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Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

3-30-1911 Santa Fe New Mexican, 03-30-1911 New Mexican Printing Company

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Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing Company. "Santa Fe New Mexican, 03-30-1911." (1911).

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Superintendent Clark Will Congressman . Underwood Serious Uprising Inaugurated Insurgents and Democrats Troops Fire Into Mob and Kill Great Asylum at Hamilton, That Was the Cause of Jere-mi- a - - o Would Like All Thirty-tw- De-clar- Be There On "Education to See in Regla, a Suburb of Make Combination That Nine, Wounding Ontario, a Scene of Ribera's Death, es i . - " 1 . Day," August 4 Schedules Revised Havana Wins Out Besides Terror Fornoff Capt. ?; '

WfOOL RSE INSNITIiTF AT CLOVIS BILL IM CONFERENCE ACEVEDO ON WARPATH AGAIN MEASURE SLIGHTLY CHANGED AMERICANS ORDERED TO LEAVE PATIENTS FLEE SCREECHING MAGNETIZED HIS POCKET KNIFE T s Two New Companies File' Incor- Much Will Depend Upon Presi- Citizen Who Refused, to Act as Bailey's Amendment to Restore Bribe Offered to Murder Amer Many Ran Back Into the Furnace And Instantly Tore His Clothes poration Papers in Mr. dent Taft's Attitude Tow Guide Is Promptly Shot Tariff on Meats Is ican Superintendent and His of Seething Flames and Into Thousands of Jaffa's Office. ard Tariff. Down. Defeated, Two Assistants. Perished- - Shreds.

Governor Mills Is scheduled to (By Special Leased Wire to New Mexican') (Br Special Leased Wire to New Mexican) xxxxxxxxxxx'xxxxx El Oro, Mex.. Aug. 1. Quiet pre my.-ppci- iasort wire to ,w Mexican ) Unon his return here tnrtnv fmin D. 1. Demo- 1. An ight speak on Saturday at the Chautauqua Washington, C, Aug. Havana , Aug. uprising $ TODAY IN CONGRESS. vailed this in this mining rf..,? ' ".1'-E- ar9!Hli!Bboro. Sierra Fred Fornoff cratic Leader Underwood in of morning ! Ured county, at Mountainair when the resources declared against the government, apparently Senate met at noon. X th New mounted the House that if of the a occurred last town, where yesterday troops fired in- whirh T6 m,aireif M' police. convention will be held. The govern- today any serious character, Farmers' Free List bill which X L7y that there can be no doub Bhould - of main bS of ,th"ilard or returns this afternoon- from Taos Democratic tariff revision bills night at Regla, a suburb of Havana, had been debated since Thurs- X to a mob striking miners, killing Lf 'T insane ;hllt morc. . go to the President and be signed by situated across the when Gen- fh., ' X w ItlUUilldlU &UULU where he attended a reception In his harbor, day was voted nine and wounding 32 persons. Four 0ug jl uic era's death is solved and that the him, the extra session of Congress eral Gulllermo Acevedo, a revolution- Lorimer election - X west of the city early today. honor and also went over road mat- investiga- hundred federal soldiers arrived here vcung rancher was killed by would be continued until the entire ary veteran, with eight or ten com- tlon continued with Charles A. X There were 800 patients in the lightning ters with Territorial to 2C0 The captain siient tflrce s Engineer CD, revision program was carried through. armed and. mounted, took the conf esse- - bribe X today reinforce the troops from building when the fire was discovered days at Miller. panies, White, taker, near Hillsboro, where tb The HouBe asked for a conference field. is the ' X Toluca and is believed will and it was a well trained Are young - It reported that part testifying. it they only man Superintendent of Public Instruc- on men. was killed, and examined caiel'ul-l- with the Senate the wool tariff was reinforced later by 200 House met . X be able to and fighting corps and, splendid coolness tion J. E. Clark will go to the Chau- preserve order protect the clothes and talked with bill and Speaker Clark appointed as Before leaving Regla, Acevido is Cotton tariff revision bill X and bravery among the nurses and at several tauqua to take part in the1 exercises property. people who saw the House conferees Representatives Un- sued a manifesto denouncing the ad under debate. i X tendants under Dr. English that bocy. on Education Day, which will be Fri- The striKing miners are congregat- The captain found derwood of Alabama, Randall of Tex- ministration of President Gomez as Remsen food board af-- X averted a more frightful loss of life. that lightning day, 4. pure ed about the streets in sullen groups had onf; of August as, Harrison of New York, Democrats; scandalous and corrupt and adjuring fairs was resum- - X There are four buildings in the played its most starring For the investigation but awed by the freaks in Treasury. and Payne, of New York, and Dalzell all patriotic Cubans to rise and over- ed the - X apparently presence group within the asylum grounds. The striking the young man. It Territorial M.' A. Otero by agricultural depart- of the troops and them- left two Treasury of Pennsylvania, Republicans. throw it. merit committee. X contenting main building, where the fire occurred marks, one on either side of has received the following sums for selves with and his face and tore Penrose Changes His Mind. Gomez Given 15 Days to Resign. into the sugar tariff X haranguing jeering is a four story brick structure with his clothes into the treasury: Eugenlo Romero, treas- Inquiry the soldiers. In all 7,500 men are shreads. A Washington, D. C, Aug. 1. Chair- He declared that; he would give continued before the special X basement 200 feet in height and about pocket knife in nis pocket urer of San Miguel $982.66; idle. was county, man. Penrose of the finance committee Gomez fifteen days in which to re committee. ., - X seventy feet wide, with wings at eith slightly magnetized which is ac- Tito Melendez of Mora county, $475.87. ' The that bribes had been counted has changed his mind and will go on sign, after which, if the warning wa Senate: Secretary of Com- - X discovery er end. The 350 women patients oc- for by the electricity carried Dove Season Opens. offered for the of the American death ' the wool tariff conference committee not obeyed, he intended to apply the merce and Labor - submitted X killing cupied quarters in the west wing. The by the dealing volt. The knifo The season for killing doves opened mine and his Ameri- was 15 In behalf of the Senate. torch and to destroy property indis- on wages and 'hours in X superintendent remainder of the building was taken hurled feet from the body. One today and many licenses were taken report can caused criminately until the whole Island was steel and Iron industry, show- - X assistants, the manage- up with men's wards and contained of the toes of the victim was torn off out. So far as can be ascertained no ment of El Oro mine to NOTED ARTIST SUCCUMBS . reduced to ashes. workmen are com-- X declare a some of the most desperate cases ln but the lunch box he carried under one the season by shoot- ing many anticipated TO LIVER TROUBLE. Citizen Shot Down. to 12 hours a X practical lockout today and ask the the asylum. one arm remained intact. A doves on however, fav- pelled work day slicker ing Sunday, The skirted Havana to seven a week. X federal government to make a fm. in- Crazy Men Rescuers, he had on looked as orable the weather and the in- insurgents and days Fight tnough it had great Edwin A. Who Painted ward Pina del Rio. halted at X vestigation of the motive of the strik- The women were moved without been a clination. Abbey "Quest They House bill through sausage machine and of the Holy Grail," Dies in Lon- Luyan'o, where they seized a citizen was taken up. . X ers. serious difficulty to houses in the ad one of its buttons was on Land ' imprinted Entries. 59 Years. named that he It is said the demand of the strikers The situation The were the land entries don, Aged Naranjo, demanding Senator Burton opposed the X! joining buildings. the chest of the victim. following act as their guide. Upon his refusal X for higher wages is only incidental among the men was more serious. The "There was a at tne iana omce increase in Representatives. good deal of talk santa,Fe yesterday: to the New Mexican. was shot and the party then A X end that tneir real motive seemingly fire broke out on the fourth floor in E. David M Special Naranjo modified farmers free list about a motive for murder and about George Kelsey, Progreso; 1. detach- an- - is is knownf as Section London, Aug. Edwin A. Abbey rode on. Early today strong bill was passed through X antagonism to foreigners. Posters what D, where the finding of marks of a rope on the Pearson, Juan Ensevlo Martinez, John 1 the American died here at ments of rurales and were Democrat-Insurgent-Re- - X distributed the town or- the violent insane are The Mc-- painter, regulars other throughout kept. sand, indicating the that J. Kelly, Questa; Edward J. un- of possibility .. T o'clock this afternoon. Mr. in of the rebels! 48 to 30. X der to leave most the try attend- T7I . T . 1 C3. Abbey dispatched pursuit publican coalition, foreigners the camp and men, guarded the body had been dragged. But I derwent an operation for liver trou- - There are rumors that a fight has al- The bill differed but little from X declare the Mexican miners propose ants, moved down three flights of found no ' doval, Sapello; Marietta M. England, evidence to substantiate any about a month ago. A few days ready taken place. the House measure, X; to run the mines themselves. Several stairs, out of the fire zone in orderly ot ehIH Gallup; Julian Ribera, OJo Caliente; original these statempnlu" rhn .or,. he suffered a Had Just Been Pardoned. on a tie bombs but about a score, driven i Rosendo ago relapse. which was defeated X, dynamite have been found in procession, tam Gallegos, Jemez 'Springs; Acevido headed an in Pin- - into a smoke and His Career. uprising vote 39 to 39. the mines. The of frenzy the stifling 4hpTf, . a ., Hill. X; first group miners by wna - ,, Richard A. Shearer, Mineral - ii.muiiiE auu - ;. Edwin Austin American fig ar del Rio a year ago. He will to confer- X to a the excitement of a fire, Postal Matters. Abbey, province The bill not go declare strike were those at Las midnight thunder storm on the day Ribera was ure painter, was a native of Philadel was captured, tried and sentenced to ence. X mine and were fought off their rescuers with desper- A postoffice has been established at Esperanzas tltey hilled, which was June 20 and not July phia, where he was born in 1852. After life imprisonment. Last October he Democratic Under- X I ate fury. Three of them, after being Palomas leader quickly followed, by El Oro and Dos Id as was stated by some Rib- - Springs, Siera county. at the academy was pardoned. carried down to the second floor, people. studying Philadelphia wood declared that if Presi- X , Estrellas workmen. The smelters Avehno Estrada has been cqmmis-sione- d era worked for former Sheriff of fine arts and In New York City, he dent Taft tariff re- X are broke away and fled back to the blaz a at signed any continuing operations, the surface Kahler, and the ff witnessed postmaster Trementina, went to England in 1883. His first FOURTH ATTEMPT TO vision bill would re- X men to ing corridors. - N. M. Congress refusing join the strike. the storm which would was a May Day RESCUE CLARY 8UCCEEDS. Tne flames in the' meantime had easily account academy picture main in session indefinitely to XL for the bolt on Teachers' Certificates. In 1896 he was elect- down the hallway and were lightning that day. Morajng (1890: complete democratic tariff X ARBITRATION TREATIES WILL spread can be no Third teachers' certificates Forty-E- There question that this grades ed A. R. A In the year of his fine pic Son of Joplm Min Owner Buried '' X BE SIGNED THURSDAY. eating their way through the floor to have been awarded the plans. is a clear case of deattt by by department ture Richard III and Lady Anne and ight Hours In Cave-i-n the third story. The asylum brigade, lightning and I talked with of education as follows: R. A. in 1898 his being Is Still Alive. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx fighting were handi several members of diploma picture They Will Assure Peace as Far as although bravely the Lincoln county: Mrs. Elna Ford, "A the maniacs and were los- coroner's jury which had brought Lute Player." D. 1. Combin- Uncle Sam, John Bull and capped by Mrs. J. C. Nave. Washington, C, Aug. in a verdict , of death I Lurlyne Layne and is best known for Leased Wire to New control. , by murder. Abbey, however, (By Special Mexican) same alliance that resulted France Are Concerned. ing Mora county: Lulu Tipton, Tobias the which with Mo., Aug. 1. After trying ed in the expressed by surprise at the render frescoes he, together Joplin, of woolen Had to Knock Down Insane Men. Arellano, Lucrecia Cruz, David Cruz. - in the passage compromise ing ot such a verdict view Pnvia de. tfhavannea and John Sar- for 48 hours to reach Joseph Clary, (By Special Leased Wire to New The city which had been in of the Kooerto tariff revision bill,, in the Senate last Mexican) brigade, condition of the cruz, Benjamin Gauaert, Biaskent wag invited, to execute in the imprisoned in a mine near here by a Washington, D. C, Aug. 1. The summoned, finally arrived. It was dead man's clothes Bersabi Ro n week, the Democrats and and but Gallegos, Romero,' J. J. Boston Public Library. This work cave-I- in Sunday, the fourth, attempt Republican general arbitration treaties between 2 o'clock before the ot body, Jurors stated that they of that nearly first were mero, Eugenlo Romero, Renis Romero, "The Quest of the Holy Grail" was of rescuers to reach the imprisoned insurgents body, today passed the Un,ted states. and Great Brltain their was into guided in the wording of their Casimiro a apparatus brought play. and Trujillo. completed in 1901 in fifteen panels man by means of a drill shaft was farmers rree ust uni. and tne UnUed gtateg and France wi The firemen ran ladders to verdict by their opinion of tne case. J Back From Clovls. waa scaling am and it marks an important era in the successful this afternoon.' From the lae ungimu nouse uiu iirsi be siened at S o'clnrk ThurRrlnv Bft.r. the third and fourth floor windows, sure, however, that any one famil in modi- - Superintendent of. Public Instruc- development of American art. depths of the drift, 85 feet below the defeated and then noon ln president Taft's office at the where it was believed some of the iar with these freakish acts of lieht- - tion J. E. Clark is back from Clovis tied form Senator Kern of Indi-- . Among his other works are Hamlet surface, floated a feeble 'hello" in an- by white House. unfortunates had fled. Crawling into ning wlil agree with me that Ribera where he attended the teach--1 ana. i was county (1897) and King Lear's Daughters, swer to the signals of the rescuers. AmhaSKarinr Urvro tvIM oitm iho the stifling smoke the firemen groped not murdered." ers' Institute with which he he As amended says (1898) . In 1901 he was commissioned Food Lowered in Can. and finally adopted, the British treaty jointly with Secretarv their way about until they found a 21 Thus Killed. was well The institute Is at- . pleased. by King Edward to paint the scene Joplin, Mo., Aug. 1. Food and bill differed but little from tne origi-- 0f State Knox and the French treatv. maniac. He was still able to offer re The news of the death of Ribera tended no less than teachers by ninety of his coronation. drink in a small can were immediately nal. after it is siimed bv Secretarv Knm. sistance and it was necessary to knock by lightning enlarges the number that and are all enthusiastic. The ; - they passed down the drill hole and re- The Senate earlier had defeated will be dispatched by special messen- him senseless, when he was dropped have met their fate by this means, work is conducted V. L. being by TWELVE HOURS, EACH ceived by the whose voice Senator Bailey's amendment, taking ger to Paris to exchange for the one into the life nets below. Eight of the making the total 21 up to date for local W. prisoner Griffin, the superintendent; DAY INCLUDING SUNDAY, betokened his faint condition. all meats out of the free list bill. The- bearing the signature of French min-- insane and one attendant who had this summer. S. Bishop, superintendent of schools After the of a few minutes Kern amendment represented the at- - ister of foreign affairs Selves. lost consciousness in the work of res- con- lapse at John H. as One-Fourt- h in-- 1 Artesla; Vaughn, That Is Average for Over Clary cried out up the tube; "Water tempt to reconcile the Democratic cue, were saved. The blazing of the STOCK MARKET SHOWED from the New Mexico College ductor, of Workers in Steel and about three feet deep. in some places, terests with the insurgent Republi- asylum, perched on the mountain side, A DOWNWARD TREND. of Agriculture and Mechanic "Arts who ' con- . Iron Industry. in drift. I am on a high place and it cans who believed some further attracted the attention of the entire is a worker and C. L JUAREZ very popular may not reach me if you hurry. The cessions' should be obtained for agri- REBELS city. Hundreds flocked up the hill. Poor Railway Affect Mersfelder, the county school superin- Earnings Santa (By Special Leased Wire to New Mexican) air is getting bad. I feel much bet- cultural products. Screams of 800 Inmates. Fe, Rock Island, and Other tendent. D. 1. Secre- Washington, C, Aug. ter now." New Mexico Democrats It was a weird that presented Western Roads. New of com- Delay State sight Companies. tary Nagel, of the department May Reach Him Tomorrow. The screams of S00 inmates ol - of been hood, itself. Articles incorporation have merce and labor, today In a special Rescuers believe Clary may yet be DEFVJADEBO (By Special Leased Wire to of- Special to the New Mexican. the four buildings drowned every oth New Mexican) filed In the territorial secretary's report to the Senate on conditions of taken out alive. The in the New York,, Aug. Business dwin seepage l.-S- ena er sound. The firemen, fighting both i. fice the Bank of Colfax in- Washington, D. C, Aug. by Dawson, employment in the iron and steel drifts rises slowly, and with food the flames and the were in dled in the second hour with, no pro $30,-00- tor Bristow from committee on maniacs, county, which is incorporated at the Take Possession nounced ! dustry in the United States, stated water and a little fresh air supplied They of constant peril and frequently were change in the tone, which of 300 shares at $100 - territories reported favorably the! consisting that "out of over 90,000 employes cov- by means of a drill shaft, it Is be- seen on window sills continued heavy. The progreBsional each. The stockholders are George Senate bill, and the similar House Customs House and perched through vered in the report, the customary lieved he will be safe until the larger which the smoke was elements were apparently responsible 294; James Douglas, A. C. bill. A prior report had been favor pouring, trying Notman, week of one-thir- d of them shaft now being dug is completed Postoffice to forth a man. for the decline in Canadian Pacific, C. H. James McLean, working able. The measure permits irrigation drag struggling James, Dodge, was a seven-da- y not dif probably tomorrow. which fell two points and the reac- E. each one and week, Sunday districts of the territories to issue Rescued Five Men. Hayward Ferry share, from other and approxi of tionary trend elsewhere in the list all of New York and T. H. fering days, bonds in excess of the four Tom Fitzgerald, the electric City, one-fourt- h -- " percent ARE resulted as much mately of the 90,000 work IMPORTANT CHANGES IN limitation. REPORTERS DRIVES OUT truck, Is given credit for the rescue from lack of buying O'Brien, of Dawson, 1 share. Mr. The secretary of the inte- power as else. ed 84 hours or over per week, which DIPLOMATIC SERVICE. filed of five men. His sixth broke from anything O'Brien is named as the statutory ' rior no objections. twelve-hou- r Bonds were easy witti tne American - in effect means a day his grasp at a window and fled back agent.'-'- Delegate Andrews introduced Dr.- J. Tobacco issues under every day in the week, including Sun- John Rldgeley Carter Goes From E. Kraft of to Federal Officials Save Their into the flames, where he perished. again pressure. Articles of incorporation were also ' Albuquerque, the Presi- On a small volume ' : ' been dealings, the Live Com- day." Bucharest to Buenos Ayres and dent - Lives by Being Taken to The fire is believed to have filed by the Merchant Stock ' stock ., Sherrlll to Toklo. caused by a short circuit of an elec- market showed a downward pany at Carlsbad, Eddy county, J. D. A. A. Jones and J. D. Hand- are El Paso. trend at the INMATES OF INSANE tric wire in the store room on the top opening today. Canadian Merchant being named as agent with working for. the' Flood resolution, 3-- (Bv Special Leased Wire to New Mexican) floor. Pacific lost 1; Baltimore Ohio residence at Carlsbad. The company ASYLUM FREED BY FIRE, knowing that President Taft Would Union Pacific Washington, D. C, Aug. 1. John not (By Special Leased Wire to New Mexican) Reading, Great is Incorporated at $161,000 consisting U. S. to sign it The result will be that M fT i a 1 . Northern TJ. S. Rldgeley Carter, minister ' Tha uie preferred, Steel, Rock of 161 shares at $1,000 each. The No Deaths Reported Thus .Far .but New Mexico will be admitted auto - "l 1Bia' CALIFORNIA GIRL AWARDED Roumania, and Bulgaria, will be ap- wae8' paymaster sif Juarez, ana ki-- Island, preferred, and Chesapeake & shareholders are C. W. Merchant . of Crazy People Are at In ' matically ten months hence and Ari AEROPLANE PILOTS LICENSE. Large pointed minister to Argentina, suc- cardo Romero, collector of Ohio, smaller fractions. t Abilene, 79; J. 26; L. Mississippi. zona will stay out stamps, .Merchant, Jackson, ceeding Charles H. Sherrlll. The Ar- were arrested this Insur- - The only noteworthy contrary move TS. W. H. Mer- Special Leased Wire to New Cameron to morning by First American Woman Aviator to Be Merchant, 26, and (By Mexican) Republic was asked' several Delegate presented recto would ment was a three gain by Vir Jackson. Miss., .Aug 1. Fire broke gentine President troops and probably have Officially By Aero point chant, 10, all of Carlsbad. if Mr. Carter would be ac- Taft a telegram from the Recognized ginia, Carolina Chemical out in Missis- - days ago been treated with violence but for the Club. preferred. Financial ,. the female jward at the president' and of the Ari- Statement. ceptable and the report from Buenos secretary action of who res. The close was heavy. The prices fell Auditor Joerns sippit Insane Hospital shortly before zona Wool Growers' convention Mayor Medina, Traveling John has Ayres last .night stating that the gov- at cued them and them to El to the lowest of the day, in the last made a statement finan- noon today. In a short time it had Flagstaff against a change in the tar- brought (Bv Special Leased Wire to New Mexican) showing the ernment had made an affirmative an Paso. Troops took possession of the L. 1. Miss hour, the adverse factor being the cial condition of the offices of the spread to the negro male ward. No iff until the tariff board reports "ln Hempstead, I., Aug. nouncement, apparently assures his Juarez customs house early today and Harriet Quimby was awarded a pilot's publication of a number of poor rail county treasurers at the close of busi deaths have been reported so far but order that the tariff question may be appointment all former federal office holders were license today by the Aero Club of way earnings. Declines ranged from ness June 30, 1911, and many inmates have escaped and are removed as far as possible from poli as usual Ber The appointment of Mr. Carter to ordered out of town. The restoration America, the body of aero, 1 to 2 points, stock moBt affected in tics." ; .... I governing nalillo county headed the list with foaming at large. lends color to the report of federal did not occur, as in Is the cluding American Smelting, Union Argentine Democratic House Leader. Under- employes nautics this country. Thg $117,143.64 for Its balance, July 1. San- 8everal Negroes Escape. that Mr. Sherrill will figure promi the insurrectos seized the customs first license that has ever been award Pacific, Great Northern, preferred, has fol- J,. Fire in the wood was not to state the ta Fe county $64,677.77. The Jackson, Miss., Aug. nently in the diplomatic reassignments prepared house and prevented any federals ed a woman aviator ln America, Miss Great Northern ore certificates, U. S. show for the insane probable attitude of the House on the lowing figures by counties first Mississippi hospital involved in filling Ambassador Hills Quimby who flew in a Moisant mono Steel, Bethlehem Steel common, and of . here the .wards of the V MM the receipts the month, than the today damaged post at Berlin. . recto appointees still hold on, despite plane, is a native of California. preferred, Atchison, Rock Island pre- es- wii confldnt- - however that disbursements of the month and final negro Inmates and resulted in the It Is rumored that Mr. Sherrlll will 'w..J?eAV Ernest0 Madero.g order and tne town ferred and American Tobacco pre- an. uimb now ly the balance July 1 cape of several of toem. The flames be made ambassador to Toklo, reliev- on tne senate scneauie is ln a state of violent excitement. ferred. were hour will go to and will be ap- Bernalillo, $50,498.43, $17,989.26 soon subdued and within an ing Thomas J. O'Brien. conference, vraerican reporters are driven from before ad- X FIRST LECTURE OF $117,143.64. all of the patients had been returned proved by both Houses Juarez whenever found. ACCEPTS INVITATION TO to - SUMMER SCHOOL. S $85,-$63- , the institution. journment WITNESS SUICIDE. Chaves, $35,771.43, NO TRANSFER OF. NATIONAL Magonlstas Invade Mexico. X The summer session of the X 847.11. House Bill Defeated. , , with four wagon loads , , i , v RAILWAY STOCK.' '''; Magonlstas X school of American Archaeolo- - X Colfax, $26,301.31, Washington, D. Aug. 1. The of ammunition and arms have invad Wyoming Blacksmith Drains Bottle of PUBLIC C, X gy began us definite work to-- X 753.63. - . RECEPTION Bankers That Mexican House Farmer's Free List bill, ex- - ed United States territory near Lan Chloroform n Front of Laugh- - . Deny Report X day by a lecture by Dr. Edgar X $10,095.62, $24,- - AT MUSEUM. from a a N. M., about 20 miles west of El ing Friend. Curry, Tomorrow Government Had Lest Control emptlng tariff duty, variety ark, X L. Hewett, director of the X 930.48. - . afternoon at 4:15 of Road. of implements, Paso and are marching toward Juarez, tea Important , agricultural aereals, X school the distribu-- X Dona : - o'clock, a will be given at and ar-- to the to El covering (By Special Leased Wire to New Mexican) Ana, $34,287.67, $172,99.90- meats, cotton, bagging other according report brought X the New Mexico X tion of the ai.cient ruins and ; Museum in , men on Wheatland, Wyo., Aug. ,1. "Come $80,421.08. (Bv Special Leased Wire to New Mexican) ...... Paso by railroad operating the -- the Palace of the ' X Inhabited pueblos of New Mex- - X to me I -' Governors to New York, 1. Bankers Here on . . Southern Pacific. , , ; up the shop and see commit May, $30,713.13, $18,624.99- $52,. Aug. . (Continued Page Eight.) ;0 r lecturers, staff, students and X ico. Twenty-fou- attended the X suicide," said John & 72S.35. . - interested in the National Railway of Jesse,' local . v v 7tk-Ladie- s' visitors Auxil- - X X opening class which met at 10 X to his - Grant, $16,147.18, $17,062.69- - $74,- - Mexico said today that they did not blacksmith, friend, Eugene .; iary of the Museum. The com-- St X o'clock on Fort Hill. 215.98. credit the report from Mexico City Marcy S Saum, yesterday. . mittee in X con- - immediate charge is ; jg of National railroad 3k The lecture contained a X "I'll go you," answered Guadalupe, $10,169.03, $5,651.10, $32, that control the SUMMER SCHOOL Or ARCHAEOLOGY. Saum, Mrs. James L. Sellgman, chair-ma-n, 1911. X else but very full account of X all 077.38. has passed out of the hands of the Program for Wednesday, August 2, S thinking it a Jest. Reaching the Mrs. Mrs. ' X Jaffa, Bergere, Mexican government with the resig- SC 10:00 a. m. Lecture-excursio- n : Same subject as previous day. . 3$ the historical, topographical X shop, Jesse drank a quantity of chlor- Lincoln. $27,977.17. $2,825.60, $68,- Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Arthur nation of General Diaz as 88 Director Hewett. S X and linguistic relations of the X oform while Saum, still as 1482.88, . . . ' president " taking it , Sellgman. The affair will be said Motives.- - X native people who have occu-- X a looked, on . The railroad's bankers that there 3:30 P. m. Lecture: "The History oi jrammar Decorative Joke, in laughter. Luna, .$3,241.87, $18,801.87 $58,184.-54- informal and the ' invitation li had been no transfer of any large Mr. Chspman. " " - St X pied or are now occupying X Not until Jesse tell at his feet did general to the to ' - townspeople block of stock. At the railroad's office .m "The Brain and Education." Dr. Thompson. , X this portion ot the South- X he realize that his friend was ear- meet 3:30 p. Lecture: ln drop in and the visitors was forthcom- - m.- - X X nest. He 1- the 'same information 8:00 p. Lecture: "The aemurc uace. ur. raton. west.' , rushed for (Continued on - X X a physician but Page Four.) $ S S S XXXSXSXX ing. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Jesse was dead before XXX XX XX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx help arrived. " 1 i


