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THE TO WATCH ! Allan Ludden Ronnie Page "PASSWORD" "OLD TIME SINGING CONVENTION" Monday-Friday 3:30-4:00 PM Monday-Friday 12:05-12:30 PM DAYTI M E EVENING 5:45- 6:00 AM Farm News--Man. thru Fri. SUN. MON. TUES. WED. THURS. FRI. SAT. Sunrise Semester--Sunday 6"00- 7:00 AM 5:30 CBS CBS 6:00- 7:45 AM Country Junction--Man. thru CBS CBS CBS Roger Doug Evening Evening Evening Evening Evening 6:30- 7:00 AM Sunrise Semester--Saturday Dickey Mudd News (c) News (c) News (c) News (c) News (c) News 7:00- 8:00 AM Eddie Hill Variety Show--Saturday Show W. Cronkite W. Cronkite W. Cronkde W. CronMte 7.00- 8~00 AM Underdog/Tom & Jerry(c)--Sunday W. Cronkite Morning News: Weather-- Man. thru Fri. 7:45- 8:00 AM 6 Newsbeat Newsbeat Newsbeat Newsbeat Newsbeat Newsbeat 8:00- 9:00 AM Heaven’s Jubilee--Sunday Lassie Captain Kangaroo--Man. thru Fri. (c) R. Weather R. Weather R. Weather R. Weather R. Weather R. Weather 8:00- 900 AM Sports Sports Sports Sports 8:00- 8:30 AM Frankenstein -- Saturday Sports Sports 8:30- 9:00 AM Herculoids(c) --Saturday 6:30 Gentle Death 9:00- 9:30 AM Heaven’s Jubilee--Sunday Valley Days 9:00-10:00 AM Mike Douglas Show--Man. thru Fri. 8en Shazzan(c) -- Saturday (c) Lost Cimarron The Wild, Jackie 9:00- 9:30 AM Gunsmoke in Space Strip Wild Oleason 9:30-] 0:00 AM Look Up and Live--SundaY (c) (c) West Show 9:30-10:00 AM Space Ghosts (c)--Saturday 7 Camera Three--Sunday Matt 10:00-10:30 AM Dillon 10:00-10.30 AM Andy of Mayberry--Mon, thru Fri, Ed Moby Dick--Mighty Mightor(c)--Sat. Sullivan 10:00-10:30 AM 7:30 Show 10:30-12 N Notre Dame Football--Sunday (c) Lucy Beverly Gomer My 10:30-11:00 AM Dick Van Dyke--Man. thru Fri. Show Hillbillies Pyle Sons 10:30-11:30 AM Superman/Aquaman(c) -- Saturday (c) Red (c) 11:00-11:25 AM Love of Life--Man. thru Frl. Skelton Hour Hogan’s 11.25-11:30 AM Jos. Bent| CBS News--Man. thru Fri.(c) Green 8 Andy {c) H Papaya(c) -- Saturday ~roes 11:30-12:00 N Smothers Griffith Acres 11:30-1 t:45 AM Search for Tomorrow--Man. thu Fri.(c) Brothers (c) (c) 11:45-12:00 N The Guiding Light--Man. thru Fri. (c) Comedy NFL Football(c)-- Sunday 8:30 Thursday 1200- 3:00 PM Hour Night 12:00-12:05 PM WorLd at Noon--Man. thru Frl. Family Good He & peHicoal 12.00-12:30 PM Lone Ranger(c)-- Satu rday Affair Morning She Movie Junction (c) World Ic) (Most in Movie 12:05-12’30PM Singing ConvenHon--Mon. thru Frl. color) of the 12:30- 1:00PM As The World Turns--Man. thru Fri.lc) Week 12:30- 1:00PM Roadrunner (c)--Saturday 9 1:00~ 1:30 PM Love Is a Many Sp~endored Thing-- Man, thru Fri.--Start 9/t8 Carol Dundee Johnny Quest(c)-- Saturday Mission Burnett CBS & The 1:00- 1:30 PM 9:30 Impossible Show News Culhane 1.30- 2:00 PM House Party--Men, thru Fri. (c) B~oad(a~ts (c) 1:30- 3:00 PM Adventure--Saturday 2:00- 2:25 PM To Tell the Truth--Men. thru Fri. 2.25- 2:30 PM D. Edwards CBS News-- Men. thru F rl. 2:30- 3:00 PM The Edge of Night--Men, thru Frl. Bill Pace Show--Sunday 10 Sunday Big News Big News Big News Big News 3:00- 3:30 PM 3:30- 4:00 PM Dobie Gillis-- Sunday News Wealher Weather Weather Weather Action -- Saturday Woods & Sports Sports Sports Sports 3:00- 4"00 PM Waters 3:00- 3:30 PM The Secret Storm--Men, thru Fri. 10:30 3:00- 4:00 PM Password--Men. thru Fri. 4:00- 5:30 PM Big Show--Men. thru Fri. 4:00- 5:00 PM Daktari (c)-- Saturday MILLION MILLION TBA--Sunday $ of the 4:00- 4:30 PM $ MOVIES 50% 4:30- 5:00 PM Amateur Hour--Sunday (c) 11 MOVIE 5:00- 5:30 PM 21 st Century--Sunday 5:00- 5:30 PM Dabie Gillls-- Saturday 11:30 12 nmmlll CLIP THIS VALUABLE COUPON AND GET nnlnln I ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Lombardy POPLARS¯ ¯ 6y Ermo Angevine, TO PLANT THIS FALL FOR ONLY ¯ well shaped columnar Lombardy ¯ (~ :.:’dinator of Women’s Poplar is valuable both as orna- ¯ mental a~d low cost serviceable ¯ A~ :’h;ities, NRECA tree. Use for lining lanes, corners, ¯ or to serve as screen or wind- ¯ F~ral electric leaders can sym- breaker Thrives almost every- EACH p:~hize with the quarrel in the where, Matures at heights up to ¯ ~V.~51e East. It has a familiar ~0 feet (Minimum 5 for $ !.451¯ Nursery Grown-- Fully Guaranteed ¯ Fall planting stock is nursery grown from hardwood cuttings. ¯ ~rae! exists. Its culture flour- 1 yr. old, 2 to 4 ft tall, never transplanted. Be satisfied on ¯ ~,(~.