


••:•:•:•;•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:••••••••••••.•••••••••••••• . ....

rhe Showcase i:i:i:i:i:E:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:!:i:i:i:!:i:i:i:•:•:i:•:K:i:i:M:!:E:!.!:!:E:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:!:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:!:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:!:!:i:i:!:!:E:!:i:E:E:!:i:i:i


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•olumn Comment





•difor Speaks

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :E:i:!:!:i:?i:i:i:i:i:i:!:!:i:!:i:!:i:i:i:E:!:i:i:!:i:i:i: :omplefe ;hort Story



•V Shows This Week

Nicjhttime Ouiz Now

AUGlIST 25, 1957

VOL. XXIX, No. 34 ::-


MorePower for NewJersey! Electricity keeps working for you 24 hours a day . .. and Public Servicekeeps on the job

IN BERMUDA--A 10-day holiday on the mid-Atlantic island of night and day to seeto it that Bermuda was enjoyed by Cl•trissa E. Boyd (left) of 357 East you have dependableservice at ßThirty. sixth S•; Maida IL Zulich (center) :of 546 Broadway, .and L..Jean Wardie, of 343 ,Seventeenth lave., all of Paterson. They your fingertips! What's more, stayed •tt "Cambridge Beaches," a colony in picturesque Somerset. alectricitydoes so much... oosta ,0 litde !


.: .. ..: . ,,•.,.,; ;' ;• • ß . . .:::::::::::::::.. " l)" k •' , - -,..••',.,, KITCHEI




:.:: ß

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ß WHITE and SHAUGER, Inc:.

ß . A GOOD NAME TO REMEM]IER for FURNITURE Llvin• Room • Room Dining Room RUGS ,AND C,4RPETS ,,4 SPECl,4LTY " •1 lIT 'EEi.•G--B,c.•clmt, through .picturesque Nassau during their-'honeymoon 'were ,Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tafuw' of 97 A Glen- QUALITY and LOW PRICE wood Ave., East Paterson. They were married in the Holy Trin- -- 39 Years Serving the Public -- ity' Church in Hackensack. Mrs. Tafuni is the former Miss Jac- 435 STRAIGHT ST. MU. 4-7880 PATERSON, N.J. .... que!yn •rribert, daughter of Mr. land Mrs. John TriBert of 896 240 MARK]DT ST. (Carroll Plaza Hotel Bldg.) MU 4-7977 _LincolnPL, Teaneck;,•:.Mr.Tafmti is the son of Mr. and Mrs.

":':'"'.:•..=.J0se.•..L, ..: -ph Arenella of Merrick,N." Y. Published Weekly by < ß ß '• .: ':•....- l:: •- : .' '-'.:..::: '. :' TH• CIIItONIC• COM•A]qY ß .•- . • . • ' .,,. -::.. :-• :.-. •>.-- : ( ' • .*• 3 t• ...... ' .' '-•. ß..... •';.-•.' '•" ' •[' . ;',,.-:,- -.½•..-:•i•:• • .'•. • .' .•\ ---.:!-.':' .. -....::-.::.... :•.-..... -% . :.,..•.;-.";.... ::.- ,• . 170-172 Butler Street - . . Paterre)n, New Jersey . % ...•tT:•% . ..:.•.: , ;'. .. , . •:•-::..•-,:•.,.,%. ' ' /,'-• © ! s. . ß ::. -. : ...o- .,,.•., ., :, : • -. -+-,•.. ½,. LAmbert •Z741 ,,"•',l*,'/,, ß •..•-,.---; :..•:..... - . .•,'-'. . ß...... • ..•., •- ,:.. .-...•: :...' :. . . •:.,;.: .....:- ";:..•..:/ .•t'•j •,..-'.•.• • '•' :i-•-:•:'.• •.i•.:•..<.. -'--2,; --. ,;:-:i.•'•-'o':.:-.i'.. -'"..... ' :.-.. ..•...... ß ..';... ':i"...... t,< i•, ..,:,;•- ,::,"' VINCENT S. PARR•, •W •i•r '.- "•.." :•.:,<'-.' "•_&<ß "Z'-."•.,.:'::.-'. .•::'"•:"' ß':'/ ' :" , ' • i: ,4,< •, . x "' • -:•;:....-•'•:'.-.?:-.::. '.•":i-:::.•-". •,•. ::' : : "'..'- • •'--' ii':-;i• -'•::i..:,.{-F'.<.,.-- ! ':'i':- /:::.•?.i•." , ."" , ::-- ,•:' ø •' " En•md ss 8oeo• Clm restfor A• •S, 19M, •t the Post :::::- ß • -/::-.<.<.-:. :'. •, '- -- .;•-.-%. '- ::."..'.:.' 4, •,-, : ;,>'; . •x :- Office at Paterson, •. J., •dor the act of •rch 3, 1879...... -...... :..,..•.,:..•..;..•;.. • ...... ,...,...•....:•.•.•- ...... : - -! ...... ßii:;,:-:- . .' '.'ß ':,'.-.•. •:'.•'.'•!'"'!:%-'-,•.'.4' ' ' . ':. .-::' ' •...•'•":'•.'-'.""-;':"-'.' '.:•.<,•:.-... , : - ,'.?',.-, ;,•',¾ ....-'.' :.. ' ' :.. ,,. . ..'. '::.: ' ...>;...,.,:.' ':•.•. .•.,•. •..- .;. -.<:;-. x .. . ; ,,• ..... , {i...... -:" .•. •-.z ..• :..... ß.:: ..:...... •?• •.. : , • .:• .:g•:• ,. ,;•. •. :-:- ß •...' .-..:-.ß .. ;'..:..... -- . ß:-::..•:4 • • ': . , ß.%ß . ß •:<':.>; "•" ß AUGUST 25, 1957 - Vol. XXIX, No. 34 "<,;8•....' -;?x:-.•...-.::.:::•:::.:.:.:- :;.:...:..-.-:.:•:...:x :.:.-. •./..-- : , ,,' •- :.. : ::•...:.':'•::.:-:-.. ...: •7'ß ...... :':-';--/: :•'::il, :•.-'-'.'• .'...... -.:.i-•..'.'• ':"•./" :.:.-'-•. '-.,.';4.!:';. '•.'.- .•:.'•4 -...,•,, '"' .-'. ß •• -" ,<, '.:' .":.•::.::,'.!':•!:. :' ,•-.-: '-.. .-, ß. - ..:..•-...!.-•.:....,....-...... :.ß.f. •,.•,,..- •½..' ..ß.. , ½,',•::•'. ::.':.-.:..•.: '...%•-... -•..,.,. . .' ' ...•..:. ß -"'...... -.-' '?. "-::: '• •. '• ß Z . ' "•,,. ' '. Single Copy 5 Cents ..-'•' 22 $S.00 a Year By Mall ...... -• Ji:-:;"::i:::!:'""':... ' .....,• ß' ?•:,•,•<.•>½...... %.,,.. >,..?'• -:-. . , , • .....•.-.-. , .•.•. ...• -...... -•...-.. % .' -• • • '½, .... •.-..-".•: .':•'-::•,:..-'..•. :-.--•.. :...... •::. :.<%:. -.-:.' ß . '.:.•':' .•..,• - • .. . .: .;,..•..:.•;-..-:<.'..... :•.-... - -. : . -:.,../:....,:: :., .."'"'"--•.,,;:-,,•.•',• . CONTENTS ".•- : ' .... •>.-.•.,",•.. '-4<:-•. "...... '• :'..... ß':. •<':.".": i;:iii •-"'":". ß- ,•',;;.."...:--'4. .... •'•'-.'•'..-.-'•'..... """:"''•'::'•'"":""Z:'$':':•"'"":'"';'":':"•'':'•'"'•.•::::,½.•,•-•.--:'--•-"::'-.-..-•" :•.•.•:::.....' :.... *,'..-.:..•--•.. '.•.... •-: . ..:..•:•?..•::.•-' . .-%•. t , .<.ß . ß...... :.•-. <. ,• .. ,:.,.•:.,-:. :"' ... ,•.":.•.•.:..,• ?,.:.-.-,-,. , FEATURES I '%ß'•ß .... :• "• ' "' _.•,,,:•.X...o';'-.,.!..-..•:.z,•...,""'".....'•' -..<'*:'::-.' .::•:•..'o ! ...... •.. ' ' '%"..... ß...... : '. •i;•?:;;•"-....--" •'"'":--'-.•."•*.-:•::' ."'•'•...'.....':'4•. . •?'.• • .. •: . : -.':• •'-•....:.:,•. ,•;:.-'- '"'"'"•..-:!:-.- •,...... ;'-• -.-,.: ...... ß ß .z:.-.. :•::.--: ./.,.<.-:•.¾:: Complete Short Story ___ 14 ['•..ß ..... ?.'.---,. --'-..:'---,-.,>. .... :.-...... -..-: • :/...:'•,.•..:'":'.-'."•':-• - .....: .:.:..._...... •::,..•::..:...r.....- ...... "' '...:• -..:::--:.:.:.:- .:•.'.•.-.:•:?..:i•. •.:'... < :.: :..::.-:.-...... "•ß •: ':...• ".iß .';'•.'•""-'": "•"•..•i•.....•":•- . -..•--...... -,x-.• '.'•...!,.??-,Z<ß'•".. .:...... ?... • -• .. -...... ": :. '. , -"-...... :::'-'•"' '""•':'/,•4, ß •'":-•..... •;".'.:':"'•:" "'-"•':.:,•'•.'.'.'"•'"-' ; ' '--. "' ..''": ß ' '" ' ...... ' '"""" '"" 'ß '.',,•,:::'•,•i:4•:'::'- ß" .'.... '•" a<•''...... '-•:.... ' .....- ! ":•::-.,..-' .::: '...>...... ::;.:.-:-.-' .-. ; .:' ..:.:..•.. ..

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ACTION ROLES-- Robert Horton (left.) will play the advance D E P A R T M E N T S .oo.t andWa•d aond the wagonmaster In "Wagon Train," the ad. tt series starting on NBC-TV. Wednesday, Sept, 11.

Books 'n Stuff 5

...... ::..' :'i..::...:.: - .•.•..j•. Opportunities Unlimited '..- •. -.•, . :.½.- ,. ....' '""" ...':.. ':- ,t • ..... :' '.,..., . ß-' v"..'..-..-' • .:-,'. x -- .,,•.. ":: '•-'. •:'• '-::': • ---. .:.'•->: ., .'•"i- •,'-:..::.... •, ./.. •:: ... --.. . .• ...... ,,,.•,z,,:.<..:•:.-. Editorials 8 -. . :!.•:: .. ,•- ::...... :•:" • ':•:• ß ..:.:•:..•:. :!•... ½,, ,. ß '...-!• ". .• - • •½;.'.:':.... : :'" ' .•%-;-.-•:::'•.,. '• •-. •:':'•.e;•:•,:.•- • .... , :.:.:.-:• The Editor Speaks ......

