Clays and Clay Minerals, Vol. 65, No. 3, 167–182, 2017.

1 1 2 2 3 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY AND THE UNFROZEN WATER CONTENTS OF 3 4 DEPOSITS IN COLD CLIMATE CONDITIONS: A REVIEW 4 5 5 6 6 7 E LENA K UZNETSOVA 7 8 Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway 8 9 9 10 10 Abstract—Layers of volcanic ash and Andosol soils derived from the ash may play an important role in 11 11 preserving snow and ice as well as in the development of permafrost conditions in (a) the immediate 12 vicinity of volcanoes at high elevations or at high latitudes and (b) land areas that are often distant from 12 13 volcanic activity and are either prone to permafrost or covered by snow and ice, but have been affected by 13 14 subaerial ash deposition. The special properties of volcanic ash are critically reviewed, particularly in 14 15 relation to recent research in Kamchatka in the Far East of Russia. Of special importance are the thermal 15 16 properties, the unfrozen water contents of ash layers, and the rate of volcanic glass weathering. Weathering 16 of volcanic glass results in the development of amorphous clay minerals (e.g. allophane, opal, palagonite), 17 17 but occurs at a much slower rate under cold compared to warm climate conditions. Existing data reveal 18 (1) a strong correlation between the thermal conductivity, the water/ice content, and the mineralogy of the 18 19 weathered part of the volcanic ash, (2) that an increase in the amounts of amorphous clay minerals 19 20 (allophane, palagonite) increases the proportion of unfrozen water and decreases the thermal conductivity, 20 21 and (3) that amorphous silica does not alter to halloysite or other clay minerals, even in the Early 21 22 Pleistocene age (Kamchatka) volcanic ashes or in the Miocene and Pliocene deposits of Antarctica due to 22 the cold temperatures. The significance of these findings are discussed in relation to past climate 23 23 reconstruction and the influence of volcanic ash on permafrost aggradation and degradation, snow and ice 24 ablation, and the development of . 24 25 Key Words—Allophane, Amorphous Clay, Climate Change, Cold Climate, Opal, Palagonite, 25 26 Permafrost, Thermal Conductivity, Unfrozen Water, Volcanic Ash. 26 27 27 28 INTRODUCTION 28 29 properties of volcanic glass as well as the different 29 30 Volcanic ash is associated with a considerable climatic conditions. For example, even for the same 30 31 proportion of the Earth’s land surface. At the same region of Kamchatka in eastern Russia, the volcanic ash 31 32 time, an estimated 15% of the land surface is affected by may not only have different ages and the glass different 32 33 permafrost and glacial ice. Consequently, volcanic ash chemical compositions, but also different weathering 33 34 may play an important role in the aggradation and stages, mineralogical compositions, and degrees of water 34 35 degradation of cold regions (Kellerer-Pirklbauer et al., saturation. These ashes may be permanently frozen or 35 36 2007; Froese et al., 2008). An understanding of the unfrozen and all of these characteristics may affect the 36 37 influence of volcanic ash on these frozen areas will thermal properties (Braitseva et al., 1997; Ponomareva 37 38 allow for a more accurate prediction of the stability of et al., 2007; Kuznetsova, 2011; Kuznetsova et al., 2011, 38 39 cold areas in the future and provide a better under- 2013; Kyle et al., 2011; Kuzentsova and Motenko, 39 40 standing of the factors that affect past climates, soils, 2014). These differences may be why the critical 40 41 and soil stability. Vital to making accurate predictions is thickness of tephra on the top of glaciers may act to 41 42 an understanding of the thermal properties of volcanic either insulate or enable the ablation of different 42 43 ash, which are thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, volcanoes. The measured critical tephra thickness values 43 44 and heat capacity (Juen et al., 2013). The available ranged from 24 mm for the glaciers at Mt. St. Helens, 44 45 measurements on the thermal properties of various types USA, (Driedger, 1980) and for the tephra that erupted in 45 46 of volcanic ash in different geographic and climatic 1996 at Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand, (Manville et al., 46 47 settings is limited and this means that inappropriate 2000) to <5.5 mm for the tephra from the 1947 eruption 47 48 assumptions are being used and empirical comparisons of the Hekla , Iceland, (Kirkbride and Dugmore, 48 49 are currently being made using insufficiently ‘represen- 2003) and the tephra from the Villarica volcano in 49 50 tative’ natural soils. Such empirical comparisons can be (Brock et al., 2007). The reasons for this disparity in 50 51 seriously misleading because the comparisons do not critical tephra thicknesses are unknown. Ayris and 51 52 take into account the unique mineralogical and chemical Delmelle (2012) assumed that the particle size and 52 53 porosity of the tephra might be the reason. Taking into 53 54 consideration that the tephra cover on glaciers is wet 54 55 * E-mail address of corresponding author: during periods of ablation, the thermal conductivity (l) 55 56 [email protected] of this material should not be overlooked. For most 56 57 DOI: 10.1346/CCMN.2017.064057 models, the dry thermal conductivity of tephra is used 57 168 Kuznetsova Clays and Clay Minerals

