Maryland Law Review Volume 6 | Issue 2 Article 1 The oM vement to Reorganize the Court of Appeals of Maryland William C. Walsh Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Legal History, Theory and Process Commons Recommended Citation William C. Walsh, The Movement to Reorganize the Court of Appeals of Maryland, 6 Md. L. Rev. 119 (1942) Available at: This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Academic Journals at DigitalCommons@UM Carey Law. It has been accepted for inclusion in Maryland Law Review by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UM Carey Law. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Maryland Law Review VOLUME VI FEBRUARY, 1942 NuMBR 2 THE MOVEMENT TO REORGANIZE THE COURT OF APPEALS OF MARYLAND By WILLIAM C. WALSH* The Constitution of 1867 established the present-Mary- land Court of Appeals, and as so established three-quarters of a century ago, it has continued without change. The Court is composed of the seven Chief Judges of the seven Judicial Circuits into which the State outside of Bal- timore City is divided, and of an eighth Judge especially elected to the Court by the voters of Baltimore City, which comprises the Eighth Circuit. In addition to their appel- late duties, the County members preside at trials, sit in equity cases, and perform all other customary nisi prius judicial functions in their respective circuits. The Balti- more City member performs appellate work only, except in those rare instances where he is called upon to sit in a habeas corpus case.