~. Its people have made a inspection or return within 10 days for purchase price refund. [] Any tree not growing replaced free (5 year limit). A great ¯ 5~se~t bloom, have turned dark- coupon bargan. Rush order. ¯ nu,s ~nto light. Yet the Arab 5 Lombardy Poplars-- $1.45 ¯ l0 Lombardy Poplars--S2.75 tk)~ surrounding Israel refuse to 25 Lombardy Poplars--S5.95 ¯ to, admit its existence. Rather than 100 Lombardy Poplars--S22.95 1 Send C.O.D. plus postage. ¯ a(ccpt the fact that Israel is a Remittance enclosed. Add 50¢ and we ship postpaid. nab%n, they harrass her, try to ¯ ¯ NAM E ¯ h~vade her territo~, and keep ADDRESS [] tbe United Nations tied up in parli- CITY STATE ZIP. ¯ an~entary procedures over her. MICHIGAN BULB CO., Dept. LP- 1581, Grand Rapids. Michigan 49502 ¯ A~ i say, rural electric leaders ¯ und e~stand. Our rural electric sys- ¯1111111111111111111111111111111111¯ tems also exist. Yet many neigh- bor~ag investor-owned utihties fus( ~o accept this fact. They, too, h~r~ass, invade, and involve the (,_.TTENTION LOT OWNERS!I rura~ electric systems in purpose- le~ l~tigation. Some IOUs sent agents among m Permit No 7, ¯ co,op members to convince them m Hendersonville.| to se~l out their co~p. Some IOUs Tenn. have built their lines parallel to ¯\’o post,,ge stamp necessa,-) 1/ mailed it, the lb,,ted 5tares ~ I co~.~p lines, as ~ those lines sim- ply did not exist. Some IOUs have erc~Aed spite lines across coop righ(-of-ways. Some IOUs have fastened wholesale power con- tracts on isolated co-ops that POSTAGE WILL BE de~k.d these co~ps the right to .. ~er~, ~ all the needs of their mem- be~-~. The IOUs have distorted co~ ( op F’~rposes and intentions in re- port~ to their stoc~olders, law- " I mak~rs~ and the public. I~ areas where states have terri- ~or~a~ ~egislation, co-ops and h~v( ~to~-owned uti~ties both oper- ate ~ccessfully. They both exist. Nehher ignores the other. Both co~)~e.~trate on the business of doh~g the job they set out to d o~fm’nishing power. The IOUs are not diminished in any degree by the existence of r~rai electric co-ops. After all, th ~ ,~ ~ps buy much of the power ~hey distribute from the IOUs. We need to work together to develop r~:,:)g interties throughout the na- ~~:~:~ t~, protect people from power {’ailures. We need to accept our ~o,...~ ~n responsibilities. The first Rural route at street address .................... ~tep. ~t seem to me~ is for the [0~.~ to accept the fact that ~he Phone ......... If you would like e Jones Home Representative to col( on you, Were bore to stay. Let’s get on ~ecessarv, LL check here ~ and attach directions. ,v~ti the job of improving the COLLECT ~24 6S34 ~ J OWe ~ Jot ~ J ~n ~ ~ Vol. 10 No. 10 M A G A Z I N Official Publication of the TENNESSEE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION Executive, editorial and advertising offices: 710 Spence Lane, P. 0 Box 7232 Nashville, Term 37217 J. C. Hundley, Executive Manacjer CONTENTS Family Fare ....................3 To The Point ...................4 Dig Earlier, Ship Later ............ 6 Foods, Facts, Fashions ............ 8 Food Is A Bargain ...............10 Uncle John’s ...................11 Your Coop Section ..............12 Timely Topics ...................14 Clarksville Take Over ............17 A National Asset ................18 STAFF John E. Stanford .................... Edit,~r Harry Stone ......................Ad~’. RURAL ELECTRIC CONSUMER PUBLICATIONS 356 West Maple Road Birmingham, Michigan Phone: 313 - 647.6464 - 65 POSTMASTER: In using Form 3579 please give our numbel and mail to The Tennesse~ Magazine, Box 7232. Nashville, Term 37217. THE TENNESSEE MAGAZINE is published montt~l~ as an educational and informational serv;ce memb .... f .... I elecfri .... perafive$ in T ....... Published monthly, at 3781 Lamar Avenue members Printed and mailed by She~/~usfin, Inc., AHanta ON THE COVER Dyeing yarn is a diminishing but still traditionaJ and interesting art in Tennessee. This picture was made nea~r Gatlinburg. (Full color photo courtesy State of Tenn. Photographic TENNESSEE 4 DO YOU UNDERSTAND MEDICARE? KNOW THE FACTS Benefit,s in Hospital Benefits for Doctor Kind of Service Time Limit Medicare Pays-- You Pay-- Requirements Not Covered EXTRA CASH While in Hospital Up to: $600.00 A MONTH Age 0 through 64, Male and Female (HR-137) Send today for your FREE description and Guide on Medlcare--Keep this Medicare Diagram with your valuable papers--It’s so simple you can understand at a glance the benefits you have under Medicare and the amounts you must pay.