1 (Brock et al., 2007). For the same degree of saturation, 1992; Schoerberl et al., 1993; Langmann, 2014). Despite 1 2 the l values can vary by a factor of 2À3(Kuznetsovaet active volcanism, permafrost (i.e. ground that remains at 2 o 3 al., 2012; Kuznetsova and Motenko, 2012). The or below 0 C for 2 or more years) and glaciers often 3 4 unfrozen water content is of particular importance in exist on the slopes of high elevation or high latitude 4 5 understanding the thermal and mechanical behavior of volcanoes (Kellerer-Pirklbauer et al., 2007). Examples 5 6 frozen soils at temperatures near the melting point. of the coexistence of volcanism, permafrost, and glaciers 6 7 Unfrozen water exists naturally in silts and clays, but is are known from (Liaudat et al., 2014), Chile 7 8 absent in sands and granular soils (Ershov et al., 1978; (Brock et al., 2007; Reid and Brock, 2010), Hawaii 8 9 Andersland and Ladanyi, 2004; Yershov and Williams, (Woodcock, 1974), Iceland (Etzelmu¨ller et al., 2007), 9 10 2004). In interlayers, the unfrozen water between Kamchatka (Ba¨umler, 2003; Abramov et al., 2008), 10 11 ice and mineral particles can act as a lubricant to modify Mexico (Palacios et al., 2007), New Zealand (Manville 11 12 the stress transfer between ice-particle and particle- et al., 2000), North America (Froese et al., 2008), and 12 13 particle contacts by relaxing the interactions between the Antarctica (Gow and Williamson, 1971). 13 14 particles and the ice (Moore, 2014). In permafrost areas, Extraterrestrially, Mars has an average surface tempera- 14 o 15 unfrozen water controls ice segregation processes at ture of -63 C, ice caps, and permafrost conditions that 15 16 freezing temperatures, which are responsible for frost cover more than half of the surface, but Mars is covered 16 17 heaving in soils and rock disintegration mechanisms by rocks of volcanic origin and other evidence of 17 18 (Ershov et al., 1978; Andersland and Ladanyi, 2004; volcanism (Allen et al., 1981; Carr, 2007). Volcanic 18 19 Yershov and Williams, 2004; French, 2013). The present eruptions are one of the major causes of ice and snow 19 20 review summarizes existing data regarding: (1) the burial in volcanic areas. This has been demonstrated on 20 21 thermal properties and unfrozen water contents of frozen volcanoes in Iceland, the USA, New Zealand, and Chile, 21 22 volcanic ash and cinders, (2) the effects of cold where the combination of a climate favorable to 22 23 temperatures on the weathering processes of volcanic permafrost and a thin tephra layer (with a low thermal 23 24 glass, and (3) the relationships between frozen volcanic conductivity) is sufficient to reduce snow ablation in the 24 25 deposit mineralogy and the thermal properties. This layer beneath the tephra and to cause substantial ground 25 26 review is based on published data from studies in ice formation and permafrost aggradation (Gow and 26 27 Kamchatka, Eastern Russia, where investigations con- Williamson, 1971; Driedger, 1980; Major and Newhall, 27 28 sidered the effects of climate change on permafrost and 1989; Kirkbride and Dugmore, 2003; Kellerer- 28 29 theresponseofglaciers,theproperties of volcanic soils Pirklbauer et al., 2007; Reid and Brock, 2010; Liaudat 29 30 in cold regions, and numerical modelling of glaciers and et al., 2014). Properties of volcanic ash and pumice, as 30 31 permafrost thermal behavior (Kellerer-Pirklbauer et al., well as volcanic soils, have been widely investigated due 31 32 2007; Abramov et al., 2008; Ayris and Delmelle, 2012; to the unique properties. Paleoscientists and tephrochro- 32 33 Juen et al., 2013; Kuznetsova and Motenko, 2014; nologists use volcanic ash as a tool for linking and 33 34 Langmann, 2014). dating geological, paleoecological, paleoclimatic, and 34 35 archaeological sequences or events (Braitseva et al., 35 36 MATERIALS AND METHODS 1993; Marchant et al., 1996; Ponomareva et al., 2007; 36 37 Lowe, 2010, 2011; Jaramillo et al., 2015). Soil scientists 37 38 Materials are concerned with the unique physical, chemical, and 38 39 The majority of the World’s volcanoes are within the mineralogical properties of soils formed on volcanic ash 39 40 active subduction zones of oceanic and continental (or Andisols) with respect to the high permeability, 40 41 plates. The geographic spread of volcanic ash and organic matter, secondary minerals, and high specific 41 42 pumice deposits derived from areas of active and surface areas as well as other aspects (Nanzyo, 2002; 42 43 recently extinct volcanoes occurs where climates can Karpachevskii et al., 2009; Shoba and Ivanov, 2011). In 43 44 range from cold-humid temperate to the humid to semi- cold environments, volcanic ash is an important factor in 44 45 arid tropics, and elevations can range from deep ocean (1) processes that influence permafrost aggradation and 45 46 bottoms to high altitude mountains (Wada, 1987; Neall, degradation of the carbon in peat accumulations and 46 47 2006). The distribution of tephra (i.e. volcanic ejecta) (2) volcanic ash use as a chronological marker in studies 47 48 from a particular volcanic eruption depends on the force of rock glaciers, glacial moraines, glacier fluctuations, 48 49 and the dominant wind direction at the time. Before moraine development, and glaciofluvial deposition 49 50 deposition, fine-grained tephra can travel hundreds of (Denton and Karle´n, 1977; Driedger, 1980; Robinson 50 51 kilometers. Volcanic gases and the particles from the and Moore, 2000; Ba¨umler, 2003; Froese et al., 2008). 51 52 eruptions produced by high latitude volcanoes may The influence of tephra is important to snow and ice 52 53 quickly encompass the poles due to a shorter pathway ablation, permafrost aggradation, and the energy balance 53 54 and a higher wind speed. For example, volcanic at the glacierÀatmosphere interface (Greuell and 54 55 emissions from Mt. Hudson and Puyehue-Cordon Oerlemans, 1986; Manville et al., 2000; Hock, 2005; 55 56 Caulle, Chile, or from Kasatochi, Alaska, were trans- Brock et al., 2007; Kellerer-Pirklbauer et al., 2007; 56 57 ported around the pole within 10À14 days (Barton et al., Pellicciotti et al., 2009; Richardson and Brock, 2010; 57 Vol. 65, No. 3, 2017 Volcanic ash deposits in cold climates: A review 169