THIRST OF THE HOMESICK. of huckleberries and cheese and she ALBUQUERQUE GRAYS (By Edith M. Thomas.) runs two miles every evening. All ARE COMING SUNDAY. "Another comes and laments that that worries her now, she says, that he shall no drink of the water the is too slow and that she longer process The New Players Arrive to The Store of Diree, 'Is the Marcian water worse feels all the time. Thursday Little starved Line-u- p of the than that of Dirce?" 'But I was used Strengthen Salmon Grays. to the water of Dirce.'" Epicetus. Bride Was 73. Mrs. Jesse At Nashville, Tennessee, Manager Lopez of the Santa Fe Sal- "If but the Gods, of their mercy, bride for the sixth time in Harden, a mon Grays, and Manager Padilla of Would let me return, ere to die, her was married to 69 year old life, the Albuquerque Grays, yesterday To drink of the water of Dirce Jesse Harden, the father of twelve - completed arrangements by On the cool sprinkled margin to lie! children. The bride has eight child- DENVER BREAD and ihe peer- ren said: "We're as happy telephone, Albuquerque ' and just less leader with his brave warriors Yes, I drank of the Marcian water, excited as if this and nervously today will be seen on the local next Of Bandusia's song haunted spring; were our flrst matrimonial adven-Bu- t grounds "The Best I Know In Loaf" not though Mnomosyne's daught- - Sunday making trouble for the Salmon Every ture" Grays. At first it was intended to ers j The crystal of Halicon bring play the game at Albuquerque, August ' Buys Paper for LaFollette. IT edi-"N- 6, but later It was decided to play it TRY Richard Lloyd Jones associate here next and then j they not the charm weaving tor of Conier's has bought the' only Sunday, go, August 13, to the Duke Circe 'evening newspaper at the Wisconsin' City. Manager Lopez will to to i Could make me forget or forego the Wisconsin State Journal try get enough people take capital, an excursion to 1 was used to the waters of Dirce, of jna(iison, in order to bring the Albuquerque August so! - 13, as are desirous of I long for it, thirst for it Wisconsin delegation to the presiden- many, people tial convention next year, In line for going. "The snows of Cithaeron have chilled Senator LaFollette. The price was The grounds at St. Michaels College have been next it $250,000 for the controlling stock. secured for Sunday, EH GROCERY III I shall cease from this fever ancL and Manager Lopez has a gang of men ! the in condition, j pain, j Boosts Woman's Suffrage. putting grounds good i Premier 1 If but the Gods have so willed it premier g. t. McGowan of New and yesterday made arrangements j. Southern Corner Plaza, Santa Fe. Telephone No. 40. I taste that wild sweetness again!" in an interview at New with Manager Henry Alarid of the ' soutn wales, York declared: "Any state where wo- - Santa Fe band. ALL CASH PURCHASES. Then answered the Gods, of their men has The band will start from the Plaza WE GIVE REGISTER TICKETS WITH vote ls a tetter state, juster IT IS LOTS BETTER TO G O FISHING IN A WASH TUB THAN mercy, . homes and finer wives at 2 o'clock for the college grounds, laws, better TO GO RIGGED OUT WITH ROTTEN LINES AND HOOKS THAT "We thee thy thirst and and the of both teams and all give thy;than a country where the strongest players WILL SNAP WHEN THE BIG FISH GETS ON. love, in the world is out the fans will follow. moral force kept BUY OUR STRONG LINES AND SPRINGY POLES AND PROP- But seek not the water of Dirce Two new will arrive Thurs- of politics." players ERLY TEMPERED HOOKS, A ND YOU'LL NOT LOSE YOUR TEM For was the sweetness, afternoon and Salmon thy youth day join the WHEN THE BIG FISH G ETS YOU WILL LAND thereof." sent PER ON; HIM. Dan Cupid at Estancla. Grays. Manager Lopez yesterday TACKLE OUR TACKLE. ! New York Sun. At Estancla, marriage licenses have them their tickets to Trinidad, -rad- been Issued to Refugio Lopez of Abo and that they GOOD EATING they telegraphed Wood-Davi- and Perfecto Sanchez of Manzano. will arrive Thursday noon on No. 3 s Hardware Co. Oil-t- Also to Thomas A. Hulin of Dill, Ok The are Catcher James Brier-l- y Imported he very bestand Sardines, AROUND THE STATE players lahoma, and Miss Zunl A. Davis of and Infielder Fred Owen, both of Phone 14 If Its Hardware We Have It Phone 14 Mushrooms, French Peas and Antipasto Mountainair, who were immediately the late Trinidad champion team. J afterward married by Justice of the Both and Owen are well Killed Brierly These lines are like home to us. Don't forget our bread By Burglar. Peace Charles B. Howell, Miss Annie known in Santa Fe. was W. C. Meeker was killed at Trini Brierly Porter and E. W. Roberson being wit- here with the Dawson team in June, dad, Colorado, by a burglar who broke for 25c. nesses. but he didn't play that day on account Six Bio; Loaves into his shop. FOR THAT SUMMER OUTING of an injury which he received at Al- License. Flood in San Luis Valley. buquerque. He has played at the Phone, 191 Black. NAPOLEON Marriage fair for the four MEXICAN HATS At Las Vegas a marriage license A, cloudburst yesterday created last years, havoc in the vicinity of San Luis, and is considered to be one of the best was issued to Eloisa Madrid, aged 21, New aud Full Assortment of Unique Sao Juan Potter) 24. southern Colorado. A number of and most active catchers ever seen and Leandro Ortiz, aged in Hand Color- - buildings cdllepsed and considerable playing at the tournament. Latest Artistic Fred Owen can Race Suicide at Greeley. livestock was drowned. Water swept play any position in; Post Cards. Framing. in the infield or the outfield is At Greeley. Colorado, dufing the through private dwellings carrying all and a batter. He flrst half of 1911, there were a total the furniture through Coors .and win heavy played with the dam- Trinidad team for of 149 deaths and only 101 births. dows and much merchandise was several years and Santa Fe Trail Curio Company aged in warehouses. ' used to come with his team to the fair where he a San Francisco Street. Wedding at Meadow City. always played star Elena Gonzales and Adelaido Gon- Kept Police Busy The police at Al game. He is a sure hitter and very zales were married at Las Vegas yes- buquerque Sunday raided the house fast on the bases. Brierly and Owen HERE IS THE GASOLINE ENGINE Cor-azo- will Salmon terday. The couple will reside at of Mary Mayo at Albuquerque, and start practicing with the EVERY FARMER AND MECHANIC NEEDS. arrested her and M. Garcia. Tran-- Grays Thursday afternoon, ana will quilino Maes wasn't tranquil and aft practice every day. The Salmon Grays Simplest and most complete engine ever con- Stabbed to Death. er a fight with booze laid down on are in very good condition and Sunday ? the street to when defeated the Santa Fe All Mineral Water structed. It is just the engine to run lathes, Preciliano Velasquez was found pavement sleep, they Stars Why Import stabbed to death near Flagstaff, Ari the police roughly awakened him and easily playing a good game. circular saws, drills and all small machines in hauled him into Jose Dzorez zona. His head had also been crush harbor. : : WHEN YOU CAN GET THE : : the workshop, and will saw wood, run the spray- ed with a stone. There is no trace of annoyed people on the veranda of the t Alvarado ing, sewing, washing and all small machines the murderers. and also landed In Jail. Every Woman Celebrated Maiden Buttee Mineral Water, around the home and farm. Wanted to Motorman. k about the wonderful Killed By a Ram. Lynch lAMARVELWhirlinaSDrav All Kinds of Soda, FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS CALL ON OR WRITE AGENT, Because an electric car in New Mrs. Antoninette Zoll was found It new V -! I ttyi-W- York ran over and killed three sxbvjh osi conven- - Ball Ale dead at Conklin, Michigan, .having year v-- . i tent. K cleanses Special High Ginger AT SANTA FE, old weakened a rr CDAW- H fiADIMI PV been butted to death by a ram whose Morris Goldberg, by Delivered to your house. Patronize home Leave orders at i IV"- NEW WEXICO seven a mob of 2,000 riSs industry. horns and neck were covered with days fast, per ha cannot annnlv tha 436 Canonuvivnuui)Road Phone 19 Black. was sons tied the conductor and motor-- MARVEL, accept no KAUNE & CO.'S STORE, PHONE 26. blood when it finally captured, otner, dot aena stamp lor man to the rails and was about to lllnitrated book waled. It rfvtw foil nurtlonlATfl and dlrafttlrma In. MINERAL CO Some Bacteria. run the electric car over them, when alnahla to lulls. If AHVF1. Co. THE SANTA FE WATER res- 4 Eaat tSa Btna. MS W ! K. Ice cream taken up by the health the police with great difficulty cued the two men. it physician at Chicago was found to Incidentally, was discovered Gold- - contain 84,000,000 bacteria per cubic that the entire was WOOD YS HACK LINE inch, instead of 500,000 the usual al Derg family of nine persons, WHOLESALE WHOLESALE & RETAIL lowance for that quantity of ice cream. starving. . Prom Qoal AND RETAIL Wood Murderer Sentenced. Boy Killed By Auto. BARRANCA TO TAOS RATON Twelve year old Philip Greenflnkle John Smith who killed Dominick at was Meets Both North South YANKEE was run down and killed by an auto- Mangino Portland, Colorado, Screened CERRILLOS Flour Hay, Grain, Potatoes and 5alt. mobile at Denver. A mob formed to sentenced for life at Canon City with Bounds Trains. Lump the chauffeur, J. P. Paulson, the addition to the sentence, that he Sole Agents For INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD. lynch Leaves Barranca on the arrival ot but he was rescued by the police. shall never be a "trusty" at the peni- Anthracite Coal all Sizes, Smithing Coal. Steam Coal. Morris Kirkland, who had the north bound traitv and arrives at J ALFALFA SEED. All kinds of flowers, & field seeds in bulk and tentiary. Sawed Wood and Eindlinic. garden package to rob Itali- Taos 7 p. o. Run Down By Motorcycle. conspired with Smith the it MONTEZUMA AVKNUK Ton CAPITAL COAL YARD. Fifteen year old Clarence Larsen an, was given thirteen years in the miles shorter than any otaer Near A. T. AS. F. Depot. The only exclusive house in Santa Fe Good covered grain and Floyd Wright were arrested at penitentiary for highway robbery. way. hack and good Telephone 85 Telephone 85 Charles in teams. Boulder, Colorado, for running down Bosley a third companion was a Xs six year old Goldie Nelson with their the conspiracy, given life Acne to 2aOca a, The child is in- Ery xigrox ConafbrtaVblai. motorcycle. fatally SST Phone Black Phone Black jured. FARE $5.00 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 45 LEO HERSCH 45 Saloonkeeper Kills Highwayman. The Forum a at Stephen Gregor, saloonkeeper W. H. C A I C Improved and unimproved City Property, Orchards Pueblo, shot and killed a highwayman Ode to an Albuquerque Mosquito. KERR PAH and RancLes; Also a number of the finest Fruit and who with a companion had attacked (By Dr. F. Palmer.) AGENT HUBSS LAUNDRY. rUR ejAlX Gregor at three in the morning. Gre- The curse of hell's too good for you, Phone us, we will be glad to call tor Alfalfa Ranches in theEspanola Valley with the Very Best of water rights at gor had on his person $400 taken in Tou sting and bite, that's all you do, yeur laundry on Mondays and Tues- and one of the finest orchards on the Tesuque at a Bargain. his saloon the evening before. The A miserable creature of all torments days and deliver on Thursdays and Whose cruel ne'er relents. PIAN05 7 PIANOS other highwayman escaped. harrasBing Fridays. Modern Residences for Rent. Chickering Bros. ten months. They have hundreds of All work ls guaranteed; your socks You Bush and Lane. satisfied customers in New Mexlce Killed By Santa Fe Train. sting at night, you cursed pest are mended and buttons sewed an and Arizona. unknown Greek was run down And have, your fun while I need rest. shirts Learnard-Llndeman- n Co. Jin yeur without extra charge. 103 A a or a and killed by westbound Santa Fe When to pray, it is your taunt, letter, telegram telephone trying PHONE RED 122 PHONE RED 122 F. M. Palace Ave. 7 JONES. Schiller, to them regarding pianos, prices and passenger train No. near the Otero When trying to sleep, it's still your Victor terms will prove to prospective plane pumping station in Colfax county, daunt. Jesse-Frenc- buyers that the firm of Learnard-Llr-v south of Raton. He was literally Milton and the World Famous Ceclllan deman Co. will meet every customer ground to pieces by the truck of the I crawl way under the linen sheet, - re- OPEN DAY AND Interior Player- Pianos, and many more than half way In making engine. But there you are, you'd never NIGHT. purchase of a piano a simple nd sat treat, while La Salle Restaurant This firm has purchased over slxll isfactory business transaction, not on Bubonic Plague in California. I dream of fair things in a doze, Flood of to a on car loads of pianos during the past of doubt and uncertainty. Seven year old Horace But be aroused by sting the Contra Costa county, California, has nose. CHAS. GANN, Prop. UVERY STABLE LEARNARD-LINDEMAN- N CO. died of the bubonic plague, addi- Telephone 11. - to it has been discovered, The Square Music Dealers :: Albuquerque, N. M. :: Established 1900 tion rats, rwo Door's Below ,F. Andrews Store. that ground squirrels, so abundant in Fine Horses Regular Meals 25 Rigs, Reliable Single SANTA FE OFFICE WITH SANTA FE TRAIL CURIO CO. California, also carry the Bubonic Cents Short Order at all Hears Buggies, Surrles, Saddle Horses. Plague germs. PROSPERITY BOARD BY THE WEEK 96X0 Insurance Company Quits. Wlei in Need of will meet half re- Preach Noodle Order 20c. a dish AiytMif The United States Postal Insur you way, if you inforce your energies at New York Chop Sue? Mo. in the LIVERY LINE. ance Company at Denver, according to cibL 'Phone ? fc Drivers Furnished. , R. the Denver News has wound up us A A at A A A a A Ja'aa A A A A A CRICHTON - J. affairs. The auditing committee dis- FAYWOOD rinsed that (72.000 had been spent to & collect $82,000, and it is declared that CHAS. CLOSSON Don Caspar Ave. LUMBER COAL YARD there was "a wanton wastefulness of; HOT SPRINGS funds' of the company. Imperial Laundry Lumber and all kinds A Lump, nut and It cures, and you remain cured, we know, and wH If you it. of btsilding material T mine run coal Reduces Her jou try For Best Work Heiress Weight Conceded the kidney Laundry the fact that she weighs greatest Annoyed by water on earth.; i. For Health Seekers and Rest Seekers YARD ON KICKOX STREET, NEAR 118 pounds, when she desires to Why not visit Fay wood Hoi BASKET LEAVES MONDAY AM) TUESDAY 22 mile m NEW MEXICO CENTRAL DEPOT. weigh only 100, Miss Constance War Mountain Hearth Resort, fro Santa Fa on main Una of Santa Fa, - Springs first, since you will event- ren, heiress to- millions, niece or RETURNS THURSDAY AND FRIDAY on and one-ha-lf mllee from depot. and a Boston ually go there anyway? Mrs. Robert Goelet, Modern' Hotel.' Tent bungalows, in Pine Forest, with every accommodation, furnished for Phone Red 100 Phone Red 100 has taken to diet- Large Perfect society girl, rigid Climate. Booklet Agency at O, K. Barber and for and to attain the slender Shop. housekeeping ready occupancy. ing fasting T. C. "The Mrs. F. O. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished so fashionable, especially McDermott, Faywood," Brown, Agent. .. , WILLIAMSON RANCH, beauty Faywoed, N. M. among tall girls. Her diet consists Phone Red No. 21. Phone, led N. 21 Olorlota, N. M WITH US 9 Zook's Pharmacy Zook's Pharmacy It is not merely a question of GETTING YOUR MONEY. Your Phone trade is what we want. P ho n e We offer you only the HIGHEST CLA55 OP dOODS whether it be seriously 213 needed. DRU05 OR FANCY TOILET ARTICLES. The quality we uphold. W use 213 the most careful methods in catering: to your pleasure to make every deal a satisfac- tory one. ANY DRUd OR MEDICINE YOU QET HERE 15 RIOHT. : : t r :' IF YOU ARE !NOT A CUSTCR HETJS, YOU SHOULD EE.

