Core Text:Torah- Shemot 2: The Book of Exodus from Sinai to Mishkan RB-BIBLE-413, Spring 2019 Instructor: Contact: Rachel Adelman, Ph.D. E-Mail:
[email protected] Hebrew University of Jerusalem Office: Room 216 Assistant Professor in Hebrew Bible Hours: Monday 9 - 11 a.m., at Hebrew College or by appointment at other times. Phone: 617-955-7122 Class: Wednesdays 2-3:30 pm; Fridays 11:30 am – 1:00 pm. Beit Midrash Preparation: Wednesdays 9:45-12:30; Fridays 9-11 am. Course Description From Sinai to the consecration of the Mishkan (Tabernacle), this course engages in a deep reading of the narrative and legal sections in the book of Shemot following the redemption of Israel from slavery. We will focus on the main events in the wilderness: the theophany at Sinai, the Sin of the Golden calf, and the building of the Tabernacle. We will draw upon interpretations primarily from classic rabbinic midrash and Medieval commentaries: the Mekhilta, Rashi, Ramban, and Ibn Ezra. We will also engage in a reading of the Revelation at Sinai through the lens of modern biblical criticism (the documentary hypothesis: E, J, P, D, and even R). Requirements: Bereshit RB-Bible 100 and RB-Bible 101 and Shemot, RB-Bible 200 (or instructor approval). Goals of the Course: Reinforce text reading skills of the Humash in the original Hebrew, by reviewing some salient features of Biblical Hebrew phonology, morphology, and syntax, and through the usage of the concordance, B.D.B., and grammar resources. Review critical approaches to biblical scholarship: Source Criticism (the Documentary Hypothesis), textual criticism, and form criticism.