1 Juen et al., 2013; Mo¨ller et al., 2016). Terrestrial addition, the thermal properties of volcanic ash soils is 1 2 volcanoes in permafrost areas provide analogous infor- very different from other soils (Kasubuchi, 1975). 2 3 mation that can be used to develop volcanic permafrost Amorphous volcanic glass develops from a very viscous, 3 4 models for Mars (Anderson et al., 1967; Allen et al., undercooled solid solution, in which the arrangements of 4 5 1981; Arvidson et al., 2004; Squyres et al., 2006; atoms or groups of atoms appears to be random as in 5 6 Demidov and Gilichinsky, 2009). liquids. The dispersion of heat waves in the random 6 7 atomic network of volcanic glass proceeds more inten- 7 8 Methods sively than in crystalline atomic networks and consider- 8 9 Many authors (Ershov et al., 1978; Farouki, 1981a; ably reduces the thermal conductivity (l) (Chudnovsky, 9 10 Smith and Tice, 1988) presented reviews of the existing 1962). The angular particle shapes, higher porosities, and 10 11 test methods to determine the thermal properties of soils greater unfrozen water contents of volcanic ash also 11 12 and unfrozen water. Most common methods to measure contribute to the lower thermal conductivity compared to 12 13 the unfrozen water contents of frozen volcanic soils sedimentary sands with the same grain size (Bovesecchi 13 14 include nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) (Tice et al., and Coppa, 2013; Kuznetsova and Motenko, 2014). For 14 15 1978), time domain reflectometry (TDR) (Smith and the same degree of saturation (Sr), the thermal conductiv- 15 16 Tice, 1988), contact methods, and cryoscopic methods ities of sedimentary sands can be larger than volcanic ash 16 17 (Ershov et al., 1978) The most common methods to byafactorof2À3. For example, the thermal conductivity 17 18 measure thermal properties include the thermal probe of volcanic ash with Sr = 0.8 in the frozen state can be 18 19 method (Conner et al., 1997) and the thermal regular 0.8À1.2 W/(m·K) and 1.8À2.8 W/(m·K) for quartz sand 19 20 regime method (Dulnev, 1960; Yershov and Williams, (Figure 1) (Ershov and Motenko, 2001; Kuznetsova et al., 20 21 2004). 2012). Results indicated that volcanic glass composition 21 22 andsecondarymineralsaffect the thermal properties of 22 23 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION volcanic soils, especially in the frozen state. Thus, the 23 24 thermal conductivities and thermal diffusivities of ash 24 25 Thermal conductivity of volcanic ash samples with rhyolitic glass (line 5, Figure 1) were higher 25 26 An analysis of heat transfer and frost action in soils than for ash samples with andesitic and basaltic glass 26 27 with a pyroclastic cover requires a knowledge of the (line 6, Figure 1). Most published data on the thermal 27 28 thermal properties of each layer. Thermal conductivity is properties of volcanic ash and pumice, as well as volcanic 28 29 a key input parameter in heat transfer modelling and soils, are for dry samples and do not show the variations 29 30 indicates the ability of the material to transmit heat. Heat in soil mineralogy, chemical composition, water content, 30 31 capacity is the ability of soils to retain heat. Thermal 31 32 diffusivity, the quotient of thermal conductivity and heat 32 33 capacity per unit volume, is usually used to calculate the 33 34 time required to initially freeze an unfrozen soil. A 34 35 comprehensive review of thermal properties with an 35 36 emphasis on the factors that influence soil thermal 36 37 conductivity was presented by Farouki (1981b). The 37 38 thermal properties of a soil are strongly influenced by the 38 39 density and the water content, particularly because of the 39 40 contrasting properties of these basic components. For 40 41 instance, the thermal conductivities of solid mineral 41 42 particles generally varies from 1 to 8 W/(m·K). Quartz 42 43 has a thermal conductivity of about 8 W/(m·K), while 43 44 other minerals, such as feldspars and micas, have thermal 44 45 conductivities of around 2 W/(m·K). In addition to grain 45 46 mineralogy, texture also must be considered. For example, 46 47 the thermal conductivities of soils with the same water 47 48 contents and dry densities that contain solids with 48 49 different thermal conductivities (2 and 8 W/(m·K)) can 49 50 differ by a factor of 2.5 (Johansen, 1977). Most methods 50 51 to predict soil thermal conductivity are based on the 51 52 degree of saturation, dry density, and/or the thermal Figure 1. The dependence of the thermal conductivity in the 52 53 conductivity of the solid particles (Kersten, 1949; van frozen state (lf) on the degree of saturation (Sr) for the following 53 deposits: 1 À a0.25À0.65 mm quartz sand, 2 À afinequartz 54 Rooyen and Winterkorn, 1957). Due to the presence of 54 sand, 3 À a0.1À0.5 mm polymineral sand, 4 À afine 55 amorphous phases in volcanic soils, such as volcanic glass polymineral sand, 5 À a volcanic ash with rhyolitic glass, and 55 56 and clay minerals, the use of these models to calculate the 6 À a volcanic ash with basaltic glass. 1À4 data from Department 56 57 thermal conductivity of volcanic ash is difficult. In of Geocryology, Moscow State University, Russia. 57 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 Kuznetsova 170

Table 1. Selected characteristics of volcanic materials from cold volcanic regions.

Area Additional parameters l, W/(m·K) a610À6 ,m2/sec C, J/(kg·K) Literature reference

Volcanic soil Memuro (Japan) W =0% 0.14 -* -* (Clark, 1966) W = 20% 0.26 W = 40% 0.42 W = 60% 0.61 W = 80% 0.64 Allophanic soils Japan W = 30À33% 0.5À0.7 -* -* (Maeda et al., 1977) Piece of pumice Kamchatka Glass = const (85%), -* -* (Nasedkin et al., 1987) p=2840 kg/m3, n =0 0.92 p = 2400 kg/m3, n = 0.15 0.66 p=1400 kg/m3, n = 0.50 0.31 p = 600 kg/m3, 0.13 n = 0.80 Basaltic cinder Kamchatka W = 0% 0.21 -* -* (Connor et al., 1997) and scoria Allophanic soils Chile W =30À33% 0.84À0.94 -* -* (Antile´n et al., 2003) Volcanic ash soil Columbia W = 115% n = 0.13 0.71 -* -* (Yun and Santamarina, 2005; Herrera et al., 2007) Volcanic tephra volcano (Chile) W = 0% 0.35 -* -* (Brock et al., 2007; Reid and Brock, 2010) Volcanic tephra Kamchatka, -* 0.28À0.93 -* 625À1839 (Kiryukhin et al., 2013) Mutnovsky geothermal field Basaltic tephra Etna volcano (Italy) -* 0.6 (0.25À0.54) -* -* (Juen et al., 2013) Pozzolanic soil Lazio, Italy -* 0.14 À 0.18** -* -* (Bovesecchi and Coppa, based on volcanic 0.15 À 0.31*** 2013) ash Volcanic ash and Kluchevskaya volcano group, W =10À 80% 0.3 À 1.0** 0.12 À 0.4** 1000 À 2300** (Kuznetsova, 2011; Kuznet- 3 cinder (scoria) Kamchatka pd = 0.7 À 1.65 g/cm 0.41 À 1.3*** 0.13 À 0.7*** 800 À 1500*** sova et al., 2012; Kuznetsova et al., 2013) Volcanic tephra Grı´msvo¨tn volcano, Iceland -* 0.104 -* -* (Mo¨ller et al., 2016) (1À2 and 2À4 ly n lyMinerals Clay and Clays mm)

Notes: À* - not specified; 0.4** À in thawed state; 0.7*** À in frozen state; W À water content, n À porosity, p À density, pd À dry density, l À thermal conductivity, a À thermal diffusivity, C À heat capacity. 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Vol. 65, No. 3, 2017 Volcanic ash deposits in cold climates: A review 171

