York. Nov. 7 The Renublican Richmond Cleveland 10J3 received. Pupils ma register now. . rwic National committee makes the following Hill 11S0 famous of all for her affairo d'amour. Missouri and ilississippi aro fond of tender catalogue, addruss ..i i&8 City, Nov. 7. One hundred and statement to the public: Rockland Cleveland S2 pUpjHCS. counties, townships and precincts Republican National Headquarters, St. Lawrence Harrison . . . 975 A Straaso Client. I ,se give Cleveland 9.7.55, Harrison New York, Nov 7. In view of the claim Saratoga Harrison 1C00 "Sometimes a lawyer has somo very queer W. MlssTCALF, Director. Coi; Martin 8,899, Humphrey being promulgated by the Democratic Na- 205 Fik Schenectady Harrison clients to deal with," casually remarked a oreSM3Ks:iJOHNdainties. tional committee that they curried 140J hae Scoharie Cleveland lawyer who has an office in tho Garfield build- York, Nov. 7. The Evening Post the state of New York for Cleveland and 7322 In tho Westlndiesa largo caterpillar found Schuyler Harrison Aro ,fc .. "The lecoived this that theyjare sending telegrams to their 400 ing, Brooklyn, to a reporter a few days since. on treo wcn nttwl to Gowa? returns morninii Seneca Cleveland tho palm is esteemed, a luxury, whilo 10 room for doubt of the election of local committees all over the state to that Steuben Harrison 2400 "I think the strangest client I ever had," ..ii,vn.,.j: :i. -l- ostzncu who hae asociatd much with picsidential effect, the national have sent disciple of women roany , e jpuhlican ticket. Very committee bu llolk Harrison 50 continued the Blackstone, "was aA.nf.i,--dainty that the ingredients of a dish will and imanAw coir amM, yttSs iaft 1" from the country out to tho chairman of each Republican Sullivan Harrison 50 ono I met whilo practicing Now York. flessons thoy havo luacisd from tbeci In re iasteu of in cost as much as $73. i ts of thi tue, but there is no coantycomntfittee the state, tho follow- Tioga Harrison n 123S There was a man arrested for burglary, and finement and benovoieuoo; and how they at this writing" to think that the ing telegram: Although full return's from Miller 1214 Tho women on the ilagdalcna river, whilo - I was retained to defend him. The case, I havo had, on tho other baud, to ated their i earns will civc ,a Democratic every county in t he state show New York 1175- shaping earthen vessels on tho Toninki js Harrison say, was him, suc- potter's minds agau. aimlosneca potti-noK- . is in safely for Harrison by upwards of 15,000 1951 must strong against but I t their and stijj doubt.'' Miller wheel, put largo lumps cf cky in their i on tlfo says: plurality, the Democrats are telegraphing 209 ceeded in getting him off, and ho paid mo And from youth to later years tfc? editorial rosult it It Ulster Harrison mouths. In tho same place is neces- - necessary to go beyond the of totheir .county "chairmen claiming the just CS0O for my services. It was about a it often have observed ono peculiarity for winch no city Warren Harrison 2727 sary to confino tho to a to find the proof that Mr. eleve- state and urging them to pay attention to 2337 year later that I sat in my of3co when tho children prevent their remody b;j ben yet found, and that ft a Miller v to ns in tbo state of New the returns and sA to it that the returns Westchooster Cleveland .'. 11215 acquitted burglar entered. I recognized him running out tat earth immediately after a pronounced frailty of the rational faculty ia i ot becau!y a majority of the voters are thoroughly guarded until officially 2130 fall of rain. QNDBRTAKiNO. tariff canvassed. Prevent frauds at all Hill in a moment and greoted him cordially. Of thought cr uction. Thin ciiaracterwUc f n his policy on reform, but hazards. Wyoming Harrison 1731 course idea ho was A. curious taste prevails in many parts of by sUxcgtlj s.ud elevation of a majority of the voter would In case of necessity empioy counsel. No- I had an in trouble again odict a ib Miller 1420 wanted mo help the world for clay. is eaten in all tho emotional which with - - FIGO. stain tor the presidency a party tify us if any tampering w'ith the returns. 