i A a at,, A A 4 i I A 4afp S) 4) A sVJ 4 A MONDAY, JULY 31, 191 i. THE SANTA FE JVEW MEXICAN, SANTA FE, N. 1! PAGE THREE

TIMETABLE ALL MUST BELIEVE IT NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. PLAY GROUND (Not Coal Land.) LOCAL TRAINS When Well Known Santa Fe People Department of the Interior, The following are tne time tablet Tell it so Plainly. MINES AND MINING ! U. S. Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M. of the local railroads: July 29, 1911. WANTS "A. T. A 8. F. Ry." When public endorsement is made Notice is hereby given that Vicente Leave Lucero, of Pecos, X. M., who, on by a representative citizen of Santa July FOR RENT Six roomed brick cot. You 30, 1906, made homestead No. 8.10 a. m. connect with No 3 west- Fe the proof is positive. must Sierra al values in and entry O. County. gold, silver and lead; 5734-0765- 4 tage. Bath, range, C. Wat. believe Read this Ev- for lot 4, SW SW light. bound. No. 10 eastbound. it testimony. Chicago Bars Autos and From the Sierra County Advocate: it is stated on pretty good son & Co. backache man, authority Sec. 24, and the W NV Sec. Returning arrive iX Santa Fe 12:10 ery sufferer, every "Track and supplies will be sent that some specimens sent to Denver woman or child with trou- Other Vehicles from 25, Township 15 N., Range 11 E., N. p. m; any kidney Wild on Black Hawk gulch by assayed $3,000 the ton in uranium. FOR SALE Horse and for ble will find in the M. P. Meridian, has filed notice of buggy 4 P. mp connect with No. 1, west- profit reading. Certain Streets his partners to continue the tunnel Uranium is a rare metal used for the sale. A Call at New Mex- intention to make final five proof, bargain. bound. Ttfrs.JBernarda'Rrde 106 is 700 to 800 feet short of where same hard- year Escudero, which purpose as vanadium, in to establish claim to the land above ican. arrive at Santa 6:30 Griffin St., Santa Fe, N. Mex., says: "I to strike the vein on their ening steel. It is in demand for the Returning Fe, they expect described, before Register or Receiv- m. hold just as high an opinion of Doan's AMERICAN TO CANADA mines. Holmes and Eddie manufacture of im- p. TREK Judge armor, plate and er, U. S. Land Office at Santa Fe, FOR SALE Seven room house, 7:20 m. No. 7 and Kidney Pills today as when I public- Schmidt liave completed assessment parts a lustre to the surface p. conect with greenish N. M., on the 11th day of September, bath, electric light, fine lawn, fifty ly recommended them in work on claim on Fish-wor- as well as an 9 westbound; No. 4 and 8 eastbound January, the Fulton impregnable texture. Up 1911. fruit trees. 216 Montezuma avenus. 1907. For about a I was bother- current to Returning arr!v at SanJl Fe 11:10 year Something Like $150,000,000 gulch for the year. The the present time it was not known Claimant names as witnesses: ed by a dull ache and weakness across mill U. S. is still ten to in P. m. at the treasury exist paying quantities in the FOR SALE One 12 H. P. boiler loins and I tired .Worth of Wealth Taken Like United Pedro Rivera, Jose Romero, both D. & R. G. Ry. my kidneys. easily, days from its trial run. the States; the only sources of and one 40 H. I of N. M., Romero, of engine $30.00, and P. and any exertion brought on severe Out Annually. Mexican manana it is always a little supply being in Bohemia, Saxony and Pecos, Enriquez Leaves 10:15 a. m. for north. N. M and Candido Rivera, engine $75.00, ail in running order. pains in my back. Hearing Doan's I ways ahead." Cornwall. Its market value is $46 Glorieta, Arrive 3:05 p. m. from north. of N. M. Must be sold at once. Inquire P. Kidney Pills highly spoken of, I was Chi- "A strike has been made in the Ca- - the From the residues of ura- Santa Fe, New Mexico Central Ry. Chicago, Aug. 1. The city of pound. Hesch, Sr., Planing Mill. induced to them. The results ballos about 25 miles from the town nium comes that rare and MANUEL R. OTERO, Leave 5:45 p. m., conlectB with Na try cago has come to the rescue of the mysterious a doubt that this rem- of rock radium. tons Register. 2 east and 1 south and west proved beyond children and has turned a street in Rincon, uncovering bearing agent It requires 5,000 TYPEWRITERS. edy lives up to representations. The and the rare metal of uranium residues to make one kilo Arrive 3.18 p. m. with connections the crowded Italian colony on the silver, lead, gold, Cleaned, adjusted and repaired. New cure it has brought has led me to known as uranium. The discovery of radium, the cost of the process be- Notice for Publication. from No. 3 east north side into a playground. Mayor platens furniBhed. Ribbons aDd sup-pile- it on more than one occasion." a ne- ton. Not coal land. praise Harrison closed Gault court to every- was made by Charles Morgan, ing about $2,000 the Since the all dealers. Price 50 of Typewriters sold, exchanged Notice for Publication. For sale by the traffic phew of J. H. Jones of this place and discovery of highgrade ore in the Department the Interior, and Foster-Milbur- n thing except necessary rented. Standard makes bandied. of cents. Co., Buffalo, a number of claims have been taken mountains by Morgan and Jones, U. S. Office N. M. Department the Interior, after a committee of settlement work- Land at Santa Fe, All repair work and guar- New York, sole agents for the United Messrs. Haines, have to more typewrltes V. S. Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M. ers and playground secretaries had up by Morgan, Jones, prospectors begun pay July 29,1911. anteed. Santa Fe Ex- States. and of An active attention to the mineral Typewriter July 10, 1911. called on him. For the remainder of others this place. possibilities Notice is hereby given that Romaldo change. Phone ZZl. Remember the name Doan's and has been installed and of the Caballo No than Notice is hereby given that Pedro the summer and the warm camp large range. less Lucero, of Pecos, N. M., who, on July take no other. through bodies of ore are uncovered. 20 men are now in this Gurule, of Lamy, N. M., who, on July of all auto being prospecting 0, 1900, rnadp homestead entry. No. The New Mexiran com- bright days the autumn, re- runon The most Interested are and some strikes may 9733-0765- 4 10, 1906, made homestead entry, No. and parties region, good for lot 3. and SE SW pany has ctvn ana crimLial Trick. trucks, delivery wagons speeding to but be looked for Rincon prepared 9633-759- 1--2 Telegraph Operator's luctant give out information, at any time." E for lots 1 and 2, and S automobiles will be barred from Gault Sec. 24, and NW section 23, dockets for the use of jus- it is known the ore carries exception- - Recorder. especially NE section 2, township 15 N, court and the street will be turned township 15 N, range 11 E., N. M. P. tices of the peace. They are especial- range 10 E, N. M. .'. meridian, has I. S. Stevens, a telegraph operator over to the children irom 8 a. m. to 8 meridian, has filed notice of intention ly ruled, with printed headings, in was arrested 'at Silver five-yea- r been filed notice of intention to make of San Marcial, p. m. In these hours the to make final proof, to estab either Spanish or English, made of from the Bank every day. try and the results of scientific educa- 300,000 ACRES ARE final five year proof, to establish claim City, for securing $40 vehicles that will pass the police lish claim to the land above described, good record paper, strongly and dur- a only tional propoganda. BEING SURVEYED. to the land above described, before of San Marcial by presenting bogus men on guard at each end will be the before the register or receiver, U. S. ably bound, with leather back and or Receiver, U. S. Land Office telegram. destined Electrical Hoists. Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M., on the covers and canvas sides, hall lull Register delivery wagons with goods Vast Amount of Land From Three to at Santa Fe, N. M., on the 17th day of for homes along the street. Maor Electricity has supplanted steam in 14th day of September, 1911. tndex In front and the tees of Justice! and blad- Thirty Miles South of Farming-to- n ot August, 1911. Do not allow your kidney Harrison was told that there are 2,670 another place, and has banished the Claimant names as witnesses: Can the peace and constables printed to the Will Soon Be Open. in Claimant names as witness: - der trouble develop beyond children in the two precincts through smoky, dirty, noisy steam hoist from dido Rivera of Santa Fe, N. M.; Pedro full on the 2rst page. The pages las Bias Garcia, Guadalupe reach of medicine. Take Foley Kid- court and that late use in erecting skyscrapers in the big Rivera, of Pecos, N. M.; Enriquez Riv- are 10 inches. These books are Gutierrez, which Gault runs, (Farmington Enterprise.) of ney Pills. They give quick results 7 cities. Electrical hoists are being era of N. Bicente Lucero made up in civil and criminal dockets, Maes, Juan Garcia, all Canonclto, in the afternoon of July there were William A. Tipton, United States Glorieta, M.; N. M. and stop irregularities with surpris- in used on nearly every one of the twelve of N. M. separate ot 31 pages each, or with 192 playing in the street one block. surveyor in the regular service of the Pecos, MANUEL R. OTERO, ing promptness. For sale by all drug- accidents have resulted from the big buildings now being erected in MANUEL R. OTERO. both civil and criminal bound in one Many general government arrived in Farm- 80 gists. use of the street the children the heart of Chicago. On the new In- Register. book, pase civil and 320 pages Register. joint by ington on Friday, accompanied by a To and traffic vehicles. is the surance Exchange building, which criminal. Introduce them they are heavy It force of seven men, for the purpose of offered at the the "kids" have in which will be the second largest office struc- Notice for Publication. following nrlces only place surveying the fourteen townships of Civil or Criminal I2.7E to ture in tne world, there are five Not coal land. play. unsurveyed government land laying Combined Civil and Crln it-- J 4.00 ' power electrical hoists doing the Department of the Interior, .. Trek to Canada. south and southeast of this city. For 45 cents tSK'ttonal tor a The of trek Americans are work noiselessly that steam hoists Mr. is U. S. Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M. single THE VAUGHAN RANCH eyes ng Tipton not contracting the docket, or 55 cents additional for a still Western J. Bruce would have done noisily if the build- work but has been July 29, 1911. upon Canada, placed in charge combination docket, they will be sent (Old Sparks Ranch) Canadian commissioner ing had been started a few years ago. of W. Notice is hereby given that Seferino Walker, the it by Surveyor General John by mail or prepaid express. Cash In "Electricity saves money," says A. G. March of New of Pecos, N. M., who on of immigration, with headquarters in Mexico. We understand Lucero, July full must accompany order. State 15th for the Season Moulton, Buperintendent of construc- Mr. is a and 30, 1906, made homestead No. Open May Fishing Winnipeg, estimating that the current Tipton very competent entry, plainly whether English or Spanish tion at this building. "It avoids the much 973C-0766- for lot SE SE 1-- year will see a total of 400,000 new experienced civil engineer. 3, printed heading is wanted. of Food Best of Beds of fuel to the en- 2 4 Best settlers in his country. Of those ap- difficulty delivering The townships mentioned are to be W SE of section 23, townsnip 15 Water gines and carrying away the smoke - and subdivided the N, 11 N. M. P. Cold Pure Spring proximately 150,000 will be from soutn surveyed- and range E, meridian, has Loss of Time Means Loss of Pay. of emi- and steam from the interior. Fewer work will the services of about filed notice of intention to make final No Invalids ,' . $15 a Week the boundary line. These require Kidney trouble and the ills it breeds men are required." Ten thousand tons a dozen men and two or teams five-yea- r to claim to grants take $1,000 each in cash and three proof, establish means lost time and lost pay to many Willow Bear Creeks of steel will be used in this one for four above before Pecos and Mora Rivers, Holy Qhost, and property and this year they will re approximately months. the land described, reg a working man. M. Balent, 1214 Lit- building. The order for the of this ister or U. S. Land Office move $150,000,000 from Uncle Sam's survey receiver, at tle Penna St., Streator, 111., was so Glorieta Write Pecos land was secured the N. 14th Telegraph domain. While the American immigra through diligent Santa Fe, M., on tne day of bad from kidney and bladder trouble LARGE ENROLLMENT AT efforts of the Board of tion into Canada is from all quarters Farmington September, 1911. that he could not work, but he says: COUNTY INSTITUTE. V. who - of the United States, the greatest part Trade assisted by C. Safford, Claimant names as witnesses: Don- "I took to Foley Kidney Pills for only is still from the northwestern and middle-- personally presented the matter aciano Gonzales, Jose L. Martinez, Do a Ad- short time and got entirely well western Territorial Clark Mr. March on his return to Santa Fe states. The records of the Superintendent mingo Martinez, Juan Jose Martinez, and was soon to to SUMMER TOURIST RATES dressed the Teachers A after a of the able go back work, Canadian government land agent at Lively attending meeting all of Pecos, N. M. and am well and healthier than Program is Arranged. Board of Trade here last April. Mr. feeling Omaha show that 25,000 Nebraska MANURED R. OTERO, before." Foley Kidney Pills are tonic ' March recommended immediate con- and Western Iowa farmers have Register. in Santa N. 1911. and to action, quick in results a good to Rosa, M., July 26, sideration secured permission trekked Canada in the last ten once friend to the working man or woman SANTA FE, N. M TO The Guadalupe County Teachers' In proceed at with the work. The Notice for Publication, years, taking with them property and with of since was sale by all druggists, . stitute or Normal is in session length time the matter Not coal land. cash amounting to more than $21,000,-000- an over taken a little over three who suffers from kidney ills. For increased attendance any up, just Department of the Interior, - These records give only about in-- with $64.95 previous year and the interest is months, is very much in contrast U. S. Land Office M. $50.35 Buffalo, one-hal- f north- at Santa Fe, N. Chicago, the actual migration creasing in the work. he length of time required by the Yesterday Broke Records Yester- ward as July 29, 1911. was the warmest from these state, only those The opening exercises each day are government to put surveyors in the day July day of the - - are who Notice Is hereby given that Jesus and the last. The - - 44.35 Denver, - 21.10 listed ,with the agent applied in the hands of a committee of three field to survey the Meadows and lands year thermometer St. Louis, for One Lopez of Pecos, N. M., who, on July reached a maximum of 81 homeseeker certificates. day members who have full charge for In the vicinity of Bloomfield, in each degrees but thirty-fiv- e far- 30, 190C, made homestead entry, No. last to 53 last week a carload of the 30 minutes devoted to that pur-- case, more than three years were con- night dropped degrees. The - 9735-0765- for the NE 4 of Section relative was 21 New 76.35 Colorado 18.15 mers from Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, pose, sumed from the time the petitions for humidity only per York, Sp'gs, n 25, 15 M, range 11 E, N. M. P. cent at 6 m. last and was Ohio and other states The different programs arranged by a survey were filed until the survey township p. evening bi- has filed notice of intention low all thus the left for Alberta on the regular the committees are very interesting or went on the land to do the work. meridian, very day tempering to make final five-yea- r to es which 68 de- 75.95 - - - 16.35 monthly "settlement" car run by the as well as instructive, and consist in Mr. Tipton and his men will make proof, temperature averaged Boston, Pueblo, tablish claim to the land above de- grees. For and tomorrow Canadian Pacific Railway between musical and literary exercises, talks Farmington their postofflce and sup-b- tonight U. showers are Chicago and Calgary. all different business and - the time are scribed, before register or receiver, predicted in northern por- IN Practically profession- ply point during they TO OTHER PRINCIPAL POINTS high-price- S. Land Office at Santa N. M., on tions of New Mexico. MANY of them had sold their d al men with an occasional fire drill or engaged on this survey, which will be Fe, LOW RATES THE UNITED STATES, CANADA and MEXICO lands and intended to invest the pro an arithmetic test at the blackboard a business benefit to the town. the 14th day of September, 1911. in busiest season ceeds in the cheaper lands of Alberta. by the entire school. The. land to be surveyed embraces Claimant names as witnesses: Ja Right your when - OVER PRIVILEGES. LIBERAL LIMITS AND STOP When the official returns of the re- The total enrollment to date is 41 a amount of fine level mesa cinto Ortiz of Rowe, N. M.; Jose L. you have the least time to spare you large are most to cent Canadian census are announced and this will be increased to at least land some of it as good as any In Martinez, Bicente Lucero, bota of likely take diarrhoea and Ise-be- lose For further particulars, see any Santa Fe Agent. it will be found that Americans have 60 for the last two weeks, at which the southwest and while there is also Pecos, N. M.; and Juan Gonzales l, several days time, unless you M. have Chamberlain's Cholera VI contributed more than all other races time the examinations take place, considerable waste and rough land. of Glorieta, N. Colic, and : SANTA FE, N. - Diarrhoea H. S. LUTZ, Agent, to the upbuilding of the western The Normal is in charge of county on the whole it will provide thou- MANUEL B. OTERO, Remedy at hand and take a quick dose on provinces. The unofficial estimate superintendent George Burch with sands of acres which will some day be Register. the first appearance of the disease. For sale of the population of Winnepeg is Mrs. Nora M. Brumback as principal, reclaimed and become valuable and by al) dealers. ex- - is one If on placed at 200,000, of whom fully one-hal- f and who will be assisted at the productive. It estimated that you want anything earth trj If you want anything on earth Try are Americans. aminations by Mrs. Cornell. half, or approximately 150,000 acres, a New Mex'can Want Art. a New Mexican want ad. to will Gags for Roosters. Territorial Superintendent Clark of the 300,000 be surveyed, become How to keep a rooster from crowing will be here during the session and eventually be reclaimed and until you are ready to get up is the give a series of talks. farm lands. MORGAN The citizens of Santa Rosa have There are probably fifty persons in IRA problem that Chief of Police McWeeny ROSWELL AUTO CO., N. homes visit- - this at who are ROSWELL, of Chicago has been called upon to thrown their open to the city the present time and as to make land entries solve, and with' the assistance of Wil- ing teachers, such have books prepared desert B. of reference and libraries are Just as soon as the land is subject to Successor to P. Williams liam Luthardt, he has succeeded. Re- private TJ. mall Baggage allowance 100 lbs. to the students free to and there will be more Carrying the S. and par the Chicago Tribune allowing access entry many each cently published time. of between N. M., and regular ticket, excess baggage an suc- same. by that Many these people sengera Vaughn, article that told of the chief's - at the rate of $5.00 hundred Those who have not been here be- - will also take of the pro- N. per lbs cess in a crowing cock advantage Roswell, M, connecting with tht suppressing fore are much in visions of the act of March 28, 1908, We are equipped to carry any kind that disturbed his interested the many El Paso & Southwestern and Rock Is early morning of interest near at such which provides that any person quail- slumbers. Since then he has received points hand, land Railroads and the Atchison, To-pek-a ot trunks or baggage, up to 1,500 Iba LIVELY as the "Sotanos" or dry holes, the fled to make entry on desert lands so many requests for his that & Santa Fe Railroad. . recipe deep lakes, the boiling springs, the under desert land laws who, prior to Special rates are given for excur of horses & Secretary Luthardt has had Leaves Vaughn at 8:45 a. m., ar- I have niirchased the entire stack equipment formerly i printed deep canons of the Pecos while oth-- survey, take possession of a tract of sions, for eight or more passengers. a little folder for , rive In Roswell at 2:00 m. FIRST distribution. This ers in the river or in land and reclaim it or in p. S owned B. P. Williams and will continue to operate it as a folder is prefer fishing unsurveyed Leaves Roswell 12:30 a. ar- For further information, write the by says: "It natural for a rooster the "Axua Neera Chiauita." good faith commences the work ot at m.t of or to crow, but in order to do so ne rive in at 5:30 p. m. Roswell Auto Co., Roswell, N. M. CLASS LIVERY where we will be reidy at all times diy night Taken in connection with the de-- reclaiming the same, and clearly and Vaughn I muBt raise his bead. A device of want. I will simple lightful weather we are having, cool plainly marks the corners or bound- to furnish you with any kind a rig you miy i to Btop the bird from Is to $ crowing nights and pleasant days the condl- - aries of the land claimed, and gives nail a board twelve inches endavirto give prompt and efficient sjmce aivtrust to nunt above the tions are nearly ideal. due public notice of the fact of the J W. MANAGER in - perch the chicken coop. This will The following teachers and stud- - claim to the land, shall have a prefer- STOCKARD, will pauuiiagv. , re prevent the rooster from raising its ents are in attendance at the Santa ence right to make desert land entry head to the proper angle for crowing, Rosa Teachers Normal Institute for ninety days after the approval of AT 310 SAV FRANCISCO ST, thereby suppressing the clarion which opened July 17th, 1911: the survey. notes." Secretary Luthardt has de Luciano Lopez, Newkirk; Luis G.! The survey and prospective open- JL cided not to apply for a patent, as he San Sotero Sanchez, to entry of this land is another Phone 139 Red Santa Fe, N. M Duran, Ignaclo; ing wishes all citizens to nave the full Cuervo; F. D. Sanchez, S. C. Gon- - step forward in the development of The New Mexican benefit of his idea, without cost to sales, Guadalupe Garcia, Mrs. C. B. the great Farmington fruit district, them. Garcia. Canuto Sanchez. Miss Pela' The theory advanced by some that Soil Fertility. glo Baca, Miss Henriqueta Lucero, the country south of Farmington is a The National Soil Fertility league Miss Lulsa Sanchez, J. W. Compton, desert waste is Just as erroneous as was Company New Mexico has been incorporated at Springfield, Felipe Sanchez, Jose Sanchez, Miss the old notion that the southwest Printing Military 111., for the purpose of educating the Cecil Williams, Miss Hazel Stearns, all a desert. There is a gooa cnance Institute American farmers to take advantage Miss Olive ' R. Smith, Miss Norma to make homes for many in that t, Santa Fe, New Mexico of the information gathered by the de Miss Maud Williams, Miss Ber-- Hon. If irrigated from the San Juan ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO. partment of agriculture at a cost of nice Splller, Miss Ozala Tillman, Miss river the work should be undertaken PUBISHERS OF West Point of the Southwest" "The )7 $150,000,000. Many big men are in Anna Sena, all of Santa Rosa; Miss by the government as it will be a very United States War De- v Ranked by 'IV' , terested in the league, Hattie Duran. Alamo: Mrs. Soffte San - large undertaking ana expensive dui a Institu-- ; Vt including SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN : : DAILY partment "Distinguished President Taft, Secretary of the Treas chez, Miss Katie Horsley, Miss Mae it may be possible to develop water Hon." Army officer? detailed by War snauow wens : ury MacVeagh, Speaker Champ Clark, Thompson, Los Tanos; Guadalupe V.'T pumping trom ior NEW MEXICAN REVIEW WEEKLY while the construe. Department. , William Jennings Bryan, President Martinez, Max Gallegos, Colohias; E. considerable area, ' Academic course, prepar- 1Ine dltch n EL NUEVO MEXICANO : SPANISH WEEKLY Through James and Professor Hopkins of the S. Silva, Miss Fellcita Sanchez. F. D. Hn lar8e ni8h men tor or business ,f ing young college University of Illinois, Cyrus H. Mc Bustamente, Casaus; Miss Albinita surplus storage reerun amount of open air work., a.u. life. Great Cormick, Alvan Sanders of the tariff Buchanan, Mrs. Winnie Siron, PRINTERS, BINDERS, BLANK BOOK MAKERS of any Page, Healthiest Military board, A. P. Grout of the Farmers' in Schroeder; Miss Myrtle Borden, Po EDITORIAL FLASHES, Located la the , - School in the Union. stitutes, the presidents and offi- trllln. Htlarln Arnernn Anton Chlcn: Our Facilities for Out Work of Pecos the spot high The Fe Turning: any beautiful Valley, garden cials of many railroads and banks, and Mian Simla finRnfir Orton: Mr. Lvnn1 Santa Pamphlet, elevation of 379Q Old-Ne- Santa Fe Is the title of an Description are unexcelled. of the West at an many congressmen and business men Dunlop, Taft; J. S. Jackson, Taft; above sea sunshine every attracUve folder Just Issued by the feet level, The president of the league, Howard Miss May Hamner,' Ruth; Mrs. Ida rain or snow the Santa Fe railway in which the beau "day. but little during L- H. Gross, explains its purpose as fol Finley, Agudo; Miss Florence Finley, : ot OUR SOLICITOR .'" :U of the season.vv.Oft "wrw - lows. "The Fort Sumner. ties and attractions capital v''- y government has to date pic- ' ' Officers and Instructors, New Mexico are set forth both by Fourteen about $150,000,000 In its eastern spent agri ture and Colonel R. E. Twitch-el- l ORDERS PROMPTLY KKy" all graduates from standard o Asthma and Summer Colds story. EXECUTED FOB cultural department learn certain Hay Fever, was the task of the colleges. Ten buildings, throughly Must be relieved and Foley's given issuing fundamental facts. We now propose quickly folder and the finished is a Halftones Zinc furnished, heated, lighted and modern ,,, Honey and Tar Compound will do it product Etchings Lithographing to give this knowledge the widest cur testimonial of his a peru- In all respects. B. M. 1034 Wolfram Chi- ability. By - rency and spread its fruits Into every Stewart', SL, folder enabled Pres.'. sal ot the the reader is Embossing; Engraving REGENTS E. A. CAHOON, . cago, writes: "I have been township in the country. The problem greatlj to get a knowledge of Santa Fe that ,V W. G: HAMILTON, Vice Pres. v Loose ; Is a big one and must oe handled in a troubled during the hot summer to Leaf Ledgers J. P. WHITE, Treasurer. arouses such interest as compel big way. It means nothing less than months with Hay Fever and find that him to want more. Hence a trip to W ,M. ATKINSON, Secretary. and Com. to induce 10,000,000 farmers, scatter by using Foley's Honey Tar the ancient capital is the result. The v W.'A. FINLEY. Invitations and Announcements and ed over a continental to pound I get great relief." Many otoers wita Engraved Calling Cards,Weddio; For and illustrated area, adopt folder is illustrated profusely particulars a new method of conduct and business who suffer similarly will he glad to v,ewB of Santa pe and vicinity. It SPECIALTY. address: - OUR The league will establish cxnerimen- - benefit by Mr. Stewart's experience. naB a beautiful illumined cover. Las OOL. JAS. Wi WILLSON, , tal tracts to demonstrate soil cnemls-- For sale by all druggists. egag optic.' , s Superintendent PAGE FOUR THE SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN, 8AN1A fE, g. U. TDF8DAY, AUGUST 1, 1911.

