Book of Abstracts DUENE E.V

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Book of Abstracts DUENE E.V The utilization of wetland biomass offers promi- sing new potential as renewable raw material and fuel. It may combine the substitution of fossil resources, sustainable land use, nature International Conference on conservation and the maintenance of ecosys- the Utilization of Emergent Wetland Plants tem services. Numerous research and development activities world wide reflect the awareness of this potential. Reed as a The international conference on the utilization of emergent wetland Renewable ResouRce plants brought together various actors from research, governance and February 14th - 16th 2013 practice in order to build networks, detect research demands and ex- Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg, change experience and information. Greifswald, Germany Abstracts of the International Conference „Reed as a Renewable 2013 Resource“ Abstracts of the International Conference Book of Abstracts DUENE e.V. D ENE at the Institute of Botany U and Landscape Ecology Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald with the kind support of Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald in preparation: „Paludiculture - productive management of wet peatlands“ Contribute to climate and nature to be released in September 2013 protection: MoorFutures! Ministerium für Landwirtschaft Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz offset your carbon emissions by peatland rewetting INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE UTILIZATION OF EMERGENT WETLAND PLANTS Reed as a Renewable Resource SCOPE The use of wetland biomass offers many opportunities to address the increasing and di- verse demand for biomass. Wetland biomass can substitute fossil resources as a raw mate- rial for industry and energy production, using both traditional and new processing lines and techniques. The cultivation and exploitation of reeds like common reed, sedges, reed canary grass, cattail, etc. can provide sustainable land use options for wet areas and can reduce competition between biofuels and food production, while maintaining and restor- ing many ecosystem services. AIM OF THE CONFERENCE The use of wetland biomass is reflected by research activities going on all over the world. With this conference we want to encourage various actors from research, govern- ance and agriculture and nature protection that work on or have an interest in the utilisa- tion of reed to communicate and build networks, identify research needs and in particular exchange experiences and information. We also want to make progress in reed energy production and its large scale implementation. Therefore this conference is not only ad- dressed to scientists but also engineers and companies. SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Chair Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans Joosten University of Greifswald, Germany Members Dr. Wendelin Wichtmann, Michael Succow Foundation & DUENE e.V. Drs. John Couwenberg, University of Greifswald, Germany ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Chair Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans Joosten University of Greifswald, Germany Members Susanne Abel 1), Fernando Andreu 2), Sergey Babiychuk 1), Tobias Dahms 1,2), Jan Felix Köbbing 1), Nina Körner 1), Claudia Oehmke 1,2), Biggi Pelz 1), Achim Schäfer 1,2), Christian Schröder 1), Dr. Nathalie Soethe 1), Stefan Sommer 3), Sabine Wichmann 1,2), Dr. Wendelin Wichtmann 2,3) & Kerstin Wulf 1) 1) University of Greifswald 2) DUENE e.V. 3) Michael Succow Foundation 14TH-16TH FEBRUARY 2013, GERMANY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE UTILIZATION OF EMERGENT WETLAND PLANTS IMPRINT Authors’ collective University of Greifswald, Institute for Botany and Landscape Ecology, DUENE e.V., Michael Succow Foundation, Grimmer Str. 88, 17487 Greifswald Greifswald, February 2013 Design & Layout: Tobias Dahms Cover picture: Oliver Richter Print: Druckhaus Panzig, Greifswald Number of copies printed: 400 14TH-16TH FEBRUARY 2013, GERMANY CONTENTS Contents Host Institutions 5 Conference Venue 7 Welcome to Greifswald! 9 Instructions for Participants of the Conference 10 Conference Program 11 Agenda 12 Post Conference Excursions 17 Abstracts Oral Presentations 23 Opening Session 23 Harvesting Techniques, Logistics and Economic Feasibility I 25 Harvesting Techniques, Logistics and Economic Feasibility II 29 Case Studies/Country Reports I 33 Case Studies/Country Reports II 39 Processing Biomass I (Energy) 43 Processing Biomass II (Energy) 47 Ecosystem Services I (Water & Nutrient Removal) 51 Life Cycle Assessment 55 Ecosystem Services II (GHG) 59 Processing Biomass III (Material) 63 Legal and Economic Framework 67 Genetics 69 Ecosystem Services III (Biodiversity) 71 Productivity & Site Characteristics 75 Abstracts Poster Presentations 79 Ecosystem Services 79 Potential Analysis 85 Energetic & Material Use 89 Case Studies/Project Reports 93 Author Index 97 List of Participants 103 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE UTILIZATION OF EMERGENT WETLAND PLANTS 14TH-16TH FEBRUARY 2013, GERMANY GENERAL INFORMATION Host Institutions Ernst Moritz Arndt University Greifswald Founded in 1456 as the Pomeranian State University (German: Pommersche Landesuni- verstität it is the second oldest university of Northern Europe. At present, more than 11,500 students from 74 countries are registered at the university, taught by some 200 professors. The number of students has more than tripled since 1990, accompanied by an ongoing reorganisation of the university structure. The university offers a traditional, wide range of subjects and is structured in five faculties: Theology, Law and Political Sciences, Philosophy, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Medicine, being subdivided into several institutes and clinics. Research and teaching increasingly span the “borders” of all