1323 and to him oat. When I It nature, shine i, Yates Harrison jbJ 1 I. i ominated a man like David B. Communicate with your town committee 1110 gavo him a chair ho had hardly seated him- countries of tho torrid zone, but tho practice iaJtor in tho wife c&d ' necessary, Miller ha is also observed tbo at once, if bv special messcn self beforo ho exclaimed that wanted 50, ia north, as hundreds of mother. It is to this that man ma' CoAim, Cm. t 4 trvmry"- - u rr, , Dtino-v.- .. ger. s. admt-t.o- n, -- . a Gommercinl Adver i or, Sl. Quay, and ho wanted mo to give it to bun. For a of cart loads of earth containing infusoria dsra tbo homago cf respect, to the bucuit . ... Hy , . t ..uc aie: '"the laiost returns J. S. FAssETT. moment I thought ho wa3 going to rob mo in are said to bo annually consumed by tbo and.vjch devotion as he b capable of. . ', election of Ha and Mor-Mfta- ll Indianapolis! Nov. 7. Attorney . j. . - In'. the rrwwi General my own office, but I mustered courago and country people ia tho most rcmoto parts of i But, are the quaiitiej for our gover- suia, i. Son phirallty for the Republi- - on thao lira Michener, behalf of General Harrison, asked him what ho wanted it for. Sweden, and in Finland a kind of earth ia nors! ilea who display personal his in ever his totekte. Hill c;overn-ibt- wired W. W. Dudley, of ihe national " mo no questions,' he replied, 'youTl occasionally mixed with bread. eo small degree, uzsles3 LOW UFE. 1 1,000' plurality: Indiana committee, enquiring with regard 'Ask a aocompaaid by Republican a. a small majority: to the correctness of the report accredited bo better off if you don't know. If I succeed The Otomac tribe of earth eating Indiana merits cf another kind, am not Kjkctc1 w ork-Tit- will pay you if don't you will by of respoairfbil-it- y lpnt.iwui3 will ha e a yood to Senator Gorman, alleging the discovery I back; I leso knead tha earth a true potter's clay into their felkw3 fcr position M8tefe. in th next congress."' of an error in the Kings &nd trust. Strong undootiukLng, Tigor- - - returns from jest ball3 of flvo or six inches in diameter, which SOL, t f !'.', tRftfeft il to Ret-urn- MM. HiD Nov. 7. which, fa-v- ",r i, N. C, from comity when rectified, will give "I considered for a littio while and finally by vreak fire tho 033 judgment, and tho abuaoo of "fear, tea (hat .' fkfcr r New York Demociats. Colonel they roast a until outside is o'r" iiot the. precinct the state to the concluded to give it to him. I did so, and ho They and afScctSon,, ore what nien denirs ia Kot to Ihnmta Hart ' eil c to Dudley 4 p. 111. hard. remoiston them when they are hoc. 'fe tj vtland gain of 03S. The Dem- - at sent the following reply of my office governors; ouly through zat&ds Urn Ulm, wtxratwiiiw .creasing to General Harrison direct: hurried out required as food, and according to a monk their for cf tlieir vote in the eat. "Threo mornings afterward the mcmkig that character can Juyaco bo obtained. ture is certainly Democratic in New York, Nov. 7, :8S. mkstf who lived twelve years among them ono of Fr aMz tats WH prfc6 4,i,:ui papers told of a daring bank robbery m thrpe-qcartc- On of yajAthio There is positively nothing in it, our them would cat from o a account tbdr tiroescr tt&to tarn itstiM. kmt u( Main:, and tho description of ono of tho sus- always thmk tceniislvca rao.