SANTA E NEW MEXICAN graphy of some of the geographical names, especially In New Mexico and R. J. PALEN, President. l: t J. B. READ, Cashier. Arizona, is incorrect. The main pur- LA. HUGHES, F. McKANE, Assistant Cashier. THE NEW TALXICAN PRINTING COMPANY PUBLISHERS. pose has been to record some of the PAUL A. F. WALTER FRANK P. STURGES, humorous and thrilling events during How About That Fire Insurance? Editor and President. Vice President. the many years of pioneer travel, JOHN K. STAUFFER, CHAS. M. STAUFFER, leaving out most of the heartaches r. THE Secretary-Treasure- FIRST L BANK General Manager. and disappointments and giving more PROTECTED ? of rainbow IS YOUR PROPERTY FULLY , Iff the glow to an adventur- Eutered as Second Class Matt er Santa Pe Postofflce. 1 at the ous life on the frontier. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. six mail $3.50 The illustrations are superb, some OF SANTA FE. Dclly, months, by -- Daily, per week, by carrier 25 of them in colors, others from photo About It! Then Act! Weekly, six months 1.00 and in half Think Daily, per month, by carrier... .75 graphs reproduced tone OLDEST 2.00 and a few in and ink THE BANKING INSTITUTION IN NEW Daily, per month, by mail 65 Weekly, per year pen drawings. The book is more than a summer MOULTON-ESP- E COMPANY MEXICO. pally, per year, by mall...... 7.00 Weekly, per quarter ...... 50 day's THE ESTABLISHED IN 1870. reading but is really worth while and of to those OFFICIAL PAPER OF SANTA FE COUNTY. great interest, especially, SANTA FE, N. M. : : : who took part,- though it may have GENERAL AGENTS, Capital Stock, $150,000 The New Mexican ia the oldest new spaper in New Mexico. It is sent to been ever so. slightly in the Conquesl " ' Surplus and Undivided Profit, 80,000 r, every ppstoffice in the Territory, and has a large and growing, circulation of the West. '" - amonfc the Intelligent and progressira people of the Southwest.' Transacts a general banking: business in all Its branches. SEVEN MURDERS A MONTH, That is an unenviable record for a Loans money on the most favorable terms on all kinds of per- commonwealth of 350,000 people. It sonal and collateral security. Buys and sells bonds and stocks means a murder for every five thou- in all markets for its customers. Buys and sells domestic and sand people a year and if the average Fe Mill means that Santa foreign exchange and makes telegraphic transfer of money to all life is it EIGHTY-ON- E DEGREES. Today, Superintendent Conway is time fifty years, Planing UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. - deaths must be of the civilized world on as liberal e tvas the maxi- them to rival with each other one in every hundred parts terms as are given by Eighty-on- degrees teaching means mum recorded in Santa in the of school term each from the assassin's hand, it or al- temperature length in Window Frames, Wainscotting, any money transmitting agency public private. Interest Fe the month of July, and on year, in the high class of teachers em-onl- y that of the 7,500 people living Mouldings lowed on time rate of 4 on during 75 will be murdered. Doors, ' Door Frames, Ceiling, deposits at the per cent, per annum, two days of the month did th'j ployed and in the of Santa Fe today, Sash, unenviable record for the lasings, Base, six months' or time. Liberal advances made on maximum reach eighty. buildings and equipment. This pry Run Flooring Custom Work, years' consign- commonwealth for the month- closed At Boston, at Berlin, at . Toronto, The scnool census shows 3,730 ments of livestock and products. The bank executes all orders does not include a number hundred miles nearer to the SOns between the ages of 5 and 21 in yesterday Office, Bar, Bank and Church Fixtures; also General Cabinet of its in the banking line, and aims to extend to them - of deaths from doubtful violent patrons North Pole, temperatures of a nun- the of whom 1829 are females Custom Work. All work county, not the of a ten year Work, Turning, Odd Jobs and as liberal treatment In all respects as is consistent with safety dred and more were recorded in the an(j 1901 of 1,546 are causes; killing mag. these, old his twin nor of a and prices reasonable. of month past. Even Denver and enrolled in the schools and 731 boy by brother, guaranteed satisfactory and the principles sound banking. Safety deposit boxes for just public, three year old child by her playmates. Colorado Springs had maximums faf in tne sectarian and 'private schools, We solicit a liberal share of your patronage. Estimates cheerfully furnished. rent. The patronage of the.public is respectfully solicited. in Nor any case where the deliberate into the nineties. Other places which is a good showing considering s motive to kill Was lacking. And are and out of New Mexico sweltered, but tne ot school age. Plans, the iegai there not murders frequently that Santa Fe kept cool. . Compulsory attendance is enforced Specifications, Etc. P. M. HESCH, Jr. & SON - are not discovered or not reported? Not once, during am tne mini- u in most juiy, rieidlv of the districts. Here is the record for the mum temperature during the night of school gruesome Of the 3,730 persons age, month of July and it is up to prosecut- exceed 60 degrees. It. went as low are but school - 3,307 Spanish speaking to to justice the as 51 The range in tempera- ing attorneys bring A GOOD AD. afternoon of August 13. They are degrees.. is conducted in English - ITS i . i : ,1 .1 throughout persons accused: ', ' neverme.ess, j en- - Tecolo-te- , un- Lady Paletine, who has been seen here The Hotel ture, Of Palace u, m. the county. the 1,546 pupils 4, Epafloridito Baca at Those of us who measure every even. New July ' Oak- was wonderful y Chicago o several times recently and xady roled jn schoo lm San Miguel county, killed Leopol-d- dertaking by its commercial value, ana - n land. 'Palentine will race xorK, rn.musipu of Spanish-America- descent, Only his head may find satisfaction in the fact, that . Lady tu. c J- Montoya, by crushing ,....;, William r:.. IilgllL lCULJCiaiUIVD four are In the and and In- School of Americcan Archaeology, against Rosie Dick, her former oppo- Vaughn, Prop. i 105 on negroes. private with a rock. Baca is wealthy the one day had degrees, n t'roar Duke Nebraska, sectarian 641 are of Spanish-America- and and its summer session nent, the City the It had 44. one schools, fluential. Montoya was poor especially another day Wyoming, no accused now in are. of adver- horses will go to Colorado to work on iOiie of the Best Hotels .Anntmi n Vi a ViuTr? a and on descent and there are "merely" a boy whom Baca progress, great in the West j rH Not a circuit Midlothian, a harness steed weath- - enrolled. of with Mrs. Baca. The slay- tising value to Santa Fe. only another day reported freezing intimacy also owned by Mr. will to ROOMS IN SUIT! WITH PRIVATE BATH - r are 32 school districts even held for the do visitors carry away with them Closson, go er Santa Fe, the extreme month- country er has not been " in and recollections but they tell Colorado, too. . did not exceed thirty de-- in these, 113 pupils are in the grand Jury. pleasant Cnisine and . Large Sample ly range read-Co- of Santa Fe. 'es kindergarten grade, 328 in first July 15. Ensendo Rodriguez, dur others about the charms Table Service . ; kti, Room for Com- - is er, 351 in second reader, 165 in third a dance at East Raton, killed J. The magazines, weekly periodicals HERR ELECTED PRESIDENT OF equitable, salubrious! That ing to Unexcelled inorcial Travelers summer 0. xi 1Uunu, oi m mm, m M. Ariosto. Rodriguez is in jan. and daily newspapers give space WESTINGHOUSE COMPANY. Santa Fe's climate. such as the would hava sixth,.vi,5 in seventh and 4 in eighth, July 17. Jeremiah Rivera in Sierra the school. Editorials, What an asset Santa Fe well-know- n SANTA NEW MEXICO WASHINGTON The arrested. from "The Dial," the (By Special Leased Wire to New Mexican) FE, AVENUE in its summer climate if it could most discouraging showing is in county. Four suspects following - ap- New York, Aug. 1. Edwin M. Herr world realize and appr the collection of poll tax. Only $1,278,- July 20. Robert Fudge at Finon, Chicago literary journal, make the was elected Westing-hous- e ami 50 were collected last year from the Colfax county, snot and killed J. L. prove the selection of Santa Fe as president of the ciate its charm and comfort Electric and lour thousand voters in the county, Creasy, who shot the boy's father, J. the site for the school: "'Manufacturing healthfulness. in "The School of American Archae- Company at a special of the whoever has been here may and from the 1,500 voters within the P. Fudge. The boy is custody. meeting Surely, was as- a bulletin outlining its board of directors due to Robert C. city limits only $471.50 were collected. July 27. William Phlpps ology issues today. MONTEZUMA sing, with apologies Valencia and In- HOTELS success snows mat some one neg- sassinated at Suwanee, purposes and methods, briefly McElravy in the August wnicn is mur- his and that some county. There is no trace of the dicating the attractions of its coming GOVERNOR WILL Magazine: lecting duty in RECENTLY IS SANTA FE'S IDEAL one should be to derer. summer session (Aug. Santa GO TO CHAUTAUQUA. OPENED, stirred up o do full 27. David Griego is killed at Fe and at the adjacent ruins of Paja-rit- COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS' HOTEL. High and bold in green array his duty. The Pennsylvania July of county, by Mrs. Park. The School, a creation . Are the at Santa Fe, plan would be an excellent one, of Blanco, San Juan (Continued From Page One.) peaks in defense of her the Archaeological Institute, dates seven rooms, and furnished, And ancient city lies charging the poll tax collector with Eufemia Archuleta Thirty newly neatly the woman is exonerated. Lfrom and has its abode in tne well and before the eyes. the amount he should collect and if honor. The 1907, McKinley, $6,772.94, f8,266.52, lighted ventilated,. In their lap, while of Governors in and does July 28. Francisco Olguin, historic "Palace the Rooms en suite with bath an 1 Bright gay. he not collect it, compelling Win-gat- e, private phone. is shot and killed near Santa Fe, where it is developing a his bondsmen to make good the defi- asleep, Mora, $3,470.58, $8,603.54, $23,694.3. FINE SAMPLE ROOM. . McKinley county, by Padera Museum of American Archaeology $41,467.-5- Cool and bracing is the air, ciency. Otero, $11,320.83, $10,019.24, CHEERFUL DINING RATES T0 Hernandez who is under arrest. and starting an archaeological library. . THOS. DORAN $2.50 Sunshine ne'er is lacking there, The amount of bonded indebtedness - How do they do it in Texas? last The nucleus of the latter is the val ROOM. FINE CUISINE . Proprietor. $3.00 A DAY Mountains towering round about of 'all the school districts is $36,981.40, ar- Quay, $13,594.27, $10,445.50, $41,397 week, a sixteen year old boy was uable collection of the late Dr. Franz Shelter give year in, year out. of which $28,000 is on the schools. 97. city rested near Pecos for an atrocious Nikolaus Finck of the University oi Free from care. There are still other which Rio Arriba, $4,832.72, $10,507.76, figures murder. Within one week he was Berlin; purchased for the School by the citizens to ana- ought study and to the gallows. Mr Frank Springer, and soon to be in the breeze, sentenced Roosevelt,. $4,572.22, $3,388.81, $21,434.- - , Blossoms, swaying lyze, for it is by ,acquaintance with done in Colorado? But available use.- - The location of the How is it for 32. Ragged, fragrant pinon trees,' what has been . and Hen-woo- d chos ? accomplished a man named School seems . to have been well Coronado a few weeks ago . Restaurant - lying sail"':,.:' $1,949.34, $3,240.80, Sunny, city what is being done that progress and with influential friends who as the bulletin explains, in Sandoval, Calm of and charm of hill, en, being, sky improvement in the future can be ini movedheaven and earth to free him, the heart of the ancient pueDio ana Vie to please. San $15,- - tiated. was sentenced for life, six weeks af- Cliff Dwelling region, and at the gate Juan, $6,486.02, $5,S31.5&, the rush of day, Tne most 759.57. Short Orders run Day & Meals 25c. When is gone gratifying improvement, ter he had killed a rival In a bar way of the rich Mexican field wnere Night. Regular shadows play, Santa And the evening however, is the insistence on employ room ancient ruins abound." Fe, $25,299.64, $5,562.14, Furnished rooms in connection.' Hot &Xoid Electric to fight. Balhs.V Lights It is restful recall ing teachers with certificates and who Should not New Mexico do it the Once again thy peaceful thrall, have attended normal institute. It is same and should there be not San Miguel, $14,666.01, $14,587.12. 222 San Francisco Street Fe! way AND HAIL CAUSE G.UVPE:HERRERA,Prop Santa no longer true of Santa Fe county more of Judge Frank W. WIND, $69,965.08. of the spirit DAMAGE AT BWumuni,, school districts, as has been said of Parker, who last week refused to sign Sierra, $10,461.36, $2,983.12, $29,102. THE COUNTY SCHOOLS. some few two women 63. districts elsewhere, that the a petition for parole ot to o! the Life Lost and Damage the - Santa Fe people are proud school fund was for mur- One . $76,- distributed among sentenced to the penitentiary Done Socorro, $7,825.13, $10,499.47, in its Amount of $100,000 Was ' ; advancement made late years by the three one-thir- d would have 270.69. directors, going der, although compliance ; , Last city schools. With manual training to one director for rent of the school him friends politically and per- Night Taos, $7,266.35, $2,487.28, $28,400.03. cur- made Leased Wire to New Mexican) and domestic science part of the (By Special - i - house, another third to the second sonally? Abilene. Texas, Aug., 1. A day- Torrance, $5,790.47, $5,840.21. $17,- Wells & Co. riculum, Santa Fe can now say will director fuel matter to district attor- 116.78. ' Fargo Express for and janitor hire, It is a up survey of last night's wind, rain h that its public schools are the and direc- Juries and most of all to light $37.- - pride the remainder to the third neys and and hail storm .in this section nas re- Union, $9177.03, 112,383.80, in oppor- murder lust ! equal of any in the land the tor for teaching. public sentiment The Beaumont to 423.22. " General of if duced the loss of life in Express Forwarders tunities tney offer to the children must be squelched' in New Mexico Valencia, $8,122.49, $6,408.53, 1 educa tne oesx one and fixed the property damage : the to obtain a practical FIFTEEN THOUSAND MILES BY New Mexico wants to attract i' . city at $100,000. '., .., ; to ' . wants to induce capi- tion. STAGE. kind of people, was wnen a Totals, $385,820i4, J$299,132.02f,$ cause of that and wants to protect its A. M. Milmer killed ' It is further a rejoicing That is rather of tal to invest, are ' All Parts of The World the alluring title blood-thirst- y on him. Wires coun schools are also rapidly citizens the out barn collapsed the y a seven hundred page book by Carrie against en investi- On report in banks, $1,314,855.31; School of whisky-craze- d assas- stiU down today, delaying forging aa!:id. Under Comity Adell Strahorn from; the press of G. breaks every in the Note Excess balance shown as on SIVP MOflPV fonvw,eBC Parchaslnr WUs V. who have a revolver or knife gation of reports that points Superintendent John Conway, P. Putnam's ' '(The Knicker- sin may dan deposit in banks in excess of treasur- ItiUUVJ Domestic Sons; when sobers up puts surrounding country were badly Fargo Money Orders, Travelers' even the poo. est districts, are feeling bocker of London and New handy and he ers balance, is accounted for from the Press) defense or the un- aged. Residents of Hamlin, a small Checks and Foreign Money Orders the general modern York. a volume forth a plea of self tnat collections' of taxes have tow It is pretentious and ' town in Jones county, are reported to fact, laciiities for the. rural schools. is of au- written law.. made disr.v jvb local interest because of the have suffered seriously. been but not bated t: A report lor the year,.jut made by thor's visit to Santa Fe to which she funds, such distribution' being' made U. Mexico ant! wWca OLD AGE PENSIONS. S., Canada, tie county superintendent, devotes a chapter and which is Illum SALMON RIVER INDIANS by treasurers the tenth day of each 'eSSf Socialist .Victor ?Ji is declared by Territorial Superintend ined by a number of interesting pic- The proposition of ON THE WARPATH. month accordingitp statutory provi ent J. E. Clark to be the neatest, tures, one a pen and ink drawing of Berger in Congress to pension all peo- sion. V REMITTANCES SENT BY TELEGRAPH and most accurate of a of at most complete stage coach dashing around the cor ple over 60 years age present, Headed for Northern Washoe County of tne twenty-si- x ner of the Old Fonda San Fran- proposition, any county reports up seems a wildly visionary to Death of Indian Mike SPRINGING A, NEW ONE. teach- cisco street. work in Socialistic theor- Avenge received by him, shows that the What the lacks but like some other and Hhi Braves. ers of the rural schools of Santa Fe literary graces, it makes up with a have been lately adopted In ' D. ies that With ijdld look in his eyes the J. BARNES, Agent. sal- romance , and county, now average $40 a month personal flavor and the of practice throughout the breadth, Leased Wire to New Mexican) with the r (By Special green" satchel rushed ary; that the value of all school prop- the west of thirty-fou- and more length ot the land, old age pensions ,Reno Nev., Aug. 1 According, to a ahead of the excited mob. was tew erty in the county is $112,998.50; that years ago, when Denver only a will some day and that in a very report reaching Reno today from Su- "Discovered!" he shauted for the small-size- d the total expenditures for school pur- comparatively city Just years, become a reality in this coun- perintendent Hoover, of tne McDer-ml- tt twentieth time. "Discovered! It. is ail poses last year were $25,578.92. Cer- shedding its first crudities and Santa try, as they have in Germany and Indian Reservation in northern ever now."'-- ' u; :.- -: Fe was still the commer United tainly, a good showing for a county important other European nations. Tne Humboldt county, Nevada, a band of "Bet hes a burglar," said one. v Fe 0 whose taxable wealth on the assess cial terminus of the Santa Trail. States spends something like $300,000-00- seven Indians headed by Salmon Riv- "Lr"ks more like a counterfeiter," a The narrative covers nearly every more for army and announced tinother. .. ment books was less than one and and a year er Jim, are on the warpath and headed .... MULLIGAN RISING of the between the 0 & half million dollars. highway, country navy, it has spent more than $150,000,-00- for northern Washoe county to avenge "Assassin!" whispered thY third. Missouri and the 'Pacific and from vet- The shows that Santa Fe a year for the pensioning of death of Indian Mike , and his And then they caught him. , ; report Mexico to Alaska and includes even the when $200,000,000 .' - "Where'd you from?" county is preparing for the day erans and even, the .it braves. iv, ; escape a to the Sandwich Islands., It is , '. the country will have graded,.schools trip would take today to give every man "Nowhere." 'v. the story of a woman's unique experi- "What locked like those of the city, when a. central and every woman over sixty years of SENATE TAKEN UP were you up for?" ence during three decades of path- - "Knthlnw - ..; . high school will be located in nort'nern age, a pension of $4.00 a week, is not REAPPORTIONMENT BILL. FUNERAL DIRECTORS finding and pioneering. . "Then what in thunderation is dis Santa Fe county, another in the cen- beyondi the financial ability of the na In this book the primitive west Is covered?" I'.'' tral and a third in the south- tion. In fact, the nation bears that Under it New Mexico Will Have Only ' V";r; V'; PALAOB, portion depicted in all its contrast to The north the 10ftWWW ern to which the school auth lively burden anyway, but it is more uneven- One for Next pole, gentlemen, IAVE portion, the present. The narrative, which Congressman north pole; and if you will allow orities will free of charge. distributed and falls upon the Ten Years. nj " carry pupils lias all the charm of romance, is nev ly to open this satchel you will discover Framing Tastefully and Satisfactorily Dona. It also holds out the that manu while the indigent old nope ertheless the record of an actual ex- few, tbe greatest bargain in double action, al domestic science, school people receiving support are made to (Bv Special Leased Wire to New Mexican) training, perience, a story of travel and explo- D. 1. The re- automatic collar buttons farms, are among the of feel that they are living on charity. Washington, C, Aug. possibilities ration made many decades ago, in bill the that" , the especially when statehood At the age of 60, even tne poor man apportionment increasing future, company with the author's husband, of House from 391 to But ten determined men picked him endows the schools of th ter and woman, should feel at liberty to membership the public over nearly every highway of the was in the Senate to-- np and dropped him Into the nearest with five million acres, more OAflva VAfl Anri M 0(1 n 433. taken up ritory country between the Missouri river on motion "of Senator Penrose ash barrel. of school lands. week would keep the wolf from the day tMUami have and the Pacific ocean and from the wCttvcfWsL of in- a difference such a - Some of the other figures are British lands to Mexico. door. What pen '?',t,2 "L'.v!! Cautious, l SOFT DRINKS tax would make in 75 or a hundred " r terest, to at least, some of the The circumstances that led to such sion The old gentleman was In a fury. payers, and Superintendent Conway is to "Young he In, experiences date back the year 7?--!- w5. man," stormed. angry a in for all 2 ; are ereat believer publicity 1877,. when tbe author's husband, Rob- for the next ten years. tones, "didn't I tell you never to dart nt.f u&ddU Mtnettf nI m tarter for'-'th- e like to income of V" public affairs, especially, tin ert E. Strahorn, wrote a book on the $20,000 'annually the en my doorway again!" ,t,fc 's $J&f in without burden- ances of the city, the county and th scenic attractions of what was then the people the city PUBLICITY BILL IS "But but I didn't darken It this csa cimVucai sen, carraw 1 more do school districts. He shows for in The book fell in- ing the tax payer any than TO CONFERENCE, time," ventured the youth. Wyoming territory. SEN trembling t act ecu, x x w stance, that the total receipts of the to the hands of Jay Gould, who was present armaments or then did the "What do you mean?" at i .; tttziazzuMi, when was at its - I rural schools tor the past fiscal yeaj then the Vizard of the railroad world pension list it height House Does Not Want to Have- Fed "Why, cleaned my shoes tre$hns NOsauaie Axlec ftiaeral Water, f before I Sprints were $12,562.40 of which $7,293.11 and the live wire of the Union Pacif- The veterans of the wars are receiv- .in Election took one step on the sUL It eral Interference A3 SAXTA F crsY came from direct taxation, $3,148.29 ic company. The fancy seized Mr. ing a pension and are entitled to it, the doorway has been darkened any I ttdu mitUa tt! wens cxi, of Senators. do . but has her victories no less didn't it, air." frapfKW. from territorial apportionment, $175 Gould to have Mr. Strahorn create a peace IBy Special Leased Wire to New Mexican) from forest reserve proceeds and $106 literary bureau and advertising de renowned than war, and the man and Washington, D. C, Aug. 1. The from institute fees. He shows that partment for tbe company and to woman who have done their duty to campaign publicity bill was sent to Net Angry. the expenditures were $10,862.80, and write a similar book on the western their family and their country, even conference today. Without Republi- "It has been so long since we mot!" the balances in nand at close of the states and territories. though only in the peaceful pursuits can opposition, the, House refused to es, more than a year." of life, should not be compelled to amendments to am glad are not with , in.. . fiscal year $2048.85. Superintendent The offer came within a week ot concur in the Senate 1 you angry v :jbaler Conway Is not so great a believer In Mr. and Mrs. Strahorn's marriage, pass the evening of life In drudgery the House bill and asked for a confer- in balances, as some of the and as a consequence, sh accompa- and want. ence. The named as House "Why the world should I be angry I Ranch liands Speaker i City PfOFfiirFafms'and educators of the county were. He nied him on tne trip of 15,000 miles Party divisions in the future 'will Missouri, Conroy of New York, and your "I treated so believes that school monies should which were necessary to not be so much along tariff or merely Olmsted ot you abominably." REALTY M. by stage Pennsylvania. "I think The EASLEY CO., Eld;., Santa Fe,N. be to educate the children cover tbe The work Is political differences but on questions you treated me with a great tirjtiii expended assignment or f- -- : - ' over esi unaness." ) .' r: not boarded in tbe district treas- the outcome of her experiences. of social policies and propositions SENDS TWO " MABEL , , , and StKM , I Manager. the school While it Is not a book of statistics, to bring greater happiness, security TO THE DUKE CITY. "Why, jilted yon!" eAey.jjsSnesi j urief . Formerly, average "That's what I mesa." Attat GSten t Cc&sctionftf AccoentsandRenb f district took tbe greatest pride In tbe the historical references are believed and. efficiency into every hoa ot the Sheriff Closson nas sent two steeds Spadal balanlos bad t the end of tne term. to be correct, although the ortho-- land. to Albuquerque t race there on the TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1911. THE SANTA PE IfEW MEXICAN, SANTA FE, N. M. PAGE FIVE

