Dulles Calls Red Plan for Germany Stupid

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Dulles Calls Red Plan for Germany Stupid MONDAY, JANUARY 12. 1959* The Weather PA<Ste >OTratEEN Average Daily Net Press Run iim trljf0tpr lEwpning For the Week Ending Forecaurt of II.. a. Weather BoroM January 10th,' 1959 Fnlr and a bit colder tonight and St Judo Thaddeus Mothers The Queen of Peace Mothers Cir- have particlMted with Johnwn In The Officers' Wives Club of the I . Clrcle will meet Wednesday at | cle wilt meet tomorrow night all Court Slates the Towers breaks. * PRESCRIPTIONS 12,864 Wednesday. I*»w tonight 20 to 28. 93rd A A A Group will hold It* Kingalgy ha* been charged with High Wednesday In middle SO*. About Town monthly luncheon at the Head- 815 pm. at the home of Mrs. ,8:15 at the home of Mrs. Frank' DAT OR NIGHT Member of the Audit Herbert Carvev, .1 Scarborough 1 Pearaon. 110 Bretlon Rd. Tlie co-1 breakUig and entering the Pine BY EXPERTS qtiarter.s of Ihe 63rd Artillery Pharfnagy, on Center St., and the Bureau of drrulatlon I Rd. Co-hostesses will be Mrs.' hostess will be Mrs. Allyn M ar-; Manchenter— A City o f Village Charm TJi* VF\V Auxiliary will meet to- Group. New Britain, tomorrow lit Safe Break Manchester Motor Salqs, in March Thomas Sweeney and Mr*. Robert, _ ! TOontw night at T;SO at tha post 12:30 p.m. I 1954. *. ARTHUR DRUB In all. Stale Police said the four, (UlaMlIied Advertising on Page 12) PRICE FIVE CEN’1’8 home. Officer* having tmiforms are i ____ I The Nathan Hale PTA will hold Cases Jan. 31 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 1.1. 19.59 miuested to wear them. Tlie Holy Name Society of the Friendlv Society will Ha monthly meeting tomorrow at Skating working singly, in pairs or in VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 87 ____________ * Chuixh of the_A*sumption ^ am.ltorlum., groups of three and four, com­ Orford Pariah Chapter. DAIt, The largest crowd of the season, Four men said to haVe admitted mitted more than 30 breaks in The*'‘i'ues\*speake?* Officer'' ?'hurch "lomorrow"at"6:4s'p:nv « brief biisine** meet- wiU meet Thureday afternoon at hall. The, guest speaaer irmcer hall I leg. s panel made up of Nathan an estimated 3.000 skaters, used breaka in Manchester and else­ Connecticut in the six years. Ralph Waterman, wil talk on. the the upper parish hall. I School teacher* will, discuss the facilities at Center Springs In court Saturday Joseph Ko- 2:30 at the home o f Mr*. Wallace where in Connecticut in the last State CD Votes Indian Assails Jonee. 30 Phelpa Rd. Mies Kathe­ diitlc.s of a slate policeman. Pond for ice skating yesterday the walczyk and Johnson were rep- i I , topics previoiislVfcselected by the EXPERT rine Matthiea <rf Seymour will talk Motion picture films will be taken After the teachers eom- Park Department report.*. six years ^received continuances of resented by Atty. Hyman Holtman j President Sees on "American Hiatory Through Mr. and Mrs, S. A. Biicclno, for- „ t „ nieeting tonight of the Man- ,hpir talks, topics will be . The pond will be open until 10 their caiRs to Jan. 31 in town of Hartford, and Att.vs. Herbert SHOE REPAIRING Go Home Plan White Savages Postage Stam p*” Hostesse.^ will meii,v of 174 Vct'non St., ha\e es-1 (.he.ster 4-II Homemakers Club, open for general diacusston. sRe- tonight. Center Springs Annex court Saturday. Schwartz of Hartford and Marvin : Dulles Calls Red Plan he M ra Millard Park. Mrs. Jones will be re.served for hockey until Apter of East Hartford rep­ tabltshed pennanent resideM. e in i The meeting will be held at the f,.paliments will be served in the The defendants, all of whom are aiid Mre.'George Thurber. thclr new home fit 2843 S. vN . .’Stn ^fj.5. William Kclsh. 30i ( afcterla by Mra. Edward Adam,V the same hour. Charter Oak Park resented Kingsley. Walter Ko- • ALL W ORK Durand, Mich.. Jan. 13 i4’i -- free on bail, are Joseph Kowal­ In Air Attack Chief White Bird, who repre­ St., Fort Ijiuderdale, Fla. j Gardner St. Plan* for filming the | ^nd her committee directly after will be clo.sed tonight at 5 o'clock. walczyk did not have counsel this ■ Reservations for the d in n e r , Ice on all arcaa has been recondi- czyk. 42, of Hartford; his brother, morning. Budget Surplus sent* 4,000 Chippewa Indians ----- 'meeting were made at a meeting ihe meeting. Walter, 35. of North Wilbraham, GUARANTEED preceding tli* annual meeting Rockville Kmhlem Club Will meet : of the group Saturday at Mr.s. | tlined. Hartford, Jan. 13 (/P)— A in Michigan, haa mailed Soviet Mass.; Robert F. Kingsley. 