

Physics : , Observations and Techniques

van der Kruit, Pieter C. Pioneer of Galactic Astronomy: A Biography of Jacobus C. Kapteyn

A fascinating biography of Jacobus C. Kapteyn who pioneered the study of the structure of the culminating a century later with the GAIA satellite Weaves astronomy basics and modern astronomical pictures into the historical plot Tells the story how Kapteyn pioneered the concept of an astronomical laboratory and became one of the leading of his time worldwide Written for a general audience by an who has been an active Springer researcher in the field of Kapteyn 1st ed. 2021, XXI, 305 p. This non-technical biography of Jacobus Cornelius Kapteyn (1851-1922) presents to the 1st 154 illus., 88 illus. in color. edition general reader the scientific life of the astronomer who pioneered the studies of the structure of the Milky Way . In telling Kapteyn’s story the author weaves in astronomy basics and uses modern astronomical images to show the developments of astronomical research from Kapteyn’s times to the present. In particular the study of the distribution of stars in space has Printed book now culminated with spectacular new insights coming from the astrometric satellite GAIA, Hardcover which is receiving much public attention today. The biography shows how Kapteyn’s ideas Printed book influenced prominent astronomers worldwide. He is prominent as designer of the Kapteyn Hardcover Universe, the alternative to the large system found by Harlow Shapley. He is the discoverer of ISBN 978-3-030-55422-4 Kapteyn’s Star, still the second fastest moving star in the sky, which is now one of the nearest £ 27,99 | CHF 39,00 | 32,99 € | stars with a planet in the habitable zone. This fascinating hybrid of astronomy history and 36,29 € (A) | 35,30 € (D) popular astronomy tells the story of the astronomy professor without an observatory who founded the first astronomical laboratory specializing in measuring photographic plates Available exposed elsewhere. Discount group Springer Trade (T) Order online at springer.com/booksellers Product category Springer Nature Customer Service Center GmbH Biography Customer Service Series Tiergartenstrasse 15-17 Springer Biographies 69121 Heidelberg Germany T: +49 (0)6221 345-4301 [email protected]

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ISBN 978-3-030-55422-4 / BIC: PG / SPRINGER NATURE: SCP22014 Part of