Keever of Chicago, and Mrs. Charles A. will UNITED STATES BANK & TRUST CO. PERSONAL MENTION Spiess return Wednesday from a visit to Mora. Las Vegas Op- MILLINERY, BARGAINS tic. Mrs. who Mrs. Peter Thull' has been CAPITAL. 50,000.00 Jaffa will not be at home to- friends in the morrow afternoon. visiting city for the ONE I past few days, returned to her home THIRD OFF AI Miss Helen of Go Does Cooper Cincinnati, is in Santa Fe, N. M., this Must a General Business at the Montezuma hotel. morning. On Fancy Ribbon Flowers Veils Banking Raton Range. W, D. Shea of the D. & R. G. went This Month Only. to Ballingall Burke left for Santa Fe! Espanola this morning. to the week end.! W. F. Saturday spend AT A Hogan, the mining man of From Santa Fe "Bud" to goj CLEAN SWEEP Your Patronage Solicited Cerrillos, is at the Palace. expects to St. Louis to visit relatives. Albu-- j MISS A. MUGLER H. C. Tobet," a businessman of querque Herald. ; j South-Eas- t Corner SALE THIS WEEK Iocino, Kas., is at the Palace. - Plaza Hon. SolomoB- Luna of Los Lunas, . B. Bert M. Casley, a Denver insurance LAUGHLIN, President H. F. STEPHENS. Cashier, Republican National Committeeman,, man, is in the city on business. W E. " ' came up from, Albuquerque last even- -' GRIFFIN, Asst. Cashier' ' :; j. William R. Hill, a shoe salesman of ing on a business visit. He will go; Kansas City, is at the Palace. Phone 49 Main Phone 49 Main home tomorrow evening. j Edward M. White, a' cattle man' of Ladies' Mrs. C. J. Bailey of Fayettville, Ar--1 Hobart, Oklahoma, is at the Coronado $4.50 is on a hotel. kansas, here visit with her, son, Professor W. of Established Mrs. J. Bailey, head Parlor 1856. Incorporated 1903. Walter, 405 East Palace ave- the Santa Fe Business She! Market nue, will not be at home tomorrow College. Mreet t will remain for the summer. i afternoon. District Attorney Charles W. G. Miss Huber of the XJ. S. In. ' Indian Ward returned yesterday afternoon FOR THE dustrial School left for and today Mojave, from Faywood Hot Springs where he! Grocery $14.00 Arizona. Dresses, had been for two weeks, recuperating. Mrs. Palen will not be at home to He was much benpfitprt hv hie cn. callers on Wednesday afternoons dur- - ;The where satis or journ. Las Veeas Ontic. place R- - c- - Rank,n- - faCtiOn OFFICE HOUSE FriTf. Thnn.n.nn nf , asslstt territorial is absolutely Ladies' kM to p,,w auditor, left this morning for his attend the archaeological ,' T $1.25 school's session? hom? Ve8a afl" being pres" guaranteed. Nothing - ent during the week auditing accounts H. W. who a mer- - Taylor represents 0f the county offices and the trrito- - but the best the mar TO Men's house ,s House Coats hosPital-Ra- rial ton Rane- - Alpaca from Eiakerage . here, ketaffords for sale. We Dr. and Mrs. J. J. of Duran- - Taylor this afternoon from his home in Ra- - Stlll adhere tO Old Black .c OUr and Gray e, 'B" "6'ru ton HJs visit was for tl)e Dresses $1.50 the Palace hotel. drawing the venires for theTandi policy first established Earl B. Wilson in ' arrived the city and petit juries of Vnion county, which from Santa Fe Albu- - hv lie rf yesterday. he dld immediately after his arrival, j J querque Herald. Blue Hon. Frank Springer, . the noted Coats Miss 'Caroline Nichols of St. Serge Louis, paleontologist and well known attor- This Stock of Dresses who was here friends has Corn-Fe- elegant onepiece i visiting ney of Las Vegas, is here to attend Kansas d i Weight.; We can - , to Las City i i light please you. gone Vegas. 'the opening sessions of the School of - Superintendent of Public. InstruC- Amprlnnn Arnhnpftlne-- T? T Cnptmr. AT SUCH PRICES tion J. Clark Beef, Pork, E., returned yesterday er, his son, is also here from Cimar-fro- Mutton, an a v extensive educational tour. ron Colfax county. i William well known min-- Veal and Lamb. is an will not nice Fraser, a MrS',1 opportunity you have WHITE WASTS ing man of Twining, Taos county, is at the Palace. .He is on his! way to,Ma,nager Mudf again this summer. jjgnver lauwaj, jiasBtu uiruugu Aiouqucrque Home-Dresse- d Fresh H. K. Bereman. who hart hoot, visit.! uuemouu on tram sso. z, Poultry, with a of folks en route SPECIAL SALE ing relatives on the South side, was party young Fruits a passenger last for his home Jylo ""S" lro'" lne facmc coast, rne Fish, and Vegetables N. evening W. TOWNSEND & CO. Is Being Continued for Another Week at Raton. I party was traveling in private car No. E. R. auditor for the Aiouquerque journal. While Paul, Newj SCHILLING'S BEST COFFEE, TEAS, Special Bargains They Last Mexico Central, arrived in the city! George F. Bartlett arrived this SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO. - BAKING POWDER AND yesterday from Santa Fe. Albuquer- j morning from Chicago, 111., and ex EXTRACTS v.. - to leave que Herald. , pects latej for the Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Coors and Miss' ranch on the i upper Mr Done PilHDMIV Vermejo. Money Refunded if Not Satisfactory. ULLIU mm. uu i i run i Mary R. Coorg who visited friends Normal A. Bartlett and Mr.- - H. W. ii i i to j Adams of are uiiuj, in here, returned yesterday their Vermejo Park, expected LAUGHLIN j to to meet BLOCK, P. 0. 219. . . : home in Las 4. arrive this George Box, : Phone 3p Vegas. evening Miss Sallle Magher who had been Bartlett. Raton Range, 214 Don Gasper Avenue. visiting Mrs. F. P. Sturges on Monte-- 1 Mr. and Mrs.,T, C. McConnell and FUNERAL DIRECTORS zuma avenue, left last evening for ; youngest son will leave tomorrow af-- her home at Albuquerque. ; ternoon' for Owensboro, Kentucky, D. ARRIGH1 F. W. Henry, of Denver, arrived which will be their future home. Mr. WM. All work entrusted to our care handled per- in here yesterday to attend the session and Mrs. McConnell leave a host of and with a --view to I of the School of American Archaeol- friends who hope for their return PROPRIETOR. sonally please. ogy. He is at the Palace. here some day. Mr. McConnell is con- INSURANCE A new of CH1F-U- Jl J. Frank Romero a of - KT PPfPlVCH lot beautiful businessman nected with the Internal' revenue serv- T Magdalena, Socorro county, who was ice. llLvLl Li) FONEERS and DRESSER5. a member con- REAL of the constitutional Hon. L. 0. Fullen, district attorney 4 LOOK THEM OVER. vention, is a visitor in Santa Fe. for the ninth Judicial district of New 1 Rev. F. so W. Pratt who acceptably Mexico, arrive today on the auto TOKE ESTATE filled the of the Church of the of Hand-painte- d China. pulpit from Vaughn, frpm his trip east, The Exquisite Designs it OF YOUR Holy Faith, the past two months, left where he hag been for several weeks. last evening, for his home at Carlsbad, While east Mr,.,Fullen visited New AKERS-WASNE- R BUSINESS. , Mrs. J. M. McKeever and BueH Mc- - FURNITURE Cfl. 1 SiuretvBonds York City, Chicago, Washington, D. C, and several other cities. Roswell Liltle PLAZA BAKERY Daily Record. Drug Professor Frank E. Thompson, head ' X FRESH BREAD AND CAKE of the School of Education of the Unt XX XX XXXXX XX X LOANS Dally. 6 Loaves Fine Bread, 25c versity of Colorado, arrived yester-- , Store 'A day to conduct a course of lectures at Confectionery. Fruits and Groceries ' following"weer the Summer School of Archaeology, SATURDAY, JULY 29 Fresh Cream PuffsWednesday & Saturday Professor Thomnson is nm nf the few K O.CWATSON&CO. tt Phone, 152 Red men in pedagogy who have recogniz- With 119 San Francisco AMADO GUTIERREZ, PROP. ed the value of culture history in the tt St, training of educators and he has done tt SANTA - - - N. M FE, much original research in his chosen the Best SOISETTE tt ' i field. .. a' In All Colors tt "Judge A. B. Fall and wife passed Goods at the L tt H 5. KAUHE S through Alamogordo Thursday en tt route home at Salinas after their trip 30c. Our 24c Yd. tt to California with their sick daught Right Price Regular Price, Special, A er. Judge Fall informed us that his tt was fc 12 1 -- : John The Gloveman daughter much improved.! LIGHT COLORED PERCALES 2c and 15c. Yd. Values tt Pflueoer, Speaking of his stay in Washington Our Special, 1 Oc Yd. FLOUR in the interest of statehood Judge BUTT BROS. CO., J tt Fall said that whatever is done' will i ADOLPH SELIGMAN DRY GOODS CO. tt be by Democrats and Insurgent Re- "Always Reliable tt GLOVES If you want the best that publicans, that the old line Republi- tt cans were powerless. Otero County X X XX X X XX XXX X'?t X xxxxxxxxx For All Purposes and All Sizes. comes to Santa Fe then Advertiser. DRUGGISTS General Francis Marion Cockrell, Auto Dress Work Gloves. you buy our of Confederate Gloves, jiloYes, the army, former iil-N- United States senator from Missouri Phoae itkt Phase Red 58 Gloves for Everyone. . acting as commissioner of the United Fruit Boss States on the joint commission of the Tesuque Valley Ranch United States and Texas in survey ing the boundary of New Mexico and Containing 1,000 Bearing Trees, John Pflueger, The Shoeman Texas, arrived in Albuquerque Jate Patent Saturday night from Carlsbad, haying CARRIAGE & CAR PAINTING Best of Ditches and Water Right. completed the survey of the eaptern line of ' New Mexico much If are an investment we can and that SIGN WRITING you considering IT IS OUR LEADER sure of the southern line that is east of the this is ONE of the BEST. m that .N demonstrate ! h km fca ! 'm w- Pecos river, and is now en route for First Class Work Giaraiteed it is and why? Because Anthony, on the southern line of the territory to run the line east from Phone Black No. 52 Phone Black No. 229 Residence i! GOLD FILIGREE- - SILVER, f no , better' Flour can be the Rio Grande to the Pecos. Albu- " ' MOST-BEAUTIFU- . V tV--' ' . querque Journal. & i! DESONS' , bought pr made at any PAUL P. LACASSAGNE Santa Fe Abstract, Realty Insurance Agency. i! 309 San Francisco Neck Bracelets. E ' i! Rings, Brooches, Pendants, Chains, price. IS A IN PANIC OF FEAR. Street . No more desirable for friends. . style gift , your Eastern, We also have " Diamond Flour," a ' ? .pi" S. .. wi .... President 8imon Issues Proclamation LATEST STYLES IN .1 su rrnccuv High Grade Colorado Millin; that is - That Rebels Must Over IIICT DCrCIVCH the Street Step JU5I KLlElYCU LADIES' EMBROIDERED WHITE WASTS H. C. His Dead Body. YONTZ, a leader in its class. AT (Bv Special Leased Wire to New Mexican 1 J. P. Steed & Son DAILY RECEIPTS OF j Port au Prince, Aug. 1. The capital is in a panic. The armies of the rev- CARPENTERS olutionists remain outside but the fir- ' ing of their canon is plainly heard ANI CABINET MAKERS. F1R5T CLASS HACK SERVICE here. ' Vegetables ' ' Far Mr', tt yptUr"riM iufglf and Mdl IwrM. President Simon today Issued a " public that FURNITURE MADE TO ORDER LIME THEOBOIE proclamation declaring CCIIICrS UCl CORtia, Prt revolutionists would have to cfoss his SIGN PA1T1NG NEATLY DONE aiMk 112. & dead body to wrest the sword of au- iiiE go. thority from the hand in which the nation had placed It '. ' All Work Gaaruteed. Pboie. Red 115 n - " n pPmm rmwmmm W!; ft . r . ' II... j J-. i " If- - - 6NTINU0t DAY AND NIGHT