1 or dry density (Table 1). Values for l range from important. Increasing the value of Sr leadstoanincrease 1 2 0.10À1.3 W/(m·K). The thermal conductivity of a single in thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity in both 2 3 piece of pumice depends on the sample density and unfrozen and frozen materials due to the replacement of 3 4 porosity (Nasedkin et al., 1987). With a constant glass low conductivity air with more conductive water and/or 4 5 content, increasing the porosity by a factor of 5 leads to a ice in the pores (Figure 2). A void ratio (e) increase leads 5 6 five-fold decrease in the thermal conductivity. Highly to a decrease in the thermal conductivity. A two-fold 6 7 porous volcanic materials can protect the ice from melting increase in the Sr value for a material with the same 7 8 much more effectively than a less porous, mica schist porosity, however, leads to a two-fold increase in the 8 9 layer of similar thickness (Juen et al., 2013). A four-fold thermal conductivity (Figure 3) (Kuznetsova et al., 2012; 9 10 increase in the water content increased the thermal Kuznetsova and Montenko, 2012). 10 11 conductivity of a volcanic ash and volcanic soil by a 11 12 factor of 2 to 2.5 (Clark, 1966; Kuznetsova et al., 2012; Unfrozen water content 12 13 Kuznetsova and Motenko, 2012). The maximum water The engineering properties of frozen soils are 13 o o 14 content, however, does not necessarily lead to maximum temperature dependent between 0 CtoÀ10 C, which 14 15 thermal conductivity. Laboratory studies showed that the is the temperature range where the phase composition of 15 16 thermal conductivity of an ash sample with a water water (ice, water, and vapor) changes appreciably. All 16 3 17 content of W = 80% and a dry density of rd =0.9g/cm thermophysical processes in freezing and frozen soils are 17 18 might be lower than a sample with W = 20% and rd = connected to some extent with the unfrozen water 18 3 19 1.6À1.7 g/cm due to the chemical composition, volcanic content. The effect of temperature on thermophysical 19 20 ash weathering processes, and the unfrozen water processes is greater in soil types that contain large 20 21 (Motenko and Kuznetsova, 2011; Kuznetsova et al., quantities of unfrozen water. Unfrozen water contents 21 22 2013). The mass heat capacities (Cm) of volcanic increase as particle size decreases, giving the order sand 22 23 materials were found to be quite low in comparison to < silt < clay. The presence of unfrozen water in frozen 23 24 traditional soils. Under dry conditions, Cm ranged from soils is an integral part of frost heave theory, permafrost 24 25 625 to 840 J/(kg·K), under wet and frozen conditions Cm studies,andfrozengroundengineering(Anderslandand 25 26 increased up to 1500 J/(kg·K), and under thawed and wet Ladanyi, 2004). Unfrozen water was first identified by 26 27 conditions Cm increasedupto2300J/(kg·K).Forthewet Bouyoucos (1917, 1921) and numerous different meth- 27 28 samples from Kamchatka, the thermal diffusivity varied ods have been used since then to measure unfrozen water 28 À6 29 between 0.12À0.40610 in the thawed state and (Williams, 1964; Low et al., 1968a, 1968b; Ershov et al., 29 6 2 30 0.13À0.70610À m /sec in the frozen state (see 1978; Tice et al., 1981; Smith and Tice, 1988; 30 31 Table 1). Several models have been developed to estimate Yoshikawa and Overduin, 2005). Various empirical 31 32 the effect of porosity variations on the thermal con- correlations of the unfrozen water content in wet soils 32 33 ductivity and each of the models make different assump- with specific surface area, temperature, and soil physical 33 34 tions about particle shape. One of the challenges in the properties have been reported in the literature (Fukuo 34 35 use of these models is that the fragments of the ash and and Ariga, 1967; Low et al., 1968a, 1968b; Nakano and 35 36 pumice (scoria) are angular rather than spherical as is Brown, 1971; Anderson and Tice, 1973; Tice et al., 36 37 assumed in some models (Brailsford and Major, 1964). 1978; Lunardini, 1981; Civan, 2000; Yoskikawa and 37 38 Heat flow in scoria is due both to conduction through the Overduin, 2005). Similar films of unfrozen water may 38 39 solids and to convection by water or air in the pore spaces. play an important role in surface weathering of Martian 39 40 Heat conduction by water through the pore system in rocks (Anderson et al., 1967). The presence of unfrozen 40 41 scoria, however, is a relatively minor factor in comparison water films is an important factor in weakening rock/ice 41 42 to convection (Conner et al.,1997).Thedegreeof mixtures for a subtle climate sensitivity (Moore, 2014). 42 43 saturation (Sr) is the generalized parameter used to Numerous investigations have demonstrated that in 43 44 interpret the thermal conductivity properties of deposits addition to external influences, such as temperature, the 44 45 that have the same grain size distributions and is affected main factors that determine the unfrozen water contents 45 46 by water content, ice content, density, and porosity. The of frozen soils are: a) the specific surface areas of the 46 47 degree of saturation is calculated using the formula Sr = solid phases in the soil systems, b) the chemical and 47 48 W·rs/(e·rw) for unfrozen samples and the formula Sr = mineralogical compositions of the soils, c) the nature of 48 49 (1,1Wic +Ww)·rs/(e·rw) for frozen samples, where Wic is the exchange cations, and d) the contents and composi- 49 50 the ice content, Ww is the unfrozen water content at a tions of water soluble compounds (Nersesova and 50 51 particular temperature, e is the void ratio defined as e = Tsytovich, 1963; Yershov and Williams, 2004). Data 51 3 52 (rs-rd)/rd, rs is the density of solid particles in g/cm , rd on the unfrozen water contents of frozen volcanic ash 52 3 53 is the dry density in g/cm ,andrw is the water density of soils are published infrequently. Anderson and Tice 53 3 54 1g/cm (GOST25100-95, 1995; Andersand and Ladanyi, (1973) and Smith and Tice (1988) mentioned volcanic 54 55 2004; Trofinov et al., 2005). Heat flow in volcanic ash ash soils among 17 other soils and showed a relationship 55 56 takes place mostly by conduction because the particle size between the dielectric constants and the volumetric 56 57 is smaller than scoria and the water content becomes unfrozen water contents. Akagawa and Fukuda (1991) 57 172 Kuznetsova Clays and Clay Minerals

