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KRAGALOTT, Jasm. Jovanovic, 1931* THE TURKE3H LO.•AN WORDS IN WO ANDRIC'S NA DRINI CUPRLT The Ohio State Uni versity, PluD., 1969 Language and Lite: ‘ature, linguistics

University Microfilms, Inc.. Ann Arbor, Michigan



Presented in Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University

by Jasna Jovanovic Kragalott,B.A.,M.A.

The Ohio State University 1969

Approved by

Adviser Department of Linguistics ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

It gives me the greatest personal pleasure to express my apprecia­ tion and gratitude to my adviser Professor Ilse Lehiste. Without her guidance and help from the earliest to the final stages of this disserta­ tion, it would have been impossible to successfully accomplish this task. I should also like to extend my thanks to Professor Leon Twarog, who always encouraged my progress and provided his personal assist­ ance in every stage of my graduate work. Furthermore, I wish to acknowledge the friendly help of Professor Kenneth Naylor, who informed me of certain studies that escaped my attention, thus making my biblio­ graphy more complete. A National Defense Education Act Title IV Fellowship made possible my trip to Yugoslavia where I gathered most of the research data. I would like to thank Mr. Abdulah Skaljic and his staff at the National Museum in Sarajevo, who offered their assistance during my work there. While in Yugoslavia, Mr. Ivo Andric graciously granted an interview that contributed greatly to my understanding of his employment of Turkish loan i words in Na Drini Cuprija.

il VITA.

March 24, 1931 ...... Bom - Sarajevo, Yugoslavia 1954 ...... B.A. in Oriental Languages and literatures (Turkish and ), The University of , Yugoslavia 1963-1965 ...... Teaching Assistant, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, The Ohio State University 1965 ...... M.A. in Slavic Languages and Literatures, The Ohio State Univ­ ersity 1965-1966 ...... Teaching Assistant, Department of Slavic Languages and Literature, The Ohio State University 1966-1968 ...... Research Assistant, NDEA Title IV Grant, The Ohio State University 1968-1969 ...... Teaching Associate, Department of Slavic Languages and litera­ tures , The Ohio State University

FIELDS OF STUDY Field: Slavic Linguistics Studies in Slavic Languages and Literatures (Russian, Church Slavic, Serbo-Croatian, Polish). Professors Ilse Lehiste, Leon Twarog, Nicholas P. Vakar, and David F. Robinson. Studies in Historical Lexicology. Professor Ilse Lehiste. Studies in Language Contact. Professor Ilse Lehiste.




The Serbo-Croatian literary and spoken language contains an extraordinary number of Turkish loan words. Linguistic analysis of these Turkish loans shows that certain Serbo-Croatian dialects have many more loan words than other dialects.* Not unnaturally, after five centuries of Ottoman occupation, the language of the Serbian , Macedonian, and Bulgarian peoples experienced a significant influx of Turkish elements. Inasmuch as the border of Croatia extended along the northern limit of the , a considerable number of Turkish elements are still found in the Croatian dialects. On2 the other hand, Turkish impact on the Slovenian language was minimal 3 because this area was in the Austro-Hungarian sphere of influence, and thus only a few Turkish loan words exist in the contemporary 4 Slovenian language: Slovenian Serbo-Croatian Turkish pertSin (braid) = per&n perpem Jarek () = jarak z. ark In general, the contemporary Serbo-Croatian language spoken in the areas formerly held by the Turks contains a large number of Turkish loan words that are used parallel with original Slavic forms: Turkish loan words Serbo-Croatian forms alat (/alet) orude "tools" barjak (^ bayrak) zastava "flag" bena (^ bon) ludak "fool" £elik {*. gelfk) Seljezo "steel" > d£igerica (-i ciger) jetra "liver" (h)aps ( hapis) zatvor "jail" inat ( inad) prkos "spite"

1 • .Turkish loan words Serbo-Croation Forms kapija kapi) vrata "door" komfija (<« komgu) susjed "neighbor" majdan ( maden) rudnik "mine " niSan (-* nispi) meta "target" soj soy) vrsta "kind" taban (< taban) stopalo "foot-sole" testera testere) pila "saw" _ zulum (-£ zulum) nasilje "tyranny" However, there are many Serbo-Croatian words of Turkish origin that do not have any Slavic substitute: badava Turk, bedava "free of charge" bre Turk, bre "hey" £ak Turk. Oak "even" fiamac Turk. 9 am "boat" darapa Turk, porab "stocking" dador, dator Turk, padir "tent" delav Turk, kel "cold" dorav Turk, kor "blind in one eye" d£ep Turk, cep "pocket" 6 The situation is further complicated because a significant number of Turkish loan words no longer exist in the Serbo-Croatian language. These loans were closely tied to Turkish ideas and institutions; as a result, they became Irrelevant to Serbian culture after the withdrawal of the Turks: Turkish loan words Slavic form nahija "district" versus okrug "district" 7 kadija "Judge" versus sudija "judge" The employment of Turkish loan words not only varies among the different Serbo-Croatian dialects, but also among urban inhabitants and the peasants. Thus, there are Turkish expressions used by town dwellers O that do not exist in the vocabulary of the peasants, and vice versa. Approximately eleven per of contemporary Yugoslavs are Moslems. Although the Turks were not intolerant of Serbian Orthodox Christians, many converted to the Mohammedan faith for material reasons. Thus, another factor of unequal distribution of Turkish loan words is caused by the sporadic Moslem concentration in specific areas of Yugoslavia. It follows that the members of Mohammedan faith in Bosnia-Herzegovina represent the richest source of Turkish elements 3 found in the Serbo-Croatian language.J Some Turkish religious loans are used exclusively by Yugoslav Moslems. Yet, the Moslem cultural impact was so great in many areas that certain religious loans are still used by all Serbo-Croatian speakers:*** d£amija "mosquej had&ja "pilgrim 1,1 hadfiluk "pilgrimage 1,1 etc. Yugoslav family names are another source of Turkish elements in the Serbo-Croatian language. Such surnames as BeSlagic, Donlagic, and Karaflordevic are obviously of Turkish origin. Skok theorizes that frequently the family name can offer information about the social and economic background of the family's ancestors.** For example, Skok claims that the Turkish family name Bes lagid undoubtedly comes from 12 a Moslem Serb who served in the Turkish army as a draftee "beSli.11JI Geographical place names are an abundant source of Turkish loan words. The famous capital of Bosnia, Sarajevo, is derived from the Turkish word Sarav 4 .Pers. seray " of the regent" + -ev Serbo-Croatian possessive suffix. Originally, Sarajevo was named Saray-Bosna. Later, this name was changed to Sarajevo by analogy with other Serbo-Croatian derivations for place names: Kraljevo, Popovo, . Tmovo. 13 Also, during the Ottoman period, the Turkish rulers changed many original Slavic place names by translating the meaning of the Slavic name into its Turkish equivalent: Slavic Soli 14 > Turkish Tuzla. Rich veins of Turkish words and expressions are found in medi­ eval Serbian folk songs and tales. Old Serbian lyrical poetry would lose its mood and charm without such Turkish elements as aSik "lover," dert "longing." and sevdah "love." Turkish loans have so enhanced the beauty and meaning of Serbian folk poetry that occasionally Serbian words were changed into derivations which imitated Turkish word forma­ tion.*^ For example, such Serbian forms as zlatali "golden "( 4 . zlato "gold" + Turkish suffix -li) were created by analogy with the Turkish loans srmali "silver 11 (.4 Turk, sirmali "silver"), dumiSli "silver" 4 . (Turk. gumu§lu "silver"). The addition of the Turkish adjectival suffix -li was a stylistic device that folk poets utilized to create in 16 their listeners an oriental mood and color. Many prominent Serbian writers have followed the tradition of the medieval folk ppets in the creative use of Turkish loan words. Ivo Andric's historical novel Na Drini Cuprijaoffers a brilliant testimony to the literary value of Turkish elements in the Serbo- Croatian language. These loans, which were used with great ingenuity and skill throughout the novel, constitute the subject matter of this dissertation. The description and analysis of the Turkish loan words in Na Drini Cuprija forms the basis of an attempt to explain how Mr. Andric utilized these elements as a stylistic device in describing the historical events, locales, and Bosnian characters. The second chapter of this research project contains an outline of certain phonological and morphological rules that govern the Turkish loans in Serbo-Croatian. The data given in this chapter, however, require more attention, and should be viewed here only as a general background for the third, fourth, and fifth chapers of this dissertation. The third chapter contains a list of Turkish elements found in Na Drini Cuprija classified and analyzed according to their roots and their morphological adaptation to Serbo-Croatian. Various dictionaries were consulted in order to establish the etymologies of these loan words. The fourth chapter consists of the Turkish lexical elements found in the novel, divided and analyzed according to their meaning with reference to the context in which they appear. Special attention was given to those loan words which have undergone a drastic semantic shift, or have been subject to semantic extension. The fifth chapter describes how Mr. Andri

* Anton Kne^evic, Die Turzismen in der Sprache der Kroaten und Serben (Meisenheim am Gian: Verlag Anton Hain, 1962), p. 4. (Herein- after cited as: Die Turzismen).

2 Ibid.

^ Ivan Popovic,t Geschichte der Serbokroatischen Sprache, (Wies­ baden: Otto Harrasowitz, I960), p. 610.

4 Ibid.

®Kne2evic, Die Turzismen. pp. 11-12.

6 Ibid.

7 Popovic.t Geschichte der Serbokroatischen Sprache. p. 611. Q Petar Skok, "Prilozi ProuiSavanja Turcizama u Sipsko-Hrvatskom Jeziku," Slavia. XV (1937-1938), p. 167.

9 KneSevic. / Die Turzismen. p. 3.

1 0 Skok. Slavia (1937-1938). p. 167.

1 1Ibid.. p. 172.

1 ^Abdulah Skaljic. Turcizmi u Srpskohrvatskom Teziku (Saraj evo: Svjetlost, 1965, p. 550.

1 4 Skok. Slavia (1937-1938). p. 172.

15Petar Skok, "Turski Sufiks - U u Epitetima," Rad Tuooslovenske Akademila Znanosti i Umletnosti. CCIXXII (1948), p. 41.

1 6 Ibid.. p. 40. CHAPTER II


The phonological and morphological adaptations of Turkish loan words found in the Serbo-Croatian language follow a regular pattern, but there are a significant number of irregular forms. In dealing with the irregular forms, it must be noted that the chronology of Turkish loan penetrations into vernacular Serbo-Croatian not been adeq­ uately investigated.* Turkish loan penetrations occurred primarily from the late fifteenth through the nineteenth centuries. During these four centuries, the itself underwent phonological changes. These changes relate to vowel harmony, labial assimilation, nonlabial assimilation, development o f/ointo/u/, / the dropping of /h /, and monophthongization of diphthongs. These sound changes are probably responsible for some of the phonological inconsistencies of Turkish forms in the Serbo-Croatian language. Moreover, the problem is further complicated because the Turkish words listed in the various dictionaries are from the Turkish literary language. There is no reference to forms found in the Turkish dialects. It is safe to assume that the Turkish military and political administration in the occupied Balkan countries must have been com­ posed of men who spoke various Turkish dialects. Inasmuch as these 4 Turks were the main source of Turkish loan penetrations, they un­ doubtedly brought some nonstandardized Turkish forms into the Serbo- Croatian language. Therefore, the nature of Serbo-Croatian - Turkish linguistic contact is best approached by listing the regular phonological and morphological adaptations along with the irregular forms. When listing irregular adaptations, I will make an attempt to explain some of the vowel and consonant substitutions found in the Turkish loan words .

6 7 2. 1 Phonological Adaptations

Phonological adaptations of Serbo-Croatian Turkish loan words took place because the two languages have different phonemic systems. To establish the rules that govern the vowel and conconant adaptations , it is necessary to compare the existing phonemes in both languages. The following transliteration will be used throughout this chapter in listing the Serbo-Croatian and Turkish phonemic patterns: Serbo-Croatian Turkish Persian Arabic a=a a=a V* -a -a b=b b=b (a, e,i,u) (a,e,i,i c=c c=c V s b b 6=6 6=6 c_»• * PP 6=6 d=d -i, s t d=d e=e Z 5 $ di=S f=f % 6 6 e=e g=g L h h f=f g+ ^= g’ zyj • h h g=g 5=j %> d d h=h h=h 2 2 i=i i=i . 5 r r J=J i=i z z k=k M J 2 - 1=1 k=k s s lj= l k +/'=k> J 4 s s m=m 1=1 s s n=n' 1+*= 1 ’ z d nj=n* m=m t t 0=0 n=n h z z P=P 0=0 G. I > r=r 0=0 .&■ • g g s=s P=P f f t=t r=r fc r k k u=u s=s k k z=z t=t . g - u=u•• •• l 1 1=6 u=u f m m v=v v=v u n n * -3 y=l w w z=z 3-* h h a y y a a e e Vowels . i i 0 u u Length - - 2.1.1: Regular Unconditional Replacement of Turkish Vowels and Consonants The Turkish language has eight vowel phonemes, while the Serbo-Croatian vowel system consists of five phonemes: Turkish. Serbo-Croatian

i U 4 u i u •* e Q o e o a a

There are numerous instances where the Turkish loan words found in the Serbo-Croatian language reflect the original value of Turkish vowel phonemes. The examples which illustrate this phenom­ enon were taken at random from: Skaljic, Abdulah, Turcizmi U Srpsko- hrvatskom Teziku. Sarajevo: Svjetlost, 1965. Turkish ' Serbo-Croatian /!/ / i / A^ide "personal name" AS Ida "personal name" a§ik "lover" aSik "lover" keskin "sharp ceskin "sharp, angry" divan "council" divan "council" dizge "gaiter" dizga "garter" / e / / e / gevgek "weak" devSek "weak(ly" gezme "walk" dezma "walk,-ing" geyik "deer" geik "deer, fawn" giybet "gossip" gibet "gossip" ye^il "green" je£il "green" / a / / a / dadt "nanny" dadija "nanny" haksiz "unjust" haksuz "unjust" kahve "" kahva, kafa "coffee" kalem "pen" kalem "pencil, pen" maraz "sickness" maraz "sickness" Turkish Serbo-Croatian /u / / u / havuz "pool" havuz "pool" musibet "calamity" musibet "calamity" Mustafa "Personal name" Mustafa "personal name" pul "button" pula, puljka "button" sure "chapter in Kur'an" sura, sure "chapter in Kur'an" / o / / o / solak "left handed" solak "left handed" sopa "pole" sopa "pole, bat" mor "purple" mor "purple" ok "arrow" ok "arrow" topuk "heel" topul "heel"

With few exceptions, there is a marked similarity between the Serbo-Croatian and Turkish consonantal systems. Both languages have the following kind of sounds: stops, affricates, nasals, liquids, and the semivowel /j/. The Turkish system, however, has two palatal stop phonemes /k ’/ and /g ’/ found before the Turkish vowels /a / and /u / that derive from Persian /a / and /u/.^ It is interesting to note that originally the Serbo-Croatian phonemic system had only one voiced affricate: /J/, while /^/ex isted only as a positional variant of un­ voiced /&/ or /c /. It is highly probable that with the great influx of Turkish loan words into Serbo-Croatian, it was necessary to accommo­ date the Turkish phoneme /jf/ which occurred in environments from which the serbocroatian allophoneCjf J was excluded. Since an empty slot existed in the voiced-voiceless opposition of the Serbo-Croatian affricates, / j / ceased to be an allophone, and became a separate phoneme. - Turkish Serbo-Croatian Stops b d g g’ b d g p t k k‘ p t k 10 Fricatives t ' v z gV V z v 2 z V f s h & fsiSfh


$ i * ■ ^ 6 c c Nasals m n m n n ' liquids ll'r ll'r Semivowel j i

The similarity of the consonantal systems is reflected in the fact that the majority of Turkish loan words retain the original consonant in the Serbo-Croatian language.

Turkish Serbo-Croatian / b / = / b / ba^ka "separate" ba£ka "separately" batil "worthless" batil "worthless" beyaz "white" bejaz "white" Bela "calamity" belaj "calamity" begik "cradle" beSik "cradle" / d / / d / bedel "deputy" bedel "deputy" domuz, donuz "pig" domuz "pig" findik "" funduk "hazelnut" laden "pet" ladem, laden "pet" sandik "trunk" sanduk "trunk" / g / / g / gadir "evil" gada "evil" glda "measure" gida "measure" hergele "flock of horses" hergela "flock of horses kaygana "scrambled eggs" kajgana "scrambled eggs " megara "cave" megara "cave" / p / / p / kapi "door" kapija "door" pencere "window" pend£er "window" perpem "braid" perdin "braid" sap "knife handle" sap "knife handle" tepe "hill" tepa "hill" / t / / t / dort "four" dort "four" ^art "condition" 5art "condition" sultan "sultan" sultan "sultan" tac "crown" tad2 "crown" tane "bullet" tane "bullet" / h / A/ Hasan "personal name" Hasan "personal name" hava "air" hava "air" hazne "treasury" hazna "treasury" merhamet "mercy" merhamet "mercy" 'Sihir "spell" sihir "spell, magic" A/ A/ konak "inn" konak "inn" kop^a "clasp" kopdfa "clasp mizrak "spear" mizrak "spear" ocak "chimney" od£ak "chimney" okla$u "rolling pin" oklagija "rolling pin" / v / / v / muzewer "intriguer" muzever "intriguer" savat "blackness" savat "engraving" savza, sebze "" savza "vegetable" "frying pan" tava 'frying pan" vezir "vizi(e)r" vezir ,,vizi(e)r " / f / / f / (Safer "personal name” Deafer "little river” . fen "science" fen "science" ferik "general" ferik "general" fildij "ivory" fildi& "ivory" fursat "chance" fursat "chance" / s / / s / kaysi "appricot" kajsija "appricot" Misir "Egypt" Misir "Egypt" sahan "copper bowl" sahan "copper bowl" sabah "morning" sabah "morning" Yusuf "personal name" Jusuf "personal name" / z / / z / guzel "pretty" duzel "pretty" Muzaffer "personal name" Muzafer "personal name" zeher "poison" zeher "poison" zeman "time" zeman "time" zeytin "oil" zejtin "oil" /£ / /*/ ho§ "pretty" ho 2 "pretty, good" ka§ "eyebrow" kaS "eyebrow" ka§iq "spoon" ka£ika "spoon" paga pa 2 a "" yesil ye2 il "green" /*/ / 6/ bohga "scarf" bo56a(bohca) "scarf" gaksir "trousers" CakSire "trousers" gay 6 aj "tea" kagak "fugitive" ka6 ak "fugitive" kagemak "com mash" ka£emak "com mash"

/J/ /J / . amuca, amca "uncle" amidza "uncle" ancak "but, only" andXak "but, only" cefa "fight" d^efa "fight, quarrel" cep "pocket" d£ep "pocket" hacet "need"- had£et "need, necessity" /m / /m / Esma "personal name" Esma "personal name" kamara "pile" kamara "pile" miras "legacy" miraz "dowry" miskin "poor" miskin "poor man, unlucky" mudiir "principal" mudir "principal, director" / n / / n / entari "robe" anterija "robe" nine "grandmother" nena, nana "grandmother" on "ten " on "ten" sancak "flag" sand£ak "flag" gan "dignity" San "dignity" /V N belli "indeed" beli "indeed” bol "spacious" bol "spacious" lenger "anchor" lenger (lender) "anchor" limon "lemon" limun "lemon" lokum "cookie" lokum "cookie" / r / / r / ma^ara "hole" megara "hole, cave" mehir "wedding gift" mehr "wedding gift" para "money" para "money" rahat "peaceful" rahat "peaceful, content" - raki, "brandy" rakija "brandy" /J/ / j / kaygana "scrambled eggs" kajgana "scrambled eggs" maya maja "yeast starter" saray "palace" saraj "castle, palace" seyrek "seldom" sejrek "seldom" soy "tribe" soj "tribe, origin" 14 2.1.2. Conditioned Chanqfes of Turkish Vowels and Consonants The Turkish phonemic system has certain phonemes which do not exist in Serbo-Croatian: /ii/, / o / , /i/. These phonemes change with­ out exception in the Serbo-Croatian words derived from Turkish sources: Turkish Serbo-Croatian / u / / u / bulug "maturity" bulug "maturity" cuce "" d^ud^e "dwarf" gul"rose" dul "rose " hukum "judgment" hucum "judgment" lule "pipe" lula "pipe" / o / / o / ko^ek "dance" bo 6 ek "dance" kok "root" £ok "root" kor "blind" cor "blind" gol "lake" dol "lake" goz "eye" doz "eye" / o / / u / ^orek "pastry" fiurek "pastry" corek "bread" fcorek "bread" kbmur "coal" cumur "coal" goturum "crippled" duturum "crippled" gozleme "pastry" duzleme "pastry" A/ A/ yildiz "star" jilduz "star" kiptl "gypsy" kiptija "gupsy" mizrak "spear" mizrak "spear" sifat "quality" sifat "quality" timar "grooming of horses" timar "grooming of horses " A/ / u / findik "hazel " funduk "hazel nut" fistik. "kind of " fustuk "kind of almond" 15

yildiz "star" jilduz "star" kasim "personal name" kasum "personal name" katil "murder" katul "murder"

While some of these adaptations show a certain degree of regularity (u u)# others are highly irregular. Moreover, in frequent cases, phonol­ ogical changes occur even when both systems have the same phonemes. One reason for these irregular adaptations might be the absence of proper chronology of Turkish loan penetrations into the Serbo-Croatian language. During the four centuries of Turkish rule in the certain Turkish forms underwent phonological changes. It is probable that in certain instances the seemingly irregular phonological adaptations of Turkish elements in the present Serbo-Croatian lexicon reflects the phonemic structure of the Turkish forms used at the time when their original pene­ tration took place. Another reason for an inadequately motivated change of an original vowel or consonant could have been the inability of Serbo- Croatian speakers to perceive the distinction between certain Turkish phonemes. Finally, the irregular adaptations might have been caused by a new conditioning factor which changed the phonemic value of cer­ tain Turkish vowels and consonants. I have attempted to establish a few rules to explain the irregular adaptations of certain Turkish vowels and consonants inthe contemporary Serbo-Croatian language. In general, these rules can be applied to the majority of Turkish loan words which are an integral part of the Serbo- Croatian lexicon.

I. Turkish A/, a high mid front unrounded vowel which has no equiv­ alent phonemic value in the Serbo-Croatian vowel system, changes into /r / when preceded or followed by velars:

i ? r f / k /, / g /, / h / 16 Turkish Serbo-Croatian /*/ /«*/ yagiz "blackish-brown horse” jagrz "blackish-brown horse" hi§im "anger" hr£um "anger" ki§la "military barracks kr&la "military barracks" kfzamak "measles" krzamak "measles" siklet "nervousness" srklet "nervousness" Exception: zit, zid "repulsive' zrt "repulsive"

II. Turkish / i / is dropped in the environment when preceded by a con­ sonant and followed by /r/f-another consonant:

i 7$ / / C r + C Turkish Serbo-Croatian / i / /*/ firka "army division" frka "party, army division" kirk "fourty" krk "fourty" kirmizi "red" krmezi "red" sirpa "glass" srtfa "glass" sirma "silver" srma "silver" Exception: 9 irpi "tool" Girpija "tool"

III. Turkish vowels /i/# /i/, /u /, / u / change into / i / before the Serbo- Croatian suffix -ja: i, 4, ii, u,?- i // - ja Turkish Serbo-Croatian avli "yard" avlija "yard" buyrultu "commandor" bujrultija "commandor" ^ifteli "trouble maker" fiiftelija "trouble maker" koprii "bridge" 6 uprija "bridge"

IV. Turkish vowels /i/, /i/, /£i/, /u /, change into /i/ in word final position: i, i, u, u, > i / - # 17 Turkish Serbo-Croatian dertli "worried'' dertli "poor, worried" aspurlu "dark red" aspurli "dark red" beyazi- "white" bejazi "white" turlu-turlii "various" turli - turli "various"

V. Turkish consonant /g / changes into /J/ in the environment before the Turkish vowels/i/, /eA/ii/, /o/, /a/, (4 pers. a), _ 6 /u/ Upers. u). // ~ i,e,u,o,S,u

Turkish Serbo-Croatian dugun "wedding" dudun wedding gah "one moment" dtah -oah "one moment' gergef "weaving tool" dercfef "weaving tool gon "shoe sole" ? oon "shoe sole" gul "rose" Aul "rose" guya or goya "as if" doja ko dbja "as if"

VI. Turkish consonant A / changes into /c / in the environment before the Turkish vowels /iA /eA /w , /o /, /a/ pers,a), /uA(pers. u). k?- c / / - i, e,u,o(a,u, Turkish Serbo-Croatian kar "gain" car "gain" kebe "blanket" cebe "blanket" kibir "kibir" cibur "pride" kopek "dog" copek "dog" kuh "hill" cuvik "hill" k u l"ashes" cu l"ash es"

2.2. Morphological Adaptations. A great number of Turkish loan words in the Serbo-Croatian lan­ guage have retained their original morphological structure. However, when certain morphological adaptations occur, they follow well estabr lished Serbo-Croatian morphophonemic rules. 18 2.2.1. Nouns Although the Turkish and Serbo-Croatian nominal systems differ considerably, there is a small degree of similarity. For example, 7 Turkish nouns have only a semantic gender. On the other hand, Serbo- Croatian nouns are divided into animate and inanimate forms. The animate nouns take a semantic gender, but the inanimate forms assume the grammatical distinctions of masculine, feminine, and neuter genders. Similarities and differences in the nominal systems of both lan­ guages also appear in their declensional paradigms. Turkish declension has six cases: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, locative and 0 ablative. The Serbo-Croatian language does not recognize ablative, but it has two cases not found in Turkish paradigms: vocative and instrumental. According to established patterns in Serbo-Croatian, Turkish loan words which denote human beings are reflected as animate nouns. The grammatical gender of these nouns coincides with the sex o f the individuals they denote. Turkish Seribo--Croatian £oban "shepherd" £oban "shepherd" hekim "philosopher" he&m "philosopher" pa|a (basa) "pasha" pa£a "pasha" sultan "sultan" sultan "sultan" vezir "vizi(e)r" vezir "vizi(e)r" Certain Turkish loan words which end in the derivative suffixes d2 i (£i), li, and in vowel i^(i,i,u,u,) acquire the -ja ending, and are reflected as masculine animate nouns in the Serbo-Croatian language. 1. D3fi (£i) has become a productive suffix in Serbo-Croatian be­ cause it can be added to Turkish loan words as well as to the Serbo- g Croatian forms: a . Turkish loan words bostanci "gardener" bostand 2 ija "gardener" dilenci "beggar" dilend£ija "beggar" dermanci "helpers" dermand£ija "one who helps in need" top^u "artilery man " topcija "artilery man" tufek^i "man who makes guns" tufekcija -"man who makes guns" 19

b. Serbo-Croatian words: -1 govord£ija< govoriti "one who talks a lot hvalid£ija «£ hvaliti "one who brags" lovdfija < loviti "one who hunts" ratfund£ija ratfunati "one who calculates everything" siledfija z sila "one who uses force" 2. The Turkish derivative suffix -li can also be considered pro­ ductive in the Serbo-Croatian language. The -li suffix can be added to both Turkish and Serbo-Croatian nouns. Usually these nouns have ad­ jectival meaning, denoting something that is characteristic for a cer- tain person 10 a . Turkish loan words: beratli "privileged person" beratlija "privileged person" haracli "tax collector" harafilija "tax collector" miitevelli "clerk of vakuf mutevelija "clerk of vakuf" sarayli "man from a castle" Sarajlija "man from Sarajevo" sanatli "craftsman" zanatlija "craftsman" b. Serbo-Croatian words: dugajlija * dug "tall man" novajlija<:nov "greenhorn" pametlija * pamet "bright person" Mostarlija ^Mostar "inhabitant of Mostar" prekomorlija z.preko mora "who lives across the sea" 3. The Turkish loan words ending in -ija are derived from stems which end in /i/, A /, /u /. This category is very productive in Serbo- Croatian. It usually denotes masculine animate nouns as well as feminine animate and inanimate nouns.^ Turkish Serbo-Croatian Bali "personal name" Balija "personal name" guveyi "bridegroom" dfcuvegija "bridegroom" gazi "hero" gazija "hero, victor" deli "hero" delija "hero" sipahi "landowner" spahija "landowner" 20

Serbo-Croatian masculine animate nouns of Turkish origin are declined according.to their ending. Those nouns which end in a con­ sonant are declined as all other Serbo-Croatian masculine animate nouns which end in a consonant. Those nouns which end in -a follow the declension of original Serbo-Croatian feminine nouns which have a vowel ending: vezir "vizi(e)r" efendija "sir" Sing. Plural Sing. Plural nom. vezir vezir-i efendij-a efendij-e gen. vezir-a vezir-a efendij-e efendij-a dat. vezir-u vezir-ima efendij-i efendij-ama acc. vezir-a vezir-e efendij-u efendij-e voc. vezir-u vezir-i efendij-o efendij-e Instr. vezir-om vezir-ima efendij-om efendij-ama loc. vezir-u vezir-ima efendij-i efendij-ama The masculine animate nouns that end in the Turkish suffixes dii / j j i / or 6 i /Si/ should not be listed as two separate categories of nouns because /S+i/ is a voiceless allomorph of voiced /jf +i/:

3 + i ^ + i / / / - voiced/ —

Sevap&ja ~ £evabd£ija "man who makes barbecued hamburgers" mutap£ija ~ mutabdfija "man who makes objects from bamboo" muStulukdSijaMnuStulugdfija "one who brings the good news" top£ija ^ tobd£ija " man" tufek5ija ■— tufegd£ija "man who makes guns" The Turkish nouns that end in / j + i, i , u, or v/* / l + i, u, or u /, and / i /A / / u/, or /u /# change in the following manner when they acquire the Serbo-Croatian suffix -ja: / J + i» if Uf or u / 5 " /3 +• i / / — Ja / I + i, 4, u, or u /^ / 1 + 1 / / / — Ja / 1, 4, u or u / / i/ // —ja 21 , Turkish Serbo-Croatian pizmeci "one who makes books" £izmed£ija "one who makes books" davaci "prosecutor" devud£ija "prosecutor duhanci "tobacco dealer" duhand£ija "tobacco dealer" esnafli "craftsman" esnaflija "craftsman" fitnecu "trouble maker" fitned£ija "trouble maker" kul oglu "janissary" kuloglija "janissary"

The Turkish nouns that end in -a and which denote a female human being retain their semantic gender, and are reflected as Serbo-Croatian feminine animate nouns. Turkish Serbo-Croatian bula, bola "Moslem woman" bula "Moslem woman" ha la "aunt" hala "aunt" Ha^ia "personal name" Ha£ija "personal name" maskara "masked person" maskara "masked person" ^efika "personal name" £fefika "personal name" The Turkish nouns that denote a female and end in /i/< (i, 4, u, u) or -e, change according to established Serbo-Croatian morpho­ logical rules: 1. Turkish forms which end in /i/<(i, i, u, u) acquire the Serbo-Croatian nominal suffix -ja and become feminine animate nouns: 12 Tuikish Serbo-Croatian bedevi . "arable " bedevija "arable mare" ^engi "dancer" £engija "dancer" dudu "woman" Dudija "personal name" huri "heavenly beauty" hurija "heavenly beauty" Nuri "personal name" Nurija "personal name" 2. Turkish nouns that end in the vowel /e / drop the ending and add the vowel /a /. The same is true for the Serbo-Croatian nouns which were derived from Tuxkish stems that end in a consonant. 22

. Turkish Serbo-Croatian hanim "Moslem lady" hanuma "Moslem lady" Hibe "personal name" Hiba "personal name" nine "grandmother" nena, nana "grandmother" sultaniye "sultan's daughter" sultanija "sultan's daughter" gehzade "princess" £ehzada "princess" The Serbo-Croatian feminine animate nouns that derive from Turkish sources are declined in the same way as the Serbo-Croatian feminine nouns that end with the vowel /a /. hanuma "Moslem lady" Sing. Plural nom. hanum-a hanum-e gen. hanum-e hanum-a dat. hanum-i hanum-ama acc. hanum-u hanum-e voc. hanum-o hanum-e lnstr. hanum-om hanum-ama loc. hanum-i hanum-ama

The Turkish feminine animate nouns which end in the vowels A / , A / , /u /, or /u /f undergo a change to /i/ of the final vowel when the Serbo-Croatian suffix -ja is added to these forms:

i , 4, u, u f 7 i // — Ja

Turkish Serbo-Croatian Nuri "personal name " Nurija "personal name" dudu "woman" Dudija "personal name"

Turkish loan words ending in consonants which denote inanimate objects usually retain their original form when they are reflected as Serbo-Croatian masculine nouns: Turkish Serbo-Croatian bayrak "flag" barjak, "flag" hendek "trench hendek "trench" jorgan "cover" jorgan "cover" kalpak "helmet" kalpak "helmet" gart "condition" £art "condition" 23 ' Turkish nouns ending in the derivative suffixes lik, lik, luk, are treated as Serbo-Croatian masculine inanimate nouns. The suffix 13 -luk can be added to both Serbo-Croatian and Turkish forms. a. Turkish loan words Turkish Serbo-Croatian abacilik "tailoring" abadSiluk "tailoring bellik "vest" beluk, benluk "vest" dupmanlik "animosity" duSmanluk "animosity" komguluk "neighborhood" komi&luk "neighborhood" marifetluk "skill" marifetluk "skill"

b., Serbo-Croatian words: bezobrazluk "ruthlessness" nemirluk "restlessness" nemarluk "sloppiness" nesta£luk" naughtiness" pasjaluk "spite"

Turkish loan words which end in consonants are declined in the same way as the Serbo-Croatian masculine inanimate nouns that have consonantal endings: jorgan - cover Sing. Plural nom. jorgan jorgan-i gen. jorgan-a Jorgan-a dat. Jorgan-u jorgan-ima acc. Jorgan Jorgan-e voc. jorgane jorgan-i instr. jorgan-om Jorgan-ima loc. jorgan-u jorgan-ima The Turkish masculine inanimate nouns which end in lik, lik, luk change these suffixes into -luk in the Serbo-Croatian language: lik, lik, luk, y luk / — # 24 Turkish Serbo-Croatian bellik "vest" beluk "vest" du^manlik "animosity" duSmanluk "animosity" komguluk "neighborhood" komSiluk "neighborhood" Turkish words which end in - a, automatically take the femin­ ine grammatical gender in the Serbo-Croatian language: Turkish Serbo-Croatian arsa "building lot" arsa "building lot" boh^a "scarf" boS6a "scarf" diba "silk" diba "silk" halka "ring" halka, alka "ring" hulasa "resumes" hulasa "resumes" There are a few other Serbo-Croatian feminine inanimate cate­ gories of nouns which were derived from the Turkish forms: 1. Some Turkish nouns and adjectives which end in lif 14, lut or i, 4, u, u, acquire the Serbo-Croatian suffix -ja and can be of 14 15 feminine gender. ' Turkish Serbo-Croatian avli "yard" avlija "yard" hali "Persian rug" halija "Persian rug" bakracli "reins" bakra£lija "reins" kopru "bridge" 6uprija "bridge" kuburlu "type of a gun" kuburlija "type of a gun" pamuklu "cotton dress" pamuklija "cotton dress" 2* In some instances, those Turkish nouns which end in -e, drop this ending and add -a. Then, they are denoted as Serbo-Croatian feminine nouns: Turkish Serbo-Croatian bekiye, bakiye "remnant" bekija "remnant" belediye "city hall" beledija "city hall" cenaze "Moslem funeral" d£enaza "Moslem funeral" kefe "brush" kefe "brush" kese "bag" cesa, kesa "bag" 3. A small number of Turkish nouns are reflected in the Serbo- Croatian language as pluralia tantum, i.e., they are nouns which do not have singular declension. It appears, that these Turkish loans were formed by analogy with original pluralia tantum nouns in the Serbo Croatian language. These nouns acquire the Serbo-Croatian suffixes -e or -je: 16 Turkish Serbo-Croatian makas "scissors" makaze "scissors" mengene "barber's tool" mendele "barber's tool" dimi "women's clothing" dimije "women's clothing" galvar "men's trousers" Salvare "men's trousers" <£akgir "men's trousers" £ak£ire "men's trousers" The feminine inanimate nouns listed above follow the regular declension of Serbo-Croatian feminine nouns that end in -a: avlija "yard" Sing. Plural nom. avlij-a avlij-e gen. avlij-e avlij-a dat. avlij-i avlij-ama acc. avlij-u avlij-e voc. avlij-o avlij-e instr. avlij-om avlij-ama loc. avlij-i avlij-ama

The Turkish feminine inanimate nouns and adjectives that end in the suffixes -li, -li, -lu or /i/, /i/, /u/, /u /, acquire the Serbo- Croatian nominal suffix - ja, and change their original ending in the following manner:

li, li, lu 7 li / - J a

i, i , u, u, 2- i / — ja \ A considerable number of the Turkish nouns that end in -e are reflected as neuter nouns in the Serbo-Croatian language: 26

Turkish Serbo-Croatian cemre "warm air" d£emre "warm air" ege "knife sharpener" ege» Jege "knife sharpener" fitne "trouble maker" fitne "trouble maker" gubre "garbage" dubre "garbage" hisse "part" hise "part" "snack" meze "snack" There are a few other categories of neuter inanimate nouns which were derived from the Turkish sources: 1. Occasionally, a Turkish noun which ends in a consonant, aquires the ending -e and becomes a neuter noun in Serbo-Croatian: Turkish Serbo-Croatian keman "violin" 6emane, cimane "violin" keman "arch" demene "craftsman's tool" 2. Some Turkish loan words that end in /t/ and are of neuter gender, lose /t/ only in the nominative singular. In all other declen- tional cases, however, the /t/ reappears as in the original form: Turkish Serbo-Croatian demet "bunch" deme (-ta) "bunch" k§git "paper" cage (-ta) "paper" "being" mile (-ta) "being" It is highly plausible that these nouns were formed by analogy with the original Serbo-Croatian neuter nouns that can be traced back to Common Slavic consonantal stem declension, i.e ., kl'use -gen. sing, kl'useta "horses"; jagn'e - gen. sing, jagn'eta "lamb"; tele - gen. sing, teleta "calf." 3. Serbo-Croatian neuter nouns which derive from Turkish sources seldom take the -o stem declension. In the rare cases where this happens the ending -o is added to the Turkish source: Turkish Serbo-Croatian gekmek "turn" Sekalo "coffee grinder" gergive,

The Turkish loans which end in -o follow the declension of the regular Serbo-Croatian neuter -o stem forms . On the o ther hand, it should be noted that most of the Serbo-Croatian neuter nouns of Turk- ish origin are declined in the same way as the Serbo-C roatian neuter 17 consonantal stem nouns. This phenomenon indicates that the con­ sonantal stem forms are one of the most productive declensions among the Serbo-Croatian neuter nouns. In the other Slavic languages, how­ ever, these forms have ceased to be a productive category of nouns, and haye become only a relic of earlier stage in language development. meze "snack" Sekalo "coffee grinder" Sing. Plural Sing. Plural nom. meze meze-ta 6ekal-o 5ekal-a gen. meze-ta meze-ta dekal-a <5ekal-a dat. meze-tu meze-tima 6ekal-u fiekal-ima acc. meze- meze-ta 6ekal-o 6ekal-a voc. meze meze-ta 6ekal-o dekal-a instr. meze-tom meze-tima ftekal-u dekal-ima Certain Turkish neuter gender loan words that 4nd in consonant /t/, lose this ending when /t/ is not followed by anot ler Serbo- Croatian suffix:

t*0 ✓— #

Turkish Serbo-Croatian demet "bunch" deme (-ta) "bunch" kagit "paper" cage (-ta) "paper" millet "being" mile (-ta) "being"

2.2.2. Adjectives There is considerable difference between the Turkish and the Serbo-Croatian adjectival systems. Turkish adjectives do not take the grammatical gender.1® Feminine and neuter adjectives in Serbo- Croatian are derived from the basic masculine form, and must agree l^h Jn gender with the noun they modify: d r - Turkish Serbo-Croatian guzel adam "handsome man" lep dJovek guzel hanim "pretty woman" lepa. £ena. guzel oglu "pretty child" lepo dete

Another marked difference between the two languages exists in their inflectional paradigms. Turkish adjectives are not declined. They always remain in the nominative case. 19 On the other hand, Serbo-Croatian adjectives are declined, and they must agree in case with the nouns they modify: Turkish Serbo-Croatian buyfik kitab "big book" velika. knjiga. buyfik kitabden "of the big book" velike. knjige.

Turkish adjectives do not agree in number with the nouns they modify, ?0' while Serbo-Croatian attributive adjectives assume the number of their substantives: Turkish Serbo-Croatian buyfik kitab "big book" velika. knjiga buyfik kitablar "big books" velike.knjige.

Turkish adjectives adopted in the Serbo-Croatian language show a very low degree of integration. They do not change their mor­ phological structure and are not inflected: Turkish Serbo-Croatian beyaz "white" bejaz "white" bog "empty boS "empty" mazul "demoted" mazul "demoted" rahat "content" rahat "content" yava§ "slow" yavaS "slow, quiet" There are two more categories of Turkish adjectives in the Serbo-Croatian language: 29

' 1. Turkish adjectives that end in the derivative suffix -li, -14, -lu are also not inflected in Serbo-Croatian: Turkish Serbo-Croatian boyali "colored" bojali "colored" Qiqekli "flowered" fiitfekli "flowered" guzelli "pretty" cJuzeli "pretty" sesli "loud" sesli "loud" zeherli "poisonous" zeherli -"poisonous"

On rare occasions, as in poetry and folklore, the suffix -li is added to a Serbo-Croatian noun. This form then becomes subject to the rules governing Turkish adjectives: zlatali «£ zlato +-li "golden" paprikali ^ + -li "hot-peppered" perali pero + -li "feathery"

2. Turkish adjectives that end in the derivative suffixes siz, siz, suz, suz, can be used as regular adjectives or can assume the function of a substantive in the Serbo-Croatian: Turkish Serbo-Croatian bahtslz "unlucky" baksuz "man without luck" adj. "unlucky" mekansuz "homeless" mecansuz "man without home" adj. "homeless" nafakasiz "poor” nafakasuz "man without enough food" adj. "poor” parasiz "penniless" parasuz "man without any money" adj. penniless" rehatsiz "disturbed" rahatsuz "man who does not have any peace" adj. "disturbed" The Turkish adjectival suffixes -li,-ii,-iu, -lu, change into -li without exception in the Serbo-Croatian language: 30 li# li# lu# lu,y li / — #

The Turkish adjectives that end in siz, siz, suz, suz assume the ending -suz without exception in Serbo-Croatian: siz, siz, suz, suz, y suz // — #

Turkish Serbo-Croatian boyali "colored" bojali "colored" aspurlu "dark red" aspurli "dark red" sekerli "sweet" secerli "sweet" bahtsiz "unlucky" baksuz "unlucky" parasiz "penniless" parasuz "penniless"

2 .2 .3 . Verbs Many features of the Turkish verbal system differ significantly from Serbo-Croatian verbal.forms . For example, the Turkish language has a vast number of conjugational forms. 21 They derive from various verbal stems: simple present stem, present progressive stem, bare stem, past Indefinite stem, future stem, as well as from present, past, and future participles. 22 In the Serbo-Croatian language, all the tenses are formed from two stems: the present and the infinitive stem. There are five verbal moods in the Turkish system: indicative, imperative, conditional, necessative, and optative. The Serbo-Croatian language has only three moods: indicative, imperative, and conditional. Verbal aspects do not exist in the Turkish language. In all Slavic languages, however, the imperfective and the perfective aspects are basic features of their verbal systems. Inasmuch as Turkish verbal forms do not have an inherent aspect they acquire this grammatical feature in the Serbo-Croatian system. . There are three grammatical methods of forming verbs from the Turkish loan words: 1. The infinitives of verbs that have the infix is a (

,Turkish Serbo-Croatian be§en (^be§enmek) "to like" begenisati "to like" benze (-c benzemek) "to resemble" benzeisati "to resemble" kametle (•< kametlemek) "to study prayer" kametleisati "to study prayer" soy 4c(soymak) "to rob" sojisati "to rob" yagla -^(yaglamak) "to grease" jaglaisati "to grease"

B. By adding the suffix -isati to the derivative perfect stem of the Turkish verbs which drop the final vowels / i / # A/, /u/# or /u/. Turkish Serbo-Croatian boyadi (** boymak) "to color" bojadisati "to color" bozdu (■*■ bozmak) "to spoil" bozdisati "to spoil" kirdi kirmak) "to break" krdisati "to break" sevdi sevmek) "to love" sevdisati "to love" yarati (

In some cases, there is a parallel use of Turkish verbal loans that derive from the present and the perfect stems:

begenisati begendisati "to like" eglenisati eglendisati "to talk" bailisati /-v, baldisati " to faint"

C. By adding -isati to certain Turkish nouns or adjectives:

Turkish Serbo-Croatian bela "worry" belaisati "to be miserable" budala "fool" budalasati se "to do silly things " diirnen "wheel" dumenisati "to steer a ship" tembel, tenbel "lazy" . dembelisati "to be idle" surgun "exile" surgunisati "to exile 32

, M. Stevanovid claims that the aspect of -isati verbs can be determined only by the context in which these verbs occur. 25 2. At times, certain Turkish nouns, adjectives, and a few verbs can become Serbo-Croatian verbs by the addition of the suffixes -ovati, -ati, or -iti.^ A. Nouns: Turkish Serbo-Croatian agik "lover" aSikovati "to love" bayram "religious " bajramovati "to celebrate bairam" budala "fool" budaliti "to go crazy" kSr "gain" dariti "to gain" burgu "drill" burgijati "to drill" dever "to'struggle" deverati "to struggle" B. Adjectives: Tuikish Serbo-Croatian battal "spoiled" bataliti "to abandon" hazir "present" hazurati "to get ready" yagak "forbidden" ja&i£ati "to forbid"

C. Verbs: Turkish Serbo-Croatian anladim (perf. 1. pers. sing, of anlamak) anladumiti "to comprehend" "comprehend" savatmak "to take cattle to graze" suvatovati "to take cattle to graze" 3. A few Serbo-Croatian verbs are formed by adding the aux- 27 iliary verbs biti, fiiniti , and u£initi to certain Turkish loan words. Turkish Serbo-Croatian gaib "absent" gaib biti; gaib se u&initi "to disappear" dua "prayer" dovu £initi "to pray" halas "salvation" halas biti; halas seu£initi "to save oneself"; halas udiniti "to free somebody" The perfect stems of the Turkish verbs drop the final vowels A / , A / , /u/» or /u / when they acquire the Serbo-Croatian suffix -dsati: i, i , u, u ^ 0 / — isati

g -2 .4 . Adverbs Turkish and Serbo-Croatian adverbs show a great similarity in their structure. In both languages, adjectives frequently function as adverbs. In the Turkish language the adjective in the nominative case is used as an adverb. 28 In the Serbo-Croatian, the neuter form of the adjective in the nominative case functions as an adverb. In both languages new adverbs are formed by the addition of certain suffixes to adjectives and nouns. All Turkish adverbs that are used in the Serbo-Croatian language retain their original structure and remain unchanged:

Turkish Serbo - Croatian beraber "together: barabar "together" £ak "even" &ak "even" gene "again" dtene "again" hala "constantly" hala "constantly" pek "very" pek "very" 34

Footnotes (Chapter II

1St. Stavovskij, "Zametki o Metodologiji Etimologitfeskix Issledovanij Tureckih Zaimstvovanij v Serbsko-Xorvatskom Jazyke," Etimoloqija (1964), p. 59.



4Skok, Slavia (1937-1938). p. 173.

3J. Nemeth, Turkish Grammar ('S-Gravenhage:Mouton & Co., 1962), p. 20. C In certain northern and western areas Turk./g/ = /g / in Serbo- Croatian. §kaljic, Turcizmi u Srpskohrvatskom Teziku. p. 30. 7 Nemeth, Turkish Grammar, p. 33.

8Ibid.. p. 39.

8M. Stevanovic, Savremeni Srpskohrvatski Tezik (Beograd; Nau^no Delo, 1964), p. 561.

10Ib id .. p. 508.

11Ib id .. p. 485.


13Ib id .. p. 514.

14Ib id ., p. 509.

15Ib id ., p . 485.

16Ib id .. p. 237. 17Ibid.. p. 227. 18 Nemeth. Turkish Grammar, p. 100. 20 Ibid.

21Ibid., p. 66.

22Ib id .. pp. 72-78.

22§kaljic, Turcizmi u Srpskohrvatskom Tezlku. p. 41.

2^Ibid., pp. 41-44. 25 / Stevanovic, Savremeni Srpskohrvatski Tezlk. p. 610.

262kaljic, Turcizmi u Srpskohrvatskom Teziku,. p. 43.

27Ib id .. p p . 43-44.

2^Nemeth, Turkish Grammar, p. 57. CHAPTER III


Ivo Andri^ used more than five hundred Turkish loan words in Na Drini Cuprite. The purpose of this chapter will be to classify and analyze the derivation of each Turkish element found in the novel,* with particular stress on their semantic value in contemporary Serbo-Croatian language. Various dictionaries were consulted in an attempt to achieve a wide spectrum on the semantic value of these loan words. The dictionaries consulted were the following: 2 Drvodelic, Milan. Hrvatsko-Enqleski Rje&nik. : £>kolska Knjiga, 1953. Hony, H .C .. A Turkish-Enqlish Dictionary, Oxford; at the Clarendon Press, 195 7. Karadzic, Vuk Stefan. Srpski Rie&iik. 3rd ed. Beograd: Stamparija Kraljevine Srbije, 1898. Klaic, Bratoljub, Veliki RleSnik Stranih R11e5i. Izraza i Kratica. 2nd ed. Zagreb: Zora, 1966. KneSevic, Anton, Die Turzismen in der Sprache der Croaten und Serben. Meinheim am Gian: Verlag Anton Hain, 1962. Moran, Vahid, Turkce-Inqlizce Sozluk. Istanbul: Kagil ve Bagini I^leri H. Sirketi, 1945. Redhouse, Tames William . An English and Turkish Dictionary.II. London: B. Quaritch, 1857. Skaljic, Abdulah, Turcizmi u Srpskohrvatskom Teziku. Sarajevo: Svjetlost, 1965. Vujaklija, Milan, Leksikon Stranih Re& i Izraza. Beograd: Geca Kon A.D., 1937. In addition, there will be reference to the number of occurrences and the grammatical function of each Turkish loan word in Na Drini 6uprija. Each entry consists of:

36 37

1. General meaning 2. Meaning according to various dictionaries 3. Origin of the word 4. Grammatical category 5. Number of occurrences Many of these loan words have become an integral part of the Serbo-Croatian language, and they are generally not considered as Turkish loans. In the list which follows, such words will be marked with an asterisk. It should be understood, however, that the asterisk classification reflects my own evaluation of these integral words, with which another speaker of Serbo-Croatian might not agree . 38 * * A BAD ZITA "draper, clothier; maker, dealer of (in) cloth, for peasants" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Aba-Tuch-Schneider Kl. + proizvodac predmeta od abe, krojac seljackih odela Kn. + Schneider, Dorfschneider §k. + suknar, zanacija koji izraduje odijela •ill predmete od abe Vu. + krojac koji se bavi izradom iskljucivo seljacke odece od tzv. seljackog sukna Origin: Turk, aba "coarse woolen stuff" + -ci Turk, suffix denoting somebody who works with something, does something + -ja -S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony - Mor. - a maker or seller of aba Red. - Form: noun, masc., - a stem Occurr: 1: p. 277.