--al r" ins. La.. Nov. 7: The Renub-r-.tfe-no- w peuple are guarding the returns from pound to a pound and a quarter of this pecu- girls tt clAim the election of Kings county and other precincts and picious characters who had bean eecn in tho liar food in a day. Kupencr3 of boya, wfco tr oftoa finsubirly j nbltcanifor cooeress in the counties with .absolute vigilance. Fraud neighborhood of tho bank tallied with my . devoid of benevolence, ?cco!ly toward ths r.ctb tSW majority. i. bareiy possible, butwiirnot be permit- cheat. It struck mo very forcibly at first, i lower animals, Ssoma women Imagine, for TLavr Emigration. i , Nor. 7. Mr. Sherry, of the ted if the most perfecjt espionage by honest, but I scon Xorgot it. Threo months later I of this reason, that tbeir entire sax ! oomlfy A Good Key, Urn eat H ij t"i&2r ttr- - Connecticut gu'ei Cleveland lrave men can pieveut it. Tne state is otu... received a package from Australia by express Tto law of successful emigration Is: To tbs rnperiorof tho malt But a goodxnmy niMrt now our.--; latest returns sure to vou following was well ilmrrif eeieMk irtthnf n . :y, om an error m New Haven jve Tho story told by a fKX). With was leave a place wbero thero are too many hie 1 d-- , 15,000 pluiahty. any changed will be audit contained just it a wetnea learn to correct tils opinion. Ttare r paitpo. fmtham &ed M. v y it to Harrison, If it known member of our city police force, who 30 yourself, and go to a plaoo where ttzca persocs c more. W. W. Dudley. note which red: 'Here is your with in- pcrtmKila of morals which dejnd on tba j peeerr imemrimr tut. t'sf ton, W. Va., Nov. 7. No leturns vouches for its truth. Whether i: illustrates terest,' as yoa are ia Cesaad. lerr York Ledger. emotional nature women tro I Tfcons n 0m , c. 'vx or reliable information. New York, 4:25 p. m., Nov. 7. The Even- Eng- tis &cprrcr; vkk it;i.. j The the crookedness in pronunciation of the zny client cdvanc-in- g - j em T Jw , ntstote and county ing Post, from latest returns, places the "I havo not seen since fcr thosa which dspend en tho miJcnal na- prmf ticKet has lish (?) language, the stupidity of some of oar ' Ldsxr VsmM im Teetk'i Gempu 300a doubt, with probabi- - one next congress as follows: Senate, Demo- him the money, and I doubt whether I In Guilford, Cotm., till within a few years, tare man ii tho itricr. ITLen the LcJace citirensin tho matter of oncography cr a J e I tosecuting attorney. No deli crats 87, Republicans 39; house of repre would let him havo any mcro again, although tho Second Congreg&tiosai church had fa struck I can ko no inferioriry on either de- td f st ill be received before tomor- - sentatives, "Democrats 1G5, Republicans touch of mother wit, I have not fully tho rate of interest is good.' "ew York but tirwi pastors in its eatiro history Hoot, tide. Bnt tha quality of justice rcrnzixu wita 160. cided; still tho stcry is worth telling. The TTbcd Std;rl3 Omen3HMti ISSMhZ. Evening Sun. and Chipmao. the mala It 1 cm thi that men end vrcosa i is as, O., Nov. 7. Chairman Cap- Indianapolis, Nov. 7. The following aforesaid guardian of tho peace had arrested must alfks depend, end hence it is test TbQincnaw3aB7(oopler vtjch which U ! - ias tiie sua by 23.0CW HnrrJ-iorto- n. dispatch was received fiom Chicago: a TTcm of Hibernian extractor, and desiring 13 14 Is pceumd mfppad fc.S- for The qusclion is asked, why women always if is an unlucky number, lucky women so cften prefer to be judged bj sxa , The Democratic - Chicago. Nov. 7. to kxs name, following conver- occtdtijm Sa hb of & ciufcractrrtaUw ' hair- ascertain the exceptions) one. It's 4, 2 V . Bostoa Post. rather than by thtnr own .ex. Profewsr "EL - uo claim. In con-- To Hod. Betijnml:i Harrison, Indianapolis, Im!. (with exceedingly rare button tfcne Kag&ad. " k regard to i sation ensued: QScer " What is your D. Cop sa Popular Science ilcnthly. tn Tbe txmatry to fail 1 to