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RED TIDE Vol. 1 No. 6 December 16, 1971 Page 1 People’s Art at Bard Julie Gelfand War Declared on Sexism Laurie Lewis Page 2 Letters Page 3 An Experiment in Education Erik Kiviat, Otis Tomas and Laine Abbott Page 4 Senate News Environmental Concern Committee Page 5 Waging Life Joy Merrill Page 6 Huey Out of Captivity Huey Newton Page 7 An Open Letter Christopher Wynn Page 10 Free Milk and Socialist Music Stew Albert Page 11 The Mothers: Fillmore East—June 1971 Chris Martinez Musician Ship Sol Luis Siegel Page 12 John Free Now! Page 13 Dragon Teeth John Sinclair Page 14 This is not here Joy Merrill Reflects Kevan Lofchie RED TIDE .,. ·. ···: I ! I I • I ' I Ill 1. li r, l I I I ' I :i il i I I . ' ' I ·\)o~ ,.T LA~ E · ::[\=" M~ ·a_E. iTUC.. t::. ~ ~ ltAs bb\ oN ~·\) D As J-o N& As r\s C.~\ s ·\' I •• 'J"o'~rt"IA ~~ KAuf<c\'lf~ a~~ ..tU..rVt''!? ~~~ ;:5: PEOPLE'S A-RT AT BARD The following ~as submitted to the herent in the a-rt world. This ·is art that is ; elusive world is suffering from less than Fo.r me, my answer is that art should go Art Department.~s Part two of my not available to the great majority of the ~erfect freedom has begun to shake to the people. We are going into 8 revo- Senior Project Statement people because they .can't afford it and hous~holds. The inequities of our society lutionary ph~se of histqry and our art they don't comprehend it. lt is quite are. becoming harder and harder to ignore. should reflect it. lt must be art for and understandable that non- ive art is There is an undertone in the art world about the people. Feminist art should On Thursday, DecenJber 4th, a large turn express feminist attitudes which are out in Sottery greeted four women from ly recognized by those who View it. New York City who raised the question , 'Is there a female aesthetic in art?' The From surveys of artists, 'it can be conclu women, all involved in the field of art, that there is no ·inherent quality that were Marcia Tucker, a curator at the Whi rvades all women's work. Feminist art ney Museum, Dorathea Rockburne, a scul owever art that doesn't exploit women, tor, Lucy Lippard, a critic, and Faith Ain ich reaches out to all the people, espe gold, a black painter of 'P~ople's Art.' lly women, and speaks truths to them Also present was Linda Nochlin, an art t women's oppression. Likewise, re- Historian and author of an article which lutionary art takes brutal situations and appe<;~red in Art News (Jan. 7.1_) ~ntitleP nditions and expresses them in a pic- Whv Have There Been No Great Women 1 form that the people can relate to. Artists?' Throughout the symposium the lt becomes an educational process that women stressed the difficulties that a wo ids in the progress of a People's revolu man faces at every turn when she chooses n. lt is inexpensive and available for art as a career. The bankrupt gallery-mu 11. To say that revolutionary art cannot seurrrsystem in New York City is rough bly be 'good art' is a fallacy. lt is on men and all but excludes women. H ible for a painting to relay a message -ever, with the exception of Faith Ringold, be aesthetically exciting. People's all the women were intent on making it , if it truly belongs to the people, can w1t1Jin the system. ~ · an ever changing, ever advancing form art. The more the people are exposed I went to the symposium with the hope art that they understand, the easier it thC!t it would answer many of the ques· 11 be for them to learn about the ale tlons I have 'been asking myself this semes and concepts of the artistic pro- ter while finishing niy senior project in . As the people's taste grows more painting. Should my identity as a woman isticated, so may the art. came through in my paintings? Should eainJing be purely an intellectual process where does this leave me? I am pre- or should it also reflect one's emotions Y completing a senior project of aJ1d ideas? Most of all, is it possible to ex non-objective paintings. lt has bothered press political views in painting and still that emotionally I have no ties with cre_ate 'good art'? . my work, a purely intellectual endeavor. I have, I admit, learned :nuch about spa-. Unfortunately, the women passed over the cial, textural and color relationships that most vital question of the evening, 'If the is invaluable to me. However, I don't system is corrupt, why partiCipate in it?' know where I will start 