Uluslararast Turk Hukuk Tarihi Kongresi 13-14 May is 2016 - Istanbul II. TURK HUKUK TARiHi KONGRESi BiLDiRiLERi Cilt: II Editor Prof. Dr. Fethi GEDiKLi onikilevha 1111 II llllll lllllll Ill llllllll YAYIN NO: 681 II. TiirkHukuk Tarihi Kongresi Bildirileri Cilt: II Editor: Prof. Dr. Fethi Gedikli ISBN 978-605-152-470.-2 1. BASKI- iSTANBUL, ARALIK2016 © ON iKi LEVRA YAYINCILIKA. ~· Adres : Prof. Nurettin Mazhar Oktel Sokak No: 6A ~i§li I iSTANBUL Telefon : (212) 343 09 02 Faks : (212) 224 40 02 Web : www.onikilevha.com.tr E-Posta :
[email protected] Baski/Cilt Birlik Fotokopi Baski Ozalit ve Buro Malz. San. ve Tic. Ltd. ~ti. Yild1z Mah. <;1ragan Cad. No: S 1 Nolu Magaza Be§ikta§ / istanbul Tel: (212) 269 30 00 SertifikaNo: 20179 TEACHINGS OF ISLAMIC LAW AT THE FACULTY OF LAW OF THE UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO IN THE PERIOD FROM• 1946 TO 2016 Ehlim~ana MEMISEVIC* I. Introduction As one of the world's great legal systems, Islamic law is taught at various academic institutions across the Muslim and non-Muslim world, with the application of different methodological approaches and in dif ferent institutional frameworks. With respect to the aim of the study, one can identify several models of study. Thus, Islamic law is studied within the program for education of ulama, within the program for education of Sharia judges, program for comparative study of law and within the program of general Islamic studies.1 Considering the abovementioned, besides faculties of theology, Is lamic law is taught at law schools as well. Namely, the courses on Islamic law and jurisprudence are an integral and mandatory component of the curricula of all law schools in the Muslim world.