November 2010 Ensign

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November 2010 Ensign General Authorities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints THE FIRST PRESIDENCY October 2010 Henry B. Eyring Thomas S. Monson Dieter F. Uchtdorf First Counselor President Second Counselor THE QUORUM OF THE TWELVE APOSTLES Boyd K. Packer L. Tom Perry Russell M. Nelson Dallin H. Oaks M. Russell Ballard Richard G. Scott Robert D. Hales Jeffrey R. Holland David A. Bednar Quentin L. Cook D. Todd Christofferson Neil L. Andersen THE PRESIDENCY OF THE SEVENTY Ronald A. Rasband Claudio R. M. Costa Steven E. Snow Walter F. González L. Whitney Clayton Jay E. Jensen Donald L. Hallstrom THE FIRSY Y M. Costa THE FIRST QUORUM OF THE SEVENTY THE SECOND QUORUM OF THE SEVENTY (in alphabetical order) (in alphabetical order) Marcos A. Aidukaitis Carlos H. Amado Mervyn B. Arnold David S. Baxter Shayne M. Bowen Gérald Caussé Yoon Hwan Choi Craig C. Christensen Gary J. Coleman Lawrence E. Corbridge Wilford W. Andersen Koichi Aoyagi Tad R. Callister Craig A. Cardon Benjamín De Hoyos John B. Dickson Kevin R. Duncan David F. Evans Enrique R. Falabella Eduardo Gavarret Carlos A. Godoy Christoffel Golden Jr. Gerrit W. Gong C. Scott Grow Bruce A. Carlson Don R. Clarke Keith R. Edwards Stanley G. Ellis James J. Hamula Keith K. Hilbig Richard G. Hinckley Marlin K. Jensen Daniel L. Johnson Paul V. Johnson Patrick Kearon Yoshihiko Kikuchi Paul E. Koelliker Erich W. Kopischke Bradley D. Foster Larry W. Gibbons Won Yong Ko Larry R. Lawrence Richard J. Maynes Marcus B. Nash Brent H. Nielson Allan F. Packer Kevin W. Pearson Anthony D. Perkins Paul B. Pieper Rafael E. Pino Bruce D. Porter Carl B. Pratt Per G. Malm James B. Martino Jairo Mazzagardi Kent F. Richards Dale G. Renlund Michael T. Ringwood Lynn G. Robbins Cecil O. Samuelson Jr. Joseph W. Sitati Ulisses Soares Gary E. Stevenson Michael John U. Teh José A. Teixeira Octaviano Tenorio Gregory A. Schwitzer Lowell M. Snow Paul K. Sybrowsky Kent D. Watson THE PRESIDING BISHOPRIC Juan A. Uceda Francisco J. Viñas William R. Walker F. Michael Watson Jorge F. Zeballos Claudio D. Zivic W. Craig Zwick Richard C. Edgley H. David Burton Keith B. McMullin First Counselor Presiding Bishop Second Counselor .
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