DlflEC1'OR, Fill DATE! 8/31/60

SAC', l'iEW YORK (105-42122) I~ STElIAR&'EERT IS - R (OO:liY)

Michigan of on 8/31/60 JaM•• Madison High School, , NY, made available a recc>rd University ~'hi. record "HI.ct. that S'I'E')f,RT 12/4/39 at Hanhettan, lITO, attended the above highLibrary, school fl'om 9/54 to 6/57. at "hich time h. I'l'adunted. His residence i. listeu as 2148 B. 29th Street, , NY, and his parents are MROLD alld HOSE hLB}J1T .. A copy of his school record has been furnished to Pace College, St. Johnls UniversityCollections School of Co~erce, the Bank of .America and Lehman Brothel's., all in l~YC.

Credit, crimin01 Specialond BIN, ~!YC, are negative re subject , &rid his. rQn11~y. ifY indicesin are negative also. , l , ' On 8/11/60, -;;x.inin~d the records of the B02X'o. original of Brooklyn a.nd oeterl'll1u(;d thatfrom HAHOLD ROSE ALB2:riT ' 8: perJll8:nent ,; regis tration to vote in 19.57. This record reflects that EIAROill ~L!;JjRT >Ias bOl'Il..-9/2/02. is a US citizen and is .,"played in tho i,.City Hecords iJectlon,Copied {;ityof NY, Hunicipal Eld,3., j YC. !t_qt.~_" --.:..ALB1:.:H'l\f sage 1s not recorded but sbe was born in the US IlIH1 is . O· housewife-. lJ:'he ALB.EH'l's indicated that they resided at 2148 E. 29th Street~ Brooklyn, HY tor 17 years prior to this regls­ t;rGtio.'1. For the' yenrs 1945 through .19:;9, tho AWla-:'rs registel~ed

\ ,~ - Bureau (HH) \', 2 -f,'-19Shing ton }'ield (Ri';) I 1 - Jew York " RI,,'H sli ' (5) 1". r $EP fl Ir::::11 . '. L I' NY '-05-42122

a p~Etl'enee for one of' the two L18:jor political parties. lio reg tratlon for the subject was l·eeorded. A check of the filos: of Selective Service !-!endque:rtersj i NYC, indicAted that subject has not reGistered under the I Selective Service Act of 1948 in llYC. j·lhil. it is possible that subject has registered eLsewhere, UY realizes: that a possible violation exists and this question will be resolved by interview of the subjeot at a later date, if interview~d only for this I! .PUl'po••• : A( I H?'O \"rill, at the .Passport Dl.vlsion" U. S. De;>nrtmcnt ot ,?4-. state, detel"rnirJe if a passport has been issued to the subject ,77 and furnish beckSl"otmd informatIon,. Michigan :TY will expeditQ investigation of subject1sof backGround , E:.nd activities and will submit a report, together \-lith recommed­ !\,~ _t ations as to interview of subj act" at an early date. J ~ . ~y 1 . University


Collections .. Special in



Copied ·2­

• I11­ , , ~.... ' .... --­ , t 40 . Office Me11wrandum . UNITED SlATES GOVERNMENT

TO !)JHEC'fOn., F;}I DKr£.: 9/20/60

SAC, liFO (105-36585) 'f} 01}7 i , S'ffii'l,t.nT AL;:n;nT i',;/ . IS - It (00: NY)

llo NY airt"l to Director and Tiro dated 3/31/00 requesting 7iFO review passport file of subject at U. S. Department of state.

On 9/15/ that there was for the f)ut>ject t $ states DopnrtJ:lcnt a the l?asr;r-01+t Office United Michigan of Gtatc, ,lashington, D. C • of

.llVe {2)- J3ureau University 2 - ;tew Vorl:. (105-42122)(Rm ~ 1 - rlFO \ Library, TCJ:teb (5)


Special . Ii7 SfP 2.11900 in



Copied ......

