November 2010 Liahona
Jackman; “Carry On,” Hymns, no. 255, arr. Summary for the 180th Semiannual Nielsen and Boothe, unpublished (French horns: Kristina Orcutt Tollefson, Mary Lampros, and Claire Grover); “More Holiness General Conference Give Me,” Hymns, no. 131, arr. Beebe, pub. Larice; “The Spirit of God,” Hymns, no. 2, arr. SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2, 2010, Invocation: Elder Gérald Caussé. DeFord, unpublished (flutes: Tia Jaynes and GENERAL SESSION Benediction: Elder Carlos A. Godoy. Music Natalie Hall; vocal soloists: Katherine Dowse, Presiding: President Thomas S. Monson. by the Tabernacle Choir; Mack Wilberg, Olivia Dowse, Megan Dowse Broughton, Conducting: President Henry B. Eyring. director; Clay Christiansen and Richard Jayni Dowse, Sally Dowse Duffin, and Sofia Invocation: Elder Octaviano Tenorio. Elliott, organists: “Truth Eternal,” Hymns, Lee Dowse). Benediction: Elder Eduardo Gavarret. Music by no. 4; “Jehovah, Lord of Heaven and Earth,” the Tabernacle Choir; Mack Wilberg and Ryan Hymns, no. 269; “Dear to the Heart of the CONFERENCE TALKS AVAILABLE Murphy, directors; Andrew Unsworth and Clay Shepherd,” Hymns, no. 221, arr. Wilberg, To access general conference talks in many Christiansen, organists: “Guide Us, O Thou unpublished; “Redeemer of Israel,” Hymns, languages, visit Then Great Jehovah,” Hymns, no. 83; “Let Zion in no. 6; “Love One Another,” Hymns, no. select a language. Generally within two Her Beauty Rise,” Hymns, no. 41; “We Thank 308, arr. Wilberg, unpublished; “Now Let months following conference, audio record- Thee, O God, for a Prophet,” Hymns, no. 19, Us Rejoice,” Hymns, no. 3, arr. Wilberg, ings are available at distribution centers. arr. Wilberg, unpublished; “Put Your Shoulder unpublished. to the Wheel,” Hymns, no.
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