Column of Comment •:•.•..'-:.•-:..!•:::•'•.::.:.•,:'-2':•.. •...-: .. ..-•...:••' •- ß....•;..:...,•:• ...... •.-..•.• /,:'::•,. -....-- . ß ...... ß-':-:.: •...:-:...... -.::.: •:,, •.'::,::•'•"..•::"!:'::-...-::-'.-..:..;o..'.'.•,•.%.?• . . .. ß...:. ?•.....:..•...,:,...... --....--.:.:.:.:•:...-.' :, ..,.- •...---...... ,, ::..,?..?., ,. ,•,• ...-, :•"' " "'....:i..' ßß ...... •-. .::'-..'"'":': ' ...:...!'.. .,:. , , COVER PICTURE...... --.,• - -•:.:::: .... .•.•...:..--:...... :.:...... ::-:-.: -' t•,,,.,,. ' -, --• .... ::.... .•i'"':...... :" ':;:'"'½"•'•'"' 'i'-;i ....: . , ....•.:o•. .,.,,, .,,,•..--'"'. "•:ß ."::' .....


"Tic Tac Dough," the popular NBC-TV quiz program, will ,add an ß"' .. ß...-.:..- .. ..• •. evening show this Fall. It starts on .•lmrsday evening, Sept. 12, ß .....,,-..½:. ,½ ,•'•.... ,...... -•-•.•.::...... and will continue on a Monday-through-Friday daytime basis, too. Thethre• lovely young ladies are •TBC starlets Marilyn Toomey, SHIFT TO THE NIGHT- Emcee Bill Cullen and model Beverly Marion Stafford and Diane Skyl•r, viewing from left to right. Bentley prepare for th'e nighttime colorcastsof t.he highly success* ful daytimepanel quiz show,"The Price Is Right."The showmakes its night debuton NBC-TV Monday,Sept. 30, and-continuesits day* '" time (Monday.through-Friday)sched[•le as well. •-. The CHRONICLE PA•E ß ß ß.ß ....."

ß-"".-)½..,' /..ß/./ ..• /...' ,ß.. ..--'.. '"/2 /•.;'r-'"2" '""' ' ß / .: :.• .• ' ' ' ::2:i$i..:::'.2:.:.:,."':., . -. •. ' 4::•:::::::.;; " ' -. ' "".'/,-.':..':. ' " ß/ /'...y...,, . .- . -...... '•ii.*..x.b::•;•;'•,,... •::iii'$i::'i:!':'.-::i!ii!ii::: ,• , ' ..... '... ':.•:i!:::..:::: .....-' : '-" ..:-'.:- :'.-!ii•::'.':. .- : ...... • . .;"-...is•.'•7*-'-'•' :. 'ii:;%'.':i•½•;:{r ß.<*' ' '-:'"-i:•i:.;::::-'-':;::-:;;- . :..!ir:-:i-;:i;,.Y :.." . '. : " ß'"' ' , i.--'"' '.-"7-';-...... ; •i -,:,.. %;:½:{!i%'.-:':..o..?:.' ' ß :;.-.':.-.;;::•ß ß '. x-!ei'--ß: ' .- ...' ...- ß.-.. "';' . •.'.'..-::, -" •Z'..:::;•P:',:-s•.-..:::: '" '. ß.-...; ...... :. - -•-<•½•. •. %;-.:.-.?,...... ' .'' ;./.. :..- .. ... ;.• ." .-. ....;:. :. - •;...x.:.;.;..:.:.;.. :.. . .:. -.-. - .. ~- . .: - ..;.¾?•.- - - •.. . .- . ...'/ .. ß ßs;!.%:"" .::;:•.:,s.:-..--'-:•!•;.i•:.•e.:t..;:.-:• , --...:.... , •,•:.•.•.;:!.-i:.?- -•..v. -..<. ....

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F' i Y.50ES o• s NOMADIC COWBOY -- John ON HER OWN-- sinin star, Payne will play the role of an Gisele MacKenzie will open her •d¾enturou$,' wandering cowboy 6•IN 5]" PAT own 'rio.format, much-entertain-: in :'Restless Gun," a Western merit" program called "The Giselelß series starting on NBC-TV on: 4/• INA¾[- P MacKenzieShow/' It premieresI --- Monday, Sept. 23. Saturday, Sept. 28, on N BC-TV. TheCHRoNIcL

, ,,,/:...... ¾},0..• , :;.?i•6,.Eß r-,OUR Books'nStuf


.... c What is unquestio•ablyone of ß the most Significant books to come out of V½orld V½•r II, "The Turn o.f the Tide," by Sir Arthur Bryant, was pu.b]ished 'by Double- day on. May 20. Based upon the intirnate war diaries of Fiel.d Mars-hall Viscount < ß Alanbrooke, Chief of the. British Genera] Stt-.ff, "The Turn of the Tide" is the most reada'b]e and .most candid of a ?] war memoirs. Lord Alanbrooke was the. man who saved the. British Army at Dunkirk, commanded the defense of the British Isles against the expected invasion, and from 1951 until the. end of the war was the. operational head of the British Army. It was Alanbrooke 'who con- ceived the. strategy that brought Herbert Welch,both labor relationsm•nagers for about the turn of the tide and it men who took part as contract negotiations be- •.VAD..St.anding •re' Ray Lara2y, fina-:c.:alsecre, was he who played a leading role t•vee• tw• unions and the Wright eron•utical Di- tary; Don L;_nks,Carmine Spagnola and Jaek AI- in inducing the American chiefs vision opened in the Alexander Hamilton Hotel. tern.us, all of lhe grievanceco•nm;ttee; L•u;'s AI- to adopt this strategy. Through- Seated (left to right) are- William Glowa, vice- tg•ri and Herb Maas. the job evalu•.t:on commit- out the war he was seldom out of presidentof Local 300; Tho.masLazzio, president tee; Lgu Aspiotis•grievance committe•; Jules 'touch with Winston Churchill for of Local 300; Carl Tebbe, industrial relations man.- Grohrn•o..n,WAD representative;Bert l•;obbins, more than six hours at a time, ager for WAD; Ed Matthews, wage and saiary union'spension committee, and Sp-S•ceSingle.. and the volume contains a unique adrninist.rator for WAD; Michael Roberts and vich, s.,Ir'lled•ra.•es rep:'.es3ntxt?_ve. first-hand portrait of Britain's in- dominatable Prime Minister. Field Marshall Alanbrooke ac- companied .Churchill on his war- time journeys and attended all of his meetings with l•oosevelt and Stalin. He was in frequent con.- tact with the Allied leaders--Ei- .... :i -. senhower, Marsha]], King, De- ; ß : ß Gaul]e, Stimson, Hopkins, Mont- ß

.::$ . ; batten, and his estimate of their i' .:..... •..- -•..•:¾*.-...:.•:"• .•. . .*--• capabilities. .'

i.-ß . "'!:i:• •,...'ß '::: The unique. persona] quality of .--:.-'.-.--:-...: . :i:•a.' .'"'"".".:';.'• "The Turn of the Tide" derives , .:,v ß..... :..-.:.:.. : . - .. from the fact that the diaries •!{'"-"!!!+{'"' '"''" ':: i:. -'. -...: :.:..: .--'i:"!....: '-.-. : ..... were written by Britain's top gen- ;..-:::: ß -.. f:.-':i:i ' eral for his wife. Sir Arthur Bry- •:':i:i:i'.. ..•.. '•. .!i:. ..':: }-'.-':i:i:!!'.: ...... '..'.M:..%4...;...'.' '...... : 4,...:.. :!. ant, the eminent British histor- i:::-...... :i::.:.'"!::.....-. . ::i:i:.::...... :: ..:.. ß :...... {'•'-:,,. '...... • "•:'...... •"" !iiiE.ii .... i%...... :,....•-i..;.-' ... .;.. ian, has added perspective.and !!:!:i:!i!'i ß (.::..'.'-'" ""-':::-'... :.' ...... ,....:...... ß . .,... comment to make a unified his- .. {•½:-.. ::. '...... tory of the war from its outbreak .,.:::::...,.: ß .::.....: to the. invasion of Italy. •.!:i:i:::::i-:. ,2::::::'.r.:.:.: '.....'-.•- t '" Famous novelist Cid Kicketts ß .". Sumner thought she was getting iiiii!ilill"½i:i:!':'. ,...,...... •.: •j•. "old." Her children had grown and married; she was alone and iiiiiiiii:':i.':' bored. The fun and excitement •';-"';"":"...'.'.':;i '";.--'--"...... •'";"• -: of living had gone. .{• ... •. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.- •. '•

ß Then one day, in the cool dark- .. ness of a fortune-teller's tent on -..{?...... ß ...... •-;?...... ,--,,-.•. ,:... ß . .. .. • •,....-. . .-.. Cape Cod, she was told, "Honey, ß½.•ß...,. .-..,,.•! . '"'"ß you ain't done livin' yet." In a ß"'-"½,4."..:,.-'% :i. . . ,• " flash of intuition, Mrs. Sumner ß ... .. realized that if she. were. "done ß

_ livin'" it was her own fault. What she did-a.b'out it a'•id the philosophy she developed to bring zest and sparkle to her declining" SUNDAY STAR- Versatile Dinh Sh0•e will act as hostess to various other top performers. years--is told in "A View from star on a major number of NBC-TV's "The Chevy The colorcast series, which will have its premiere on Oct. 20, marks the most ambitious T¾ schedule the Hill," which Prentice-Hall will Show" Sunday night presentations. Dinah w.i.11_ sing, .dance, engage in comedy routines and will in Dinah's distinguished show .business *career, publish August 28.

The CHRONICLE Wedding Bells TheCase of theOpen Screened Porch

:::::::::::::::::::::::: ß ======NEqualities,must have as well lived as itsin faults.a house Youto andreally your discover architect its maybest .. take months to plan a house,and you both may feel that every rOblemhas finally been solved. This is thecase not only in ':% .....,:::?: J ge houses,but also in many of the small ones.But sometimes there are problems that have to be worked out in a particular ..::::::i: 8:..