".' . .. , ' . '.... '~ ,~'. " ','.... """:.~ ··h '~""."'~'~' ,'. -"~ ", FEDcRA.. BUREAU OF INVES" JGATION

~~~~~~~.I~:::'-... , ,i h.-nv •

I ' I i INTERNAL SECURITf -R . "_. i - '. -­ j ~~-.'''~"', .."' ..­ ,'__ t: . ','.'- ~ ~, ;'. ,", .... ,. '. -'. ';, - - ., .. - - . ,- - -.-. ,', ..,. ,,' The title is marked "Changed'" to reflect the ~. - I .' subject's full name as recorded on his birth certif1cate. REFERENCES i ,I;; Michigan WFO letter to Bureau dated 7/13/60.of l/If/' NYlet to Bureau dated 8/31/60., . . . NYlet to Albany dated9/l9160 (lnter~ofricel. i :K./., , , . .' , -,',' " , . .­ University \ ~'\' - p - ' "', \ ADMINISTRATIVI;;. Library, NY indices conta1n no identifiable subversive • _~ererences tor the subject'S relatives o~ ~ssociates. . -, I• . Collections - -, ... . " ' , Thelnformat10n regarding subject'S attendance at Pace College, NYC, was "received from an established source< Special or the NYO. in . "­ -




-' .. ­ ,'-',! .. , ':, -,;' - i'· " - ~,' . " " • • . ' ,I

, . " .; DMINISTRATIVE COHT'D " :" r "," l. ': .: . , '.' . " , ..', ,. .. , . A check or the tiles at Selective Service . Headquarters, NYC, indicates subject has not reg1stered under the Selective Service Act of 1948 1n NYC, as STEWART ALllERT or STEWART EJ)!:{ARD ALllERT. ", ",: Relet to Albany requested, that div1sion to .' " ',,detemine at Selecti"e Service Headquarters, ,Albany ,NY,,:.. :,~:' 1t subject regl;stered under the Select1veServ1ce Act of,,' 1948 in the State of ; if he 1s 80 registered ' w1th a Local Board within that d1visIon, Albany was also requested to review hiS f11e and furnish pertinent back­ ground information. Michigan of

University j



Special Careful considerat1onin has been given to the sources concealed and T symbols were uti11zed'only 1n those instances where the identit1esoriginal of the sources must be concealed. LEADS from

ALllANY Copied AT ALBAN~, NEW YORK One copy of this report 13 deslgnated for the Albany division inasmuch as that div1sion 1s conduct1ng invest1gation in this case.

COVER PAGE - (B) , , t>. , " .', N'l 105-42122 '; " ,; .. ' I I i\SHINGTON'FIELD r AT WASHINGTON, D.C._ One copy of th1s report 1s designated for WFO at the request of that office. , , ­ I , " , " NEW YORK ,,':' \ . -." '\ ,I AT NEW 'lORK, NJi:W' YOR!C... - .. ', Wl11 upon receipt of determination by Albany as to subject's registration under the Selective Service Act I\ of 1948 in New 'lork state, submit recommendations to the ~ Bureau regarding interview of the subject. Michigan of PLASSIFICATIOl! i , : .­ .- ~ , ' - , University \ Library,


Special in

original from .' Copied

-... .; COVER PAGE ~ ~- -. ,,:. (e)* , -·'.1 ". i - j

".,'r..• , , . '. .) ~ .', :. '" -' " .' ,. -,. ..

.~. , ' II: BACKGROUND OF SUBJECT , . " - ,.. -' ..

On September 16, 1960, IC exam1ned the subject's birth record ,"'. ,. Statist1cs (or the Borough of , . I 'This .record reflects that on Dece~er 4,.1939, STEWART EDWARD ALBERT was born to HAROLD and ROSLBERT ne~hwartz, at ". j Lenox Hill Hospital, 1l.e!L¥£!:K cn. .:,'. . . " "," . . ,- ..,­ Relatives On September 12, 1960, lIIIIIIIadv1eed that the subject's registration at Pace College, 41 Park ROW, New : York City, reflect. that the subject listed Michiganhis parents as HAROLD ALBERT, 2148 East 29th street, Brooklyn,of New York, occupation, City employee, and ROSE ALBERT, hOuzewlf~,same address. The subject indicated'that he has no brothers or sisters and he listed AB~ISHER, uncle, ?:J.'17 .E..Bst ,_29th ' Street, Brooklyn, New York,'as the personUniversity to be notified in"th'f cas'" of an emergency. The subject also noted that AVR1JM)'JlREENFIELD, 17~6 52nd Street,Brooklyn,Library, New York, a relst'ln, had attended pac,,"College • . ~.i>\:- .' Resldenee-·-'~ '," ,. Collections , , i.