\ v V ADZAMI OGIAN, (ADZEMI OGIAN) "children of the Christian Slavic families taken to Turkey where they were raised to become lanissaries" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + zarobljena deca od koje su postajali Janicari Kn. + Von den Turken entfuhrtes kind der Christen, Slaven kind Sk. + dj ecaci koje su posebni janiji£arski fcinovnici, odnosno vojnici -tumadzije- uzimali u osvojenim zemljama Vu. - Origin Turk, acemu "foreign "^Arab. ajsemi "Persian" + Oglan "child" Hony + a recruit in the janissaries Mor. - Red. + a lad newly received into the service of the Sultan's person (in older times) Form: noun, masc. - consonantal stem Occurr: 2: pp. 22, 75. 39

, AFERIM. "bravo! excellent! so it is! " Meaning; Drv. - Ka. + bravo! macte! Kl. + bravo! tako je, tako valja! Kn. + Bravo! So is t's recht! §k. + bravo; tako je odlicno, ziv bio Vu. + bravo, tako je! Origin; Turk, aferim (n) "bravo! well done"z.Pers. aferim "praise, applaude" » H Hony + bravo; well done! Mor. + "well done, splendid" Red. + "well done" Form; interjection Occurr; 2: p. 233.

\ u AGA "host, landlord, a rich farmer (man) Meaning; Drv. - Ka. + DerAga (Herr) v Kl. + zemljoposednik, gazda, vlastelin, nizi plemic (u ranku ispod bega) Kn. + Aga, Offizier, Kommandant; alterer v Bruder, Herr Sk. + gazda, dobro stojeci gradanin, veliko- posednik; naslov svih zapovednika turske placene vojske; pocasni naslov za svakog onog ko ne pripada inteligenciji i plemstvu Vu. + gospodin, gospodar, nadzornik, zapovednik; pocasna titula us bivKoj Turskoj Origin; Turk, aga "master, lord, gentleman" Hony + obsolete title given to an illiterate man, master, lord, gentleman Mor. + agha, chief Red. + country gentl., a master, the eldest brother, the title of various chief officers in the civil and military service Form; noun, masc., - a stem Occurr; 5; pp. 22, 130, 131, 266. AGIN "belonging to aga" (adj.) 3 Origin; aga + -in - S-Cr. possessive suffix Form: adjective, possessive Occurr: 2: pp. 22, 23.

AGINSKI "aga's" (adj.) Origin: agin + -ski - S-Cr. possessive (qualitative) suffix Form: adjective, qualitative, ^ Occurr: 1: p. 73.

AHMEDim "turban; white linen wrapped around the rfes'" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + turban, calma, saruk; platneni ovoj oko fesa Kn. + Bund, Turkenbund; Turban Sk. + calma, saruk; tanko platno omotano oko fesa Vu. - Origin: Turk, ahmedije 4. Arab, alahmediya "praised" (f) <. hamide "to praise, command" Hony - Mor. - Red. - Form: noun, fem., - a stem Occurr: 5: pp. 137, 154, 255, 366. 41 ATA "no! nothing doing! " Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Ach nein! Nicht doch! Kl. - Kn. - §k. + ne! nema ni§ta od toga! Vu. - Origin: Turk, aya "perhaps" ^ Pers. aya "whether, perhaps" Hony + I wonder whether; maybe; perhaps Mor. + whether? if? I wonder? Red. + I wonder whether, let us see whether Form: interjection Occurr: 1: p. 59.

AIDE * see HAJDE "go! come along!" Meaning: Drv. + come along! go, be gone! Ka. + (ha jdemo) gehen wir! Kl. - Kn. + Soil gehen Sk. - idi! podi Vu. - Origin: Turk, "come! be off!" (hadi Hony + come! be off! Mor. + come along! well! Red. now then! go on! now for it! Form: interjection, II pers., imperative Occurr: 4: pp. 168, 217,. 236, 242. 42

AJLUKCITA "a man who receives monthly wages" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + vojnik koji vojuje za platu Kl. + pladenik, najamnik (vojnicki); mjesecar Kn. + besoldeter Krieger Sk. + mjeseCar, sluzbenik s mesecnom platom Vu. - Origin: Turk, ayttkci "one who receives a monthly salary" + i -ja -S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + one who receives a monthly salary Mor. + salaried (on the basis of a monthly salary) Red. - Form: noun, masc., a stem Occurr: 1: p. 234.

AKSAM "twilight, dusk, nightfall; the fourth daily prayer of the Moslems, after the sundown" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + das vierte Gebet des Turken; nach Sonnenunterung Kl. + jsumrak; £etvrta dnevna muslimanska molitva Kn. + Viertes Gebet der Turken nach v Sonnenunterung; Abend Sk. + prvi sumrak, zalaz sunca; cetvrta po redu muslimanska, molitva Vu. + .vece, noc; vreme fietvrte molitve muhamedanaca po zalasku sunca Origin: Turk, aksam "evening" Hony + evening; in the evening Mor. + evening Red. + evening Form: noun, masc., - consonantal stem

Occurr: 3: pp. 18, 185, 225. 43 t AKSAMLUK "evening gathering"

Meaning; Drv. - Ka. - IQ. + gesseliges Zusammensitzen nach Feierabend Sk. + vecemja sedeljka, razgovor Vu. - 5 Origin: Turk. ak^am + -Ilk - Turkish nominal suffix Hony + evening clothes, etc. Mor. + for the evening; evening dress Red. - Form noun, masc., - consonantal stem Occurr: 1: p. 203.

AIAH "God" Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + naziv za Boga kod muslimana Kn. + Gott Sk. + Bog Vu. + Bog , Origin: Turk, allah "God" < Arab, allah "God" Hony + God Mor. + God Red. + God Form: noun, masc. - consonantal stem Occurr: 4: pp. 135, 243, 244, 320.

t. 44

\ \ AIAKANIE (HAIAKANJE) "shouting, screaming" Meaning: verbal noun derived from (h) alakati as given by: Drv. Ka. Kl. vikati Alah pri jurisu, u bitki ili i inace u fcudenju ili snebivanju; (fig.) vikati, derati se, galamiti + Allah schreien, das Kriegsgeschei ausstofcen 3k. + vikati "Alah1. Alah'." pri jurisu u boju, ili kao uzvici fcudenja ili snebivanja; vikati, derati se, galamiti Vu'. - Origin: Turk. allah + -ka - SC. iterrative suffix6 + -nje - SC. nominal suffix7 Form: noun, verbal, neuter gender, -jo stem Occurr: 1: p. 23.

ALAT * "tools, implements " Meaning: Drv. + tools, implements Ka. + das Werkzeug Kl. + orude, sprava Kn. + Werkzeug Sk. + orude, sprave Vu. + orude Origin: Turk, alat (pi. of alet) "tools"< Arab. Slat pl.

AIAT * " (colored) horse" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + der Fuchs (Pferd) Kl. + ridan (konj ride boje) Kn. + Fuchs; Ochse Sk. + konj Crvenkaste, ride boje Vu. + rid konj sa Suckastom dlakom Origin: Turk, al + at "red horse" Hony + chestnut horse Mor. - Red. - Form: noun, masc., consonantal stem Occurr: 2: p. 83. ALVAT (HALVAT) "big room on the first floor (family room)" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + prizemlje; soba u prizemlju; mimo osamljeno mesto Kn. + einsamer Art, abgesondertes Zimmer, Zimmer im Erdgeschoj* . §k. + velika, prostrana, porodiJSna soba u prizemlju staiih kuca Vu. - Origin: Turk, halvet "spacious room"<£ Arab, halwet "solitude, retired place" Hony + solitude, lonely place, room Mor. + solitude, private place Red. + solitude, privacy, private room Form: noun, masc., - consonantal stem Occurr: 3: pp. 121, 122, 348

AMA * "but, only" Meaning: Drv. + (ama, bails) just Ka. + aber, allein Kl. - Kn. + aber Sk. + all, samo Vu. - Origin:' Turk, amma "but" 4. Arab, emma "but, as to, however Hony + but Mor. + but, still Red. + but Form: conjunction Occurr: 13: pp. 70, 131, 146, 243, 249, 250, 262, 321, 351, 355. 47

AMATIITA (HAMAJHJA) "amulet" Meaning: Drv. + amulet, talisman Ka. + der Talisman, T~Kastchen Kl. + amulet, talisman Kn. + Talismann, Talisman-Kastchen; apfelsorte §k. + amulet, talisman; mala knjiSica sa izrekama iz Korana Vu. + 6udotvomi, Sarobni zapis koji Stiti of zla Origin: Turk, hamail "band or cord worn over one shoulder for carrying sword; amulet"

AMBAR * "granary" Meaning: Drv. + granary Ka. + das Magazin Kl. + zitnica, spremiste, skladiste Kn. + Scheune, Speicher, Magazin Sk. + Zitarica, silos; sanduk za Zito i braSno Vu. + skladiSte za robu, naroSito 2ito, koS, 2itnica Origin: Turk, ambar, anbar "granary" ^ Pers. anbar "storehouse" Hony + granary, storehouse; magazine Mor. + granary, storehouse, warehouse Red. + granary, storehouse, room, or chest Form: noun, masc., - consonantal stem

Occurr: 1: p . 85. 48 A\ ANGARITA "forced labor" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + te&ak, tegoban posao, kuluk, kulu£enje Kn. - §k. + teretan posao, patnja, muka; kuluk, kulutfenje Vu. - Origin: Turk, angary a "forced labor" <. Grk. angaria "forced labor" Hony + forced labor, unpaid job, hard task Mor. + duty - service, fatigue - duty Red. + any work which brings in no return, forced labor Form: noun, fem. - a stem Occurr: 1: p. 67.

ANIAIISATI "to understand, to comprehend" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + razumjeti; shvatiti Kn. - §k + razumjeti, shvatiti Vu. - Origin: Turk, anla^anlamak "to understand" + -isa Greek aorist suffix + -ti - S-Cr. infinitive suffix* 0 Hony + understand Mor. + understand, comprehend Red. + to understand, comprehend Form: V, imperfective

Occurr: 1 : p. 133. 49

ANTE RI1A "loose robe worn over the shirt" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Jjnterkleid mit Aermeln Kl. + dio odje6e kod muslimana, obla& se povrh koSulje Kn. + Art Unterkleid mit Armeln Sk. + vrsta gomje haljine Vu. + gomja haljina sa dugaSkim rukavima Origin: Turk, entari "robe" Arab.’anteri "bodice, long sleeved jacket" + -ja -S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + loose robe Mor. + inner coat; , shift Red. - Form: noun, fern., - a stem Occurr: 2: pp. 28, 76.

ARABA "cart, wagon, carriage" Meaning: Drv. - Kl. + obifina zapre£na kola Kn. + Wagen Sk. + teretna, zapre£na kola Vu. - Origin: Turk, araba "wagon" ^ Arab.'arebe "carriage, wagon" Hony + carriage, cart, wagon Mor. + cab, coach; cart; vehicle Red. + a cart or carriage of any kind Form: noun, fern., - a stem Occurr: 1: p . 248 50 ara £ (hara 6) "poll-tax, contribution" Meaning: Drv. + poll-tax, capitation, contribution Ka. + Kopfsteuer Kl. + glavarina (porez na mu&ku glavu) Kn. + . Kopfsteuer Sk. + glavarina Vu. + glavarina (porez koji su placali nemuslimani za vreme Turske vladavine) Origin: Turk. haraS "poll-tax" < Arab, har^j "poll-tax; income" Hony + tribute, tax (formerly tax paid by non- Moslems in lieu of military services) Mor. + tribute, tax Red. + tribute paid to the government Form: noun, masc., - consonantal stem Occurr: 3: pp. 164, 218.

X rgat "day laborer, laborer" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Taglohner Kl. + nadnifiar, radnik Kn. - §k. + nadni&ar, radnik Vu. - Origin: Turk, irgat <■ N. Greek ergatis - “laborer" (med. Turk. - argat - 1544-1548) 11 Hony + laborer, workman Mor. + laborer, day laborer Red. + laborer Form: noun, masc., - consonantal stem Occurr: 1: p . 30. ARGATOVANIE "laboring for daily wages" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Arbeiten um Tagelohn, Tagldhnem Kl. - Kn. - Sk. - Vu. - 12 Origin: argat + -ova - S-Cr. verbal suffix + -nje Form: verbal noun, Occurr: 1: p. 33.

AR&N "ell (measure), yard (Turkish)" Meaning: Drv. + ell (measure) Ka. + Elle Kl. + rif, lakat (mera za duginu) Kn. + Elle Sk. •f stara mera za du£inu Vu. mera za du£inu; lakat, rif Origin: Turk, arsin "Turkish yard" Hony + Turkish yard (about 27 in.) Mor. + ell Red. + Turkish yard Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 3: pp. 53, 73, 175.

ASKER "soldier" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + vojnik Kn. + Soldat, Heer Sk. + vojska, vojnik Vu. + vojska, vojnik Origin: Turk, asker "soldier"Arab. asker "to form an encampment" (soldiers) Hony + soldier Mor. + soldier, military man Red. + soldier; army Form: noun, masc., - cons. stem Occurr: 4: pp. 131, 132, 148, 269. ASKERSKI "belonging to a soldier" Origin; asker + -ski - S.C. adjectival suffix Form; qualitative adjective Occurr; 1: p. 100.

a §6 ita "cook"

Meaning; Drv. - Ka. + Koch Kl. + kuhar Kn. + Koch, Sudel, Gorkoch; billigen Garbuche §k. + kuhar Vu. + kuvar Origin; Turk. a§£i, ahpi <, Pers. aS - "cooked food" + -pi Turkish nominal suffix + -Ja - S.C. nominal suffix Hony + cook Mor. + cook Red. + cook Form; noun, masc., - a stem Occurr; 1: p. 71

A|lK "lover" Meaning; Drv. - flirting Ka. - Kl. + ljubavnik, dragi Kn. . + Verliebter Sk. + ljubavnik, dragan Vu. + onaj koji gori od ljubavi, ljubavnik Origin; Turk, ajik ^Arab.'aSik "a lover, one who' loves" Hony + in love; rover, wandering minstrel Mor. + loving, in love, lover Red. - Form; noun, masc., cons, stem

Occurr: 1: p. 225. 53

A&KOVANIE "flirting, paying court to, making love" Meaning: verbal noun of aSikovati as given by: Drv. + flirt, pay court to Ka.' + cares siren Kl. + voljeti se, milovati se, voditi ljubav Kn * + Liebschaften haben Sk. + voditi ljubavni razgovor, udvaranje .• izmedu momka i djevojke Vu. + voditi ljubav Origin: Tuik. a§k “love"

ATIASLI "made of satin" Meaning: adjective, derived from atlas as given by:

Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + vrsta svilene tkanine Kn. + satin Sk. + sjajna svilena tkanina Vu. + sjajna svilena halijina Origin: Turk, atlas "satin" <. Arab. atlas-cGreek atlas + -li Turkish adjectival suffix 13 Form: adjective, indeclin. Occurr: l : p . 175. 54

AVDEST (ABDEST) "ablution before a prayer" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Umwaschung (des Tiirken) vor dem Gebete Kl. + ritualno umivanje muslimana prije molitve Kn. + Waschung d. Turken von d. Gebet §k. + pranje lica, nogu i ruku pre molitve kod muslimana Vu. + muhamedanska pranje pre molitve Origin: Turk, abdest "ritual ablution" < pers. abdest "ritual ablution" Hony + ritual ablution Mor. - Red. + smaller ablution before prayer Form: noun, masc., cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 246.

AVETINTSKI* "ghostly, spooky" Meaning: being like, looking like avet. avetinja as given by: Drv. + ghost, spook, apparation Ka. + Gespenst Kl. + straSilo, utvara Kn. + Gespenst, Spuk, Geister-Scheinung §k. + pxikaza, utvara, strasilo Vu. Origin: Turk, afet "calamity, blight" Arab, aft + -inja - S.Cr. nominal suffix + -ski - S.Cr. adjectival suffix Hony + disaster, calamity Mor. + misfortune, calamity Red. + calamity Form: qualitative adjective Occurr: 3: pp. 40, 62, 91. 55 AVIIJA "court, courtyard" Meaning: Drv. + court, courtyard Ka. + Haushaf Kl. + dvoriSte Kn. - §k. + kudno dvori^te, ogradeno Vu. + dvor, dvorlSte . Origin: Turk, avll (u) "courtyard" 4. Grk. avH "courtyard" + -ja - S.Cr. nominal suffix Hony + courtyard Mor. + courtyard . Red. + courtyard, yard Form: noun, fern., - a stem Occurr: 14: pp. 30, 31, 58, 81, 88, 89, 123, 141, 154, 223, 246, 324, 348, 353.

AVIITSKI "courtyard" Origin: avlija + -ski - S.Cr. - adjectival suffix Form: qualitative adjective Occurr: 2: pp. 224, 335.

BABO15 "father" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Vater Kl. + otac Kn. + Vater §k. + otac Vu. + otac Origin: Turk, baba "father " < Pers. baba "father, grand­ father" Hony + father; forefather, head of a religious order Mor. + father, chief, elder Red. + father Form: noun, masc., - a stem

Occurr: 1: p . 122. 56 BADAVA * "free, gratis, free of charge" Meaning: Drv. + free, gratis, for nothing Ka. + unentgeltlich Kl. + besplatno, uzalud; beskorisno; bezrazlo 2no Kn. + umsonst, unentgeltlich Sk. + besplatno, vrlo jeftino, uzalud Vu. + besplatno, uzalud, uzaman Origin: Turk, bedava "gratis" * bad-i-hava "wind and air"-^ Pers. bad "wind" and Arab, hewa "air" Hony + gratis, for nothing, very cheap Mor. + gratis, free Of charge Red. + gratis, without money Form: adverb

Occurr: 1: p. 32.

badavad Zija * "idler, lounger, lazy-bones, sponger, parasite" Meaning: Drv. + idler, lounger (etc.) Ka. + der alles umsonst haben will; der Mussigganger Kl. + gotovan, lijenSina Kn. + Schmarotzer Sk. + gotovan, neradnik Vu. + besposliSar, lenStina Origin: badava + -ci - Turk, nominal suffix + -ja - S.Cr. nominal suffix Form: noun, masc., - a stem Occurr: 2: pp. 39, 161.

BAGIAMA "hinge, staple" Meaning: Drv. + hinge, staple Ka. + angel und Band an der Thur Kl. + Sarka Kn. '+ Benden Sc. + Sarka na vratima Vu. + Sarka na vratima Origin; Turk, ba^lama < baiflamak "to tie, bind" Hony + bound, tied Mor. + being tied or bound; connection Red. - Form: noun, fern., - a stem Occurr: 1: p. 213

bKtRAM (BA.RJAM) "Bairam" Meaning: Drv. + Bairam Ka. + Bairam fest Kl. + naziv za muslimanski blagdan Kn. + Bairamfest Sk. + muslimanski vjerski praznik Vu. + veliki muhamedanski praznik Origin: Turk. Bayram "religious holiday in general, feast day" Hony + religious feast day Mor. + Bairam, feast day, festival Red. + holy feast, holiday, festival Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 71.

BARREN * "made of copper" Meaning: adjective derived from bakar as given by: Drv. + copper Ka. + Kupfer Kl. + hemijski element Kn. + Kupfer Sk. + metal cuprum; bakreno posude Vu. - Origin: bakar Turk, bakir "copper" + -en - S.Cr. adjectival suffix 16 Form: adjective, qualitative

Occurr: 3: pp. 21, 109, 322. 58

BALKAN SKI * "Balkan" Meaning: adjective derived from Balkan as given by: Drv. + Balkans Ka. Kl. + Gorje u ju2noj Evropi, a potom i cijeli poluotok Kn. - Sk. + Balkansko Poluostrvo Vu. - Origin: Turk. Balkan < balkan "chain of wooded mountains" + -ski -S.Cr. adjectival suffix Hony + chain of wooded mountains Mor. + Balkan, chain of wooded mountains Red. + mountain, covered with fprest Form: adjective, qua litative Occurr: 2: pp. 273, 281.

BARXAK * (RAJRAK) "flag, banner" Meaning: Drv. + flag, banner Ka. + Fahne Kl. + zastava Kn. + Fahne Sk. + zastava Vu. + zastava, steg Origin: Turk, bayrak "flag" (with methatesis of -Jr- > -rj-in some S-Cr. dialects) Hony + flag, banner, standard Mor. + flag, banner, standard Red. + flag, banner, standard Form: noun, masc. -cons, stem Occurr: 4:. pp. 96, 97, 98. BASAMAK * "step, stair" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Treppenstufe Kl. + stuba, stepenica Kn. + Treppestufe Sk. + stepenice (u mnoSini), stepenica na stepenigtu Vu. + stepen, stepenica Origin: Turk, basamak "step" Hony + step, stair Mor. + step, stair Red. + step in a ladder, stair Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 7: pp. 11, 93, 110, 135, 137, 178, 362.

baSib 6 zuk "irregular turkish soldier" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + vojnik neredovite turske vojske; okrutni pljafikaS Kn. + unregulares tiirk, Heer Sk. + naoruZane grupe demobilisanih vojnika koje su se odmetale u plja£ku Vu. + neredovne trupe u Turskoj vojsci Origin: Turk, bajibozuk "civilian" Hony - Mor. + irregular(s) civilian Red. + one whose clothes are not uniform Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 1: p . 148. 60

RA&TA * (RA&cSa ) "garden, flower-garden, orchard" Meaning: Drv. + garden, flower-garden, orchard Ka. + Garten; Obstgarten Kl. + vrt Kn. + Garten; Obstgarten Sk. + vrt; vo 6njak Vu. + vrt, gradina

Origin: Turk, bahpe (bag 9e) "garden" c Pers. bagdfe "littlaoarden" bag + -Se demunitive suffix1' Hony + garden Mor. + garden Red. + garden Form: noun, fern., - a stem Occurr: 18: pp. 31, 81, 91, 107, 114, 117, 141, 168, 229, 264, 279, 295, 324, 348.

BATALITI * "abandon, leave; spoil, neglect" Meaning: Drv. + abandon, quit; corrupt, spoil Ka. + verlassen, verwahrlosen; verderben, heschadigan Kl. + okaniti se 6ega, ostaviti; pokvariti; poremetiti Kn. + verlassen, verwahslasen Sk. + okaniti se, napustiti (po)kvarlti, (po)remetiti Vu. + okaniti se Sega, napustiti; pokvariti nesto Origin: Turk, battal "useless, worthless; cancelled"^ Arab, baital "worthless; workless" + -i + -ti - S-Cr. infinitive suffix Hony + useless, worthless; abrogated, cancelled Mor. + disused, cancelled; too big Red. + of no further use; a champion, man of valour Form: verb, imperfective

Occurr: 1: p . 340. BUDARINA "gauging fee, toll" Meaning: Drv. + gauging fee Ka. +. Zollgeld Kl. + carina, taksa na mitnici Kn. + Zoll, Eichen, Zollgeld Sk. + troSarina, maltarina, carina Vu. + carina, poreza

Origin: Turk, bacdar "coll tax collector" < Pers. bajf I ba£ "toll, tax," + dar "keeper, carrier," + -^ii na - S.Cr. nominal s u f f i x * 8 Hony - Mor. - Red. - Form: noun, fern., - a stem Occurr: 1: p. 361.

.biSd em * "wall of fortress or town" Meaning: Drv. + wall of fortress or town, bulwark Ka. + Mauer Kl. + zid, nasip oko tvrdave Kn. + Wall, Festungsmauer, Damm Sk. + zid tvrdave Vu. Origin: Turk, beden "wall of a castle; trunk body" <. Arab, beden "body (especially the trunk)" Hony + body, trunk; wall of a castle Mor. + body, physique, trunk Red. + body; the main trunk of the body; the walls (of a castle or town) Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem

Occurr: 1: p . 21. 62

BEDE VITA* "Arabic mare" Meaning: Drv. + mare Ka. + Arabische Stute Kl. + arapska kobila; ogroman teretni konj Kn. + Arabische Stute §k. + kobila arapske pasmine Vu. + pustinjski konj; konj dobre rase

Origin; Turk, bedevi "bedouin" (adj. and noun) 4. Arab, bedewiyy "bedoiun, nomad (adj.)" + -Ja - S.Cr. nominal suffix Hony - Mor. + bedouin, nomad, nomadic Red. + inhabiting, or growing in the desert or unreclaimed wilderness Form: noun, fern., - a stem Occurr: 1: p. 14.

* BEG ", nobleman, squire" Meaning: Drv. + bey Ka. + Art Adel, dem Fursten entsprechend Kl. + gospodin, turski plemi 6ki naslov Kn. + bey Sk. + plemic, gospodin Vu. + gospodar, upravnik 19 Origin: Turk, beg (modem: bey) "nobleman, chief" Hony + formerly a title inferior to Pasha and superior to Aga; gentleman,prince, chief Mor. + Bey, mister Red. + bey, prince, lord, squire Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 14: pp. 96, 117, 130, 131, 157, 203, 207, 211, 213, 261, 339. 63 b! glu £ ki "belonging to the bey's estate" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + herrschaftlich Kl. + podruSje, kraj kojim upravlja beg; zemlja koja pripada begu jpi. + herrschaftlich Vu! - Origin: Turk, beylik "district governed by Bey" + -ski - S.Cr. possessive suffix (by analogy with bolesnik + l*ski boles ni Ski) 20 Hony + title or status of Bey; district governed by bey Mor. + quality of a Bey; principality Red. + the rank of bey; principality, state under the rule of beg Form: adjective possessive, masc. Occurr: 1: p. 253.

BEGOVSKI "belonging to bey" Origin: beg+ov+ski - S.-Cr. possessive suffixes Form: possessive adjective

Occurr: 8 : pp. 118, 207, 212, 213, 283, 286, 291, 301

\ 64

BEHAR "fruit blossom" Meaning; Drv. - Ka. + Bluthe Kl. + cvijet (na vockama) Kn. + Blute §k. + cvijet vocke, latice of takvog cvijeta Vu. + cvet, narodito cvet na vodkama Origin: Turk, behar, bahar "spring"

Occurr; 1: p. 261.

BEKRHA * "drunkard, soaker, habitual drunkard" Meaning: Drv. + drunkard, hard drinker, soaker, tippler Ka. - Kl. + pijanica, lola, lump Kn. + Saufer, Saufbold §k. + onaj koji rado pije; saihoS, pijanica, lola Vu. + pijanica, razvratnik Origin; Turk, bekri "habitual drunkard" Arab, bukra (iyy) "of the early morning" + -ja - S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + habitual drunkard, toper Mor. + habitual drunkard, inebriate, alcoholic Red. + habitual drunkard Form; noun, masc., - a stem Occurr; 2: pp. 162, 215. BELCIM "perhaps, maybe, but" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + vielleicht, kann sein Kl. + moifda, vjerojatno, valjda Kn. + kann sein, Wahr scheinlich Sk. + mo2da, valjda, vjerovatno Vu. + mo2da, valjda Origin: Turk, belki, vulg. belkim "perhaps'!cArab. belkl "perhaps" < Arab, bel "but" + -ki Pers. suffix Hony + perhaps, maybe, even, but Mor. + perhaps, probably maybe Red. + perhaps, maybe Form: adverb Occurr: 2: pp. 271, 351.

BELT "certainly, undoubtedly" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + zaista, sigumo, tako je Kn. + wahrlich; offenbar, offensichtlich Sk. + sigumo, zaista, tako je, da Vu. + poznato, javno, zacelo, bez sumnje Origin: Turk, belli "known, evident, clear" and beli "yes 4 Pers. bell< Arab, bela "yes" Hony + evident, known, clear, yes Mor. + known> clear, definite, yes Red. + known; yes Form: adverb Occurr: 1: p . 148 66

BEZBEII "evident, indeed, of course"

Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + naravno, o5evidno, dabome, jasno Kn. + wahrlich, offenbar, offensichtlich 3k. + sigumo, zaista, besumnje, dabogme Vu. + dabome, zaista Origin: Turk, besbelli (superlative of belli) "very clear" Hony + very clear, evident Mor. + quite clear, evident Red. - Form: adverb Occurr: 1: p. 321.

BERBERIN * "barber" Meaning: Drv. + barber, hairdresser, shaver Ka. + Barbier Kl. + brlja£ Kn. + Frisor, Wundarzt 3k. + zanatlija koji brije,Sisa, brija£, brico Vu. - Origin: Turk, berber "barber" * Pers. berber z. Ital. barbiere + in - S-Cr. nominal suffix 21 Hony + barber Mor. + barber, hairdresser Red. + barber Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 2: pp. 101, 175. BERICET "abundance, felicity" Meaning: Drv. - Ka . + Gedeichen, Gluck Kl. + blagoslov, sre<5a Kn. + Gottessegen, Gedeichen §k. + obilje, izobilje, sreca, napredak Vu. + obilje, obilatnost, blagoslov, plotnost Origin: Turk, bereket "blessing, abundance" <■ Arab, bereke "blessing" Hony + abundance, increase, blessing Mor. + abundance, plenty; fecundity; felicity, blessing Red. + God's blessing; increase, plenty Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 70.

beri6 e t ii plentiful, prosperous, flourishing Meaning: The same as adj. bericetan given by: Drv. + plentiful, abundunt, copious Ka. + gedeihlich, fruchtbar, glucklich Kl. + blagoslovan, sretan, obilan Kn. + fruchtbar, glucklich §k. + rodan, plodan; sre^an, napredan Vu. + obilan, izobilan, plodan, koristan Origin: Turk, bereketli "fruitful, abundant" bereket + -li Turk, adject, suffix Hony + fruitful, fertile, abundant Mor. + fruitful, plentiful; prolific Red. + plentiful, abundant Form: adjective, indeclin.

Occurr: 1: p . 322. BITUZUR (BIHUZUR, BIUZUR) "disturbed, without any peace"

Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + nemiran Kn. + beunruhigt §k. + uznemiren, ometen od drugoga, koji nema mira Vu. -

Origin: Turk, bihuzur "uneasy, disturbed" jl Pers. b t "without" + Arab, hudur "peace" Hony + uneasy, uncomfortable Mor. + disturbed, uneasy, anxious Red. - Form: adjective indecl. used as a noun Occurr: 1: p. 242.

BQJA * "color, dye; paint" Meaning: Drv. + color, pigment, dye, paint#tint Ka. + Farbe Kl. - Kn. + Farbe Sc. + farba Vu. - Origin: Turk, boya "dye Hony + dye, ] Mor. + paint. Red. + paint, Form: noun, fern., - a stem

Occurr: 5: pp. 142, 206, 235, 267, 318. 69

B&RIJA "trumpet" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. Ein musik Instrument Kl. truba Kn. + Trompete §k. + truba Vu. + truba, rog Origin: Turk, boru "trumpet" + -ja -S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + tube, pipe; trumpet Mor. + tube, pipe, trumpet Red. + horn, trumpet Form: noun, fern., - a stem Occurr: 1: p. 243.

B&STAN * "garden; melons; melon-bed" Meaning: Drv. + melon-bed Ka. + Melonengarten; Melonen selbst Kl. + vrt, vocnjak, vrt za dinje i lubenice; dinje i lubenice Kn. + Melonen, Kurbis, Gurkengarten §k. + vrt, baS6a; lubenice i dinje Vu. + lubenice Origin: Turk, bostan "melon garden; melon" <■ Pers. bustan "garden" bu- "scent" + stan -suffix for nouns denoting a place (a place of scent1). Hony + vegetable garden, cucumber; melon Mor. + vegetable-market-garden; melon-plants, melons Red. + large market-garden; a melon garden; melons Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem

Occurr: 4: pp. 16, 101, 106, 108. 70

BOSTAND&TA * "gardener" Meaning: Drv. + gardener Ka. + Melonengartner Kl. + vrtlar Kn. + Melonengartner; Gartner, Wachposten des Sultans Sk. + vrtlar, zelenifiar Vu. + baStovan, telesni stra£ar sultanov Origin: Turk, bostanci "gardener" bostan + -ci - Turk. nominal suffix + -ja -S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + gardener, (formerly) one of the Sultan's body-guards Mor. + market, gardener, (form) Sultan's body­ guard Red. + a soldier of one of the corps of guards of the Sultan's palace Form: noun, masc., - a stern . Occurr: 1: p. 101.

B&S&A (boh 6 a ) "bundle; scarf, table-cloth" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Wickeltuch; Schiirze der Frauen (Furtuch) Kl. + velika kvadratna marama Sto je nose na glavi udate seljanke; pregaSa;duvan Kn. + Wickeltuch, Schiirze; Tabak Sk. + pokrivafi za glavu, rubac; stolnjak; platno detverouglasto u koje se neSto zamotava Vu. + zavegljaj; Sal Origin: Turk, bohca "bundle" z. Pers. bogSe, demunitive of bo§ "bundle, parcel" Hony + square piece of stuff for wrapping, bundle, parcel; tobacco Mor. + wrapper; bundle; cover Red. - Form: noun, fern., - a stem Occurr: 8: pp. 183, 184, 185, 189, 189. BUDA1A * "fool; jester; idiot; blockhead" Meaning; Drv. + fool# blockhead/ idiot, gull, gudgeon Ka. + Thor K l . - Kn. + Tor, Dummkopf §k. + ludak, mahnitov Vu. + ludak, glupak Origin; Turk, budala "silly fool, imbecile"Arab, bulada p i . of belid " f o o l " 2 2 Hony + silly fool; imbecile, gready Mor. + fool, imbecile, idiot, stupid fellow Red. + a simpleton, idiot Form; noun, masc., - a stem Occurr; 3: pp. 133, 135, 373.

BUDAIA& * "fool, crazy man" Meaning; see BUDALA Origin; budal + -aS - Serbo-Cr. nominal suffix^ Form; noun, masc., cons, stem

Occurr; 1: p . 2 3 6 .

BUDALTAKAT1 * "act, behave foolishly; talk nonsense" Meaning; The same as verb budaliti (-isati) given by; Drv. + act, behave foolishly, talk nonsense, twaddle Ka. thdricht sprechen Kl. + toricht sprechen K. + luditi, ludovati Vu. Origin; budali (<..budaliti ). • + -a + -Ka - S-Cr. iterrative verbal s u f f i x 2 4 Form; verb, imperfect!ve

Occurr; 1: p. 63. 72

BULTUK * "a number of persons, military squadron" Meaning; Drv. - Ka. + Schaar, Trupp Kl. + Seta vojnika; Sopor, stado Kn. + Schar, Trupp, Herde; Reife §k. + Seta vojske, kompanija; odred, dio, razdeljak; jato, skupina, grupa Vu. + Seta, odred, odelenje, gomila, Sopor Origin; Turk, boluk "part, compartment; squadron" Hony + part, subdivision, fragment, compartment, company, squadron Mor. + compartment, appartment; military company, Red. + division, subdivision; a piece, a company of infantry; a number of persons Form; noun, masc., cons, stem Occurr; 1; p. 241.

BUNAR * "well, draw-well; cistern" Meaning; Drv. + well, draw-well; cistern; shaft Ka. + Brunnen Kl. + zdenac, studenac, kladenac Kn. + Ziehbrunnen §k. + vjeStaSka iskipana duboka jama, iz koje se vadi i upotrebljava podzemna voda Vu. + zdenac, kladenac, izvor, vrelo Origin; Turk, pinar (punar) "spring, source" Hony + spring, source Mor. + spring, fountain, source Red. + spring, fountain Form; noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr; 2: pp. 15, 260. 73

BURMA * ’’wedding ring” Meaning: Drv. + (wedding) ring Ka. + ein glatter Fingerring Kl. + zavoj, vitica; gladak prsten (zarufini, ven£ani) Kn. + Glatter Fingerring, Trauring; Schraube Sc. + vitica, vjenfiani prsten; jednostavni prsten bez ukrasnog kamenja, zavrtanj Vu. + prsten bez kamena, ven£ani prsten, vitica Origin: Turk. burma "act of twisting" burmak "twist, wring n Hony + act of twisting, wringing, dislocating Mor. + act of twisting, wringing;- Red. + twist, screw Form: noun, fem ., - a stem

Occurr: 1: p. 187.

BUSIIA * "ambush. hiding place" Meaning: Drv. + hiding place, ambush., ambuscade Ka. + Hinterhalt Kl. + zasjeda, potaja Kn. + Hinterhalt Sc. + zasjeda Vu. + zasjeda Origin: Turk. pusu "ambush" + -ja - S.Cr. nominal suffix Hony + ambush Mor. + ambush, ambuscade Red. + ambush, ambuscade Form: noun, fem ., - a stem

Occurr: 1: p. 18. 74

CIGARLUK "cigar-holder" Meaning: Drv. + cigar-holder Ka. - Kl. + od razli&tih materija nafiinjen tuljac za cigaru ili cigaretu; usnik, zarog "MundStik " Kn. + Zigarettenspitze Sk. + muStikla, cigarSpec Vu. - Origin: cigara < Spanish cigarro "cigar" + -luk -Turk, nominal suffix, Patterned according to the Turkish word sigaralik "cigar-case" Form: noun, masc., cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 203.

Sa po r * "tent" (see: §ATOR) Meaning: Drv. + tent, pavillion, booth, stall Ka. + Zelt Kl. + Sator Kri. + Zelt, Zeltlager §k. + Sator Vu. + poljska naro5ito vojni^ka kolibica od platna na Stapovima Origin: Turk, ^adir "tent"<, Pers. iJader "tent" Hony + tent Mor. + tent Red. + tent Form: noun, masc., cons, stem Occurr: 2: pp. 107, 371. &AKMAK "flint, flint-stone, silex" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Feuerstahl Kl. + kremen, ognjilo, kresivo Kn. + Martseil, Takelseil, Takelwek, Feuerstein 3k. + kresalo, ognjilo za palenje lule, vatre; kresalo, ognjilo na starinskim pu&kama Vu. + ognjilo, kresivo Origin: Turk, pakmak "steel for striking on a flint" Hony + steel for striking on a flint; pocket- lighter, trigger Mor. + cigarette-lighter, flint and steel; (gun's) flint-lock Red. + a steel to strike fire with; the lock of a gun Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem

Occurr: 1: p. 61. .

gAK&RE * "trousers, breeches" Meaning: Drv. + trousers Ka. + Beinkleider Kl. + hla£e Kn. + Beinkleider; Stuck Zeug fur eine Hose 3k. + vrsta isto 6nja£ke mu^ke donje ode 6e sa dugim turom i uskim nogavicama Vu. + hla€e, pantalone Origin: Turk, pakpir "trousers, breeches" Hony + trousers (of special kind) Mor. + wide hose or breeches Red. + a kind of wide trousers which tie around the ankle Form: noun, pluralia tantum, fem. Occurr: 4: 51, 57, 175, 321. 6 alma "turban" Meaning: Drv. + turban Ka. + Turban Kl. + platneni ovoj oko fesa kod muslimana, turban, saruk Kn. + Turban, Turkenbund §k. + platno omotano oko fesa ill koje druge slifine kape, saruk, ahmedija Vu. + bela marama koju Turci nose oko glave

Origin: Turk. calma l calmak - Hony - Mor. - Red. - Form: noun, fem., - a stem Occurr: 1: p. 134.

&AMAC * "boat, rowing boat" Meaning: Drv. + boat, rowing boat, sculber, skill Ka. + ein klein gazimmertes Schiff Kl. - Kn. + Kahn Sk. + plovilo, plovni objekat Vu. + £amac of jelovine Origin: Turk, pam "pine, fir, spruce" + -ac -S-Cr. nominal suffix 25 Hony + fir, pine Mor. + pine, fir, spruce Red. + deal of pine or fir wood Form: masc. noun, - cons. stem Occurr: 8: pp. 21, 40, 41, 42. 6 a n a k * "wooden bowl, platter" Meaning: Drv. + treneber, wooden platter, plate Ka. + eine hdlzeme Schiiffel Kl. + zdjela (drvena) Kn. + hSlzere Schussel, Napf; Geldschale 8 k. + drvena zdjela Vu. + drvena zdela Origin: Turk, ^anak "earthenware pot or pan" Hony + earthenware pot or pan, beggars alms-bowl Mor. + earthenware pot or pan; bowl; calyx; cup Red. + earthenbowl, plate or saucer Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 2: pp. 15, 21.

Sarapa * "stocking" Meaning: Drv. + stocking, sock Ka. + Strumpf Kl. + muSki ili 2fenski odjevni predmet koji se navlafci na noge do ispod koljena ili preko koljena Kn. + Strumpf, Socke §k. + fcarapa Vu. - Origin: Turk. £orab(p)< Arab. sjevreb "stocking" < Pers. Jurab "stocking" Hony + stocking Mor. + sock; hose; stocking Red. + stocking, sock Form: noun, fem., - a stem

Occurr: 2: pp. 195, 242. 78

CArdak "block-house, watch " Meaning: Drv. + block-house, watch-tower Ka. + Warte; eine Wachthiitte auf Pfahlen an derG'renzoe Kl. + zgrada drvena ili zidana ili na stupovima s izbotfenim gomjim katom Kn. + Warte, Wachthutte, Balkon an tk.Hausem Sk. + lijepa, obiSno dvospratna ku 6a okru^ena baSSama, dvorac, letnjikovac, drvena zgrada na stubovima c < • + mala Setverouglasta soba, na krovu orijentalskih ku 6a

Origin: Tuik. 9ardak "trellis"«c Pers. £artaq "house with four arches" < Sar "four" + taq "arch" Hony + hut built of brushwood on supports, trellis, gallows; pergola Mor. + trellis Red. + kind of terrace on a housetop or in a garden , provided with trellis work for drying linen, or for training wines Form: noun, masc. - cons, stem Occurr: 26: pp. 43, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 135, 162, 180, 200.

&AR&IA "market place, , street with shops" Meaning: Drv. + market, market place Ka. + Marktplatz Kl. + ulica ili trg s ducanima i radionicama, trgovaSka 8 etvrt; poslovni svet Kn. + Marktplatz, Geschaflstrasse, Kaufleute &. + trgovaSka iSetvrt grada; tr 2i£te, trg Vu. + tr£i£te, pijaca

Origin: Sarsi tt + -ja — Hony + market, bazaar, street with shops Mor. + market-place, bazaar Red. + street of shops, in levant Form: noun, fem., - a stem

Occurr: 6 8 : pp. 10, 17, 49, 54, 62, 6 6 , 70, 71, 84, 87, 106, 107, 114, 115, 123, 124, 129, 141, 143, 154, 157, 158, 159, 166, 183, 185, 186, 191, 195, 206, 225, 227, 232, 236, 240, 241, 242, 260, 261, 272, 307, 318, 326, 337, 339, 344, 349, 352, 356, 365, 367, 372, 374. Sar Sitski "belonging to 5arlija" Meaning: Drv. + like (on) a market; of the market Ka. + markt = Kl. + pridev of ^ar^ija Kn. + adj. poss. SarSija §k. - Vu. - Origin: 5arSij(a) + -ski -S-Cr. possessive suffix Form: adjective possessive Occurr: 5: pp. 85, 92, 119, 240, 363.

6 a r§ ilita "merchant, businessman" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + trgovac, tfovjek iz £ari>ije Kn. + "fiarSija" - Bewohner §k. + fiarSijski dovjek, trgovac Vu. + Sovek iz SarSije; onaj koji stanuje u fiarSiji; imucan covek, gospodin Origin: £ar£i + -li - Turk, adjectival suffix + -ja - S-Cr. nominal suffix Form: noun, masc., - a stem Occurr: 5: pp. 144, 236, 240, 241, 317. 80

&EKIC * "'hammer" Meaning; Drv. + hammer; mallet (wooden) Ka. + Hammer Kl. + divac, kladivo, bat, malj Kn. + Hammer, Kloppel, Schlegel §k. + poznata zanatlijska alatka Vu. - Origin; Turk, ^ekic "hammer" Hony + hammer Mor. + hammer, striker Red. + hammer Form; noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr; 4: pp. 136, 267, 341.

6 ekrk "winding wheel, pulley" Meaning; Drv. +. winding (hoisting) apparatus, jack reel, spool, bobbin Ka. + Spulrad Kl. + kolo, toSak, vitao, kolotur; uredaj za dizanje Kn. + Spulrad, Hasfel; Winde, Kloben, Hebezug, Gopel; Kran &k. + maSina na kojoj se izraduju predmeti od drveta; sprava za dizanje tereta u visinu Vu. + todak, kolo (za dizanje u vis izvladenjem) Origin; Turk. £*krik "winding-wheel, pulley" Hony + winding wheel; windlass; pulley, reel; latle Mor. + wheel; mechanical or spinning wheel Red. + spinning wheel Form; noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr; 2: pp. 67, 239. 81

#ENGim "(Gipsy) singer or dancer" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + igraSica u kafani Kl. + plesaSica i pjeva£ica Kn. + Zigeunerbajadere , Tanzerin Dime §k. + kafanska igrafcica, plesafiica Vu. + igrafiica Origin: Turk, cengi "public dancer" + -ja - S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + public dancing girl Mor. + gipsy singers or dancers Red. + public dancer Form: noun, fem., - a stem

Occurr: 1: p. 62.

Sesm a * "fountain" Meaning: Drv. + well, drinking fountain Ka. + Rohrbrunnen Kl. + kladenac, zdenac, bunar, izvor iz kojega voda te£e na cijev Kn. + Rohrenbrunnen Sk. + fiesma Vu. + izvor iz koga voda te£e na cev, kladenac Origin: Turk. fe§me "fountain" < Pers. Se£me "fountain" Hony + fountain Mor. + fountain (of fresh water) Red. + fountain, a spring Form: noun, fem ., - a stem

Occurr: 6: pp. 11, 16, 102, 244, 245, 246. 82

£ ibuk "chibouk" Meaning: Drv. + chibouk, chibouque Ka. + Rohre der Tabakpfeife Kl. + cijev lule; kanis; lula Kn. + Tabakpfeifenrohr Sk. + kanus, cijev sa lulicom na jednom kraju koja slu£i za pu^enje Vu. + Supalj prutic za lulu Origin: Tuik. gubuk "pipe, twig" Hony + shoot, twig; staff; metal ; pipe; stripe Mor. + shoot, brach, bar, rod, wand, stick, pipe Red. + stick, wand, pipe; bar Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 2: pp. 148, 163.

filK "come on Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + komm heraus Kl. + (izidi) poziv na natjecanje,nesto kao "hajde ako smijeS" komm heraus! Wag's nur'. !^k. + poziv na zvanje ili neko natjecanje; hodi, hajde Vu. - Origin: Turk. £ik - II person Imper. of the verb ^ikmak "come out" Hony + come or go out; issue, result Mor. + go out, get out, to be disconnected Red. + go or come forth, out, off, up! to arise Form: Interjection

Occurr: 1: p . 231. 83

&IV&TA "farmer" Drv. -- Meaning: Ka . + kmet Kl. + zakupnik, posjednik koji od spahije uzima u zakup jedan Sitluk Kn. + Frohnbauer Sk. + kmet, seljak bezemlja£, na aginskoj ili begovskoj zemlji, difluker Vu. + poljodelac, zemljoradnik, te£ak Origin: Turk, piftpi "farmer" + -ja - S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + ploughman, farmer Mor. + farmer, agriculturist, farm laborer Red. + farmer, ploughman Form: noun, masc., a stem Occurr: 2: p. 117, 118.

SlZMA * "high boot" Meaning: Drv. + jack boot, high-boot Ka. + Stiefel Kl. + visoka obu 6 a do kolena Kn • 4* Stiefel Sk. + £izma, postola Vu. + cipele s visokim sarama Origin: Turk, pizme "top boot" Hony + top boot, Wellington Mor. + boots, jack boot Red. + boot Form: noun, fem., - a stem Occurr: 7: pp. 32, 47, 48, 150, 152, 198, 337. 84

6 oban * "shepherd" Meaning: Drv. + herd; shepherd Ka. + Hirte Kl. + ovSar; pastir Kn. + Hirte, Schafer §k. + pastir Vu. + pastir, ov£ar Origin: Turk, poban "shepherd"^ Pers. £uban "shepherd" Hony + shepherd; rustic; boor Mor. + shepherd; herd; rustic; boor Red. + shepherd; a clownish fellow Form: noun, masc. - cons, stem Occurr: 3: pp. 117, 118, 294.

6 0 IA * (fiOHA) "woolen cloth" Meaning: Drv. + cloth, stuff; homespun Ka. + Tuch Kl. + vrsta tvomidkog tfvrstog valjanog sukna Kn. + Tuch §k. + sukno bolje vrste, mek£e i bolje Vu. + sukno Origin: Turk, cuha (coha) cloth"* Pers. fiuha, <5uha "cloth" Hony + cloth Mor. + woolen cloth; broad-cloth Red. + broad-cloth Form: noun, fem., - a stem Occurr: 5: pp. 125, 146, 215, 313, 333. ftOHAU "made of ffoha; like do ha 11 Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + tuchen Kl. + pridev of doha Kn. + adj. indecl. doha Sk. + fcohan, od dohe Vu. - Origin: doha + -li - Turk. adj. suffix Form: adjective, indecl. Occurr: 1: p. 175.

6 o k an i * "glass for brandy" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + staklence of jedne detvrti satljika Kl. + staklenka za rakiju of 1/9 litre, 1 dl. + h dl. Kn. + Schnapsglas, -flasche Sk. + staklena bodica iz koje se pije rakija Vu. - Origin: Turk. £okal "coarse pottery" Hony + coat of mail Mor. + cuirrass, plate, armour, coarse pottery Red. - Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 125. 86 ftUNAK * "dim weaver's shuttle;water pipe" Meaning; Drv. + dim weaver's shuttle Ka. + Wiberschifflein Kl. - Kn. + Wasserrohr, Ofenrohr Sk. + vodovodna cev; maleno izdubljeno korito u kojemu se nalazi namotana cev koja se prilikom tkanja na stanu prebacuje kroz uvodne niti s jednog kraja na drugi Vu. - Origin; Turk, kunk "water pipe" < Pers. gunk "pipe" Hony + earthenware water-pipe Mor. + (earthenware) water or drain pipe Red. + pipes for water Form; noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr; 2: pp. 123, 246.

/ ✓ CARA. "The Kaaba, cubical temple at Mecca" Meaning; Drv. - Ka. + heil'ge Statte (Mekka bei den Tiirken, Jerusalem bei den Christen) Kl. + Muslimansko svetiliSte u Meki; hodo£a§ce do Cabe Kn. + heilige Statte , Sk. + hodo£a§de do Cabe; svetililte Vu. + zgrada u Meki koju Muslimanski svet smatra svetinjom Origin; Turk. Kabe "Kaaba"^ Arab. Ka 'be "square house" Hony + the Kaaba, cubical temple in Mecca Mor. + Kaaba in Mecca Red. -f the sanctum sanctorum, or square house at Mecca toward which Muhamedans turn when praying in all parts of the world Form; noun, fem., - a stem Occurr; 1: p . 226. / / CASA "deeper, oval bowl"

Meaning; Drv. - Ka. + eine Art tiefer (irdenem oder metallen) Schussel Kl. + dublja posuda Kn. + Schussel §k. + dublja posuda poluokruglastog oblika u kojoj se servira ifitko jelo Vu. — Origin: Turk. kase "bowl"** Pers. kase "bowl" Hony + bowl Mor. + bowl Red. + bowl Form: noun, fem. , -a stem Occurr: 1: p. 244.

