Devon Area ChairmanDevon Area RobertChairman, Woolcott Robert Woolcott addresses addresses Ramblers at the RamblersMeldon at the Meldonrally Rally 45th ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS 45thFOR THEANNUAL YEAR REPORT ENDING & 30th ACCOUNTS SEPTEMBER, 2013 FOR THE YEAR ENDING 30th September, 2013 The Ramblers’ Association is a registered charity (England & Wales no. 1093577, Scot-

Theland Ramblers’ no. SCO39799) Association is and a registered a company charity (Englandlimited & by Wales guarantee, no 1093577, registered Scotland no in SC039799) England and & aWales company limited(no. 4458492). by guarantee, Registered registered in office:England 2nd & Wales Floor, (no Camelford4458492). Registered House, office:87-90 2nd Albert floor, Embank-Camelford House, 87-90ment, Albert London Embankment, SE1 7TW London SE1 7TW Annual General Meeting Arrangements for the day Saturday 15th February 2014 10.00 Coffee The 45th Annual General Meeting of the Area of the Ramblers’ Association will be 10.30 -12.30 A choice of walks starting from the village hall, exploring the Castle Hill held at Filleigh Village Hall, Filleigh, Nr on Saturday 15th February 2014 at Estate, home of Lady Arran. If possible can those doing the longer walk (4.5 miles) bring 2.00pm, to be followed by our speaker, Simon Barnett a torch as we will be walking through a (disused) railway tunnel. ALL MEMBERS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND 13.00 -14.00 Lunch Agenda 14.00 -15.30 AGM 1. Welcome to our guest speaker, Simon Barnett 2. Apologies for Absence 15.30 -16.00 Guest speaker—Simon Barnett, Ramblers’ Director of Delivery and 3. Minutes of Annual General Meeting at Phoenix Hall, on Saturday Development who will provide an update on the renewable energy debate. 23rd February 2013 4. Business arising from the Minutes 16.00 - 16.30 Afternoon tea or coffee, cake & biscuits 5. To receive and adopt the Hon. Chairman’s Report 6. To receive and adopt the Hon. Vice-Chairman’s Report Lunch Arrangements 7. To receive and adopt the Hon. Secretary’s Report Menu 8. To receive and adopt the Hon. Treasurer’s Report Home-made soups 9. To receive and adopt the Hon. Membership Secretary’s Report Selection of sandwiches & savoury pastries 10. To receive and adopt the Hon. Footpath Secretary’s Report Cakes 11. To receive and adopt the Hon. Countryside Secretary’s Report Tea or coffee 12. To receive and adopt the Hon. Publicity Secretary’s Report 13. To receive and adopt the Hon. Access Officer’s Report Costs and Payment 14. To receive and adopt the Hon. Web Master’s Report The cost of lunch will be £7. Orders for lunch with payment, to: 15. To receive and adopt the Hon. Area News Editor’s Report Mrs Linda Lee, 9 Grange Avenue, Sticklepath, Barnstaple EX31 2DS. 16. To discuss any possible motions Cheques payable to Ramblers— Group. 17. Election of Officers and of individual Members of Area Council:

(a) Vice Presidents* (h) Hon. Footpath Secretary (b) Hon. Chairman (i) Hon. Countryside Secretary (c) Hon. Vice Chairman (j) Hon. Access Officer (d) Hon. Secretary (k) Hon. Publicity Officer(s) (e) Hon. Treasurer (l) Hon. Area News Editor (f) Hon. Assistant Treasurer (m) Hon. Web Master (g) Hon. Membership Secretary (n) Twelve Individual Council Members

18. Appoint/Confirm Independent Examiner and Minutes Secretary 19. Appoint/Confirm Delegates to General Council 20. Appoint representatives to outside bodies 21. Dates and venues of Area Council Meetings 2014/15 22. Any Other Business Directions for travel 23. Our guest speaker, Simon Barnett. The village hall website is: Most guests will approach from * Vice Presidents are elected for life; this item relates to any new nominations. the south along the A361. Turn left onto the B3225 at the Aller Cross roundabout, then after about 1/4 mile turn right, signed for Filleigh 2 1/2m. The village hall is signed to the left, just before the school. It has a large car park. Postcode: EX32 0RS. Grid Reference: SS666279. It is requested that the Secretary or Chairman receives any Motions in It is also possible to travel by train from to Barnstaple then take bus No.155 writing at least 21 days before the AGM. Annual General Meeting Saturday 15th February 2014

The 45th Annual General Meeting of the Devon Area of the Ramblers’ Association will be held at Filleigh Village Hall, Filleigh, Nr Barnstaple on Saturday 15th February 2014 at 2.00pm, to be followed by our speaker, Simon Barnett


Agenda 1. Welcome to our guest speaker, Simon Barnett 2. Apologies for Absence 3. Minutes of Annual General Meeting at Phoenix Hall, Bovey Tracey on Saturday 23rd February 2013 4. Business arising from the Minutes 5. To receive and adopt the Hon. Chairman’s Report 6. To receive and adopt the Hon. Vice-Chairman’s Report 7. To receive and adopt the Hon. Secretary’s Report 8. To receive and adopt the Hon. Treasurer’s Report 9. To receive and adopt the Hon. Membership Secretary’s Report 10. To receive and adopt the Hon. Footpath Secretary’s Report 11. To receive and adopt the Hon. Countryside Secretary’s Report 12. To receive and adopt the Hon. Publicity Secretary’s Report 13. To receive and adopt the Hon. Access Officer’s Report 14. To receive and adopt the Hon. Web Master’s Report 15. To receive and adopt the Hon. Area News Editor’s Report 16. To discuss any possible motions 17. Election of Officers and of individual Members of Area Council:

(a) Vice Presidents* (h) Hon. Footpath Secretary (b) Hon. Chairman (i) Hon. Countryside Secretary (c) Hon. Vice Chairman (j) Hon. Access Officer (d) Hon. Secretary (k) Hon. Publicity Officer(s) (e) Hon. Treasurer (l) Hon. Area News Editor (f) Hon. Assistant Treasurer (m) Hon. Web Master (g) Hon. Membership Secretary (n) Twelve Individual Council Members

18. Appoint/Confirm Independent Examiner and Minutes Secretary 19. Appoint/Confirm Delegates to General Council 20. Appoint representatives to outside bodies 21. Dates and venues of Area Council Meetings 2014/15 22. Any Other Business 23. Our guest speaker, Simon Barnett. * Vice Presidents are elected for life; this item relates to any new nominations.

It is requested that the Secretary or Chairman receives any Motions in writing at least 21 days before the AGM.

45th Annual Report & Accounts 3 Officers and Council Members 2013/14 Chairman’s Report

At this year’s AGM in February, the meeting agreed we should The Constitution for Devon area requires that the Officers of the Area and up to twelve organise a Rally with the directive that we have some progress individual members be elected at the Annual General Meeting. to open up the Southdown permissive path at Meldon. Consequently a Rally was organised and took place at Meldon The Secretary hereby requests that nominations for Vice Presidents, Chairman, Vice Reservoir in August. The Rally was a success and was Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Footpath Secretary, Access attended by 122 members of Devon Area. The reason why the Officer, Countryside Secretary, Publicity Officer, News Editor, Web Master and up to path is closed was explained. A positive statement from the Twelve Individual Members duly proposed and seconded be received in time for landowner Phil Heard and Family was read out and appreciated their election. by the gathering. John Skinner and myself now have an appointment with National Park’s Chief Executive, The management and control of the Area is vested in Area Council which comprises Doctor Kevin Bishop when we will endeavour to use the oils of the Officers listed above, the Individual Members and two representatives from