SOLrAJiENTS SOLE WIRE UP THOSE DAM PLACES AGENTS A Aft FOR 1 -- r Irons-fTh- at Electric. SUy Ht Electric Stoves . Electric ' Electric Twuters -- Curling Irons 'lldterl Santa Fe Water and Electric Chafing - Dishes Water Ml Perclaten Light Company ' v Electric 'Tea Pots 1 4 1911. PAGE SIX THE SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN, SANTA FE, N. M. TUESDAY, AUGUST 1.

WHEAT MARKET SHOWS THE EXTENT OF FEDERAL TENDENCY TO SAG. CONSERVATION WORK. Louis Rocky MU Woman's Power of Geo- Less Apprehension is Being Felt Re- Activities the United States In Adminlstra-tratio- n garding Rust Damage Corn logical Survey Man (Hi Prices Weakened. of Public Domain. Over iC Advertising 'Woman's most glorious endowment is the power Railway to awaken and hold and love of a Leased Wire to New Mexican) The midsummer work of the United the pure honest (Bv Special worthy mm. When she loses it and stili loves Chicago, 111., Aug. 1. With less States shows no on, Geological Survey 00 one in the wide world can know the heart agony GENERAL OFFICES RATON NEW MEXICO. apprehension being felt regarding lessening in conservation activities. she endures. The woman who suffers from weak- rust damage, the wheat market today During the month of June the ness and derangement of her special womanly or- loses (Head Down) In effect Sept, 1st 1910' Ulead Up) showed a tendency to sag. Foreign board of the survey ap- ganism aoon the power to sway the heart of fav- a man. Her general health suffers 2 12 20 crop reports, too, were generally praised 174,910 acres as coal land in and she loses li , Miles STATIONS her her orable. the western states, placing a valua- good looks, attractiveness, her amiability n lu were to and her power and prestige as a woman. Dr. R.V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N.Y., witfc Moines. N. r 4M Opening figures tion thereon of $3,239,369. At the 7 30 0 Lv..De the assistance of his staff of able physicians, has for and cured 7 40 4 Kumaldo 8 50 8 lower. started at minimum under which these prescribed many 3 30 September price thousands of women. He has devised a ail- 05 11 Dedinan 4 successful remedy for woman's S 15 89 2 to a of to could have sold before ments. 9 16 drop lands been the It is known as Dr. Pierce's Favorite It is a 8 Oapuliu 05 HAS PRAISE FOR NEWSPAPERS Prescription. positive 3 20 Vigil 3 rallied to 89 and fell to in specifio for the weaknesses and disorders " 2 45 present regulations were force, this peculiar to women. It purifies, regu- 50 25 Thompson 1 8 and heals. 9 , 2 25 89 The close was steady same area would have only lates, strengthens Medicine dealers sell it. No honest dealer will 10 31 Cunningham brought advise to substitute in 9 35 42 ....Clifton House N.M 166 Business Men Are Warned by T June the you accept a order to make a little profit. N. M T.v. 1 80 higher. $1,932,179. During survey larger 10 00 49 Ar Katon, pekan Against Advertising non- - ', 15 Corn weakened on account of also classified 1,415,415 acres as XT 2 3u .Lv Katon, JS.M Ar 10 Abuses. prices MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG, 2 47 .. .Ollfton House N'M.... 9 49 rain in the corn states. September coal land and transmitted the findings ' SICK WOMEN S 9 32 4 WELL. 3 07 Preston opened 8 2 to 8 off at 63 to the general land office so that the 3 45 55 Koehler Junction 8 55 "If you merchants want advertising to Dr. Pltree'M Piquant Pclleti regulate and MtnagOua Stomach, Llvar mad Bowel .... to but reacted to 63 The close land might be restored the public 3 35 Koehler 9 06 go to the plants that have built your 8 20 was firm at 63 for September. domain. These classifications were 4 1 68 ilOolfax city the newspapers. They advertise 4 43 76 Oerrososo 8 02 Cash houses were liberal sellers of based on the field examinations of the 6 00 82 Ar Cimarron Lv 7 45 you more than the little 6x6 display oats. 8 down at geologists. Rudolfo 10 L,v Cimarron Ar am 6 35 September started survey Rodriguez, City. 5 ad you place in one corner of them un- 5 18 f"? Nash 6 27 40, touched 401-- 8 and descended to There have now been classified Hotel Arrivals. Paul Matthew, City. 5 2S .8 Harlan 6 17 can pay for. They sometimes say H. N. M...LV 6 00 39 der the present administration, in Smally, Seattle. 5 45 Ar Ute Park, ' nice about you, and often they p m p m ' - things at the outset, pro- tracts, 16,873,370 acres as coal Palace. Bud Burke, Los Angeles. don't about you which are Although steady say things the valuation of $711,992,-53- F. W. Denver. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. not nice. The are the best visions gradually became easy with land, with Henry, Maheffy, Pair at Clolfax with E. P. & 8. W. Hy. train both Nortnifcnd South. newspapers about The valuation of these same Mr. and Mrs.' handle, Texas. (Connects a or a" of hogs. First sales average the Hoove, City. for Van Houten N, M, meets trains at Preston N.I M." advertisement city group would Frank Boulder. J. M. SStage men same as last night, January lard going lands at the minimum prices E. Thompson, Valdez, City. leaves Ute Park. M.. for lillzabethtown, M. M., at 9:00 h. m, dally exeerC business possesses." W. H. Stage de- at 8.50 and ribs at 8.75. have been $266,652,431 the difference William Fraser, Valdez. Carruthers, Moriarty. uu one J3.50 ; carried tree. This was the keynote of a talk September and&ys, fare ts way round trip flfty pound baggaze in in of under the Bert M. Denver. Ramon Sandoval, Cerrillos. M- -. busi- There was little if any business favor the government Casley, C. & S. train leaves Dus Mclnes, N, for the south at 11;11 p. in. arrives from Ithe livered before 150 representative being therefore $445,- - Dr. and Mrs. J. J Y. P. Gascony, Cerrillos. tb at 4:38a. oi ness men of Kansas City, Kan., by J. pork. present policy Taylor, Duranga well-know- 1. same 39,' H. C. Alfred Denver. M. Robinson, a n business New York, Aug. Cotton spot 340.106. During the period Tobey, loeino, Kas. Herrera, have classified as J. A. Las t. G. DEDiVlAN, VAN HOUTEN, F. M. WILLIAMS, man of Topeka, Kan., who discussed closed quiet. Middling uplands 12.50; 215,844 acres been Eaton, Vegas. and restored to the Frank Superintendent. V. P. & G. M., Q. P. Agent, the system used by the business middling gulf 12.75; sales 3,165 bales. noncoal land pub Springer, Las Vegas. Notice for Publication. E. T. houses of that city in avoiding the Liverpool, Eng., Aug. 1. Closing lic domain. In June three new with Springer, Cimarron. Not coal. of coal land were W. F. Cerrillos. advertising abuses forced on mer- Cotton spot steady; American mid drawals supposed Hogan, Department of tue Interior, in North Dakota and Wyoming H. W. El Paso. chants by lodges, churches and other dling fair, 722d; good middling, 688d; made Taylor, U. S. Land Office at Santa e, N. M. in the form of C62d; low 642d; embracine 714.923 acres, and four Will Hill, Kansas City. organizations programs, middling middling, i July 31, 1911. etc. He in 591d. restorations were made in Idaho, Mon ASK FOR TICKETS said part: good ordinary, 616; ordinary, Notice is hereby given that Jacobo "We formed our association seven tana, Utah and Wyoming, aggregat Montezuma. Leyba of Galisteo, N. M., who , on a of 1,847,264 acres. Miss Helen Cooper, Cincinnati. SHIP YOUR FREIGHT years ago at committee meeting ing March 9, 1911, made homestead the Commercial club. Each member In connection with the classification T. Park Jacobs, San Francisco. entry MARKET REPORT No. 9021-0727- for SW 4 of section of the committee present had been of oil land, the secretary of the inte- M. L. Hosenburg, New York City. Fe Trap,Bisbee,eti ' 14, township 12 N, range 12 E( N. M. Frnm Santa held up that for from $5 to $10 rior withdrew in June 170,333 acres in J. Frank Romero, Magdalena. day MONtY AND METALS. P. has filed notice of inten- each some for adver- Wyoming, making a total of 3,970,429 J. E. Clark, City. meridian, Um, Arizona, Mexico and to the Pacific Coast, via NSW by organization New York, Aug. 1 Call money tion to make final five in a for so- acres of oil land now with- William M. Hunt, year proof, to tising space programe a 1--4 2 standing Chicago. MEXICO Thenca 2 2 per cent; Prime paper establish claim to the land above de- CENTRAL to Torrance, cial or something of the kind. We de- drawn and awaiting needed legisla- N. A. Spencer, Chicago. 441-2- ; Mexican dollars 45; Amalga- before cided there to eliminate objec- tion in the interests of the conserva- H. O. Snyder, Pueblo. scribed, register or receiver, right mated 66 Sugar 1181-- 4 bid; At- tionable and sub- of the nation's extensive petro- O. C. Zingg, Las U. S. Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M., advertising public chison 1113-8- ; Great Northern pfd. tion Vegas. from our J. F. Las on the 13tn day of September, 1911. scriptions daily business 133 New York Central 1081-8- ; leum deposits. Sendder, Vegas. EAST life, and after un- Two Billion Tons of Rock Fertilizer. N. W. Long, St. Louis. Claimant names as witnesses: Pla-cid- o the dividing advertising Northern Pacific 130 Reading 158; der the heads of and ille- In administration of the N. E. Amarlllo. , Lopez, Emiterio Leyba, Macario legitimate Southern Pacific 1211-4- ; Union Pacif- phosphate Best, gitimate, we decided that outside of lands 149,129 acres found not to con- T. T. Keaveny, Las Vegas. Leyba, Isabel Leyba, all of Leyba, ic 1S8 Steel 791-8- ; pfd. ex-di- the 95 cent of it was were restored W. G. N. M. BawaHavHanaBaaaaBaaHaaaiaaaauM newspapers per 118. tain phosphate deposits Reed, Albuquerque. BEST OR of 2,399,416 MANUEL Illegitimate. -- to leaving a total R. OTERO, St. Louis, Mo., 1. Lead easy entry, "We have formed an association of Aug. acres of land standing with- 4.471-2- ; weaker 5.671-2- . phosphate Coronado. Register. business m'en, and now, Spelter drawn and also necessary representative GRAIN, PORK, LARD AND RIBS. awaiting Mr. and Mrs. O. Harry Conway, when a committee from a church, The tonnage of these im 111., 1. Wheat legislation. City. Foley Kidney Pills will check the ROUTE WEST or other social or civic Chicago, Aug. Sept. has been conserva- lodge organiza- 90 94 portant deposits Edward M. White, Oklaho- progress of your kidney and bladder comes into our business houses Dec. over two billion Hobart, tion 613-4- . estimated at Corn Sept. 63 8 64; Dec. tively ma. ' trouble and heal by removing the for or to sell in high-grad- e rock. subscriptions space 431-25-- tons of phosphate Oats 41l-8- ; Dec. 8 Edwin S. Thoroughman, Velarde. cause. Try them. For sale by all an advertising program, we efel Sept. Of land available for the develop Pork 17.35; Jan. 16.25. J. P. Smith, Albuquerque. druggists. them to a secretary, whom we pay to Sept. ment of water power 10,019 acres were Lard 8.62 Jan. 8.521-- 2 Far rates and full information address look up such requests. If the propo- Sept. the month the 8.55. withdrawn during by sition Is a good one, we subscribe to of the interior, making a Ribs 8.85; Jan. 8.30. secretary it; but the merchants are not both- Sept. of 1,515,423 acres, EUGENE FOX, Wool. total including El Pas Texas.At ered by solicitors or 'forced' to give thousands of water-powe- r sites, stand St. 1. Wool un money for advertising which does not Louis, Mo., Aug. withdrawn In aid of proposed leg- a. ing mw mx and western me JCAIa. m m. m. bring results by the fear that a com- changed. Territory islation which shall allow for their de- IPOPNIAa diums fine mediums 16 si petitor down the street will get into 1719; velopment and yet protect the Inter 171-2- ; fine 1114. the of solicitors . good graces the by ests of the public. . 3 giving money. LIVESTOCK. Chicago, August 1. Cattle Re EXCURSIONS "In Topeka it used to be that a LETTER LI9T. 4,000. Market steady. Beeves lodge which had a deposit in a bank ceipts List ef letters remaining uncalled would go to the officials of the Insti- $57.25; Texas steers $4.406.10; LOS ANGELES, St 7 St for in the postofflce at Santa Fe, N Augu toll You tution with a program, and they eith western steers $46.10; stockers and y( Going cows and heifers M., for the week ending July 28,1911. SAN DIEGO, jf 14 to 17 Are Fishing? ed had to lake $2 or $5 or $10 of ad- feeders $35.35; two POOeJU August calves If not called for within weeks vertising or to lose the account, and $2.105.85; $5.507.75. will be sent to the dead letter Hogs Receipts 14,000. Market they i by taking the subscription the bank office at i 5 to 10c lower. $6.75 Washington. Until 30 officials gave the solicitors a leverage slow, Light Antonio Nicolas $41.90 September $41.90 Tn "So 7.45; mixed heavy $6.40 The Rio Grande one on every other bank town. We $6.707.35; Manuel i protects a or 7.30; to choice Agilera 11 u i great deal cnarity work at a rough $6.406.70; good Almedia Francisco SAN FRANCISCO, C 1A August 7 to small cost to each member of or- pigs (M fare for round tripjjfor fishing the heavy $6.707.30; $5.407.10; Will it i bulk of sales $6.85 7.20. Bennet 14 to 17 ganization. Blea OAKLAND, )4uiiU August u consisting of three or "In the case of Sheep Receipts 6,000. Market Refugio parties ?! a public enterprise Carron Prof. Frank it like building a new Y. M. C. A. steady. Muttons $3.504.25; lambs more people from Sante Fe to Coury Chas. building, we pledge ourselves to give $5.507.10; fed wethers and yearlings 30 I ewes Davis Mollie $50.90 UntH September $50.90 the BEST FISHING GROUNDS 1 $5,000, for Instance, provided the so- $3.755.50; fed western $2.75 4.00. Dunning Guy liciting committee raises a like GOING OR RETURNING ONE WAY IN COLORADO AND NEW amouat from the business men who Kansas City, Aug. 1. Cattle Re- Gull Grace (3) are not members of the 13,000, including 2,000 south- Guerrero Bartolo : : : " : : : : organization. ceipts, Via Portland or Seattle, $62.50 and $68.35 MEXICO. I: One member of our association, whose erns; steady to 10c lower; native Gonsales Mrs. F. ACCORDING TO DATE OF SALE . annual assessment is $24, found that steers, 4.757.05; Southern steers, Hotel Claire Herera Candido he was saving so muoh in the first $1.155.80; Southern' cows and heif (Tesuque) Return limit on tickets sold August 7th to 11th, and month by our plan that he wrote the native cows and heif John Mrs. Little Marvin 1911. ers, $2.754.50; ' 14th to 17th, is October lSth, On tickets sold secretary and wanted to send an addi- stockers and Lancaster F. H. (3) August For Further Information Call on or Address, $ ers, $2.604.85; feeders, daily, return limit is October 31st 1911. tional $24 to the fund. We never have $6.255.50; bulls, $3.005.00; calves, Lujan- Narciso less than in L. , $10,000 our treasury, and $4.007.00; western steers, $4.60 Miller L. GO NOW, AND GO VIA THE SANTA FE. never have we to Miller A. G. failed contribute 6.40; western cows, $2.754.75. H. liberally to every Moore Oleo H. S. F. McBRIDE, Agent, public enterprise. Hogs Receipts, 13,000 ; 5c lower; Santa Fe, N. M, LUTZ, Agent. such as street conventions fairs, and bulk of sales, $6.907.00; heavy, $6.95 Moor Roy i! all forms of We. allow our A. OR charity. 7.05; packers and butchers, $6.90 McKin Annie members to advertise in Mansanares R. any legiti 7.05; lights, $6.80 7.00. Mrs. Fells I mate newspaper, in the city D. T. P. Fe directory Sheep Receipts 18,000; weak; na- Martines Juan M. W. SHEA, R, A., Santa and to contribute to the Provident Martines Rumalda I association, but we fine them if we tive, $2.504.00; western, $2.604; yearlings, $3.905.00; lambs, native, Martines Isidro catch them advertising in the 'Illegiti- Romero Juan- - ' mate' forms." $3.65; western, $4.756.90. Rodrigues Delfina Rubber Many a Suffering Woman. Stevens J. L. Stamps. Drags herself painfully through 'ner Sedillos Sra. Bitorita A. de, back The Fleischman Co. YOU YOURSELF WRITING THE Even the Standard Oil com- daily tasks, suffering from ache, WHEN FIND loss of and Velarde Telef or pany advortises Its products. nervousness, appetite poor SAME THING FREQUENTLY IN THE COURSE OF not her ills are due to Wolff Victor Think that over. sleep, knowing ' YOUR REMEMBER A RUBBER STAMP kidney and bladder troubles. Foley Warren Stella BUSINESS, Suite Fin Kidney Pills give quick relief from White Elza. WILL SAVE YOU A GREAT DEAL OF TIME. BUSY Know Art of Advertising. pain and misery and a prompt return Whitney Claud PEOPLE ARE USING RUBBER STAMPS MORE NOW to la calling for these letters When In Servia last summer E. M. health and strength. No woman pleai THEY SAVE state whether "advertised" er THAN EVER BEFORE BECAUSE TIME, Newman, globe trotter and travel lec- who suffers can afford to overlook net E. C. Burke, Postmaster. AND TIME IS MONEY THESE DAYS. ALBUQUERQUE turer, saw a number of dolls hanging Foley Kidney Pills. For sale by all In the front windows of cottages druggists. tnrougnout tne country, and on ma 020 YEARS AGO TODAY ing Inquiry learned that they had been PRICE LIST. October there WHY HE LAID IN A 8UPPLY. 9, 10,111,12, placed by aspiring widows who New One-li- ne 1- 15c 13J4pi; (Frsm the Mexican ef this data Stamp, not over 2 -2 Inches long ...... again wanted to enter the bonds of 1891.) , Each additional line on - . 10c matrimony, and, according to the cus Mr. Catron 5ias added a stamp- recently 1- tom of One-li- ne 1- -2 - - the country, placed the dolls large addition to his Stamp, over 2 -2 and not over 3 Inches long 20c tn their windows to private library notify men that There is no question but that he is Each additional line on stamp...... 15c they were ready to accept proposals. one collecting 'of the finest 1- . literary One-li- ne over 3 -2 and not over 5 Inches . . 25c "It is a curious custom," he agrees, libraries in the United States. stamp, long. EXCURSION "but to our modern .... 20c RATESIQNIALURAILRQADS according Ameri Mr. Splta who has been on a trip Each additional' line on same stamp...... can commercialism, 'it pays to adver . . . to his old home in Germany, is ex- One-li- ne Stamp, over 5 inches long per inch . . . . . 10c tise, and if this is true, the widows of back tomorrow. Mi.. pected Each additional same (Curved lines Servia have solved the problem of a John R. McFIe left last line, price. Judge night 'V definite means which i pWfiteIfor:PremiumLlstIandIPrograin. by they can in for Las Cruces but returns on Mon- on stamp count as two lines). vite and a second venture courtship day to attend the sessions of the su- Borders of all shapes, under 3 inches long. . . . - 25c extra into matrimony." ' preme court, Larger sizes at proportionate prices. Where type used Is ISAAC JOHN B. McMANUS," S3 Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Clancy have BARTH, over one-ha- lf inch in size, we charge for one line for each Advises Unions to Advertise. returned from a month's most enjoy- President. .Secretary-Manage- r. able outing on the Pecos river. one-ha- lf inch or fraction. M. President James Lynch, of the In Surveyor General and Mrs. Hobart ternational Typographical union, is be- are at the Las hot for DATES, ETC. . that-sensi- Vegas springs to the effect ble ing quoted a visit. 1- - short Local Dater town' and date, for -2 inch'...... 50c advertising of the accomplishments Alfred Grunsfeld for any departs shortly 1- NOTICE FOR achieved trade unions is Datar and in -3 inch ...... i 50c PUBLICATION. nez, Jose Angel, Patricio Garcia, all by advisable. Europe, returning in the fall., . Ledger month, day year He that It is Important that ' 1- -4 of Lamy, N. M. says the Mr, and Mrs. Bernard Romero1 of Regular Line Dater month, day and year, inch.. .. 35c public learn exactly what unions stand (Pecos Forest. Not Mound are in a 1- -8 . . Coal.) MANUEL R. OTERO, are Wagon the city on Line Dater month, day and year, inch. , 25c for that they not rioters and visit. Regular Department of the Interior. brlck-hurler- s . . 1 Register. s, but vital factors in bat Cy Haytop Waal, I reckon I'd bet- Defiance Model Band Dater JO U. S. Land ter a dozen ; A Silver Jubilee. ; Hon. T. B. Cat- Office at Santa Fe, N. M.. taring economic conditions. get pair of them suspend- Wood ...1.50 ers, ez they'll want some far them ron's palatial home was the scene' of Facsimile Signature Rubber Stamp and Cut... July 12, 1911. TO AND FROM ROSWELL. new mirth and pleasure Thursday even- Check 'ii .. ' of fangled dresses at home. pearl Protector..:.,, ...... 1.30, Notice is hereby given that Manuel By Wsy Contrast ing, the occasion being the celebra- Martinez y of Connections made with Automobile "Here's a story in this newspaper tion of the 25th of his ar- 1 SELF-INKIN- G STAMP PADS. . Lujan, Lamy. N. M which anniversary that former Senator Try It, : ; 1- 1- Una says Clark rival 1- 3-- 3-- -4 -2, who, on October 11. home- at Vaughn for Roswen, dally. The in Santa Fe. ' t -2 x 2 4, 15 cts , 4, 25 cts ; 2 x 3 25 cts 1904, made of Montana pays taxes of $200 way Is long, 2x3 ; 8111-0390- a day stead No. Automobile leaves Vaughn for Ros The weather's 1- 1- 1- -2 1,-- 2, s entry for SW 14 on his hot. x4 -4, -8 x 60 ; 4 x 7 75 Cts $7,000,000 mansion in New But a little one More men and women, are 2 35 cts 3 6, cts Section 3, Township 14 N, 11 well at 8:30 a. m. una arrives at Rot which people, Range York, contains a nine orean Will cheer a x9, 25 cts bottle. E N. M. M. well at 3:30 m. Automooile leaves lot suffering from kidney and bladder 4 85 cts. All colors. Stamp Pad Ink, per Meridian, has filed not- p. that cost $800,000, $2,000,000 of worth trouble than ever before, and eacn I ice of intention to make floswell for Vaughn at 6 p. m. The ' " t Final five pictures, $500,000 worth of rugs and So FOR TYPE SPFCIMENS ADDRESS, ; year Proof, to establish claim are between Santa F and Torrance Busy. year more of them turn for quick re- to the gold dishes galore." "We have one of the hardest won land above before $5.80 and between Torrance and lief and permanent benefit to Foley's described, Register "Well, does such magnificence make ing in the world." u. s. Land Hoiwtll $10. Reserve seats on typewriters Kidney Remedy, which has proven CO. nweiver, Office, at auto you envious?" "Why do think NEW MEXICAN PRINTING Santa Fe, N. M on noblie wire. -- you sor itself to be one of the most effective the 23rd day of by J. W 9'ockard. Yes, to a certain extent, but it "Sometimes she her m 1911. pounds remedies for kidney and bladder ail- .August, wouldn't If I could only find somebody Chine for half an hour at a atratr-- SANTA NEW MEXICO. j Claimant names as who would ments, that medical science has de FE, witnesses: If want stake me to a dish of beans - you anything on earth try (without stopping to adjust her back all $t; Jog Maria for maoh." - - vised. For sale by druggists. - Apodaca, Luis Marti a New Mexican Want Ad, - hair." TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1911. THE SANTA FE XEW MEXICAN, SANTA FE, N. M. PAGE SEVEN