CEBE * "blanket" Meaning: Drv. + rug, blanket, coverlet Ka. + Rotze, wollene Decke Kl. + bijelj; biljac, gunj, guber, pokrivafi od proste vune Kn. + Wolldecke Sk. + grubo izradjeni debeli vuneni pokriva^ biljac, guber Vu. + pokrivafi, guber Origin Turk. kebe "felt cloth” Hony + very thick kind of felt cloak made of such felt; felt carpet Mor. + a kind of felt or very thick woolen cloth Red. + felt cloth Form: noun, neuter, -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p . 64. cSlF * "fancy, relish, pleasure, amusement" Meaning; Drv. + taste, relish, fancy, mind inclination, pleasure Ka. + Belieben, Lust Kl. + volja, dobra volja, dobro raspoloifenje, prohtev za nasladom Kn. + Belieben, Lust Sk. + dobro raspolo£enje, naslada, nasladivanje uzivanje; volja, prohtev, hir Vu. + dobro raspolozenje; dobra volja; radost, veselje, uzivanje Origin: Turk, keyif "pleasure"< Arab, keyf "pleasure, joy, state of mind (med: keyif ;> kef)2' Hony + health, bodily and mental, condition, merriment, fun, good spirits, pleasure, amusement, fancy Mor. + one's pleasure, amusement, joy, merriment, gaiety, distraction Red. + quomodo of anything, the how, in what way; good humor, joy, pleasure Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 3: pp. 18, 100, 165.

/* ' CEIAV * ", hairless" Meaning: Drv. + bald, hairless, bald-fated Ka. + kahl, glatzig Kl. + bez kose, pljesiv Kn. + adj. kahl, glatzkopfig Sk. + oboljele dlake na glavi, krastav of bolesti calvities; bez kose na glavi, gole glave Vu. + bez kose, sa malo kose Origin; Turk, kel "bald" +av -S-Cr. adjectival suffix Hony + ringworm, bald spot, bald; bare of vegetation, mangy, poor, miserable Mor. + bald, scabby, ringwormy Red. + affected with ringworm, tetter or scald Form: adjective, qualitative

Occurr: 2: pp. 160, 337. 89

CEMANE "violin" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + , violina Kn. + eine Art Geige Sk. + violina Vu. + violina Origin: Turk, keman (kemane) "violin"< Pers. keman "bowf violin" Hony + bow, violin Mor. + violin (kemane - bow for violin); archery bow Red. + bow; a violin Form: noun, neuter, - const, stem Occurr: 1: p. 333.

CENAR "edge, border, end, rim, side, comer; type of a cotton cloth" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Ende, Rand, Saum, Art Leinwand Kl. + kraj; meda, granica; margina, periferija; vrsta platno i odece of njega; bez na peSkiru Kn. + grenze, Ende; Tuchende; Leinwandart, Baumwolle Sk. + rub, okolica, ivica, kraj, prikrajak; marginalia knjige; vrsta prostirke; vrsta veza Vu. + obala, strana, kraj, ivica, kut, vrsta platna Origin: Turk, kenar "edge, border, nook, shore, comer, suburb, embrace " c Pers. kenar, "end, shore, embrace" Hony + edge, border, bank, shore, marginal note, postscript, retired place, nook, comer, suburb; breast; embrace Mor. • + edge, border, margin, side, brim, brink, rim, hem Red. + edge, margin, border, shore, marginal note, postscript Form: noun, masc. - cons, stem

Occurr: 1: p. 232. 90

6 epenak "large pull-down shutter, pull-down door on a shop" • Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Ladenflugel Kl. + vrata£ca od ducana ili radionice Kn. + Fensterladen, Lahenflugel, Ladenturchen Sk. + krilo, kanat, starinski od ducana koje slu£e mesto vrata Vu.. + krilo od prozora, kapak ispred ducana, du£an5i6 Origin: Turk, kepenk "pull down shutter" Hony + large, pull-down shutter, wooden cover Mor. + shutter (closing shop-front) Red. + window-shutter Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 14: pp. 159, 240, 241, 242, 244, 249, 250, 262, 341, 366, 367, 368,370,372

CIIIBARSKI * "amber like; made of amber" Meaning: adj. possessive of cilibar as given by: Drv. - Ka. + Bernstein Kl. + jantar Kn. + Bernstein Sk. + jantar Vu. 4- ono 3to privla£i slamu, fosilna smola koja potiSe of fietinara Origin: Turk, kehlibar, kehrubar "am ber"Pers. kehruba, kahruba - "amber," <. kah, keh "straw" +ruba - pres, stem of verb rubuden "draw" (straw snatcher) + -ski - S-Cr. adjectival suffix Hony + amber Mor. + yellow amber Red. + yellow amber (straw-snatcher) Form: adjective, qualitative,

Occurr: 1: p . 203. cilIM * "carpet, rug, wall tapestry" Meaning: Drv. + carpet, rug, wall-tapestry Ka. + Teppech, Art Schurze Kl. + sag, tepih, prostira# Kn. + Teppich, Schurzenart Sk. + prostira£, izatkan od vune na stanu, tepih Vu. + zastiratf, Sarenica, tepih; vrsta kecelje Origin: Turk, kilim "carpet" Hony + woven matting, carpet without pile Mor. + woven carpet Red. + Turkey carpet Form: noun, masc., - const, stem Occurr: 4: pp. 142, 151, 271, 368.

CITAB "book; Bible, Kuran" Meaning: Drv. + Koran Ka. + Buch, Bibel (Koran) Kl. + knjiga Kn • + Buch, Koran Sk. + knjiga zakon, kuran, biblia Vu. + pismo, knjiga; zakon, naredba; Biblija Origin: Turk, kitab, kitap "book"A rab, kitab "1 Hony + book Mor. + book Red. + book Form: noun, masc. - cons, stem

Occurr: 1: p. 39. 92

CORA.V "blind in one eye" Meaning: Drv. + blind in one eye Ka. + einaugig Sk. + slijep na jedno oko Kn. + auf einem Auge ^ blind, einaugig §k. + slijep u jedno oko, bez jednog oka Vu. + slep na jedno oko Origin: Turk, kor "blind"<£ Pers. kur "blind" + -av - S-Cr adjectival suffix Hony + blind, without foresight, careless, blunt (knife) Mor. + blind, blind man; blunt, not sharp, dull (knife) Red. + blind, blunt Form: adjective, qualitative Occurr: 2: pp. 131, 217.

ZACORITI (SE) "run after something like a blind man; to fall in love blindly" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. - Kn. + sich Verschiej>en; vemarren; verrennen; gehen wie ein Blinder Sk. + zaslijepiti, kao <5orav tr£ati za netfim Vu. - Origin: za- verbal prefix^® + cor + -i + -ti - infinitive ending Form: verb, perf., reflexive Occurr: 1: p. 193. 93

6 8 sAV * "beardless" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + bartlos, der keine Barthaare hat Kl. + bezbrk, bezbrad, golobrad Kn. + bartlos Sk. - Vu. - Origin: Turk. k6se "beardless" Pers. kuse "man without any beard and moustache" + -av - S-Cr. adj. suffix Hony + with little or no beard; sparcely timbered Mor. + (a) beardless, unbearded (n) man with very scant beard Red. + a person with little or no beard naturally Form: adjective; qualitative Occurr: 1: p. 65.

ftfr & K * "comer, angle" Meaning: Drv. + comer, angle Ka. + Eck, Ecke Kl. + ugao, kut Kn. + Eck, Ecke Sk. + ugao, kut Vu. + rogalj, ugo Origin: Turk, kose "comer" < Pers. ku£e "comer nook" + -ak - s-Cr. nominal suffix^9 Hony + comer, angle, nook, retreat Mor. + comer, angle, turn; retreat, nook, hole Red. + comer, a place of retreat from the world Form: noun, masc. - cons, stem

Occurr: 5: pp. 58, 212, 219, 222. 94

6 uprita * "bridge" Meaning: Drv. + bridge Ka. + Brucke Kl. + most Kn. + Brucke 8k. + most Vu. 4 most Origin: Turk, kopru "bridge" < Grk. gephyra "bridge" 4- -ja - S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony 4 bridge, hasp (of a lock) Mor. + bridge, clamp, cleat; hasp, strap Red. 4- bridge, an iron staple, a cross strap behind a buckle Form: noun, fem., - a stem Occurr: 49: pp. 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 35, 36, 37, 47, 48, 53, 54, 57, 67, 70, 71, 89, 101, 105, 134, 146, 242, 243, 244, 260, 262, 267, 288, 370, 373.

6 upritski * "belonging to cuprija" Origin: cuprij (a) 4 ski - S-Cr. possessive suffix Form: adjective, possessive Occurr: 1: p. 16. 95

✓ w CURAK "fur-coat, fleece lined coat” Meaning; Drv. + fur coat, fleece lined coat Ka. + ein nut Pelz gefiitterter un verbramter Rock (mit armeln) Kl. + ko2uh; ogrtafi podstavljen i opSiven krznom Kn. + pelzgefiitterter und verbramter Rock; pelzge-futterter Umhang Sk. + muSki kaput postavljen i op&iven krznom; bunda, ko£uh Vu. + kratak gomji zimski kaput postavljen krznom, gomja haljina sa pervazom of krzna Origin; Turk, kurk "fur, fur garment" Hony + fur, fur-coat Mor. + fur, fur-coat (or garment) Red. + a fur; any fur clothing Form: noun, masc. - cons, stem Occurr; 3: pp. 32, 143, 355.

CUSKITA * "crow, crowbar" Meaning; Drv. + crow, crowbar, lever Ka. + Hebei Kl. + stap, poluga; gvozden kolac; gvozdena motka, kramp, budak, pijuk, caklja Kn. + Hebei, Fenerzange, Schureisen, Brechweisen Sk. + alatka za dizanje tereta, za buSenje rupa u zemlji, ltd., gvozdena motika, poluga s jedne strane Siljasta a s druge tupa ravna Vu. + gvozdena poluga Origin; Turk. kusku "crow-bar" + -ja - S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + crow-bar, fire dog; iron wedge, half- burnt piece of wood Mor. + crow-bar, poker; fire-brand Red. + iron implement, poker or crowbar Form; noun, fem., - a stem

Occurr; 1: p . 318. 96

\ DAMAR "vein, blood vessel; seam of water" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + Jfila (arterija i vena); 2ivac, bilo, puls; podzemni put vode do izvora na povrSinu zemlje "vodena £ila" Kn. + Pulsader, Blutader; Wasserader Sk. - Vu. + 2ila Origin: Turk, damar "vein, blood vessel; seam (of coal, etc.)" Hony + vein, seam (of coal, etc.), disposition, character, bad humor Mor. + blood vessel; duct (artery) rib; streak; seam Red. - Form: noun, masc., cons, stem Occurr: 2: pp. 170, 230.

DEKIKA "minute, moment" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + minuta, £as Kn. + Augenblick, Secunde Sk. + minuta Vu. - Origin: Turk, dakika "minut" 4. Arab, dekika "minut" Hony + minute Mor. + minute Red. -f minute of time Form: noun, fern., - a stem

Occurr: 1: p . 237. 97

DEIJ]A "hero, brave or strong man" Meaning: Drv. + hero, brave (or strong) man; (disp) hulking fellow Ka. + Der Leibsoldat des Vezir; Held Kl. + junak, jakota; tjelesno silno razvijen muskarac; lako naorulfani turski konjanik u nekadanjoj sultanovoj ili vezirovoj strati Kn. + Held, Leibsoldat des Vezir, Krieger, Soldat, Recke Sk. + junak, junafiina; silovit tfovjek; poseban rod konjice; vrsta strafe sigumosti kod vezira, valije i pasa Vu. - Origin; Turk, deli "madman; a kind of irregular trooper in olden times" + -ja -S.Cr. nominal suffix Hony + madman; insane, crazy, foolish, rash, wild Mor. + mad (man) lunatic; insane; (fig) crazy, eccentric Red. + a madman; a kind of irregular trooper in olden times, mad, insane, foolhardy Form: noun, masc., - a stem Occurr: 1: p. 51.

DEMIR "iron, steel; window bar (steel, wooden)" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Eisen Kl. + gvo2de, £eljeza Eisen, Eisengilter; eine Art Werkzeug Ik. + gvo2de, zeljezo; alatka, gvozdena Sipka u prozorskih reSetaka Vu. + gvo2de, zeljezo, lenger Origin: Turk, demir "iron" Hony + iron, anchor, iron part of anything Mor. + iron, anchor, felters of iron Red. + iron, ship's anchor Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem

Occurr: 2: p . 121. DENTAK "bale, bundle, package (large)" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Bundel; ein Sack Baumvolle Kl. - Kn. + Pack, Ballen, Ware Sc. + bala, upakovana roba; sve2anj; zave¥ljaj, naramak Vu. - Origin: Turk, denk "bale, package" > S.Or. denjak by analogy with kutak, doSak, etc. Hony + bale, half a horseload, balance, equal Mor. + bale, package (large) Red. + a half load of a pack-horse, a bale, a pack Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 108.

d I rt "suffering, grief, sorrow, pain, trouble" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Sorge Kl. + tuga, briga, 2alost, bol, bolest Kn. + Sorge, Schmerz, Leid, Kummer §k. + jad, briga, muka Vu. + bolest, briga, jad, 2alost, tuga Origin: Turk, dert) "grief" < Pers. derd "grief, trouble" derd) Hony + pain, suffering, grief, trouble, grievance obsession, chronic disease, boil Mor. + illness, affliction, grievance, grief, sorrow, suffering, annoyance, trouble, cares, worries Red. + ailment, pain, sickness, grief, trouble, anxiety Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem

Occurr: 1: p . 212. 99

DERVI& "dervish, mohammedan monk" Meaning: Drv. + dervish Ka. + Dervisch Kl. + monah-prosjak kod muslimana Kn. + Derwisch Sk. + pripadnik derviSkog reda, sekte, (tarika); skroman, povufien, pobo£an £ovek Vu. + muhamedanski kaluder Origin: Turk, dervi'j "pauper" Pers. derwiJf "poor man, pauper, dervish" Hony + poor man, pauper, beggar, dervish Mor. + dervish, poor fellow Red. + a poor man, kind of a monk or friar Form: noun, masc. - cons, stem Occurr: 8: pp. 16, 76, 95, 237, 238.

DEVLET "state, government, kingdom, success, felicity" Meaning: Dev. - Ka. - Kl. + vlada, carstvo, moc, gospodstvo; sreca Kn. + Regierung, Reich Sk. + carevina, carstvo, dr2ava; car; sreca; zadovoljstvo, blagostanje Vu. + sreca, bogatstvo; carstvo; carevina, moc, slla, vlast Origin: Turk, devlet "state" ^ Arab, dewle "government, state, victory, happiness" Hony + state; government; kingdom, prosperity, success; good luck Mor. + luck, prosperity, fortune (good) Red. + state, government, kingdom, empire, prosperity, felicity Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem

Occurr: 1: p . 105. 100

DIMIIE "Turkish trunk hose" Meaning: Drv. + Turkish trunk hose Ka. + lange und weite Hosen vom leichten • gefarbten Zeug f Kl. + vrlo Siroke hlace isto£nja£kog kroja koje nose mu&karci i £ene Kn. + lange und weite Hosen aus leichtem gefarbtem Stoff Sk. + 2enske Stroke Salvare Vu. - Origin: Turk, dimi "damask" Grk. dimitos + -je S-Cr. nominal suffix^0 Hony + a kind of textile Mor. + (stuff) fustian; damask Red. - Form: noun, fern., pluralia tantum Occurr: 2: pp. 189, 191.

DIREK * "pole, pillar, column" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Balken, Pflock Kl. + stup, balvan, greda; stoker, temelj, oslonac; glavar, prvak (fig.) Kh. + Balken, Pflock Sk. + greda, stup. stoker, temelj, (fig.) glavar, prvak Vu. - Origin: Turk, direk "pole, pillar" Hony + pole; pillar; column; mast; septum; very tall man Mor. + mast, pole, post; column, pillar Red. + post, pillar, column, mast Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem

Occurr: 13: pp. 41, 42, 43, 46, 49, 136, 139, 162. DIVANANA (DIVANHANA) "hall, a large room on the second floor of the Bosnian homes " Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Altane, Altan Kl. + prostorija za razgovor i puSenje; trijem u bosanskim kucama Ki. + Altane, Altan Sk. + prostrano pretsoblje na spratu u starim gradanskim kucama Vu. - Origin: Turk, divanhane "hall" z. Pers. diwanhane "a house for conversation" Hony + council chamber, hall Mor. + council-chamber; hall Red. + a large room or hall where a court is sometime held; a large hall for servants Form: noun, fern., - a stem Occurr: 1: p. 152.

/ DIVANITA "fool, crazy-man" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + ein halber Narr, Thor Kl. + sulud covek, lucfak, budala, mahnitac, glupan, blesavac, idiot Kn. + Narr §k. + blesast, sulud, lakouman Vu. - Origin: Turk, divane "madman"< Pers. diwane "crazy, madman" + -ja - S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + crazy, insane Mor. + mad (man), crazy, fool Red. + madman, lunatic Form: noun, fern., - a stem Occurr: 2: pp. 19, 63. 102

\ DIVOVSKI * "gigantic, colossal, immense, huge" Meaning: the same as divski given by: Drv. + gigantic; colossal; immense; huge, titanic; cyclopean Ka. + Riesen Kl. - Ipi. + der Riesen Vu! - Origin: Turk, dev "gianf'-c Pers. div - ", demon, evil spirit" + -ov + -ski S-Cr. possessive suffixes Hony + giant Mor. + levithian (huge) demon, giant Red. + kind of monster or demon Form: adjective, qualitative Occurr: 3: pp. 135, 214, 360.

\ DIVSKI * "gigantic, colossal, immense, huge" Meaning: see DIVOVSKI Origin: div + -ski -S.Cr. adjectival suffix Form: adjective, qualitative Occurr: 1: p. 21. 103

PORAT * "bay-horse" Meaning: Drv. + bay-horse Ka. + Der Braune (Pferd) Kl. + mrkov, konj mrke boje Kn. + Braune, Brauner; Schafskopf, dummer Mensch Sk. + konj zatvoreno crvene, smetfe boje Vu. + konj mrke boje, mrkov Origin: Turk, doru (at) "bay horse " < doru "dark brown" + -at "horse" Hony + bay horse Mor. + bay-horse Red. - Form: noun, masc., const, stem Occurr: 4: pp. 49, 55, 170.

DOVA "prayer (Moslem's); blessing" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Art gebet der Turken Kl. + molitva (kod muslimana); blagoslov jpi. + gebet der Turken Vu. + molitva Origin: Turk, dua "prayer"A rab, du'a "call; invocations; prayer to God" Hony + prayer, blessing, desire Mor. + prayer, suffication, invocation, benediction Red. + prayer Form: noun, fern., - a stem Occurr: 1: p . 87 104

w DRAM "dram (3,21 gr.)" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + ein Gewicht (von Dukaten Schwere, Drachms) Kl. + mjera za te2inu (400 dio oke, otprilike 3,25 gr) Kn. - sk. + mjera za te£inu: 1/400 oke, tatfnije: 3,207 grama Vu. + turska mera za te£inu, 3,2 gr. Origin: Turk, dirhem "dram" Hony + 400th part of an oka; ancient arab coin Mor. + dram (3,21 gr.) Red. + a drachm, of which 400 make an okka and 140 a pound Form; noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 3: pp. 35, 157, 237.

d u 6 an ; * "shop, store" Meaning: Drv. + shop, store Ka. + Laden Kl. + prodavaonica, trgovina Kn. + Laden Sk. + trgovafcka radnja Vu. -

Origin: Turk, dukkan "shop" l Arab, dukkan "shop" Hony + shop Mor. + shop Red. + shop Form: noun, masc., - cons.stem Occurr: 65: pp. 82, 88, 89, 107, 108, 129, 134, 141, 144, 154, 159, 213, 225, 226, 240, 241, 242, 244, 245, 249, 255, 259, 261, 264, 309, 318, 322, 339, 340, 343, 357, 360, 362, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372. DUCAND&1A * "shopkeeper, salesman" Meaning: Drv. + shopkeeper, shopman, salesman, shop- attendant Ka. + ein Kaufmann, der einen Laden halt Kl. + prodavac, trgovac Kn. + Ladeninhaber, - besitzer Sk. + trgovac Vu. - Origin: Turk, dukkanci "shopkeeper" + -ja - S.Cr. nominal suffix Hony + shopkeeper Mor. + shopkeeper, tradesman Red. + shopkeeper Form: noun, masc., - a stem Occurr: 1: p. 250

DUCANSKI * "store's” (adj.) / Meaning: adj. possessive of DUCAN Origin: ducan+ski - S.Cr. possessive suffix Form: Adjective possessive Occurr: 4: pp. 241, 255, 321, 369.

ZADUCANITI "to acquire a shop" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. -

' §?• : Vu. - Origin: za - perf. prefix + ducan + -i + -ti - infinitive suffix Form: verb, perfective

Occurr: 1: p. 362. 106

DUGME * "botton" Meaning: Drv. + botton, stud, knob (door) Ka. + Knopf Kl. + puce, spona Kn. + Knopf §k. + puce, pulka; tipka, puce za zvonce; -na kakvom aparatu Vu. _ Origin: Turk, dugme "botton" Pers. tukme "botton" Hony + botton, knob, pumple Mor. + botton, knob Red. + botton Form: noun, neuter - cons, stem Occurr: 2: pp. 149, 164.

DUNSER "carpenter, builder" Meaning: Drv. Ka. + Zimmermann Kl. + tesar, drvodelja Kn. + Zimmermann • Sk. + starinski stolar; graditelj (drvodjela, tesar i zidar ujedno) Vu. _ Origin: Turk, dulger "builder" Pers. durger, duruger "carpenter" £. durud "wooden construction" + ger Pers. suffix Hony + carpenter, builder Mor. + carpenter; builder Red. + carpenter Form: noun, masc. - const, stem Occurr: 1: p . 66. 107 DUNJALUK "this world; worldly goods, wealth, money" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + ovaj svijet, ljudstvo, £ovje£anstvo, stvari od ovog sveta; materijalna dobra; imutak Kn. + Welt Sk. + ovaj svijet, ljudstvo na zemaljskoj kugli; materijalna bogatstva, imetak; ovosvjetska dobra Vu. + svet, 2ivi svet, ovaj svet Origin: Turk, dunyaluk "worldly goods, wealth" 4. Arab. dunja "this world + -luk - Turk, nominal suffix Hony + worldly goods, wealth, money Mor. + worldly goods, wealth Red. - Form: noun, masc., - const, stem Occurr: 1: p. 243.

DUSTABAN "flat foot; flat-footed" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + ravno stopalo/'platfus", &>ta Kn. + Plattfufc Sk. + onaj koji Je ravnih stopala, pes volgus Vu. + ravan taban, ravno stopalo Origin: Turk, duz-taban (4 duz+taban) "flat-footed" Hony + flat-footed; ill-omened man, a Jonah Mor. + lycopod, club-moss; (fig) unlucky Red. - Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 214. 108 p u Sek ,* "mattress" Meaning: Drv. + cushion; squab; hassock, holster, pillow Ka. + eine Matratze Kl. + jastuk, vanjkuS, blaSina, kuSin, uzglavlje, matrac Kn. + Matratze Sk. + vunena postelja (madrac) Vu. - Origin: Turk, dogek "mattress" (Med. Turk, diijek) Hony + mattress, bed Mor. + woolen mattress; bed Red. + bed Form: noun, masc., - const, stem Occurr: 1: p. 374.

d u Sm anin * "adversary, enemy, foe, oponent" Meaning: Drv. + enemy, foe; fiend; adversary, opponent Ka. + Feind Kl. + naprijatelj fil • + Feind Sk. + neprijatelj, protivnik Vu. + neprijatelj, protivnik Origin: Turk. dus man "enemy" <. Pers. duMman "enemy, foe" + -in - S-Cr. nominal suffix31 Hony + enemy, foe Mor. + enemy, foe; adversary Red. + enemy Form: noun, masc., const, stem Occurr: 6: pp. 58, 83, 130, 134, 255, 368. P u Sm ANSKI * "hostile" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + feindlich Kl. + neprijateljski Kn. + erzfeind, Spinnefeind, feindlich Sk. - Vu. - Origin: duSman + -ski - adjectival suffix Form: adjective, qualitative Occurr: 2: p. 238, 372.

DUVAN*(DUHAN) "tobacco Meaning: Drv. + tobacco Ka. + Tabak, Tabakpflanze; Rauchtabak Kl. + biljka iz porodice pomocnica; osuSeni listovi slu2e za pu£enje Kn. + Tabak, Tabakpflanze; Rauchtabak; Schnupftabak Sk. + duhan Vu. - Origin: Turk, duhan "tobacco" < Arab, duhan "smoke, tobacco plant, smoking tobacco"32 Hony + smoke; tobacco Mor. + tobacco Red. + smoke; tobacco Form: noun, mas., - const, stem Occurr: 7: pp. 107, 125, 142, 147, 254, 293, 353. 110

DUVAN-KESA * " tobacco-pouch" Meaning; Drv. + tobacco-pouch Ka. + Tabakbeutel Kl. + torbica s duhanom Kn. + Tabakbeutel, - dose Sk. + torbica ukojoj se duhan dr2i, nosi Vu. Origin: Turk, duhan "tobacco" + Turk, kese Pers. kise "purse, pouch, small bag" Form; compound inflected according to its second component: noun, fern., - a stem Occurr; 1: p. 142.

DUVANSKI (DUHANSKI) "tobacco" (adj) Meaning; adjective possessive of DUVAN Origin; duvan + -ski - S.Cr. adjectival suffix Form; adjective, qualitative Occurr; 5: pp. 82, 163, 166, 271. D&U3A* "free, gratis, free of charge, to no profit" Meaning: Drv. + free, gratis, without charge, free of charge, for nothing, gratuitosly, to no profit, in vain Ka. + In der Redensart Kl. + na dar, na poklon, badava, poklonjeno Kn. + unentgeltlich, gratis Sk. + ono sto je besplatno dato, poklon; besplatna kafa koja se pije u kafani kao Ca&cenje; na stranu, ostavi (fig.) Vu. + besplatno, badava Origin: Turk, caba "free of charge, gratis" Hony + thrown into the bargain Mor. + gratis, for nothing, free (of charge) Red. + gratis, for nothing Form: adverb Occurr: 2: pp. 242, 248.

D^AMIIA. "" Meaning: Drv. + mosque Ka. + Moschee; die Kirche des Turken Kl. + muslimanska bogomolja, moSeja Kn. + Moschee Sk. + muslimanska bogomolja sa jednim ili vi£e minereta Vu. + ve6a muslimanska bogomolja Origin: Turk. cami "mosque" + -ja - S.Cr. nominal sui Hony + mosque Mor. + mosque Red. + mosque

Form: noun, fern • Occurr: 3: pp. . 49, 76, 157. A m "made of glass" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + Staklen Kn. + glasem Sk. + staklen, od stakla Vu. + staklen Origin: Turk, camli "glass covered" cam "glass" + Turk, adjectival suffix Hony + glass covered, glazed Mor. + set or fitted with glass, glazed Red. - Form: adjective, indecl. Occurr: 1: p. 114.

D&HENEM "hell1ii Meaning: Drv. _ Ka. Kl. + pakao Kn. + Holle §k. + pakao Vu. - Origin: Turk, cehennem "hell" Arab, ^ehennem "hell i. Hebrew. Hony + hell, inferno Mor. + hell Red. + hell Form: noun, masc., - const, stem

Occurr: 1: p . 249. 113 d £eiat "hangman, executioner" Meaning; Drv. + hangman, executioner, headsman Ka. + , Scharfrichter, Henker Kl. + krvnik, bezdu&an fiovek, .zlotvor, okrutnik Kn. + Scharfrichter, Henker; mensch ohne Seele; grausamer Mensch Sk. + kivnik, bezdu&an i nemilosrdan covek Vu. + krvnik Origin; Turk, cellat, cellad "executioner"* Arab, j^ellad "executioner" Hony + executioner, merciless Mor. + executioner (hangman) Red. + executioner Form; noun, masc. - const, stem Occurr; 4: pp. 59, 99, 100, 101.

d Selep "herd of oxen" Meaning; Drv. Ka. + eine Herde Ochsen Kl. + stado volova Kn. + Ochsenherde §k. + stado, krdo stoke Vu. + fiopor goveda, naroSito ovaca; povorka robova koje su Turci izgonili na trg radi prodaje Origin; Turk, celep (b) "drover" * Arab. £eleb "dealer in cattle; slaves" Hony + drover; cattle-dealer Mor. + a dealer (in cattle), drover, (merchant) Red. + a drover of cattle or slaves, one who brings them from their native place to the place of sale Form; noun, masc., - const, stem

Occurr; 1: p . 242 114 d 2ele&anuhu "Glory to the God" Meaning: always preceded by Allah Drv. - Ka- " „ Kl. + Slavno budi njegovo uzviseno bice'. Ik . + neka je slavno njegovo uzvi&eno bice Vu. - Origin: Arab. Jelle Sanuhu "glory to the God" Form: interjection

Occurr: P»

D&EMADAN "double breasted waistcoat" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + eine Weste Kl. + vrsta srebrom i svilom vezenog prsluka; kov£eg, prtljaga, k o2na torba Kn. + Art Weste i Sk. + vrsta mu&kog zatvorenog prsluka koji se obla&i na anteriju ili koSfulju Vu. + vrsta prsluka Origin: Turk, camadan "waistcoat" z. Pers. Jamedan ^ sjame "clothing" + pers. suff. dan Hony + double breasted waistcoat; chest for clothes or linen; valise; reef point Mor. + reef point Red. Form: noun, masc., - const, stem

Occurr: 2: pp. L8, 175. d 2ep "pocket" Meaning; Drv. + pocket, fob Ka. + Tasche, Rocktasche Kl. + prorez na odjeci izraden u obliku vredice u kojemu se nose sitnije stvari; Spag Kn- + Tasche §k. + dSep, Spag Vu. + Spag Origin: Turk, cep (b) Arab, jjeyb "pocket, purse" Hony + pocket, purse Mor. + pocket, purse Red. + the breast or bosom; or breast pocket of a garment Form: noun, masc., - const, stem Occurr: 11: pp. 33, 59, 145, 166, 167, 175, 176, 209, 238 239, 321.

D^ERIZ (should be BERIZ)^ "sewer, drain" Meaning; Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + kanal, rov; odvodna cev Kn. + Jauche, Kana li s ations grube, Beries e lungs graben &k. odvodni kanal od nuSnika, banje i si.; kanalisani potok ili uopSte potoSic koji protjefie kroz avliju ili baS£u Vu. + vodovod Origin: Turk, gerlz "sewer"4. Pers. karlz "sewer" Hony + sewer, drain Mor. + sewer, drain Red. - Form noun, masc., - const, stem

Occurr: 2: pp . 80, 108. D#EZVA "pot with long handle for making coffee; coffee pot" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + posuda s dr^kom za kuhanje erne kafe na £eravici Kn. + blechem es , kupfemes Topfchen mit Griff zum Kaffeekochen Sk. + bakrena posuda posebnog oblika za kuhanje kafe Vu. + mali sud za kuvanje kafe Origin: Turk, "pot with long handle for making coffee" 4. Arab. Jezwe Hony + pot with long handle for making coffee Mor. + coffee pot (oriental) Red. + a small coffee pot Form: noun, fern., - a stem Occurr: 2: pp. 11, 318.

pglNOVSKI * "giant, huge, gigantic" (adj.) Meaning: adjective derived from pjflN as given by: Drv. + giant Ka. + Riese Kl. + div, duh, demon Kn. + geistige Welt; boser Geist Damon, Riese Sc. + nevidljivo duhovno bide; duh, demon; div; udarljiv i nemiran, ali dosetljiv i bistar fiovek Vu. + div, orlja£, ispolin, demon, zao duh (kod arabljana) Origin: Turk, cin "genie" 4 Arab. Jinn "demon, evil spirit"- + -ov+ -ski - S-Cr. possessive suffixes Hony + genie, inn, demon, sprite, spirit; intelligent man Mor. + evil spirit, demon, elf, jinn (genii) Red.. + genii Form: adjective, possessive

Occurr: 9: pp. 13, 14, 93, 181, 231, 270, 316, 359, 372. 117

d £ube "long sleeveless robe, gown" Meaning: Drv. Ka. + ein longes Oberkleid ohne armel Kl. + dugafika muSka haljina bez rukava + langes (armelloses) + odora, mantija muslimanskih sve£tenika, obifino od erne £ohe; zubun Vu. + duga gomja haljina bez rukava Origin: Turk, cubbe, cuppe "robe" < Arab, Jjubbe "robe with full sleeves and long skirts" Hony + robe with full sleeves and long skirts Mor. + the robe; gown (of religious and other people) Red. + a kind of light cloak Form: noun, neuter, cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 145.

D&JMA "moslem Friday noon prayer" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + muslimanska molitva petkom Kn. + Freitag bei den Turken; Gebet Sk. + podnevna svetfana molitva koja se obavija petkom u difamiji Vu. + muslimansko klanjanje petkom Origin: Turk, cuma "Friday" z. Arab, ^uma "Friday" Hony + Friday Mor. + Friday (cuma namazi "prayer") Red. + Friday Form: noun, fern., - a stem Occurr: 2: pp. 157, 237. 118 pfflJMBUS "jollity, orgy, amusement (too gay); disorder" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + zabava, veselje, vesela graja, nerad, buka, rika Spektakel, Radau; WirrWarr; Freude Ik. + 2ala, veselje, zabava Vu. + zabava, igra; nered Origin: Turk, cumbus "amusement, jollity" Pers. JjunbiJf "moving, gestikulation" Hony + amusement, entertainment, jolliment Mor. + jollity, orgy, amusement Red. + motion, play, fun, amusement, play Form: noun, masc., - const, stem Occurr: 2: pp. 221, 224.

■DERDAN "necklace" Meaning: Drv. + Ka. + Halsband Kl. + ogrlica, lanac o vratu Kn._ . + Halsband 2k. + + ogrlica, 2enski, nakit koji se nosi o vratu Vu. + + guSa, vrat; ogrlica Origin: Turk, gerdan "neck" ^ Pers. gerdan "neck, throat" Hony + neck, throat, front of the neck Mor. + neck, throat Red. + neck Form: noun, masc. - cons, stem Occurr: 2: 318, 373. 119

BERBEF * "tambour (for embroidery), embroidering frame" Meaning; D rv. + tambour (for embroidery) Ka. + Stickrahmen Kl. + okvir u koji se napinje platno za ve£enje Kn. + Stickrahmen Sk. + drvena naprava; okvir tfetverouganog oblika na kojem je razapeto platno po kome se veze Vu. + drvena naprava na koju se razapne platno ili neka druga tkanina da bi se moglo lak&e vesti Origin: Turk, gergef "embroider's frame"*: Pers. kargal, karkef "studio" Hony + embroider's frame Mor. + (embroider's) frame, stretching frame Red. + embroidering frame Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem, Occurr: 1: p. 156.

BUBRE * "muck, manure, dung" Meaning: Drv. + muck, manure, dung Ka. + Dunger / Kl. + gnoj, smece Kn. + Dunger, Mist Sk. + stajsko gnojivo; gnoj u Vu. + sm et, gnoj Origin: Turk. gubre "dung"< Grk. koprias Hony + dung, manure Mor. + dung, manure Red. + stable manure, dung Form: noun. neuter; -const, stem

Occurr: 4: pp, . 79, 80, 100, 245. PULE (DUNEE) " ball; shell" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Kanonenkugel Kl. + tane, metak, kugla, zmo, projektil, kur&um; granata Kn. + Kanonenkugel Sk. + topovsko tane; metak, zmo Vu. + tane, zmo, metak Origin: Turk, guile "cannon ball" Hony + cannon ball; shell; bar shot; any very heavy thing Mor. + shot; ball; shell Red. + cannon ball, shot Form: noun, neuter, -const, stem Occurr: 2: pp. 139, 154.

DUTURUM "paralized, senile, paralitic, bed-ridden person" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + uzet, nesposoban za rad, obnemogao, nepokretan, oronuo Kn. + gelahmt, lahm; wiederspenstiges Wesen, Starrische Person; alter Mann Sk. + onaj koji je obnemogao i oronuo uslijed starosti ili bolesti, te je nesposoban za norma lno hodanje; kretanje Vu. - Origin: Turk, gotilriim "paralized, paralitic" Hony + paralized, crippled Mor. + paralized, paralitic Red. + bed-ridden, paralytic person Form: noun, masc., - const, stem

Occurr: 1: p . 230. * 121

PUVEGITA. . "fiance, bridegroom, beloved” Meaning: Drv. + fiance, bridegroom Ka. + Brautigam Kl. + zaru£5nik, mlado2enja, mu2, zet Kn. + Brautigam, Geliebter Sk. + mlodo2enja Vu. + mlodo^enja, mu2 Origin: Turk. guvey(i) "bridegroom" + -ja - S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + bridegroom; son-in-law Mor. + bridegroom; son-in-law Red. + son-in-law, bridegroom Form: noun, masc., - a stem Occurr: 1: p. 225.

EFENDITA "Sir, title of an educated Turk, Muslim, Mister" Meaning: Drv. + Sir Ka. + Titel eines turkischen Gelehrten ( oder Hodscha) Kl. + Gospodin, pokrovitelj; titula uiJenih ljudi i £inovnika u Turskoj Kn. + Titel eines Gelehrten (Kadi oder Hoga); * Herr sk. + gospodin, gospodar; titula mislimanskog sveStenika ili yj erski obrazovanog muslimana Vu. + gospodin, gospodar, titula koju Turci daju u8enim ljudima naro£ito sveStenicima, pravovemicima, dinovnicima Origin: Turk. e£endi "sir"-c n.Grk. authentes, i.e. voc afthendi and efendi "master" + -ja -S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + master, gentleman, Sir, formerly used after a name as "Mister" Mor. + Mr., Gentleman; patron, master Red. + gentleman of education, master, patron Form: noun, masc., - a stem

Occurr: 8: pp. 131, 133, 145, 179, 236, 266. EKSER* "nail1rr Meaning: Drv. + nail Ka. + Nagel Kl. + cavao, klin Kn. + Nagel, Zweck Sk. + klinac, tfavao Vu. + ifavao. gvozdeni klin Origin: Turk, ekser "large nail" Hony + large nail Mor. + nail Red. - Form: noun, masc., - const, stem Occurr: 4: pp. 52, 64, 137, 320

EMER (EMR) "order, command, matter" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + zapovjed, naredba, odredba Kn. + Anordung, Befehl Sk. + zapovjed, nalog, naredba, odredba Vu. + zapovest, naredba Origin: Turk, emir "order" <. Arab, emr "order, command" Hony + order, command, matter, business; event, case Mor. + order, command; imperative; matter; commandment Red. + a command; order, injunction

Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem

Occurr: 1: p . 321 123

ERGEIA (HERGEIA)"stud, tud farm" Meaning: Drv. + stud, stud farm Ka. + Gestult Kl. + stado konja; gospodarsko poduzece gde se odgajaju konji Kn. + Gestult §k. + stado, £opor konja; skupina konja (rasnih pastuha, kobila za uzgajanje, uzgajali£te za konje;) Vu. gomila, Sopor stoke, narofiito konja Origin: Turk, hergele "stud" < Pers. hargele "donkey herd" <. har "donkey" + gele "herd" Hony + herd of animals; a lot of roughs; rough, coarse fellow Mor. + stud; mean fellow Red. - Form: noun, fern. - a stem Occurr: 1: p. 75.

esn X fltia "member of the guild, tradesman, artisan" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + Sian ceha Kn. + Zunftler, Zunftzenosse, Innungsgenosse Sk. + zanatlija Vu. - Origin: Turk, esnaf "classes, guilds" (pi. of sinif) + -li - Turk, adjectival suffix + -ja -S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + classes, kinds, trades, guilds; tradesman, artisan, prostitute Mor. + shopkeepers, tradesmen, tradespeople, artisans Red. + classes; sorts, kinds; tradesman, artisan, shopkeeper.

Form: noun, masc. - a stem

Occurr: 1: p . 273. 124

EVIAD "children, descendants, offspring" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Naschkommenschaft Kl. + porod, potomstvo; djeca Kn. + Nachkommenschaft; nachwucks Sk. + porod, djeca, potomak, rodeno dete Vu. + deca Origin: Turk, evlad "children" Arab, ewlad, sing, weled "child" Hony + children, descendants,(sing.) child; son Mor. + children, descendants,(as a sing.) offspring; issue Red. + sons, children, offspring, (as a sing.) child Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 227.

EZA.N "the call to prayer by muezzin (amongst Moslems)" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + kod Muslimana: poziv s munareta na molitvu Kn. + Aufforderung zum Gebet §k. + poziv na molitvu koji upu6uje mujezin na arapskom jeziku sa d£amijske munare Vu. + kod Muslimana: poziv na molitvu s munareta Origin: Turk, ezan "call to prayer" -c. Arab, ezan "call for prayer" Hony + the call to prayer by muzzein Mor. + call for prayer from a minaret Red. + call to prayer Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem

Occurr: 2: pp. 271, 251. 125 FAKIR "fakir; poor man, pauper" . Meaning: Drv. + fakir Ka. - Kl. + lutajucSi muslimanski monah, prosjak; u Indiji: prosjak,_asket, magi£ar koji izvodi razne opsjene, fiudesa Kn. - §k. + Indijski religiozni a-sket Vu. + siromah; muhamedanski kaluder prosjak; dervi£ u Indiji: isposnik, pokajnik Origin: Turk, fakir "poor" Arab, fakir "poor, needy man" Hony + poor, pauper, young humble servant Mor. + poor, needy, pauper, fakir Red. + poor man; your humble servant Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 276.

FENIER * "lantern" Meaning: Drv. + lantern Ka. + Lateme Kl. + svjetiljka, latema, lampas, feral Kn. + latem e Sk. + ru£na zastakljena ill na drugi na£in uokvirena svetiljka u kojoj gori svijeca ill petroleumska lampica Vu. + svetiljka Origin: Turk, fener "lantern" Grk. phanari (phanarion) "lantern" . Hony + lantern, street lamp, lighthouse Mor. + lantern; street lamp lighthouse Red. + lantern, a lighthouse Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 19: pp. 82, 83, 84, 162, 234, 259, 318, 321, 324. 126

FERBDgA "Turkish woman's outer dress, veil" Meaning: Drv. + Turkish woman's outer dress, veil Ka. + Art Oberkleids tiirkischer Frauen Kl. + sve£ana odeca muslimanskih £ena Kn. + Oberkleid mit langenArmeln; kopfscheeier §k. + vrsta Senskog ogrtafia, mantila, od erne ili modre Eohe Vu. + duga&ka, gomja haljina Origin: Turk, ferace -c Arab, ferajfe "Turkish lady's cloak" Hony + a kind of overall formerly worn by Turkish women when they went out; cloak Mor. + ladies' outdoor mantle Red. + an over cloak worn out of doors by women Form: noun, fern., - a stem Occurr: 9: pp. 123, 124, 125, 183, 186, 191.

FERMAN "firman; edict; passport" Meaning: Drv. + firman; edict; passport Ka. + Ferman Kl. + nalog; zapovijed vladara; ; naredenje viSe vlasti uopde Kn • *f Ferman Sk. + sultanov ukaz, naredba, carska zapovest; dugaSko pis mo Vu. + pismena naredba turskog cara, carska dozvola; putna isprava, postavljenje, ukaz Origin: Turk, ferman "command" Pers. ferman - pres. part, of the verb fermuden "to order" Hony -f command, firman, decree, imperial edict Mor. + firman, edict, decree Red. + command, order, injunction Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem

Occurr: 1: p . 105. 127 w FES "fez " Meaning: Drv. + fez Ka. + rothe turkische Kappchen Kl. + kapa osobitog oblika obi£no crvena Fes Ik! +• kupasta kapa bez oboda koju muslimani nose Vu. + turska kapa zatvoreno-crvene boje sa, ili bez kicanke Origin: Turk, fes "fez"(named after the town Fes in Monaco) Hony + fez Mor. + fez Red. + red cap worn all over Turkey Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 10: pp. 87, 175, 212, 222, 233, 261, 307, 319, 353, 364.

FILD&N "coffee cup without a handle"

Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + ■ Schale Kl. + Salica bez ru&ce iz koje se pije cma kava Kn. + Schale §k. + Saljica za emu kafu Vu. + Soljica za emu kafu bez drSke Origin: Turk, fincan (vulg. filcan) "cup"^ Arab, finnan "cup" jl Pers. fin Jan "shallow bowl, cup" Hony + cup, porcelan insulator Mor. + cup (coffee or tea) Red. + a tea or coffee cup

Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem

Occurr: 1: p . 11. 128

FITILJ * "wick, fuse" Meaning: Drv. + wick, fuse Ka. + Lunte, Docht Kl. + stijenj, svje^tilo, 2i£ak Kn. + Docht Sk. + pamu£ni gajtan ili traka u svijeci petrolejske lampe; slij enjak, £i£ak; upaljafi u starinskih topova i pu^aka; u narod.ljekarstvu; uvijeno voSfiano platno koje se stavlja u uho i pali Vu. + gajtan za palenje (mina); 2i£ak, stenjak (u sve6i, lampi) Origin: Turk. fiti:l "wick"*< Arab, fitil "wick" Hony + wick; fuse; seton; piping (of dress) Mor. + wick, fuse, match Red. + wick of a lamp or candle; a quick match; a plug or pledget for deep wounds; a seton Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 179.

FRLJACATI "to hurl, fling" Meaning: Imperf. verb of frljiti; frliaknuti as given by: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. - Ik. + baciti neSto iz daleka Vu. + baciti; hitnuti Origin: Turk, firlatmak "hurl" Hony + hurl Mor. + throw (violently), fling; hurl Red. + to cause to fly, to throw, to cause to chip Form: verb, imperf.

Occurr: 1: p . 105. 129 FUKARA "the poor, poor man" Meaning; Drv. + poor people; (disp.) mob, rabble, riff-raff; rag-tag-and-bobtail Ka. - Kl* + siromah, sirotinja; bijednik, propalica Kn. + Gesindel Sk. + siromah, sirotinja Vu. + sirotinja, nikogovici Origin: Turk, fukara "the poor"< Arab, fukara, sing, fakir "the poor" Hony + poor, the poor; pauper Mor. + the poor Red. + the poor, poor people Form: noun, fern., - a stem Occurr: 1: p. 43.

GATTAN "braid, cord" Meaning: Drv. + braid, cord Ka. + Schnur Kl. + predena ili pletena vrpca koja sluzi za porublijivanje odjece ili za ukras Kn. + Schnur, Litze Sk. + pamuSna ili svilena upredena ili pletena vrpca; u2e od pamuka Vu. + svilena ili pamu&ia vrpca za opSivanje odela, petlje i si. Origin; Turk, gaytan, kaytan "string"^* Arab, kitan "string"^ Grk. gaietanon "string" Hony + cotton or silk cord braid Mor. + cord, braid (for trimming) Red. + narrow braid or square cord Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 3: pp. 149, 164, 261. 130

GAZITA "hero, conqueror, fighter, for Islam, victorious" Meaning: Drv. - t Ka. + Held bei den Turken Kl. + heroj, junak, pobjednik u ratu; po3asni naslov islamskih pobjednifikih vojskovoda Kn. + Sieger, Held; Grojstuer Sk. + heroj; ratni junak, pobjednik Vu. + ratnik, junak, vojnik-musliman; borac za veru; pobednik, osvajad?

Origin: Turk, gazi "ghazi" 4. Arab. Gazi "victorious, champion of Islam" + -ja -S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + one who fights for Islam, veteran of a war Mor. + Moslem veteran of war; ghazi Red. + a champion of religion, one who has fought for the faith Form: noun, masc., indecl. Occurr: 1: p. 223.

GELDI (DELDI) "came, arrived" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. - Kn. - §k. + dode, sti£e Vu. - Origin: Turk, geldi "came" - perfect tense, 3rd pers. sing, of gelmek "to come appear, arrive" Form: past tense, 3rd pers. sing., not conjugated Occurr: 1: p . 225. 131 ft GIDA "a portion (food, drink), an amount" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + mjera, obrok Kn. + Bissen, Ma£ , Portion Sk. + mjera, obrok Vu. - Origin: Turk, gida "food"< Arab, gida*"liquid or solid nourishment" Hony + food, nourishment, amount of food or drink usually taken Mor. + food, aliment, nourishment Red. + food, aliment Form: noun, fern., - a stem Occurr: 1: p. 217.

geM "piastre" Meaning: Drv. + coin of low value Ka. + Piaster (von 40 para) Kl. + vrsta sitnog novca Kn. - §k. + turski sitni novae od 40 para Vu. . + naziv za sitan novae razne vrednosti Origin: Tuik. gurug, kurug "piastre " < Germ, groschen < lat. grossus Hony + piastre Mor. + piastre Red. + piastre Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem

Occurr: 8: pp. 49, 59, 60, 61, 157, 172. 132

GT lTBAV * "leprous" Meaning: Adjective of guba as given by: Drv. + leproses Ka. + Aus satz, Rauche Kl. - Kn. §k. + poznata ko2na bolest Vu. + li£aj, lepra Origin: Arab, kuba "tetter dartre (eruption)" + -av - S-Cr. adj. suffix Form: adjective qualitative Occurr: 1: p. 211.

HAP#! "hadji; Mohammedan pilgrim to Mecca" Meaning: Drv. + hadji, Mohammedan pilgrim to Mecca Ka. + Pilger (Christ der in Jerusalem, oder Turke der in Mekka gewesen ist) Kl. + hodo£asnik koji j& (kod Muslimana) posetio Meku ili (kod krScana) Jerusalem Kn. + Pilger, der In Mekka war Sc. + onaj koji je izvrsio hadz, tj. kod muslimana koji Je posjetio svetu zgradu Kabu u Meki; a kod hriSdana koji je i§ao na poklonjenje Hristovu grobu u Jerusalemu Vu. musliman koji je putovao da se pokloni svetim mestima u Meki; pravoslavni hriScanin koji je putovao u Jerusalim da se pokloni grobu Hristovom Origin: Turk, haci "hadji" < Arab. hiajja; part.act. from verb h a jje "to make pilgrimage" Hony + one who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca; Hadji; pilgrim Mor. + pilgrim; Hadji (a Moslem who has performed pilgrimage to Mecca or a Christian to Jerusalem) Red. + one who has duly performed the pilgrimage to Mecca; a Jew or Christian who has religiously visited Jerusalem Form: noun, indecl.

Occurr: Precedes various names. 133

HAD^ILUK "Moslem's pilgrimage to Mecca" Meaning: Drv. + Moslem's pilgrimage to Mecca Ka. + Pilgerschaft, Pilgerreise Kl. + hodofia&ce Kn. + Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka Sk. + putovanje na hadS u Meku ili Jerusalim Vu. + putovanje na poklonjenje svetim mestima (U Meku i Jerusalim) Origin: Turk, hapilik "pilgrimage" 'had + Hk Turk, nominal suffix Hony - Mor. + quality of a hadji or pilgrim, pilgrimage Red. - Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 158.

HAD&NICA "wife of hadji" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Frau eines Hadschi Kl. + 2ena had£ijina l|n. + Frau eines "hagi" Vu! - Origin: had2ijin, adjective possessive had2i + S-Cr. -ica - nominalnrtinina 1 suffix Form: noun, fern., - a stem Occurr: 2: p. 227. 134 HAFIS "Moslem who knows Kur'an by heart" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + Musliman koji zna Kuran napamet; titula Muslimanskog utfenjaka Kn. + Gelehrter, der den Koran auswendig kann §k. + onaj koji zna ditav Kuran napamet Vu. + onaj koji zna napamet ceo Koran; naufienjak Origin: Turk. Hafiz "keeper"-c Arab, hafiz "the one who " part. act. of verb hafeze "to preserve, to " Hony + keeper, protector, one who has commited Koran to memory Mor. + keeper, guardian; a person knowing the text of Koran by heart Red. + God the guardian; guardian; one who knows Kur'an by heart Form: noun* m asc., - cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 73.