faculties and institutes. Thanks to the excellent scientific work of the university, the city of Greifswald has in- creasingly gained in charisma and importance on a national as well as on an international level. The numerous university buildings witness the architectural and intellectual wealth of centuries. The assembly hall in the university’s main building that was once a baroque library is one of the most beautiful of its kind in Germany. With the Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics, the Leibniz Institute for Low Temperature Plasma Physics and the Biotechnikum (Biotechnological centre) Greifswald also distinguishes itself as a place for technology and research. Institute of sustainable development of landscapes of the earth (DUENE) e.V. The scientific non-profit association Institute of sustainable development of landscapes of the earth (German: Institut für Dauerhaft Umweltgerechte Entwicklung von Naturräu- men der Erde e.V. - DUENE), was founded on May 13th, 1999 by mostly past and present staff members of the Botanical Institute. The managing committee consists of Dr. Man- they (Chair, Landscape Ecology) Professor Dr. Joosten (Peatland Studies and Palaeoeco- logy), Dr. Rühs (Landscape Economy) and Mr. Schäfer (Landscape Economy). The Managing Director is Dr. Wichtmann (Landscape Economy, Peatland Studies). The main objective of DUENE is to support the sustainable development of landscapes by means of – landscape ecological research, – scientific research on revitalization and sustainable use of landscapes, – dissemination of scientific information, – coordination of active participation in scientific research, – planning and execution of measures for improving habitats for threatened species, – improvement of quality of ground and surface water and restoration of de- graded habitats. Current research focuses on questions regarding economy of paludicultures, and productivity and usability of wetland plants. Other activities are concerned with the im- HOST INSTITUTIONS 5 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE UTILIZATION OF EMERGENT WETLAND PLANTS provement and restoration of stressed and degraded sites under nature conservation as- pects, as well as planning and execution of measures for improving habitats for threatened species. DUENE shares expertise and knowledge through professional training courses. Topics range from peatland restoration and peat soil characterisation to the application of the "vegetation form" concept (German: Vegetationsformenkonzept), a tool to understand the relationship between site ecological parameters and vegetation1. DUENE members are involved in the delivery of the lecture programme at the Institute for Botany and Land- scape Ecology. Michael Succow Foundation for the Protection of Nature The Michael Succow Foundation (“Michael Succow Stiftung zum Schutz der Natur”) was established in 1999 as the first charitable nature conservation foundation under the Civil Code in the new federal states of Germany after reunification. The foundation's motto is to “Preserve and Sustain” It was founded using the money from the Right Liveli- hood Award, bestowed upon Prof. Dr. Michael Succow in 1997. The Michael Succow Foundation is an operational foundation at national and interna- tional levels. It is engaged in the development and protection of national parks and bio- sphere reserves in some of the transition countries of the former Eastern bloc (e.g. Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Russia). The foundation’s main emphasis has been the recognition and conservation of Germa- ny’s natural heritage for the last decade. Accordingly, the foundation is currently oversee- ing the care of three nature conservation areas in north-eastern Germany, with other soon to follow. The goal is the development of wilderness oases, accompanied by offering opportunities to visit and experience nature firsthand, which are meant to foster a deeper understanding
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    CEPL AS Annual Report 2015 Imprint Published by CEPLAS – Cluster of Excellence on Plant Sciences Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf 40204 Düsseldorf Editors Prof. Dr. Andreas P. M. Weber (responsible) Dr. Céline Hönl Dr. Juliane Schmid Photos p. 4/5© Aydın Mutlu p. 8/9© Vasiliy Koval p. 24 Thomas Wrobel p. 70/71/73/77/98 (b.) Steffen Köhler p. 82/83 Siegfried Werth p. 98 (t.) atelier caer All other pictures: © CEPLAS Layout atelier caer, Düsseldorf CEPL AS Annual Report 2015 Annual Report 2015 1. General presentation 1 2. Organisation 5 3. Research 9 3.1 Research Area A 10 3.1.1 Construction of a phylogenetic and genomic frame-work for the study of divergence of annual and perennial life cycles A1 Genotypic and phenotypic analysis of interspecific hybrids between A. montbretiana and A. alpina 11 A2 Analysis of the roles of PERPETUAL FLOWERING 1 direct target genes in perennial flowering and their divergence in sister annual species 12 A3 Comparison of annual-perennial species pairs across the Brassicaceae 12 A4 Nutrient recycling in the perennial plant Arabis alpina 13 A5 Molecular characterisation of senescence in annual and perennial plants 13 A6 Photoperiodic control of flowering time in Arabis alpina 14 3.1.2 Elucidation of regulatory networks that determine formation and identity of meristems A7 The control of adventitious root formation in the perennial Arabis alpina 15 A8 Developmental basis for asexual reproduction in Cardamine 15 A9 Mechanisms involved in perennial life cycle of Arabis alpina: The role of auxin in perennial traits 16 A10 The regulation of inflorescence branching in Arabis alpina 17 A11 The regulation of inflorescence branching in Arabis alpina 17 A12 Analysis of axillary meristem initiation in perennial plant Arabis alpina 18 A13 Genotypic and phenotypic analysis of tiller development in cultivated (Hordeum vulgare) and wild barley species (H.
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