1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 Figure 2. The dependence of the thermal conductivities (l and l ) and thermal diffusivities (a and a ) on the degree of saturation 26 th f th f 26 (Sr) for the thawed and frozen states: 1 À data for cinder and scoria, 2 À data for volcanic ash. 27 27 28 28 29 demonstrated using pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance depended on the deposit age, chemical composition, 29 30 (NMR) that the unfrozen water contents of the Ohya tuff salinity, amorphous clays, and the weathering condi- 30 31 depended on temperature over a measured temperature tions. The unfrozen water contents (Ww)werehigherin 31 o 32 range of <0ºC. Even at À5 C, the sample contained 7.5% volcanic ash samples that contained allophane (Ww = 32 33 unfrozen water by weight, which reflected the rough 2À13%) than in ash samples that contained opal (Ww = 33 34 surface microstructure of the pores and the large specific 0À3%). The highest proportion of unfrozen water (27%) 34 35 surface area. For volcanic ash collected in Kamchatka occurred in an ash sample with a high soil water salinity 35 36 and Iceland, the unfrozen water contents varied from 0 (Kuznetsova, 2011; Kuznetsova and Motenko, 2014). 36 o 37 to 27% for temperatures below À3 C and the amounts For Icelandic samples that contain palagonite, which is 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 Figure 3. The thermal conductivities (l) vs. the void ratios (e) in the thawed and frozen states for volcanic ash samples with different 56 57 degrees of saturation (Sr): 1 À Sr>0.6, 2 À Sr =0.4À0.6, 3 À Sr=0.2À0.4, and 4 À Sr<0.2. 57 Vol. 65, No. 3, 2017 Volcanic ash deposits in cold climates: A review 173

1 the alteration product of basaltic glass found in of <0ºC temperatures was demonstrated in samples from 1 2 association with sideromelane, the unfrozen water Kamchatka (Kuznetsova and Motenko, 2014). For 2 o o 3 contents may reach 2À3% for temperatures below -3 C temperatures below À3 C where variations in unfrozen 3 4 (Kuznetsova, 2011; Kuznetsova et al., 2013). Palagonite water content are not significant, the unfrozen water 4 5 is used as a terrestrial analog for the soils of Mars (Allen contents ranged from 2 to 11% for volcanic ash samples 5 6 et al., 1981) and studies on palagonite behavior at that contained allophane and from 0 to 3% for volcanic 6 7 temperatures <0ºC may be helpful in understanding ash samples that contained opal. This correlation was 7 8 weathering mechanisms. One of the weathering models related to the active surface area, which was higher for 8 2 2 9 used for Martian rocks suggested that a slow geochem- allophane (800 m /g) than opal (0.5 m /g) and to the 9 10 ical alteration occurs due to unfrozen water films, while presence of micropores in the allophane structure 10 11 thin ice layers can cover rock surfaces in winter (Allen et (Henmi and Wada, 1976; Theng et al., 1982). The total 11 12 al., 1981; Allen and Conca, 1981). water content of the soil sample (W) can be divided into 12 13 two categories: unfrozen water, Ww and ice W-Ww.Due 13 14 Influence of mineralogy on thermal properties and to the differences in the thermal conductivities of 0.56 14 15 unfrozen water content W/(m·K) for water and 2.2 W/(m·K) for ice, changes in 15 16 The sensitivity of permafrost and glaciers to energy the ratio of unfrozen water to ice, Ww/(WÀWw), directly 16 17 and mass exchanges at the surface is controlled to a great affect the thermal conductivities of frozen soils. Just as 17 18 extent by the thermal conductivity of the thin soil or the unfrozen water contents were correlated with the 18 19 debris layer that is exposed to seasonal freezing and opal or allophane contents, a similar relationship was 19 20 thawing. The thermal offset between the average ground found between the thermal conductivities in the frozen 20 21 surface temperature and the ground temperature is state to the water/ice ratios and mineral formation. Five 21 22 directly related to the damping factor produced by the groups were distinguished that depended on (1) whether 22 23 active layer. This damping factor combines the average opal or allophane were present and (2) the unfrozen 23 24 thermal conductivities and thermal diffusivities in the water contents at temperatures below À3ºC (Figure 4, 24 25 active layer in the thawed and frozen states (lth, lf, ath, Table 2). In the volcanic ashes that contained opal (lines 25 26 af)aslf/lth or af/ath (Osterkamp and Romanovsky, I and II, Figure 4), little unfrozen water was present and 26 27 1999). The thermal conductivity of water (lw & 0.56 W/ the water/ice ratio Ww/(WÀWw) varied from 0 to 0.08. 27 28 (m·K)) is approximately 4 times less than the thermal Line I (Figure 4) contains data for samples with almost 28 29 conductivity of ice (lice & 2.2 W/(m·K)); thus, the no unfrozen water and line II (Figure 4) summarizes the 29 30 presence of unfrozen water at <0ºC temperatures can data for samples with Ww values that ranged from 0.5 to 30 31 make dramatic changes in all the physical properties of 1.1%. In volcanic ashes that contained allophane (lines 31 32 frozen ground. Various models of surface energy use III, IV,andV in Figure 4), the unfrozen water contents 32 33 thermal conductivity values in frozen and thawed states ranged from 2 to 11% and the Ww/(WÀWw) ratios varied 33 34 to predict heat transfer, freeze/thaw depth, permafrost/ from 0.08 to 0.58. In Figure 4, lines III, IV,andV 34 35 glacier stability, and to recover heat flux histories contain the averaged data from samples with unfrozen 35 36 (Anisimov et al., 1997; Hinzman et al., 1998). In water contents of 0.8À3%, 2À4 %, and 10À11%, 36 37 addition, the thermal conductivity of soils depends on respectively. For example, in volcanic ash samples that 37 38 various factors, which include seasonal variations, contained opal, a small change in the water/ice ratio Ww/ 38 39 mineralogical changes, unfrozen water content, and ice (WÀWw) from0.02to0.04decreasedthermalconduc- 39 40 content. tivity by a factor of 2. For volcanic ash samples that 40 41 contained allophane, thermal conductivity decreased by 41 42 Effect of volcanic glass alteration on thermal a factor of 3 due to the greater variation of 0.19 to 0.58 42 43 properties, ice, and unfrozen water content in the water/ice ratios. The thermal conductivity and 43 44 A strong correlation between the unfrozen water thermal diffusivity ratios in the frozen and unfrozen 44 45 content and the amorphous mineral content for a range states (lth/lf, ath/af) control the thermal offsets between 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 Table 2. The ratios of unfrozen water (Ww) to ice (WÀWw) contents at À10ºC for ash samples that contain allophane and opal. 49 49

