HIS 343L - History of Russia to 1917 Unique 39505 REE 335 Unique 44560 Fall 2017 T Th 2-3:30 JGB 2.216 Flag: Global Studies Prof. Joan Neuberger OfFice: GAR 2.102 OfFice Hours: WED 1-3 & by appointment
[email protected] TA: Peter Worger Location: TBA
[email protected] OfFice Hours T 1-2 & Th 4-5 The modern Russian Empire was both authoritarian and revolutionary. It was both a nation state and an empire that covered one-sixth oF the world’s land mass. Politically dominated by Russia and Russians, its population was a diverse mix oF ethnicities, religions, classes, cultures, and environmental topographies. In 1917, the Russian Revolution changed the world and set the political agenda For the entire 20th century and beyond. In this course, we will examine Fundamental issues regarding political, social, cultural life in the modern Russian Empire during the reign oF the Romanov dynasty From 1613 to 1917. We will approach this material in three diFFerent ways: • as a history of the state and state-building • as a history of empire, with a Focus on Crimea as an occasional case study • as a history of culture, with a Focus on painting and architecture Required readings include: Lindsey Hughes, The Romanovs: Ruling Russia, 1613-1917 Valerie A. Kivelson and Ronald Grigor Suny, Russia’s Empires Gary Marker and Rachel May, transl. and eds., Days of a Russian Noblewoman: The Memories of Anna Labzina, 1758-1821 B. Engel & C. Rosenthal, eds., Five Sisters: Women Against the Tsar Sean’s Russia Blog (podcast seansrussiablog.org), selected episodes * W.