> :., , > '>., ~n sept"';'ber- ~2;'l960, '-also advised that the Pace College records rerlect~ject's residence as I 2148 East 29th Street,Special Brooklyn, .New York., in The current Brooklyn, New York Telephone Directory reflects that HAROLB ALBERT, 2148 East 29th Street, Brooklyn, New York,original ls the subscriber to telephone number DE 2-3825. from .

The records of the Board of Elect~o- for the CopiedBrooklyn, New York, examined by August 11, 19bO, reflect that n ~ ~ • East 29th Street, B1'00klyn, New York, made a permanent registration to vote ln 1957 at; which time

, ~'.; . .: _'';-.c' - -2 - .: .' , ' .. ' . . \ _" .. ' ~, ..4: at' 'the, abo,:,e "" ,- ..

n August 31, 1960, , James Madison High S~~~;!~iel;:~~~~'~ .. ' .-_ uen n oad" -BL"Ooklyn,_ New York,,' '~ 1 ;'. . of thesubJec~' s school attendance. This record reflect$ . ',", that STEWART ALBERT, 2148 East 29th street, Brooklyn,New I York, born December 4, 1939 at New York City, attended the school from September, 1954 to June, 1957 at which time he was graduated. A notat1on on this record reflects that copies of this record were sent to Pace College, New York City and to St. Johns University School of Commerce, Brooklyn, New York. Michigan of j , ' , On September 12, '1960, .",' advised that the subJect.s the rollowing in1'ormation: i University STEWART EDWARD ALBERT, 2148 East 29th Street, Brooklyn, New York, born December 4, 1939 at New York, New Library, York, u~~arried, was admitted to Pace College on September 24, 1957. He withdrew for personal reasons 1n the spring , " term of 1958 but re-entered for the fall term of 1958 and ,J" 1s presently a day student major1ng 1n Marketing, pursuing , ' a Bachelor of Business AdministationCollections degree. _.'.'

He graduatedSpecial from James Madison High School on June 23, 1957. with anin average of 79.2. While in high school. ALBERT was president of the Weight Lifting Club, a member of the Service League, the Honor Guard and the Late Squad Guard.original According to information reoeived from the above high school, ALBERT had an IntellIgence Quotient of 106 (P1nterfrom Intelligence Scale).

Copied 10, Johns , Brooklyn, New advised"" thRt she could locate no record ~the

3 ­ · NY 105-42122 - l-r: >­ ,", ~ -~' -' ~.' -~ ~: , .... - I~PIOyment~n A~ust 31,: . .J, _ made available the s .::~~~ ~refle¢ts that copies of the ~ were sent to the Bank of America and to Lehman Brothers, both in New York C1ty. ", On SePtember.12,1960,__lmtloned above,", ,,;. · advised that subJect listed past employment as follows" ."-, . · when register1ng at Pace College: ...... Loew's Oriental Theater - usher - June to September, 1956. Bank Of America - messenger - June to September, , Michigan 1957. of Assoc1ates

On September 12, 1960,lIIIIIIIUniversitymen tloned above, adv1sed that the subject's recor~e College reflects that he gave as referenceS,PAU~!EB~RMAN, 2139 East 29th street, Brooklyn, New Yor~ and ~u~~OWN,Library, 2174 E~~t 29th...§Ilr"l'! ~ .I:l!,ook.!yn~_ .~e~~~k. ­