50 Group Ww/(W-Ww) Secondary mineral Ww 50 51 51 I <0.5% 52 52 II 0À0.8 opal 0.5À1.1% 53 53 54 III 0.08À3% 54 55 IV 0.08À0.58 allophane 2À4% 55 56 V 10À11% 56 57 57 174 Kuznetsova Clays and Clay Minerals

1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 Figure 4. Thermal conductivities vs. the unfrozen water/ice ratios at À10oC.Thelinesplotthedatafor:(1)the(I and II) ash samples 21 22 with opal and (2) the ( III, IV and V) ash samples with allophane at the unfrozen water contents of I À Ww <0.5%, II À 0.5

25 the average ground surface temperature and the ground Figure 4: curve 1 corresponds to lines I and II (Ww < 25 26 temperature by regulating the damping factor of the 3%); curve 2 corresponds to lines III and IV (Ww = 26 27 active layer. The dependence of lf/lth and af/ath ratios 2À4%); and curve 3 corresponds to line V (Ww = 27 28 on water content were grouped into three curves: curve 1 10À11). 28 29 approximates data for volcanic ash samples that 29 30 contained opal, curve 2 for samples that contained both Effect of altitude on the unfrozen water contents of 30 31 opal and allophane, and curve 3 for samples that layers that seasonally freeze and thaw 31 32 contained only allophane (Figure 5). The slopes of the Altitude related patterns in volcanic ash sample 32 33 curves are defined by the correlations between the properties have been described, such as volcanic glass 33 34 thermal conductivities and the water/ice ratios from alteration and unfrozen water contents (Kuznetsova and 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 Figure 5. Plots of the thermal conductivity ratios lf/lth and the thermal diffusivity ratios af/ath of volcanic ash samples in the frozen 56 andthawedstatesvs. the water contents. The lines show the data for: 1 À volcanic ash with opal, 2 À volcanic ash with both opal and 56 57 allophane, and 3 À volcanic ash samples with only allophane. 57 Vol. 65, No. 3, 2017 Volcanic ash deposits in cold climates: A review 175

1 Motenko, 2014). Four distinct altitude groups were Zone Z3. These samples were collected from an altitude 1 2 reported, two were associated with the high altitude of of 700À800 m from an area within the tundra zone with 2 3 zone Z1 (>1600 m), zone Z2 (1000À1300 m), zone Z3 seasonal permafrost. The glass composition was either 3 4 (700À800m),andzoneZ4 (<290 m) (Figure 6). (1) rhyolitic and associated with opal, (2) andesitic and 4 5 associated with allophane, or (3) basaltic and associated 5 6 Zone Z1. The volcanic ash samples had a similar age of with allophane (Kuznetsova and Motenko, 2014). 6 7 around 1500 years old and were collected from the Correlations between the unfrozen water contents, 7 8 tundra zone at an altitude of 1600 m where permafrost is sample age, and allophane or opal presence were 8 9 widespread. Three samples were from the seasonal observed with unfrozen water contents that tended to 9 10 melting layer (the active layer) at the top of the soil be higher in the older samples or in samples that 10 11 where cryogenic weathering plays an important role. contained allophane. 11 12 These samples have experienced radical temperature 12 13 fluctuations with repeated freezing and thawing cycles Zone Z4. These samples were collected from an altitude 13 14 that have been a controlling factor in composition and of 290 m within the upper part of the forest zone, where 14 15 structural changes which occurred in this layer. All the only seasonal freezing has taken place. The highest 15 16 samples were characterized by andesitic glass, were unfrozen water content was associated with samples with 16 17 associated with allophane, and contained various andesitic glass that contained allophane and the lowest 17 18 amounts of unfrozen water. These samples varied in unfrozen water content was associated with rhyolitic 18 19 color and grain size distribution. The sample with the glass that contained opal. The highest unfrozen water 19 20 highest unfrozen water content was collected from just content was found in the first and last elevation groups 20 21 above the existing freeze/thaw boundary and had been (Z1 and Z4) in samples that contained allophane. The 21 22 most affected by freeze/thaw cycles. The sample with main feature of the first group was that all samples were 22 23 the lowest unfrozen water content was collected from a in a seasonal thawing layer and in permafrost. The ages 23 24 borehole in the permafrost and had been permanently of the samples were around 1500 years. A distinctive 24 25 frozen. Two other samples were collected from the upper feature of group Z4 was that it contained the oldest 25 26 part of the active layer where the temperature does not deposits among the investigated samples (6000À9000 26 27 alternate from warm to freezing during the warm season. years old) and it occurred in the forest zone with warmer 27 28 annual temperatures. This suggests that the seasonal 28 29 Zone Z2. This group of samples were collected from the freeze/thaw cycles in permafrost areas lead to a more 29 30 tundra zone at an altitude of 1000À1300 m. The age of rapid alteration of volcanic glass and, thus, to an 30 31 the volcanic ash samples was nearly 35 years. The glass increased unfrozen water content. 31 32 from three of the samples was of rhyolitic composition 32 33 and was associated with opal, but one sample had a Weathering aspects of volcanic glass in cold climates 33 34 basaltic composition and was associated with allophane. The glass fraction in volcanic ejecta is the most 34 35 The unfrozen water content was low (0À0.5%). readily altered silicate component (Parfitt et al., 1983; 35 36 Shoji et al., 1993), which makes it a potentially sensitive 36 37 indicator of climate as long as the alteration environment 37 38 is identified and the time framework when alteration 38 39 occurred can be deduced. The rate of volcanic ash 39 40 weathering or subsurface alteration depends not only on 40 41 the glass chemistry, but more importantly on tempera- 41 42 ture and water availability. At subzero temperatures in 42 43 heavily frozen ground, the decomposition rate of glass is 43 44 minimal, which reflects the very slow rates of chemical 44 45 reactions as well as the lack of free water. In 45 46 topographically varied terrains, the situation is compli- 46 47 cated. In areas with a mean annual temperature (MAT) 47 o 48 below À1 C and a mean annual precipitation (MAP) of 48 49 <500 mm, clay minerals in volcanic soils are scarce 49 50 (Table 3) and the volcanic glass is mostly preserved in 50 51 the unaltered state. With a higher MAT, the alteration 51 52 rate of volcanic glass increases and leads to the 52 53 development of amorphous clays, such as allophane, 53 54 immogolite, and palagonite. Parfitt et al. (1983) 54 Figure 6. Plots of the unfrozen water contents vs.thesample 55 ages. The zones indicated by the ellipses group samples based on proposed a weathering pattern for rhyolitic glass, 55 56 altitude: Z1 À 1600 m, Z2 À 1000À1300 m, Z3 À 700À800 m, and where halloysite is the dominant clay mineral in areas 56 57 Z4 À 290 m (Kuznetsova and Motenko, 2014). with MAPs <1500 mm and allophane dominates at 57 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 Kuznetsova 176

Table 3. Thermal properties of volcanic ash and cinder samples.