HAIN "traitor" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Verrather Kl. + izdajica, neprijatelj Kn. + Verxater, Treulaser; nichtswurdiger mensch; Ubeltater Sk. + izdajica, nevjemik, zlobnik Vu. + protivnik, nevaljalac; nevemik, izdajnik Origin: Turk, hain "traitor" < Arab, ha'in "traitor" Hony + traitor Mor. + treacherous; deceitful Red. + perfidious, treacherous fellow

Form: noun, masc., cons, stem Occurr: 1: p.. 222. 135

HAIR "happiness, good, fortune; foundation" Meaning: Drv. _ Ka. + fromme Stiftung Kl. + dobrota, sreca, korist; zadufbina Kn. + Stiftung; das gute, gluck, Uppigheit Sk. + sreca, dobro, dobrota, korist; zaduSbina, dobro delo Vu. + dobrota; zadu£bina Origin: Turk. hayir "good" < Arab, heyr "moral or physical good, wealth, virtue" Hony + good, prosperity, health, excellence Mor. + charity, philanthropy, good, benefit Red. + good Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 5: pp. 70, 134, 262, 321, 373.

HAIRLI "happy, lucky, prosperous" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + gliicklich Kl. + sretan, fiestit, povoljan, probita5an Kn. + gliicklich, gesegnet Sk. + sretan, dobar, £estit; sretno, neka je sretno; Neka je sa srecom'. Vu. + dobro, sretno Origin: Turk, hayirlt "good"< hayir "good, prosperity" + -li - Turkish adj. suffix Hony + good, adventagous; auspicious Mor. + good, lucky, happy, blesseden Red. + good, beneficial, bringing advantage, adventagous Form: used as an adverb: hairli bilo "let it be happy, prosperous "

Occurr: 1: p . 322. 136 HA1DE * see AIDE Occurr: 3: pp. 35, 112.

HA1DUK * " brigand, 'bandit" Meaning: Drv. + highwayman, robber, bandit, foot pad, ruffian, brigand Ka. + Strafeenrauber Kl. - Ik. + odmetnik od vlasti; drumski razbojnik; lopov Vu. + odmetnik koji se borio protiv turske vlasti Origin: Turk, hajdud, haydut "brigand"^ Hung, hayduk pi. of hajdu "brigand" Hony + brigand Mor. + brigand, bandit, gangster Red. + brigand, robber Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 6: pp. 105, 182, 197, 200, 312.

HAIDU&IA "brigand's profession of misdeed" Meaning: Drv. + highwayman's (bandits) profession of misdeed Ka. + Heiduken Kl. - Ik. + odmetni^tvo, bavljenje drumskim razboj- niStvom Vu. - Origin: + -ija - S-Cr. nominal suffix denoting collective nouns35

Form: noun, fern., - a stem

Occurr: 1: p . 180. 137 HATDUKOV "brigand's" Adjective possessive of HAIDUK Origin; Hajduk + -ov - S.Cr. possessive suffix Form: adjective; possessive Occurr: 1: p. 193.

HATDUKOVANIE "bandit's life or profession" Meaning: Drv. + highwayman's (bandit's, brigand's) life or profession Ka. + Kaubersein Kl. -

Origin: hajduk + -ova - S-Or. Verbal suffix + -nje - S-Cr. nominal suffix Form: verbal noun, neuter, -jo stem Occurr: 1: p. 18.

HATDUKOVATI "lead a brigand's life" Meaning: Drv. + lead a highwayman's (brigand's bandits) life Ka. + V. imperf. Kl. - Kn. - § k. + baviti se hajdukovanjen, odmetniStvom Vu. - Origin: haj duk + ova - S-Cr. verbal suffix + -ti - infinitive suffix Form: Verb,* imperfective Occurr: 1: p. 223. 138 "kind of oriental sweets "

Meaning: Drv. + kind of oriental sweets Ka. + eine Mehlspeise (von Meizenmegl, Schwalz und Honig} Kl. + istofinjaSka poslastica od bra£na, meda ili Secera, masla ili drugih dodataka (napr. oraha) Kn. + Art Mehlspeise, Sussigkeit Sk. + slatko jelo od pSenifinog ili bijelog braSna masla i secera Vu. + orijentalskislatkiSodmeda, £e£era, skrobnog braSna, masla i dr. — — > Plight; Turk, helva "sweetmeat" £ Arab, halwa, halwa "sweetmeats " Hony + sweetmeat made of sesame flour, butter and honey Mor. + Turkish sweetmeat Red. + name of various kinds of sweetmeats or sweet dishes Form: noun, fern., - a stem Occurr: 4: pp. 71, 72.

HAMAL "carrier, porter" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + nosa£; hardar, treger Kn. + Lasttrager, Dienstmann; Guterzug Sk. + nosa£ Vu. + nosa& Origin: Turk, hamal "porter"-; Arab, hammal "carrier" Hony + . porter, carrier; common coarse fellow Mor. + carrier, porter Red. + porter, carrier

Form: noun, masc., cons, stem

Occurr: 1: p . 13. 139 ! HAMBA&A "chief Rabbi" Meaning; The original form HAHAMRA&A as given by:

Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + rabin Kn. + jud, Geistlicher sk. + veliki rabin Vu. + veliki rabin Origin: Turk, hahambagi^ "chief Rabbi" Hony + chief Rabbi Mor. + chief Rabbi Red. + chief Rabbi Form: noun, masc., - a stem Occurr: 2: pp. 84, 101.

HAN "hostelry, caravanserai" Meaning: Drv. + hostelry, tavern, caravanservai Ka. + Chan t Kl. + gostionica; prenociste za putnike, karavane; karavanseraj, svratiSte Kn. + Wirtshaus, Herberge Sk. + zgrada koja slu2i za svratiSte i prenofci^te putnika Vu. + ku<5a; svratiSte i preno&Ste, gostionica Origin: Turk, han "inn"^ Pers. han, hane "house” Hony + inn; caravanserai, large commercial building Mor. + inn, caravanserai; khan Red. + an inn, a public building for the accommoda- tion of travelers or merchants Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 44: pp. 21, 66, 69, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 128, 134, 137, 160, 161, 166, 167, 168, 172, 176, 205, 207, 240, 243, 249, 264, 344, 357. 140

HANUMA "Turkish (Moslem) wife, lady" . Meaning: Drv. + Turkish (Moslem) wife Ka. - Kl. + gospoda, ifena, supruga, bra6na dru£ica (kod Muslimana) Kn ■ + Frau Sk. + muslimanska gospoda, odliSnija muslimanka 2ena, supruga Vu. + gospoda Origin: Turk, hanim "lady"* han + -im Turk, possessive suffix + -a S-Cr. feminine noun ending37 Hony + lady Mor. + lady Red. + Turkish lady Form: noun, fern ., - a stem Occurr: 1: p. 226.

H&PSITI * "arrest, imprison" Meaning: Drv, + take into custody, arrest, imprison, lock up Ka. + arretiren, verhaften Kl. + zatvarati; uhi&vati; uhititi Kn. + verhaften, in Haft uchmen Sk. + zatvarati, liSavati slobode Vu. - Origin: Turk, hapis "prisonArab, habs "prison" + -i + -ti - S-Cr. infinitive ending Form: verb, imperfective

Occurr: 1: p. 254. POHAP&N * "arrested, imprisoned" Meaning; Part, passive of verb pohapsiti - perf. aspect of hapsiti 38 Origin: po - S-Cr. perfective prefix + haps + - (j)en- S.Cr. Part, passive suffix Form: Particip; passive of verb pohapsiti Occurr: 1: p. 352.

UHAP SEN * "arrested, imprisoned" Meaning: Part, passive of verb uhapsiti - perf. aspect of hapsiti ’ 39 — Origin: U - S-Cr. perfective prefix + haps + -(j)en - S.Cr. Participe pass, suffix Form: Part passive of verb uhapsiti Occurr: 1: p. 259.

HARA& see Ara 6 Occurr: 1: p. 285.

HARAM "forbidden by religion, unlawful; curse; sinful" Meaning: Drv. Ka. + Gegentheil, Fluch Kl. + (nedopuSten, zabranjen u verskom pogledu), prokletstvo + Fluch; das linerlaubte; Sunde 3k. + sve ono Sto je po muslimanskoj vjeri nedozvoljeno zabranjeno; ono 2to j e nedopustevo, grelSno, nepravedno, prokleto Vu. + prokletstvo 142

Origin i Turk, haram "unlawful” -c Arab, haram "sin, unlaw­ ful thing, sacred, venerable" Hony + forbidden by religion; unlawful, sacred Mor. + cannonically prohibited, illegitimate, illicit Red. + (any thing) the use or doing of which is specially forbidden by God, unlawful Form: . noun, masc., cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 262.

HAREM "harem; wife; sactuary" Meaning; Drv. + harem Ka. - x Kl. + kod Muslimana £enski dio kuce potpuno odijeljen od ostalih prostorija Kn. + Frauengemach; Friedhof Sk. + fensko odjeljenje u muslimanskoj kuci; 2enska £eljad; ogradeno dfamijsko dvoriSte koje je desto jednim dijelom i groblje Vu. + m e s to n a koje nije svakom Slobodan p r is tu p Origin: Tuik. harem "harem" ^ Arab, haram "thing sacred' harem; wife; sanctuary" Hony + women's apartments in a Moslem house; a sacred territory Mor. + (formerly) wife; (wife's or women's apart­ ment); harem Red. + a sacred place, the women's apartments in a house

Form: noun, masc., cons, stem

Occurr: 1: p. 65. 143 HATOR "love, lust, thought, memory, consideration" Meaning; Drv. - Ka. + Gefallen Kl. + naklonost, ljubav, volja Kn. + gefallen, Llchbe, Lust, Neigung, Wohlwollen, Seele, Gedanke Sk. + misao, pamet, pamdenje, sjecanje, ljubav, volja, lelja; 2ao (mi je); prlstranost Vu. + obzir, ljubav, naklonost, milost Origin: Turk, hatir "memory" < Arab, hatir "mind, thought, fancy, sake" Hony + thought, idea, memory,mind, feelings, influence, consideration Mor. + memory, mind, consideration (One's) sake; regard Red. + memory, heart of mind, or the faculty of being vexed or pleased Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 2: pp. 262, 373.

HAZNA "treasure, treasury" Meaning: Drv. + treasure Ka. + K asse. Kl. + blagajna, riznica, gotovina Kn. + Kasse, Schatz; Boden des Flintenlaufs Sc. + blagajna, riznica, blago Vu. + blagajna, riznica, kasa Origin: Turk, hazne, hazine (vulg. hazna) "treasure, treasury" 4H. Arab, hazine "treasury" Hony + treasure; treasury, buried treasure, store­ house, reservoir, cistern Mor. + treasury; exchequer, treasure, riches Red. + treasury, treasure, a reservoir for water, buried treasure

Form: noun, fern., - a stem

Occurr: 1: p. 242 H R f i f e f f l L "figure out; consider, think; reckon, count" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + rechnen, meinen, dafiir halten; achten Kl. + ra£unati; misliti; smatrati; pretpostavljati Kn. + rechnen,meinen, dafiirhalten, denken, Schatzen, achten Sk. + rafcunati, misliti, smatrati Vu. + raSunati, misliti Origin: Turk, hesap(b) "counting"< Arab, hisab "counting, reckoning" + -1 + -ti S-Cr, Infinitive suffix Form: verb, imperfective Ooourr: 1: p. 179 t

H&D&V "Moslem (Mohammedan) priest; teacher of religion Meaning; Drv. + Moslem (Mohammedan) priest Ka. + Hodscha (turkischer Geistlicher) Kl. + muslimanski duhovnik, vjeroufiitelj, profesor u Medresi, vjerski obrazovana osoba Kn. + turk. Geistlicher Sk. + muslimanski svje£tenik; vjerou&telj, profesor u Medresi Vu. + muhamedanski sve&tenik Origin: Turk, hoca, hace "moslem priest" * Pers. haafe "teacher" Hony + Moslem priest; hodja; school master Mor. + M aster, teacher, instructor (formerly) Moslem religious clerk Red. + a gentleman, esquire, school master, teacher. Form: noun, masc., - a stem Ooourr: 83: pp. 49, 70, 80, 84, 86, 101, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 144, 145, 148, 152, 159, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 255, 258, 260, 261, 262, 348, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 373, 374. 144 HESAJPITI "figure out; consider, think; reckon, count" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + rechnen, meinen, dafiir halten; achten Kl. + rafiunati; misliti; smatrati; pretpostavljati Kn. + rechnen,meinen, dafiirhalten, denken, Schatzen, achten Sk. + rafcunati, misliti, smatrati Vu. + ra&inati, misliti Origin: Turk. hesap(b) "counting"< Arab, hisab "counting, reckoning" + -i + -ti S-Cr. infinitive suffix Form: verb, imperfective Occurr: 1: p; 179.

H&D& "Moslem (Mohammedan) priest; teacher of religion" Meaning: Drv. + Moslem (Mohammedan) priest Ka. + Hodscha (turkischer Geistlicher) Kl. + muslimanski duhovnik, vjeroufiitelj, profesor u Medresi, vjerski obrazovana osoba

Kn.KO + turk. Geistlicher

• + muslimanski svjeStenik; vjerou&telj, profesor u Medresi Vu. + muhamedanski sveStenik Origin: Turk, hoca, hace "moslem priest" * Pers. "teacher" Hony + Moslem priest; hodja; school master Mor. + M aster, teacher, instructor (formerly) Moslem religious clerk Red. + a gentleman, esquire, school master, teacher. Form: noun, masc., - a stem

Occurr: 83: pp. 49, 70, 80, 84, 86, 101, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 144, 145, 148, 152, 159, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 255, 258, 260, 261, 262, 348, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 373, 374. HOD&N "belonging to Hodjfa" Meaning; adjective possessive of h&d£a Origin: hod£(a) + -in - S-Cr. possessive suffix Form: adjective, possessive, Occurr: 5: pp. 130, 152, 256, 262, 340.

HRKA. "quilted short cloak, dervish's coat" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. Kl. - n. + Kleid, Oberkleid fk. + gomja haljina od raznih tkanina nalozena pamukom i pro^ivena, pamuklija Vu. - Origin: Turk, hirka "short cloak" -c Arab, hirke "coarse cloak worn by derwish" Hony + short cloak, usually quilted; dervish's coat Mor. + (old fashioned) wadded jacket or cloak Red. + a kind of quilted jacket; a ragged garment Form: noun, fern., a - stem Occurr: 1: p. 238. 146

IKSAN see: INSAN "human being, man" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Mensch ohne Unterschied des Geschlechtes und des Alters Kl. + tfovijek, osoba Kn. + Mensch Sk. + £ovjek, osoba Vu. + tfovek Origin: Turk, insan "man"< Arab, insan "man" Hony + human being, man; fine type of a man; humane; upright Mor. + human being; one's self, one, honest man Red. + Man, human being, a man, creature of the human species Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 59.

\ ILUMU "learned, educated"

Meaning: i + + + i i u£en, naobra£en, obrazovan Gelehrt u£en, obrazovan

Origin: Turk. Him "knowledge" < Arab, ilm "knowledge, learning" -f -li - Turk, adjectival suffix Hony + knowledge, science Mor. + science, learning, knowledge Red. + knowledge, sure and perfect knowledge, science Form: Adjective, indeclin. Occurr: 1: p. 243. « \ 147 INAT * "spite; malice, despite; quarrel; stubbomess" Meaning: Drv. + quarrel, wrangling, obstinacy, stubbomess, malice, spite, despite Ka. + Streit, Tratz Kl. + prkos, prepirka, svadfe, kaprica, tvrdoglavost Kn. + (Wort) Streit, Hader, Tratz, Lank Sk. + kapric, prkos, tvrdoglavost, upomost u protivljenju; svada, zavada Vu. + prkos, upomost, tvrdoglavost Origin: Turk, inat "obstinancy".c Arab, iriad "stubbomess. obstinacy, , rebellion" Hony + obstinacy Mor. + obstinacy, stubbomess, obduracy, defiance, perseverance, persistence Red. + obstinacy; perversity Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 115.

INSAN see IKSAN Occurr: 2: p. 321.

\ IRAM "woolen cloak, blanket" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. - Kn. + Wolltuch Sk. + bijeli nesa&ivenl ogrtal; od vune, pamuka, lana koji nose had£ije Vu. - Origin: Turk, ihram "woolen cloakArab, ihram "blanket used as a garment" Hony + woolen cloak worn by Arabs and pilgrims at Mecca; sofa covering Mor. + loose coat or wrapper (worn by pilgrims or Arabs at Mecca) Red. + sacred vestment of the pilgrims at Mecca; a kind of woolen tissue covered on one side with little twisted bullions Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem 148 Occurr: 1: p. 195.

ISLAM "Islam, Mohammedanism" Meaning: Drv. + Islam, Mohammedanism, Moslemism Ka. + Nahme Kl. + religija koju je u 7 st. N.E. u Arabiji osnovao Muhamed, a izloifena je u Kuranu; ina£e mus limanstvo Muhamedanstvo Kn. + Islam §k. + ime muslimanske vjere; muslimansko muSko ime Vu. + odanost, predanost Bogu, religija osnovana od Muhameda Origin: Turk. Islam "Islam"^: Arab. Islam "Islam" Hony + Islam Mor. + Islam, Moslem Red. + Muhammedan religion, Islamism, Muhammedan church, community Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 30

\ ISIAMSKI "Islamic" Origin: Islam + -ski - S-Cr. adjectival suffix Form: adjective possessive

Occurr: 1: p. 132. 149

MUSIIMAN "Moslem" Meaning; Drv. + Moslem Ka. + Muselmann Kl. + pripadnik Islamske vjeroispovesti Kn. + Musulman Sk. + pripadnik islamske vjere Vu. + onaj koji ispoveda pravu veru, pravovemi, onaj koji ispoveda islam Origin: Turk, musliman "Moslem"^ Pers. musliman "Moslems" p l.z Arab, muslim "Moslem" (this plural is used in both Turkish and Serbo-Croation as singular)^® Hony + Moslem, pious, honest Mor. + Moslem, Mohammedan Mussulman; pious; honest Red. + a true Muhammedan, a follower of Islamism Form: noun, masc., const, stem Occurr: 14: pp. 37, 68, 129, 132, 145, 197, 203, 241, 165, 168, 270, 284, 286, 350.

MU SUMAN SKI "Moslem" (adj.) Origin: Musliman + -ski -S-Cr. adjectival suffix Form: Adjective, possessive, Occurr: 13: pp. 12, 30, 134, 164, 183, 184, 189, 242, 265, 291, 339, 347. 150 SEIAMET "safety, success, salvation, health, liberation"

Meaning: D rv . - Ka. - , Kl. + sigumost, sreca, uspjeh, zdravlje, spas, oslobodenje; pravi put. Kn. + Rettung, Sicherheit Sk. + spas, spasenje; povoljno stanje; pravi put Vu. + sreca, uspeh Origin: Turk, selamet "safety" ± Arab, selame "security, health, freedom from defect" Hony + safety; security; freedom from danger or illness, liberation Mor. + safety, security, peace, salvation; deliverance Red. + safety, freedom from harm or danger Form noun, masc., - cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 135.

IZUN "permission, leave, discharge" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Erlaubnis Kl. + dopu&tenje, dozvola; odobrenje, privola, pristanak; otpust, dopust; opro£taj, rastanak, Kn. + Erlaubnis §k. + dozvola, dopu&tanje, privola, pristanak Vu. + dopuStenje, dozvola Origin: Turk, izin "permission" Arab, izn • "permission, leave" Hony + permission, leave, discharge Mor. + permission, authorization, authority, leave Red. + permission, leave

Form: noun, masc., - cons, stem

Occurr: 1: p . 339. 151 W JL "or, so ” Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + entweder ------oder, aber Kl. - n. + entweder oder, (ja “ ja) fk. + ili Vu. - Origin: Turk, ya "or" Arab, ya "Oh'." Hony + or; so, especially Mor. + then, so, or Red. + either ------or; Oh'. Form: interjection Occurr: 1: p. 86.

\ m ciiA "time of going to bed; time of the fifth daily (Moslem) prayer" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + die funfte Betzeit der Turken Kl. + vrijeme pete dnevne molitve po Muhamedovu zakonu, pred lijeganje n. + funfte Betzeit der Turken fk. + vrijeme (doba) oko 2 sata poslije zalaza sunca kada se klanja istoimena Muslimanska molitva Vu. + vreme kad treba ici na spavanje; peta i poslednja dnevna molitva Origin: Turk, yatsi "bedtime" + -ja -S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + time of going to bed Mor. + bedtime Red. + prayer at bedtime

Form: noun, fern., - a stem

Occurr: 1: p . 167. 152 JMIJA "beach, shore, empty lot" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Ufer Kl. + morska ili rije6na obala; uopcepust, prazan prostor, ledina Kn. + Ufer, Kuste; Brachland, Beerer, breiter Platz, Stelle; verlassenes Haus Sk. + pust (prazan) prostor uz rije£nu ilu morsku obalu; obala; prazno povece mjesto na periferiji grada; ledina, polje Vu. obala Origin: Turk, yali "shore, beach" z. Grk. yealos "shore" .+ -ja S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + shore, beach; waterside residence Mor. + border or bank (of a river), shore, water­ side residence Red. + beach, sea-side-shore, waterside house Form: noun, fern., - a stem Occurr: 3: pp. .85, 88, 238.

mNTI&ARSKI "Janissary" (adj) Meaning; Adjective derived from Tanji&ar as given by: Drv. + janizary, janissary Ka. + Jenitscharen Kl. + pripadnik privilegirane pjeladije u sultanskoj Turskoj, sluga Tur&nu (fig.) Kn. + Janitschar Sk. + poznati rod turske vojske koju je osnovao Sultan Orkan, 1328 g Vu. nova vojska, vojnik nove vojske, koju je 1320 g. ustanovio Orkan Origin: Turk, yeniperi "Janissary"^ Turk, yeni "new" + peri "army" + -ski S-Cr. posses, suffix Hony + Janissary, the Corps of Janissaries; bully Mor. + Janizary; Jannissaries Red. + Janissary, the old Turkish embodied militia Form: Adjective possessive

Occurr: 2: pp. 22, 23. 153 mpiTA "building material, building, construction, structure" Meaning; Drv. - Ka. + Baumaterial Kl. + grada, gradevna konstrukcija, zgrada; fizi£ka konstrukcija Kn. + Bauholz, -material Sk. + drveni gradevni materijal, grada, tjelesna grada , Vu. + grada, narocito drvena grada za kucu Origin; Turk, yapi "building, construction" + -ja - S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + building, edifice; build of the body Mor. + building; construction; structure; edifice; body; constitution Red. + building, builder's work while in progress Form; noun, fern., - a stem Occurr; 2: pp. 28, 29.

TARABI "Oh my God, My Lord'." Meaning; Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + O bo2e, boJfe moj, O moj gospodine Kn. + aberm ein Herr, Mein Gott Sk. + gospodaru, bo£e Vu. - Origin; Turk, yarabbi "Oh my God'." Arab, ya "oh" + rabbi "my lord'." Hony + my God Mor. + Oh my God'. Heaven'. Red. + Oh my God'. Form; Interjection

Occurr; 2: p . 244. 154 \ TARAMAZ "good for nothing; rogue"

Meaning: Drv. — Ka. - Kl. + bekrija, nepoStenjak, nevaljalac, • zlo&nac Kn. + Ubeltater Sk. + nevaljalac; nepristojan; nemiran, nestaSan Vu. + onaj koji nije nizaSto, nevaljalac, bes- poslifiar, zlikovac Origin: Turk. yaramaz "unserviceable" Hony + unserviceable; good for nothing; naughty Mor. + unsuitable; not good, not useful'. Red. + good for nothing, unserviceable, naughty Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 47.

ASmak "veil worn by oriental women" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Kapftuch der Frauen Kl. + veo kojim se pokrivaju Muslimanke Kn. + Frauenhaubzeug Sk. + koprena od bijelog muslina kojom se se podbradivale Muslimanke koje su nosile feredXu Vu. + tanka koprena kojom £enske pokrivaju glavu, lice do o£iju i grudi Origin: Turk, ya^mak "veil worn by oriental women" Hony + veil worn by oriental women Mor. + double veil; outdoor veil and loose gown; curtain or screen Red. + lady's veil, a kind of covering for the greater part of the face, worn by Turkish women Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 191. 155 I TATAK * "receiver of stolen goods; accomplice of hajduk; bed" Meaning: Drv, + receiver (of stolen goods) Ka. + (Diebs) Kehler Kl. + covjek koji je skrlvao haJduke i davao lm skloniKte preko zime; ortak po5initelja kvivl&nog dele; postelja, lezaj Kn. + Diebeshehler; Haus, Stelle wo sich Diebe verborgen halten Sk. + postelja/ lefaj; onaj koji pomade i skriva hajduke 1 uopste odmetnike od vlasti 1 prekrlitelje zakona Vu. + gnezdO/ leglo divljeg zvera, mesto gde se pofilvo, postelja/ skroviSte lopova ill hajduka; onaj koji je u vezi sa lopovom Hi koji ga krije i pomade; onaj koji krije kod sebe kradene stvarl Origin: Turk, yatak "bed; receiver of stolen goods" Hony + bed/ couch; lair; anchorage, berth; receiver of stolen goods Mor. + bed; (couch) bedding; anchorage; receiver of stolen goods, accomplice (of thieves) Red. + bed, a form; a lair, den (of thieves); secret agent of thieves, robbers, jeigglers, etc. Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 192

1ELEK * "vest" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + eln Art Weste (ohne Armel) Kl. + prsluk; haljina bez rukava n. + Weste, Armellose Weste fk. + prsluk; ffenski prsluk jako iskru£en Vu. + prsluk Origin: Turk, yelek "vest" Hony + waistcoat, vest Mor. + waistcoat, vest Red. + waistcoat Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: is p. 189, TATAK * "receiver of stolen goods; accomplice of hajduk; bed" Meaning; Drv. + receiver (of stolen goods) Ka. + (Diebs) Hehler Kl. + 6ovjek koji je skrivao hajduke i davao im skloniSte preko zime; ortak po£initelja kriviZnog dela; postelja, leZaj Kn. + Diebeshehler; Haus, Stelle wo sich Diebe verborgen halten Sk. + postelja, leZa); onaj koji pomaZe i skriva hajduke i uopste odmetnike od vlasti i prekrZitelje zakona Vu. + gnezdo, leglo divljeg zvera, mesto gde se poSiva, postelja, skroviZte lopova ili hajduka; onaj koji je u vezi sa lopovom ili koji ga krije i pomade; onaj koji krije kod sebe kradene stvari Origin; Turk, yatak "bed; receiver of stolen goods" Hony + bed, couch; lair; anchorage, berth; receiver of stolen goods Mor. + bed; (couch) bedding; anchorage; receiver of stolen goods, accomplice (of thieves) Red. + bed, a form; a lair, den (of thieves); secret agent of thieves, robbers, jeigglers, etc. Form; noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr; 1: p. 192

TELEK * "vest ii Meaning; Drv. _ Ka. + ein Art Weste (ohne Armel) Kl. + prsluk; haljina bez rukava Kn. + Weste, Armellose Weste Sk. + prsluk; Zenski prsluk jako iskruZen Vu. + prsluk Origin; Turk, yelek "vest" Hony + waistcoat, vest Mor. + waistcoat, vest Red. + waistcoat

Form; noun, masc., -cons, stem

Occurr; 1: p. 189 156 1ENDEK (HENDEK) "ditch, trench" Meaning; Drv. + ditch Ka. + Graben Kl. + jarak, prokop Kn. + Graben Sk. + opkop, rov iskopan oko zidina utvrdenog grada; duboki i £iroki jarak iskopan oko ne6eg radi sprje£avanja pristupa Vu. + jarak, rov. Origin: Turk, hendek "ditch" ^ Arab, hendek "ditch" < Pers. kende "moat, ditch" Hony + ditch; ; trench Mor. + ditch; fasse; moat; trench Red. + ditch; fasse, moat Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 199.

TOGUNICA * "an obstinate, stubborn person (male or female)" Meaning: Drv. + an obstinate (refractory, perverse, stubborn) person Ka. + jogunasto stvorenje (mu2fko ili Jfensko) Kn. + Eigensinniger, Storriger, Trotzkopfiger §k. + svojeglav, udarljiv, obijestan, nepokoran Vu. - Origin: Turk, yogun "thick; stout; coarse; boorish" + -ica - S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + thick; stout; coarse; big; gross; unmannerly Mor. + thick, dense; condensed; coarse; boorish; unmannerly Red. + coarse, thick, (obsolete, prbv.)

Form: noun, fern., - a stem

Occurr: 1: p . 244. 157 w TOK* "no'. No such thing'." Meaning: Drv. + no'. No such thing'. Nothing of the kind*. That's out of question'. Not at all', Ka. + nein Kl. + ne# nije Kn. + nein Sk. + ne, nije Vu. + ne, nikako, nije Origin: Tuiki yok "no'." Hony + non existent, absent, non-existence; nothing; No. There is not. Mor. + non-existent; missing, void of; absent; inexistant; no, Red. + no; absent, non-existant Form: Interjection Occurr: 4: pp. 59, 60, 321.

/ TORDAMU "proud” Meaning: Drv. - . Ka. - (jordam - stolzes Geprange) Kl. - Kn. + Stolz, Ubermutig Sk. + ponosit, upet, ohol Vu. - Origin: Turk, yordamli yordam "agility; pride, pomp, disdain" + -li Turk, adjectival suffix Hony + agility, dexterity Mor. + agility, dexterity Red. + pomp, distain, pride Form: adjective indecl. in novel used as an adverb

Occurr: 1: p . 18. IORGAN * "coverlet, quilt" Meaning: Drv. + blanket, coverlet, quilt Ka. + eine Art Bettdecke, die gewohnliche deutche Bettdecke Kl. + pokriva6 (vatirani) za krevet; poplun Kn. + Steppdecke Sk. + posteljni kokrivaS, napunjen pamukom i pro£iven Vu. + krevetski pokrivafi postavljen vatom i pro^iven Origin: Turk, yorgan "quilt" Hony + quilt Mor. + quilt, quilted cover, coverlet, blanket Red. + coverlet, quilt for a bed Form: noun, masc., -cons. stem Occurr: 1: p. 347.

juri £ * 'attack, charge, storm, " Meaning: Drv. ■ + storm, onslaught, onset, charge, rush attack, brunt, assault Ka. + Sturm Kl. + navala, napadaj Kn. + Sturm, Besturmung Sk. + navala, napad Vu. — Origin: Turk. yuruyug "gale, march assault"^1 Hony + gale; march; assault Mor. + walking, gale, going, march, assault Red. + manner of walking, charge, assault, escalade Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 119. 159 • / TURITI * "run (at full speed); dash (sweep) along; speed, race" Meaning: Drv. + go(run). at full speed, dash (sweep) along, run, ride along speed, race, gallop Ka. + treiben, jagen, umherschlendem Kl. - Kn. + treiben, verfolgen jagen, rennen; liederlich, ausgelassen , schnell laufen, stromen, schie en Sk. + tr£ati, brzo i£i naprijed Vu. - Origin: Turk, yiiru (mek) "walk, hurry along" + ~ti S-Cr. infinitive suffix Hony + walk, advance, make progress, hurry along Mor. + walk, go, move; march, advance, pass Red. + to walk, to go, travel Form: verb, imperfective Occurr: 3: pp. 198, 365.

KADAR * "capable, able, fit for, competent" Meaning: Drv. + capable, able, fit for, competent Ka. + fahig, Im Stande Kl. + sposoban, u snazi Kn. + fabig, imstande Sk. + mogucan, sposoban, koji je u stanju da nesto uSini Vu. + koji mo2e, koji je u stanju, mocan, sposoban za neSto Origin: Turk, kadir "powerful"C Arab, kadir part. akt. of kadare, kudra "to be able, to have strength for" Hony + powerful. Almighty God; capable Mor. + Almighty (God); (fig.) able, mighty, powerful Red. + able, having the power, God, the able one Form: adjective, indecl. O ccurr:. 1: p . 229.

» KADIFAST "velvety" Meaning; adjective derived from kadifa as given by: Drv. + velvet; velveteen Ka. + sammet, samt, sammetblume Kl. + samt, barSun, pli£, velur ,Kn. + samt, Plusch, Teppich; Sammetblume §k. + svilena bar^unasta tkanina; svileni rutavi samt; cvijet Vu. + mekana tkanina sa gustom dlakavon povr£inom od kratkih, uspravnih kondida, somot Origin: Turk, kadife "velvet"^ Arab, katife "velvet" + -ast - S-Cr. adjectival s u f f i x 4 2 Hony + velvet Mor. + velvet Red. + velvet Form; adjective qualitative Occurr: 2: pp. 28, 146.

\ KADI1A "cadi; Oriental civil judge." Meaning; Drv. + Cadi (Oriental civil judge) Ka. + Kadi Kl. + sudac Kn. + Richter 3k. + Serijatski sudija Vu. + sudija niZi sudija, mirovni sudija kod Turaka i drugih muhamedanskih naroda Origin; Turk, kadi "cadi"^. Arab, kadi, kadin "judge" + -ja - S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + cadi, Moslem judge Mor. + (formerly) Judge, cadi Red. + judge according to the canonical law Form; noun, masc., - a stem « Occurr; 4: pp. 122, 123, 124, 285. 161 KADILUK "court district of a cadi; quality or functions of a cadi*' Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Gerichtsbezirk, Gerichts-sprengel Kl. + kadijino podrufije; sudski okrug Kn. + Gerichtsbezirk Sk. + kadijsko zvanje, nadle£no podrufcje jednog kadije; srez Vu. + zvanje sudije, sudijstvo; oblast, delokrug Jednog sudije Origin: Turk, kadilik "quality or functions of a cadi" £. kadi + lik Turk, nominal suffix Hony - Mor. + quality or functions of a cadi Red. - Form: noun, masc., -const, stem Occurr: 2: pp. 31, 166.

KAFA * "coffee (, plant, drink)" Meaning: Drv. + coffee Ka. + Kaffee / Kl. + sjemenka drveta iz porodice broceva; slu2i kao pi<5e za osvje2avanje Kn. + Kaffee, -haus, baum, bohne Sk. + kafa; kafana Vu. + drvo poreklom iz Abisinije, poznato pi6e od tog ploda Origin: Turk, kahve "coffee" Arab, kahve "coffee, coffee­ house" Hony + coffee; cafe Mor. + coffee; coffee-house Red. + coffee; coffee-house Form: noun, fem., - a stem

Occurr: 21: pp. 11, 73, 84, 107, 108, 156, 178, 224, 240, 242, 244, 254, 261, 307, 308, 322,.353, 354, 356, 360. 162

KAFANA * "coffee-house, coffee-room" Meaning: Drv. + coffee-room, -house Ka. + Kaffeehaus Kl. + lokal gdje se tofii i prodaje kava Kn. + Kaffeehaus §k. + kafana Vu. + mesto, radnja u kojoj se kuva i pije kava Origin: Turk, kahvehana "cafe".*; kahva + Pers. hane "house" Hony + coffee shop; cafe Mor. + coffee house, cafe Red. - Form: noun, fern., - a stem Occurr: 7: pp. 191, 211, 212, 214, 266, 307.

KAFANSKI * "coffee house" (adj.) Meaning: adjective derived from kafana Origin: kafan(a) + -ski - possessive suffix Form: adjective possessive Occurr: 1: p. 361. KAPED&JA * "coffee-house keeper; person who likes to drink coffee, coffee maker"

M e a n in g : Drv. - Ka. + Kaffeesieder Kl. + vlasnik kafane, tko voli kavu Kn. + Kaffeesieder, Kaffee-hausinhaber Sk. + onaj koji kuha kafe, onaj koji dr2i kafanu onaj koji voli da pije kafu Vu. + sopstvenik kafane, onaj koji voli da pije kafu Origin: Turk, kahveci "coffee-house keeper"kahve + -ci - Turk, nominal suffix + -ja - S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + keeper of a coffee shop or cafe; coffee maker in a large establishment Mor. + coffee house keeper, maker of coffee Red. + coffee maker; keeper of a coffee shop Form: noun, masc.; - a stem Occurr: 9: pp. 11, 102, 215, 266, 322, 341, 342, 354.

KAFENI * "coffee" (adj.) Meaning: adjective derived from kafa 43 Origin: kaf(a) + -eni - adjectival suffix Form: adjective, possessive Occurr: 2: pp. 102, 318 164 KALDRMA * "cobbled pavement, roadway, road" Meaning: Drv. + high road causeway; roadway, road, cobbled pavement Ka. + Heerstrasse, gepflasterte Strasse., aucli Pilaster Kl. + ploiSnik od neravnog kamenja; tarac Kn. + Heerstrasse, gepflasterte Strasse Sk. + kamenom poplodan put ili avlija Vu. + poplodan drum, plodnik; kamen za poplo- davanje drumova Origin: Turk, kaldirim "causeway".* Grk. Kak/isdromos "pretty, nice road" Hony + pavement, causeway Mor. + paved road; paving; pavement Red. + causeway, pavement Form: noun, fern., - a stem Occurr: 1: p. 370.

KALFA * "J oumeyman" Meaning: Drv. + Journeyman Ka. + Gesell f Kl. + obrtnifii pomodnik, djelic Kn. + Geselle Sk. + pomodnik majstora koji je nakon degrtskog sta£a polodio ispit za kalfu; pomodnik hod^e u Mektebu Vu. + trgovadki ili zanatlijski pomodnik Origin: Turk, kalfa "workman" Arab, ha life "workman" Hony + usher (of school); master builder, qualified workman; head clerk Mor. + master builder, foreman, assistant master (in a shop or work shop) Red. + builder, architect; workman, journeyman; an upper male or female servant Form: noun, masc., - a stem

Occurr: 3: pp. 253, 319, 362. 165 ❖ KANTAR * "steelyard; weight of 40 okes (about 120 lbs)" Meaning: Drv. + Steelyard Ka. + Schnellwage Kl. + vaga, ured za vaganje; mjera za te£inu (oko 41 kg); uteg od 44 oke Kn. + Schneelwage; Gewicht (55 okes) Sk. + starinska £eljezna sprava za mjerenje teJJine Vu. + sprava za merenje te£ine Origin: Turk, kantar "steelyard" < Arab, kintar <. Lat. centenarius "standard of weight" Hony + weighing machine; steelyard; weight of 40 okes (about 120 lbs) Mor. + steelyard (for.weighing); weight of 100 kilos; a Turkish hundred weight Red. + steelyard; a quintal or hundred weight, varying in different places (44 okes in Constantinople) Form: noun, masc., -const, stem Occurr: 1: p. 361.

KAPAK * "eye-lid; cover, lid, shutter" Meaning; Drv. + eye-lid; valve, cover, lid; shutter Ka. + Helm, Dechel, Fensterladen, Augenlied Umsehlag Kl. + zaklopac, vjeda Kn. + Helm, Deckel, Fensterladen; Augenlid, Umsehlag Sk. + poklopac, zaklopac Vu. + zaklpac, poklopac; prozorsko krilo Origin: Turk, kapak "cover, lid" Hony + cover, lid Mor. + lid; aperculum; plug; cover; stopper Red. + iid, cover, a line of battle ship, liner, two decker Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem

Occurr: 4: pp. 260, 318, 334, 372. 166

KAPIIA * '•gate, door-way; portal" Meaning: Drv. + gate, door-way; portal Ka. + Thor Kl. + velika vrata, "haustor", Kn. + Tor Sk. + vrata; fig. dvor (carski) Vu. + vrata Origin: Turk, kapi) "door gate" + -ja -S-Cr. nominal suffix kapu) Hony + door, gate; (situation; employment) Mor. + door, gage, portal, port entrance, door­ way, gate-way Red. + door, gate, wicket Form: noun, fern., - a stern Occurr: 222: pp. 11, 13, 16, 17; 18, 19, 68, 70, 72, 73, 75, 77, 78, 88, 89, 90, 93,98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 123, 124, 125, 127, 128, 130, 131, 132, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 141, 142, 149, 150, 151, 155, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 168, 169, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 180, 181, 182, 183, 185, 187, 188, 193, 194, 196, 197, 200, 203, 217, 223, 230 232, 234, 235, 236, 238, 240, 241, 243, 250, 253, 254, 259, 266, 268, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 277, 278, 280, 283, 300, 302, 323, 327, 328, 330, 344, 335, 339, 354, 355, 356, 362, 371.

KAPUDAN-Pa Sa "admiral" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + admiral Kn. - Sk. + ministar, momarice u Turskoj carevini Vu. + Turski veliki admiral; glavni admiral turske pomorske sile; ministar momarice Origin: Tuik. kaptan pa§a "admiral"^. Turk, kaptan Ital. capitano "captain" + Turk, paga "pasha" 167

Hony + formerly the title of the head of the Navy Mor. - Red. + lord high-admiral of Turkey Form: noun,masc., -a stem Occurr: 1: p. 24.

KARA-DENTIZ "Black Sea" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + Cmo more Kn. - Sk. + Cmo more Vu. - Origin: Turk, kara Deniz < kara "black" + deniz "sea" Hony + Black Sea Mor. + Black Sea Red. + (black sea) Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 105.

KARAUIA " station; " Meaning: Drv. + watch-tower, blockhouse Ka. + Wachtthurm Kl. + stra^ara . (osobito na granici) vojna milicijska policijska stanica Kn. + Wachtturm Sk. + stra£amica, policijska stanica, vogna pograniSna stanica Vu. + straZara, straSamica, stra2farska kula na granici Origin: Turk, karavulhane, karakolhane "guard house" Hony + guard-room Mor. + police station Red. + guardhouse Form: noun, fern., - a stem

Occurr: 1: p . 269. KARAVAN "caravan" Meaning: Drv. + caravan Ka. + Karwane Kl. + niz tovamih Xivotinja (ponajvi£e deva) s teretima, robom, koje, se kre6u po azijskim i afriiSkim stepama; natovarene lade; povorka ljudi iSivotinja kola i s i. u pokretu Kn. + Karawane Sk. + povorka robom natovarenih kola, konja, deva, si. Vu. + druStvo, povorka, povorka putnika, narofiito trgovaca u srednojoj i prednjoj Aziji, koja zajednifiki preduzima radi uzajamne odbrane put kroz daleke i divlje krajeve Origin: Turk, kirvan "caravan]'.^ Pers. karwan - "caravan" (*Med. Turk. karvan) Hony + caravan Mor. + caravan Red. + caravan or company of travellers or mer- chants on the road Form: noun, masc., -cons.stem Occurr: 2: pp. 23, 270.

KARAVAN-SERAT "caravanserai" Meaning: Drv. + caravanserai Ka. - Kl. + na Bliskom Istoku mjesto odmora za karavane § gostionicama i skladi&tima Kn. + Ubemachtungstelle, Herberge Sk. Vu. + na Istoku; velika zgrada bez namestaja za skloniSte putnika (po gradovima i putevima), karavanski han Origin: Turk, karvanseray -cPers. karwanseray "caravan serai" Hony + caravanserai, inn with a large courtyard Mor. + caravanserai, caravansary Red. + caravans erai Form: noun, compound, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 17: pp. 66, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 133, 135, 137, 160, 161, 265. 169

KASABA "small town" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Marktflecken Kl. + gradid, varo&ica Kn • *f Marktflecken Sk. + varoS; manji provincijski grad Vu. + varo&ica, palanka Origin: Turk. kasaba "small town"Arab, kasabe "small town" HOny + small town Mor. + borough, town Red. + small town Form: noun, fern., -a stem Occurr: 317: pp. 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35, 37, 48, 57, 61, 69, 70, 71, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 97, 101, 102, 104, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 139, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 151, 154, 155, 156, 157, 159, 160, 161, 163, 165, 166, 168, 174, 176, 177, 180, 181, 187, 189, 191, 196, 197, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 205, 213, 214, 221, 223, 225, 226, 228, 234, 235, 237, 239, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 252, 253, 254, 259, 260, 261, 264, 265, 268, 269, 270, 272, 273, 274, 278, 279, 283, 284, 286, 293, 294, 295, 297, 301, 302, 304, 305, 306, 307, 310, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 323, 334, 336, 341, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 354, 356, 357, 361, 364, 366, 369, 371 >•

170 KASABALI1A "inhabitant of kasaba"

Meaning; Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + stanovnik kasabe Kn. + Bewohner der Kasaba, Sk. + malogradanin Vu. + provincijalac Origin: Turk, kasabali "inhabitant of a small town"-c kasaba + -li - Turk, adjectival suffix + -ja S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + belonging to the small town Mor. + inhabitant of a small town Red. - Form: noun, masc., -a stem Occurr: 45: pp. 17, 18, 19, 29, 69, 72, 77, 101, 108, 109, 110, 113, 114, 115, 134, 143, 144, 148, 159, 160, 166, 167, 174, 200, 203, 207, 235, 236, 240, 247, 253, 284, 285, 317, 355, 356, 363.

KASABALITSKI Belonging to kasaba or kasabaliia Origin: kasabalij (a) + -ski -S-Cr. possessive suffix Form: possessive adjective "Occurr: 27: pp. 16, 18, 30, 31, 69, 72, 74, 80, 86, 87, 146, 177, 207, 209, 212, 215, 218, 221, 236, 253, 272, 273, 274, 277, 284, 302, 323. KASABICA "very small town" Origin; kasab(a} + -ica - S-Cr. demunitive suffix^® Form: noun, fern., -a stem, demunitive of kasaba Occurr; 1; p. 30.

KASAPNICA * "butcher's shop, butchery" Meaning; Drv. + butcher's: shop, butchery; klaonica Ka. + Fleishabank Kl. + mesnica Kn. + Metzgerei §k. + mesnica, mesarska radnja, klaonica Vu. - Origin; Turk, kasap "butcher"^ Arab, kassab "butcher" + nica - S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + butcher _Mor. + butcher Red. + butcher Form; noun, fern., -a stem Occurr; 1: p. 39.

KASAPSKI* "belonging to a butcher" Origin; kasap + -ski - S-Cr. possessive suffix Form; adjective possessive Occurr; 1; p . 76. 172

KATRAN * "tar" Meaning: Drv. + tar Ka. + Schiffspech, Ther Kl. + smola; gusta cma teku6ina koja &titi od gnjiljenja Kn. + Schiffspech, Teer §k. + cma i gusta teSnost, neugodna mirisa koja se dobija kuhanjem borove smole Vu. + gusta i cma teSnost osobena mirisa, tefina smola

O rig in : Turk, katran "tar"<,Arab, katran "tar" Hony + tar Mor. + tar Red. + tar Form: noun, masc., cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 245.

KAUK "wadded turban or cap" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Turban Kl. + dalma, zaruk, turban Kn. + Turban §k. + kapa od debele vunene ili pamu£ne tkanine oko koje je umotana pouska £alma Vu. + okrugla tfojana kapa oko koje Turci omotavaju Salmu Origin: Turk, kavuk "turban, cap (wadded)" Hony + large wadded head gear formerly worn by Turks Mor. + wadded turban or cap Red. + several kinds of caps of various shapes but all stuffed with cotton

Occurr: 2: pp. 76, 157. i ' 173 KAURSKI "belonging to Kaur(in)" Meaning: adjective possessive of Kaur(in) as given by: Drv. + infidel, heathen, unbeliever Ka. + unglaubige Kl. + nevjemik, muslimanski naziv za krSdanina Kn. + unglaubiger Sc. + nemusliman, nevjemik, hriSdanin Vu. + nevemik, krivovemik, jeretik (pogrdno Tursko ime za hriSdane) Origin: Turk, gaur, gavur "infidel" -<■ Pers. gebr "follower of zoroastr faith, infidel, heathen, unbeliever" + -ski S-Cr. possessive suffix Hony + non-Moslem, ghiaour, atheist, infidel Mor. + infidel (to Islam), giavour, heathen, pagan Red. + a non Muhammedan, unbeliever,infidel Form: adjective, possessive Occurr: 11: pp. 16, 95, 98, 134, 177, 178, 238, 369.

KAZAN * "copper-kettle, cauldron, boiler" Meaning: Drv. + kettle, copper; cauldron Ka. + Kessel zum Branntweinbrennen Kl. + kotao Kn. + Kessel; Spindel 3k. + veliki bakreni kotao koji ima sa strane rudke za noSenje Vu. + kotao, velike lonac Origin: Turk, kazan, kazgan "cauldron" z.Pers. ha£gan "cauldron" Hony + cauldron, boiler Mor. + cauldron, copper kettle Red. + boiler, cauldron Form: noun,masc., -cons, stem

Occurr: 3: pp. 37, 71, 72. 174

KlTAMET "storm. Judgment day; hurry, noise; alarm; disaster" Meaning: Drv. + storm Ka. + Sturm, Welt Ende Kl. + konac sveta; poslednji sud, uskrsnuce mrtvih; oluja; galama, buka; buna, mete#; Zurba, hitnja, preMa; mno&tvo, masa Kn. + Aufwhr; Weltende; Sturm 8k. + sudnji dan, smak svijeta; (fig.) nesreda, uzbuna, mete2; Zurba, hitnja; mno^tvo iskupljenog sveta Vu. + zabuna, buna, gungula, vika i galama nepogoda; zlo, napast

Origin: Turk,Turk kiyamet "resurrection"^. Arab, kiyame "ressur- rection" Hony + resurrection of the dead; end of the world; great disaster; Mor. + last judgment; resurrection; doomsday; catastrophe Red. + ressurrection, any noise, confusion, scold­ ing; press, hurry, crowding Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 369.

KirabjfiiA * "carter, driver, coachman" Meaning: Drv. + carter, driver, coachman Ka. + Fuhrmann, Saumer Kl. + najamni vozar Kn. + Fuhrmann, Saumer Sk. + kirijaZ, onaj koji s konjima i kolima prevozi robu uz nagradu Vu. - Origin: Turk, kiraci "tenant" kira x.Arab. kira "rent, hire" +’ -ci - Turk, nominal suffix + -ja -S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + who rents or hires; tenant Mor.. + tenant; lodger; freighter Red. + tenant on rent, lodger

Form: noun, masc., -a stem

Occurr: 1: p . 248. 175

KIRID&TSKI "belonging to kiridgjja" Origin; kiridSij(a) + -ski - S-Cr. possessive suffix Form: adjective possessive Occurr; 2: pp. 30, 248.

Kbp&v "old, great, famous, honored; old man" Meaning; Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + star, velik; hrabar; vrijedan; odli^an; odrastao; u razboritim godinama Kn. + genug, viel, gros, geachtet; Greis Sk. + starac; velik, golem; uvaXen, po^tovan Vu. + velik, ogroman, pofiasna titula stareSine, trgovca, uSitelja — Origin; Turk, koca "old, great, famous; old man" Hony + old, ancient, large, great, famous; husband; old man; elder Mor. + husband Rec. + husband; old image, large in size Form: adjective, indecl. Occurr: 1: p. 105.

KOM&TA * "neighbor Meaning; Drv. + neighbor Ka. + Nachbar Kl. + susjed Kn. + Nachbar Sk. + susjed Vu. + sused 176

Origin: Turk, komgu, kongu "neighbor" + -ja -S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + neighbor Mor. + neighbor; neighboring Red. + neighbor Form: noun, masc., -a stem Occurr: 8: pp. 147, 148, 168, 242, 307, 354, 355.