" Board of Elections , . Collections ~e records of the Board of Elections for the Borough of Brooklyn mentioned above, reflect that HAROLD Special and ROSE ALBERT, 2!l~8in . Easj;_29J;h .stree~,. Brooklyn, New ..Y9.rl<;, made a permanent registration to vote in 1957, at which time HAROLD ALBERT indicated that he had resided at the above address fororiginal seventeen years. These records reflect that HARO~ERT was '!!om._on, September 2, 1902, 1s a Vo1.ted Statesnat1ona1,from and 1s employed in the City Records Sect1on, City of New York, Municipal Bu1lding, New York City. ROSE ALBERT's age is not recorded but she was born in the United StatesCopied and is a housewife. For the years 1945 through 1959, the ALBERTS registered a preference for one of the two major political parties.

\ - 4 I

, . :,~ .. I . ,NY 105-42122,:' :' ~ y' -' •• i , " " ," 0 .: ,,' . -.' , ;'"';', ,- . .' . ;~.. ,I · C"', redlt and' Criminal I

, ' . . .' . Also on October 5, '1960, caused a search to be made of the CltyPollce Department, Bureau or Special Services, and no record ident1fiable with the subject was located. The New York C1ty Police Department, Bureau of Crim1nal Ident1fication, contains no record identifiable with the subject. Michigan I of

\ University

Library, , · 1;' , , ' Collections ; " . ..~ Special in ,;: i.!. ,-' . original , I , ,I from I Copied I 5* , ' - ­ ~ "4',. .. I • ; ' ' I 1 ,N. ~ ...-- '.'. - ' j' ~"""'HO. r. I .I~I~ ~' ~ j UNITED STATES 0'1") LNMENT j Memorandum

I DIRECTOR, FBI DATE; 10/28/60, it ! < .~\ < \ < ,I , / r •! SAC, NEW YORK (105-42122) <:> / , ,jv I ( ./ I J ,f,\ I l ! SUBJECT: STE,IART EmlARD ALBERT ,\ ,I • IS - R Rerep of 10/14/60. at NY, I, and Albany letter \ ~11<€,r offioe). , I Re Albany letter advised that no record of subject's I registration with any Local Board under the jurisdiction of the NYS Selective Service System Headquarters could be located. I It \'tas noted that this orGanization has jurisdiction over all Local Boards in ~~3~ except those covered by the NYC Selective f Service System Headquarters. Michigan , of As previously reported, subject has not registered under the Selective Service Act of 1948 according to the \ central files of the NYC Selective ServiceUniversity Headquarters • Library,

Collections . - This case is being close~ and a 25 olassification case >1ill be opened to determine 11' the subject has violated Special the provisions of the inSelective Service Act of 1948 by failing to register ~

\ original \ from


, , IY? . 51 NOV 81960


W4S.RINGTON Ks. D. Co 20535 , July 7, 1964


File maintained for Stewart Edward Albert at Passport Offie", Uhited States Department of State, 11aa reViewed on June 23, 1964, and contained the following: Passport n-015912 was issued to Stewart Edward Albert at New York on February 1, 1963. Pa.sport not valid for travel to Albania, Cuba and those portions of China, Korea and Viet-Naro under oommunist control. MichiganPassport will expire en January 31, 1966 I and may be re,newedof for two years .. Application for passport was dated January 31, 1963, at New York, New York and contained following as indicated by Stewart Edward Albert. University He indioated he intended to depart from the Port of New York on Februarr, 15, 1963, Library,for a stay abroad of eight months for purpose of 'study and travel". Proposed itinerary was France, England, Italy and Spain~ Following baokgroundCollections information was contained in the application: Special Date of birth:in Deoember 4, 1939 Flace of birth: New York, New York Residence: 2148 E. 29th Street original Br-6oklyn 29, New York Maritalfrom Status: Never married ­ Parents:, "'(' ",-' '" --¥--­ Father: 1 ___ ,-l'!arold Albert born 1898 Copied - at New York Mother: _Rosii"iBc1:>>lartz born 1905 at New York

f If" •