...... -.-.....-... waybecause of tl•etopography of theplot of groundwhich has been chosen. The photograph shows the porch of one of the houses de- signedby us. This househad a perfect start. The ground was as level as a tennis court, so you could go from the porch to the garden--without steps! This is a feature which you might only appreciate if you had lived in a house where porch steps MRS. DOUGLAS POST were a necessity to reach your garden. Miss Anna .M a r i e Meyers, This porchis openon three sides,but was protectedfrom the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton hot western afternoon sun on the house side. In most climates Meyers, Roome St., .Lincoln this is important, and in some localities a "must." The right Park, and Douglas Post, son of amount of plan.ting was used,and at the important places.The Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Post, 59 Gif- ford S.t., Butler, were united in awnings are attractive with their wide stripes, not the usual matrimony in St. Bonaventure's narrow stripes you so often see. R. C. Church. The Rev. Joseph The owner requested that the house be designedin an in- Patrick, O.F.M., performed the formal though English Georgian manner, and we compromised ceremony and a reception fol- MRS. JAMES ZOLNOSKI on details from the Queen Anne English period, which per- lowed in the Northwood Inn. GLE•"'ROCK -- Miss Carol mitted the husky cornice,the arched porchesand the red tiled The bride was attired in a Anne ..Fairchild, daughter of Mrs. roof. The chimney haspanels in a brick pattern to make it more gown of Chantilly lace over satin. Charles Fairchild of 38 Bradford decorative.Dormer windows, typically Queen Anne, are showrr Her lace-trimmed veil fell from a St., and the late Mr. Fairchild, crown headpiece and she carried was married to James Joseph over the porch. a bouquet of' white roses and Zolnoski, son of Mr. and Mrs. We have discovered by living in several houses,and design- gypsophila. Vincent Zolnoski, of 185 Terrace ing many, that the feature of stepping directly from a house to Ave., Jersey City'. The ceremony a terrace, or to a lawn without steps is of number one im- was performed in St. Catherine's R. C. Church by the Rev. Father portance. If we were going to choosea lot on which to build, Kelly. The bride was given in we would take great care in seeingthat this could be done if at marriage by her uncle, Mr. A. all possible.The size of the househas nothing to do with it, nor Chesna, of Nyack, N.Y. doesthe size of the plot. A reception followed in the This house has another feature greatly admired by many; Glen Rock A. C. that is the long windows coming down to within a few inches

of the floor in the living room. These are very attractive in cer- ...... ======tain types of room. You may wish to considerthese items for your own house. ======

:... tß 4".' -.

..• '-•::?::::..•'".-:•:'•'-<"ß ß..,4•,i .'. .. : . .• •,• : ., - ß

:::::•:•••:•::•::•:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::•:::•::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::••::•:•• ======i::i::i:::::i:i:i:?::::::::::::::::::::::::•...... i::i:i:i::•:i?:::i:i:..... ß...17'.;:::'"-:!-'.: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::•:::.%•:•::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

:. ... ,•, •...... , •.i_-". ... WRS. VINCENT A. MORETTA ...... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ß. •, •v • • .... : ' The marriage of Miss Jean ß •. ' ' . ,: ,..-• ':•.':::.•x..x.'..'-'--":.-:-:.:.:.:. •.•.•y ...... "' ß . .:.?...:.::.•::...-:-.....ß...... : 'i:"• •::'.'::::::" ...... ':.-' '"' .... • ß. , ,' .: .... .: ..... •,• :,.--• ...::•:::•:...... :::•.'...... •. Ann Mcrcadantc, daughter of Mr. .• . • ß • • ß /• '... •{• ======- ....:.•.½. and Mrs. Joseph Mercadantc, 121

...... '•. •c ,-,.. •: •,-:•;::¾-..•%....:.,:•• . Totowa Ave., to • incent Anthony .-...-.-...-...... :.:.:.-.:.:.:.:.:.: ...... :.:.:.:.:.:.:...:.:.:.:. Moretta, •on of Mr. and Mrs. Ni- ß:::.:-:-: ======ß :::.: i:i:i:i:i . ======.::-:..::::: ...... cola Moretta, 267 Marion St. took ======...... -.-.-...... -.-...... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . ; ß . . - ::::::::::::::::::::::::::======:: . ....• place at St. Michael's R. C.

. - .M.RS. RAYMOND WEBER Church. The double-ring cere- ß mony was follo•cd by d recel•

ß • "•: F:. ß •' '• ' At a double ring ceremony Sat- . tion at the Circle Restaurant, ß .-. •;' ,. : .....:½,':. <:.'-..%.-'-- ..:= ,,'-. ß •...•:• ---:,.,•½. "....: urday;:,afternoon, Miss Mildred .. - ...... v... . .•- ..- Route 23 for 300 guests. . ., =.- .:.•....:,•'.....:::•...... -'½•'-' ß :•' ...... :;•:•,?•.Y.:::. ß •.. Mac6¾•rk, daughter of Mrs. An- -.. drew Macoverk, 925 E•st Twenty- ... Given in marriage by her fath- second St., exchanged wedding er, the bri.de .wore a gown of vows with Raymond Weber, son white crys de sole made in prin- of Mrs. John Weber, 56 North Distinctive Wedding Invitations cess lines and trimmed with re- Fourth St. The Rev. Raymond E. embroidered French lace appli- Phalon performed the ceremony'. -'PATERSON PRESS qued on the waist and skirt A reception followed at the Han- which terminated in a chapel sen-House in Oakland. .train. Her' fingertip veil of The bride was attired in a 170 BUTLER STREET PATERSON, N.J. French illusion fell from a match- ing headpiece and she carried a waltz length gown of nylon lace LAmbert 5-2741 with a-folded chiffon colar falling white orchid and gypsophila on a into a floating back panel. prayer book.

PAGE SIX The CHRONICLE .. OpPortunitiesUnlimited.. RECENTBRIDES A Copywrte,r'sCo-Workers : '... TreatHer Lke a Secretary ALL of uswho are mothers boss, but he says, There, there, •i•i!!"'' ..... •'?:ili:???•iii?•:•:• ...... • knowthatone ofthe' hard- anddoesn't doanything aboutit. i'ii!i!iii!ili;,:•!111?•:•/•i?i::',...:-:...:j•.....'"':-'•'!?:?•i•i! ' ii the fact that our little babies tically acts as if I m her private havegrown up. typist.It this goes onmuch long- i It seemssuch a shorttime ago • •'••-'•¾•'•'•':;'•-'"•':•"•':•':-•:•" " '•*•*•:•':';•-"-'•'-':'•'•'•:•:':•"•'•'•:':*• that they weretoddlers, and re,- -"•k .•.•.?::•i•i•i•;i..•?•!•i•i•?a....•?:•.....:;.?;..:....:•...`::...... •i...... • dozensoftimes a daywe have to • L• •( givinghem nuey-t.yve structionsThe sameandkind endearm-,nts. of thing hap- •J•,,•; • i •(•.i • .pensfrequently in the business • • ! •l "' ltll " "" ;" •' '• .... inworld. fromA letter a girlwhich in Maryland,just came • . 'r /i kff_/ il•! : [':...... ' • ' ,•',-" *' " whatI mean. //•, - ][ •.,•, / [ Theresasays, "in a big advertis- II •. r__Q•t )• •) •' • • i ingagency. I was a goodsecre- [• T 7 •;•f• '• '•: ...... ¾-., . ..- :i?-:-:-...-/..:•' tary,and worked for the head of •! • ! • ¾./¾• -] :?•::....•i:i•iii!!i•!i•.-..: • ' the copywritingdepartment. •k.,•_ I , . v ' Y • / i•??f?ii!i•i•iii•i•?i•i•i:iiii• ;; ,.' writingcopy some day myself, .•ii•iii?•:i•ii?*..:i::L:•::..:;...::...::.•?•i•:::ii•:::::::;?:?f;.•!ii•i::i.i??:!.•::?.....::;::::?:?:?::::::-:::: i'iiii:ili!ii•:::::."':.. andbe.I he typed was allas the kind copy ashe for couldhim, ,, ,0' ...... ,...:.•ii::•i:?.•:[i•i•i•i•:.:••...:•:...... :`•*•:...:ii•:ii!•ii•:•i•ii!•ii•:?!!:.:::%•:•...:,. anders, offor whomthe Other fourfive are copymen writ- and They Keep Asking Her to MRS.FI•ANK-J. LEE, Jl•.- _MRS. JAY H. one a woman. After a while, he Type Their Copy for Them. Miss Sheila Katherine Breslin, Miss Claire Joyce' Levinb. gav• me an occasional chance to daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. daughter of A. L. Levine of 90 try my hand at w••ting, and I did er, I'll go crazy- and I'll have Breslin, Jr., of 348 Maple Hill Dr., East Thirty-eighth St., and Mrs. all right. hardly any time for the interest- Hackensack, was married in Holy Jess Weiner of New York City, Trinity R. C. Church, Hacken- was married at ihc Hmel St. "About a year ago," her letter ing part, the writing. What shall I do?" sack, to Frank James Lee, Jr., Regis Roof, to Ensign Jay Her- continues, "I came up with a- son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee, 218 West bert Lehr, son Of Mr. and Mrs. really good idea and they used Check Yourself First End Ave., Ridgewood. Martin M. Lehr of iIackensack, it. Shortly after that, one of the The bride's father is the for- and Palm Beach, Fla. Dr. Arthur In a case like this, first be very T. Buch officiated. men copywriters moved to an- sure you aren't just touchy. But mer Bergen Couniy prosecutor. other company,and I was pro- if your co-workers cannot make Mr. Lee is the nephew of the late The bride who was given in Bernard L. Stafford, former marria'ge by her father wore a motedto his position.I was just themselvesunderstand that you as happy as I could be--but now mayor of Paterson and Passaic white tulle gown with a bodice are a writer now, and if your boss County prosecutor. of appliqued Alertcon lace. everything is wrong. cannot back you up, the best '"You see,I am supposedto be a thing is probably to go to another full-fledged copywriter. I sit in company as-copywriter, where the room with the others--the they never "knew you when." three men and the other woman. People will be people, and in a We all have products for which way you can't blame them for be- we are responsible, and we all-- ing unable to change their habits it saysheresare writing copyall day. of thinking. They're used to thinking of you as the one who .. "I love the work, but the ..::!:i.i:i:i::: .types their copy, and if you've :.-.:.:.:.:.:.:.: . trouble is, they still think of me given it a year, and th•.y still ß as a secretary. They'll get in a can't change, the best thing to do pinch, and ask me to type their is stop stewing, and get a job copy, and then I haven't time to elsewhere.