H. L. ORTIZ, PROFESSIONAL CAMS Home Dresses Fraternal Societies Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- Coronation Coiffure Practicing betore all the courts In MASONIC. ATTORNEYS AT LAW the Territory. Montezuma Lodge No. 1, A. F. & A. M Santa Fe New Mexico A. F. WALTER A Regular communl-- PAUL cation first Monda: Attorney-at-La- PROBERT Sl COMPANY of each month at Santa F, - New Mextc Investments Masonic Hall at Lai ds. Mines, Bonds & Stocks. 7.30. & SUTHERLAND HOLT Loaned for Investors H. H. DORMAN, Money Attorneys We have for Bale general stocks of Master Practice in IMstri t Court as tje Merchandise, Retail Lumber Yard CHAS. E. LIXXE?. rel! as before Court of Secretay. the Supreme and other BiiBicecs 'Jie Opportunities territory. Taai county. Santa Fe No. Las New Mexico. throughout Chapter Cruces, Bank References Furnished 1, R. A. M. Regular Taos, New Mexico. convocation second C. W. G. WAF.D of each month Monday Territorial District Attorn y at Masonic Hall a' DR. C. M. RILEY, For San Miguel and Mora Counties 7:30 p. m. Veterinary and Surgeon, La Vegas, New Mexico. Physician JOHN H. WALKER. Graduate of McKlllep's Veterinary H. P. Culltire of Chicago. ARTHUR SEL1GMAN, Secretary. E. C. ABBOTT Work oi All Kinds Solicited. Artorncy-at-La- Dentistry a Sp'dalty Santa Fe Commander! Practice in the District and Su Office: East side of plaza, comer No. K. T. 1, Regular preme Courts. Prompt and careful Df Frisco and Shelby Sts. conclave fourth Mon attention given to all business. Phone Red 138. in each month at day Santa Fe, New Mexico Uni-nnl- n U, II at 7. Oil 4-- P. m. V2S G. W. PRICHARD DR. M. CHAS. A. WHEELON, E. C. J. DIAZ, W. E. GRIFFIN, Recorder. Attorney and Counsellor at Law RESIDENCE, CAPITAL PLACE Practice in all thr District Con"? Phone, 21 6 Red Santa Fe xxdge of and give? special tUteitv.n to cases OFFICE, WEST SIDE PLAZA Perfection No. 1, 14th before the Territorial Supreme Court. Phone, 220 Black degree. Ancient and Ac- Office: Laughlln B!k, Santa Fe. N. M I 3 cepted Scottish Rite of OFFICE HOURS, to P. M. Free Masonry meets on HARRY D. MOULTON the third of each month Monday W. M. at 7:30 o'clock In the evening in SHERIDAN, 1. D.f Masonic Hall, south side of Plaza. Attorney-at-La- Genito-l'rinar- y Diseases. -. Visiting fcotish Rite Masons are cor dially invited to attend. THE WASSERMAN & NOGUCHI S. G. 32. ,v first might be made In any has the right side of front cut in a CARTWRIGHT, Santa Fe, N. M. TESTS. SALVARSAN "606" rHB Venerable Master. woolen material, and has the point where a button is sewn; figured ADMINISTERED. HENRY F. 32 skirt prettily made with a panel ninon Is used for the and under-sleeve- s, STEPHENS, G. L. O. yoke Formerly Special Agent, Chemical and Ex- flown front and trimmed with a deep It is drawn up to collar band, Secretary. Land Claims and Microscopical Contests a Specialty of band of embroidery taken round skirt and tucked for the sleeve. A leather aminations blood, sputum, urine from B. each side of panel; the fullness band finishes the waist P. O. E. WILLIAM McKEAN and gastric contents. Directions Copyright, Underwood & Underwood. N. Y. at Jthe upper is in 4 Santa Fe Lodge No. for on edge gathered at Material required: yards serge Attorney-at-La- collecting specimens given waist A collar of the 48 inches 1 ma- 468, B. P. O. E. holds "crowning glory of a woman Is way of wearing the hair is now some- embroidery wide, yards striped Mining and Land Law. application. THE hair'' It trims the bodice at edge of yoke, terial for trimming, 1 nlnon. its regular session on and therefore is in what passe. yard Taos, New Mexico State Nat. Bank BIdf., MM order to one points are cut at the lower part, these Fine cloth is used for a the second and fourth Albuquerque, remark that of the As will be seen by the picture the becoming phases of such glory is very much in hair is ue crossed over tucked nlnon. which little dress, which has an overskirt Wednesday of each puffed high and toward the Is Chas. F. Easley. Chas. R. Easley Foley Kidney Pills are ox evidence In connection with the coro- back of also used for yoke, bands of em- cut with a point In front, and simply month. Visiting broth composed the head in crown-fashio- EASLEY & EASLEY. selected nation coiffure in which the hair Is Pine broidery edge the sleeves; a satin hemmed; the underskirt Is quite ers are invlteu and ingredients specially for ribbon, used as a fillet, is wound plain, Attorneys at Law. dressed somewhat in the fashion of a in and about waistband Is worn. and turned up with a deep hem. The welcome. their corrective, healing, tonic, and ' the puffs. Pearled bands Practice in th courts before crown. or Materials required: 4 46 bodice is trimmed with fine CARL A. BISHOP. and stimulating effect upon the kidneys, ropes of pearl or of coral, may be yards prettily Land The new coiffure has taken such a worn instead inches wide, 3 yards embroidery, tucks on the shoulder, also at the J. D. SENA, Exalted Ruler Department bladder aud urinary passages. They of the ribbon if the fair Land and examined. hold on the fashion- one, is yard tucked nlnon. lower part of front, a collar of lace Secretary. grants titles are antiseptic, aniilithlc and a nriu fortunate to - enough possess Santa Fe, N. M., branch Office Estan- , able women, that the these costly adornments. For a simple dress such as is shown edged with satin turns back from a acid solvent For sale bv all drug-- In cia, N. M. i the second illustration, fine serge yoke of soft silk, the cuffs to match. gists. , would be exceedingly nice. The nar- Satia ribbon should be used to finish NEW DESIGN OF HEADDRESS DAINTY DRESS FOR THE HOME row skirt la trimmed at foot by a the waist. band of striped material cut on the Materials required: 4 yards cloth Gold Tinsel the Of Thistle Mauve Crepe With Trim. cross, this is also used for revers and 48 inches wide, V yard silk, Vi yard Baste for Really Pretty mlng That Give It Unique luffs on the cross-ove- r bodice, which satin, 1 yard lace. Adornment. Distinction. Independent Order of Beavers. NIGHTDRESS IN ONE PIECE t WILL PLEASE THE INVALID Santa Fe Dam No. 80. 1. 0. B. holdi A one-stde- d An nriri find hecomlng headdress to dainty dress with effect its regular session at 8 p. m. Meeting? be worn In the evening, especially at is iluustrated here; it is made up in nrst and third Broth Pattern Simple In Construction and and Useful Trifles Friday. Visiting where hair Is likely to be thistle mauve crepe meteor, and has a Pretty That Win era are welcome. the theater, Garment Most Comfortable to Tedium always mussed from the chiffon scarf or hat, pane of figured silk let in down the Lighten the of the Wear. 8lck Room. GEO. W. PRICHARD. e of side of is a cap-lik- arrangement right front, getting gradually President. tinsel. wider as it reaches the hem; a narrow C. gold Anyone who wants to make a night- Among the tMnm fr J. NESS, fits over the back of trimming edges the panel. This closely dress with little trouble should use the invalid are flower holders. Secretary. Ihe hair and around the face are tur- The bodice baa one side of the These this pattern, as It Is very in can be fastened to the foot of ban folds of shimmering tissue to crepe, the other of the silk, which la simple the construction and comfortable to wear; bed, and are to hold F. W. FARMER or sometimes yellow chiffon is large enough match, the sleeves are cut In with the body three or four carnations or Homestead No. used. The hair comes from under roses, part, an opening made down the generally all that are to be allowed 2379. In soft curls or loose waves. being in this cap left side; the neck is cut square and the sick room. Another accentahle Brotherhood of smart evening coiffure has Another trimmed with two rows of Insertion mi-- gift Is a piece of china a American Yeomen wide band of black velvet ribbon dainty t flower bordered plate, a gruel bowl of Meets Second brought round the hair about the mid- Is em- eggshell thinness, or a fragile cup and and Fourth Thure dle of the head. This band saucer of delicate violets In design. Never mind days, Delgado's lw broidered .with detached if these things are likely to break with Hall. H. colored jewels, different shades of Foreman, tneir nrst tumble; because of theli G. BOOK-GASE- amethysts usually. There are also C. Richie, Cor. STYLES IN S beauty, they will give enoueh mu Sec. Mrs. forget-me-no- ts blue and Dais; in stones, ure, real coral. perhaps benefit, to males Farmer. rosebuds in their possible short STANDARD COLONIAL IDEAL of tissue are existence well Soft turban bands gold worth while. A lightweight held round the head by slides of Santa Fe different writing case, provided with a screw- - Camp Three and distinct types of filobernicJw "Elas- French These slides are also 13514, N. W. A. Jewelry. top Dottle of Book-Cas- es folds the color ink, compartments foi meets second Tues tic" made iu dull or polish finish effective when gauze paper, envelopes, stamns. and nan and quartered of frock are used. day each month, so oak real the rtij pencil, gives the invalid who Is or mahogany. You can select a pattern,adapted to to cial meeting tLlrd strong enough write a certain feel- the character ofroom have chosen for a We car- A New Button. ing of Independence. Some of then Tuesday at Elks you library. The enameled button which has be-so- cases have keys which add to their Hall. Visting neigh the goods in stock, with plain, leaded or doors. bors welcome. ry plate glass to much the vogue has really usefulness. A pint or half is pint A. O. Consul reached artistic merit It strange vacuum bottle, for keeping liquids WHITTIER, New Mexican Printing Com pany, sole agents, Santa Fe, N. M. fashion CHaS. A. RISING. Clerk. how the pendulum of swinge warm or cold, is another comfort-givin- g were in round. These buttons that gift for the invalid and a time-savin- In other days have iuch high favor gift for the nurse or caretaker. Santa Fe Camp No. and deserr-dl-y eome Into their own a,gain, R. N. A. meets are more 667S, so, for they infinitely fourth Tuesday of of other de-Ig- beautiful than buttons any SCARF OF SHETLAND WOOL so- of each month; One sees them in the palest cial third rimmed with meeting greens and gold enamel, Tuesday at Elks' ut steel pearls, silver and chased One of the Prettiest and Most Corn-fortab- of the Season's Hall. Visiting gold. welcome ' Head Coverings. neighbors NETTIE VICKROY, A Yellow Bathroom. Oracle. EVERY LAWYER AND LAW OFFICER Something more than a coat re- It was a pleasant surprise recently is quired by the girl going forth In the FLORENCE RISING, co find 1 rtead of the conventional blue Recorder. u euuie gum Of or green 'bathroom a cozy room in yel- nsuuig lunctlon NEEDS THEM woodwork was other. She needs a head muffling, a low and brown. Tie throat of some and' on the floor was a rich brown protector sort, is buff and well If she covered with brown and tared at the corners, but the very protected has velvet linoleum, pattern or silk overboots and wool Volume 15, New Mexico rug. The curtains were of Is cut up to the so that long mlfr Mountainair Reports, Covering fellow rag quite neck, tens for the thin gloves. These era scrim, the bath mat a pretty yel- one row of trimming only need be things the Decisions and of make her comfortable, and If they are Opinions the low. wed. selected need not The sleeves are Into inser they be clumsy or New Mexico Court gathered unbecoming. Chautauqua Supreme Hair Ribbons. tion-trimm- bands, and are finished Baby'a One of the cheapest and most re- of wee be- with lace. ' 1909 and 1910 When the hair the girl warding head maffllngs of the season and curly the young Materials required: Four yards 86 gins to get long Is a Shetland wool scarf or auto veil. Assembly ' tied in a bow. mchee wide. mother wants It up big carried in a direction to op- lor wese preuy can be worn choose a dell--t slanting inings N.M. When selecting these posite side and edged with trimming; over the face. These filmy scarfs MOUNTAINAIR, Now from nhniin and one which la becom the Press, from right to left below arm satin of a come In all colors and pure white, as or will detract Instead of add- Two Little Hints. ing it little darker shade is draped. A waist not throw well as in white with gay Scotch bor- 2nd to 13th. to appearance. Boys hair So away boot polish August PRICE $3.00, POSTPAID ing baby's band of ribbon tied In a bow at aides when It has become hard the ders. For a dark girl who Is going to mould never be tied. through of vivid In finishes the waist lid left off, but It on have a bit color her party ROUND TRIP RATE, being place top Scotch-borde- r Materials required: 4 yards crepe of a warm oven until It softens. I get-u- the scarfs are VOLUMES 1 TO 14 IN STOCK Newest Letter Paper. meteor 42 Inches wide, 2 yards silk have tried it and found It worth the superb. They have a look of Mex- Some of the note has 22 Inches 1 satin 22 inches ' ican and cost prettiest paper wide, yard trouble. ., splendor exactly one a very narrow border of blue, pink, about 5 - doiuui and ten cents each! wide, yards trimming. To open a tin of black filn-ac- Covers Volumes I to 9 lavender or red and one Initial at lead, pull $7.30 Mnnm'c f Inclusive, gray; the and It In set In a of color exact away paper pat front of From Santa Fe. Dates of Sale, b Price the top ring the Embroideries for Spring Gowns. the fire on the fender will do. It MUllcy VlgCbi $S.00, Postpaid of the border. . deal of Novelties shade Correspondence There Is a great openwork will open quite readily and better also are thus border on new to I2tti. tarda and are embroidery used the thin than knocking the tin with a knife. Nets are gaining in favor as a foun July 3lst August rery pretty. frocks, and one sees the old favorites, dation for chiffon corsages, producing Irish, cluny and Valenciennes, well a much sorter enect than silk. Return limit, September 2 DERDEN'S DIGEST Ore Is Care of Silk Gloves. fierce represented; but there a noticeable Large telvet baga with the persona) 1911. One and one-fif- th fare' of on Price $7.50, Postpaid Brasses white serae. vlain or with mingling of fine and heavy lace and In trying silk gloves cover the touch of an embroidered monogram from all other in New hair-lin- e motifs of Vene-- well with talcum points lack stripe, and trimmed embroidery, beautiful ' hands and you will In one corner are much Javored. Mexico El Texas. with broad silk braid arc fash- - tlan worked in Valenciennes not tear the gloves. If a seam and Paso, very among rips, Among scarfs the newest material Missouri Code Pleadings, AnffiggD DNEEW aart embroidered net or linen, etc. do not whip It over and over. Turn Is line silk tricot, like glove silk. SANTA FE ALL THE WAY. - Open Season for Kings. the glove, catch one side of the torn These come in all the fashionable Their Thoughts. ' are end the nlfhts 'V and then the ' $6.17, Postpaid Vbt days lovely, "A penny for V part opposite, going hadee. i Aa cool as your thoughts anytning; was on of back and forth, and the work wilt hot Many of the eleevee In the new are some offered You ought to slew lust like a bab T pondering the destiny ' Herewith bargains Forms for Missouri Pleadinr : : : Price I ttr out Do not knot the thread. are with $5.17, Postpaid It yon are not a kins. - autn, and your evening gowns slashed, say bv the New Mexican Printing com- "Oh." rimliaA ah whn had riven Itsad a "nuT to a similar asanas ether materia) appearing miner .ra His pany: Code of Civil Procedure of the Mm a thousand was 8ense of Humor. 8ET IN HER WAY. COMPILED LAWS 1897 His Mews. hints, 1 ponder Mrs. Toungwedd had been Territory of New Mexico, 1897. sheep ing on tne of man." taking Ton write an density lessons a oorrespood-enc- e 8w- -t Jane sat fourteen and bound, $1; paper bound. 75c Missouri inquisitive Person cooking through Mary days, SESSION LAWS IN ENGLISH awful amount of versa for a busy man. '' I .;v! .: course. wouldn't deign to rlae. Heading forms, $5; Missouri Code AND SPANISH l folks tried to is was Im- Although her avery way two for 110. How do you do It? What your The Prevalent Idas. Although there a marked make her reallie Pleadings, $6; the method f Aviator 1 am r we are in for provement In the culinary department That it ww unladylike to ait aO Adapted to New Mexico Code, Laws I89f, 1901, 190, 1905, 1907, 1909 nld quite ' Post I have no method. I a hard trip. I think I wffl revise our of the Toungwedd homestead, the hus- s day and night, of New Mexico, 889, 1S01 and 1908, Popular never her attitude or rouse simply sit down, light my pipe, sad band lost no opportunity for and change English and pamphlets, $2.26; poking her appetite. Spanish FOR SALE BY wait for the ah Instigation to com. Passenger Then" tot us make It a fun at his wife's cooking. One mom-la- Tber coaxed and teased and threatened full leather $$. Sheriff's Flexible THE revision downward. Just as he was leaving for busi- her, . and still she would not stand, Cover Pock't Dockets, single, tried to her she fl.sS; ness, she askedr;".;.:?'? And when they raise up two more 81 each. New - UmK. bit then on the hand; er hooks, Her "Ml ' what would you like for IIEl'l MEXICAN PRIIITIIIfi GO., ' ' dear, They didn't want to do her harm, or call Supreme Court Reports, Nee what shall I get you for a A Sandwich Sound. ' Dear, dinner this evening?" .4 In the police, Com where Mr. Prt-laye- 8 sad 10 Inclusive, 88.30 each. Urthday present?" 1 see Outtiagham "Well," ho "well J4 yet they sorrowed at the thought of In HL" replied, nailing, deocaae. pllatloa Corporation Lavs, 70 Com-pllstio- SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO. "Darling, I want a lot" Pekin, have lesson 4 with a lit- Jane's ..".. c exception V Bat Mary Jane knew what was best, 0 e "But, precious, I can give you only "Tear tle of lesson I, and the Mining Laws, Money's -- perhaps post he wleer wu than men, Vextco fuV we present.' "DS you suppose he Is in, the lunch lessor-1- jlgest of Now Reports. 1 "t script of for dessert." the sat until she'd had her set t Mary , bttiWinclot." room business wae e nen. ithece, MM; full list sjfeool blanks. TheBinatta f woman's is1 ' 4 -- 1 'ft P tt ! V PAGE EIGHT THE SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN, SANTA FE, N. M. TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1911.