i STEWART EDWARD ALIlEll'I f Person to be notif1ed 1n I ( event of death or accident was: Father, HarO~bert, ! residlng~at< 21'18 E. 29th Street, Brooklyn< 29, < <

New< Xork < « 2<1l,t./ '; ')1< Description: 1,. /". Height: 5' 9$" '------'<--'-_- ..­ .. ~. Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue Marks and Scars: 'IBeard" Occupation: Student I• Domestic OperationsMichigan Division, of Passport of State on June 4, 1964, < advised that was located of validat10n of subject's passport for to Cuba. University This dooument oontains neither recommendations nor oonolusions of the Library,FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. Collections .. Special in





I r Olliet:1 Nov: Yorl<: EC\,1 York t 7/29/64 103-42122 811'"" FII. I: 105-89231 STJ>"ART EDl1ARD ALBERT

I;lT~~C;Ji.L, S::::CGRI1'Y - R ~ECli;(rL'Y NI\.TTEH - C Michigan of Su];Joct resides at 2148 E. 29th St., Broolclyn, NY, and 1s uncmplo)'ed. ALBEHT obtained U. S. Passport, D-015912, on 2/1/63. lie cO!1tacted Student CommItte"University .for Travel to CUba on 3/2'r/61+. -0­ Library,

pETAILS: .. Collections I. BACKGROUND Special A. ResloQnce and Employmentin ,i The nu~~ect resides at 2148 East 29th Street, Erooklyn" lhr.,! Yoro};:,originalin u slo2;.le rarrrlly dwelling with hi;> parents, HAROLD ar.d ROSE ALBERT. HAROLD ALBERT is an I from I -employee of t~lo Clty of Bm'J Yoric. STE¥iART ALBERT, l."!ho :l.s 51n::,:le and the or.ly ch:Ud of lIftHOIJ) and HOSE ALD3RT 1 har; residea prn-ctl;;all:,Copied all 0:' !lls Ilfe at 2lii-S East 29th Str{;et, Ll~0Ql::l;,'n! t:~1:; York.

, f

Ttlt. 4("'11_1'11 conlai...... Uh.",r rec(>m"'....deU r­ ",

ST;f;;ART ALBERT is the only child of HA20LD and ROSE ALEERT and ha:: rcziCe(i at 211~8 EaL;t 29th Street, Bl"ooJ.cl~·n, Ne>l Ycrk, pro,etlcally all of his life. ST);'WARTMichigan ALBERT is . presently unemployed. He. traveled to tksternof Europe Itlast yearH and intends to travel t'o 1>1exico in the near future~ He already has purchased a ticket for thIs proposed trip. Funds for the subject's travel have been furnished to him by his mothe!'. University

Nelthcl' the cUuject nor Library,ills parents have enga;.,:ed in any act:tvitj: l'.'(lich m.l.:.;;ht cause doubt as to th&ir lo;yalty to the United States.

. . Collections

Special in


E. Educa:'ion from

$TE-~,,'AR'f ~Di·.'AF..D ALBt::RT, born December' 4 ~ 1939, a:1d a re!JldentCopied of 21ft:..:; East 29th Street" Broo}:lyn, l1CW Yor-k, Graduated trom Puce Collc!;e, 41 Parl{ ROi';, Ncm York, New York, tn SeptcmIJcr, 1902, wJ.th a Bachelor ,of Art::. dCt;l->€C. Ho majored if. h!.story. ALBERT rctur-nc-d to Pac;; Colle:';c ta:dr.& six cvcnln"~ ~ourccr; in cduco.t:i.on .frexn Soptember, 19G3 to I January, 1964. ' i :, f -2­ I f •

I, NY 105~42122 . , : , I "

lege 20, 1964

c. Miscellaneous ' , , , , • < "­ , '

" . ' ' a of .' .. . " ", • STEVIART ALBERT, resident 2148 East 29th Street, Brooklyn, New York, and born December 4, 1939, I re~istered to vote on October 14, 1961, with the 19th j Election DistrIct, l3th Assembly District. At the tlme , 0:: his regist!'atlor::, ALBERT claimod he \'JaG a student at Pace College and a resident of New York City aJ1C !iew Yorl.{ State f'or the prcv~l"ous 22 -years ~ Michigan of ALBERT was described as 5 Ceet 101nchas 'inhelght, having blond hair and blue'eyes. i University He reglntered a preference f;)r one of the tl<]O major political parties. Library, .3011rd