•-':•ß..- :•::" ':-'""::$ ..• :;-':::•-.v.:.. :.:.. ,..x :.:.:.....:.:.:.:.-..---• :'k::i.:.:;.7-:::.'.' ....- ..:...-...-.:.: :'.ß ..4;-..';. '- -.:. . :.:.:.:::• i::-::.:.... '•.&"f':.:..:'Z':'...:½.:....:.:...,.. . ."..•;.-..-.4..;... ß i•;:...... ' .-...:.--.:.--'•.i•::•;:..'...... ::: :.:-.-:f..!D, -:..4...:f•...... ':"":'-';.•'.:•.:!::7 ß:'::.•:" '-'-'::'.::..:i "-'-"?.:':•.." -.-.' '"': "•' '"•' ".'"'".2-:..... '!'•-:" •:•:.. -'-::i:: :.-.:.'.-'.-'.-?.:"'.":..•:5!":"..'•. ": ...... ":: .:•.. .i.'. :,.'•,•...... :::."•: :.•.•.: !.,'.•i.:. ::::::3!:!: 3::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ß - % ' ' ...... •.... ': .,'.:.::'....::..::•;:..::½•:•i..'.:•..',.. •"•-:::.'::-.':' ..-.• .: . 'u..;•...-.?::..:•'..-".:•"•:•.:..,7-:.:.-._.-.,•;'.:.::•;:. • ::•::•....•?:..:..:.•.•:::....:•..:..:•:•.:.•.....•;:•%`.:•....`.•..../:.:•i::•...:•:•....*•.....•.....•..:•.•/".'.*..'.•.4i:.-..*:':*:.' :•.;'-'•....¾'*•'--":- •--..:: -•••••••i-•".-...-".:.;.:'.:'•"''•"*"""" '" '"'"'' : .•:...::•..::..,..!...... iii...•.....•:!i....:•i..:.•.;.:•:•...•!•.:!::...•...•ii•..`.:i:....i...... •:•...... •.•..:...... •.•&..•.%:•.....•..:•:k.:• . - .'.:..'•i:•i;.-i...:.';:::•;-i•-;.-"::.:.•.'.•i.:.-'-'.':.:.'.:':.'¾.-':'":;'..'...•'¾•..;•%".:'•-'. ß ...... ::i:[::....::::::::::.•.•:•:..•:::::::..:•:::::•:::...... :::::::.•:::::.•..•;%•::.•....:..•- .:-':•.:'.•:-. '- : ' ::'.." ":..:-:•.:.!.'.:::.':.:•'-'.-'.•:a..'."' '-f•½)•i. ' i. •.•::...... •.:...•:....:..:..:..:•i:•i;:•!i•;...... •;:::::i•.../.:..:...:•..f..:•;•;•....:....::.;•::.•...... :..•;•.•...:::::'.'•i'-,.'."...... '" , ...'.-'.-'.-'.":•i.•,..T'? .-•.".-'i•;i-:.':f.'.'.-::'.";"..'"-' ....-.-::.-..•.:ii'.':.-::':•., ß •:•:.-f'•'.-:.?.-":"F!'L:.....:":':--:-,,-.:."•?'•"'"'"'" ':'"":"'":••' •: •-:"..:.::.'%'::.-' :. :.' •:::'"::"%"-;'-%..•*•-':-:•?i:.•i-':-•.,%:.'.::"-:..:•i.•iL. :.'. : .. •.-' ..:..'•/,'•i..:•:•:-¾.-:'•.•!:•-• %.:: ..:::.. %..:.-.•:•...: .....:ß '.-•?':..-.-'..-•-ß ::::::.. ::-::•:-•:.:::::....v.' ß -...... ,,::...:-..:.•.- ...:.::.:.:• ...... :.. ß

ß: .' .'.. .::'.•:.:r.. k:!.!:.;'-•.'.::.::'.•:•.•?•-'"$ -.•&, •' !::!.:':' ,..:%:'' ' "-.'."'?•....:?-... "...... ' : ':':,-•' . :•-" '. ..:3::';•:q •:..-.:,• "•: ...'::::' - ß : ':' ...... ::.c•.'•"-" . .' , .. ß :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::======...... :.' ' ß ' •:!i:..::..:•ii:.iiiiiii!iiiiiiiii!i!i[iiiiiifi!!•!iii!i!•:!:E:i:i:i:!:i•!::::.::::!::!:.•:i::•i:i:i::.: : . •:..;..:.•:•½:, .• •:...... (. ß , '. -: ' :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::! ii!i::i •i::: :i•i•i':':'::?:!:i:i:i:' ß :. ß•.:?.;• ,, -• , MRS. GORDON C. Sinew ß -: . -.:• & .. . MRS. HENleY DE BOER, JR. -,- ..,.•., ..,. ß. ' •c•c..-:': The marriage of Miss .Alma :•ß ...... •'•..•c. ß ' .' Miss M a r i 1 y n Kleinmanns, Posthumus, daughter' of Mr. and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mrs. Henry M. Posthumus, 89 Kleinmanns, 349 Goffle Rd., East Third .St., Clifton, to Gor-

. Ridgewood, was married to don Clyde Shaw, son of Mr.-and Henry De Boer, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Sha•, 64 Warburton Ave., Hawthorne, was performed Mrs. Henry De Boer, 211 North recently in the 'Lakeview First St., at Riverside Reformed -Heights Reformed Church. The Church by Rev. Richard Detrich, Rev. Delbert L. Kinney officiated "THAT'S THE MAN•" ß -- A frightenedwltn•.ss points out a sus- A reception was held at the Can- at the ceremony which. was fol- pect to in "M Squad," which starts on NBC-TV, Friday, dlewick for the immediate-fam- .lowed. by a reception ,'•n Guild SePt. 20. Marvin plays a Chicago plainclothesman. ilies. Hall, Haledon.

Ti• CHRONICLE basement. It is a certainty that your possessions 'The EDi T 0 have grown like flowers in the spring, with new rugs,.clothes, labor-saving ap- pliances,TV setsand hi-fi phonographs, Editor Speaks THE ATOM'S MANY MYSTERIES kitchen ware, do-it-yourself equipment, musical instruments and so on ad in- Some time ago the directors of the Poor DragoljubIvosevic really h•s notth- finitum. ing to do with this column EdisonElectric Institute establisheda But his story-is so 'touching that I thought Techn•lAppraisal Task Force on Nu- Finally, you've probably made im- rdd tell it to you, anyw&y. Dragoljub. who is a student of theology, clear:."'l•er. It wasgiven various dut- portant improvementsto your grounds. and a pot who• works have never been ies, 'am6ng them being that of contin- All of these things cost money. They published, wanted to come to America. from u0usly reviewing the progress of re.- his native Yugoslavia. now cost a great. deal more than they. So he crawled into one of !the long metal Searchand developmentwork, in this used to--about double the figures ob- boxes under the railroad 'cars that are used country and elsewhere, of importance taining when the last world war ended. for carrying batteries, an(1 started-on his to the. achievement of competitive nu- wav. This brings up the big question: Has But, in Trieste, he was discovered and c 'lear power. yourinsurance coverage been adjusted pulled out. He was taken before the Circuit Court, to- Thel;i•:.•askForcehas now made its -to take care both of your increasing list gether with some o•rhers who had tried to rain co lusions of the greatest signi-fi- of possessions,and of the price rises work the same stunt. ..that have taken place? The Judge asked him Why he wanted to go cance... to America. It finds, for instance, that "because Few peopple 'cananswer that with an Vlrsn't Yugoslavia good enough for him-- of the newness .of the power reactor art honest Yes. or for anybody? Dragoljub replied that he wanted to. see and the resultant lack of accurate speci- the world and particularly America. fic information... economic analysis "What's to see-in America?" the Judge Since 1950, according to J. Edgar. asked. of overall performance of stationary Hoover of the FBI, the crime rate has "Well, •here is the Statue of Liberty. And power.reactors at this time.would.be' of then there is' the flea circus in New York." increased four times as fast as the pop- little ":T'r•l value." It finds also that "Fleas?"queried the. judge. "We hav• ulation. He finds the increase in juve- "there are no clear-cut examples of re- them here." nile crime especially alarming. '"Yes," replied Dragolj•., "but the Amer- actors 'ready and waiting' to. be built in ican fleas are TRAINED." prototype or larger size except possibly The judge gave him eighteen months in those already. being developed-in those the hoosegow where he. would have plenty One of the most colorful enterprises of opportunity to train his own fieas. sizes." And it states: "Because of fac- in American history, the Pony Express, tors.•'that cannot be accurately evalu- existed for only 18 months--from April You must have read a,bout Paolo Cres- ated in practically every reactor varie- cenzo. the 68-year-old forme,' railroad laborer 3, 1860 to October, 1861. The-War lrom the West Coast, who was recently ty, the Task Force does not expect it t•veen the States ended it. found camping in Nex• ¾o,'k's Grand .Central will be able to state categorically that Te,'minal with his lile'savings of $23,350' in some. paper bags. Reactor A is the best, Reactor B the When questioned by the .police he 'told next best and so on." National Review says: "Sales were them that he was on his way .back to Italy. Some thirty-none years ago he left his wife In other words, the concept of nuclear up in the first quarter of 1957, but profit and came 't'o this country to make his for- power generation is so new, and there margins lower as stiff competition kept tune, he said. are so many unsolvedand partly-solved prices down while manufacturing and Now i.• was time to go back. distribution costs rose with. almost auto- His wile would ,be 'waiting for him. He was problems concerned--both scientific and getting old and it was time to settle down. economic--that no one at this time can matic wage increases." They took the money away from his, de- be sure what type or types of reactors posited it in a bank and arranged fir its will prove most efficient and economical. transfer to a bank in Naples. So, obviously, a vast amount of research A group of Boston businessmen Well, he got back to Italy all righ.•. - still needs to be doneeand it is being -staged a realistic re-enactment of the The homecoming was touching. Boston Tea Party, in protest against I-Ifs wife, now an elderll woman, waited done, thanks in large part to .the elec- for him. tric industry and other private enter- mgn taxes and government spending. '"Hello,Angela. ho .ware you ?" saidPaolo•' prise. Tea chests labeled "waste.", '"big bud- "All right," said Angela. get" and so-on' were .thrown into the The. two shook hands and got on'a bus harbor. which took them to their farm near Vinchia- turo, in the Province of ,Campobasso, near LOOK AROUND YOUR HOME Naple s. But' before embarking on the. bus Paolo was. heard to ask' .What has happened to the 'value of A sho.rt time ago the New York Stock "Where'smy m. oney.?" ß your home and its contents in the dozen Exchange celebrated its 165th birthday America is just wha,.t you make it-yourself. .y•.;._..•.since World War II ended? It's ---in a nati,on which itself is only 181 To some it is trained fleas. To .others it's a Safe bet you couldn't immediately money. years old. But to mo•t of those x•ho came to these answerthat questionwith any degree shores not only to SEE the Stalut. of Li,ber- of:.,accuracy, and an equally safe bet ty bu!t to enjoy everything for which she stands, it is an IDEAL. that if you make a thorough,going job 'Newsweek reports that the gross Na- Lo,ok at any telephone book or city diree- of listing the changesand additions, tional product (which is the total value to.ry: In them you will find names.of every' or•gm. 3}ou'llbe in for a considerablesurprise. of all goods and services produced in They 'have found everythine; here. that they or their ancestors came for. It-is verylikely that you have made this country) was at an annual rate of ß * * major improvementsto the house itself $427 billio nfor the first quarter of 1957 But here is one piece of .advice to all pros- --$23 billion above the comparable peetire immigrants--and all ..young'Ameri- --rangin,g from storm windows to a cans as well: If you wanit trained fieas you largergarage. or a. gameroom.-in the period a year b•fore. have to 'train them. yourself! The CHRONICLE TH!

