ORDINANCENO. 350 Tvlierfas,The Civil War in El Salvador Has Resulted In

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ORDINANCENO. 350 Tvlierfas,The Civil War in El Salvador Has Resulted In • / ORDINANCENO. 350 tVlIERFAS,the civil war in El Salvador has resulted in great hurransuffering and the death of over 25,000 innocent persons; and tVliERFAS,the root cause of this civil war is decades of political repression and econonic near-enslavem:mt of the rrajority of Salvadorans by a few corrupt ruling families, resul ting in widespread poverty, ignorance, hunger, and the loss of basic hizran rights; and as the only means by which these families maintain power is a goverrurent based on electoral fraud, corruption, illegal inprisonrnent, torture, rape, and mirder r and t'MEREAS,the current u.S. policy supporting that governrrent ignores these factors, sees the rebellion. there as sone minor sub-plot in a global test of wills, and thus denies repeated evidence and testi.m:::>nyoffered by eye- witnesses and experts; and as the same policy refuses to recognize the desperate act of a people who suffer horribly at the hands of their owngoverrurent; and .. IoJIIEREAS,u.S. policy has in effect, helped destroy in El Salvador all those guarantees of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that we hold essential to ourselves, and would defend if we, in turn, were threatened with their denial; NCJtJ,THEREFORE,BEIT ORDAINEDBY'!liE PEOPLEOFTHE mONTY OF t1UL'INOMl\H AS FOu.J::WS: SECTION1. People of MultnomahCounty do hereby call on the federal goverrurent to end all military aid to the qovernrront; of El Salvador and to withdraw all military personnel from that country. / • SECTION2. The County Cornni.ssionmust hereby direct the County Clerk that this resolution shall be madeknown to the President, the Vice-President, and the Secretary of State of the United States; to our elected representatives in Washington; and to the people and press of the County of Hultriomah, SECTION3. This ordinance shall take effect as provided by law. AOOPTED BY A VOI'E OF THE PEOPLE NOVE1YIBER 2, 1982. mULTnomRH COUnTY OREGOn OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR ELECTIONS DIVISION DONALD E. CLARK 1040 S.E. MORRISON STREET COUNTY EXECUTIVE PORTLAND, OREGON 97214 (503) 248-3720 MEf.lORANDUM TO: The News Media of Multnomah County FROM: William Radakovich, County Clerk DATE: November 22, 1982 Attached is A letter sent to: Ronald Reagan, President of the united states George Bush, Vice-President of the United States George Schultz, Secretary of State Bob packwood, U.S. Senator Mark Hatfield, U.S. Senator Les AUCoin, U.S. Congressman Ron Wyden, U.S. Congressman in compliance with the El Salvador measure adopted by the Multnomah County voters at the general election held on November 2, 1982. (- _. () - c5 ;.,{) \: c';.. , . C'i - (. ;:C" = rnULTnornRH COUnTY OREGOn OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR ELECTIONS DIVISION DONALD E. CLARK 1040 S.E. MORRISON STREET COUNTY EXECUTIVE PORTLAND, OREGON 97214 (503) 248-3720 November 22, 1982 Dear ___________ 0o On November 2, 1982, the people of Multnomah County, Oregon, voted 134,859 "yes" and 44,663 "no" to approve an initiative measure calling on the federal government to end all military AID to the government of El Salvador and to withdraw all military personnel from that country. A copy of the measure is enclosed. Yours very truly, William Radakovich County Clerk.
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