KONAK "quarters for the night, shelter; day’s journey" Meaning: Drv. + temporary lodgement, quarters for the night; shelter, accommodation Ka. + Hof; Nachtlager; Tagreise Kl. + dom, dvor; prenofciSte Kn. + Hof; Nachtlager; Tagereise; Meierhof Sk. + prenodiSte, nodiSte; jednodnevno putovanje; dan hoda; bolja kuda, kuda kakvog uglednog domadina, zgrada valije ili kojeg drugog turskog zapovjednika; muSko odjeljenje; muSka kuda Vu. + dvor, gospodski dvor, palata; put koji se prevail za 1 dan; nodiSte, prenodi&te Origin: Turk, konak "halting place" Z verb, konmak "make a night's halt during a journey; settle" Hony + halting place; stage; day's journey, mansion; government house Mor. + halting place, station; quarters, inn; large house; a mansion, residence; government building or palace; a day's joumey Red. + large house, mansion; station, or resting place (on a joumey); a day's joumey Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem

Occurr: 13: pp. 75, 80, 105, 159, 185, 192, 197, 205, 248, 256, 334, 358. KONA&&TE * "lodging, quarters, inn, shelter"

Meaning: Drv. + lodging; quarters; billet inn, shelter (fig.) roof Ka. - Kl. + prenodi&te Kn. + Ubemachtungslager-, statte Sk: + prenodi&te Vu. - A C Origin: konak + iSte - S-Cr. nominal suffix Form: noun, neuter, -o stem Occurr: 2: pp. 20, 56.

KONA&TI * "sleep (lodge) for the night" Meaning: Drv. + stay at, put up at, pass the night at, sleep (lodge) for the night Ka. + ubemachten Kl. + noditi, prenoditi Kn. + ubemachten Sk. + prenodiva ti, nodivati Vu. - Origin: konak + -i- + -ti - S-Cr. infinitive suffix Form: verb, imperfective

Occurr: 2: pp. 22, 229. KORBA& * "whip, hide-whip, lash, riding-whip" Meaning: Drv. + hide-whip, riding-whip, horse-whip lash; scourge; kombash Ka. + Karbatsche, Knute Kl. + biiS od ispletenog ko£nog remenja Kn. + Karbatche, Peitsche Sk . + bi£ od ispletenog ko£nog remenja Vu. + bi£, kamd£ija -

Origin: Turk. kirba 9 "whip, scourge" Hony + whip; scourge Mor. + whip, scourge , whiplash Red. + riding whip Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 3: pp. 48, 150.

KREff * "lime" Meaning: Drv. + lime Ka. + Kalk Kl. + vapno Kn. + Kalk §k. + krefi, vapno Vu. - Origin: Turk. kire£ "lime" Hony + lime Mor. + lime, chalk Red. + lime Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 2: pp. 30, 179. 179 kre 6 ana * "lime-kiln" Meaning: Drv. + lime-kiln Ka. + Kalkofen, Kalkhutte Kl. + vapnara, gdje se pali vapno Kn. + Kalkofen, Kalkhutte Sk. + pec u kojoj se pefienjem kamena dobiva kre£ Vu. -

M 7 Origin: kre£ + -ana ( Pers. hane) - S-Cr. nominal suffix Form: noun, fem ., -a stem Occurr: 1: p. 30.

KREfflTI * "whitewash, lime" Meaning: Drv. + whitewash, lime Ka. + mit Kalk weisen Kl. + bijeliti; mazati vapnom Kn. + mit Kalk weisen Sk. - Vu. - Origin: kre5 + -i- + -ti - S.Cr. infinitive suffix Form: verb, imperfective Occurr: 1: p . 179.

KRE&NTAK * "lime-stone" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + vapnenac fjn. + Kalkstein Vu! - 48 Origin: kre£ni + -ak - S-Cr. nominal suffix Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 14. OKRE&EN * "white-washed" Meaning: part, passive of verb okre&ti see: kre&ti Origin: O-S-Cr. perfective prefix + kred + -(j)en - S.Or. part, passive suffix Form: participle passive Occurr: 1: p. 14.

KXJIA * "tower, " Meaning: Drv. + tower Ka. + Thurm Kl. + tvrdava; toranj; visoka gradevina Kn. + Turm, Steinhaus Sk. + utvrda u tvrdavi; viSespratna kamena zgrada; toranj Vu. - Origin: Turk, kule "tower" ^ Arab, kulle "summit of a mountain" Hony + tower, Mor. + tower, citadel, lookout Red. + tower, steeple Form: noun, fern., -a stem Occurr: 2: pp. 21, 91.

KULUK * "statute labor, forced labor, corvee Meaning: Drv. + statute labor, forced labor, corvee Ka. + Frohne Kl. + vrsta poreza koji se sastojao u osobnom radu ili davanju podvoza; te2ak, naporan rad, rabota, tlaka Kn. + Frohn Sk. + besplatan li^ni fizi^ki rad za dr£avu Vu. + prisilan rad za dr^avu ili op&tinu; (fig) svaki te^ak rad Origin: Turk, kulluk "slavery, servitude"-*: kul "slave" + -luk - Turk, nominal suffix Hony + slavery, servitude; worship Mor. + slavery; serfdom; servitude; worshipper (God's) Red. + servantship; guard house Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 4: pp. 15, 28, 30, 179.

KULU&AR * "hard laborer" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + tko kulu£i, rabotnik, te£ak, argatin Kn. + Frohnarbeiter, Spanner Sk. - Vu. - 49 Origin: Kuluk + -ar ( Lat. arius) - S.Or. nominal suffix Form: noun, masc., cons, stem Occurr: 8: pp. 33, 34, 48, 58, 59, 64.

kulu £arski - belonging to kulu£ar Origin: Kulu2Sar + -ski - S.-Cr. possessive suffix Form: adjective, possessive Occurr: 1: p . 48. KULU&N1E * see: KULUK Origin: kuluk+enje - S.Cr. nominal suffix Form: verbal noun of kulu&ti Occurr: 2: pp. 33, 66.

K1JLU&TI * "to work hard, for kuluk Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + frohnen Kl. + raditi kuluk; teSko i napomo raditi; rabotati; argatovati Kn. + frohnen, frohnen £>k. + tegliti, raditi besplatno; tlatfiti Vu. + vriiti prisilan rad,(fig) napomo raditi Origin: kuluk + -i + -ti - S.Cr. infinitive suffix Form: verb, imperfective Occurr: 5: pp. 31, 32, 33, 34, 35.

KUNDURA "shoe" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + bakandZa, cokula, teSka obuda Kn. + Shuhe 3k. + cipela Vu. - Origin: Turk, kundura "shoe"-c. Grk. kodoronos "shoe" Hony + shoe Mor. + shoe (boots) Red. + shoe Form: noun, fern., -a stem

Occurr: 2: pp. 231, 242. 183 1AGUM "mine; underground cellar" Meaning: Drv. + mine, sap Ka. + mine; Art Keller Kl. + podzemni podrum, pivnica, potkop, mina Kn. + Mine; Art Keller 3k. + mina Vu. - Origin: Turk. ISgim “mine"-c Pers. nagm "mine" Hony + underground tunnel; sewer; explosive mine Mor. + sewer, drain, conduit, channel; mine Red. + sewer, drain; a military mine Form: noun, masc., cons, stem Occurr: 2: pp. 179, 373.

LEPEZASTI * "fan like” (adj.) Meaning: adjective derived from lepeza as given by: Drv. + fan Ka. + Facher Kl. + sprava kojom se dfovek maSudi sebi ispred lica nastoji ohladiti; mahaS, mahaljka, hladilica Kn. + Facher Sk. + mahalica, mahadT, hladilica Vu. + ladilica, maha£

Origin: Turk, yelpaze-cyel "wind" + paze Pers. bezin cq "one who blows" + -sto- S-Cr. adjectival ending Hony + fan Mor. + fan Red. + fan Form: adjective, qualitative, used as an adverb Occurr: 1: p. 9. 184 "corpse, carcase; carrion" Meaning: Drv. + carcase, corpse, dead body; carrion Ka. + Aas Kl. - Kn. + Aas, Leiche, Cechnam Sk. + mrtvo telo coveka ili zivotinje Vu. - Origin: Turk. le|"carcass"** Pers. laSe "carcass" Hony + carcass Mor. + carrion, carcass Red. + unclean carrion; carcass Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 9: pp. 59, 61, 62, 88, 100, 124, 125.

LU1A * "pipe, tobacco-pipe; spout" Meaning: Drv. + pipe, tobacco-pipe, clay pipe Ka. + Pfiefe zum Rauchen; Fohre beim Branntweinbrennen Kl. - Kn. + Pfeife, Tabakpfeife; Fohre beim Branntwein­

xo brennen; Fingerhut

• + lula za puSenje; cijev fiesme; mala SaSica kao poveliki naprstak Vu. - Origin: Turk, lule "pipe"< Pers. lule - "pipe" Hony + pipe; bowl of tobacco-pipe; spout; paper cone; curl, fold, water measure Mor. + bowl (of tobacco-pipe); pipe tube; spout; conical paper screw Red. + a bowl of smoking-pipe; spout, measure for water pipes Form: noun, fern., -a stem

Occurr: 4: pp. 235, 267, 284, 364. 185 MAD&RHA "golden coin" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Kaiserdukaten Kl. - Kn. + Kaiserdukaten §k. + mad£arski zlatnik koji se 1 danas kao dukat nalazi u prometu, a upotrebljava se kao £enski nakit Vu. - Origin: Turk. macariye -c Macar Hung. magyars + -iyye - Arab, adjectival suffix Hony - Mor. - Red. - (ducat)- Form: noun, fern., -a stem Occurr: 3: pp. 170, 175, 176.

MAGAZA "magazine, storehouse, cellar" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Magazin Kl. + skladiSte; du6an, prodavaonica, spremi&te, slagaliSte, stovariJfte Magazin Ik! + magazin, ducan sazidan od kamena; Vu. + magacin Origin: Turk, magaza "storehouse"^Fr. magasin^Arab. mehazin; sing, mahzan "magazine,cellar" Hony + large store, storehouse Mor. + (large) shop, store,-house Red. -f Magazine(s) store house(s), cellar(s) Form: noun, fern., -a stem

Occurr: 20: pp. 71, 81, 82, 83, 89, 114, 115, 116, 119, 318, 319, 322. 186 MAHALA "ward (quarter) of a town" Meaning; Drv. + ward (quarter of a town) Ka. + Viertel; Quartier (in einer Stadt oder einem Dorfe) Kl. + predio grada; gradska detvrt; ulica Kn. + Stadtviertel, Ortsteil Sk. + dio grada ili sela, gradska Setvrt; ulica, sokak Vu. + deo jedne varogi, varoSka Setvrt, kvart, mala Origin; Turk, mahalle "ward" Arab, mehalle "district, quarter of a town" Hony + quarter of a town, ward Mor. + parish; ward; quarter Red. + parish; quarter or locality of a town Form: noun, fern., -a stem Occurr; 8: pp. 84, 156, 223, 252, 324, 346, 356, 365.

MATDAN * "mine" Meaning; Drv. + mine Ka. + Erzgrube; Fundort Kl. + rudokop; rudnik; kamenolom, (fig) obilan izvor, bogato vrelo Kn. + Erzbrube, Bergwerk, Fundort Sk. + rudnik, mjesto odakle se vadi ruda ili kamen Vu. + mesto gde se kopa ruda, rudokop Origin: Turk, maden "mine"-;: Arab, me'den, madin "metal, mine, mineral" Hony + mine, mineral; metal Mor. + metal; mineral, mine (adj.) metallic Red. + mine, ore, metal

Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem

Occurr: 2: pp. 29, 32 187

MAI "property, possession; wealth, goods, stock" Meaning; Drv. - Ka. + Vermogen Kl. + imetak, blago, novae, gotovina; trgovafika roba Kn. + Vermogen §k. + imovina, imetak; stoka, blago Vu. + dobro; imanje, svojina gotov novae, bogatstvo Origin: Turk, mal "property"*' Arab, mal "flocks, wealth, personal property" Hony + property, possession; wealth, goods, an animal owned Mor. + property, goods; merchandise, stock; riches, estate; wealth; possession Red. + property; money; effects; sheep

.Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr; 1: p. 172.

MAMURAN * "seedy, crapulant, crapulous; maudlin, drowsy" Meaning; Drv. + seedy, crapulant, crapulous; the worse for liquor; maudlin, bemused,drowsy Ka. + vom Rausche noch benebelt Kl. + neugodno raspolo2en posle neprospavane nodi ili pijanke Kn. + vom Rausche noch benebelt; Katzenjammer- lich, duselig §k. + bunovan poslije u£ivanja alkohola Vu. + polupijan, jos neistreSnjem, umoran, neispavan posle pica Origin; Turk, mahmur "languid"-< Arab, mahmur "remains of intoxication" Hony + heavy after a drunken sleep; pleasantly torpid, sleepy, languid Mor. + dreamy;.languid, tipsy; drunk Red. + who feels and still labours under the reaction consequent upon the passing off of intoxica­ tion Form; adjective, qualitative

Occurr; 1: p . 112. 188

MAMURLUK * "seediness, crapulence, maudlin state, hangover" Meaning: Drv. + seediness, crapulence, maudlin state Ka. + Nachwehen des Rausches Kl. + neugodno raspolo2enje poslije neprospavane nodi ili pijanke Kn. + Nachwehen des Rausches, Katzenjammer, Dusel Sk. + slabo osjedanje; glovobolja, bunovnost koja slijed poslije pretjeranog opijanja alkoholom Vu. + zamorenost posle pida, stanje polupijana doveka, neistrefnjenost od pida Origin: Turk, mahmurluk "hangover" Hony + heaviness after a drunken sleep; hangover Mor. + languor, languish, dreaminess, tipsiness Red. - Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 222.

MAMUZA * "spur" - Meaning: Drv. + spur Ka. + Spom Kl. + ostruga Kn. - & . + ostruga Vu. - Origin: Turk, mahmuz "spur” ^ Arab "spur" Hony + spur, cockspur Mor. + spur, cockspur Red. + spur Form: noun, fern . , -a stem Occurr: 1: p. 198. 189 \ MANDAL "door-latch" Meaning; Drv. + (door-) latch Ka. + Tohrriegel Kl. + naprava za osiguranje vrata od provale; zasum, reza,kradun, zasovnica, skakavica, prljevomica Kn. + Torrlegel Sk. + zasovnica, zavor; drvena greda ili deljezna Sipka koja se stavlja preko vrata sa unut- ra&nje strane radi zatvaranja; dijelovi meteriza koji veifu najdonji sud s kapkom Vu. + Jako drvo koje se mede preko vrata da bi bila sigumije zatvorena, drvena reza na vratima Origin: Turk, mandal "latch" Hony + latch; catch; tumbler, pawl, cleat; clothes- peg, tunning-peg of ciolin, etc. Mor. + (wooden) latch or bolt; button, clothes peg; catch, picklock Red. + button (to a door) Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 372.

♦ MANGALA "brazier" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + limena zdjelasta posuda sa stalkom; slu£i mjesto pedi za grijanje Kn. + Kohlenbecken; Warmepfanne Sk. + sud posebnog oblika napravljen obidno od bakra (a mode bit! i od mesinga, pleha ili zemlje) us kojem se dr£i zeravica radi zagrijavanja sobe, ili za podgri javanje skuhane kafe ili jela Vu. + sud sa raspaljenim ugljem za grejanje zimi; obi&no od bakra, lak i podesan za preno£enje iz sobe u sobu Origin: Turk, , mankal^ Arab, mankal "copper brasier" Hony + brazier Mor. + brazier, pan; grate; chafing-dish Red. + chafing-dish for warming apartments with charcoal Form: noun, fern., -a stem Occurr: 2: pp. 11, 102. 190 MARIFETLUK "skill, contrivance, talent, cunning" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + vje£tina, majstorija; okretnost, umjetnost, spretnost, prepredenost, lukavost Kn. + Listigkeit, Fente, Kniff Sk. + vjeStina, majstorija, dovitljivost; izmotavanje, smicalica Vu. + prepredenost, lukavost, lukavstvo Origin: Turk, marifetlik "knowledge, skill, talent, contrivance" z. Arab, ma'rif "knowledge" + -lik - Turk, nominal suffix Hony + knowledge, skill, talent, craft, skilled trade contrivance Mor. + knowledge, talent, art, skill, artifice, tirck Red. + knowledge, art, cunning, dexterity Form: noun, masc., cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 38.

MASKARITI SE * "to mock, to make fun of, to joke" Meaning: verb derived from maskara as given by: Drv. - Ka. + Verlachenswerthe Sache Kl. + &ala, sprdnja, ismljavanje Kn. + spas, spott (scherz, Spastreib) Sk. + Sala, ismijavarije, sprdnja Vu. + Sala, ismevanje, sprdanje, covek s. obrazinom, maskom; §aljiv£ina, lakrdija&, ismeva# Origin: Turk, maskara, mashara "bufoon" Arab, meshara ‘ "laughing stock, mask, buffoon" + -i + -ti -S.Cr. infinitive suffix Hony + buffoon; laughing-stock, ridiculous Mor. + masquerade, buffoon, jester Red. +’ buffoon Form: verb, reflexive, imperfective Occurr: 1: p . 224. 191

MEHANA * "tavern" Meaning: Drv. + tavern, pot-house; ale-house Ka. + Gasthaus Kl. + krcma, gostionica Kn. + Schenke, Wienhaus, Wirtshous Sc. + krSma Vu. + knSma, gostionica Origin: Turk, meyhane "tavern" ^ Pers. meyhane £ mey "wine, drin" + hane "house" Hony + wine-shop, tavern Mor. + wine-shop, boozing-shop; bousingken Red. + public-house, wine-shop Form: noun, fem. Occurr: 23: pp. 125, 206, 212, 217, 218, 220, 221, 222, 225, 228, 229, 230, 232, 240,302.

MEKTEB "Moslem elementary religious school" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + osnovna Skola kod Muslimana Kn. + Volkschule §k. + muslimanska osnovna vjerska Skola Vu. + Skola, narobito osnovna Skola Origin: Turk, mekteb, mektep "school"A rab, mekteb "elementary school" Hony + school Mor. + school; college Red. + school / Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 2: pp. 262, 347. 192

m ele6 "angel" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + andeo Kn. + gute Geister, Engel Sk. + andeo Vu. + andeo, Bo£ji poslanik . Origin: Turk, melek, melaike "angel" & Arab, melek "angel" Hony + angel Mor. + angel, archangel;(fig) beautiful girl (or child) Red. + angel Form: noun, masc., -const, stem Occurr: 4: pp. 244.

\ MELEM * "balsam, balm, ointment" Meaning: Drv. + plaster, balsam (fig) comfort Ka., + Pflaster Kl. + lijek, ljekovita mast; pomada Kn. + Salbe, Pflaster, Wundsalbe §k. + mast koja se privija kao lijek narane, kraste, uboj ltd ., (fig) blag, dobar Sovek Vu. + mast za mazanje, flaster; lek Origin: Turk, melhem, merhem "salve" Arab, merhem Grk. malagma - "balsam" Hony + ointment, salve Mor. + ointment, salve, pomade Red. + ointment, salve

Form: noun, masc., -const, stem

Occurr: 1: p . 353. 193

MERAKIIJSKI "with passion, with desire; lustily, pleasant, lusty, desirable" (adj.) Meaning: adjective derived from. merak as given by: Drv. Ka. Kl. + volja za ne&m, £elja, strast, £udnja; naslada, u£ivanje, ugodno raspolo2enje; melanholija Kn. + Wille, Lust, Wunsch, Geniesen (genieserisch; mit Genus) §k. + naslada, u£ivanje, ugodno osedanje, raspolo£enje; strast, ifudnja, 2elja, volja za ne&im; melanholija Vu. + strast, 2elja, prohtev, 6ef Origin: Turk, merak "whim, passion, melancholy" ^ Arab, merak "hypochondria" + -li - Turk. adj. suffix + -ski -S-Cr. possessive suffix Hony + curiosity; whim; passion; great interest; anxiety; depression, melancholy Mor. + anxiety (fear); curiosity (suspicion), hypochondria, monomania, passion, fancy Red. + whim; fancy; curiosity; taste; pleasure; anciety; suspence; fear; monomania, hypo­ chondria

Form : adjective, qualitative Occurr: 1: p. 162

MERHABA "greeting among the Moslems" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + pozdrav medu muslimanima; zdravo1. dobro do&ao, smatram te prijateljem i kao takvog te rado vidim Kn. + Gruss (musl.) (iron.) Bachenstreich S k . + muslimanski pozdrav Vu. + p o z d ra v kojim se muhamedanci pozdravljaju samo medu sobom; zdravo1. 194 Origin: Turk, merhaba "good day; how are you" ^ Arab. Merhaba "welcome” ' Hony + good day, how are you Mor. + good day'. Hail'. Welcome'. Red. + all hail1. Form: Interjection Occurr: 1: p. 109.

MERHAMET "mercy, pity" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + sa£aljenje, sau£e£ce, milost, nilosrde, smilovanje; dobrohotnost, prijaznost, sklonost Guade, Barmherzigkeit Ik. + samilost, milost, milosrdnost Vu. - Origin: Turk, merhamet "mercy" /L Arab, meihame "mercy, pity" Hony + mercy, pity Mor. + mercy, pity Red. + pity, comnuseration, mercy Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 109.

ME&EMA "court, courthouse, court of Justice" Meahlnq,;, Drv. - Ka. + Richterstuhl Kl. + sudnica, sudiste n. + Gericht, Gerichtsstatte, Richterstuhl fk. + sud, sudska zgrada Vu. + sud, sudienje Origin; Turk. mahkeme "tribunal" <- Arab, mahkeme "tribunal, court" Hony + court of justice Mor. + trubunal, court (of Justice) Red. + court of justice Form: noun, fern., -a stem

Occurr: 3: pp. 123, 124. 195 \ MEZAR "grave, tomb" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + grob, grobnica Kn. + Grab Sk. + grob, raka Vu. + groblje Origin: Turk, mezar "grave"Arab, mezar "visit place of pilgrimage; shrine; tomb of a santon" Hony + grave, tomb Mor. + grave, tomb Red. + grave Form: noun, masc., -const, stem Occurr: 3: pp. 134, 351.

MEZE * "slight refast before principal meal, appetizer" Meaning: Drv. + slight refast before principal meal Ka. + Zubib , Zubeifi en Kl. + jelo koje ljudi zala£u uz rakiju, zakuska. prismok Kn. + Imbis Sk. zakuska, jelo koje se uzima uz rakiju ili vino Vu. + zakuska, jelo koje se uzima uz pi(5e da bi se moglo bolje piti Origin: Turk. meze "snack" Pers. meze "treat" Hony + appetizer, snack, hors'd'oeuvres Mor. + snack or titbit (eaten with drinks, etc.); relish; (hors-d'oeuvres) Red. + whet before dinner, appetizer Form: noun. neuter, conconantal stem

Occurr: 2: pp. 221, 355. . 196 MBZETITI * to eat "meze” Meaning: Drv. + to eat "meze" Ka. + zubeisen Kl. + jesti meze; zalagati, zakusivati, prismakati, prismo&ti Kn. + zubeisen Sk. + jesti mezu uz pi<£e Vu. + praviti, jesti meze Origin: mezet (^mezeta - gen. sing; nom. or gen. plural of meze) + -ti -S-Cr. infinitive ending Form: verb, imperfective Occurr: 1: 203.

\ MINDER 'mattress; sofa" Meaning: Drv. + mattress Ka. + Matratze Kl. • + poSivanljka i sjedalo kod orijentalaca; divan, se6ija Kn. + Matratze, Kissen Sk. + slamnja£a ili Siljte vunom napunjeno, koji se steru po se6iji, da je mekSe za sjedenje; katkad zna£i i samu se£iju Vu. + du£ek Origin: Turk, minder "mattress" Hony + cushion; mattress; wrestling ring Mor. + cushion, padding (mattress) Red. + mattress; sofa Form: noun, masc., cons, stem

Occurr: 1: p . 336. 197 MINDERLUK "sofa"

Meaning: D rv . - K a .' - Kl. + see minder Kn. + sofa Sk. + secija, po kojoj je prostrt minder; platno koje se upotrebljava za minder Vu. + mesto gde se sedi i le£i; divan, sofa Origin: minder + luk - Turk, nominal suffix®* Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 195.

MINDU^A. * "ear-ring" Meaning: Drv. + ear-ring, ear-drop, pendant Ka. + Ohrgehange Kl. + nauSnica, obodac, rin£ica, u&njak n. + Ohrgehange, -Gehenk fk.‘ + nausnica Vu. + nakit koji visi o uvetu Origin: Turk, mengus "ear-ring"Pers. mengus "earring"^, men "from" + gus "ear" Hony - Mor. - Red. - Form: noun, fern., -a stem

Occurr: 2: 218, 223 . • • 198 MINTAN "sort of waistcoat with narrow long sleeves" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + kratki kaput s dugim uskim rukavima; gomja mu£ka haljina bez rukava Kn. + Art Jacke Sk. + haljetak do pasa od £ohe, sukna ili pamu&ne tkanine, sa dugim uskim rukavima, na prsima se presami6uje Vu. - Origin: Turk, mintan "waistcoat" z- Pers. nimten "short coat" Hony + sort of waitcoat with sleeves; shirt Mor. + (old-fashioned) shirt dr jacket Red. + short jacket Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 3: pp. 65, 134.

MIRAZ * "dowry" l^ s a n in a i Drv. + dowry, dower (marriage) fartion Ka. + Erbschaft Kl. + ono sto £ena donese imetka u brak, Seninstvo; prcija, dota, alatura Kn. + Erbschaft, Mitgift, Mitgabe, Ausstener §k. + nasljedstvo, nasljede, nasljedena imovina; lmovina koju djevojka donosi mu£u prilikom udaje Vu. + prcija Origin: Turk. miras "inheritance"^-Arab, mlrat "inheritance" Hony + inheritance Mor. + heritage, inheritance; legacy; heirloom Red. + Inheritance Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem

Occurr: 1: p. 310. 199 MIVA "fruit, fruit-tree" Meaning: Drv. - Ka.: + Obst Kl. + plod, voce Kn. + Obst Sk. + vode, vodka Vu. + vorfe

Origin: Turk, meyva "fruit" jc. Pers. meywa "fruit" Hony + fruit Mor. + fruit, com Red. + fruit Form: noun, fem., -a stem Occurr: 2: p. 320.

MUBA&R "usher; official who conveys the order of the government; director" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + nadzomik, nadzira£, £uvar; poslanik, izaslanik, delegat; komesar, povjerenik; sudski vratar, podvomik, sudski izvr&itelj, ovrhovoditelj Kommissar, Vert ret er, Gesandter Ik . + glasnik, izaslanik; komesar Vu. - Origin: Tuik. mubagir "clerk"^ Arab. muba£ir "clerk" Hony + process-server, official who conveys the order of a department; agent Mor. + usher Red. + kind of official agent Form: noun, masc., -const, stem

Occurr: 5: pp. 105, 106. 200 MUBA&REV "belonging to a mubaj&r" Origin: mubaSir + -ev - S-Cr. possessive suffix Form: adjective, possessive Occurr: 1: p. 105.

MUDERIS "professor at Medresa (Moslem high school); learned man" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + profesor na medresi; sveii&liJfni profesor; velik stru£njak Miltelschullehrer, Geisllicher Ik . + nastavnik, profesor medrese Vu. + u&telj na visoj Skoli; nastavnik, profesor

Origin: Tuik. mudderris "professor"*: Arab, muderris "teacher, learned" Hony + professor Mor. + professor Red. + public professor of law and divinity Form: noun* m asc., cons, stem Occurr: 15: pp. 141, 142, 145, 146, 147, 151, 152, 178, 179, 236, 237, 238.

MUDERISOV "belonging to a muderls" Origin: muderis + -ov - S-Cr. possessive suffix Form: adjective, possessive

Occurr: 2: pp. 237, 338. 201

MUFTIjA "mufti; an expert in Islamic law" Meaning: Drv. + mufti Ka. + Mufti Kl. + u£enjak, bogoslav kod Muslimana; predstojnik nad muslimanskim duhovnicima u jednom kraju; u£eni pravnik; poznavalac zakona Kn. + Mufti §k. + najstariji po rangu muslimanski sveStenik u jednom okrugu ili u jednoj pokrajini. On je nadle£an za izdavanje fetvi Vu. + pravoznalac, tuma£ zakona na osnovu Korana. Turski vrhovni sveStenik i vrhovni sudija, ministar prosvete u Turskoj

Origin: Turk, muftu "mufti"/l Arab, mufti "doctor, expander of the law of Koran" + -ja S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + Moslem jurist; mufti, senior Moslem priest Mor. + mufti (doctor of Islamic law) Red. + legal officer whose office is to lay down the law on all cases submitted to him Form: noun* m asc., -a stem Occurr: 6: pp. 127; 128, 129, 131.

\ MUFTinN "belonging to muftiia" Origin: muftij(a) + -in -S-Cr. possessive suffix Form: adjective, possessive Occurr: 1: p . 129. 202 / MUHAPZIR "emigrant; refugee (esp. Moslem)" Meaning: Drv. Ka. Kl. iseljenik, preseljenik, doseljenik, izbjeglica, emigrant, bjegunac; Musliman koji se iz nevemigke zemlje sell u islamsku Kn. + Turkei ausgewanderter bosn. Bauer; Bauer, Auswanderer 8k. + izbjeglica, emigrant; iseljenik, doseljenik Vu. + pristalice Muhamedove koje su se u Medini skupljale oko njega; iseljenici; izbeglice Origin: Turk, muhacir "refugee".* Arab, muhajfir "emigrant" Hony + emigrant; refugee Mor. + emigrant; immigrant; refugee; settler (evacuee) Red. + one compelled to abandon his country Form: noun, masc., cons, stem Occurr: 3: pp. 108, 109, 349

MUHAD&IRLUK "emmigration" Meaning: Drv. Ka. Kl. Kn. §k. Vu. 52 Origin: muhad£ir + luk - Turkish nominal suffix Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 351. 203 \ MUKTAR "headman of a village or quarter; bailiff" Meaning: Drv. Ka. - Kl. + starjeSina, nadelnik, predstojnik (op6ine, grada, detvrti, rajona); upravni dinovnik Kn. + Vorgestzeter, Vorstand §k. + starjesina mahale u gradu; seoski starjeSina, knez Vu. + seoski, knez, kmet Origin: Turk, muhtar "chosen"-

MULAZIM i "novice; functionary; lieutenant" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. . ■ ■ Kl. + zamjenik, pomocnik, pristav; u vojsci: porudnik Kn. + Assessor; Offizier §k. + porudnik (u vojsci) Vu. + porufinik; dak koji je doSao do prvog stepena u sudijskom &inu Origin: Turk, mulazim "lieutenant"^ Arab, mulazim "helper, adjutant-mayor" Hony + novice; assistant functionary; (formerly) lieutenant Mor. + novice; assistant; supernumerary official (nul) lieutenant Red. + constant attendant or follower; lieutenant Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem

Occurr: 8: pp. 114, 141, 148, 149, 151. 204

/ MUIAZIMOV "belonging to a mulazim" Origin: mulazim + -ov - S-Cr. possessive suffix Form: adjective, possessive Occurr: 1: p. 142.

•/ MUNAFIK "hypocrite; backbiter; tell-tale; defamer" Meaning: Drv. Ka. Kl. + <5ovjek koji je samo prividno primio Islam; hipokrit; pretvaralo, smutljivac, licemjer sijafi nesloge Kn. + Mann, der Glauben heuchelt; Gegner Sk, + licemjeran; smutljivac; spletkar; onaj koji se prikazuje vjemikom, a u istini nije vjemik Vu. - Origin: Turk, munafik "hypocrite" Arab, munafiq "hypocrite" Hony + hypocrite; mischief maker; double deal­ ing; tell-tale Mor. + hypocrite; backbiter; mischief-maker; tell-tale Red. + hypocrite; tale-bearer (cannonically) Form: noun, masc., cons, stem

Occurr: 1: p . 178. 205

MURTATIN "rebel; traitor; renegade (of Islam)" . Meaning; Drv. Ka. + Verrather Kl. + odmetnik, rebel, izdajica, izdajnik Kn. + Verrater, Rebell Sk. + izdajica; otpadnik od vjere Vu. + izdajnik; izdajica; otpadnik of vjere; onaj koji je napustio Muhamedovu veru Origin: Turk, murtat "apostate"-^ Arab, murtedd "apostate + -in - S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + apostate, renegade Mor. + apostating (from Islam); apostate or renegade Red. + pervert from Muhammedism Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 131.

MUSAIA "public place for Moslem prayer" Meaning: Drv. Ka. Kl. + mjesto u prirodi gdj e Muslimani na otvorenom prostoru zajedni£ki vrSe stanovite pobo£nosti Kn. + Gemeinschaftlicher, Gebet Platz der Moslimen S k . + mjesto (livada, baSta) na kome Muslimani cijelog grada, varoSi, grupno, pod otvorenim nebom klanjaju bajramsku molitvu Vu. Origin: Turk, musalla "place for prayer"Arab, musalla "place of worship" Hony + public place for prayers Mori - Red. + place in the open air, devoted to public prayer; any place of prayer

Form: noun, fern., -a stem

Occurr: 1: p . 206. 206 MU&EBEK "window bar (wooden)'1 Meaning: Drv. Ka. + Fenstergitter Kl. + reSetka na prozoru Kn. + Fenstervergitterung §k. + drvena re&etka na prozorima starih mus- limanskih ku6a koja slu£i tome da se ne bi vidjela s ulice £enska lica u sobi; vrsta veza koji je slifian muSebeku Vu. + reSetka na prozoru Origin: Turk. mu$aba "reticular" -Z. Arab. mu£ebbek "intricate (made as the lattice)" Hony + open work embroidery Mor. + open work; reticalated; relicular Red. + formed like network or trellis work Form: noun, m asc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 223.


Mu SeMA * "linoleum; mackintosh; wax-cloth; oil cloth" Meaning: Drv. Ka. + Wachsleinwand Kl. + voStano platno; nepromo&v ogrta£, ki^na kabanica Kn. + Wachsleinwand, - luch Sk. + ovo&teno platno; gumirano platno Vu. - Origin: Turk, mugamma Arab. mu£emma "waxed oil cloth, water proof" Hony + oiled silk; tarpaulin; linoleum; mackintosh, waterproof Mor. + wax cloth; oil cloth; tarpaulin; water- proof-cloak (mackintosh); linoleum Red. + wax-cloth; cere-cloth, oil cloth, terpaulin, oiled silk Form: noun, fern., -a stem

Occurr: 1: p. 333. 20.7 MU&TERI1A "customer, buyer, client" Meaning: Drv. + customer; patron, buyer Ka. + Kundschaft, der Kunde, Kaufer Kl. + kupac uop6e; dovjek koji stalno naruSuje robu kod jednog majstora; klijent; Kn. + Kund schaft; Kunde; Kaufer; Werber Sk. + kupac, reflektant za kupovinu; klijent; onaj koji neSto £eli; koji pretenduje na neSto Vu. + kupac, stalan kupac u trgovini Origin: Tuik. mu§teri "customer" ^ Arab, mu^terl "purchaser" + -ja - S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + customer, purchaser; client Mor. + customer, buyer, client Red. + customer, purchaser Form: noun, masc.; -a stem Occurr: 5: pp. 115, 241, 265; 306, 317.

MUTEVEUTA "administrator or trustee of a pious foundation" Meaning: Drv. Ka. Kl. + upravitelj vakufa Kn. + Verwalter einer Stiftung Sk. + upravitelj jednog vakufa Vu. Origin: Turk, mutevelli "administrator" ^ Arab, mute we lli "administrator" + -ja - S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + administrator; esp. trustee of a pious foundation Mor. + administrator or trustee (of mortmain property) Red. + trustee of property in mortmain Form: noun, masc., -a stem Occurr: 5: pp. 79, 80, 128, 260. 208

NAP&K. "pick--axe" . Meaning: Drv. + pick-axe Ka. + Art Keule Kl. + sjekirica na dugom drSku s oStricom na jednoj a fiekicem na drugoj strani; vrsta buzdovana; budak, mlatilo, malj Kn. + Art Keil, Stretaxt §k. + sjekirica na dugom drSku, u koje je s jedne strane oStrica, a s druge strane u£ica (malj) u obliku Sekica Vu. + Sekic, mala ubojna sekira Origin: Turk. nacak "axe" Hony + large axe with a hammer at the back Mor. + axe Red. Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 42.

NAFAKA "fate; food; livelihood" Meaning; Drv. Ka. + ono Sto je Sovjeku odredeno da pojede na ovom svijetu Kl. + ono Sto je dovjeku sudeno da pojede za ovoga zivota; sudbina, usud; kob, hrana uopde; hranarina , izdrSavanje, alimentacija Kn. + Schicksal; Nahrung; Alimentation; Unter- halt S k. + hrana, jelo, pice; ono Sto je Sovjeku od Boga odredeno da pojede i popije na ovom svijetu Vu. + ono Sto je kome odredeno da pojede na ovom svetu Origin: Turk, nafaka < Arab, nafaka "expenses" Hony + means of subsistence, livelihood; main­ tenance, allowance, alimony Mor.. + (means of) subsistence; maintenance; allowance, livelihood Red. + allowance from a husband

Form: noun , fern., -a stem

Occurr: 1: p . 18. NAHIIA | "administrative district; region" Meaning: Drv. + administrative district Ka. + Gebiet Kl. + kotar; uprvna jedinica u biv&oj turskoj • carevini Kn. + Gebiet; Dreis, Bezirk Sc. + £upa, upravna jedinica manja od kadiluka Vu. + okrug, srez Origin: Turk. nahiye "region"^ Arab, riahiye "district, region ■I Hony + region, sub-district Mor. + region, district, township, commune Red. + small district, canton, hundred Form: noun, fem. , -a stem CO o Occurr: 2: pp. 6 6 , .

NARAND&ST * "orange colored" Meaning: Drv. + orange, orange colored Ka. Kl. + koji Je poput narantfe (obi£no za vrstu £ute boje) Kn. + organgefarben Sk. + boje narance Vu. Origin: narandza "orange" <• Turk, narenc "orange"-*: Arab. narenS "orange"-* Pers. narenj "orange" + -ast S-Cr. adjectival suffix Form: adjective, qualitative Occurr: 1: p. 173. 210

NEIMAR "architect, builder; civil engineer; mason Meaning;. Drv. - Ka. + Baumeister, der den Bau leitet Kl. + graditelj, arhitekt, gradevinski inifenjer Kn. + Baumeister §k. + arhitekt, graditelj, gradevinski in£enjer Vu. + gradevinar, arhitekt Origin; Turk. mimar "architect"-:: Arab, mi'mar "architect. mason II Hony + architect Mor. + architect Red. + architect Form; noun. masc., cons. stem H CO Occurr; 4: pp. * 17, 28, 270.

\ NEIMARSTVO "architecture, "

Meaning; D rv . Ka. Kl. Kn. + Baukunst, Architektur, Bauwesen §k. Vu. Origin; Neimar + -stvo S-Cr. nominal suffix Form: noun, neuter, -o stem

Occurr; 1: p. 19. 211 / NENA "grandmother, mother; old woman" Meaning: Drv. Ka. + Mutter Kl. n. + Mutter, Grosmutter, allure Schwester fkl + baba, o£eva ill materina mati; majka, baka, stara 2ena Vu. + mati; majka; dojkinja Origin; Turk, nine "grandmother, mother" Hony + granny, mummy Mor. + (rare) grandmather (mother); old woman Red. Form: noun, fern., -a stem Occurr: 2: pp. 185, 191

NIMET "bread, nourishment, happiness, God's blessing, -gift" Meaning: Drv. Ka. • Kl. + hrana, £ive£, kruh; dar s neba, sreca; dobro-cinstvo; korist, dobitak Kn. + Brot; (habitat), Nahrung (-Smittel) Sc. + Bo£ja blagodat, bo2ji dar; hljeb Vu. + blagostanje, blagodet Origin: Turk, nimet "blessing"^. Arab, nime "benefit, grace, favor; privilege" Hony. + blessing, good fortune, benefaction; favor; food -(bread esp.) Mor. + benefaction; blessing; bounty; comfort; grace; good luck Red. + comfort, blessing; benefit from Providence Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem

Occurr: 1: p; .230. 212 NI&AN * "target, aim, goal; tombstone" Meaning: Drv; + target, mark, butt, aim, object, goal Ka. + Ziel, Zielan der Flinte Kl. + biljeg, znak, cilj, meta; naprava na pu&ci za ciljanje, vizir, mu£ica, sjenjaj; odlikovanje; kamen nad grobom M usi. Kn. + Ziel, Zielscheibe; Bichtkom, Visier; Ziel on der Flinte, Korn; eine art Spiel, Grabmal Sk. +. cilj, meta; napiava na pusci; biljeg, znak na ti jelu, mlade£; orden, odliko­ vanje; biljega, obilje2je; dar koji se daje djevojci prilikom vjeridbe ill prosidbe Vu. + znak, beleg, meta u koju se gada niSan- ska ta£ka Origin: Turk, ni^an "sign"Pers. ni&an "target, mark; token" Hony + sign, mark, indication, scar; target, order, decoration; engagement, token given on betrothal Mor. + mark, sign, trace (token); target, betrothal; decoration; order Red. + mark, sign, trace, signal of any kind; endex; indication; sign-post; beacon, token Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 2: pp. 16, 68.

/ NIZAM "former regular Turkish army; order, rule" Meaning: Drv. Ka. Kl. + nekada£nja redovita turska vojska n. ++ Turk. Soldat fk. + regulama vojska u Turskoj carevini; red, poredak, raspored Vu. + red, pravilo, pravilnost, uredba; redovan turski vojnik Origin: Turk, nizam "order" Arab, nizam "rule of conduct; custom, use; order; harmony" Hony + order, regularity, law, regulation, system Mor. + order, regulation, ordinance, system; method rule; arrangement Red. + order, regularity, arrangement, system; regulation; law, bye-law Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: Is P. 177. 213 PDA "the smallest unit of the paid Turkish army" Meaning: Drv. Ka. Kl. + vod janjitfarske vojske Kn. ’ + kleinere Einheit Sk. + Najmanja jedinica placene vojske Vu. + odred, £eta turskih vojnika, narodito Janifiara Origin: Turk, "room" Hony + room, office formerly) Janissary barracks Mor. + room, chamber, office Red. + room; office bureau; counting house Form: noun, fern., -a stem Occurr: 1: p. 23.

' v ODZAK "chimney; smoke stack; home; tall house; hearth" Meaning: Drv. + chimney, shaft; smoke-stack, funnel Ka. + Rauchfansteuer (an den Bischof) Kl. + ognjiSte, loZi£te, dimnjak; dvor, kula; familija, obitelj; dinastija; dru£ba, druStvo, udru£enje Kn. + Schomstein; Beet auschaufeln beim Saen; Adels-Bauemhof; Familie Sk. + dimnjak, porodica, kuca, plemicka, begovska kuca t Vu. + dimnjak, ognji&e; kuca, porodica; versko udruJfenje; janjiSarska trupa Origin: Turk, ocak "hearth, chimney" Hony + fumace, kiln-hearth, fire place, oven range; quarry, mine; club, dynasty; family Mor. + fire-place, hearth, grate; (chimney); fumace; kiln; kitchen-range; oven Red. + fireplace; hearth; chimney; family, dynasty; a corps, colony

Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem

Occurr: 1: p . 156. 214

QEh- "measure of weight (about two and half pounds)" Meanlng: Drv. + measure of weight (about two and half pounds) Ka. + Ein Mas und Gewicht von 2 1/4 Pfeud) Kl. + mjera za te2inu (1,282 kgr); mjera za zapreminu (litar i po); boca od litre i po Kn. + Ein Mas und Gewicht Sk. + stara mjera za te2inu: 4 litre po 100 grama, odnosno 1,283 kgr. teSine Vu. + ranije jedinica za merenje te^ine u Turskoj Origin: Turk, okka "oke"Arab, ukiyye "oke" Hony + Oke (measure of weight = 400 dirhems = 2.8 lbs) Mor. + (formerly) weight of four hundred drams (2,83 lbs); (1285 grs) Red. + Oke (Turkish pound = 2 3/4 lbs) Form: noun, fern., -a stem Occurr: l! p. 157.

OLSUN "let it be; so be it', even'." Meaning; Drv. Ka. Kl. + neka bude1. makar

Vu. + tako je; neka bude'. Origin: Turk, olsun "so be it'." - imperative of olmak "to be" (3. p. sing.) Hony + so be it; even; if only, all right'. Mor. + let it be, or become; may (it be) I wish Red. - Form: Imperative, 3rd pers. sing.

Occurr: 1: p . 135. -215 ORDIJA "Turkish army, army camp" Meaning: Drv. Ka. + Armee Kl. + tabor, vojska, obiSno turska Kn. + Armee, Horde §k. + vojska, armija u Turskoj carevini Vu. + vojska, veliki vojni logor Origin: Turk, ordu "army" + -ja - S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + army, camp Mor. + camp; throng Red. + crowd, multitude Form : noun, masc., -a stem Occurr: 1: p. 148..

OSEIRITI "to look over, look on" Meaning: Drv. Ka. Kl. + nachschauen, schauen + razgledati; pregledati

Origin: S-Cr. perf. prefix 0 - + Turk, seyir "motion" Arab, sayr "journey" + -i + -ti - S-Cr. infinitive ending Hony + movement; progress; travel; voyage; a looking on at a thing; spectacle Mor. + march, moving; motion; progression; spectacle; showing; sight-seeing (looking on) Red. + motion, change, sight, looking at anything Form: verb, perfective

Occurr: 1: p. 105. 216

OTUZBIR "thirty one (card game" Meaning: Drv. Ka. - Kl. - (otuzbir) - neka kartaSka igra, osobito omiljena medu Satrovcima Kn. Sk. - Vu. Origin: Turk, otuz "thirty" + bir "one" Form: number, indeclin. used as a noun Occurr: 3: pp. 167, 171, 174.

PANADUR "fair, gathering, bazaar" Meaning: Drv. Ka. + Markt, Messe Kl. + sajam, vaSar, pazar, demek Kn. Sk. + va&ar Vu. Origin: Turk, panayir "fair"-f Grk. pariemrion (pariigyris ) "fair" Hony + fair Mor. + fair Red. + county fair Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p . 70. .217

P&RA. * "smallest coin" Meaning: Drv. + sm allest coin (fig) merest, trifle, least possible amount Ka. + Munze Para Kl. + sitan novae, nov6i6, u na£oj zemlji stoti deo dinara + Munze, Geld, 5k. + novae; novSic, 40-ti dio groSa; stoti dio dinara Origin: Turk, para "money" -£• Pers. pare "money" Hony ++ money, para (40th part of a piastre) Mor. + para (40th parf of a piastre) Red. + piece, fragment, whole individual thing; money, a small coin, the fortieth of a piastre Form; noun, fern., -a stem Occurr: 17: pp. 18, 19, 60, 64, 75, 118*, 145, 157, 166, 168, 170, 172, 208, 248, 249, 320

pa Sa . "pasha, pacha" Meaning: Drv. + pasha, pacha Ka. + Pascha Kl. + visoki turski civilni i vojni J5in; general; turska plemi<£ka titula (fig) bezobziran, nabusit £ovek + Pascha wK» • + titula visokih dostojanstvenika i vojnih lica osim u duhovnoj hijeraihiji; rang generala Vu. upravnik pokrajine u Turskoj; ugledni vojskovoda, velikodostojnik Origin: Turk, paga (formerly baga) "pasha" Hony + Pasha Mor. + pasha Red. + . . the highest title in the civil or military hierarchy in Turkey Form: noun, masc., -a stem

Occurr: used with Turkish names. 218 pa Saluk "jurisdiction of a pasha, Pasha's district" Meaning: Drv. + jurisdiction of a pasha Ka. + Paschalik, Baschathum Kl. + podru£je kojemu je na 6elu pa£a; vlast i dostojanstvo pa£e Kn.' ' + Paschalik Sk. + oblast Kao podru£na teritorija jednog pa£e; zvanje pa&e Vu. + oblast kojom upravlja pa£a Origin: Turk, pagalik "jurisdiction of pasha* ^ paga ".pasha" + Turk, nominal suffix -lik Hony + title and rank of pasha Mor. + rank or jurisdiction (of a pasha) Red. + grade or functions of a pasha, government held by a pasha Form: noun, masc., cons, stem Occurr: 4: pp. 90, 93, 104.

\ PAZAR * "bazaar, trade, market-place, buying, selling" Meaning: Drv. + bazaar, market-place, fair; turn over, trade Ka. + Markt, Handel Kl. + trgovacki posao, trgovina, trgovanje; sajam, sajmiSte; trg, tr£nica, tr2i&te Kn. + Markt; Handel; einen Handel fordem (durch zureden) Sk. + pijaca, pijadni dan; kupoprodaja, trgovanje, promet, novae od trgovafckog prometa Vu. + tr2i£te, pijaca, dan kada radi trSiSte; kupovina prodaja Origin: Turk, pazar "bazaar" ^ Pers. bazar "bazaar" Hony + bazaar, market, market place, bargaining Mor. + bazaar, market Red. + fair, movable market Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem

Occurr: 4: pp. 16, 66, 97, 216. 219 PAZARIVATI * "bargain, trade, do business, sell, buy" Meaning: Drv. + do (carry on) business, traffic, seH, bargain (away) trade Ka. + handeln Kl. + trgovati, prodavati, kupovati Bp. + handeln, kaufen, und verkaufen Sk. + prodavati ili kupovati; pogoditi se o kupnji, ili prodaji; tramplti; promijeniti,izmjeriiti, Vu. + kupiti, prodati Origin: pazar + -iva - S-Cr. imperfective suffix + -ti - S-Cr. infinitive suffix Form: verb, imperfective Occurr: 2: pp. 265, 266.

\ PAZARNI* "bazaar, market" (adj.) Origin: pazar + -ni - S-Cr. adjectival suffix Form: adjective, qualitative Occurr: 4: pp. 99, 115, 318, 360. 220 PEND&R "window" Meaning: Drv. + window Ka. + Fenster Kl. + prozor Kn. + Fenster Sk. + prozor Vu. + prozor Origin: Turk. pencere "window" -c Pers. penjfere "windo Hony + window Mor. + window Red. + window Form: noun, masc ., -cons, stem Occurr: 3; pp. 114, 115, 340.

PER&N "cue, pig-tail" Meaning: Drv. + cue, quene, pig-tail Ka. + Zopf . Kl. + pletenica, kika, dio kose + . Schopf, Zopf f c + pramen ili £uperak kose na vrh glave ili na zatioku kod mu&karaca, kika; kika na £elu u konja Vu. kika Origin; Tuik. percem "tuft of hair" ^ Pers. per£em "tuft of hair " Hony + tuft of hair; long lock on the tip of the head; forelock (of a horse) Mor. + tuft or lock (on the forehead); forelock or mane (of a horse, etc.) Red. + tuft of hair left on the summit of the head in the East, when the rest of the hair is shaved off

Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem

Occurr: 1: p. 103. 221 PERVAZ "ornamental border; frame, comice"

Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Brame Kl. + okrajak, ivica, rub (haljine), obod, okvir ograda, optok Kn. + Brame, Verbramung, Gebrame §k. + ograda, okvir, optok, okolica; drveni okvir za vrata ili prozore ugraden u zid Vu. + porub, opSav (na haljini, £ar5avu, itd) Origin: Turk. pervaz "comice" Pers. perwaz, perwez "comice" Hony + ornamental border; comice, moulding; fringe Mor. + border, fringe, comice, (ornamental) moulding or frame, cloth border Red. + raised border or comice Fprm: noun, masc ., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 24.