9tt when I have lt was only later when I thought about left my project behind. In the future, my this one question which didn't concern art has ~o · include my own sense of soeial the~e women who had already made · their decisions, that I arrived at the ans wers to a number of my questions. I'm not sayin·g that it's wrong to paint non-objectively, or to paint paintings The gallery-museum system is a socially that lack social truism. I'm just saying repressive one, a political force of the that People's Art is an art form that class it represents. lt dictates what may should not be shunned, especially by the be considered art and what may be con Bard Art Department faculty. There sidered trash. To quote Mao, 'There is in exist very strong predjudices against this fact no such thing as art for art's sake, art of art in the department, undoubted that .stands above classes, art that is de ly at the expense of students who may be tached from or independent of politics. so inclined. The art museum trustee has enjpying such popularity. The fact that only the wealthy can afford lt exists for a which, in a way·, is very exciting~Every-· a right to his own art, but so does the to own art and only the upper class intel- class of pimple who don't worry about one is waiting for some dramatic change great majority, the oppressed peoples in hunger, who actually enjoy justice and . lectuals, the artists themselves and some in the face of art~ but no one knowswhat our society. It is for them that I would· Qf friends can understand it· is indica democracy; who have money: But, recent it will be. lt is time to branch out, to like to paint. J . G If d tive of the social stratafication that is- in~ ly, an awareness that. 53% of even this ex- explore. · u 11e e an The presence of a group cf women artists portant thing is to stop blaming our situa· from New Yosk City at Bard this week tion for ourselves and MOVE. Already, en9 had a catalytic effect on the commu more members of the community seem nity. to be interested in Women's and Men's WAR DECLARED Liberation. In Sottery on Thursday night a sympo sium was held to deal with the question A new Men's Liberation group is begin 'ls there a female esthetic?' Following ning. There are posters all over campus that, on Friday afternoon, women's and setting the date of Tuesday, December men's consciousness raising grO!JPS were ON SEXISM 7th at 8:00 in Albee Social for the first held r~nging rn si.ze from six to fifteen - meeting. persons. Each consciousness raising group decided on a topic to explore. Some the sexual roles we l)ave-been encultura cussion followed dealing witt) problems Women's Liberation meetings will con choices were mothers, sexuality, and ted into and' consequently break them at Bard. That part of the disc.ussion re tinue to meet at 6:15 on Tuesday nights fears connected with breaking down sex· down and rid ourselves of them. vealed t:Jow many· people here feel the · in South Hall Social. ual roles. need for others to stimulate them; that The energy level .at Bard that weekend it is difficult to create without a catalyst; If women and men are interested in join Consciousness raising is not a new tech was higher than usual. Friday night and how easy it is to blame our inertia ing either group, it would be helpful to nique. lt has been used in other coun there was a mixed gathe-ring (women ~nd on external rather than internal obstacles come to meetings regularly so as not to tries (e.g. Cuba and China) during times men} that included those of us who were (i.e. Bard's location, middle class homo break down the continuity of the con of political change to heighten political involved geniety, educational structure): Although with the conscious~ess raising sciousness raising process. awareness. Consciousness raising was, groups and some who weren't. I ndivi these factors can be obstacles, they need inCidentally, started by a woman. The dua1s reported what had happened in not be. (This is probably the only time purpose of consciousness raisi'ng in re · their particular groups and the effect it in our lives when we won't have to wor Laurie Lewis spect to sexual liberation is to examine • had had on them. A more general dis- ry about supporting ourselves.) The im- Please forward your payment at once and 'THE CHINESE WILL NOT TOLERATE' if you have any questions do not delay in· THE ATTEMPT OF THE BENGAL DESH getting in touch with me.