RED TIDE Vol. 1 No. 6 December 16, 1971

Page 1 People’s Art at Bard Julie Gelfand War Declared on Sexism Laurie Lewis Page 2 Letters Page 3 An Experiment in Education Erik Kiviat, Otis Tomas and Laine Abbott Page 4 Senate News Environmental Concern Committee Page 5 Waging Life Joy Merrill Page 6 Huey Out of Captivity Huey Newton Page 7 An Open Letter Christopher Wynn Page 10 Free Milk and Socialist Music Stew Albert Page 11 The Mothers: Fillmore East—June 1971 Chris Martinez Musician Ship Sol Luis Siegel Page 12 John Free Now! Page 13 Dragon Teeth John Sinclair Page 14 This is not here Joy Merrill Reflects Kevan Lofchie RED TIDE

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The presence of a group cf women artists portant thing is to stop blaming our situa· from New Yosk City at Bard this week­ tion for ourselves and MOVE. Already, en9 had a catalytic effect on the commu­ more members of the community seem nity. to be interested in Women's and Men's WAR DECLARED Liberation. In Sottery on Thursday night a sympo­ sium was held to deal with the question A new Men's Liberation group is begin­ 'ls there a female esthetic?' Following ning. There are posters all over campus that, on Friday afternoon, women's and setting the date of Tuesday, December men's consciousness raising grO!JPS were ON SEXISM 7th at 8:00 in Albee Social for the first held r~nging rn si.ze from six to fifteen - meeting. persons. Each consciousness raising group decided on a topic to explore. Some the sexual roles we l)ave-been encultura­ cussion followed dealing witt) problems Women's Liberation meetings will con­ choices were mothers, sexuality, and ted into and' consequently break them at Bard. That part of the disc.ussion re­ tinue to meet at 6:15 on Tuesday nights fears connected with breaking down sex· down and rid ourselves of them. vealed t:Jow many· people here feel the · in South Hall Social. ual roles. need for others to stimulate them; that The energy level .at Bard that weekend it is difficult to create without a catalyst; If women and men are interested in join­ Consciousness raising is not a new tech­ was higher than usual. Friday night and how easy it is to blame our inertia ing either group, it would be helpful to nique. lt has been used in other coun­ there was a mixed gathe-ring (women ~nd on external rather than internal obstacles come to meetings regularly so as not to tries (e.g. Cuba and China) during times men} that included those of us who were (