PITA * "kind of sweet or salty pastry" Meaning: Drv, + pastry consisting of two layers of paste with a layer of cheese or fruit in between Ka. + Kuchen Kl. + vrsta Jela (kolafia) od tijesta i razli&tih slatkih ili slanih dodataka Kn. + Kuchen, Fladen §k. + vrsta jela koje se pravi od jufki i raznog drugog prehrambenog materijala Vu. + slatko ili slano jelo od uvijenog ili steranog testa Origin: Turk, pite, pide "thin bread" Grk. p*etta "pastry" Hony + kind of bread baked in thin flat strips Mor. + bread (in soft flat cakes) Red. + flat thin cakes of bread, something like a muffin

Form noun, iem., -a stem

Occurr: 1: p. 22. 222 POAR&TI '•to w aste, spend, squander" Meaning: Drv. + squander, waste; fritter away; spill Ka. + aufzehren Kl. + potroSiti Kn. + ausgeben, verbrauchen Sk. + potroSiti Vu. Origin: PO - S-Cr. perfective prefix + Turk, harg, hare "expenditure" * Arab, har£ "expenditure, land tax + -i + -ti - S-Cr. infinitive ending Hony + expenditure, expenses, outlay, raw material; ingredients; trimmings; Mor. + expense; fee, charge, material; mortar, plaster Red. + spending, expending, expense, materials for any work, braid or lace on cloths; mortar, cement Form: verb, perfective Occurr: 1: p. 67.

RAF "shelf”i Meaning: Drv. — Ka. + W andleiste Kl. + stelaSa, polica, stalak; pregrada, pretinac Kn. + W andleiste Sk. + pregrada u ormanu ili stala£i, polica Vu. + polica Origin: Turk, raf "shelf" ^Arab. reff "shelf" Hony + shelf Mor. + shelf, book shelf, dresser Red. + shelf Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem

Occurr: 4: pp. 241, 318, 369, 370. RAHMETU "the late, the deceased" Meaning: Drv. Ka. - Kl. + pokojni Kn. + Verstorben Sk. + umrli, pokojni Vu. + pokojni, po&v£i Origin: Turk, rahmetli "deceased" •<£ Arab, rahme "mercy, pity" + -li - Turk, adjectival suffix Hony + the deceased, the late Mor. + the late, the blessed Red. Form: adjective, indeclin. Occurr: 4: pp. 179, 242, 243, 351.

RATA. * "rightless Christian Turkish subjects; paupers" Meaning; Drv. + rightless Christian Turkish subjects, (fig) small fry Ka. + Unterthanen Kl. + u bivSoj Turskoj- podanici, kmetovi (obitfno nemuslimani), sirotinja Kn. + Tuik. Unterthanen (Christen) Sk. + nemuslimanski podanik u Turskoj carevini Ima zna£enje i kolektivne imenice za ovaj pojam; svjetina, skupina, dru&na Vu. + "stado"; nemuslimanski podanici u ■ nekadaSnjoj Turskoj, uglavnom hriScani koji su bill podlo£ni platan ju hara&a; (fig) sirotinja, prezreni staled Origin: Turk, raya, reaya "Christian subjects "z. Arab, reifya "subjects" Hony + subjects, esp . the non-moslem subjects of the Ottoman Empire Mor. + flocks or herds; non-Moslem communities (of a Moslem state) Red. • + tributary non-Muslim subjects of Turkey Rayahs) Form: noun, fern. , -a stem (collective)

Occurr: 10: pp. 28, 31, 35, 36, 48, 65, 84, 339. 224

RAHNSH * "belonging to raja" Origin; raj(a) + -in + -ski - S-Cr. possessive suffixes Form: adjective, possessive Occurr: 1: p. 67.

BAHIA * "brandy, plum brandy" Meaning: Drv. + brandy; (&livovic) plum-brandy Ka. + Branntwein Kl. + poznato alkoholno pice Kn. + Branntwein §k. + poznato alkoholno pi6e Vu. + poznato opojno pide od Sljiva, gro2da, ltd. Origin: Turk, raki and arak "brandy" Arab, arek "sweat, perspiration" + -Ja - S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + sweat, raki Mor. + raki; Red. + brandy or spirits for drinking

Form: noun, fern., -a stem Occurr: 32: pp. 17, 82, 84, 85, 86, 111, 112, 125, 162, 183, 218, 220, 221, 223, 224, 228, 248, 354, 254, 268, 353, 354, 355, 356. rahta £ * "brandy-bibber" ■ * • ' .. Meaning: Drv. + brandy bibber Ka. - KU - Kn. + Schnapsbruder, - saufer Sk. - Vu. - Origin: rakija + -s - S-Cr. nominal suffix Form: noun, masc., -a stem Occurr: 1: p . 218. 225 \ RAMAZAN "Ramadan; the month of Moslem fast" Meaning; Drv. + Ramadan Ka. + Faste der Mohamedaner Kl. + deveti mjesec muhamedanske mjesetfeve godine; mjesec posta i suzdr£avanja od tjelesnih u2itaka danju n. + Fasten der Mohammedanen fk. + ime devetog mjeseca muslimanskog vjerskog kalendara; mjesec posta Vu. + deveti mesec muhamedanske mesetteve godine, u koji muhamedanski zakon propisuje vemima strog post, uzdrifavanje of telesnih uSivanja danju Origin: Turk, ramazan "Ramadan"^. Arab, ramadan "Ramadan" Hony + Ramazan, the ninth month of the Moslem year, during which Moslems fast between dawn and sunset Mor. Ramadan, the month of Moslem fast Red. + the ninth month of the Muhammedan year, and month of obstinence Form: noun, masc., cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 162.

RAMAZANSKI "Ramadan" (adj.) Origin: ramazan + -ski - S-Cr. possessive suffix Form: adjective, possessive (qualitative)

Occurr: 1: p . 82. 226 \ RAZUIAREN * "(horse) unhaltered; (fig) unbridled, ungovernable, unrestrained (man) Meaning; Drv. + (konj) unhaltered; (fig) unbiidled, un­ governable , unrestrained Ka. Kl. zugellos

Origin: Raz- S-Cr. verbal prefix + ular "halter” Turk, yular "halter" Grk. eulera "halter" + -(j)en- S-Cr. adjectival suffix Hony ' + halter Mor. + halter; lead rope Red. + headstall Form: participle passive of razulariti "unbridle" Occurr: 1: p. 208.

R&JM "anger, indigantion, fury, rage, shouting"

Meaning: Drv. — Ka. + Leugnen Kl. + vika i prijetnja, srd£ba, bijes, jarost Kn. + Drohung; hunger gesunder Bursche; Platzregen mit Sturmwind £k. + povika, vikanje na nekoga razbjeSnjenost, ljutnja Vu. + besan, divlji napad, napad razjarena £oveka ili gomile Origin: Turk. hi§im "anger"-c Pers. hiSm "anger, indignation" Hony + anger, indignation Mor. + rage, anger, haughtiness, arraogance Red. + anger, rage, fury

Form: noun, masc., cons, stem

Occurr: 1: p . 243. 227 SABAH "dawn, morning (early) morning prayer" Meaning; Drv. Ka. + indecln. ujutru kad zabijeli zora i podne se dijeliti dan i noc onda se popne hod£a na d£amiju te udi saba Kl.. + jutro, zora, osvit; lekcija zadana u £koli Kn. + Muslilm. gebet; Aufforderung, gebet, Zeit; Morgenrote (fnih morgens) Sk. + zora, jutro; muslimanska jutamja molilva Vu. + jutro, svitanje dana Origin: Turk, sabah "morning"^ Arab, sabah "morning time" Hony + moming, in the morning, tomorrow morning Mor. . + moming, in the moming Red. + moming; tomorrow Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 241.


SABAHZORSKI53 "early moming" (adj.) Origin: Turk, sabah "moming" + S-Cr. zor(a) - "dawn" + -ski S-Cr. possessive suffix Form: adjective possessive (qualitative) Occurr:: 1: p. 16. 228 SADAKA "charity# alms" Meaning: Drv. Ka. - Kl. + milostinja# milodar P . + Almosen Sk. + molostinja Vu. - Origin: Turk-, sadaka "alms"-£ Arab, sadaka "alms to the poor" ' Hony + alms, charity Mor. + alms# (charity) Red. + alms# charity Form: noun# fem,# -a stem Occurr: 1: p. 238.

\ SAHIBITIN "owner's, master's (of)# possessor's" Meaning: adjective possessive of sahibiia as given by: Drv. Ka. + Herr, Eigenthumer Kl. + gospodin# gospodar, vlasnik, posjednik Kn. + Herr, Eigentumer / Sk. + vlasnik, gospodar; posjednik; domacin Vu. + drug, prijatelj, gospodar, vlasnik Origin: Turk, sahib, sahip "owner"^ Arab, sahib "companion" "endowed with master of, owner" + -ij(a) - S-Cr. nominal suffix + -in - S-Cr. possessive suffix Hony + possessing, endowed with, owner,. possessor, master protector Mor. + owner, possessor; propreitor, endowed with (master) Red. + owner, possessor, friend protector Form: adjective, possessive Occurr: 1: p . 321. 229 \ i SAKAT * "crippled, lame, paralyzed" Meaning: Drv. + (adj.) crippled, maimed, mutilated, mangled, lame, paralyzed Ka. + lahm, verkriippelt, Kl. + uzet, kljast, nagrden, bez ruke, bez • noge 1 s i. bogalj; (fig) oStecen, manjkov Kn. ' _ lahm, Verkruppelt; verschroben, verdreht Sk. + bogalj, invalid; kljast, oSte6en, ozlijeden Vu. + oStecen u nekom delu tela, bogaljast Origin: Turk, sakat "defective" ^ Arab, sakat "cripple" Hony + unsound, defective; disabled, invalid Mor. + disabled, lame; crippled (invalid); * damaged; defective, faulty, wrong Red. + defective, damaged, injured, mutilated, invalid Form: adjective, qualitative Occurr: 5: pp. 16, 22, 310, 357, 358.

/ "hot drink made of the root of orchis mascula"(salep) Meaning; Drv. Ka. + Salep (eines warmes getrank mit Honig) Kl. + vrsta gomolje koji kuhan u vodi- daje omiljeno zimsko pide na- Balkanu Kn. + Salep (eines warmes getrank mit Honig) Sk. + toplo zasladeno bezalkoholno pice koje se zinrii pije Vu. + gusto i hranljivo pice naro&to omiljeno na Istoku Origin: Turk, salep, saleb salep Arab, sahleb "salep, dry roots of orchis" Hony + salep (root of orchis mascula); the hot drink made of this root Mor. + orchis; salep; hot drink (made of salep and milk) Red. -

Form: noun, masc., cons, stem

Occurr: 1: p . 16. 230 SAMAR * "pack-saddle" - Meaning: Drv. + sumpter-horse saddle, pack-saddle Ka. + Saussattel; Krebsschabe Kl. + drveno sedlo; tovar; tovamica; podloga na kojoj nosa& nose teret; sljeme na krovu drveno teretno sedlo koje se stavlja na tovame konje; ispod drveta je slamarica Vu. + sedlasta podloga za tovar na tovarhoj Jfivotinji; podloga na kojoj nosaci vuku teret Origin: Turk, semer "pack-saddle"^: Grk. sagmarion "pack- saddle" Hony + pack-saddle; load used by porters for carrying heavy weight Mor. + saddle, pack-saddle; (porter's) knot. Red. + pack-saddle Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 22.

\ SANDUK * "trunk, chest, box, case" Meaning: Drv. + trunk, chest, box, case; coffer Ka. + Rifte, Truhe Kl. + kovifeg, Skrinja, kufer, velika kutija, ormar; Sar£er (kod pu&ke) Kn. + Kisle, Kasten, Sarg, Hulse, Kammer (Sattel) &. + drveni, kovceg, skrinja Vu. + kovceg Origin: Turk, sandik "chestArab, sanduk and sunduk "box, chest, safe" Hony + chest, coffer, box; coffer-dam; cash box Mor. + case, large box; coffer; (chest), trunk, cash box; pay office Red. + chest; coffer, box, trunk; case Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem

Occurr: 9: pp. 108, 123, 145, 197, 237, 239, 318, 320. 231 SAT (SAHAT) * "hour; watch, clock" Meaning: Drv. + watch, clock, wrist watch; hour; lesson, class Ka. + Stunde; Uhr Kl. + sprava za mjerenje vremena; samo vrijeme od 60 min. Kn. + Uhr, Stunde Sk. + Sasovnik; ura, sat Vu. + casovnik; sahat Origin: Turk, saat "hour"-c Arab, saa "hour, time; while, clock, watch" Hony + hour; time; time of a day, watch, clock Mor. hour, (time); watch, clock, meter (elec­ tric, gas) indicator, (fig) moment Red. + moment; hour, timepiece of any kind Form: noun, masc., cons, stem Occurr: 17: pp. 83, 90, 91, 141, 163, 166, 169, 185, 186, 187, 188, 245, 250, 314.

SA1D&TSKI "watchmaker's" Meaning: adjective derived from saldjfiia as given by Drv. - Ka. + Uhrmacher Kl. + urar Kn. + Uhrmacher Sk. + &asovni£ar, urar Vu. + £asovni£ar Origin: Turk, saatci "watchmaker" + -ski - S-Cr. possessive suffix Hony + watchmaker Mor. + watchmaker; clockmaker Red. + watch and clock maker Form: adjective, possessive

Occurr: 1: p . 205. 232

SAVATII "engraved, made of engraved silver, enameled" Meaning: Drv. Ka. - Kl. + graviran, emaljni Kn. + scharf, ein schneidend, emailliert Sk. + graviran, omamentiran; od graviranog srebra Vu. - Origin: Turk, savatli "engraved" Arab, sawad "blackness" + -U - Turk.; adjectival suffix Hony + engraved with black Mor. + ornamented with tula work, mello-; Red. Form: adjective, indeclin. Occurr: 1: p. 243.

SE^IIA "wooden pedestal covered with mattress; couch" Meaning: Drv. Ka. Kl. + poSiroka uza zid postavljena klupa (tvrda) prostrta cilimima (za le2anje, sjedenje) + Bankchen E. + uzdignuto sjedi$te napravljeno od drvenih dasaka hoje se nalazi u sobama svake starinske ku6e Vu. Origin: Turk. seki "pedestal" + -ja - S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + pedestal; stone seat; white sock on a house Mor. + white patch (on the foot of a horse); (rare) pedestal or dais; couch Red. Form: noun, fern., -a stem Occurr: 4: pp. 241, 368, 369. 233 SEIZ "groom ft Meaning: Drv. + groom Ka. + Stallknecht Kl. + konju£ar Kn. + Stallknecht Sk. + konju£ar Vu. + konju£ar Origin: Turk, seyis "groom” Arab, sayis "groom" Hony + groom Mor. + stable man; groom; ostter Red. + groom; hors e-keeper Form: noun, masc., cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 135.

\ SETMEN "a division of soldiers incorporated with the Janissaries, irregular police soldier"

Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Seimen Kl. + "psar," "psetar," vojnik (janji£arskog puka) pjesak; vojnik koji je vr&io redarstvenu slu£bu pandur Kn* + Sejmen Sk. + pripadnik jednoo roda janjicarske pje^adije; strazar, pandur Vu. + psar; vojnik janjidarskog puka; strazar, pandur Origin: Turk, segmen "soldier" z. Pers. segban "keeper of the hounds " Hony + formerly a division of soldiers incorporated with the Janissaries; servant in charge of dogs; Mor. + keeper of the hounds Red. + formerly a soldier of a particular coprs of the Janissaries Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 35: pp. 13, 29, 31, .32, 33, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 49, 53, 54, 55, 62, 63, 105. 234 \ SETMENSKI "belonging to se'jmen" Origin: sejmen + -ski- S-Cr. possessive suffix Form: adjective, possessive (qualitative) Occurr: 2: pp. 38, 39.

\ SEFET "basket, crate, hamper" Meaning; Drv. + basket, crate, hamper Ka. + Korb r Kl. + koS, koSara, ko&arica, koSic, kotarica; korpa, korpica, krbulja, krto + Korbchen + kotarica, koSara, kroSnja + kotarica opletena od xogoza ili tankih i vitkih grancica Origin: Turk, sepet "basket"^ Pers. seped "basket" Hony + basket, anything made of wickerwork, baketful, Wickerwork Mor. + basket, wickerwork Red. + a smail open mouthed basket Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 6: pp. 22, 24, 106.

SEPETKA "basket, crate, hamper" Meaning; see sepet 54 Origin: sepet + rka - S-Cr. nominal suffix Form: noun, fern., a stem Occurr: 1: p. 23 • : ■ 235 SERPAR ", military chief, ruler; chief of a district" Meaning; Drv. + sirdar Ka. + Sedar (Grokprofo£> , Generalgewaltiger) Kl. + zapovjednik, vojskovoda, vrhovni komandant; nekad engleski zapovjednik egipatske vojske, glavar, poglavar uopce Kn* + ; Gro^profofc , Generalgewaltiger, Ortskommandant den Janitcharen Sk. + glavar, starjeS’ina, zapovjednik, vojskovoda; starje&ina janji^ara u jednom manjem upravnom podrufiju; plemenski starjeSina 1 titula za viSe glavare u Cmoj Gori Vu. + poglavica, zapovednik, vojvoda; nahijski poglavica Origin: Turk, serdar "commander"-c Pers. serdar "commander" , / ser-headH+ dar - nominal suffix Hony + military chief; general Mor. + commander, chief, sirdar (obs) Red.. + commander-in-chief Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 2: pp. 105, 106.

SERD%ADA "prayer rug; any small rug" Meaning: Drv. Ka. + eine Art einer Sitzteppich Kl. + mali sag za klanjanje kod molitve Muslimana Kn. + kleiner Teppich Sc. + prostira£, 6ilim£e na kojem Muslimani klanjaju namaz; slu£i i kao ukras u kucnom namjeitaju; u obliku je pravougaonika Vu. + mala prostirka na kojoj Muhamedanci klanjaju Origin: Turk, seccade "rug"* Arab, sej^ade "prayer carpet; any carpet" Hony + prayer rug Mor. + rug (used in worship); small carpet; Red. + prayer, carpet Form: noun, fern., a stem

Occurr: 1: p . 158. SEVAP "good deed; meritorious action, God's reward for a good deed" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + fromme Stiflung Kl. + dobro&nstvo, zadu£bina, zaslu£no djelo, bogougodni din; bo2ja nagrada za dobro delo Kn. + Stiftung, frommes Vermachtnis Sc. + dobro djelo koje zaslu£uje bo£ju nagradu; nagrada za dobro djelo; Vu. + dobro delo, zadu£bina, nagrada za dobro delo (od boga) Origin: Turk, sevap "good deed" Arab, sewab "rightness, convenience, right course" Hony + God's reward for a pious act or good conduct on earth; good deed Mor. + act or merit; good deed; God's reward or mercy; divine recompense Red. + fit, proper or correct state of anything, good or charitable action Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 2: pp. 73, 244.

SEVDAH "love, love longing, passion, melancholy, yearning" Meaning: Drv. + love Ka. Kl. + ljubav, milovanje, ljubavna fce^nja, strast zanos, vatrena 2elja; ljubavna patnja, uzdisanje Kn. + IAebe Liebesschmachten, -Sehnen, y Sehnsucht, -rausch Sk. + ljubav, ljubavna £e£nja, ljubavni zanos Vu. + ljubav, ljubavna £e£nja; strast Origin: Turk, sevda "melancholy" Arab. sewda*"black-bile, causes melancholy, sadness, gloom," Hony -f melancholy, spleen, passion, love, intense longing; scheme, project Mor. + love; (amorous) passion, ambition; fancy; Red. + black bile; melancholy, wish; any fixed idea . Form: noun, masc., -cosn. stem Occurr: 1: p . 162. SEVDALITA "madly in love, enamoured man" Meaning Dev. - Ka. Kl. + zaljubljenik; pjeva£ sevdalinki Kn. + Mensch, Frau froher, freudiger Natur Sk. + zaljubljenik, onaj koji je odan ljubavi koji je zaljubljen Vu. + zaljubljen, strastan JSovek; ljubitelj ljubavnih pesama Origin: Turk, sevdali "enamoured" <. sevda + -li - Turk, adjectival suffix - + -ja - S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + madly in love; enamoured Mor. + in love, loving, (amorous) Red. - Form: noun, masc., - a stem Occurr: 1: p. 209.

SEVDALITSKI "melancholic" Origin: sevdalij(a) + -ski - S-Cr. possessive suffix Form: adjective, qualitative Occurr: 2: pp. 213, 266. 23 & SEVEPII "having luck in everything, lucky, successful" Meaning: Drv. Ka. Kl. + sretne ruke, kome sve uspijeva + Gluchlich, verhangnisvall + sretne ruke

Origin: Turk, sebepli "reasonable" Arab, sebeb "cause, occasion, means " + -li- Turk, adjectival suffix Hony + having a reason or excuse Mor. + based on some reason, reasonable Red. - Form: adjective, indecl. Occurr: 1: p. 86.

SIKTER "go away', get lost'." Meaning: Drv. Ka. Kl. + odlazi, nestani, izdiri, goni, napolje, • marS'. Kn. + versschwinde.1 Sk. + polja, napolje, gubi se,mars'. Vu. Origin: Turk, siktir, -2nd pers. imperative siktirmek (derrogatory word) Hony - Mor. Red. Form: interjection Occurr: 2: pp. 39, 51. 239

\ SIIAHDAR "sword-bearer; custodian of the. arms of a great personage" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. Kl. + oru^ar na sultanovom dvoru Kn. + Waffen -, Sschwerttrager Sk. + zvanje slu£benika na slu£bi kod vezira ili pa§e, koji se brinuo o buvanju i odrMavanju oru&ja Vu. Origin: Turk, silthtar "sword bearer'.' Pers. silahdar "one who keeps arms".* Arab, silah "weapon, arms" + dar - Pers. present tense stem of da£ften "to keep" Hony + sword bearer; lifeguard of the Janissaries; custodian of the arms of a great personage Mor. + lifeguard, "keeper or bearer of arms" Red. Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 24.

SIMIT "white bread made of the very finest flour" Meaning: Drv. Ka. + feinste Werzenbrot Kl. + bijeli kruh Kn. + feinstes Werzenbrot S k . + vrsta malog okruglog kupovnog hljeba od bijelog braSna Vu. + hleb od najfinijeg pSenitfnog bra£na Origin: Turk. ,simid "biscuit"-* Arab samid "semolina; a kind of biscuit-ring shaped" Hony + roll of bread in the shape of a ring, lifebuoy Mor. + (ring-shaped) breadcake; Red. + kind of breakfast cake made like a large Form: noun, masc ., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 16. 240 w SKEIA * "ferry, ferry boat; landing place, quay" Meaning: Drv. + ferry, ferry boat Ka. + Ueberfahrt, Art der Ueberfiihr; Schiff ouf dem Man uberfahrt Kl. . + mjesio na vodi gdje se vrli prijevoz; luka, pristaniSte; na kojoj se vr£i prijevoz preko rejeke Kn. + Uberfahrt; Fahre Sc. + pristani^te, luka; mjesto na rljeci gdje se vr&i prevoz s jedne obale na drugu; splav, skovani balvani na kojima se prevozi na rljeci Vu. + veliki £amac; splav za prevoz preko vode Origin: Turk, iskele "port"Ital. scala "scaffolding"^, lat. scala "scaffolding" Hony + landing place; quay; port of call; ledder, scaffolding; port (opposite to starboard) Mor. + wharf; landing place; landing stage, quay; sea-port, harbour; port (side); scaffolding Red. + port, harbour, landing place, stairs, wharf; scaffold; platform Form: noun, fern., -a stem Occurr: 17: pp. 14, 21, 22, 23, 25, 29, 30, 31, 35, 61, 75.

SK^LE * ''scaffolding" Meaning: Drv. + scaffolding Ka. + Baugerust Kl. + drvena stajalista oko. novogradnje na kojima stoje zidari i potreban im pribor; lozila, grust Kn. + Baugerust Sk. + grede i daskekoje se postavljahu oko zgrade prilikom zidanja ili popravljanja Vu. - Origin: see skela Form: noun, fern., -a stem Occurr: 41: pp. 32, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 67, 69, 239, 245. . . ' 241 SK^LED&m "ferryman" Meaning: Drv. + ferryman Ka. + Fahrmann Kl. + prijevoznik, brodar, radnik koji obavlja slu£bu na skeli Kn. + Fahrmann Sk. + splavar Vu. + onaj koji prevozi skelom Origin: skele + ci- Turk, nominal suffix + Ja - S-Cr. nominal suffix®® Form: noun, masc., -a stem Occurr: 7: pp. 14, 21, 22, 24, 25, 75.

SOFA * "sofa; kind of a rest bench, stone bench; hall, ante­ room" Meaning; Drv. + sopha Ka. + Beet Kl. + vrsta poSivaljke, minderluk, na sredini sobe; prostor pred dSamijom za klanjanje; spojni hodnik izmedu pojedinih prostorija; sjenica najpr. u vrtu; drvena ili kamena klupa uopce Kn. + Beet, Art Ruhesitz, -platz Sk. + trijem, uzdignuti prostor pred dSamijom uz sami dZamijski zid na kome se klanja ako nema dovoljno mesta u dZamiji; nadkriveno, Ili uzdignuto sjediSte u baSdi; hladnjak Vu. + Siroka klupa du£ zida, u sobama, pokrivena tkaninom na kojoj se sedi i spava Origin: Turk, sofa "sofa" < Arab, suffa "stone bench" Hony + hall, ante-room; stone-bench, sofa Mor. + anteroom; hall (sofa) Red. + open room or alcove in an ante-chamber, fitted up with cushions for seats; it is used by the servants and minor visitors when waiting to be admitted to the rooms; hence word sofa in English Form: noun, fern., -a stem

Occurr 18: pp. 11, 17, 102, 106, 110, 123, 142, 174, 178, . 183, 191, 232, 283, 334. 242 S&FRA "dining table"

Meaning: Drv. — Ka. + Speisetisch Kl. + stol, trpeza, sinija Kn* + Speisetisch Sk. + trpeza, sinija; Vu. + trpeza Origin: Turk. sofra "dining table" Arab, sufre "table" Hony + dining-table; portable leather serving as a table for meals for travelers Mor. + dinner-table; food-wallet; meal; dinner Red. + table (or substitute) prepared with food Form: noun, fem. , -a stem Occurr: 1: p. 175.

SOFTA "student of Islamic theology and law" Meaning: Drv. Ka. Kl. + student islamske teologije i prava. uSenik medrese Kn* + Theologiestudent, Monch, Priester Sk. + uSenik medrese Vu. + dak velike Skole u Turskoj naro&to prava i bogoslovije Origin: Turk. softa "theological student" ^ Pers. suhte "boiled and fried (in science)" Hony + Moslem theological student; bigot, fanatic Mor. + student of Moslem theology; softa; brute; bigot Red. Form: noun, masc., -a stem Occurr: 1: p. 73. SOI* "kind, sort; bad lot; gang, exclusive party, race" Meaning: Drv. + clique, coterie set, gang; exclusive party; stamp, character; kind, sort; bad lot Ka. + Stand, Rang Kl. - Kn. + Stand, Rang, Zucht, Raisse, Schlog, Gewachs Sk. + rod, pleme; porijeklo, vrsta, sorta Vu. + porodica, pleme; rod, vrsta Origin: Turk. soy '"family, race" Hony + family; race; lineage; ancestora; des­ cendants; kind srot. Pure blooded noble Mor. + race, line, family; ancestors; sort, variety, species Red. + race, stock, family; kind, sort; good race, good sort; Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 114.

SOKAK * "street, lane" Meaning: Drv. + street, lane Ka. + G asse Kl. + ulica, cesta; put Kn. + Gasse Sk. + ulica Va. + ulica Origin: Turk. sokak "street"^ Arab, sukak "by street; lane" Hony + road, street Mor. + street, lane Red. + street; an alley of trees; corridor Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem

Occurr: 8 : pp. 31, 83, 84, 88 , 141, 234, 240. 244 S&MUN "kind of white wheat bread made with yeast" Meaning: Drv. + kind of wheat bread Ka. + Laib (feiner Weisenbrots) Kl. + bijeli okrugli pekarski kruh, natrenik; glava kruha (fiitav hljel) Kn. + Laib (feines Weisenbrot) §k. + okrugli pekarski hljeb u kvas, ljepina; domaci hljeb u kvas Vu. + pSenidni hleb s kvascem Origin: Turk, somun "loaf of bread" ^ Grk. Psomion "round bread" Hony + loaf; a large soft thing (such as a camel's foot); nut Mor. + loaf (of bread) (screw, nut) Red. + loaf of bread, bread in loaves, nut of a screw-bolt Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 232.

SPAHI1A "land-owner" Meaning: Drv. + land-owner Ka. + Grundherr Kl. + turski feudalni konjanik; zemljoposednik, feudalni posjednik, vlastelin, bogat £ovek, bogata£ Kn. + Reiter, Lehnsherr Sk. + posjednik timara, spahiluka, koji je du£an kao konjanik da ide u vojsku u slu£aju rata; domacin islamske vjere u B i H Vu. + veliki posednik zemlje Origin: Turk, sipahi "soldier "^ Pers. sipahi "soldier" + -ja- S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + belonging to the army (formerly) cavalry soldier Mor. + pertaining to the ancient Otoman cavalry and yeomanry Red. + soldier, feudal soldier serving under military tenure Form: noun, masc., -a stem

Occurr: 2: p. 78. 245

SPAHILUK "feudal state" Meaning: Drv. + landed estate Ka. + Gut, Herrschaft Kl. + feudalni posed; veliko imanje, veleposjed; vlastelinstvo Kn. + Gut, Herrschaft §k. + feudalni posjed, imanje dobijeno dekretom sultana Vu. + posed, imanje Origin: sipahilik "quality of being a spahee" -c sipahi + -lik- Turk. nominal suffix

Hony - Mor. + quality of being a spahee Red. — Form: noun. masc., -cons. stem CO

Occurr: 2: p. .

SUBA& "farm bailiff, police superintendent" Meaning: Drv. Ka. + Feldwachter; Unterbascha Kl. + nadzomik poljoprivrednog imanja; odatle kod nas: poljski fiuvar; poljar Kn. + Unterbascha; Feldhuter; Tributeinzieher Sk. +' nadzomik imanja, onaj koji ubira aginske i begovske prihode sa Sifluka, Ranije u Turskoj carevini gradski nad­ zomik Vu. + policijski £inovnik; poljak, poljar Origin: Turk. subapi "bailiff” Hony + farm bailiff; (form) police superintendent

* Mor. + police magistrate Red. + kind of village mayor Form: noun, masc . , -a stem Occurr: 1: p. 281. 246 ; / SUHftRIR (SUVARIJA) "cavalry man, cavalry, mounted police" Meaning: Drv. Ka. Kl. + konjanik, bandar na konju; kapetan broda Kn. + Reiter, Kavallerist Sk. + konjanik, konjanik-vojnik, konjanik- Sandarm Vu. + konjica Origin: Turk, suvari "cavalryman"-!: Pers. suwari "cavalry (man)" + -Ja - S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + cavalryman; captain in the navy; mounted police; cavalry Mor. + cavalry; commander or captain; mounted Red. + cavalry soldier; cavalry, captain of men of war Form: noun, masc., -a stem Occurr: 1: p. 23.

\ SUHARITSKI "cavalry, -mounted police" (adj.) Origin: suharija + -ski- S-Cr. possessive suffix Form: adjective, possessive (qualitative) Occurr: 1: p. 23. 247 A SULTAN "Sultan" Meaning: Drv. + sultan Ka. + Sultan Kl. + titula monarha nekih muslimanskih drSava; ukras of perja ili od konjske strune na kapi Sultan car, vladar vladalac, samodr£ac, car Origin: Turk, sultan "sultan" -c Arab, sultan "ruler, sultan" Hony + ruler, sovereign, sultan Mor. + sultan Red. + sultan Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 7: pp. 24, 25, 127, 129, 138, 177, 231, 239.

/ SULTANOV "sultan's" (adj.) Origin: sultan + -ov- S-Cr. possessive suffix Form: adjective, possessive Occurr: 3: pp. 24, 121, 267. \ 248 SURGUN "banishment; exile; exiled"

Meaninq: Drv. - • Ka. + eine verjagte Person Kl. + progonstvo, izgon, zatotfenje, konfinacija; mjesto progonstva; prognanik, izgnanik Kn. + Vertriebener; Verteibung Sk. + progonstvo, izgnanstvo; prognan, protjeran Vu. + prognanik, izgnanik Oriain: Turk. surgun "exile" Hony + banishment, place of exile; an exile; shoot, sucker; diarrhoea. Exiled Mor. + driving or chasing; banishment, exile Red. + exile, place of exile; exiled person Form: noun. masc ., -cons. stem Occurr: 1: p. 151.

Sal * "shawl, scarf" Meaninq: Drv. + shawl, scarf Ka. + Shawl Kl. + koprena, veo, velika marama Ki. + Schal §k. + Sal, mo£e biti vuneni ili pamuⅈ muSki i Senski Vu. + velika vunena ili svilena marama Oriqin: Turk, gal "shawl" ^ Pers. Sal "woolen cloth” Hony + shawl, esp. a Cashmere shawl; pall Mor. + shawl Red. + shawl; a Cashmere shawl; the stuff of a Cashmere shawl Form: noun, m asc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 64. ‘ 249

Samar * "slap, box on the ear" Meaning: Drv. w Ka.. - Kl. + cuSka, pljuska, zauSnica, zauSak, priuSak, zamlatnica Kn. + Ohrfeige, Backenstreich; Schlappe Sk. + fiu^ka, pljuska, zauSnica Vu. + cuSka, pljuska, pljeska Origin: Turk. |amar "slap" Hony + slap; box on the ear Mor. + slap (on the face); box (on the ear) Red. + smack on the face, a box on the ear Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 366.

Samiia "scarf used by married women in Orient" Meaning: Drv. Ka. + Art Kopftuch der Frauen Kl. + marama ovijena oko glave udatih Sena (na Balkanu) Kn. + Art Kopftuch der Frauen; blauer Lappen Sk. + povezaSa, marama od tanke tkanine iSarana granama, kojom se Zene povezuju po glavi Vu. + Zenska marama za glavu, poveza£a Origin: Turk, same "head cover" < Pers. Same "head cover" + -Ja- S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony - Mor. Red.

Form: noun, fern., -a stem

Occurr: 1: p. 197 250

Sarkita "oriental musical instrument (tambour)" Meaninq; Drv. Ka. + velika tambura od dvije £ice Kl. + orijentalno glazbalo na dvije 2ice, vrsta tambure slii5ne bugariji Kn. • + zweiseitige Laute, Musikinstrument Sk. + vrsta tambure, sli£na bugariji, samo ve<5a Vu. + velika tambura sa 4 Zice Origin: Turk. |arki "oriental song-gay" Arab, sarkiyy "eastern" + -ja S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + song Mor. + song (poetical ) Red. + eastern Form: noun, fern., -a stem Occurr: 2: pp. 19, 232.

jjxATOR * see: &ADOR Occurr: 4: pp. 28, 259, 260.

SATRA * "tent, stall, booth" Meaninq: Drv. + tent, stall, booth Ka. + Sand, Markthutte des Kaufmann's Kl. + u obliku Satora natkrivena tezga na va&arima (sajmovima) Kn. + Zeltbude, Marktbude, Me^bude, Standbude Sk. + natkrivena tezga u obliku £atora na vaSarima Vu. + vidi CADOR Origin: see &ADOR Form: noun, fern., -a stem

Occurr: 2: pp. 332, 333. 251

Secer * *sugar" Meaning: Drv. + sugar Ka. + Zucker Kl. + poznati slatki proizvod iz (leceme) repe, (£ec£eme) trske, ltd., slador, cukar Kn. + Zucker Sk. + £e6er Vu. + slad

Origin: Turk. Iseker "sugar"Pers. £eker "sugar" Hony + sugar; a sweet, darling, sweet Mor. + sugar, candy, bonbon; drops; sweet thing Red. + sugar, sweet meat made with sugar Form: noun. masc ., cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 260.

SeCERLEMA * "candy, bonbon; candled fruit"

Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + isto %to i bombon Kn. + kleines Zuckerwerk, Zuckersache Sk. + bonbon, &e6erka Vu. + poslastica, bonbona Origin: Turk. gekerleme "sugar candy, candied fruits" Hony + candied bruits; sugarplum; doze, nap Mor. + sugar plums, candied fruits, sugar candy Red. + sweetmeats of sugar, confectionary Form: noun. fem. , -a stem Occurr: 1: p. 259. \ peach"

Meaninq: Drv. - Ka. + Pfirsichbaum; Frucht da von; Aprikose; Frucht davon Kl. + breskva Kn. + Pfirsich Sk. . + breskva Vu. + breskva . Origin: Turk, sef tali "peach" -^Pers. Seftalu "peach" + -Ja - S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + peach, kiss Mor. + peach; (slang) kiss Red. + peach; kiss Form: noun, fern., -a stem Occurr: 1: p. 103.

SeGA&TI SE * "to joke, to make fun of, to jest" Meaninq: Drv. Ka. Kl. + tjerati Salu, komediju Kn. - ^ Sk. + saliti se, ismijavati se Vu. - Origin: Turk. §aka "joke" Arab. Seka "ill luck, distress + -ci + ti - S-Cr. infinitive suffix Hony + fun, joke, jest Mor. + joke, fun, pleasantry Red. + wickedness, ill-doing, fun, joke;

Form: verb, imperfect!ve, reflexive

Occurr: 1: p. 229. 253 Segrt * "apprentice; novice" Meaning: Drv. + apprentice; (novajlija) novice Ka. + Lehrjunge Kl. + u&enik, dak, po^etnik Kn. + lehrjunge §k. + u£enik u zanatu uSenik u privredi Vu. + zanatlijski i trgovaSki udenik Origin: Turk, sakirt "pupil"-s. Pers. Sagird "novice" Hony + pupil; apprentice Mor. + pupil, student, apprentice Red. + pupil, school boy, scholar, apprentice, learner of any kind Form: noun, masc,, cons, stem Occurr: 3: pp. 85, 274, 319.

SEH1T "hero, martyr for Islam" Meaning: Drv. Ka. Kl. + poginuli u boju; onaj koji je zaslu£io Sehadet Ik. + Musliman, koji junaSkom smr6u pogine u borbi za vjeru; navino pogubljeni; muSenik Vu. Origin: Turk, gehit ^Arab. SeHTd "trustworthy witness; martyr; killed in war" Hony + martyr (Moslem) Mor. + martyr (dead for his country) Red. + martyr, one who dies for the faith Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem

Occurr: 2: pp. 16, 238. 254

Setta n "devil , satan, lucifer"

Meaninq: Drv. _ Ka. - Kl. + davo, sotona, vrag; vragolan, objeSenjak, dovitljivac, prefriganac Kn. + Teufel, Satan Sk. + davo, vrag; dovitljiv tfovjek, obje&enjak Vu. + davo, sotona Origin: Turk, jgeytan "satan" Arab. &eytan "devil, wicked" - Herjrew (Etiopian media) Hony + satan, devil; crafty man; sharp little devil (child) Mor. + satan, devil, lucifer Red. + devil, demon, cunning fellow Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 2: pp. 243 r 244.

S l f e "ceiling; attic; bottle"

Meaninq: Drv. _ - Ka. + eine (Rosoglio-) Flasche Kl. + boca, staklenika, butelja, tavanica, strip; tavan Kn. + Badenzimmer, Zimmerdecke Sk.- + tavanica; plafon Vu. + boca; staklo Origin: Turk. gige "bottle 'liPers. SiSe "bottle"

Hony + • bottle, lamp-glass; cupping glass; moulded or planed lath; Mor. + bottle, flask; glass; cupping-glass, (planed or moulded) lath Red. + common glass; glass bottle; bottle of kind; lath; cupping glass Form: noun, neuter, const, stem

Occurr: 1: p. 321. §UCUR "thanks (to God); thank God*." . Meaninq: Drv. Ka . + Gott Lob'. Kl. + hvala , neka je hvala l&i. + Gottlob'. Sk. + hvala, zahvala (upucena bogu) Vu. + Hvala Bogu’. Origin: Turk, sukur * Arab. Sukr "thanks; thanksgiving; praise" Hony + thanks, Gratitude Mor. + thanks, appreciation; gratitude; thanks giving (thanks to God) Red. + thanks, thankfulness; to give thanks Form: interjection Occurr: 2: pp. 234, 320.

SUHVA "doubt, suspicion" Meaninq: Drv. Ka, Kl + sumnja + Verdacht + sumnja Vu Origin: Turk, suphe, subhe "doubt" ^ Arab, subha "doubt, suspicion, uncertainty" Hony + doubt, suspicion, uncertainty Mor. + doubt, suspicion, uncertainty Red. doubt, incertitude; doubt, suspicion Form: noun, fern., a stem

Occurr: 1: p . 105. / TABOR "camp, encampment" Meaning: Drv. + camp, encampment Ka. + lager. Kl. + ratni logor, Sfatorje oko; (fig) vojska, rat Kn. + Lager Sc. + bataljon vojske; stroj; grupa Vu. + brdska tvrdava, ratni logor; kod Turaka: odelenje vojnika u ja&ni oko jednog bataljona Origin: Turk, tabur "battalion" Hony + battalion Mor. + battalion; row; rank, line Red. + battalion; column (of march or attack) certain large number of people Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 227.

/ TABUT "coffin (open)" Meaninq: Drv. Ka. - Kl. + nosila na kojim muslimani nose mrtvaca otvorena mrtva&ka Skrinja Kn. Sarg Sc. + mrtvaSki sanduk kod Muslimana, bez poklopca Vu. — Origin: Turk, tabut "coffin"Arab, tabut "coffin, wooden case” Hony + coffin; bier; large egg box Mor. + coffin; bier; (the ark) coffer Red. + bier or coffin; ark Form: noun, masc., cons, stem Occurr: 6: pp. 68, 241, 260, 368, 370. 257

TAHTA "board, plank" Meaninq: Drv. Ka. - Kl. + daska Kn. + Brett Sk. + daska Vu. - Origin: Turk, tahta "board"Pers. tahte "board" Hony + board, plank, sheet, bed in a garden; wood Mor. + board, plank; wood; plate or tablet; wooden Red. + plank, board; board used for any special purpose, a sheet Form: noun, fern., -a stem Occurr: 2: p. 178.

^ 58 TAHTAR00 "one who places boards " Origin: taht(a) + -a r S-Cr. nominal suffix (nomen agentis) Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 178

/ TAIN "ration; r Meaning: Drv. — Ka. + ration Kl. + Sto Je kome odretfeno, obrok, slijedovanje; komis, vojniSki kruh te£ak 1 kg. Kp. + Ration, Soldatenverpflegung, Komisbrot Sc. + obrok, slijedovanje, vojniSki kruh; opskrbe Vu. + obrok, vojni&ki kruh Origin: Turk, tayln "ration" ^ Arab, tayln "quota, share assigned to each" Hony + ration, esp. small loaf issued to soldiers Mor. + ration Red. . + fixing; alloting; ration Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p . 48. 258 TAKUM "coffee service; set, lot or utensils, number of thingi cigarette holder" S' Meaning; Drv. - Ka.' + Geschirr, Gerath Kl. + niz istovrsnih stvari, gamitura, serviz za £aj kavu i si.; konjska oprema; odred vojnika; razred; skupina ljudei rodbina, familija; dio £ibuka koji se stavlja u usta Kn. + Geschirr, Gerat; Zubehor Sk. + pribor, servis, kompletna oprema; tuce ne£eg; dio Cibuka koji se stavlja u usta Vu. - Origin; Turk, takim "set, service" Hony + set, lot, or number of things; tea (dinner etc) service; suit of clothes, -of cards; squad of man, crew, gang, team, cigarette holder Mor. + set, mass, group; team; order, genus; service, utensils Red. + set; mouthpiece (of a pipe), squad sub­ division, tools, implements Form; noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr; 1: p. .102.

/ TARIH "annals, history; chronogram" Meaning; Drv. Ka. - Kl. - Kn. -f- Grabinschrift; Datum Sk. + istorija, povijest, hronogram Vu. - Origin; Turk. tarih "annals"^i Arab. taiTh "history, chronology" Hony + annals; history; date; epoch; chronogram Mor. + history; chronicle, chronogram, date, era; epoch; time Red. + history, annals, chronicles, chronograms Form; noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr; 7; pp. 11, 73, 74, 238. 259 TAVAN * "attic; ceiling" Meaninq: Drv. + garret, attic; loft Ka. + Boden, Plafond, Felderdecke; Schlcht, Lage, Stockweik; Fu £ boden Kl. + potkrovlje, podstreSje; strop, plafon, pod Kn. + Boden, Plafond; Schlcht; Stockwerk £k. + potkrovlje; strop, plafon, pod, daske podu, kat, sprat Vu. ■■ Oriqin: Turk. tavan "ceiling" Hony + ceiling; highest point reached by an aircraft or a projectile Mor. + ceiling Red. + ceiling Form: noun, masc., cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 108.

/ TAZE * "fresh, new recent"

Meaninq: Drv. — Ka. + ftisch Kl. +• svjeZ, nov, mlad Kn. + frlsch §k. + svje£, nov Vu. + novo, sve£e, mlado spravljeno (tek) ubrano (tek) Oriqin: Turk. taze "fresh" ^P ers. taze "fresh, young" Hony + fresh; new; recent; young; tender Mor. + fresh; new; recent; Red. + fresh; new, young Form: adjective (adverb) indecl.

Occurr; Is p. 31. 360 TEFERI# "picnic, amusement" Meaning? Drv. - Ka. + Landfahrt, Landpartie, Landhaus Kl. + zabava, odmor, izlet, piknik Kn. +■ Landfahrt, Landpartie; Landhaus Sk. + zabavljanje, provod; u2ivanje u prirodi; izlet u prirodu; mjesto u prirodi odakle je lijep pogled Vu. + izlet u polje, Sumu, i si. sa zatavom i Sa&denjem; mesto gde se prireduju ovakvi izleti

O rig in : Turk. teferrup, teferrup "excursion"^ Arab, teferrup "to take a walk, to amuse ones self" Hony + pleasure trip; a stroll for pleasure; div­ ersion; excursion Mor. + walk; promenade; diversion; excursion; Red. + taking a walk o~ ride for recreation

Form : noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 5: pp. 223, 332, 333.

TEFERI&TI "to go to picnic, (to be at the -), to amuse oneself to rest in the nature"

Meaning; Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + biti na teferitfu, zabavljati se, odmarati se u prirodi; piknikovati Kn. + sich unterhalten Sk. + zabavljati se, (-uprirodi), u£ivati u posmatranju prirode ili ne£eg drugog lijepog Vu.

O rig in : teferifi + -i + -ti- S-Cr. infinitive suffix

Form : verb, imperfective Occurr: 1: p. 109. 261 teferi6 i i 59 " convenient, s uitable for teferib place" Meaning: Drv. Ka. - Kl. - Kn. §k. + podesno za teferib (mjesto)/ sa dobrim pogledom (mjesto) Vu. - Oriqin: teferib + -li - Turk, adjectival suffix Form: adjective, indecl. Occurr: 1: p. 355.

T&FTER "note-book; account-book; register" Meaning; Drv. + note-book Ka. + Rechnungsbuch Kl. + popis, rabunska knjiga , registar, lista, listina Kn. + Rechnungsbuch, Schreibtafel; Register §k. + beljeSnica, registar, protokol, rabunska knjiga; trgovabka knjiga Vu. + knjige primanja i izdavanja, rabunska knjiga; zapisnik, spisak, belegnica / Oriqin: Turk, defter "register"*' Grk. diftira "notebook" Hony + register, account-book; notebook; list; catalogue Mor. + (writing)-book; note-book; copy-book; register; roll-Ust; inventory; schedule Red. + register, notebook, account-book, list book, inventory Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem

Occurr: 2: pp. 178, 320. * * 262 TEKITA "Dervish chapel; Dervish convent"

Meaninq: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + derviSki samostan, muslimanski manastir; kapelica; mauzolej, grobnica nekog sveca; izvor, zdenac, studenac Kn. + Kloster; Qufelle Sk. + derviSka zgrada u kojoj se obavljaju derviSki obredi Vu. + derviSki manastir u Turskoj; turska kapela Oriqin: Turk. tekke "dervish convent" z. Arab. takye"monastery of dervishes" + -ja -S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + Dervish convent Mor. + convent or chapel of dervishes Red. convent of dervishes, asylum, place of repose Form: noun. fern .,r -a stem Occurr: 1: p. 226.

\ TEIAL "town-crier, r herald" Meaning: Drv. + (town-) crier Ka. + Herold, Ausrufer Kl. + objavljiva6, uzvikiva^, glasnik Kn. + Herold, Ausrufer, Verkunder; Lumpen- handier $k. + javni objavljavatt; uzvikivafe na javnim licitacijama, staretinar Vu. + javni vikaS, glasnik Oriqin: Turk, tellal "town-crier"-d Arab, dellal "auctioner, broker" Hony + town crier; broker, middle man Mor. + public crier; broker Red. + one who guides or points out the way in any business; broker, public crier Form: noun, masc., -cons. stem. Occurr: 2: pp. 48, 148. 263 TEPSIIA * "copper baking pan" Meaninq: Drv. + casserole Ka. + ein kupfernes Becken Kl. + plitica od mjedi, mjedenica; plitka bakrena posude, u kojoj se peku pite, pleh, poptan Kn. + Kupfemes Becken, Bratpfanne Sk. + okrugli bakreni ili emajlirani sud Vu. + plitka i okrugla bakrena posuda naro&to za pe£enje Oriqin: Turk. tepse "tray" + -ja S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + small tray Mor. + tray (waiter) (baking) pan Red. + tray, salver, waiter Form: noun, fern., , -a stem Occurr: 1: p. 243.

\ TERAZITE "pair of scales; balance"

Meaninq: Drv. _ Ka. + Schalwage Kl. + vaga, kantar, tezulje, mjeiili, ravnote£a Kn. + Schalenwauge; Wassersheide Sk. + . rufina vaga, sprava za mjerenje koja ima dva tasa sa dvije strane koji vise; mjesto na vodovodnoj mre2i odakle se razvodi voda u raznim pravcima Vu. + . vaga, kantar • Oriqin: Turk, terazi "scales" Pers. terazu "balance" +je S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + balance; pair of scales Mor. + scales (pair of); balance Red. + balance, pair of scales

Form: noun, fern., pluralia tantiim

Occurr: 1: p . 368. 264 TESTERA * "saw, hand -saw"

Meaninq; Drv. + saw Ka. + Sage Kl. + pila, £aga Kn. + Sage Sk. + pila Vu. + pila, £aga Oriqin: Turk. testere "saw" : saw" dest "hand"+ Hony + saw Mor. + saw Red. + hand-saw Form: noun. fern., -a stem Occurr: 1: p. 343.

/ TEZGA * "counter" "work-bench"

Meaninq: Drv. - Ka. + Werkbank des Tishlers, Schneiders Kl. + trgovadki stol, klupa, pult, banak, stard; zanatlijska klupa Kn. + Werkbank; Werkstatt, Ladentish §k. + pult, banak u dudanu, krdmi ili pijaci Vu. + trgovafiki, ducanski sto ili klupa; zanatlijska klupa Oriqin: Turk, tezgah "counter"^: Pers.destgah "counter" Hony + loom, work-bench; counter; workshop, shipbuilding yard; machine tool Mor. + bench, counter, bar, stall; loom; lathe, machine (set) Red. + a place for hard work; bench, loom, frame Form: noun, fern., -a stem Occurr: 2: pp. 318, 319 265 TILSUM "talisman; spell" Meaning; Drv. Ka. + Talisman Kl. + talisman Kn. Sk; + madijska tajna; tajni izgovor, znak, crte2 i sl.kojim se kakva tajna Suva Vu. + zapis, amajUja; talisman Origin: Turk, tilsim "talisman Arab tilsim, tilism "talisman, charm; spell" Hony + talisman; charm; spell Mor. + talisman;charm, magical spell Red. + talisman Form: noun,, masc ., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 15.

