


I. From the Text

1. What are the four expressions of Geulah (Redemption) in which Hashem describes the progressive stages of redemption? (6:6,7)

2. Hashem gave Bnei Yisrael two gifts as a Morashah (Heritage). What are they? (Shemot 6:8 and 33:4)

3. Who threw his staff before to turn it into a snake? (7:10)

4. What did the Egyptians drink for seven days when all the water was changed into blood? (7:24)

5. How many plagues are in this parsha? Name them.

II. From

6. Why did Pharaoh go to the River each morning? (7:15)

7. Why did Hashem smite the Nile River? (7:17)

8. Why did Moshe NOT bring the third Plague (Lice or Gnats: Kinim)? (8:12)

9. Why did Hashem “remove” the wild beasts and not kill them as He did with the frogs? (8:27)

10. What “miracle within a miracle” occurred in the Plague of Hail? (9:24)

III. From the

11. How did Moshe develop a speech impediment?

12. How could Pharaoh be punished for not releasing the if God hardened his heart and prevented him from doing so? (Rambam and Ramban)

13. If an Egyptian was visiting in Goshen during the Hail, would he be protected? (9:26)

IV. Haftorah. . Rosh Chodesh

14. On what 2 days will the people pay homage to Hashem?

V. Relationships a) Esav – Timna b) Haran – Yitzchak (2 answers) c) Calev – Elisheva d) Aharon – Uri e) Merari – (2 answers)


1. VHOTZEITI – I Shall Take You Out (Hashem will remove the burden of slavery). V’HITZALTI – I Shall Rescue You (Hashem will take the Jews out of Egypt). V’G’ALTI – I Shall Redeem You (this refers to the Splitting of the Sea et al). V’LAKACHTI – I Shall Take You (Hashem will take the Jews as His people).

2. The and Eretz Yisrael.

3. Aharon.

4. They dug wells near the Nile.

5. Seven: Blood, Frogs, Lice, Wild Beasts, Epidemic, Boils, and Hail.

6. Since Pharaoh proclaimed himself to be a god, who had no need to perform bodily functions, he would go to the Nile each morning to relieve himself unobserved.

7. Hashem wanted to afflict the deity to whom the Egyptians prayed.

8. Moshe was not allowed to smite the earth since the earth concealed the body of the Egyptian whom Moshe killed.

9. Hashem did not want the Egyptians to gain benefit from the hides of the animals.

10. There was fire inside the hail; fire and water made peace with one another to serve God.

11. You know this story. As a baby, hot coal and the king’s crown were placed in front of Moshe. With an ’s help Moshe touched the hot coal and then his mouth, burning his mouth …..

12. The punishment was for the cruel persecution of the Jews which was done of his own free will.

13. Yes.

14. On every Rosh Chodesh and every .

Relationships: a) Father-in-law Esav b) Uncle Haran; and grandfather Haran c) Brother-in-law Calev d) Great-uncle Aharon e) Brother-in-law and Uncle Merari