ARMOR March-April 2008
The Professional Bulletin of the Armor Branch, Headquarters, Department of the Army, PB 17-08-2 Editor in Chief Features LTC SHANE E. LEE 6 Using Tactical Site Exploitation to Target the Insurgent Network Managing Editor by Michael Thomas CHRISTY BOURGEOIS 14 Human Terrain Mapping: A Critical First Step Commandant in Winning the Counterinsurgency Fight by Lieutenant Colonel Jack Marr, Major John Cushing, BG DONALD M. CAMPBELL, JR. Major Brandon Garner, and Captain Richard Thompson 19 How Information Operations Enable Combatant ARMOR (ISSN 0004-2420) is published bi- Commanders to Dominate Today’s Battlefi eld monthly by the U.S. Army Armor Center, ATTN: by Lieutenant Colonel Scott K. Fowler ATZK-DAS-A, Building 1109A, 201 6th Ave- nue, Ste 373, Fort Knox, KY 40121-5721. 22 Win the Battle – Lead to Peace Disclaimer: The information contained in AR- by Colonel Bruno Duhesme, French Army MOR represents the professional opinions of the authors and does not necessarily reflect 26 An Approach to Route Security the official Army or TRADOC position, nor by Captain Nicholas C. Sinclair does it change or supersede any information presented in other official Army publications. 33 Ground School XXI – The Next Step Official distribution is limited to one copy for in Combined Arms Simulation Training each armored brigade headquarters, ar mored by Colonel Robert Valdivia cavalry regiment headquarters, armor battal- ion headquarters, armored cavalry squadron 36 Predator Palace: Gaining a Foothold headquarters, reconnaissance squadron head- by Captain Peter J. Young Jr. quar ters, armored cavalry troop, armor com- pany, and motorized brigade headquarters of 43 Team Enabler: Combining Capabilities the United States Army.
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