TIMARITI "to clean (groom) and take care of horse (cattle)"

Meaning: Drv . + raise (breed) cattle Ka. + striegeln Kl. + nastojati oko konja, biljaka, usjeva, £istiti, raditi ih, plijeviti usjeve i si Kn. + striegeln Sk. + Cistiti konja £e&agijom i £etkom Vu. + negovanje stoke, naroSito konja Origin; Turk, timar "grooming"-c Arab, timar "nursing of the sick" + -i + -ti - S-Cr. infinitive suffix Hony + attention toa sick man or beast; dressing of wounds; grooming a horse Mor. + currying (horse), nursing, attending (to) Red. + dressing, the care and culture bestowed on any object, attending (sick person, horse) Form: verb, imperf.

Occurr: 2: pp. 70, 362. 266

T&KE "large silver plates (buttons) (worn on dolama or on the horse); buckle1' Meaninq: Drv. + large silver plates (buttons) Ka. + ein art Silbemen Kurasses der zur Zierde vome angeschnallt wird; eine Art knopfar- tiger, langlicher Platten die vome an der Dolama genahet werden Kl. + . ukras (sprijeda) na konju; metalno dugme 111 plofiica na narodnoj no&nji (na prsima); kop£a, bro£f predica, gvozdac Kn. + Art silbem e (messingne) Kurasse, die zur LLerde vorgeschnallt werden; langliche knopfartige Platten, die vom an den Dolman genaht werden Sk. + povece metalno puce; metalne plo&ce i dugmeta priSivena na prsima na detiermi ili d2emadanu kao ukras Vu. + krupna srebma dugmeta, kao ukras na prsima dolame Oriqin: Turk, toka "buckle" Hony + buckle Mor. + buckle Red. + buckle Form: noun, fern., (pi.) - a stem Occurr: 1:

w TOP * "gun, cannon" Meaning: Drv. + gun, cannon Ka. + Kanone . -# Kl. + teSko artiljerijsko oru£je, kanona; veci smotak tkanine, truba, bala Kn. + Kanone, Gesehutz f Sk. + top, poznato artiljerijsko oru£je; veci smotak platna, Stofa ili druge tkanine, mehanizam mlina za kafu Vu. - Oriqin: Turk. top "gun, cannon" Hony + gun, cannon Mor. + gun, cannon, artillery, ball; Red. + cannon, gun; lump, ball Form: noun. masc ., -cons. stem Occurr: 21: pp. 91, 92, 135, 136, 137, 268, 272, 344, 349, 351, 352, 257, 359, 367, 368, 369. 267

T&POVSKI * "cannon” (adj.) Origin: top + -ov + -ski - S-Cr. possessive suffixes Form: adjective, possessive Occurr: 4: pp. 141, 348, 352, 354.

TORBA * "bag, pouch" Meaninq: Drv. + bag; haversack; wallet; pouch, knapsack Ka. + Tomister Kl. ^ Kn. + Tomister, Tasche, Sack, Ranzen, Felleisen, Beutel, Quersack Sk. + torba, vredica koja se nosi objeSena o ramenu Vu. + manja vreca koja se nosi preko ramena ili na ledima Origin: Turk, torba, tobra "bag" Hony + bag; scrotum; cyst Mor. + bag Red. + bag Form: noun, fern., -a stem Occurr: 4: pp. 197, 219, 250, 354. 268

T&ZLUKE "knee socks; gaiters" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Art tuchener; Kopf - Strumpfe, ohne Fu£> Kl. + dokoljenice Kn. + Gamaschen 3k. + dokoljenice od Sohe ili sukna koje se sa strane zakopfiavaju Vu. + dokolenice Origin: Turk, tozluk "gaiters" Hony + gaiter; dusty place Mor. + buskin, gaiters Red. + gaiters Form: noun, fern., pluralia tantum Occurr: 1: p. 18.

TURBE "masoleum, grave; tomb" Meaning: Drv. Ka. - Kl. + mauzolej Kn. + Grab, Mausoleum 8k. + mauzolej Vu. + grobnica; kapela nad grobom turskih careva i velikaSa Origin: Turk, turbe "tomb" Arab, turbe "earth; grave-yard; tomb" Hony + tomb, grave, mausoleum Mor. + mausoleum; tomb (of a saint or personage) Red. + Mausoleum, chapel, built over a tomb

Form: noun, neuter, -cons, stem

Occurr: 1: p . 16. 269

T T t p f t . m PI. TURCI "Turk(s); Moslem(s)" Meaning: Drv. + Turk(s) Ka. + Tiirke Kl. Kn. + Tiirke §k. + pripadnik turske nacije; Turtfin u narodnim pesmama, a i u obi&nom govoru znafii Musliman Vu. - Origin: Turk. Turk "Turk".' Arab. Turk "Turk" + -in S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony + Turk; Turkish Mor. + Turk; Turkish Red. + Asiatic provincial Turk Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 97: pp. 16, 27, 28, 30, 31, 33, 35, 36, 37, 48, 49, 53, 57, 58, 61, 65, 67, 70, 83, 84, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 104, 106, 107, 128, 130, 132, 134, 141, 143, 147, 157, 158, 159, 161, 177, 179, 180, 185, 188, 191, 219, 227, 236, 240, 261, 282, 339, 346, 349, 350, 354.

istur 6 iti SE "to become a Turk" Meaning: Drv. Ka. + ingesammt Tiirken werden Kl. + zum Turken werden Vu! Origin: Iz®® -S-Cr. perf. prefix + turk + -i + -ti S-Cr. infinitive suffix Form: verb, perfective

Occurr: 1: p . 34. 270 p 6 tur 6 en "turned Turk or Moslem" Meaning: derived from potur&ti as given by: Drv. + make Turkish, make Moslem Ka. + zum Turken Machen Kl. Kn. + zum Turken Machen 3k. - Vu. Origin: po- S-Cr. perfect, prefix +_turk + -(j)en- S-Cr. adjectival suffix Form: participle passive of potur&ti "turn Moslem" Occurr: 1: p. 23.

POTURdENlAK "renegade" Meaning: see poturica Origin: poturSen + -(j)ak - S-Cr. nominal suffix Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 6: pp. 28, 31, 38, 41, 178.

POTURICA proselyte, convert to Mohammedanism (to Moslemism) renegade from to Mohammedanism; apostate, deserter Meaning: Drv. + proselyte, convert to Moslemism (Mohammedanism); renegade from Chris­ tianity to Mohammedanism; apostate, deserter Ka. + (verachtlich) unechter Tiirke, Afterturke Kl. Kh. + Turke, Renegat, unechter Tiirke 3k. + poturSenjak, inovjerac koji je prellao na Islam; seljak, tfovjek iz naroda Vu. Origin: po-S-Cr. perfec. prefix + tur(k) + ica -S-Cr. nominal suffix Form: noun, masc., -astern

Occurr: 3: pp. 36, 44, 105. 271 t u r 6 uat 61 "Turkish way of life; Turkish way of thinking"

Meaning: Drv. Ka. Kl. + Turski na&n Sivota; izudavanje turskog jezika, knji£evnosti i kulture; turkologija Kn. + Musulm. Glaubens and Lebensart Sk. + turska melodija arija, turska pjesma Vu. Origin: Turk, turkuye pi. tiirkiyat "Turkish ways "-s. Arab, turkiyye pi. turkiyyat "Turkish, Turk, Turkish language Hony + the study of things Turkish Mor. Red. Form: noun, masc., cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 351.

TURKINTA "Turkish woman" Meaning: Drv. Ka. + Tiirkin Kl. Kn. + Turkin Sk. - Vu. - Origin: turk + -inja- S-Cr. nominal suffix denoting a female belonging to a nation (Poljak-inja, Srpk-inja) Form: noun, fern., -a stem Occurr: 2: p. 185, 188. 272 TURSKA "Turkey" Meaning; Drv. + Turkey Ka. + Turkei Kl. Kn. + Turkei Sc, — Vu. Origin: Turk + sk(i) - S-Cr. possessive suffix + -a- S-Cr. nominal suffix denoting a country Form; noun, fem., -a stem Occurr: 7: pp. 127, 148, 180, 197, 254, 268.

T&RSKI "Turkish". Origin; turk + ski- S-Cr. possessive suffix Form; adjective possessive (qualitative) Occurr; 82: pp. 25, 67, 72, 76, 84, 91, 94, 95, 97, 101, 102 104, 105, 125, 127, 128, 130, 131, 137, 138, 142, 156, 157, 177, 180, 182, 183, 184, 185, 189, 191, 200, 204, 212, 220, 226, 228, 254, 255, 258, 266, 267, 269, 271, 287, 288, 299, 302, 322, 223, 229 344, 346, 349, 350, 351, 358,

U&TUGLI "Pasha of three pennants; three pennants" Meaning: Drv. Ka. + Pascha von drei Rosschweifen Kl. + PaSa sa tri tuga n. + Pa£a von den drei Rosschweifen §k. + paSa ili vezir sa tri tuga Vu. + paSa od 3 konjska repa Origin; Turk. ugtu$lu "pasha of three pennants"^, ug "three" + tug "horse's tail" Hony + pasha of three horse tails, i.e. of the highest rank Mor. + vizier of three pennants Red. Form; adjective indecl.

Occurr; 1: p. 34 * * 273 ufcUMAT . "government; government building" Meaning: Drv. Ka. - Kl. + ured dr£avne uprave, okru£nog predstoj- nika i si. Kn. + Gericht; Behorde §k. + drifava, dr2avna vlast, re2im, uprava; zgrada u kojoj su smjeStene upravne vlasti Vu. + vlast, upravna vlast Origin: Turk, hukumet "government"^ Arab, hukume "Judicial authority, government" Hony + government; administration; state; authority Mor. + government; (state); executive power (Cabinet) Red. + the exercise of rulership; the office of sovereign, state Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p . 162.

\ UFITILTEN * (see FITIL])"curled" Meaning: Derived from ufitilliti as given by: Drv. Ka. Kl. + u£iljiti, ufrkati, usukati (obi£no brkove) + der Schnurrbart (Spitz) zwirbeln + usukati; fig.: smrSati, oslabiti

Origin: u- S-Cr. perfective prefix + fitilj (see: fltllj) + -en S-Cr. adjectival suffix Form: participle passive of ufitiljiti. perfective verb

Occurr: 2: pp. 149, 215. 274 UTDURMA "trick, treacher, artifice, insinuation" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. - Kl. + smicalica, podvala, himbenost, dvolifcnost Kn. + Einrichtung; Machenschaft, Sscwindel Sk. + smicalica, spletka, podvala Vu. + veSto udeSena stvar, smicalica, podvala Origin: Tuik. uydurma "made up, false (story)" Hony + invented, false, made up (story, excuse) Mor. + arranging or bringing about; adapting or conforming to Red. Form: noun, fern., a stem Occum 1: p. 250.

/ UKARARITI "to correct" Meaning: Drv. Ka. Kl. + einrichten; dem Leben eine Richtung geben + izravnati; dotjerati kako treba

Origin: u- S-Cr. perfective prefix + karar/L Turk, karar "decision, resolution; agreement" t Arab, kaiar "abode, rest; + -i + -ti - S-Cr. infinitive suffix Form: verb, perfective

Occurr: 1: p. 373. 275 ULEMA "Moslem, theological scholar; law" Meaning: Drv. + ulema Ka. Kl. + bogoslovi i pravnici u muslimanskim zemljanma Kn. + Rechtsgelehrter Sk. + muslimanski vjerski ufienjak, (udfenjaci) Vu. + znalci zakona, klasa turskih pravnika koji se ujedno smatraju i kao sve&tenici i tuma& Korana Origin: Turk, ulema < Arab. pi. ’ulema’ sing.’alim, "learned; knowing" Hony + learned man, ulema, doctors of Moslem theology Mor. + learned men or savants (of Islam), Moslem theologians Red. + doctors of law, theology, men learned in law Form: noun, (pi. and sing.) fern., -a stem Occurr: 2: p. 129.

\ UTABAN * "trampled" Meaning: derived from utaba(na)ti as given by: Drv. Ka. + ein stampfen Kl. n. + einstampfen fk. + ugazati ne&to tabanima, gazajuci uravnati tabanima Vu. Origin: u- S-Cr. perf. prefix + taban "foot sole" ^ Turk, taban - "foot or shoe sole" Form: participle passive of utabanati

Occurr: 1: p . 332. 276 UZENGITA "stirrup" Meaning: Drv. - Ka. + Steigbiigel Kl. + u &to jahad utide noge# stremen; kvaka , petlja; nogostup, papuda na kollma Kn. + Steigbugel §k. + stremen Vu. + stremen na sedlu Origin: Turk, uzengl "stirrup" Hony + stirrup Mor. + stirrup Red. + stirrup Form: noun, fern., -a stem Occurr: 1: p. 124.

VAKUF "Moslem church property" Meaning: Drv. + Moslem church property Ka. + Kirchengut Kl. + zaklada koja sludi vjerskim 1 humanitamim svrhama Muslimana Kn. + Kirchengut Sk. + Muslimanska zadudbina koja sludi islamskim vjemim, kultumo prosvjetnim 1 humanim ciljevima; muslimanska vjerska imovina Vu. + kod Muslimana: zadudbina za opSte religiozne 1 humane svrhe sa ciljem da podide 1 izdrdava ddamije, Skole, javne biblioteke, bolnice, sirotiSta, vodovode i dr. Origin: vakif "pious foundation"z. Arab, wakf "pious bequest; mortmain" Hony + pious foundation; wakf Mor. + trust, foundation in mortmain (religious, pious, charitable or educational) Red. + any piece of property settled in mortmain Form: noun, masc., -const, stem

Occurr: 6: pp. 78, 79, 128, 260. 277 VAIA "by God'. So God help me'." Meaning: Drv. Ka. + bei Gott'. Kl. + tako mi boga, bogami, pa i do vraga, do davola Kn. + bei Gott*. Sk. + bogme, boga mi; tako mi boga Vu. + bogami, kunem se Bogom Origin: Turk, vallahi, vallah "By God'." ^ Arab, wa-llahi wa-llah "by God'." Hony + by God1. I swear it is so1. Mor. + by God'. Red. + by God*. Form: interjection Occurr: 3: pp. 133, 148, 242

VAIAHI se e : VAIA Occurr: 3: pp. 99, 231. 278 VERESITA * "credit” Meaning: Drv. + credit Ka. + Kredit ( vjera) Kl. + kredit, povjerenje, davanje robe "na vjeru,” posudivanje, pozajmljivanje Kn. + Kredit §k. + kupnja ili prodaja uz po£ek, prodaja na kredit Vu. - Origin: Turk, veresi "on credit" ^ vermek "give, pay, offer" Hony + on credit Mor. + on credit Red. Form: noun, fern., a stem Occurr: 3: pp. 89, 361

VEZIR "vizier" Meaning: Drv. + vizi(er) Ka. + Vesir Kl. + visoki dostojanstvenik u nekim zemljama muslimanskog Istoka; ministar; upravnik jeta Vesir najvi&a titula u dr2anvoj hijerarhiji Turske Carevine: ministar, guvemer jedne pok- rajine, upravnik vilajeta Vu. + na Istoku: titula visokog drzavnog fiinovnika; u bivSoj turskoj carevini: titula ministra - pretsednika Origin: Turk, vezir "vizier" z. Arab. wezTr "vizier" Hony + vizier Mor. + vizier Red. + minister of state Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 41: pp. 12, 13, 15, 18, 25, 28, 31, 34, 36, 43, 44, 64, 65, 69, 71, 72, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 178, 237, 238, 269, 270. 279 / VEZIROV "vizier's" Meaning; adj. possessive of vezir. Origin: vezir + -ov- S-Cr. possessive suffix Form: adjective possessive Occurr: 21: pp. 13, 25, 28, 36, 64, 66, 71, 76, 79, 80, 81, 161, 238, 262, 270, 373.

VEZIRSKJ "vizier's " Meaning: adj. possessive of vezir Origin: vezir + -ski- S-Cr. possessive suffix Form: adjective, possessive Occurr: 2: pp. 39, 70.

ZABIT "officer" Meaning: Drv. Ka. Kl. + oficir Kn. + Vorgesitzter, Offizier Sk. + oficir Vu. + gospodar, posednik, zapovednik, guvemer, vojno luce za odr£avanje reda i bezbed- nosti u Turskoj Origin: Turk, zabit "officer"^ Arab, dabit "officer in the army" Hony + officer Mor. + officer Red. + officer, magistrate

Form: noun, mas., -cons, stem

Occurr: 1: p . 39. 280

ZANAT * "trade, craft" Meaning: Drv. + trade, handcraft, craft Ka. + Handwerk Kl. + obrt, umjetnost, vje&tina, umjeSnost, sposobnost + Handwerk, Gewerbe, Profession + zanat Vu. + majstorija, veStina, obrt Origin: Turk, sanat "tradeArab, sana* "work, workmanship" Hony + trade, calling, craft, industry; art, skill; ability Mor. + profession, calling, work, craft, art, handicraft, trade, skill Red. + art, handicraft, craft, skill Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 6: pp. 175, 176, 206, 208, 210, 218.

ZANATLITA * "craftsman, artisan" Meaning: Drv. + craftsman, artisan, handicraftsman mechanic; artificier Ka. + Handwerker Kl. + obrtnik Kn. + Handwerker §k. + onaj koji se bavi nekim zanatom Vu. + majstor, veStak, obrtnik Origin: Turk, sanatlix sanat + -li- Tnrk. adjectival suffix + -Ja - S-Cr. nominal suffix Hony - Mor. + artistic, ingenious, skillful, elaborate Red. + skillful Form: noun, masc., -a stem

Occurr: 4: pp. 203, 206, 273, 274. ZAPT "discipline, order" Meaning: Drv. + discipline Ka. + Zucht Kl. + stega, disciplina, poredak Kn. + Zucht, Disziplin Sk. 4- stega, disciplina; kao pravni izraz: sekvestriranje zapljenjivanje; zaustavl- janje daha u prsima kod astmati£ara Vu. + drZanje i Suvanje reda i mira, upravljanje; disciplina Origin: Turk, zabt "discipline"^ Arab, dabt "police; accuracy, organization"

Hony 4- orderliness, discipline, holding firmly Mor. 4- order, discipline,holding firmly Red. 4- holding firmly, a holding together, govern­ ing, conquering Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem Occurr: 1: p. 71.

/ zaptiia "policeman; police; gendarme" Meaning: Drv. Ka. - Kl. 4- policajac, straZar, 2andar, tko pazi na zapt n. 4- Luchthalter, Schutzmann, Ordner fk. 4- redar, policajac; policija Vu. 4- upravnik, guvemer; onaj koji odr^ava red 1 disciplinu; straSar, redar Origin: Turk, zaptiye "policeman"^ Arab, dabtyya "policeman, constable" Hony 4* gendarmerie, gendarme Mor. 4- gendarmerie Red. 4- policeman Form: noun, masc., -a stem

Occurr: 18: pp. 96, 110, 111, 112, 141, 148, 151. ZETTIN * "oil, oil" Meaning: Drv. + oil Ka. + oil (Baumol) Kl. + ulje Kn. + OUvenol Sk. + maslinovo ulje; ulje uopSte Vu. + maslina; ulje Origin:' Turk, zeytin "olive" •<; Arab, zeytun "olive, olive tree" Hony + olive Mor. + olive Red. + olive Form: noun, masc., -const, stem Occurr:

I ZEMAN "time, period, era" Meaning: Drv. Ka. Kl. + vrijeme, doba, epoha, razdoblje Kb. + Zeit Sk. + vrijeme f Vu. + vreme, vek, stolece; smrt, umiranje

Origin: Turk. zeman ) Arab, zeman "time," Hony + time, period Mor. + time, period, epoch, era Red. + time; circumstances Form: noun, masc., -const, stem

Occurr: 2: pp. 130, 242. 283

ZUBUN “type of a jacket; type of a dress" Meaning: Drv. Ka. + Eine Art Jacke (-Turk) Kl. + vrsta prsluka Kn. + Art Jacke Sk. + gomja haljina od sukna sa kratkim ruka- vima ili bez rukava, postoji i muSki i 2enski Vu. + gomja haljina sa kratkim rukavima ili bez rukava Origin: Turk, zlbin "vest" Hony + wadded jacket for a baby Mor. + under waistcoat or vest Red. Form: noun, masc., -cons.stem Occurr: 1: p. 64.

ZULUM "oppression, violence, tyranny, terror" Meaning: Drv. + violence, reign of terror, oppression; comineering; tyrannizing Ka. + Gewaltthatigkeit Kl. + nasilje, nepravda, bezakonje, okrutnost, tiranija ,teror Sk. + nepravda, nasilje, bezakonje, terror Vu. + nasilje, ugnjetavanje, tiranstvo, nepravda, napast Origin: Turk, zulum "oppression" Arab, zulm "wickedness, oppression, tyranny" Hony + wrong, oppression; cruelty Mor. + tyranny, oppression; injustice Red. + oppression, tyranny; injustice Form: noun, masc., -cons, stem

Occurr: 4: pp. 67, 71, 90, 256. 284

ZURIA "kind of shrill pipe, horn" Meaning; Drv. Ka. - Pfeifebei der tiirkischen Musik Kl. + musi£ki duha£ki instrument, vrsta frule, svirale kod istotfnih naroda Kn. + Turk, oboe, Blasinstrument §k. + vrsta svirale sa veoma jakaim piskavim glasom Vu. - Origin: Tuik. zuma "shrill pipe"Pers.suma "shrill pipe" Pers. sur "celebration " + na, nay "flute" Hony + kind of shrill pipe Mor. + horn; (shrill voiced) pipe Red. + kind of horn or trumpet Form: noun, fern., -astern Occurr: 1: p. 218. 285

Footnotes (Chapter III) f

*The following edition of the novel was used: Andric, Ivo, Na Drlnl Cuprila. Zagreb: Mladost, 1963.

2In the listing Drvodelic will be abbreviated as Drv. , Karadzic as Ka.. Klaic as Kl., Kne2evi<$ asJCn., Moran as Mor-., Redhouse as Red. . Skallic as 15k.. and Vuiaklija as Vu.. O g Stevanovic, Savreneni Sroskohrvatski Tezik. p. 571.

4Ib id .. p. 577.

5Nemeth. Turkish Grammar, p. 43.

^Stevanovic, Savremeni Sroskohrvatski Tezik. p. 622.

7Ibid.. p. 491.

8Ibid.. p. 503.

9Ib id .. p. 608.

10Ib id ., p. 348.

11Staxovskij, Etimoloqila (1964), p. 62.

1*2 Stevanovic.9 Savremeni Sroskohrvatski Tezik. p. 607.

13 Nemeth, Turkish Grammar, p. 47.

*4Stevanovic. Savremeni Sroskohrvatski Tezik. p. 528.

15 Vocative > nominative: baba 9- babo.

*8Stevanovic. Savremeni Sroskohrvatski Tezik. p. 594.

17§kaljic, Turcizml u Sroskohrvatskom Teziku. p. 123.

ID 0 Stevanovic. Savremeni Sroskohrvatski Tezik. p. 523. 286

*9Staxovski1. Etimologija (1964), p. 64.

O A / Stevanovic, Savremeni Srpskohrvatskl Tezik. p. 578.

21Ib id .. p. 522.

22St. Staxovsicij, "Turclzmy v Slovare J. Mikali," Etimologija (1965), p. 199.

Stevanovic. Savremeni Srpskohrvatskl Tezik, p. 561.

2 ^ Ibid.. p. 622.

25Ib id .. p. 547.

26h t } / / o - a .

- 22Staxovskij, Etimologija (1964), p. 69.

28 Stevanovic. / Savremeni Sroskohrvatski Tezik. p. 455.

29Ibld. . p. 496.

30lb id .. p. 494.

31Ibid.. p. 522.

32h ^ j / / u - a .

33It should be /d/, because Turk, g *d// - e,i,o,u,a,u.

A J / Stevanovic. Savremeni Srpskohrvatskl Tezik. p. 553.

35Ib id . . p . 487.

Turk, hahambasa > hambaSa bv haplology.

37 Stevanovic.9 Savremeni Srpskohrvatskl Tezik. p. 597.

38Ibld.. p. 460.

39Ibid.. p. 467. 287

40* . ■ Skaljic, Turcizmi u Srpskohrvatskom Teziku, p. 477.

41Turk. lurllu^ 7 luriS by haplology.

. 4^Stevanovi6. Savremeni Srpskohrvatskl Tezik. p. 597.

4 ^ Ibid.. p. 594.

44Staxovski1. EtimologUa (1964). p. 67.

4^Stevanovic. Savremeni Sroskohrvatski Tezik. p. 551.

46Ib id .. p. 566.

4^Ibid.. p. 520.

48lbld.. p. 500.

49Ib id ., p. 532.

99Turk. lelpaze > lepeza by methatesis

91It is interesting to note that this noun was formed in Serbo- Croatian by addition of Turkish suffix -luk to minder. In other instances -luk is employed for the formation of abstract nouns.

^This word seems to have been formed by analogy with such words as: muftiluk. and mubarSiluk; no evidence for its existence in the Turkish language.

59This compound not found in any Serbo-Croatian dictionary. It is probably a colloquial expression.

^4Formed probably by analogy with such words as: koSara. koSarica and kotarica which are all feminine -a stem nouns.

5 5 It might be a Serbo-Croatian innovation by analogy with such words as: abadgiia. and tobdgiia.

®®By analogy with suha.. suva(h y v // u-a). suvarila.^ suharila (v^h// u-a). 288

57 Klai<$ considers tabor as a Hungarian loan word, while Vujaklija denotes it as a Slovak loan word. *

58 / Serbo-Croatian or Andiic's innovation.

59 Serbo-Croatian creation, formed by analogy with other Turkish adjectives.

*\s / / — (-voiceless).

®*/c/ by analogy with Turbin; should be /c/-c Turk. A /. CHAPTER IV


In the fourth chapter, I have attempted to classify the Turkish elements employed by Ivo Andrlc in Na Print 6upri1a according to their present semantic value. In those instances where a certain word has undergone a drastic semantic shift, or has been subject to semantic extension, a more detailed analysis was necessary. The same holds true for unusual derivations. I divided the Turkish loans into four basic groups: 1. Man 2. Homestead. 3. Society 4. Nonmaterial Culture. Each group was then subdivided into additional subgroups. The subgroups denote, as close as possible, the actual meaning of the Turkish elements found in Na Print 6upriia. A list of words, classified according to their semantic value, may be found at the end of this chapter, while the complete glossary of Turkish elements from the fourth and fifth chapters is included in the Appendix at the end of the dissertation.

4.1 Man

The first group of words which comprise the category Man. have been classified into six subgroups in the following manner: A. Physical Characteristics B. 290

C. Family life D. Occupation and Nationality E. Patterns of Behavior F. Emotional Attitudes

Physical Characteristics Among the Turkish loans that are represented in this subgroup, the word lef occupies an unusual position. it constitutes a semantic change and, at the same time, carries in itself definite social implica­ tions connected with Turkish rule. The original meaning of the word leS in the Turkish language is "carrion, unclean carcass." In Serbo- Croatian it simply denotes a "dead man or animal." The adverse usage of leS probably reflects the attitude of Turkish soldiers who referred to dead Christians as "carrions." Later the word le| assumed its present connotation among the speakers of the Serbo-Croatian language. Utaban represents another interesting derivation. The Turkish loan taban "foot-sole." is the basis for the passive participle of the verb utabati, which denotes the action of "trampling."

Personality Among the words of this group, there are many Turkish expres­ sions that have become an integral part of the Serbo-Croatian lexicon: badavadSila. bekrila. duSmanin. budala. etc. Badavadgila "idler" has in its basis the Turkish loan badava ( ^Turk, bedava "free of charge"). Through the addition of the Turkish suffix -d2i and the Serbo-Croatian nominal suffix -ja, badavadgila became a noun that indicates a "man who likes to get everything free of charge." Deliia and gazlla. both denoting "hero," have undergone a semantic shift. Deli in Turkish referred to a member of the Sultan's personal guards who were considered to be "crazy men," In the Serbo- Croatian language, the word deliia denotes a person of unusual bravery, or "hero." Gazl was basically a Turkish religious word, since its original meaning was "one who fought for Islam." In Serbo- Croatian it denotes someone capable of performing an heroic deed, "a hero, victor." 291

Family life . This subgroup is the smallest in the number of words. With the exception of miraz. all the expressions on this list are recognized by contemporary Serbo-Croatian speakers as Turkish loans. These words were so closely tied to the Turkish way of life that they did not relate to Slavic culture. Miraz represents an interesting case of the loan word which has become specialized semantically.* In its original stage of devel­ opment, miraz denoted "inheritance or legacy." When this form penetrated into Serbo-Croatian, the existing Slavic word naslede 2 presented a case of lexical Interference. In the process of linguistic change, the word miraz acquired the meaning "dowry" and continued this function in the Serbo-Croatian lexicon.

Occupation and Nationality This category contains the greatest number of Turkish loans. Some of these words denote occupations that were closely tied to Turkish rule and disappeared from spoken Serbo-Croatian after the fall of the Ottoman Empire: kadila, kapudan-paSa. mubaSlr, muftija, sejmen, subajfa. However, words such as berberin, dfoban, hamal. kalfa. and zanatlila. had b ecome so deeply rooted in everyday life that they remained an integral part of the Serbo-Croatian lexicon. Poturtfeniak and poturica are of special interest among these Turkish elements. Both were derived from the Turkish toot Turk, and both originally denoted "a Christian who became a Moslem." Serbo- Croatian disdain of these converts led to an additional figurative meaning "renegade." This expression now pertains to any person who changes political or religious allegiance.

Patterns of Human Behavior Certain words which belong in this category: alakanle. blluzur. dert. hesapiti. hator. merhamet. etc., are rarely used by Serbo- Croatian speakers. If they are used, it is probable that the speaker has an acquaintance with the Turkish language. However, in this group there are a number of loans that are found in the standard Serbo- Croatian vocabulary. Such words as buslia. lurlS. luriti. kre&ti. and 292

Samar do not have any Slavic substitutes. They are used by all speakers of Serbo-Croatian, regardless of their faith or nationality. The loan word bataliti represents an unusual derivation that is accompanied by a partial semantic shift. The basis for this form is the Turkish adjective batal. meaning a person or thing that is "worthless, useless." In Serbo-Croatian, the newly formed verb bataliti batal + i + ti) somehow acquired the meaning: "to leave, abandon, neglect." The loan zacorlti is another example of Serbo-Croatian in­ genuity. The original Turkish adjective kor "blind in one eye" was used as a basis for the Serbo-Croatian perfective verb zacoriti (-f za + cor + i + ti), which now denotes the action of "falling in love."

Emotional Attitudes This group of words consists entirely of interjections. Some of these loans passed without change into the vocabulary used by all Serbo-Croatian speakers: ama. Sik, hajde,Jok, vala. On the other hand, aferim. ala. iarabl. sikter. sucur. are highly colloquial, and are Used by a small number of Serbo-Croatian speakers.

4.2 Homestead

I have divided this group of loan words into subgroups, Home and land. ftiese two subgroups were then further classified into the following smaller units: A. Home a. Architecture b. Living Quarters c. Furnishings d. Clothing and Jewelry e. Household utilities and Other Material Objects f. Food and drinks. B. Land a . Flora b. Fauna c. Physical World * * 293 Architecture This category of words has a number of important expressions which have become an integral part of the Serbo-Croatian lexicon: &>£ak, basamak, direk, kapila. od£ak. tavan. There are certain loans in this list, however, which are clearly recognized by Serbo-Croatian speakers as Turkish words. They are the expressions which are used today to describe details in the houses constructed under the influence of the Turkish architecture: demir, muSebek, d£eriz, pend£er. The loan word demir is an interesting case because it represents a semantic loan extension. The original Turkish value for this form was "iron, or anything made of iron." This original meaning has remained in the Serbo-Croatian lexicon, except for one addition: "iron window 3 bar." However, in Na Drini Cuprlja. this word was used to describe a "wooden window bar," which shows an unusual deviation from its 4 original meaning.

living Quarters Among the loans comprising this category, virtually every word is a part of the standard Serbo-Croatian language. The only loan word that is still clearly tied to its original Turkish source is harem since it denotes the "room in the Moslem house in which women live.”

Furnishings There are only a few words in this group of loans that have become a part of the standard Serbo-Croatian language: cilim. du&ek. sofa. Turkish words such as minder, minderluk. seciia. serd^ada. and sofra are expressions that are used colloquially by some Serbo- Croatian speakers. Minderluk "sofa" is a loan word which reveals an interesting derivation. It was formed from minder "sofa" + the Turkish nominal suffix-luk. What is unusual about this form is that the Turkish 5 suffix -luk is usually utilized for the formation of abstract nouns, while in this particular case the final result is the concrete noun minderluk. 294

Clothing and Tewelry ‘ Some of the words included in this category pertain to garments that are not worn today. Thus these loans are used only to describe clothing worn in the past: anterija, dgemadan. dSube. hrka, mintan. toke, tozluke. In contrast, the Serbo-Croatian language has a number of expressions which derive from Turkish sources: burma. Parana. dizma. dola. qaitan. duqme. d£ep, 1elek, j[al. These forms do not have any Slavic substitute in the spoken language, and are not recog­ nized by native speakers as Turkish loans. Serbo-Croatian speakers, however, use certain words found in this category to describe the clothing worn by Yugoslav Moslems. Thus they know that these words have Turkish associations. Such expressions are: boSSa. dfalma, dimile. feredSa. fes. JaSmak, kauk, and Kamila. The Turkish loan burma shows an interesting semantic develop­ ment. It was derived from the Turkish verbal noun burma (<<£ burmak "to twist or to wring"). In Serbo-Croatian, burma has become a stan­ dard word for a finger ring of plain twisted gold: "wedding ring." The Serbo-Croatian word lepezast "fanlike" is included in this list because it is derived from the Turkish loan lepeza "fan" (-1 Turk. elpeze "fan"). This newly formed adjective is another example of the speakers' skill to project concrete objects into picturesque metaphors.

Household Utilities and Other Material Objects A great number of loans found in this category are an integral part of the Serbo-Croatian lexicon: bunar. desma. debe. lorgan. kazan. sat, sanduk. Yet this list also includes expressions that are seldom spoken in Serbo-Croatian. They require a subtle knowledge of the Turkish forms: fiakmak. deriz, s a vat 11. and takum. The word danak is most interesting when one looks at its orig­ inal source. The Turkls danak denoted an "earthenware pot or pan." In Serbo-Croatian, the basic shape of this object has been retained, but the material from which it is made has been changed: the "earthen­ ware pot" became "a wooden bowl." 295

(Sokani presents an unusual case of semantic shift. In its original form ^okal denoted "coarse pottery or plate armour." In the present Serbo-Croatian, its only meaning is "a glass for brandy." Ufltiljen is another clever innovation, which was based on the Turkish loan fitill "wick." This Serbo-Croatian passive partic­ iple of the verb ufitiljiti is employed frequently to describe a mous­ tache that is "thin and curled as a wick."

Food and Drinks Many of the words found in this group have become an integral part of the Serbo-Croatian language. Some of them are purely semantic loans: melem. Se6er. zejtin. There are other words in this category, however, that are clearly marked as part of the Turkish cultural heri­ tage: halva, kafa. meze. pita, rakija. salep. slmit. somun. and sederlema. The loan words nimet and nafaka are part of the Moslem religious influence, and are spoken only in provincial Moslem areas in Yugoslavia. All of the forms in this category do not show any semantic deviation from their Turkish sources.

Flora The few words found in this category have been either com­ pletely absorbed in the Serbo-Croatian lexicon (baSta. behar. bostan. bostandSifa). or are now used only by a few Serbo-Croatian speakers (miva, salep. §efteliia). There is a complete semantic agreement between these Serbo-Croatian forms and their original Turkish sources.

Fauna This category incorporates those loan words which refer to animal life: alat. bedevila. dorat. d&elep. erqela. leS. mal. It also includes expressions connected with the care of animals: Soban. korbaS. mamuza. razularen. samar. tlmariti. uzenqile. The Serbo-Croatian word razularen is the passive participle of the verb razularltl "unbridle." It usually pertains to a horse. How­ ever, it can be used as an attribute for a man "who behaves unruly as an unbridled horse.” 296

Physical Word .There are only three words included in this category. Oubre has become a standard word in the Serbo-Croatian language, while ialHa and Kara-Dehliz are Serbo-Croatian forms easily recognized as loan words of Turkish origin. All of the forms in this category re­ tain their basic semantic value.

4.3 Society

The words that comprise this category have been divided into six subgroups, with further classifications in two instances: A. Political Structure B. Military Structure C. Social Structure D. Urban Setting and Architecture E. Urban Establishments a . Government b. Religious and Cultural Organizations c. Recreation F. Economy a. Agriculture b. Business and Handicraft c . Mining d. Transportation

Political Structure The loan words incorporated in this category are connected with Turkish political rule. A considerable number of these expressions became obsolete after the fall of the Ottoman Empire: adffami-oglan, anqarila. devlet. emer. ferman. hazna. mubaSir, muftila. muktar. muteveliia. ufituqli. u6umat. zaptija. Among these words, however, there are some which have become a part of the standard Serbo-Croatian language. They are used constantly in everyday life: barjak, hapsiti, jatak. kuluk. raja. . 297

Certain words in this category show interesting derivations and semantic shifts from their original sources. Ad^aml-oglan is a compound of two Turkish words: acem "foreign" + oglan "child." In the Turkish language, this word denotes "the foreign children who have become janissaries." In Serbo-Croatian, adSami-oglan reflects the same meaning, but in addition it denotes "the process of the taking of Christian children by the Turks." BaSdarina "toll tax," has its basis in the Turkish word bacdar "one who collects taxes." This word is a compound of bac "tax" + dar "one who has something." In Serbo-Croatian, the word "tax" is represented by adding the nominal suffix -ina to the Turkish deriva­ tion bandar.

Military Structure The words that form this category consist of expressions that deal with the various aspects of Turkish military rule in the Balkans. Some of these words denote occupations and titles within the army: asker. kapudan-pa§a. mulazim. seimen. serdar, silahdar, zabit. Also, names of the various branches of the Turkish military organiza­ tion are included in this list: baSibozuk. lanifiarski. nizam, oda, ordila. A few words in this group denote weapons used by the army in warfare: dule. laqum. nad£ak, top. Some expressions deal with the life of the soldier: cador. tabor, tain. BaSibozuk is one word in this category that shows an unusual derivation. Its basic meaning in.Turkish is "civilian," a genitive con­ struction of bafi "his head" + bozuk "spoiled." In addition, it can also denote "an irregular in the Turkish army." BaSibozuk, the Serbo- Croatian word, refers to the Turkish soldiers who were released from the army and who then proceeded to terrorize the native population. Nizam shows a semantic extension of its original source. The Turkish word nizam denotes "order, rule, system." In Serbo-Croatian, nizam retained its original connotation, but acquired an additional meaning: "the regular Turkish army.” The Turkish loan oda represents another case of semantic ex­ tension. In the Turkish language, its meaning was "room, office, 298

Janissary barracks." The Serbo-Croatian word oda does not reflect any of these meanings. Somehow it was changed to denote "the smal­ lest unit of the paid Turkish army."

Social Structure Certain loan words in this category represent expressions that are related to the Turkish feudal system. Such words as aqa. alluktfiia. argat, beg, divdiia. esnaflHa. and spahila reflect the social hier­ archy of the Ottoman period. Some of the loans in this group refer to certain occupations which were a direct result of the Turkish rule: hodfa, kapudan-paSa. mubaSir. muderis. muftiia. muktar. mulazim, mutevelila. sultan, and vezir. Tur&Hat is a word in this list that shows a semantic shift. In Turkish, the word "Turkiyat" denotes "the study of Turkish things." The loan word reflects a somewhat extended meaning "the Turkish way of life; the Turkish way of thinking."

Urban Setting and Architecture Most of the words which comprise this category are closely tied to their Turkish sources. They reflect the original meaning and some of them are clearly known to the speakers as Turkish loan words. Examples of these Serbo-Croatian words are: bedem. dar&ila. lapila. lendek. kaldrma. kasaba. mahala. neimar. and sokak. However, there are certain loan words in this category that have become such an integral part of the Serbo-Croatian language that their original Turk­ ish sources are no longer recognized. These words are used constantly in contemporary Serbo-Croatian speech: fiesma. cuprila. direk. kapila. kula. skele.

Urban Establishments Among the words which comprise this category of Turkish loans, only dgamila and karaula are still used in standard Serbo-Croatian. Other words, such as mekteb, meSdema. and udumat. have become obsolete in everyday communications. • 299

There are many Turkish loans in the group of words that deal with recreation. After five hundred years of Ottoman rule, Serbo- Croatian speakers quite naturally adopted not only Turkish ways of amusement but also the expressions to describe some of these patterns of behavior. Thus, certain loan words found in this category have been fully integrated into the Serbo-Croatian vocabulary: Cibuk. duvan. kafana. lula. mehana. The words which denote Turkish and other musical instruments are highly colloquial: borija, demane. denqila. SarklJa, zurla. 6ibuk shows a case of semantic interference. In Turkish dibuk denoted "stick, twig, bar, pipe." In Serbo-Croatian, the meaning has been narrowed down to represent a particular type of pipe: "smoking pipe." Otuzbir "thirty one," is a card game that happens to have this Turkish number for its name. I could not find otuzbir which would denote a card game in any standard Turkish dictionary, thus it probably repre­ sents either a Serbo-Croatian innovation, or an old Turkish card game which no longer exists in contemporary Turkey. Teferidli "good for picnic" is a Serbo-Croatian adjective that is derived from the Turkish loan word teferlc "picnic." and must have been formed in Serbo-Croatian by analogy with other Turkish adjec­ tives of this type. This form also could not be found in the Turkish dictionaries.

Economy Many of the loan words which comprise this category are used daily in the Standard Serbo-Croatian language. Among these loans are expressions that denote specific tools used in various trades: alat. baglama. dekic. dunak. duskila, derdef, ekser. kantar, teraziie. testera. A great number of words found in this unit represent occupa­ tions from various branches of economy: bostandSila. Civdiia. abadSila. berberin. fearSilija. dudand£i1a. dundter. esnaflila. kalfa. kasapski. muSterija. salddiski. Segrt. zanatlila. Another group of words in this category denote the places, expressions, and objects that deal with various activities: ambar. depenak. konak. panadur. pazar. etc. 300

With the exception of one word (demir) the Turkish loans that denote natural resources have become an integral part of the Seibo- Croatian lexicon. The list of loans that deal with transportation con­ tain two obsolete words: araba and karavan-serai, while all the other words found in this group are used frequently by speakers of Serbo- Croatian . The Turkish loan word fiunak. is a form that represents an example of semantic extension. In its original form, it denoted only an "earthenware water pipe." As a Serbo-Croatian word it acquired the additional meaning "weaver's shuttle," while the Serbo-Croatian speakers use the word vodovodna cev to denote "water pipe." Zaducaniti se is a colorful form which has its basis in the Turkish loan word ducan "store." Zaducaniti has now acquired the abstract meaning: "to become prosperous."

4.4 Nonmaterial Culture

This group of Turkish elements has been divided into four sub­ groups: A. Religion and Culture, B. Folklore, C. Relations of time, number, color, mass, and space, D. Miscellaneous. *

Religion and Culture The words found in this category are generally linked to the Moslem religion. Thus, they are easily traced back to their original Turkish sources• Such words as Alah. derviS. dZamila. harem. Islam do not have any other substitute in Serbo-Croatian language. How­ ever, since they clearly relate to the Turkish culture, they are recog­ nized as loan words by most Serbo-Croatian speakers. Also, a number of loan words in this category (akSam, beridet. dunialuk. hairli) are employed by a limited number of Serbo-Croatian speakers because they require some knowledge of the Turkish language. 301

AkSamluk shows a slight semantic deviation from its original source. In the Turkish language, aksamluk means "evening clothes, something for the evening." As a Serbo-Croatian word it denotes "an evening gathering, an evening conversation." Citab represents another example of semantic interference. The Turkish source kitap denotes "book." In Serbo-Croatian, citab has acquired a more specific meaning, as it refers to a particular sort of a book, a "law book, or Kur'an." Sabahzorski presents an unusual compound of two words: Turkish sabah "morning" + Serbo-Croatian zorski possessive adjective of zora "dawn." The newly formed compound sabahzorski denotes a slightly more emphasized possessive-qualitative adjective: "early morning." AkSam and Sabah share an identical semantic extension in Serbo-Croatian. In its original form aksam denoted "evening," and sabah had one meaning "morning." As Turkish loan words, in addi­ tion to their basic meaning. akSam denotes "evening prayer" and sabah denotes "morning prayer." The original Turkish word nisan denoted "sign, mark, target. " In the Serbo-Croatian language, ni£an means "goal and target," but also has acquired the additional meaning "tombstone," which is em­ ployed by a limited number of Serbo-Croatian speakers. This is yet another example of the linguistic phenomenon of semantic extension.

Folklore With the exception of one word (tils urn). the Turkish loans of this category have become a part of the standard Serbo-Croatian lan­ guage: avetinlski .amallila. divovski. divski, and dSfinovski. Avetiniski is a possessive adjective formed from the Serbo- Croatian word avetinla. Avetinla reveals a slight deviation from its original Turkish source. The Turkish word afet means "calamity, blight." In Serbo-Croatian, the Turkish loan avetinla denotes "ghost, spook." 302 Relations of time, number, color, mass, and space A few words which are found among this group of Turkish loans have become a part of the standard Serbo-Croatian vocabulary: boja, buljuk. konak, narandgast, sat, soj, and taze. Certain expressions in this category denote old Turkish measures for weight, length, and volume. These have now become obsolete in the Serbo-Croatian language: arSin, denlak, dram, gida, oka. The remaining forms in this group represent expressions which are used by a limited number of Serbo-Croatian speakers: 6enar. dekika. jacija. pervaz. Buljuk is another loan word that shows deviation from its orig­ inal meaning. In the Turkish language, boluk denoted "part, unit of the Turkish army." In Serbo-Croatian, buljuk has acquired the addi­ tional meaning "horde, crowd," which has gradually become its main semantic function.