Location Climate MAP (mm) MAT (º)C Source of the Deposit age Clay formation Vegetation zone Literature reference material

Permafrost area Kamchatka Humid cold 500À1000 >–1 (1000À Kamchatka Holocene, Allophane, little Tundra, forest (Abramov et al., 2008; 1500 m) Early evidence Kuznetsova and –2...–8 Pleistocene Motenko, 2014) (1500À3000 m) Yukon, Canada Cold dry 350 –5 Mt. Bon, Alaska 1200 B.P. Allophane, little Boreal/subarctic (Smith et al., 1999; evidence Forest Robinson and Moore, 2000) Dry valleys, Cold-desert hy- 45À100 –20 ... –35 Alkali volcanoes Miocene, <5% – (Marchant et al., 1993; Antarctica perarid of Erebus Volca- Pliocene Marchant & Denton, nic Province 1996; Marchant et al., 1996)

Seasonal frozen ground Commander Humid cold 470 2.1 Kamchatka Holocene Allophane Tundra (Shoba and Ivanov, Islands 2011; Ivanov et al., 2014) Iceland Humid cold to 500À2000 2À5 Iceland Holocene Palagonite, allo- Tundra, forest (Farbrot et al., 2007; low arctic phane, imogolite, KellererPirklbauer et ferrihydrite. al., 2007; Arnalds, 2008; Sigfusson et al., 2008; Stoops et al., 2008) Mt. Cotacachi, High-altitude 900 (2500 m) ~3 (4400 m) Volcano Holocene Allophane (soils Tundra, forest (Zehetner et al., 2003; Ecuador 1500 (4000 m) Cotacachi, at elevations Zehetner and Miller, ~15 (2400 m) Ecuador 3200À4050 m) 2006) Halloysite (below 2700 m) Towada, Japan Humid, cold >1800 (900À1400 7À9 (900À1400 Japan 1000À2000 year Allophane, immo- Subalpine, mon- (Wada, 1987; Ugolini m) m) golite, tane, forest and Dahlgren, 1991) 1200À1800 2:1 layer silicates (400À900 m ) 9-11 (<900 m ) Minerals Clay and Clays 1000À1200 (400 m) New Zealand Humid 200À14000 3.7À13.8 Up to 50,000 (Dixon et al., 2016) years 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Vol. 65, No. 3, 2017 Volcanic ash deposits in cold climates: A review 177

1 MAPs >1500 mm. At high elevations, the higher rainfall dates of widespread ash falls. Research in the 1 2 and less evaporation due to lower temperatures creates a Kamchatka Peninsula started in the early 1960’s and 2 3 strong leaching environment and amorphous clays for the next 20 years much discussion and uncertainty 3 4 dominate the colloidal fractions of these volcanic soils ensued regarding the nature and the origin of the <5 mm 4 5 with no halloysite. In the mountains of northern fraction of volcanic ash samples. Gushchenko (1965), 5 6 Ecuador, allophane is dominant in the colloidal fraction who worked on ashes from northern Kamchatka, 6 7 of volcanic soils above 3200 m, whereas allophane is concluded that (1) intensive processes of secondary 7 8 absent at <2410 m where precipitation is higher. In the mineral formation were ongoing and were mostly 8 9 drier conditions of soils at intermediate elevations associated with the volcanic glass and (2) volcanic ash 9 10 (3200À2700 m), allophane is found in smaller quanti- samples with halloysite and kaolin clay contents >80% 10 11 ties, and in soils at <2700 m halloysite is often dominant in the <0.01 mm fraction had ages >3000 years. 11 12 in the fine fraction (Zehetner et al., 2003). Similar slow Braitseva et al. (1968) examined ancient volcanic ash 12 13 rates of glass weathering are associated with cold or hot deposits in the Central Kamchatka Depression and 13 14 and dry deserts because the absence of available water reported the absence of secondary minerals. Geptner 14 15 for weathering reactions is the controlling factor. Still, and Ponomareva (1979) conducted thermal studies of the 15 16 the repeated heating and cooling in frozen and hot <0.01 and <0.001 mm fractions of volcanic ash and 16 17 deserts, however, accelerates physical weathering by demonstrated that isotropic materials that had most 17 18 fracturing volcanic glass, which thereby increases the likely formed from volcanic glass were present, but the 18 19 surface area available for chemical alteration. In samples contained no clay minerals. Markin (1980) 19 20 contrast, the alteration of volcanic glass in warm or conducted a thermal study of ash samples collected north 20 21 hot humid climates is rapid. Not only are these reactions of the Kluchevskaya volcano group using differential 21 22 easier to study, but the reactions are also associated with thermal analysis (DTA). Samples were taken from 0.3 m 22 23 agriculturally important soils and much greater eco- below the surface to a depth of 8 m. The radiometric 23 24 nomic pressure is applied to understand these soils. ages of the oldest samples were >8500 years. The 24 25 Within the warm humid zones and depending on the thermal analysis curves showed the presence of organic 25 26 chemical composition of the volcanic glass, the follow- matter, but no endothermic characteristics of clay 26 27 ing reaction series have been suggested (Shoji and minerals (Markin, 1980). Almost 45 years later 27 28 Masui, 1971; Nagasawa, 1978; Parfitt and Wilson, 1985; (Kuznetsova et al., 2011; Kuznetsova and Motenko, 28 29 Wada, 1987; Parfitt, 1990; Stoops et al., 2008): 2014), infrared (IR) spectroscopic studies of volcanic 29 30 ash were carried out on samples collected in Northern 30 31 volcanic glass ? allophane ? halloysite and Central Kamchatka. These volcanic ash samples had 31 32 volcanic glass ? opal ? allophane ? halloysite two amorphous phases, opal and allophane, as the 32 33 volcanic glass (sideromelane) ? palagonite products of volcanic glass alteration. Allophane is 33 34 similar to some layer silicates in regard to the chemical 34 35 The most obvious academic use for understanding the composition and structure. Thermal analysis curves did 35 36 factors that control the alteration of volcanic ash is the not show the presence of clay minerals. At the present 36 37 ability to use it to reconstruct past climates and the time, the oldest quaternary deposits found in Kamchatka 37 38 weathering environments of the more recent geological are exposed in the banks of the Kamchatka River in 38 39 past. More immediately, however, it has important roles Central Kamchatka. These deposits are referred to by the 39 40 to play in predicting (1) the effects of volcanic glass general term ‘‘blue clays’’ and consist mostly of 40 41 alteration on the regional stability of landscapes in pelitomorphic clay materials, diatom fragments, carbo- 41 42 relation to long and short term climate change and (2) naceous dust, and scraps of plant and pyroclastic 42 43 help in the geological exploration of Mars. materials. These deposits are of Lower Pleistocene age. 43 44 Within these deposits are seams of a white vitroclastic 44 45 Kamchatka Peninsula, Far East of Russia ash that occurs at many locations in the banks of the 45 46 The Kamchatka Peninsula is a cold region with a river. Kuprina (1970) investigated volcanic ash collected 46 47 rugged topography that contains numerous recent and from the ‘‘Polovinka’’ bank, where about 60% of the 47 48 extinct volcanoes over a large range of altitudes material consisted of volcanic glass fragments that 48 49 (580À4800 m), which had been a research focus long ranged in size from 0.25 to 0.01 mm and contained 49 50 before the recent interest of society in global warming 33% halloysite with an index of refraction in oriented 50 51 and the possible side effects. On the Kamchatka units of 1.514 0.002. X-ray diffraction patterns of the 51 52 Peninsula, the conditions are ideal to study the interplay <0.001 mm fraction showed hydrated halloysite, meta- 52 53 between the weathering regime of volcanic ash (the halloysite, and a mixture of feldspars. 53 54 dominant detritus) in permanently and temporarily Thermogravimetric analysis proved that the clay mate- 54 55 frozen ground and the effects of various altitudes, local rial was halloysite. Rengarten and Kuprina (1968) 55 56 climatic conditions, and vegetative covers within a believed that the halloysite was formed diagenetically 56 57 chronostratigraphic framework based on the radiometric during partial decomposition of the ash material. In 57 178 Kuznetsova Clays and Clay Minerals

