Accession number S00540

Title (TX993 (T255532)) Holmes, Geoffrey Lewis (Corporal)

Interviewer Sprod, Michael

Place made Montrose TAS

Date made 9 March 1989

Description Geoffrey Lewis Holmes, Corporal 2/12th Battalion, interviewed by Michael Sprod for the Keith Murdoch Sound Archive of Australia in the War of 1939–45

Discussing enlistment; 2/12 Battalion; army training; embarkation; shipboard activities; fighting in ; return to Australia; service in New Guinea; action at Milne Bay; attitudes to Japanese.



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Transcript methodology

Please note that the printed word can never fully convey all the meaning of speech, and may lead to misinterpretation. Readers concerned with the expressive elements of speech should refer to the audio record. It is strongly recommended that readers listen to the sound recording whilst reading the transcript, at least in part, or for critical sections.

Readers of this transcript of interview should bear in mind that it is a verbatim transcript of the spoken word and reflects the informal conversational style that is inherent in oral records. Unless indicated, the names of places and people are as spoken, regardless of whether this is formally correct or not – e.g. ‘World War Two ’ (as spoken) would not be changed in transcription to ‘Second World War’ (the official conflict term).

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Copyright in this transcript, and the sound recording from which it was made, is usually owned by the Australian War Memorial, often jointly with the donors. Any request to use of the transcript, outside the purposes of research and study, should be addressed to:

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Tape Identification: This interview is being recorded for the Australian War Memorial Sound Archive of the Second World War. This is interview number five concerning the 2/12th Battalion of the AIF. The recording was made at Montrose, near Hobart, on 9th March 1989. The interviewer is Michael Sprod, and I'm talking to Geoffrey Holmes, formerly a corporal in the 2/12th Battalion.

Well, Mr Holmes, if we could begin with some of your personal details, about where you were born, and when, and your parents' occupations, and so forth.

I was born in Burnie, according to the records on 2lst January 1921. My father was with the Hydro Electric Commission, and we came back, oh, before I can remember, to down south and we went to Broadmarsh. And my father was still with the Commission, but we had a farm and an orchard as well, in Broadmarsh. So that was my early life. I went to school at Broadmarsh State School for a start, and then I went to Clemes College in Hobart as a boarder.

As a boarder?


So, your father was reasonably well off, then?

Oh, yes, he was ... well, our orchard was one of the biggest in the district, and of course he was a patrolman on the ... of the ... on the power lines. So we weren't ... We went through the depression, but I don't remember much about that, except that we had people working for us, clearing land and that sort of thing. That was about ...

Was that government assisted?

I don't know if it was government assisted or not, but I think they were clearing it for about five pounds an acre, in those days, which I suppose was quite a bit of money. But I wou