======) ::::::::•i!iii:::::: ß': .// ofthe week ..• i'- : .. , •..s•.,

Government exists to provide, Young pheasant broods natur- ß by group action, for those needs :,:. ally produced this year are trav- i'." •' of modern society that cannot be eling to lower elevations in order performed by individuals or fam- : '• to secure water and more a'bun- .. ilies on their own. Example... dant feed. Similarly, concentra- *:, :: cdmmon education in the public tions of .deer have shifted to take school system exists simply be- advantage of existent water sup- cause we ca•not afford, nor do plies. we have the special abilities re- quired, to teach our children our- Bob White quail throughout the seives at home. southern section of the State are beginning to show the effect of This, I believe, is the true and reduced vegetational growth and proper purpose "of government. the lack of water, the Division It should be the goal toward said. which our elected and appointed offic{als strive. If the present drought condi- tions continue unabated there is The idea that government reason to believe there will be a exists to nourish the fortunes of detrimental effect on all wildlife individuals, or political parties in the State, accordingto the di- and party bosses, is false and im- vision. At the present time the moral. Government does not many small farm ponds that have exist to create special privilege been constructedby landowners for a few individuals, classes or special interest .groups at the ex- in many sectionsare furnishing water to a good part of the wild- pense of the welfare and pocket- life population. book of the majority. American political thinking has l•EPOl•T•John D•ly, left, clmirm•n of .Our Lady of Holy Angels made great strides toward this Church, Little 'Falls, Diamond ,Jubilee Carolreign, •nd ,S•nto Con- goal in the pas{ few years. It is The major New Jersey resort oizzo, Memorial 'Gifts .elm•n, study the .l•rish caznImign the result of the appearance of areas promise a great amount of progress ;with the l•ev. Jerome C•11agher, O.F.M., Z•ts•r. The great numbers of Independent late summer fun in the next two eaznpai• has a :,m,i.qimuzn•ee• of $1.25,000for extraordinar• Imr-. voters. Political analysts admit months according to Joseph E. ish ,expenses'.including .•vhe •cost of •he recently completed convent. that Independent voters elected McLean, Commissioner of the President Ei'senhower in both New Jersey Department of Con- campaigns. The election and re- servation and Economic Develop- ment. election' of Democratic Governor Muskie of Maine was the work September and early October of IndePendents as was the elec- have long been noted as ideal tion of Governor Meyner in 1953. ti,mes of the year to take a vaca- I ,believe the Independent vot- tion, when the days are warm and the nights are cool. Many ers of Passaic County, together vacationists consider this period with the many disillusioned and their favorite at New Jersey re- disgusted Republicans and Demo- sorts. crats will support me in my ef- forts to win election to the State -Last year, for the first time, Senate. I pledge that I will serve New-Jersey broke tradition and the true purpose of government kept most of her resorts open in a practical and productive man- longer to meet the modern trend ner. of more leisure time for more One way to do this would .be to people. The precedent-breaking support those Legislators who Venture proved so successful .that it was decided to repeat it for the have tried to enact, in the face of 1957 season. strong influence from special in- terests, laws to protect against The State is cooperating with misleading advertising and solici- the local resorts in their. efforts tation. I intend to work for an to extend the season by launch- improved "Food and Drug" Act ing an advertising campaign and and for laws that will protest us preparing a special news bulletin in the production of the things folder, listing all the resorts. re- we use and eat. maining open with late summer attractions.

Information concerning special Serious drou,ght conditions now reduced rates and package plans -prevalent in New Jersey have had a serious effect on the State's are available free .by writing for the folder entitled "Late Summer wildlife population, the State Di- Fun", State Promotion Section, WELCOME---Councilman •Fr•nk Sogorkk greets Governor Robert vision of Fish and Game, Depart- Meyn,er •t • I•wn paxty •t his home,, 25 •outh Bromiw•y. F•ir ment of Conservation and E•o- Department of .Conservation and Economic Development, 520 East I•wn. Show• left to right .are: Louis D'Agost0_,•enate c•ndi- nomic Department, announced State Street, Trenton, N.J. date; Mrs. Meyner; the Governor; Sogorl•; and •M•y•r Joseph' today. .Matule.Sogor!• he•ds Meyner's Bergen C.o,.un .ty,campaign. The CHRONICLE PAG. E NINE •.•.

. . ..,


::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. -...-:; .4'•- ß ' ' ß'" THE S ' " ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-•:. • ß >. ,',' •y D. •. ,, i:!:i:i:}:i:i:i:i:i:i:!:i:!:i:i:i:":'.:.-'•"t.4t, • : • ' ß : ======•'..:.'"-: • ' !:i:i:!:E:i:i:!:i:i:!:i:i:!:!:•:i:'"======•::'-"-;i•.....' "'li ' I• i : "' . ....:::. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :.:.::::::::::::.--::::::::::::::::::::::::::...... ,' •7,i,..,• •' ,' ---½,',; ß. ...,;,' , •, •, ...... ;.f:.:; .. ß ..,... ======"Glenn Ford and Jack Lemmonhave won the covetedco-starring i:!iiiiii!i..•?:;:,.? ..:..•. , , ,., . .-.'- . • ß ::.-',.:•:::i.:...½ ..*;: :-•--•.... :"::.;======role in COlumbiaPictures' Phoenix production of "Reminiscencesof ....i.-i.... ,' ...... • '-, . ' ...... ,..'.;.- . !•;_-.••; - .-•-:!-.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: a Co•*boy,"based on the famedFrank Harris book,"Reminiscences ':i!•i;i:-'•-..'"'i.-%::•;:..:..'. ' - ....:?.-...... :: .!.:...... ,... ..:• ..... -...... -_ .. . .. •,, ' ....•..:i..:;:-i::,ß •-i...... ;'. .... - . ß . •,.•. >*. ::::-'i.:... -•,:;:"-;'::>•r-. .-., ."•, ">•" '.. '-:-•.• ' , ...... : ...::f:.::'-:-'- ½<: '...... : ' •:'!•:-..> .... :::'>-- ::-..'"'.' ' . "'- :-'.' ..., -'; ' '" of a Cowboy."Ford .will be seen as the cattlemanand Lemmon as ::::...... :4./ ' ß '. -, ..•.. .:>.;:.:.: •.:-'. ::. - - .:-:...... : ß ::::::::::.::.•.- •..:•.-.e•.•,•.::.. ", ...... -:i.:;.'i::' ,-- 'C 8.:' .. .. ' ../. "....' the hotel clerk turned cowhand in the color film which Delmar ii':'!ii!i!•:•.•,:..':'½:> -.;;½¾ :'"i: ,4('-::.ß [,.; ,:.• " .-..['• ß ::;...... ' '• ..' Daves will direct and Julian Blaustein will produce with location ...... ;;½.,.;:;'•?-•:...... ":-.:-...i.-: :..;.'.:..•_,..i::•.¾... : . shootingin E1 Pasoand SantaFe. The top.feminine role will be !!. :•:-'•i!•'.•i•'•.::•-:"*; ..::?*:•...... :. "•'""::':i: •,' '...•.11:•."':.":.";:' .• "' :.. filled ,by Anna Kashfi,borrowed from M'GM,who will portray the : ,•;•.•:•.>..;...•...... •.'.x•;-.:.: .,•.,•: .... , .-- ß ...... ;:.4.- v.'..-:-•. ,-:•:. ,.• ß . . . ß.ß .'- .•...ß::. . daughterof the Mexicanland baron. Other leadingroles have been ß•'_- ::-?:.:' '½' ' ß '- x. ß ß - ' ß-.. .;¾.•½:•..-...... :.: • ß . ..•-...... ' assignedto Dick York and RichardJaeckel. Jaeckelwill soonbe • i -:,-•,.. •. ,...... :.•.:.....ß...... •.,..:...... - ß • ;-.•- .- '.-½,•...... •,. - -'- ...... :v•- "'"• ß ..•... ß .-.-. seen •.onthe screen with Ford in "3'10 To Yuma" and York played a ':':':' " '< ' :: - - ' ' ß "' "2.-." '-: ':::::: ß'.'. - ..¾ :-:.-::.x. ß-' '. •-:::.::'-'•::.'"'•.•::::-'::?:-.-.,. cowboy on. the stage in "Bus Stop." ..' • ß ß ...... '.•. , -;'.L.. ß . ß :...-.ß v...•. :.:...... < :: ..:.::.:.;...:...½•:..4..:.4...... -.• ^ . ;._.'. •,. ....ß ß.,• ; ::'.-.:...... ' ß ' :..½.•:. .- .ß ß ..:¾: :' .. :.:: .<....-.:'.... . :..:::.,..>-'.-:.':$:.''.':•.-..-! ...... :.:..• ß iii: 'i::'.': ' ß .. ' '.' "".':.:....-':.-:'..... :i.."7:..: ..-: . i:!:•:::!:i:!:?': -• . '- ' ' : ß '. :i."•:?': !i:i!i!i!i!ii:- -.-. .'. ' : ..;:::':'.:½. '[. Joe Pasternak and Sam Katz have completeda deal with Alan :::::::'.:::.:.:::::::::::::..,•½.' :: •.-•.ß ß.:. -.:.4 -:--:' '.'.. :'.:-.:::.: ':.:::-:::::::..... "•:-?:':'v.:'::.-::•:::::::- ':::':':-•..>.f':': Ladd to star in "The .Chiselers," sensational new novel by .Al.bert i;:-:'': ." ,.. ..-' : ...'-.... :' :: ' . ..i:-...... ::!¾!:.::.:•!. !.•!!!!!iiii:•->'•':";-.%*..'.'::.'; •--..- ...... -- -. ß : .-..x .-.:. ,...:...:...:..<.....::::::::::. Conroy which they have acquired for their Euterpe Productions ß,ß,•.•. ;..:;•: ,•-::' -. "'-•:•-'•,'•,..::::..•i• '...... '..,..-'.' .'ßß ' -. ;.:.-::...... :i•.i:!:i:;-::::>:::'•,i:i•:-. ::•i:i "' '¾'?.-"'::':'-.-..!.. slate and which they' plan to put before the cameras in November...... '::' ..... t ' ii!!::?:ii-:.•" . -%:-I • . ß /•;>• .-'"': .' .. ' :':'i Ladd •vill play a detective in a violent, modern crime jungle. The : .:-.-.....::::.:.:ß .. -•;.. .. ., •,•. , . . : role is describedby' Pasterrisk as Ladd's most exciting in many i'-.:":::.:..-:.;;"-'-:-'- •' .." ', .•.", '.: ,•:.....'-'. :. ,: "::•ii•.•.:.(., •.',• . ':":':?.•: ..;.':!.:; . f•....::.- :::::::•.'.-':. ;.....•!.;,...i. z :.::'"::ß -:-'i:'-: ' ß .'"". . ß' • :.' :. ,t. ..-.:;:.:;:... ;. ..:.-,,;...:4ß .-.: ß,½-: - :..v...... : years. Two more top star names, one male and one female, will team •.:.'.'-,,,.:..% ' '.;: .-. •;-'..i•i:.':-..:'.'. :.;:'.-i;.:•-4:: .' •'....'.;..:-'.. with hi min the story, for which Euterpe outbid several major stu- dios. Previously announced were Frederick Kohner's novel, "Gid- '.?""""Y'••,. ;.::;•".-:,.½:',;•; ' ' "ß ".•.1.,%'"' 'r .:::::.:"4.....•.-;.¾...- ,.' '" !3.:?'.-".-?..:.½ i':.<..::"-. '"? - ':-'-.•::i-'-"::i:::i:?-::"."'i•;""?.:.:'.-½;•%-.' "'•i•.-•.-::.,.-•..:•i[;,i'!::::'-':::.':'::':'. .•/';:.::i-'...... :•:" get,!' .on which the author is now writing the screenplay', and ,,.• .-.;.•,',',; .... .•...:•i •:original ,by Felix Jackson,to star GloriaGrieger. '•'.¾•'• :""., .' ;..;"•:• •- ß½'.•:: '-:;.":-';.,,"•ß ' ' ß:' ' ======. i:!:::i:i:i."i•i::':_,',, ."i::'½..i::..'-..! :-'.½.:.:.:-: :.'::.-.....-.-:::::•iiiii•ii•iii:iii!:•iii...... i•:•i•:•::•iiiiii•iii•i•iii.....:i:i!;:i•:•:•:•:i:.•i:.....i;-:.:.',,.4.½.:.:-:.:-:-:-::•-:-:--:•-:-.-:-:-'- "-:.:-.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::.-",,::-:-::..'; ß ...:.j;.ß..•!.•:;. :: '.:.-:½.- : •,•'•-'-•:.-:.- -"" ' ß' .-.•.¾.•:';.::""'•:'-'-;"""•"'. ; .:-"ß-"":':'i:.'"-•!'-::!:?.":"'""""':":"'"ß:";":";':':,•l,'t"' .-:::" .-.".:-"--:-:-:.>:.:-:.:::-:.:4.:-::: .::!::.i:i:•:•:i..:..•..::i:i.•:•:::•:::.•.:..:::::.,.::..;•::..:=::::..:::::•.•.":::::::....:.•::.:.::•.:...:..::.:•.::..,..:•. :::-..::":::;;::::.-::'.:: ::.-::::'4:.::. ;.-..ß..:.:.:.-. ß."4-" •..-:-;-:-:-•:-".: '-".,•,:-'"'..'-"' :" i:: : ' ': -':;:':-'•"' .'"-.':'ß ß-:-::::-:'' •$4 "':-.4..::.::::::..::;..."""•.:.'•:::::"•!::::"-"•:".;::::•:•:.:":•:•::::•:•:::::•.•:::::•.•-!:::•::::::.•.:::::::•'....t.. ..: ' ' '-•:•.... •:;;•'"'.•i'.".:':::'•i'•'.-!!:?;:ii!i!i"*•'.• .,, •`J::.•.;•...•`...... •..•;•ii•;•....:.,...•;•:`..;.;...... ,.•!•ii•....•....•.•.....:r...•....r..:•:•:...... :.•i•;,...;...,....•...:,.!•!.•:..:!.•.:..•.....•!....;• Brian. Donlevy will co-star with Glenn Ford, Jack Lemmon and ,. :' '-..-,. :;..'.•;.•.•..:. • -½ ",7.-•::::::.'-.:,¾.'i:::i•'. :":i:F::2-:.!½.(:• ...i:i:...i::..:3:.•;i$:..::i:::i.:.:&..:•::.•?::i::i•:!:•::...:•::::....:..::.•:::;..:::::•.. .::: ::i!.::-:"."T'""'• ;',• ;•.½.:4•:..-.• .-::!&-:.•:.M.:. ;";o.½ ".-' .¾:•-.:::':'.;.?:('::!:!:!.7•%'.:'!'.. '.4";.; ..- -:.-:::::::.d•&.%•..!$•: •.- ...... " Anna Kashfi in "Reminiscences of a Cowboy," playing a veteran '.,_'•, _'! r' '--' •" - .•. •-•:•:•" ' ß •' '' gunfighter and former peace officer who turns cowhand because he is. sick of shootin,g affrays. Donlevy joins the balance of the cast BJLCK TO •BO--Bob ,Cummings,the fun-loving pltotogr•pher (•n '•.TheBob CummingsShow," poses with • trio of 1%rB•models in the Phoenix production for Columbia, in Santa Fe, N.M., where most of the location. work is headquartered. directs, to signalhis return4• ,then, etwo•k. The ,showpremieres on •he •BC-T¾ •et•;ork Tuesday, Sept. •4. with Julian Blaustein producing. Donlevy, seen currently' on tele- vision in the "Dangerous Assignment" series, will return to the stage in Paul Gregory's,production of "The Rivalry," based on the Lincoln-Douglas debates, after he comlpletes "Reminiscences of a Cowboy." .Gale Storm Starts New Season