Miscellaneous The forms included in this list are comprised of five Turkish adverbs. All five still reflect their original meaning in the Serbo- Croatian language. Badava "free of charge," and dflaba "free of charge" have become a part of the standard Serbo-Croatian language. However, not too many speakers of Serbo-Croatian use the Turkish loans belcim "perhaps," beli "indeed," bezbeli "indeed." 1. MAN A. Physical Characteristics celav "bold," adjective 6orav "blind in one eye," adjective dosav "beardless," adjective damar "vein',1 noun, masculine dustaban "flat-footed," noun, masculine duturum "paralytic," noun, masculine gubav "leprous," adjective Kod£a "old man, old," adjective indeclinable (see: personality) le& "corpse," noun, masculine (see: fauna) perfiin "pigtail," noun, masculine sakat "crippled," adjective utaban "trampled," passive participle

B. Personality aSik "lover," noun, masculine badavad£ija "idler," noun, masculine bekrija "drunkard," noun, masculine budala "fool," noun, masculine budala£ "fool," noun, masculine delija "hero," noun, masculine divanija "fool," noun, masculine duSmanin "enemy," noun, masculine du£manski, possessive adjective du^man duvegija "fiance," noun, masculine gazija "hero," noun, masculine hain "traitor," noun, masculine hajduk "brigand," noun masculine (see: political structure) hajdukov possessive adjective haiduk iksan "man," noun, masculine ilumli "educated," adjective, indeclinable insan (see: iksan) Jaramaz "rogue," noun, masculine 304 jogunica "obstinate person," noun, feminine Jordamli "proud," adjective, indeclinable kadar "capable," adjective kod£a "famous, honored," adjective (see: physical characteristics) munafik "hypocrite," noun, masculine murtatin "rebel, traitor," noun, masculine (see:religion) potur£enjak "renegade," noun, masculine (see: nationality) poturica (see: poturdenjak) rakija& "brandy-bibber," noun, masculine razularen "unrestrained man," participle passivie (see:fauna) sevdalija "amorous man," noun, masculine (see: religion and culture) sevepli "lucky," adjective, indeclinable

C. Family life babo "father," noun,masculine evlad "children,” noun, masculine had£inica "wife of Jiadfi,"noun, feminine hanuma "Turkish lady," noun, feminine (see:social structure) harem "harem," noun, masculine, (see: home; religion) miraz "dowry," noun, masculine nena "grandmother," noun, feminine

D. Occupation and Nationality abad£ija "draper, clothier," noun masculine,(see:business and handicraft) ajluk£ija "man with monthly wages," noun, masc., (see:social structure) argat "day laborer," noun, masculine, (see: social structure) asker "soldier,” noun, masculine (see: military structure) askersko, possessive adjective asker aS&ja "cook," noun, masculine berberln "barber, ” noun, masculine, (see: business and handicraft) fcengija "dancer," noun, feminine (see: recreation) £oban "shepherd," noun, masculine (see: fauna) derviS "dervish," noun, masculine (see: religion) . ducand&Lja "store-keeper," noun, masculine (see: social structure) • 305 dundier "carpenter," noun, masculine (see: business and handicraft) dZelat "executioner," noun, masculine esnaflija "tradesman," noun, masculine (see: business and handicraft) hamal "porter," noun, masculine hamba&a "chief rabbi," noun, masculine (see religion) hodZa "Moslem priest," noun, masculine (see: social structure: religion) hodZin possessive adjective hodZa kadija "judge," noun, masculine (see: political structure; social structure) kafedZija "coffee-house keeper," noun, masculine (see: recreation) kalfa "journeyman," noun, masculine (see: business and handicraft) kapudan-paZa "admiral," noun, masculine (see: military structure; social str.) kiridZija "coachman," noun, masculine (see: transportation) muba£ir "usher," noun, masculine (see: political structure; social structure) mubaSirev, possessive adjective mubaSir muderis "professor at a religious school,” noun, masculine (see: social structure; religion) muderisov, possessive adjective muderis muftija (mufti), noun, masculine (see: political structure; social structure) muftijin. possessive adjective muftija muktar "bailiff," noun, masculine (see: political structure; social structure) mulazim "officer," noun, masculine (see: military structure, social structure) mulazimov, possessive adjective mulazim mutevelija "administrator," noun, masculine (see: political structure; social structure) neimar "architect," noun, masculine (see: urban setting and architecture) paSa "pasha," noun, masculine (see: political structure; social structure) poturSen "converted into a Moslem," participle passive poturfienjak "convertto Islam," noun, masculine (see: personality) poturlca (see: potur&enjak) sajdZiski , possessive adjective sajdZija "watchmaker" seiz "groom," noun, masculine (see:fauna) 306

sejmen "police soldier," noun, masculine (see: military structure) serdar "officer," noun, masculine (see: military structure) silahdar "swordbearer," noun, masculine (see: military structure) skeled£ija "ferryman," noun, masculine (see: transportation) suba£a "baiiff," noun, masculine (see: political structure; social structure) suharija "cavalryman," noun, masculine, (see: military structure) suharijski, possessive adjective suharila sultan "sultan," noun, masculine (see: political structure; social structure) sultanov, possessive adjective sultan Segrt "apprentice," noun, masculine (see: business and handicraft) tahtar "one who places boards," noun, masculine telal "town-crier," noun, masculine TurSin, pi. Turci "Turk," noun, masculine Tuikinja "Turkish woman," noun, feminine vezir "vizier," noun, masculine (see: political structure; social structure) . vezirov, possessive adjective vezir vezlrski, (see: vezirov) zabit "officer," noun, masculine (see: military structure) zanatlija "craftsman," noun, masculine (see: business and handicraft) zaptija "policeman,” noun, masculine (see: political structure)

E. Patterns of Behavior

alakanje "shouting," verbal noun, neuter anlaisati "understand," verb, imperfective argatovanje "laboring for daily wages," verbal noun, neuter aSikovanje "flirting," verbal noun, neuter bataliti "abandon," verb, imperfective bijuzur "disturbed," adjective, indeclinable buslja "ambush," noun, feminine ceif "amusement," noun, masculine dert "suffering," noun, masculine d£umbus "orgy," noun, masculine 307 frljacati "hurl," verb, imperfective geldi "came," HI person, perfect tense hajduZija "brigand's profession of misdeed," noun, feminine hajdukovanje "brigand's life," verbal noun, neuter hajdukovati "lead a brigand's life," verb, imperfective hator "love, lust," noun, masculine hesapiti "figure out," verb imperfective inat "spite, malice,” noun, masculine JuriS "attack," noun, masculine juriti "run," verb, imperfective kona£iti "lodge for the night," verb, imperfective kre£iti "whitewash," verb, imperfective mamuran "drowsy," adjective mamurluk "drowsiness," noun, masculine marifetluk "skill," noun, masculine maskariti se "mock, joke," verb reflexive, imperfective meraklijski "with passion," adjective merhamet "mercy," noun, masculine mezetiti "eat appetizer," verb, imperfective muhadZir "refugee," noun, masculine (see:religion) muhadZirluk "emigration,” noun, masculine (see: religion) olsun "so be it'.", in person imperative (see: religion-Alah selamet olsun'.) oseiriti "look over," verb imperfective pazarivati "trade," verb, imperfective poar&ti "waste," verb, perfective rSum "anger," noun, masculine sadaka "charity," noun, feminine Samar "slap,” noun, masculine Sega£iti se "joke," verb reflexive, imperfective Suhva "suspicion,” noun, feminine tefericiti "be at the picnic," verb, imperfective timariti "groom cattle; horse," verb, imperfective (see: fauna) ujdurma "treachery," noun, feminine ukarariti "correct," verb, perfective 308 zadoriti "fall in love blindly," verb, perfective

F. Emotional Attitudes aferim “bravo1." interjection aja "no," interjection 'ajde "come along," interjection, II person imperative ama "but, only," interjection dik "come on," interjection hajde (see: ’ajde) Ja "or," conjunction jarabi "Oh my God’. ” interjection (see: religion) jok "no," interjection sikter "get lost," interjection Sueur "thanks to God," interjection vala "by God," interjection

2. HOMESTEAD A. Home a. Architecture basamak "step, stair," noun, masculine dardak "block-house," noun, masculine depenak "shutter," noun, masculine (see: business and handicraft) do£ak "comer,” noun, masculine demir "iron window bar," noun, masculine (see:mining) direk "pole," noun, masculine (see: urban setting and architecture) d£amli "made of glass," adjective, indeclinable d£eriz "sewer," noun, masculine (see: household utilities) kapak "cover,” noun, masculine (see: household utilities) kapija "gate," noun, feminine (see: urban setting) mandal "door-latch," noun, masculine mu&ebek "window lattice," noun, masculine od£ak "chimney," noun, masculine okreden "whitewashed," participle passive pendXer "window," noun, masculine (see: living quarters) SiSe "ceiling," noun, neuter tavan "attic," noun, masculine (see: living quarters)

b. living Quarters alvat "family room," noun, masculine ambar "granary," noun, masculine (see: agriculture) avlija "courtyard," noun, feminine avlijski, adjective possessive avliia divanana "hall,” noun, feminine harem "harem," noun, masculine (see: family life; religion) tavan "attic," noun, masculine c. Furnishing 6ilim "carpet," noun, masculine duSek "mattress," noun, masculine minder "sofa," noun, masculine minderluk, see: minder sedija "sofa," noun, feminine serd£ada "rug," noun, feminine sofa "sofa," noun, feminine sofra "table," noun, feminine

d. Clothing and Tewelrv ahmedija "turban," noun, feminine, (see: religion) amajlija "amulet>" noun, feminine (see: folklore) anterlja "loose robe," noun, feminine atlasli "made of satin," adjective, indeclinable bosca "scarf," noun, feminine burma "wedding-ring," noun, feminine tfakSire "trousers," noun, pluralia tantum {Salma "turban," noun, feminine {Sarapa "stocking," noun, feminine &zma "boot," noun, feminine tfoja "woolen cloth," noun, feminine dohali "made of goha. '.adjective, indeclinable * durak "fur coat," noun, masculine dimije "Turkish trunk hose," noun, pluralia tantum dugme "button," noun, neuter dZemadan "waistcoat," noun, masculine dZep "pocket," noun, masculine dZube "sleeveless robe," noun, neuter derdan "necklace," noun, masculine feredZa "veil,” noun, feminine fes "fez," noun, masculine gajtan "cord," noun, masculine hrka "short coat," noun, feminine jaZmak "veil," noun, masculine jelek "vest," noun, masculine. kadifast "velvet like," adjective kauk "wadded turban," noun, masculine kundura "shoe,” noun, feminine lepezasto "fanlike," adjective mindusa "ear-ring," noun, feminine mintan "waistcoat," noun, masculine £al "shawl," noun, masculine Samija "scarf," noun, feminine toke "buttons," noun, pluralia tantum torba "bag,” noun, feminine tozluke "knee socks," noun, pluralia tantum zubun "jacket," noun, masculine

e. Household Utilities and Other Material Objects bunar "well," noun, masculine Sakmak "flint," noun, masculine danak "wooden bowl," noun, masculine desma "fountain," noun# feminine (see: urban setting) dokanj "brandy glass," noun, masculine cebe "blanket," noun, neuter dZezva "coffee pot," noun, feminine 311 dteriz "sew er," noun, masculine (see: architecture) derdef "embroidering frame," noun, masculine (see: business and handicraft) ekser "nail," noun, masculine (see: business and handicraft) fenjer "lantern," noun, masculine (see: urban setting) fild£an "coffee cup/' noun, masculine, fitilj "wick," noun, masculine ihram "blanket," noun, masculine jorgan "quilt," noun, masculine kapak "cover," noun, masculine (see: architecture) kazan "copper kettle," noun, masculine mangala "brazier," noun, masculine muSema "o ilclo th ," noun, feminine sanduk "trunk," noun, masculine sat "watch," noun masculine (see: relations of time) sepet "basket,” noun, masculine tahta "board,” noun, feminine takum "service,” noun, masculine tepsija "pan,” noun, feminine "scales," noun, pluralia tantum (see: business and handicraft) ufitiljen "curled as a wick," participle passive

f. Food and Drinks (home remedies) halva "oriental sweets," noun, feminine kafa "coffee," noun, feminine kafeni, possessive-qualitative adjective kafa, melem "balsam," noun, masculine meze "snack, appetizer," noun, neuter nafaka "food," noun, feminine (see:religion) nimet "bread," noun, masculine (see: religion) pita "pastry," noun, feminine rakija "brandy," noun,'feminine salep "drink made of the root of orchis mascula, 11 noun, masculine (see: flora) slmit "white bread," noun, masculine 312 somun "white bread," noun, masculine secer Vsugar," noun, masculine sederlema "candy," noun, feminine zejtin "oil," noun, masculine /

B. Land a . Flora ba&ta "garden," noun, feminine behar "fruit blossom," noun, masculine bostan "garden melon bed," noun masculine (see: agriculture) bostand£ija "gardener," noun, masculine (see: occupation; agriculture) miva "fruit," noun, feminine (see: agriculture) salep "root of orchis mascula," noun, masculine (see: food and drinks) Seftelija "peach," noun, feminine

b . Fauna alat "chestnut colored horse," noun, masculine bedevija "arable mare,” noun, feminine £oban "shepherd," noun, masculine, (see: occupation) dorat "bay horse," noun, masculine dSelep "herd of oxen," noun, masculine ergela "stud farm,” noun, feminine korba£ "ship," noun, masculine leS "carcase," noun, masculine (see:man - physical characteristics) mal "stock," noun, masculine (see: culture) mamuza "spur," noun, feminine razularen "unbridled," participle passive (see:personality Samar "pack saddle," noun, masculine (see: transportation) timariti "groom horses," verb, imperfective, (see: human behavior) uzengije "stirrup," noun, pluralia tantum (see: transportation) 313 c. Physical World dubre "muck," noun, neuter jalija "beach," noun, feminine Kara-Denjiz "Black Sea," noun, masculine


A. Political Structure

i ad£ami-oglan "tax in blood," noun, masculine angarija "forced labor," noun, feminine arad "poll-tax," noun, masculine balkanski "Balkan," possessive adjective of Balkan baijak "flag," noun, masculine baSdarina "gauging fee," noun, feminine begludki, possessive adjective begluk 'bey's estate," devlet "state," noun, masculine emer "order," noun, masculine ferman "edict," noun, masculine hapsiti "arrest," verb, imperfective hara£, (see: ara6) hazna "treasury," noun, feminine isturden "turned Turk,” participle passive (see: human behavior) jatak "accomplice of a brigand,” noun, masculine kadija "judge," noun, masculine (see: occupation; social structure) kadiluk "court district," noun, masculine kuluk "forced labor," noun, masculine kuludar "hard laborer," noun, masculine kulu£arski, adjective possessive kulutfar kuludenje, (see: kuluk) kulu&Lti "work hard," verb, imperfective mubaSir '‘usher," noun, masculine (see: occupation; social structure) muba£irev, possessive adjective mubaSir muftija "mufti," noun, masculine (see: occupation; social structure) muftijin, possessive adjective mufti

f 314

muktar "bailiff," noun, masculine (see: occupation; social structure) mutevelija "administrator," noun, masculine (see: occupation; social structure) nahija "district," noun, feminine pohapSen "arrested," participle passive potur£en "made a Moslem," participle passive raja "Christians in the Ottoman Empire," noun, feminine rajinski, possessive adjective raja spahija "landowner," noun, masculine (see: social structure) spahiluk "feudal estate," noun, masculine sultan "sultan," noun, masculine (see: occupation; social structure) sultanov, possessive adjective sultan surgun "exile," noun, masculine Turska, "Turkey," noun, feminine u£tugli "three penant vizier," adjective indeclinable u6umat "government," noun, masculine (see: urban establishments) vezir, "vizier," noun, masculine (see: occupation; social structure) vezirov, possessive adjective vezir vezirski, possessive adjective vezir zapt "order," noun, masculine zaptija "policeman," noun, masculine (see: occupation) zulum "tyranny," noun, masculine

B. Military Structure asker "soldier," noun, masculine (see: occupation) askersko, possessive adjective asker baSibozuk "irregular Turkish soldiers," noun,.masculine £ador "tent," noun, masculine dtale "cannon-ball," noun, neuter janiSarski , possessive adjective lani&ar "janissary," kapudan-pasa "admiral," noun, masculine (see occupation; social structure) lagum "mine," noun, masculine mulazim "officer," noun, masculine (see: occupation; social structure) nad£ak "pick-axe," noun, masculine 315 nizam "regular Turkish army," noun, masculine oda "smallest unit of the paid Turkish army," noun, feminine ordija "army," noun, feminine sejmen "police soldier," noun, masculine (see: occupation) sejmenski, possessive adjective sejmen serdar "sirdar," noun, masculine (see: occupation) silahdar "sword-bearer," noun, masculine (see: occupation) suharija "cavalryman," noun, masculine, (see: occupation) suharijski, possessive adjective suharija la tor, (see: la dor) tabor "camp," noun, masculine top "cannon,"^noun, masculine topovski, possessive adjective top zabit "officer," noun, masculine

C. Social Structure aga "landlord," noun, masculine again, possessive adjective aga aginski, possessive adjective aga ajluk&ja "man with monthly wages," noun, masculine (see: occupation) argat "day laborer," noun, masculine beg ”bey," noun masculine begovski, adjective possessive beg Siv&ja "farmer," noun, masculine (see: agriculture) efendija "sir," noun, masculine •\ esnaflija "tradesman," noun, masculine (see occupation; business and handicraft) fakir "poor man, " noun, masculine fukara "poor man," noun, masculine hanuma "Moslem lady," noun, feminine (see: family life) hod£in, possessive adjective hodla kadija "judge," noun, masculine (occupation: political structure) kapudan-pasa "admiral," noun, masculine (see: occupation; military structure) 316 kom£ija "neighbor," noun, masculine muba&r "usher," noun, masculine (see: occupation; political structure) mubaSirev, possessive adjective mubasir muderis "professorat religious school," noun masculine (see:Occupa­ tion; religion) muderisov, possessive adjective muderis muftija "mufti," noun, masculine (see: occupation; political structure) muftijin, possessive adjective muftila muktar "bailiff," noun, masculine (see: occupation; military structure) mulazim "officer," noun, masculine (see: occupation; military structure) mulazimov, possessive adjective mulazim mutevelija "administrator," noun, masculine (see: occupation; political structure) sahibijin, possessive adjective sahib "master, owner" spahija "landowner," noun, masculine (see: political structure) sultan "sultan,” noun, masculine (see: occupation; political structure) sultanov, possessive adjective sultan tur£ijat "Turkish way of life," noun, masculine vezir "vizier,11 noun, masculine (see: occupation; political structure) vezirov, possessive adjective vezir vezlrski, possessive adjective vezir

D. Urban Setting and Architecture bedem "fortress, w all,” noun, masculine £ar£ija "bazaar," noun, feminine SarSljski, possessive adjective &ar§ila £esma "fountain,” noun, feminine (see:household utilities) duprija "bridge,” noun, masculine cuprijski, possessive adjective duprila dlrek "pole,” noun, masculine (see: Home-architecture) japija "building," noun, feminine Jendek "ditch;" noun, masculine kaldrma "cobbled pavement," noun, feminine kapija "gate," noun, feminine (see: Home-architecture) kasaba "small town," noun, feminine 317 kasabalija "inhabitant of a small town," noun, masculine kasabalijski, possessive adjective kasaba kasabica "very small town," noun, feminine kula "tower," noun, feminine mahala "ward of a town," noun, feminine neimar "architect," noun, masculine (see: occupation) neimarstvo "architecture," noun, neuter skele "scaffold," noun, feminine sokak "street," noun, masculine

E. Urban Establishments

a. Government karaula "police station," noun, feminine meScema "court," noun, feminine udumat "government building," noun, masculine (see: political structure)

b. Religious and Cultural Organizations d£amija "mosque," noun, feminine mekteb "Moslem elementary school," noun, masculine tekija "dervish monastery," noun, feminine (see: religion)

c . Recreation (Music. Smoking) borija "trumpet," noun, feminine cigarluk "cigar-holder," noun, masculine fiengija "dancer, " noun, feminine (see: occupation) £ibuk "chibouk," noun, masculine demane "violin," noun, neuter duvan "tobacco," noun, masculine duvanski, possessive adjective duvan . - han"hostelry," noun, masculine kafana "coffee-house," noun, feminine kafanski, possessive adjective kafana lula "pipe," noun, feminine ■ 318 mehana "tavern," noun, feminine otuzbir "card game," noun, indeclinable Sarkija "oriental tambour," noun, feminine teferlS "picnic," noun, masculine teferidli "good for picnic ," adjective, indeclinable zurla "shrill pipe," noun, feminine

F. Economy

a. Agriculture ambar "granary," noun, masculine (see: home-living quarters) bostan "water melon bed," noun, masculine (see: flora) divfiija "farmer," noun, masculine (see: occupation; social structure) miva "fruit," noun, feminine (see: flora) panadur "fair," noun, masculine pazar "bazaar," noun, masculine f ’ \ pazami, possessive adjective pazar Satra "tent, stall," noun, feminine

b. Business and Handicraft abad£ija "draper,” noun, masculine (see: occupation) alat "tools," noun, masculine baglama "door hinge," noun, feminine berberin "barber," noun, masculine (see: occupation) Car&ilija "merchant," noun, masculine dekic "hammer,11 noun, masculine dekik "pulley," noun, masculine 6unak "weaver's shuttle," noun, masculine depenak "shutter on the shop," noun, masculine (see: Home-architecture) duskija "crow-bar," noun, feminine ducan "store," noun, masculine ... dudanddija "store-keeper," noun, masculine (see: occupation) dudanski, possessive adjective ducan dunder hcarpenter," noun, masculine •319 derdef "embroidering frame," noun, masculine (see:home utilities) ekser "nail,” noun, masculine esnaflija "tradesman," noun, masculine (see: occupation) kalfa "journeyman, " noun, masculine (see: occupation) kantar "scales," noun, masculine kasapnica "butcher shop," noun, feminine kasapski, possessive adjective kasapin "butcher," madzarija "golden coin,” noun, feminine magaza "storehouse," noun, feminine mu&terija "customer," noun, feminine, masculine para "smallest coin, " noun, feminine raf "shelf," noun, masculine sajd£iski, possessive adjective sal djfila "watchmaker.11 (see occupa­ tion) savatli "engraved," adjective indeclinable Segrt "apprentice," noun, masculine (see: occupation). terazije "scales," noun, pluralia tantum (see: home utilities) testera "saw," noun, feminine tezga "store counter," noun, feminine veresija "credit," noun, feminine zaducaniti "to acquire a store," verb, perfective zanat "craft," noun, masculine zanatlija "craftsman," noun, masculine (see: occupation)

c. Natural Resources bakren "cooper," adjective cilibarski "amber," adjective demir "iron," noun, masculine (see: home-architecture) kreS "lime," noun, masculine kre£ana 11 lime-kiln," noun, feminine kre£njak "lime stone," noun, masculine majdan "mine," noun, masculine 320

d. Transportation

araba "cart," noun, feminine £amac "boat," noun, masculine karavan "caravan," noun, masculine karavan-seraj "caravanserai," noun, masculine kiTid£ija "coachman," noun, masculine (see: occupation) konak "quarters for the night," noun, masculine (see: relations of time) kona£i£te, see: konak Samar "pack saddle," noun, masculine (see: fauna) skela "ferry," noun, feminine skeledSija noun, masculine (see: occupation) uzengije "stirrup," noun, pluralia tantum (see: fauna)

4. NONMATERIAL CULTURE A. Religion and culture

~ ahmedija "turban," noun, feminine (see: clothing) akSam "Moslem evening prayer," noun, masculine (see: relations of time) akSamluk "evening gathering," noun, masculine Alah "God," noun, masculine avdest "ablution before prayer," noun, masculine Bajram "Baiiam," noun, masculine bericet "abundance," noun, masculine bericetli "plentiful," adjective, indeclinable bilahi "by God1.R interjection Caba "the Kaaba," noun, feminine $ Citab "Kur'an," noun, masculine derviS "dervish," noun, masculine (see:occupation) dova "prayer," noun, feminine dunjaluk "this world," noun, masculine dSamija "mosque," noun, feminine (see: religious establishments) d2ehenem "hell," noun, masculine "dSeleganuhu "Glory to the God'." interjection d^uma "Moslem Friday prayer," noun, feminine e z a n "call to prayer," noun, masculine gazija "fighter for Islam," noun, masculine (see: Man-personality) had£i "hadji," noun, masculine had£iluk "pilgrimage," noun, masculine had2inica "wife of hadji," noun, feminine (see: family life) hafis "Moslem who knows Kur'an by heart," noun, masculine hair "happiness," noun, masculine hairli "happy," adjective, indeclinable jacija "Fifth Moslem Prayer," noun feminine (see:Relations of Time) musala "public place for Moslem prayer," noun, feminine Musliman "Moslem," noun, masculine Muslimanka "Moslem woman," noun, feminine muslimanski, possessive adjective Musliman nafaka "fate; food," noun, feminine (see: Food) nimet "God's blessing," noun, masculine (see: Food) niSan "tombstone; target," noun, masculine rahmetli "the deceased," adjective, indeclinable Ramazan "Ramadan," noun, masculine ramazanski, possessive adjective Ramazan sabah "morning prayer," noun, masculine (see:relations of time) sabahzorski "early moming,". adjective selamet "security," noun, masculine sevap "good deed," noun, masculine sevdah "love," noun, masculine sevdalija "lover," noun, masculine (see: personality) sevdalijski, possessive adjective sevdalija softa "student of Islam theology and law," noun, masculine Sehit "martyr for Islam," noun, masculine &ejtan "devil," noun, masculine tabut "coffin," noun, masculine tarih "history," noun, masculine tefter "note-book," noun, masculine tekija "dervish monastery," noun, feminine (see: Urban establishments turbe "mausoleum," noun, neuter Ulema "Moslem theological scholars," noun, feminine vakuf "Moslem church property," noun, masculine valahi "by God'." interjection zeman "period, era/' noun, masculine

B. Folklore amajlija "amulet," noun, feminine (seeiclothing and jewelry) avetinjski, possessive adjective avetinja "ghost," divovski "giant," possessive adjective div "giant" divski, see: divovski d£inovski "gigantic," adjective possessive d£in "giant," tilsum "talisman," noun, masculine

C. Relations of Time, Number, Color, Mass, Space

ak£am "dusk, twilight," noun, masculine (see: religion) ar&in "yard-measure," noun, masculine boja "color," noun, feminine buljuk "a number of persons; herd," noun, masculine cenar "edge," noun, masculine dekika "minute," noun, feminine denjak "bundle," noun, masculine dram "3,21 gram," noun, masculine gida "an amount," noun, feminine jacija "bedtime," noun, feminine (see: religion) konak "day's Journey," noun, masculine (see: transportation) naxand£ast "orange," adjective pervaz "rim," noun, masculine sabah "dawn," noun, masculine (see: religion) . sabahzorski "early morning," adjective, (see: culture) sat "hour," noun, masculine (see: household utilities) soj "kind;sort," noun, masculine taze "fresh," adjective, indeclinable D. Miscellaneous badava "free of charge," adverb belcim "perhaps," adverb bell " certainly," adverb bezbell "indeed, ” adverb dSabe "free of charge," adverb 324

Footnotes (Chapter IV)

* Uriel Weinreich, Languages in Contact (The Hague: Mouton & C o ., 1966), p. 55i

2lbld. q See: Chapter III, demir.

4Andric, Na Print Cupriia. p. 121.

^Nemeth, Turkish Grammar, p. 43. CHAPTER V


The great number of Turkish loan words used by Ivo Andri6 in Na Print Cupriia reveals two interesting facts. First, it is obvious that Andric is fully acquainted with the local dialect spoken in the ViS’egrad area. Second, the Turkish elements used in the novel testify that the Turkish language had a marked impact on the lexicon of the occupied people. As revealed in the novel, it is apparent that Turkish loan words were often the only lexical means available to most Serbo- Croatian speakers when they expressed an idea, object, or emotion. Thus, Turkish loans gradually penetrated the Serbo-Croatian voca­ bulary. Words such as Cara pa, d2ep, 6ekld, jorgan, kafa do not have any Slavic substitute in the Serbo-Croatian literary or spoken language, hence they are considered by every native speaker an inte­ gral part of the Serbo-Croatian lexicon. On the other hand, although such words as CarSiia. dgamiJa, dSezva. flld£an. sultan. etc. do not have Slavic equivalents, they are clearly recognized by Serbo- Croatian speakers as Turkish sources. This phenomenon is best ex­ plained by the fact that these words remain closely tied to the Turkish way of life. The purpose of this chapter is to discuss Andric's use of Turkish elements as a stylistic device in the description of th$ characters, # the locale, and the historical events in Na Drini-Cuprlja.

5.1 The Locale

The majestic bridge that spans the Drlna River in Vi2egrad is the symbolic focus in Andric's novel^that represents the long history of Turkish and Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnian. In his description of 325 326 the bridge, the public buildings, the city streets and the houses, Andric .utilizes Turkish loan words to create an oriental mood and at­ mosphere. For example, ViSegrad is called kasaba "small town," and its inhabitants are referred to as kasabaliie. The use of loans to des­ cribe the town, mahala "town district," darSila "business district," lalila "beach," and musala "clearing" emphasize the Turkish influence in the history of ViSegrad. Following the same pattern, Andric uses such Turkish loans as: sokak "street," kaldrma "cobblestone," hendek "ditch," and bedem "wall." The bridge itself cuprija. with its Sardak "," kapila "archway," and tarih "memorial plaque," dom­ inates the town and remains .a silent witness to the many tragic and joyous events that mark the plot of the novel. Urban institutions such as karavan-seraj "hostelry," karaula "police station," meScema "court-house." tekila "dervish chapel," and u<£umat "government house" recall the era of Ottoman rule. These latter loans represent expressions which are obsolete in contemporary Serbo-Croatian language. The employment of these archaic Turkish elements has a definite purpose: to project the reader of the novel into the past. This literary device sets the stage on which the characters play their momentary parts in the four centuries of ViSegrad history covered in the novel. The strong Turkish cultural influence in the lives of the people of ViSegrad is even reflected in their recreational behavior patterns. Mehana "tavern." kafana "coffee house," and Ustamajica han "Ustamajic's Inn" are places where men gather to smoke a Sibuk "pipe," to play a game of otuzbir "card game," and to look at a Sengija "dancer" swaying to the music of a cemane "violin," a Saikila "oriental tambour," or a zurla "shrill pipe." As they watch the gypsy dancer, the men are filled with dert "longing" and sevdah "love. The atmosphere of the business district "SarSija" is one of pros­ perity and mutual respect. The stores "ducani" are owned by wealthy Moslems, and only on rare occasions is a non-Moslem “daur" accepted as an equal. The merchandise is kept in a magaza "store house," and is displayed on the depenak "a wooden window cover that is dropped to form a street shelf." The business transactions take place while the muS’terija "customer" drinks a cup of and 327

exchanges gossip with the du<$andj[ija "storekeeper." After the Austro-Hungarian occupation of Bosnia in 1878, Andri6 contrasts the ^ old oriental mode of business with the modem ways brought to the people of ViSegrad by the new rulers. New loan words appear in the novel, this time reflecting Germanic influence, jjjpeceral "grocery store," kantina "cafeteria," hotel "hotel," and fotografski atelje "photo shop" are new business establishments that gradually change the character of old ViSegrad. Although the Austro-Hungarians changed some aspects of life in ViSegrad, the great bridge and the houses remained as monuments of the Ottoman period. The lovely, old houses bore the elegance of oriental architecture. The windows “pendSeri"were made of glass "dSamli”. and were covered by crossed bars of wooden or metal lattice Nmusebekn to protect the Moslem women from the eyes of passing strangers. Behind the door "kapija" that led to the court yard "avliia" t little children played free from the dangers of the street. In the house, the family could sit or sleep on the three different types of sofa: "minder” "minderluk" and"se6iia" They gathered for meals about a low, round table "sofra*1 and entertained guests in the living room elabor­ ately furnished with Turkish rugs "cllimi" and"sexdZade". No one out­ side the family and very close friends, however, was allowed in alvat "family room." Andric skillfully portrays the firm attitude of personal privacy found among the old Moslem families in ViSegrad. Na starom islamskom Istoku su interijeri mahom bili nedokudni, stajali ledima okrenuti i prema javnom miSl* jenju i. prema sudnici, nisu se davali poeziji. Ako je neko i ulaziou njih, imao je oSi i uSi da ostavi u pret- soblju zajedno s kundurama*4

5.2 Historical Events

Not unnaturally, Turkish loan words preoccupy Ivo.Andrlc's des­ cription of political, military, and social history during the four cen­ turies of Ottoman rule in Bosnia. The Bosnian population "raja" suffered many cruelties inflicted by an exploitative hierarchy of poli­ tical and military oppressors. Numerous incidents in Na Dtlni Cuprija • 328 depict the tyranny "zulum" of Turkish judges "kadije", governmental clerks "mubaSir. "muftija'l "muktar” police "zaptija11, soldiers "askeri ”, and army officers "zabiti". Worst of all oppressors, however, were the janissary troops janiSarska vojska . The Turks took male Bosnian children from their families, converted them to the Moslem faith, and then returned them to their homeland to rule over their own people. This was known as the infamous adSami oqlan "the tax in blood." The Bosnian people were exploited by the Turks through various forms of forced labor *anqariaVkuluku, and by the heavy assessment of toll tax "harafi". With few exceptions, notably zulum and kuluk. most of these Turkish loans no longer exist in the Serbo-Croatian spoken lan­ guage. Particularly impressive is Andric's use of these loan words when he contrasts Tuikish and Austro-Hungarian rule in ViSegrad: Ovi ljudi, rodeni 1 odrasli u ovom zaba£enom kraju Turske, i to dotrajale Turske XK veka, nisu prirodno nikad imali prilike da poznaju pravu i snaSnu i dobro organizovanu vojsku jedne velike sile. Sve Sto su oni dosad mogli da vide bile su nepotpune, loSe hranjene, rdavo odevene i neuredno pladene jedinice carskog askera Hi. Sto je joS gore, nasilu sakupljeni bosanski baSlbozuk bez discipline i oduSevljenja. Sada se prvi put pojavljivala pred njima zaistinsksLSila i ordija jedne carevine pobedniSka bleStava u sebi.5 The social structure of ViSegrad reflected the influence of the Turkish feudal system. Moslem landowners "spahile11 and landlords age11 rented plots of their estates "spahiluk" to poor tenant-farmers "Sivdije". Moreover, economic and social life in ViSegrad was dom­ inated by rich Moslem merchants and craftsmen. It is not surprising, therefore, that most of the occupations described by Andri<£ in the novel are derived from Turkish sources: abadSija "draper." dunder "carpenter," esnaflila "tradesman." kalfa "journeyman." kasap "butcher," and rieimar "architect." The craft tools used by the craftsmen ‘zanatlijeu and the laborers "alluk&le" represent Turkish elements that exist to this day in the Serbo-Croatian language: alat "tools." Seffic "hammer," ekser "nail." testera "saw." Andric employs a number of Tuikish loans in Na Print Cuprija that pertain to the Moslem faith. The time of the day is determined in ViSegrad by the muezzin who calls the followers of Mohammed to 329 prayer at the proper hours. The moming prayer 'sabah*' marks the beginning of the day, and signals the opening of the market place. Business ends with the evening prayer akgamn , whenr the people return home for dinner and rest. Later, young and old alike take a stroll on the bridge and gather together for an hour or two of gossip (ak^amluk). Taciia, the fifth and last daily Moslem prayer, marks the end of the day and bedtime for the inhabitants of the city. In ViSegrad society, among the most respected citizens were Moslem priests "hodSe”. Moslem teachers "muderisi”, and Moslem scholars “ulema11. Anyone who did not abide by the teachings of the Kur'an "Citab". was considered a renegade "murtatin". Inasmuch as contemporary Serbo-Croatian speakers do not use these Turkish relig­ ious loans, Andric creates in his readers a mystical feeling of the Orient. "Dolaze zatim Sitave pregr£ti orijentalizama u slikanju, turcizama u jeziku, koje kad ne razumemo vezujemo za mistiXne C prestave, kad razumemo vezujemo za slatka sedanja iz pri£a i ■ pesama." The description of every day life in ViSegrad provided Andric with a rich source of Tuikish elements. Bunar "well," £anak "wooden bowl," &esma "fountain," d£ezva "coffee pot," and iorqan "guilt" are expres­ sions that do not evoke in a Serbo-Croatian reader a sense of the past because these loans are an integral part of the Serbo-Croatian lexicon. On the other hand, such words as Sakmak "flint," deriz "sewer," ihram "blanket," tahta "board," and takum "coffee service" have become ob­ solete either because of their outmoded function (Sakmak. cferiz), or because they have been replaced by other expressions in the Serbo- Croatian language (ihram. tahta. takum). The same is true for those words that denote various aspects of time, number, or mass: ar£in "yard." deklka "minute." deniak "bundle-measure." dram "3,21 gram." konak "day's Journey" and oka "measure of weight. " These words became obsolete with the introduction of the metric system. The old Turkish words and the new metric terms were employed by Andric when he con­ trasted the Turkish and the Austro-Hungarian periods in the history of ViSegrad: 330 Stara shvatanja i stare vrednosti sudarale su se s novim, me&ali media sobom ill 2iveli uporedo kao da £ekaju ko 6e koga da nadgivi, Ljudi su ra£unali na forlnte i krajcere, all isto tako na gro&e i pare, meiili na arSin i na oke i na dramove. all i na metar, na kilograme i grame, utvrdQLvali rokove za placanje po novom kalendaru, ali Jo§ 3eS6e po starim navikama:0 Durdevu i o Mitrovdanu.7

5.3 Characters in Na Drlnl Cuprija

When dealing with the Turkish loan words that Andric uses in the description of characters in the novel, one must bear in mind the ethnic mixture of the Visegrad populace. The Moslem religion of the Turkish occupation forces was adopted by a considerable number of Serbs, either voluntarily for material gains, or in a few cases by forced con- Q version. This process caused an influx of Turkish religious loans which were used mainly by the Moslem converts. Also, the Turkish occupation forces used their own language for everyday communication in the conquered areas. Thus, a great number of Turkish elements penetrated into the Serbo-Croatian lexicon. In Na Drini dupriia. Andric fully exploited this aspect of language contact in his descrip­ tions of ViSegrad's Moslems and Serbs. Through the portraits of char­ acters in the novel, Andric firmly reveals the impressive Turkish impact on the religious, social, and vernacular lexicon of the peoples of Bosnia. Religious loans used by Andrid in the novel are employed to this day by members of the Mohammedan faith throughout Yugoslavia. To emphasize the authenticity of Moslem characters in the novel, Andric utilized such Turkish expressions as merhaba "greeting among the Moslems," Bilahi and Valahi "by God'." dgelleSanuhu "glory to God," Alah selamet olsun "God save you," and larabi "oh Lord." Moreover, loan words that pertain directly to the Kur'an (Citab) were not ignored: Alah "God," diSehenem "hell," haram "forbidden by Kur'an," kilamet Judgement day," melee "angel," and £ejtan "devil." Certain words used by the Moslem characters throughout the novel require a degree of familiarity with the Turkish language itself: hair "happiness," dunlaluk "this world," izun "permission," mal "wealth," nafaka "fate," nimet "God's blessing," etc. These words were used by Andric 331 to achieve realism in his narrative1. . Nekad Je moj rahmetli otac slu£ao od &eh Dedije i meni kao djetetu prifiaorotkud cuptiie na ovom svijetu i kako je prva cuprija postala. Kad je Alah dZeleSanuhu biva, stvorio ovaj svijet, zemlja je hila ravna i glatka ko najlep&a savatli tepsija. To je bilo krivo fejtanu koji Je zavidio Covjeku na tom bo2jem daru • . . It is interesting to note that the real in the novel do not use many Turkish elements, particularly those connected with their religion. Apparently, Andric wanted to emphasize the use of Turkish loans in the speech of the native ViSegrad characters. On the other hand, however, Andric did not make the mistake of going to the extreme. Thus, the orthodox Christian Serbs in the novel always use their own religious expressions. In an incident on the bridge, a Serbian priest says a last farewell before his impending execution: NDa se poljubimo i prekrstimo vo imja oca i sina i svjatago duha, vo lmja oca i sina 1 svjatago duha. Amin. Some of the Turkish loans that Andric used to describe the person­ ality and physical characteristics of his characters are still employed in the Serbo-Croatian language: celav "bold.,t corav "blind in one eye," sakat."crippled," badavad2iia "idler," bekrila "drunkard," duSmanin "enemy," and delija "hero." However, such words as divanila "fool," iksan "man." laramaz "rogue," iordamli "proud," and munafik_"hypo­ crite" have become obsolete in the Serbo-Croatian lexicon. As he does throughout the novel, Andric? makes use of all these Turkish elements to project the reader into the past. The following monologue delivered bv Starina Novak, the famous Serbian brigand, clearly illustrates this aspect of Andric's writing: Kad sjediS u busiji ti dobro gledaj putnika koji naide. Ako vidis da jordamli JaSe i na njemu erven c&emadan, srebme toke i bijele tozluke to je Fodfak . . . .A ako vidis neku divaniju:prekrstlo noge na sedlu,kuca u fetkiju i pjeva iza glasa, ne udaraj i ne kaljaj ruke uzalud, nego pusti trice nek prode, to je ViSegradanin, a taj niSta nema jer se u njih para ne drift.*1 Turkish loan words that denote patterns of behavior are employed by Andrid to describe his Moslem and Serbian characters. In Na Print <5uprila. such expressions as argatovanie "hard labor," aSikovanie * * 332 / "flirting," deif "amusement,11 dert "suffering, longing," dgumbus "orgy," marifetluk "talents" and ujdurma "treachery" are found in the speech of any ViSegrad inhabitant. However, alakanje "shouting," anlaisati "understand." biiuzur "disturbed," hator "love," hesapiti "figure out," oseiriti "look over," rSum "anger," and sadaka "charity" are words used only by Moslems. The same is true for certain words which pertain to the emotional attitudes of men: aferlm "bravo," aja "no," su6ur "thanks to God," and vala "by God." All these Turkish elements are skillfully employed by Andric in various monologues and dialogues in the novel. This excerpt from the conversation of Vi&egrad Moslems perfectly illustrates Andric's employment of Turkish loans: VidiS ti Sta je zeman i bo£je davanje, i kamen nagrize, sve'dno vala ko kundura Sarapu. Ali ne da Svabo nego odmah krpi Sto je naprslo,-filozofira prvi, jedan poznat neradnik iz 5arii1e. i srfie AlihodSinu kafu. 'Aide. jadan, dok je Drina Drina i 6upri1a bi bila 6upri1a i da je damuli nisu, t raj a la bi koliko joj je pisano. Samo dSaba ovoliki troSak 1 biiuzur-ka£e drugi gost koji se bavi istim poslom kao i prvi.A2 I Whenever Andric expressed his own thoughts and feelings in the novel, he avoided the use of Turkish elements. Moreover, he used the ekavian variant of the Stokavian dialect in his personal narrative. The power of his story is enhanced because he always uses the ijekav- ian dialect and the Turkish loan words when his characters speak. In 13 , an interview, Mr. Andric told me that he purposely used the Turkish elements and the ijekavian dialect to create in the reader a feeling and understanding of the bygone oriental atmosphere that existed in old Visegrad. Ivo Andrl<£ utilized Turkish words as a necessary stylistic device to make Na Drini Cuprija historically authentic. Yet, he never sub­ merges his genius as a writer of pure Serbo-Croatian prose. This is clearly apparent in the following passage from the novel: A most je i dalje stajao onakak kakav je oduvek bio, isa svojom veSitom mladoScu savrSene zamisli i dobrih i velikih ljudskih dela koja ne znaju &ta je starenje ni promena i koja, bar tako izgleda, ne dele sudbinu prolaznih stvari ovoga sveta. 333

Footnotes (Chapter V)

1 Milan Bogdanovic, / "Na Drlni Cuprija,"^ Kritiffari o Andricu, / ed. PetarD^a&ic (Beograd: Nolit, 1962), p. 59.

2Isidora Sekulic, "Istok u Pripovetkama Ive Andzica," Krlti^arl - o Andricu. p. 59.

^Andric. Na Print Cuprija. p. 203.

^Sekulic, Kritiffari o Andricu. p. 62.

^Andric. Na Print Cuprija. p. 148.

**Sekulic. KritiSari o Andricu. p .59.

^Andric, Na Drini duprija. p. 157.

. - J?L. Stavrianos, The Balkans Since 1953 (New York: Reinhart & Company, Inc., 1958), pp. 89-90.

Q / t Andric, Na Drini Cuprila. p. 244.

1^Ibid.. p. 99.

11Ib id .. pp. 18-19.

12Ibid. . p. 242.

* ^Interview with Ivo Andric, Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, August 15, 1966. *^Andiic, Na Print Cuprila. p. 251 . BIBLIOGRAPHY

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\ APPENDIX abad£ija "draper" adSfami - oglan "tax in blood" aferlm "bravo'." aga "host" agin "aga's" aginski "aga's" . ahmedija "turban" aja "no'." ajde "go'." ajluk£ija "man with monthly wages " akSam "dusk" akSamluk "evening gathering" alah "God" alakanje "shouting" alat "tools" alat "chestnut colored horse" alatka "tool" alvat "family room" ama "but" amajlija "amulet" ambar "granary" angarija "forced labor" anlajisati "to understand" anteiija "robe" araba "wagon" arafi "poll-tax" argat "day laborer" argatovanje "laboring for daily wages" arSin "yard"' asker "soldier" askerski "soldier's” aStfija "cook" aSik "lover" aSikovanje "flirting" . atlasli "made of satin" avdest "ablution before prayer" avetinjski "spooky" avlija "courtyard" avlijski "courtyard"(adj.) babo "father" badava "free" badavad£ija "idler" baglama "hinge" Bajram "Bairam" bakren "made of copper" balkanski "Balkan” barjak "flag" basamak "step" balibozuk "irregular Turkish army" baSta "garden" bataliti "abandon" ba^darina "toll" bedem "wall of town" bedevija "Arabic mare" beg "nobleman" beglufiki "belonging to the nobleman's estate" begovski "belonging to a nobleman" behar "fruit blossom" bekrija "drunkard" belcim "perhaps" beli "certainly" bezbeli "evident" berberin "barber" bezlcet "abundance" berl6etli "plantiful" bijuzur "disturbed" bilahi "by God'." boja "color" borija "trumpet" bostan "garden" bostand£ija "gardener" bog&a "bundle" budala "fool" budala& "fool" budaljakati "behave foolishly" buljuk "a number of persons" bunar "well" burma "wedding ring" busija "ambush" cigarluk "cigar-holder" £ador "tent" fcakmak "flint" tfaksire "trousers" £alma "turban" 6amac "boat" £anak "wooden bowl" £arapa "stocking" 6ardak "watch tower" fiar^ija "market place” £ar3ijski "belonging to fiarSiJa". darSilija "merchant" fiekic "hammer" feekrk "pulley" £engija "dancer" £esma "fountain" £ibuk "chibouk" £ik "come on*." fiivdija "farmer" 6izma "high boot" . £oban "shepherd” tfoja "woolen cloth" 342

£ohali "made of #oha11 6okanj "glass for brandy" £unak "weaver's shuttle" 6aba "Kaaba" dasa "bowl" cebe "blanket" 6elf "pleasure” * 6emane "violin" cenar "edge" 6epenak "pull-down shutter" cllibarski "amber like, made of amber" cilim "carpet" <&itab "book" corav "blind in one eye" 6osav "beardless" 6o&ak "comer" cuprija "bridge" 6uprijski "belonging to Cuprija" 6urak "fur-coat" 6uskija "crowbar" damar "vein" dekika "minute " delija "hero" demir "iron" denjak "bundle” dert "suffering" derviS "Mohammedan monk" devlet "state" dimije "Turkish trunk hose” direk "pole" divanana "large hall" divanija "fool" divovski "gigantic" divski "gigantic" dorat "bay-horse" dova "prayer" dram "dram (3,21 gr.)" ducan "shop" ' ducandSfija "shopkeeper" ducahski "store" (adj.) dugme "button" dunder "carpenter" dunjaluk "this world" dustaban "flat-footed" du&ek "mattress" du$manin "enemy" duSmanski "hostile" duvan "tobacco" duvan-kesa "tobacco-pouch" duvanski "tobacco" (adj.) d£aba "free" d£amija "mosque" d£amli "made of glass" d£ehenem "hell” d£elat "hangman" dZelep "herd of oxen" d£elle§anuhu "glory to the God" d2emadan "waistcoat" d2ep "pocket" d2eriz "sewer" dSezva "coffee pot" d£inovski "giant" d£ube "gown" diuma "Moslem Friday prayer" dSumbus "oigy" derdan "necklace" derdef "embroidering frame” dubre "manure" dule "cannon ball" duturum "paralitic" duvegija "fiance" efendija "master" ekser "nail? emer "order" ergela "stud" esnaflija "tradesman" evlad "children" ezan "call to prayer" fakir "pauper" fenjer "lantern" fered2a "Turkish woman's outer dress" ferman "edict" fes "fez" fild2an "cup” fitilj "wick" frljacati "to hurl" fukara "pauper" gajtan "cord" gazija "hero" geldi "came" gida "portion" gro& "piastre" \ gubav "leprous" had2i "Hadji" had£iluk "pilgrimage" had^inica "wife of Hadji" hafis: "Moslem who knows Kur'an by heart" hain "traitor" hair "happiness" hairli "happy" hajde "go■on'." hajduk "brigand" hajdu&ja "brigand's profession of misdeed" hajdukov "brigand's” hajdukovanje "bandit's life" hajdukovati "lead a brigand’s life" halva "oriental sweets " hamal "carrier" • hamba&a "chief Rabbi" han "hostelry" hanuma "Turkish lady" hapsiti "arrest" hara£ "poll-tax" haram "forbidden by religion" harejn "harem" hator "lust" hazna "treasury" hesapiti "figure out" hod£a "Moslem priest" hod£in "belonging to hodga" hrka "short cloak" Iksan "human being" llumli "educated" inat "spite" insan "human being" iram "woolen cloak" Islam "Islam" islamski "Islamic" isturSiti se "become a Moslem" Ja "or" jacija "Time of going to bed" jalija "beach" janji^arski "Jannissary" (adj.) japija "building” jarabi "oh my God'. ” Jaramaz "good for nothing (man)" JaSmak "veil" Jatak "accomplice of brigand" jelek "vest" jendek "ditch" 346 jogunica "obstinate person" jofc "no'. " jordamli "proud” jorgan "quilt" juri& "attack" juriti "run" kadar "able" kadifast "velvety" kadija "judge" kadiluk "court district of kadija " kafa "coffee" kafana "coffee house" kafanski "coffee house” (adj.) kafed£ija "coffee house keeper" kafeni "coffee" (adj.) kaldrma "pavement" kalfa "journeyman" kantar "steelyard" kapak "cover" kapija "gate" kapudan-pa£a "admiral" Kara-Denjiz "Black Sea" karavan "caravan" karavan-seraj "caravanserai" kasaba "small town" kasabalija "inhabitant of kasaba" kasabalijski "belonging to kasaba or kasabalija" kasabica "very small town" kasapnica "butcher's shop” kasapski "butcher's" katran "tar" kauk "wadded turban" kaurski "infidel's" kazan "copper kettle" kijamet "Judgement day" kirid£ija "driver" kirid2ijski "driver's" kod£a "old man" kom&ija "neighbor" konak "inn" kona£i£te "Inn" kona6iti "lodge for the night" korba£ "whip" kre£ "lime" kredan "lime-kiln" kre£iti "whitewash" kre&ijak "lime-stone" kula "tower" kuluk "forced labor" kulu£ar "hard laborer" kuludarski "belonging to kulu^ar" kuludenje "forced labor" kulu&ti "to work hard" kundura "shoe" lagum "mine" lepezasti "fan like" (adj.) le£ "corpse" lula "tobacco pipe" madSarija "golden coin" magaza "storehouse" mahala "ward of a town" majdan "mine" mal "property" mamuran "seedy, drowsy" mamurluk "hangover" mamuza "spur" mandal "door-latch" mangala "brazier" marifetluk "skill" maskariti se "to mock" mehana "tavern” mekteb. "Moslem elementary school" mele6 "angel" melem "balsam" meraklijski "with desire, lustily" merhaba "greeting among Moslems" merhamet "mercy" meSdema "court" mezar "grave" fheze "appetizer" mezetiti "to eat meze" minder "sofa" minderluk "sofa" mindu^a "ear-ring" mintan "waistcoat" miraz "dowry" miva "fruit" mubaSir "official of the government" muba&irev "belonging to mubaSir" muderis "professor" muderisov "professor's" muftija "Moslem jurist" muftijin "belonging to muftifa" muhad£ir "emigrant" muhad£irluk ” emmigration " muktar "headman of a village" . mulazim "officer” mulazimov "officer's" munafik "hypocrite" murtatin "renegade" musala "public place for Moslem prayer" Musliman "Moslem" muslimanski "Moslem” (adj.) mu&ebek "window bar" muSema "linoleum" muSterija "customer" mutevelija "trustee of a pious foundation" • nad2ak "pick-axe " nafaka "fate" nahija "region" narand£ast "organe colored" neimar "architect" neimarstvo "architecture" nena "grandmother" nimet "blessing" ni&an "target" nlzam "former regular Turkish army" oda "the smallest unit of Turkish army" od£ak "chimney" oka "measure of weight" okre£en "whitewashed" olsun "so be itl" ordija "Turkish army" oseiriti "to look over" otuzbir "thirty one" (card game) panadur "fair" para "smallest coin" pa£a "pasha" pa&aluk "pasha's district" pazar "bazaar" pazarivati "trade" pazami "bazaar" (adj.) pend£er "window" perfiin "pig-tail" pervaz "cornice" pita "pastry" poarSiti "to waste" pohapSen "arrested" potur£en "turned Moslem" poturtfenjak "renegade" 350 poturica "renegade" raf "shelf" rahmetli "the deceased" raja "non-Moslem subjects of the Ottoman Empire" rajinski "belonging to raja " raklja "brandy" rakijaS "brandy-bibber" Ramazan "Ramadan" ramazanski "Ramadan" (adj.) razularen "unbridled" (horse, man) r£um "anger" sabah "morning" sabahzorslti "early morning" (adj.) sadaka "charity" sahibijin "master's" sajd£ijski "watchmaker's" sakat "crippled" salep "hot drink with honey" samar "pack-saddle" sanduk "trunk" sat "hour; watch" savatli "engraved" secija "bench covered with mattress" seiz "groom" sejmen "a soldier of the Janissaries" sejmenski "belonging to sejmen" selamet "safety" sepet "basket" sepetka "basket" serdar "military chief" serd^ada "prayer rug; small rug" sevap "good deed” sevdah "love" sevdalija "enamoured man" sevdaUjski "in enamoured manner" (adj.) 351 sevepli "lucky" sikter "get lost'." silahdar "sword bearer" simit "white bread" skela "ferry" skele "scaffolding" skeledlfija "ferryman" sofa "sofa" sofra "dining table" softa "student of Islamic theology" soj "race, stock" sokak "street" somun "white bread" spahija "land-owner" spahiluk "feudal estate" subaSa "police superintendant" suharija "cavalry man" suharijski "cavalry" (adj.) sultan "sultan" sultanov "sultan's" surgun "exile" Sal "shawl" Samar "slap" Samija "head scarf worn by married women" Sarkija "Oriental tambour" Sator "tent” Satra "booth" Se6er"sugar" Se6erlema "candy” Seftelija "peach" Segafiiti se "to Joke” Segrt "apprentice" • Sehit "hero" Sejtan "devil" Sl&e "ceiling; bottle" Sueur "thank God*." Suhva "suspicion" tabor "camp" tabut "coffin" tahta "board" tahtar "one who places boards " tain "ration" takum "coffee service" tarih "history" tavan "attic" taze "fresh" teferiS "picnic” teferi&ti "go to picnic" teferidli "suitable for picnic" tefter "notebook" tekija "dervish convent" telal "town crier" tepsija "baking pan" terazije "pair of scales" testera "saw" tezga "counter" tilsum "talisman" timariti "to groom" toke "buckles" top "cannon" topovski "cannon" (adj.) torba "pouch" tozluke "knee socks" turbe "masoleum" TurSin (pi. Turci) "Turk(s), Moslem(s)" turSijat "Turkish way of life" Turkinja "turkish woman" Turska "Turkey" turski "Turkish" u&ugli "vizier of three penants" ucumat "government building" ufitiljen "curled" uhap&en "arrested" ujdurma "trick" ukarariti "to correct" . ulema "theological scholars" utaban "trampled" uzengije "stirrup" vakuf "Moslem church property" vala "by God'." Valahi "by GodV1 veresija "credit" vezir "vizier" vezirov "vizier's” vezirski "vizier's" zabit "officer" zacoriti "fall in love blindly" zaducaniti "to acquire a shop" zanat "craft" zanatlija "craftsman" zapt "discipline" zaptija "policeman" zejtin "oil" zemen "period" zubun "jacket" zulum "oppression" zurla "shrill pipe"