ICT Use in Teaching and Learning: Bridging Gender Inequality in Education in Uganda? Alice Nankya Ndidde Dept. of Adult Education & Communication Studies Makerere University PanAf project/Observatory/panaf- 1 E-mail:
[email protected]/Makerere University Introduction & Objectives Pedagogical integration of ICT marks: - a positive step in revolutionalising education delivery, learning and teaching; - a commitment to MDGs and Dakar EFA goals whose central focus is access to good quality and equitable education for all; o MDG 3 and EFA goal 5 focus on achieving gender equality by eliminating gender disparities at all levels of education by 2015 Access to and use of ICTs is believed to hold promise for women’s empowerment and social change (Hafkin 2002) Research has documented gender gaps in access to and use of technology worldwide and in developing countries including Africa PanAf project/Observatory/panaf- 2 edu/Makerere University Introduction & Objectives • This presentation explores whether access to ICTs and its use in teaching and learning is equitable in Ugandan schools from a gender perspective • It draws mainly from the PanAf project data that has been uploaded on the Observatory - www.observatoreitic.org • Specifically, category 9 indicators that capture data on gender equality in access to ICTs and category 4 indicators relating to equitable ICT use and related barriers and challenges PanAf project/Observatory/panaf- 3 edu/Makerere University Introduction & Objectives The PanAfrican Research Agenda Project aims at integration of ICTs can improve the quality of teaching and learning in Africa. One of the Project’s unique characteristics is its commitment to gender and ICT and the collection of sex-disaggregated data And the extent to which the analysis brings out differences in results on the basis of gender.