Otto Preminger has cast Mylene Demongeot as "Elsa" in his film version of Francoise Sagaifs "Bonjour Tristesse," to star De- borah Kerr and David Niven with Jean Seberg. Mlle. Demongeot, who has been descri.bed as a "French Kim Novak," has made only one film, "Les Sorcieres de Salem," French-made movie of Arthur Miller's play', "The Crucible." Preminger will produce and direct "Bonjour Tristesse" entirely' On locations in Paris and in the South of France. Miss Kerr is cast as "Anne," Niven as "Raymond" and Miss Seberg, the 18-year-old Marshalltown, Iowa, title player of '!. ..' .- /.'- !-.,..•-'i.-!?½•'-.•½..'..-'.-:;.-?::...... :'--"!'; "%." ..:....;' .:-'i :"""•:.....•.'?;.¾•?•::.-.-.::;•-'.:' Breminger's UA release, "Saint Joan," will be "Cecile." ß . .::'":!x... -" ' .-. •.:.. .• '-' ...... -,:.:.--•-'.:.- .x ß:-.•-, .

Congressman Hale Boggs, chairman of the special committee on narcotics in .the House of Representatives and a leading fighter , against the illicit drug trade has filmed a prologue, theatre trailer i; .....,,..;::;.."!?i:'i ;...,.•,•.•. 'i-.'"-"'.11'i;i:::;'ß -;.:':-.. •:i"'•• ...... ;•"'"'•?•.'¾. :?''•••j' "•!I":'••'...::.:....?':::iil:•i!; '! '.-• i•;'TI' :i!':iiiii... - '-'"" .' -:' .... and television footage "Pickup Alley," a Warwick production. The ;.,.::. •...... ;•--.:..-...... )/.,.: ...... :i . "..,:!:.:-...... : ..:.•. • ....ß . .-,½-...-•.:::.:.. .: :: .--:.ß: ....:-½-•;..:.:::: ...... -...... - •. ..:...... :'-::..-... ,.- ,. Louisiana Democrat will :be seen in the. foreword to the C•nemascope ß•-:. :-:. :,..:½.½....z!,i "....,.4.,,.•.....ß '.•-'": ..... ' ''::-.... ?::•//".-:!•. :..:ii":-': .....ß. - ( ":'...... -..: '." :::' : film, based upon the. International Police Organization's fight on narcotivs traffic, as well as on the special theatre trailer. Boggs also has written a series of five. articles on. the. illegal drug trade ai.:•'-its international aspects, with referencesto "PickupAlley," and this feature will be serviced to leading newspapers throughout the country. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"• , .;.' .-;Jl....G!?•" ' ",,.-.-:"' !•i::::.....-'.':'..4"!•:._ ß.... ½i.:!¾:?-'.-.'!-'.'-.-.:.:.- ...... ß.•-ß ..•..:.,..;½'-'"":-:-:• ,:.-.-.ß " :."-•-.- *-,•, . .•:.-.¾.....::,,,.:" ...::-..:;(-.' :. :....•- ß...... - ...... :..: .,,• :• .... :;•*...• •.--..:'. .. . . •.,,. , .. •.:: •...ß•-.....:•...•:.•...•. - :-,:.:...... ?'.•..'¾.-,:..¾:..,..;, ß • •,. ß ,. !'.•?.½.'. N. Richard Nash has been signed to write the screenplay of --^"'...... '::??;::•-•-"•. '" '" '.'i '"' '*""'-:': ..:..:..:. ::::..i!?:;.:•'&,,.- ß.--,...... "The. Great Sebastians," Howard Lindsay-Russell Crouse Broadway ß ::. ::'!;:'•:ii!•iii!::"../ ' hit which George Sidney will direct with Fred Kohlmar producing. ':':,...... ',:--'"'- :??;½: ..... '""" -...... This is the same..director-producer combination currently making "The Gale StormShow" begins its Fall seasonon Sept 14 "Pal Joey" with Rita Hayworth, Frank Sinatra and Kim Novak. over the CBS Television Network. Miss Storm (above left) ap- pears as the popular shipboardhostess and Zasu Pitts (above Nash is the author of "The Rainmaker," both play' the screenplay. right) is her friend, the beautician. PAGETEN Tim CHRONICLE 8:30 13--AllStarMov,e ...... 2__.!_:L•t,.$ .T,•:00 I!--i: Led ThreeLives 8:00 4•Ploi•i•hg..AC.as• Trip .d¾' . 9:00 2•JimmyDurante S•LoeneyTunes 4•Ju',iusLa Rosa 7--TheChristopher P•'ocj• 2.•:- G-E Theaf•e..•.•:•?.... ½½ 5---Wor',d'sGreatest 13•l•al.Ouiz.' '4•TV Pi'ayhous•..... -'• Detect[•es 12:30 5--Warner-Bros. Pr 7--Billy Graham 7--Dangerous Asslgnm I I--Movie 2•Wild BillHickok 9•Hour of Myster"•- 4•Ask Congress I I•-Ba.dge 714 .- WCBS-TV--2 WgCA-TV•4 WABD--5 8:30 5--Betweenthe Lines 13--SpaplshShow WABC-TV--7 WOg-TV--9 WPIX--11 2--TwoFor the Money 7--Faith For Today 9:00 I I--Sightseeing WATV--13 2--Hitchcock Presen• 13--Views .of Italy 2--Oh Susanna 7•idwestern Hay•e. 4---MysteryTheatre I:00 . I I•Davld Niven TheaeTV Mourningand Afterno,onPrograms Are Repeated 5---N.O. P.D. 2--I-leckie& Jeckle 10:00 .'•: 7--LawrenceWalk Show 4•News& Views MondayThrough Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 9--Movl, S..000 13--Zero1960 5•JamesMason •The Web 7--Movie--Drama 7--MikeWallace "• 7:00 7---Martin Bl'ock--Variety 4---Brldeand Groom 9:30 9--Unfinished Business 9•ovJe 2--Jimmy Dean Show 12:00 2--SROPlayhouse I I--Ramarof theJunge I I•Studlo57 ':•' 4•Today 2--ValiantLady 3:00 4•A Dollar a Second 1:30 13•ForeJgnCorrespondent 8:00 4•TicTac Dough 2--TheBig Payoff . 5•Sheldon at Noon 4•Matlnee Theatre 5•Wrestling 10:30 2•CaptainKangaroo 7--TimeFor Fun 5•LiberaceShow I I--TheTracer 2--Pict.for ß Sun.P.M. 2•Whet's•Feaf. Film•y Line7 7--Tinker'sWorkshop 12:15 7•AfternoonFilm Festival 13--Foreig.n Correspondent .5--Moyle---Drama4---Film Shorts 8:30 2--Love of Live 9--Ted Steele ! 0:00 9--Krmfhole Gang 7•MovleI I•The Man Called. .X'• 7--Tinkerloons- Cartoons 12:30 3:30 2-- I I--Baseball 13•House Defec• • 9:00 2--Searchfor Tomorrow2--Bob Crosby Show 4--Encore Theatre 13--Rapt. from Rutgers 2--Stu Erwin 4--It Could Be You 5--Comedles 7--Ozark Jubilee 2:00 !1:00 4•Todey 7•Memory Lane I I--Premiere Performance 2•Sun. News Special 4•Cifizen's Union S--SandyBecker 13--Western 4:00 13--Wrestllng Film •John K. M. McCaffrey 9:30 12:45 2--BricjhterDay 9--1•aseball 5•Defecfive Sfo• 10:30 I !--Baseball I I•Mysfery Thea. 2--MyLift'e Margie 2•TheGuid;ng Light 4•Queen5--Wendie ForBartieA Day 13--U nlversify 7--Movie--Drama I:00 I I--Firs•, Show 2•Jimmy Dean I1:15 4•Adventure Theatre 2:30 2--News 13--FeatureFilm 2--•heLate Show 10:00 4•Tex & Jinx 5--Movie--Mystery 7--MoviesComedy 4--Sunday Movie •Feaf. Film 2--FredWaring 5--Movie 4:15 7--Movle--Wesfern I:10 4•Home 1:30 2--The SecretStorm 9--Movi• 13--All Star Movie 13--All Star Movie 2•The Late,Late Show[ 5•Movle 2-- 4:30 3:00 I I:00 - I- 10:30 4--Club60 2--TheEdge of Night 2--TheI•ate News S--Movie--Drama 2--ArthurGodfrey 7--TheAfternoon Show 5•Mr. & Mrs.North 4•Sat. Night News I1:00 9--Screen'ngthe World 2--Late Matinee 13--Feature Film 5:00 11:15 3:30 2:00 2--Amos& Andy 2--The Late Show ß 4•Watch Mr. Wizard ! 4•ThePrice IsRight 2--OurMiss Brooks 4•ComedvTime 4•Movie 4:00 AUG. •6 '7--Roadto Romance 9--Cartoons 5--HerbSheldon 12:30 i 11:30 I I--Sinhtseeing 7--MickeyMouse Club 2--Movie 5:30 ' 2--Strike It Rich 2:30 9---Ted Steele 2•The Early Show 4--Truth or Consequences 2--Art Linkletter 7--Movie--Mystery 4---Amerlcan Forum I:10 7--Western 4--Movie 4 2--The Late, Late Show 13--Command Performance I I--Clubhouse Gang