and men from jeft to a there seems to be lo riange "Congratulations upon your election. canoP Prisonsr "Foley." "FceleyP "Yis, from right left, "casioaef tin&w, of wfaeat st iatwefT'i j early , Change yourself and foramo win change eTSBortsent this m ..i. Chicago is proud of the fact that, her great sor." "How do you spell "Share, an' rirh- - ' refoUMtHa tbs uzzxtvt tbe "Eaounc Tr.s : ?Y'bliejns gain t c ngrt i., n. was dedicated by nomina- itr nith you. Pcrtcgucsa Proverb. - auditorium the it's enough to spill Faley.'' Well, how .Sfceeuew-Ro- v u tl 0 lent' tion of our country's next president." aisy There is no known antidote frr chlorate of An Indian G TTdl. do you spall "Shure, army wan ortcr 1 fAahzt EsTpftteo ead Ke - MB are t ltP potasb pozsoaing. Prominent Clergymen, Physicians, and iKa r!t tn tj 7rA4rL " orio. Mtu n .rds t'ie San Francisco. Nov. 7. The returns f.n.if fc ,133?&!. faR.T . - . rr know bow to spill Faley." "Will you tell me if rl ltw edffl rwc tht i n. do not that throughout-Californi- a are cocnug.in very all classes cf citizen? are unanimous ia the fscld S " c how you spell said th officer rather aioment. n great fotv.?lvmlLefftal. Tbctmta 1L Tkecfckct oi. ttm an&mtir' terflrjRpnp u aim mat tte Ke owl i nd as there are .no complete city or UP OfXo endorsement of fcalvation uii, It is less SCO feet docp, tsd two fkuss?, . - ma n t '" core for Price only 23 j T, ZZ are ixvvMtfa&toiL ti uis b.. of codi tv returns, no Imsit of comparison sharply. "J:it tho common wty, shure, P Anxious ilothcv il-- dear, little Diet ka Rheumatism tenia fTX tJi "Ik t ireaJt wyHenrs 1 utti-xj.- 3 j tb S4 hrutch tj hairch c 0 c - haitch a bottle. At attUrte;KlS&. Ik of obKocte tretfc sjh tfee j"3tan the vote of is possible. The been fighting again. Cat I tsoij 1.2 VI Nv. 7. StrVtn and Democratic Bostoa Budget "Sauntcrc:.0' Youne ladies on trt of marriage, f Cer. Un' 'i, suite committees jr Husband He ha5, eh! TVhera's that t- - ! " f&KzSen teany. lUu ! I.1 li-.- now diirnent," which fo'cts 3 state, the former by from sup- rive "solnttr Jeusuii. -- 'lukiitue witckl Got hia ficeHjcratched up, I j female fnend-- only Tbev ? A level . o Thi am. it XMo"..n while the Democrats contend i are Prir &zrtl. - i r- r pose! j are allowed tq every thing, and , Ger-- i.-- 1.0". .1. C t pnslential ticket The la IJarcsactenr. tlk of Etanna Brathcrt. of 2"eunkirc&en, "K-o.- -' --... ,- -, -r v LtRc, ol ?,05o j will hw majority 3,000. JneverfanirttnentioDthennmercttscnrativei . v, - -t- trf 2JV tnr ,:.,i ,an r of 2,u3 to The LenpfiK ttt Vr- - . , j- - 2iIentnJJttaKiearwf7ee&sau - , J Tho latest thing in barometers liss three ;!!" rVi,h it- 4V city oi :5co has boea carried by. "Clothes tora.j2ay,ber 1 bsss means o: prcvenans wo insjuaaon witnnd afihir m. ,.-TT. T "ijXr.Ci;rr- -: 1 cf esrie&lae1BC ycri a Re-- . j lie Demot little laiuiscspes represeatmg a storznr, a Uisa. wsa vU..- ,... rr-i-- -- i- -i- - Sa tomple givs net ra's. . "Xq, ha didn't .get hurt this It luuiiu.f" okb,u:uju.u, "!(i uwh krj rj " T awi '(- cf rates, wrt MeC As te U on(a$jred c . fairtada-inalilssiy- or and sore throat. r 20 iu Ow.'n nnty ; Xwork Nov T TheiSveninc WoSd Tho rise faiicf ths other boy tkaigcs.hartJ' sJag. c.ni r - ' - 1 r t. tl ir;i- ivi- t n a .e extr .. tesCSidrman Urice, ot tho njercary causa thin mica plate to coTer TTell, DisagTeable Sow - "OhI bojsrfa(tboy4nydr. from thenos Andothr t . o i h 1 or pictures, with ixSi v"'n..ut .it.ti.nl oommttrceiis reveal thess in acordasv Is read PfcilsdlT4hia BconL ymptotng of catarrh, cortd by HoodsA a3 X every . spjar P ! ?f be is Sbeartadsdferw. --Cur .. v. ar i viigsa:i . c needs jiothiuir. and tho mdfcatfccs. Cfciexrco-Hcrah- j SarsapariHa. of takirln Csic2r

-- wH,'. - .&- - -- .P-.-Afgr- - if-, t$i-- ,. .Ik. - T- - X' SSfcfJ.ty. - - vt V