30, of <y Thursday o f Second Congregation­ Wednesday at 8 p.m st the Klks Kel.sh's home. The film Will be In- | Tlie Kliza Chapman .lo.v Circle Deputy Premier Anastas 1. Plast Hartford; and Herbert W. I • Work Done While U Walt 2-stage interim policy in the al Church ebould be made by noon Chill, P-ockvtlle. The meeting will rhided in a showing of 4-H Home-; of the North Methodist Church will Mikoyan an apology for the Johnson, 3.5, of Newington. • GREF.N STAMPS Washington Jan 13 (A*)__fonly a general discussion of theie is a one hoiii eggs thrown at him dv Ing his Wednesday through any of the fol­ be preceded by a potiurk. with Mrs niaker activities on television Feb.; meet at 2 o'clock W'ednesde.v af- Fellowsliip Plans GENERAL lowing committee, Mrs. Kingsley .lohn Murphy of Manchester in 22. i ternoon at the rlutrch Tlie State Police, who arrested legislative program. He said there' w arn in g o f an enem.v a ir a (- visit to Detroit Thursday. For Germany Stupid President Eisenhower told the Kuhney, Mrs. Alc.xander Hack­ charge, at 6:30. the rnan. originally asked Judge Orthopedic Speciallat was no arrangement to report to j tack was adopted without a "When the white men flrat Wesley Gryk for the continuance ney, Mrs. John Currier or -Mrs Mam hester Lodge of Ms.sons will The Inmiaculale Conception Day of Projects TV SERVICE new Republican leaders of Senate Republicans, who have yet j negative vote bv the State came to America we Indiana ‘ Unwood Clark. The meeting will to Jan. 17. However, defense coun­ Days M AC A rail (Congress today his ?77 billion treated them as guests should Tile l>adics of St. James arc rc-' hold a .special meeting tomorrow Mothers Circle will meet Wednes- sel asked for the later court date, open at 8 p.m. miiidcd of the hohhv show meeting night at 7:30 at the Ma.sonic Tern-! day at 8 p.m. with Mrs. John The Women's Fellowship of Cen- Night* ^ A s y w Plus Parts Hale's Shoe Repair budget for the new fiscal year ; c;”' "’.-’‘i;’' he treated. " White Bird wrote. I - and the Stale Police agreed. W, Martin Jr. of Massachusetts. | Monda.V Htternooll at tlie tonight at 8:115 in St. James'School pipple TheThe EnteredEntered ApprenticeApprentice de-:de-| Allison. 4040 W'e*trnlnstcrweRtmlnstcr Rd,KO, Mrs.M rs.ltcr Church will hold a "W e continued to treat them All four defendants were pre- TEI. M I 3-5482 t'»e Our Oak St. Entrance contemplates a surplus of Dirksen was named to succeed for- State Armory, ns guests ns long as they con­ Hall, Exhibils must « t 11 he ronfen ed. Follouhng ! Ed^^^ Morancey will be co-host- the Bethany Group ■ ,,,„Ved on ■varTou"s' cha7gea orbre'ak^ about $100 million. mer Sen, William F. Knowland of i action was taken on a pro-^ ducted Ihenvselves, ns guests. Holds Fipb fore 8 o clock, and the a.s.sembly | degree work theie «ill he a css. , Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 3; ing and entering. The Kowalczyk House GOP leader Charles A. California. | posal which would he placed in ef- | hall will he opened fnr this purpose ,ociaI hour and refrc.shments We were otter, refened to as PRESCRIPTIONS brothel’s are accused of the $8,000 Halleck of Indiana told newsmen A l today’s session, budget di- feet until such time a.* each coni- uncivilized savages, at 7 o'clock. Mrs John .1. Mitc hell, 1 Memorial Temple, Pythian Sis- pm. there is hope of a tax reduction in ’I'he Dance Teachers' Cliih of, ters. will seal their new officers A variety of projects is being safe-cracking job at King’s De­ rector .Maurice Stans gave the munily that has the requirement . "You being a visitor of this On German, Frm Delivery 28 Otis .St . is chairman of the 14.16-18 the next two or three year* if the lawmaker* a preview of the ad- ; perfects an ev.icualion plan, under , program. Connectii ut will hold its annual | tomorrow at 8 p.m. in Odd Fcl- planned and all the women of the partment store in 1957. onetime India.: territory of heavily Democratic new Congress minisU-alion budget, I^aymond J. the adopted .state suivival plan, Mulligan. 1 must apologize banquet Sunday at the Hawthorne, lows hall, all of whom will wear Church arc- invited to come andJohnson, who was picked up A PLACE EVERYONE goes along with Eisenhower's LIGQEn DRUG Inn in Berlin. i their white gowns. Deputy Mrs.participate as they wish for the Tuesday, three days after State -Saulnier. chairman of tiie Pres- The fir.-<t stage on the re eipt of for the way some of the mod­ WILL SOON BE F6R apending'and legislative programs.
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