4:30 6:00 4--Catholic Hour 12:00 5:00 5--Gene Autry 7--Studio 7--Drama 7--Oswald Rabblf SATURDAY '=-• BigTop 2--HorseRace 5:00 9--Round-uo 4•True Sfo•y 4•Film Shorts 2--Face '•he Nation I I--Popeyethe Sailor AUG..24 5--Liberace--Muslc S--Adv.of EastsideKids 4•Fronfiers of Faith 7--The Bontemp;s 7--Movie 5--Gangbusters 6:30 9---Movle 9--Milfion Dollar Movie 7--News Conference AUG. 25 5--Looney Tunes 7:00 13--1talian."FeatureThea.I I--Ramar ofthe Jungle 5:30 7--Corllss Archer 2--World News 4--Modern2--TheBreakfast FarmerShow 12:30 8:00 I I--Combat Sergeant 5--Three Musketeers 13--Western 8:00 4•DetectlveDiary 5:30 2--Agriculture,'•SA 7--Press Conference 4•Sunday Schedule 13•Evangel. Hour 6:45 2__News 5--Feat.Thea. 2--Amos7--Five Star'nAndy Comedy 7--Cartoon Festival 4•Shariland I:00 I I--MoyleMystery 13--Big Picture 6:00 4•News 7•CartoonFestival 2--LoneRanger 13•Michae!'sStudio 8:30 4•Home Gardener 6:00 2--The Last Word 7:00 8:30 7•Studlo 7 2--Big Picture 4--Meet the Press 2--7 o'cl.ockRepf. 2--1-1i:koryDicbory Dock 9--GreatestFights 2•Six.o'clock Report 13--Oral Roberts 5--Th6Great Glidersleeve 4•Highwav Patrol 5--Gene Autry---Western 9:00 7--CorlissA;cher 5--RayMilland--Drama 9:00 1:30 7•JungleJim 2--Sunday News 13--N.J. Legis.Rapt. 7--Kukla,Fran and OI1'• 2--On The C'erousel 2•Riciht Now! 13--I-louseDetective 9--Thls Is the Life 6:30 9---Terry•oons' 4---Children'sThea. 4•Film Shorts 6:15 13--Film Shorts 2--YouAre There I I--News 13--BigPicture 7--TheAfternoon Show 2--PattiPage 9:30 9--KnotholeGang 4---SportsTime 4---CowboyTheatre 7:15 9:30 I I--BaseballHall of Fame ' 6:30 2--The Way To Go 5--MickeyRooney 2--News 9--Christian Science 7--StarTime 7•Johr•Daiy - News 2--CaptalnKangaroo 13--RequestPerformance 2--My Little Margie ! 0:00 13--•ov.Maynet I I--NewYork 7:30 News I 0:00 2:00 4•Hy Gardener 4•Howdy Doody 5--LooneyTunes 2--Lamp Unto My Feet 5-re.Leon Errol Comedles 2--Our Nation's Roots 7--Ri.n Tin Tin 5--Wonderama 7:00 2--RoblnHood 13--SpanishMovie S--Feat. Thea. 9•Comedy Theatre 9--Oral Roberts 2--Lassie 4--Georgla Gibbs 13--German Variety S--Frontier 5•udge Roy Bean ß I I--•aseball I I--Range Rider 7--You Asked For It 7--Wire Service "- 10:30 2:30 13--ForeignCorespondent 10:30 13---CartoonComics 9--Movie --- -- 2--MiahtyMouse 2--Congressl.onalGroup 7:00 2--Look Up and Live 7:30 I I--Sus;e '•" 5--Renfrewof Mounted 4•Movle 2--If You Had a Million 9--Chrisfophers 2--1v,v Favor;reHusband 13--All Star Movie ,:•' 7--Moyle 3:00 5•ounf of Monte Crlsfo 13--House Defective 4•Circus Boy 7:45 2--Movie--Drama 7--AnnleOakley--Western I !:00 5--Mr. & Mrs. North 4•NBC News . I I:00 7--Feat'ureMatinee I I--Superman 7--Movle--Drame 8:00 2--Susan'sShow 13--Movie 13•JimmyShearer 2--Eye on New York •--Mil!ion Dollar Movie 2--Burns & Allen 4--Fury 7--Focus I I--Victory af Sea 4•Ches. Farrell 5•Texas Rangers 4:00 7:30 9•Cartfoon Time 13--All Star Movie S--Frontier 9--Movle--Western 2--Movle 2--TheBucaneers 13--Spanish Show I I--Dr. Chrlsffian 13--Le Pegunta Musicale 4---LibraryLions 4---PeopleAre Funny I 1:30 8:00 8:30 11:30 5•Movie Drama 5--Crusade in the Pacific 2•amera Three 2--Ed. Sullivan 2--Talent Scouts ": .': 2--It's a Hit•C•ulz 7--Movle 4---Ask the Camera 4•Sfeve Allen 4•Acfion Tonight 4•Capt. Gallant 4:30 9--MillionDollar Moyle 5--Pet Center 5--Movie--ScenicFiction :-' 5•ConfidenflalFile 13--The Perucho Show 13•Juni.or Frolics I I--So!tilers of Fortune 7--This Is The Answer I I--Parls Precinct;Mystery 7---BoldJourney The CHRONICLE '-?•-"--"?';- P'A'GE-,EL 'E9'"EN ._ ß ... .•:•,..: " " -- '-; .i::,.'i:•':' .. I1' San FranciscoBeat S--UncommonVal.or 5--Mickey Rooney 9:00 I ImM.ovies 7•Disne¾1and 9•M,ovie 2--Whiting Girls 8:30 I I•Fast Guns of the West ß i!!•::-: .:.:". :i•':.:" ...... ß ':..... :i:::'-..::'! ß 4•Twenfy-one 2--PrivateSecretary 13•AII Star Movie :. :: "'•.id-•;' ::r":::-:' :!i: '• i. S--Racket Squad 7:45 ': ?: 'i' 7--Passportto Danger 4•Panlc 4•NBC News ß ;:.-.:.•:.:::..•;:.....:...... Now Show•:ng 9--Movie 5•Press Conference 8:00 :.:ß "•.?:!.-...':-'.-.g• ...... •...,.•, .... I I•ify Detectfive 7•Life of Wyatt Earp '•- • -• ..:..:: -. ß J/• SI•RR•:ALIDIEMU" ,. 13--Commancl Performance 2--Vic Damone , 9:30 9:00 4•Masquerade Party ...•.:.- ....- ..:}.... ?i--Wanted :.;..-...•:-..':•i:.'..o.:•.•.,ß½:"'"'•'f "•' ...... "": :•:'2 ': '•':: "•"':" • :"' p, $•C•E ; 2--PHvate Defective 2--To Tell' The Truth I I•Man Behind the Badae ß" '" ';" 4•Arthur Murray 4•Meef McGraw 8:30 I---Pref. Boxing 5--Mr. & Mrs. North : .-....j;•.:•. •.?:: / '-':• 7--Top Tunes- Walk 7•Broken Arrow 4•Father Knows Best .:, ?..•*--/ DANDUR•-D•NE •• II--Inner Sanctum 9•Star Airaction 5--C.ount of Monte Christo -:...... •.-.-.,,•-..- •...::... 7•Navy Log 10:00 13•Command Perform. I I•Pub'.ic De.render -' 2--Studio One 9:30 ALSO 4--Amateur Hour 9:00 :: 9---Moyle 2--SpotlightPlayhouse 2•The Millionaire I I--PublicDefender S--Cavalcade•Film Seriesof Stars 4•Kraft Thea. 10:30 HOSTESS-- dane wyman will ß 7--TelephoneTime, Drama S--Cavalcade7•Ozzle & Harrietof Stars 4•Code Three--Police 9--StrangeStories be hostess and occasional star on 9•Sfar AHractlon an entirely new program entitled S--Prof.Boxing 10:00 i I•Dr. Chr':stian t.:..½..•. , ß TONYCURtiS 7--The 'Falcon "The dane Wyman Show" which ':i I I•Fabian of Sc.ot. Yard 2--$64,000 Ouestion 13•Command Perform. openson Thursday, Sept. 26. The •.:.... MARil)APAVAN 13--All Star Movies 4•Nat King Cole series will deal with adventure, ,•,.,.,.,,.,• GILBERTROLAND S---Sherlock Holmes 9:30 mystery and suspense. I I:00 7--PolkaTime 2•l've •ot A Secret 2--The Late News S--Movie 4---News - Weather 10:30 7•Ford Thea. 7--News 2•Spike Jones 9•Sfrange Stories I I--Inspector Mark Saber 4--Clairol Thea. I I--Hicjhway Patrol .....-.-.-:-: ...... ' ß. . .:.....:.....:.: . .-.--.::::.. ::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::.:...... ::. -;:•<::. . 11:15 10:00 2--The Late Show 7--Men of Annapolis 'i!ii•iii•,:'.':o'' ...... ' .•:;..:.. ' ':iiii!:::•-:'i:.'.•i::•::i:•ii::•-i•i•?!:!:::b•'•:r•:.'-:i:-':'•"-:-"'"i!i•!•:'i•?:-':•':""•::•:: . '?:----•::•!i.