t while in a room in the Pass City took tures were sufficiently amazing to oats, horses, cattle, and hogs free of Senate bill and one against The ac-- 'six bichloride of mercury tablets but. make the audience guess and gaBp; duty. . I House committee will be reduced THE BDUKD MP. prompt treatment saved his life. the contortionist was as clever as any Kern Compromise Passed. cordingly. 1 fljliy no- no. f An Exceptional Opportunity for the ever seen here or possibly elsewhere Washington, D. C Aug. 1. The , Free Paper Amendment Killed. I - 4 Andrews "Cash" 4 j and there was a clever bit of "fancy" Senate the Kern Washington, D. C, Aug. 1. With ladies to buy strictly streei adopted compromise and house dresses' at the special sale and clog dancing. There was a good amendment to the free list bill, 49 to the Kern amendment adopted, several N. 1. X Santa Fe, M., August of W. N. Townsend and Company. See house and the laughs were spontan- 29. There is talk of a similar coali-- j attempts Vere made to add other X The weather for New Mexico Is two of bill advertisement it is full of interesting eous and frequent. One or the tion of Democrats and Insurgents to j amendments to the compromise X fair local to ad- - . 1 1 J .11 . A HO. generally except suggestions. jokes could have been 'edited" pass the Flood statehood resolution inus creiueu.j ..IIJlaucu. a. itw v in north to-- Kansas Meats X Bhowers portion u.m tnr Fisher' vantage, however. The vaudeville and thus defeat statehood at this ses- - per amendment by Senator Gore was City X or Wednesday. rr,rf irFred ' will continue sion. 52 to 55. night was held for the action of the grand performance throughout voted down Have received the best lot week. just in the sum ot $500 bail on the, the Bailey Defeats House Bill. No Free Lemons. al- Jury - of beef we have had. We M,arro nt KfilUnir linuor a! Woman Turns on White Slaver A Washineton. T. C... Aue. 1 Th A free lemon amendment by Sena- I Girl ways buy the best, and this Girl for Housework Wanted license. The case was before Judge, sensauon was ueai av adoption of the compromise measurei""" Bauey, onerea earner m mo ua, housework. when William - not Wanted for general Ap , 0. Sprague, Dem- was up but adopted. John R. McFie. Iterday, ( came after a narrow failure of again brought lot is Extra Fine K. C. Beef. 403 Palace avenue, was held ply at East In The Popular in sporting circles, ocratlc efforts to pass the bill in its Almost Twojthircto Majority, i July Henckels Old Reliable Razors at re in $1,500 bail to answer in federal the fact The Senate finally passed the free K. C. Fed license bureau-He- issued ori inal fom But for that Veal, Nice and Tender. Pork, Corn Goebels. murian court the of being a white Hst bill with the Kern amendment of Young Hcenses during the month charge genator Balley of Tcxas refused t0 - iMUUrtera 48 to vote similar to j High Class vaudeville and good pic- an unlucky slaver. Ethel May Kemp, the divorc; t tn wu ln tne Bhape ,t had j 30, the being Sweet Liver and Brains. rather of a rich resi-- ; that which Kern amendment Breads, tures at we Eiks tonight. ...17: i,n-- B what ed wife Scott Locknane, nagged the HouBe. the meagure would by the J dent of Steamboat who had was adopted, except that Senators SAUSAUE-Po- rk, Wenniwurst, Bologna. Headcheese, Lunch waktjsd amen cows. moiie brines a hoodoo these days? Springs, havj sed unchanged by the the underworld, testified A8Plt Deaten a Bourne, Gamble, Jones and Townsend Meat and Boiled . Black No. 188, Capital City Dairy. See Manoro the lone Hoitentot at frequented genate wa8 lt wa8 by .1 . H ilSl Olli ilKUV CL11U IJUS VJUOfli mjaa 'JU trt VU SOTIQTnr KH 1 lev n- - voted against the bill and Senators FOR SALE A lot of kindling. Very the Elks tonight. reasonable. Apply Mrs. Dudrow, 228 exauuuauuu uiu jiuu suanc jng tne only Democrat 10 vote againsi " ' --vvi.. x Hot at Albuquerque At Albuquer- ". for Agua Fria street. Die story ana ner cnarge mat. oyrague Carolina) it. Phone No. 4. Phone No.4. que yesterday, the maximum tempera- cent with F. Andrews Three New Students Three new at took every she made, her, Democrats and Insurgents were ture was 14 higher than i jhe SOUTHWESTERN students enrolled in the Santa Fe degrees life of shame. 1 for the defeat of the measure. RAILWAY or 94 in the shade. During ' ready Business Santa Fe, Excursion to Green Corn Dance while several of them had voted for SURVEY SUSPENDED. College today. the it was 49 degrees, a range See J. W. about that chicken night H. S. Lutz, of the Santa Fe, today it was apparently understood that Maye of 45 in less than 24 hours, it, miles of town, degrees with Dr. E. L. Heiwett the if it was defeated, it would be resur- - The survey that the Southwestern ranch, three south while To.Vo the range was only completed 140 Fe, amended by & compromlsl system has been making of the upper Laveliers, completely equipped, acres, patent 29 arrangementgfortheexcursiontothe Turquoise, ed land. degrees. Green Corn Dance at Santo Domingo agreement and again brought to a valley between Anthony and the Ele- v dam - 4. The train will. vote. phant Butte has been suspended, Graveyard of Marital Happiness-- At that Camp- on Friday, August J 8 a. m. and return inj The will only three the engineering corps ordered back Tombstone, Arizona, since New Yea, are Cutting up for the leave here at Senate appoint m. iaroi-TltTTi- Z to El Paso and the survey abandoned Amethysts, Opals, sixty suits for divorce have been '.ws at the evening at 7:U a. me greeu conterees, senators fenrose, filed. corn dance is.the most spec lette and Bailey, two friendly to th for the present. - - . Takes Out License A marriage li- nnd dance given by any of the Indian, JL iht8- from was to ovuu, ,J " - Pueblos and always attracts a cense issued O'Neill, now-o- work be large, construction will, and Santa aged 58, and Miss Lydia F. Laid, aged - Albuuer(lue wms is from Cerrillos pushed. j 57. Mr. O'Neill and hree months Fe Feed Going Up-T- ago PEAS ?l SWEET ate Miss Laird of Berradstown, 111. whiskyLulg MartlV grow only the ,frcst and up-to-d- vari EXQUISITE DESIGNS Soldier Takes Poison John Ryan, eties, and are especially fine npw,y; No such Peas have a private at Fort Bliss, near Texas, they IN heretofore been shown in Santa Fe. ton for vs - ORIENTAL POPPY PLANTS nat and $16.70 a hay. nay Felix An- - We GOLD AND SILVER $12.50 ky, Later, four other toys, flower. rscomnv:.'! Waltham Watches brought only n Now is time to .this gorgeous My 92. Phone... ,92 three months ago aTiama Tlat-A- Til H Tl Sail fin-- the transplant because we believe them to be the ton. Tannm bloom to $14 per , an'd Aco'sta were ar-- poppy plants are right and will grow and the coming best. Our stock offers wide as- FILIGREE - clemente a -- uoa ni m-- dozen. sortment of ; A trip to tonigni. for the same crime. season. 20 cents each; $1.50 per s MARKET fail to see and about cuDa. rested V10 Don't in Antonio Hidalgo Black 204. JAMES McCONVERY, 415 Palace Ave. I. H. Rapp's Stabbing Affray Phone, Elks New Building stabbed twice in a at El Paso Waltham atches i ii - i.-- (,!1,lina iVtO was leg c u . . W water coior o cuu - man named Rubi who Come in and talk watch with us. It their escaped. Elks propose to erect adjoining . i:ot obligate buying and it may prorit ' arrested. , you - ' much. W'c will Try IP Package on avenue is ueuie explain what constitutes thpater Lincoln Six Sent to Jail At Albuquerque ft good tune-piec- The ; displayed in Fisners wnao. and M. "It's Time You Owned a Waltham.9 yesterday, Mary Mayo Garcia, ; the Elks S. 0ur4tJV Butter picture would inoica e that g.yen fifteen dayg in jall W'c will show you the exqui-citel- y SPITZ, - i to one of the handsom- ihin model Wall bams ot are going have fQr running a disorderiy bouse.'f C. ie Colonial Series and will will be The Jeweler It's Fine. ;est structures in the city. It Garcia Maestas and An-- 1 Are You rame the Waltham niovement . Xranquiiino Going best suited to your require of true xviission style ana pecunanj- 0ieson drew flve dollars and meats. uited to the Ancient City. costs each for drunk. Joei was an being to Build 'S MARKET The Show Last Night That Judge wag finefl ?20 and cogts fof be. all around, good, show ai ine Jng DOisterous at the Alvarado. Fred or remodel this season? If so, let us advise you The. moving pic- - 92...Phone....9 2 theater last night. SmaU wag arregted for beating his plumbing It is one of I regarding your equipment. - way from to San Francisco on " Chicago 1 ill " " is in j the most important elements of 1st For Rent freight engines, and Jose Grlego August MILITARY BL EES ACADEMY. durance vile for stealing a blanket; the home, and should receive Open September 20th. New management. Dr. W. A. AViison, eigni,tl and a gult age at tne Aivarado. careful consideration. 6 Room or Not. years president Lexington College, Lexington, Mo., fifteen years presiaem. Furnished one-hal- f House, lease. Over million j ' of Baylor College, Belton, Tex., has absolute FREE LIST BILL IS PASSED. Bathrooms which we have 116 dollars invested. Finest equipment outside of West Point. Full faculty. , College Street; v W. A. installed their owners Col. G. L. Byroade, U. S. A., Commandant. Send for catalogue, from one. are giving (Continued page : Wilson, A. M., Supt., Macon, Mo. perfect service. 1$tsttd(da4' to- tides was defeated by the Senate Plumbing Fixtures and our ex-pe- rt 39 to 39. day by a tie vote of workmen never fail to give j to the program, the Sen-- 5th For Rent ,0 According litera- August ate immediately after voting down satisfaction. Illustrated j the bill, considered the vote without ture always on hand. Room House, Johnson Street, with Bath and roll call, on motion of Senator La-- j Furnished or Not. Cut FlowersAll Varieties Follette, Republican insurgent, a,nd , FOR SALE BY Range. Senator Kern, of Indiana, Democrat, 15 then offered a compromise amend Santa Fe Hardware & Supply Co. 12. SANTA FE, N. M. ' CLARENDON GARDENS. Phone ment taking meats off the free list DAVID LOWITZKI I when coming from countries that ad-- i ex X) ' mit American cotton, corn, wheat, ! ii OiG BEG New Soft Hats 1 New Soft Hats! "A FINE SOFT HAT DISPLAY, SURELY." These are Soft Hat Days, and Soft Hats were never so popular as they are today. There are so many new shapes that are in good form : : : Star Hat II THE vj& for the Conservative Dresser and L Star Hat before tbebnnd Qnalitjr goes in W before the brand Hats for the Smart Young Fellow 9 f. BEST HATS, S2.5D, S3.50 ID U th rninHnb-- c fl Blacks. Browns; Olives, Nutrias and Pearls. ) WE ARE HATTERS AS WELL AS CLOTHIERS, AND WE FIT I' EVERY HEAD AND FACE WITH til'--

: Star Hat Hat That is Both Becoming and Correct. I ''Mm- - Come in and Look Them Over