1 contrast, mineralogical analyses of a volcanic ash layer Knowledge of the thermal properties of volcanic ash 1 2 in ‘‘blue clays’’ collected from the ‘‘Krutoy’’ river bank layers that cover permafrost and glacier slopes is 2 3 indicated only opaline silica and no clay minerals essential to understand and predict the effects of layer 3 4 (Kuznetsova and Motenko, 2014). According to thickness on permafrost aggradation/degradation, ice 4 5 Kiryanov (1981), the volcanic ash in the ‘‘blue clays’’ melting, and glacier ablation rates. The decreased 5 6 is rhyolitic and consists of 97% volcanic glass and 3% thermal conductivity of volcanic ash in the frozen state 6 7 plagioclase. is associated with the development and presence of 7 8 unfrozen water films that can have a direct mechanical 8 9 Analog for Martian soils. impact on the movement or slippage between ice and 9 10 The surface temperature of Mars averages about - mineral particles and, thus, change the stress transfer. 10 o 11 63 C, water is absent, and the atmospheric pressure is This becomes particularly significant during periods of 11 12 considerably lower than on Earth (Carr, 2007). Volcanic climate change when increased temperatures and the 12 13 ash appears to be widespread on Mars and understanding associated melting could weaken polythermal glaciers, 13 14 the manner and rate of ash alteration is an important affect areas with warm and discontinuous permafrost, 14 15 aspect in interpreting the surface geology as well as in and induce ice or land movements. These changes could 15 16 facilitating future robotic exploration. Gooding and Keil perhaps occur on a catastrophic scale. Future research 16 17 (1978) suggested that Martian rock alteration must should focus on developing a new model to calculate the 17 18 depend on relatively inefficient mechanisms, such as thermal properties of volcanic materials that is based on 18 19 solid/gas reactions, that are much less efficient than the not only porosity, but also on other parameters, such as 19 20 solid/water reactions on Earth. The best Earth surface water content, density, the mineralogical composition of 20 21 analogs for Martian conditions are the Dry Valleys of amorphous phases, and unfrozen water content. Until the 21 22 Antarctica, where some Miocene and Pliocene ash development of a new model has been achieved, one 22 23 deposits are 15 million years old and yet still contain must be circumspect about any predictions made about 23 24 <5% clay (Marchant et al., 1993, 1996). Allen et al. the stability of the very large areas of Earth that are 24 25 (1981) and Allen and Conca (1991) suggested that covered by snow and/or ice and/or permafrost and that 25 26 localized heating on Mars byvolcanismorbyimpacts are also affected by volcanic ash. 26 27 have set off hydrothermal reactions between water and 27 28 rocks to develop clay minerals. A terrestrial analog on ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 28 29 Earth of the alteration products of Martian basaltic glass The author is very grateful indeed to Dr. Chris Jeans 29 30 is ‘palagonite,’ a complex and variable material that (Cambridge University, UK) and Dr. Svein Willy Daniel- 30 31 apparently consists of poorly crystallized phyllosilicates sen (Norway) for their help with editing the paper and for 31 valuable comments. Special thanks go to Rimma Motenko 32 (smectite group or mixed layer clays). Points of 32 (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia), who was 33 resemblance between the two materials include the the author’s scientific supervisor during her Ph.D. and a 33 34 bulk chemical composition, particle size, reflectance co-author of the papers. 34 35 spectra, and magnetic properties (Allen et al., 1981). 35 36 Visible and near IR spectra of the Mars landing sites REFERENCES 36 37 werewellmatchedbyanFe-rich palagonite, a clay like Abramov, A., Gruber, S., and Gilichinsky, D. (2008) Mountain 37 38 material produced by the weathering of volcanic soils permafrost on active volcanoes: Field data and statistical 38 39 (McCord et al., 1982; Singer, 1982). mapping, Klyuchevskaya volcano group, Kamchatka, 39 40 Russia. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 19,261À277. 40 41 Akagawa, S., and Fukuda, M. (1991) Frost heave mechanism in 41 CONCLUSIONS welded tuff. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 2, 42 42 301À309. 43 Many numerical models used to investigate and Allen, C. and Conca, J.-L. (1991) Weathering of basaltic rocks 43 44 predict the evolution of cold regions as a result of under cold, arid conditions-Antarctica and Mars. in: 1991 44 45 changes in climate lack accurate data on thermal Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Proceedings, 45 46 properties, such as thermal conductivity, heat capacity, 711À717. 46 47 and thermal diffusivity of the soil or debris layers that Allen, C.C., Gooding, J.L., Jercinovic, M., and Keil, K. 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