•-..!ii:-"•.::•, . .,:, .•:.•..,'••.'::"...... ' 4•Tonicjht 13--AllStar M.ovie 2--20fh Century Fox Hour 4•This Is Your Life ::i'ii•:-'-:i•:•;i: ' ' .• "-':•!•: 5--Gussie's Corner I 1:00 "'::;;:-':•':i•?:•-:'....::A", •":' :.• ..:. . ,e. .:.:.::-:...... -:.:. .:.: -...... -. 7•Wed. Night Fights ..... ' ::•:..•:::-.'•A., 7--Movie 2•The Late News 9•Movie :-. .-.-:'ß ::::::::::::"::.:...... ".':' i•':::' '" ' ' ' '"" 11:30 4•J. M. McCatfrey I I•Federal Men -..-:, '5--ScreenSouvenirs 5--Wallace'sNightbeat 10:30 ß' '"'•":' ":i•!"i•:..:'E:. :i:-i!•; :•!:?':?i•!-'":":•:•:•'•::-''ii-:!i•i:i•i!!•'•"?"" ß-%i- '::'..::i:•..... '..... -.:,•;.•" 9--Movle 7•News ß -. . ::::::::::::::::::::::::. ß ....:.:.:..-.:., '- • .. •.' 4--The Vise - ,.,..':-.-: ß :.::::!:::'.:. I I--Billy'Graham 9•MovieI I•The Tracer I I•Mysfery Is My Business 12:30 11:15 13•AII Star Movie ',.. :' ß' "' ' '•'".?.::,..'. .... -,:.g•: '"' •. '....•:•ii!•...:.:.'...,-:'•-'-..-...•.:...... -;-..•..'• ...... 'o :., -: 10:45 ; ;•.: "."::•- ...::' .:ii:!•.':.:....:.. 9•trange Stories 2•The Late Show ß:',i .f•:'•..'- '- ":' ' ...... 7•Sports Page 1:05 ' 4--Tonlght I I:00 . Late,Late Show 11:30 2•The Late News 9--He-Man Thea. 4•J.ohn McCaffrey '•i '• ' "•• "::::'•"'• ...... '::::::::::::i::iii I I•Billy Graham 5•Wallace's Nightbeat ß.--: .' ..:...... a:;? '::::: 12:35 I I--Patrol Car TUESDAY 2•Lafe, Late Show ...... 11:15 -.. : .::- AUG. 27 2•The Late Show 4--Tonight .... ' "-: !: :'!'? "•i..... '"',-i.•-• 5:30 WEDNESDAY I 1:30 JamesArness (right) portraysU.S. MarshalMatt Dillon in ! the prcmicre episodc of the 1957-58 scason of the CBS Television's 2--The Early Show 9•He-Man Thea. 4•Movle Four • Western thriller "Gunsrnokc" on Saturday, Sept. 14. Left., is John AUG. 28 I I--Billy Graham 9--KnotholeGang ßDehner as Natc Sprinffer, a jumpy gunman suspected of being a I I•Baseball 12:55 , hired killer, and center, is Jcf[ Kirkpatrick as Teeters, Dodge City 5:30 • barber. 6:00 2•The Late, Late Show _ •-•Gene hurry 2•The Early Show 4--Movie 4 •%.:*-•ß .. -:• 7•Oswall Rabbit ß. •.-.i::•.;••,: '•.•.•:.:.-. ß:',. } -,•.. -,-..:" ,- -.•.: .... •...-:. • ...... -:.- , .... . :.. 9•Baseball I I•Popeye ••- '?-.,.•. -'. .:.:•.::.,..?.-• .:..- •. . .. . :: 6:00 6:30 •'...•'•:::• .;,- i•}•',.•-.:: .• -.•- '•-•.•-• :"• "•::•, .... •:- ":... .ß -- ' '<:'•: '•.•:.x?, ¾.-<'•'• ' . .' .. -" ' THURSDAY '<:'"'•.' •' :i:'":'ß ß •.• -4. : '"'•,"'-:•'ß'-,.. ß' " . •Looney l'unes 5•Gene hurry ß •:, ';' .' ..•A• x ' ^.-.-/':•- 7•Oswald Rabbit ...... - ... ,> -•x . :.:...:.?•.•.;•.,...... • ß $ -- .•. . •;: ß 7•Dangerous Assignment -. ,.. .. :-'.?.' .....,• :..;,•:-.:•..:, ß . .,. ß •..•. :, .. . , ßi..' ' .-'.....:::... <.% :..< "'-c.. , !.•: ß.; •'-...•r<. •_.?- ' . . ' :..: :•:.•.: -..:.:<::•..,.%.•. :-.-•-. . .' . ß...... 4 .. -' ... .•? ! 3--Western 9•Round-up AUG. 29 ...... ß..... %o' ... .-•:?.•o•,•:.• .;• •.%%:'.:'.:-'•'..¾ . :-- i.... -' ß-:•x...... x.. -.•.... -" .:.. "'-•-•:'--x•.'• • '*•'• ¾• "':'- '.':. . • •.... :'"' '- ...... ' 6:30 .-:•-.',•i.•,..• ":• ' ' ....., • ' /-, ß•:•-. ß ..... '•". -' ' ':' ': ' ::^ 6:45 5:30 :-<':.• •.<" ß •. .•? o•,-:, .: --:-.. ,- .. . .• .. 5•Lo,oney Tunes ;•: -.• -.:. . •..•,'•.--: -• • ,•:.• - •., ... -•.. . • ,:-'.'".• . ß 4•News -:•.'-•....',. ,., ... ß .' -.- •. 7•Passoort To Danger 2•The Early Show • .'• ;•../:'-"-.• ' - ...... '• .'•.• -:'• ß -: . • '.>'x -•:" - I I•Ramar of the Jungle 4•Movie 4 •,•:•:-,,•:.?•:.-•--- •. .:.!.• -. .. .:. .. -. ..:, ...-. . •,. 7:00 .[':.?':::•'-.':'•-'•.*'-..'-..-.: .'.'•" "-" { . •'?" • -if...::.•/•' t--7 o'clock Rept. 13•ForeignCorrespondent I I--Ramar of the Jungle •..•..•: >'::;, ..--• .•-.:?<:.: . :<•.- - .. . .: :.•...::..,• ....- . ß... - •'L•,•-,-• .•" x•ß ;:.::i• ...... '•..."..:8''--:.... . :•.:.;'..•.,•.-.- ' •;:.'.-::.:.ß .•.:' ß •; ß . . ! ' ß ':....'::.." ,,,' • ß 4•Celebrity Playhouse 6:45 6:00 .%.•...... :...... •...... ::.... 5---HuntersAdventure •--Gene hurry ':-:•..::rii•;.'"'•-•i "':•' . ' :'.•-: •- 4•News 7--Kukla Fran & Ollie 7--Oswald Rabbit :•:: "::: '" :."-"...... •. ß . < - x•...... x-'.•'•'•'•" ...... ' ß .' |• .....'• ß "•-,,"-'•--- - - 7:00 7:15 9•Round-up :::!'.•.•¾." :'.• •..::: •. •:i..:::-'"--::-?.•:ß 2•7 o'clock Rep't I I--Popeye the Sailor ;:i:i:: :' Z--•lews 4•Deafh Valley Days 7---dehn Daly•News 5•Three Musketeers 6:30 ": '•"• "•.'• /. ' ":':.'.; :•i '-':'...... •% _ • ' ':.... "" '•:••.- '.... '•" 7--Kukla Fran & Ollie 5--Looney Tunes ß •.¾.'.: ...... -.-...-<...... - :: :.•.' . 7:30 ...... •:... --.. / . i!::?'•::?.."':..:.:!•- 9•Terryfoon Circus 7--Files of Jetfry 'Jones L-..... '•/.'. :-%- ß -:-:o:.:o:--'-' .-'.:. -,: -:.''-.• 2--Name That Tune I I•Kevln Kennedy I I•Wild Bill Hick,ok .....ß::.•:.-<-':.•.. •."-'.-_'.•,•. -•.-.:::.. ;:..?--..x: -<:'.'•.:-'-'•/'".... ßß ' ::':.-.....-::?:•-i.:.--'... '"'::-.."•:.....•::.:.:.>:<.•.....:. :.'.•:-'::':-..-i:'..•':'-•:..'.:.'•'::!::-%•. :-<".! •.:.•....,.:.::•.:.•: .'...... -.- - ':".-: '".. :•::i. !'" ' -'::.....: ...:':...... ' ...... •:,..•:•. ... ' , •-.'"':::/'-.,•i:,-•'-.:.':-',-..... ',• !::::::::::::::::::::::: '".-- '•:.•..:':•'•.:i, -':-'..... 4•Andy Williams 13--B.oafing 13--Western •-..•.'.•...... !!.!•::•-" ß:"•-.. .. :.'•,•'• •:-•..--:-'-:.-::!::.•!•!:: -:•":">.'•:.'i-'•--.•.-.'•.i:•:• : '"""".Z". 'i.: :. '... "' S---Waterfront 7:15 7•Conflict•Drama 6:45 13•AII Star Movie 4•News -....-, , .... 7--John Dail¾•News 7:00 Richard Boone (center) stats as •aladi•, the Western hero I I•John Tillman--News with a gun for hire, in CBS Television's new series, "Have'Gun. 4•NBC News 2'-7 .o'clockRapt. Will Travel" which premieres Saturday, Sept. 14. Pictured-with 7:30 4•Guy Lembarde 8:00 5--Sheriff of Cochise him are the program's director Andrew McL.•glen (right) and 2--Phil S;Ivers 2•My Friend Flicka his father Victor. The well-known motion pictur actor will m.•ke .....•":. ,4•Helen O'Con.nell 7•K'ukla Fran & Ollie 4--Fest;val of Stars ß an appearance in the _serie•s,his .first under his softs direction ;.

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