D. Passport Information-Special in STE.ART EDWARD ALBERT applied for a passport on January 31, 1963, originalat l'lei'l York, NeVI York. Passport, D-015912, \'las issued to him on F'eLruary It 1963, at Net" York. This pacsport \'las notfrom valid for travel to Albania" Cuba., and those port.::_ons 0:' China, Korea and Vlet-Nam un":er COl.lmunJ st control~ Tne pansport ~;ill expire on January 31, 1966, and may be renc\oJC(;Copied 1'01" two years.

T:1C 5Ul.J';cct indicateci he intcniicd to (~C'part ,:'rol!l tl:c Port 0:' 1),:]\,: Yox'k on .,b'ebruary 15; 1963, for a eta:; a0road of c:lght rr:onths ror ti"l€' purnooc 0: IIstud~r and tl'u'lcl. II His proposeo :1tlnerar:v \'las France, E.r;gland, Italy and Snuin~

f" ' " . -3­ I • I1 NY 105-42122 f

I ,"1 .' .f 'ALBERT furnished the following lnfCt':natlon on his ! ~ppl1catlon:, • Date oj' i).~rth December 4, 1939 Place of uirth Hew YQ:;:'k~ l~c"J York Rec1aence 2148 East 29tt Street Brooklyn)' l>ie~l York ' ..' . 1-1ar1 tal status Never married - .' ,'., .. / Parents Father-HAROLD ALBERT, born 1898, in Ne" York ~Iother-ROSE SClii-iARTZ, born 1906" in NeH York ! !!cir,ht 5 feet 9~ inches Hair Elona. Eyes Blue ll Michigan Scars at~d marks ,1Ibeard of Occupation Student· Records, Passport Office, UnitedUniversity States Department of State, viac:liDe.ton, DC .. Library,

No ini'ormation was located at the Passport Office indicating the subject applied for a validation of passport ._ for travel to Cuba. Collections

Special in

original D,C. from

Copied II. COilTAC'f ,lIT" THE STUDllllT CO~,;I·:lTTEE }~on 'raAVEL TO CurA (S~~C~)~______A characterization of the SeTe 1s contained . ,,. . in the Appendix hereto. \ -4­ , ..... _U)'T_ OV ~U< "'U~. __ 'fY l'NITED STATES GO ,XM£NT Memo ratl dum

DIHECTOR, FBI (105-89231)

sAc m,';:i YOfti( (105-42122) (C)


t~cHYr'7:p 0:' c.op! 0S of' \';i;:tch nl'C Cr.:::lO::H?O.

Michigan of


Library, 1:0 otLe~ zub-ver'0ive ini'oroatioYl conccI'n5.J:::; the zubJ:::ct i,: r'c$G:ntl~l ,1\'n lIable ~

In vic':: of" the forc,Go.tn.:;, the "NYO feel::: an int.J':::,vit!~,: Collections of ALBERT in inno\' :~aulc s!r:ce thc:;c con~_~.dcnt1.al investiGativc . -techniqueG co",l(l cQ~1cclvably be cc:npromised. Special in



, 2-~urcau (inc};:;Copied .. :;)(fi'i) l-~Jc: Yorl\: () Pj<;:S : r

I I (1"'_ J9O,OO OCI, .. .,1-.... _Ylnl'''_ ..U ....., .... _,'~ UNITED STATES ')VERNMENT Memorandum

DATE, MAR 1 5 1956 ,r NEW YORK (RUC) f

I STE~IART EDWARD ALBERT SM-PLP (00 ,NY) ReSFlet to~ew York, 2/23/66.

7'1> .. '''''I'HIII'''' olldl"ld,,"'i hall 1><0.." Ih", ."bloe' ot Q ••CIU'UY !fI"••Uqo:HolI by Ihl. "file", Ttl. San Franc. sc~~_·_.____ ~ 011<1.1".. 1>0. y.~lt1.d thp I'",.""..n.,,' 1'....,"''''..., II'. ••"bj.CI III II. dl",I.i<>" Oa ;'Hlld,nl,! (fftd "',>'bn" at 'h. fl';d,.,,,,,..ij UGI",d bol'Lo"'_ 1"1>. ~_~an ,Francisco D","lo" t. ".ln4 ':xm4I1h,rfl'd It,. toe", offie'! .,1 Orl<;!ln. R."jde"",;t «o';t",...---._-.--.••- .•- ..--..--..--..------.--..--.•-- --.---..--­ Michigan . _____ gI3gJi,.S_~!U!.J;g-"-,,!,, _~;:lf'!.~ey..,d)!\1-],;;QrniL______,of '

I.".:;,:;:.~-;;;;:~,-- u_--.--un n ___ u __ ~~.::.-- - ____n_n_u_n_ -::..~.::::..==-i ; University ____ ~_e_ llIJj.Yllr§1~ _Qt:Jl;;.xokeley•.Cal~______.

Library, ------~----~------~------

CJ To,. ,."","" ,. "0 ""••, .," SM~'" ,.,•• C.". (To. "~ ••" ,. ~"••,...... " ••,.,... <::b",,,.:... 1n l.h.. S..".uUty 1,"1"~ pr''''t. 00•• IU.. ""Illt..•• ) . ·0 Thu, "II!».",I i. '''bbed J<)f DIl!o<)m, CJ Thlli: ,. ...bl..cl "It, .. corrl<.d 0." Ko!!Y f"Jq"rll"~ T"'P F"lmcllon(lry. Special .. ~ I in ;... . original S"",c,,.Hy tud..x Cord.. .' Sf!'ti",l'" lap"cljy) Sanfrom FranCisco in rece1pt ot all pertinent serials PhOl..... r1,,11 1><>1<>1'<) CJ r- J 'Xi Copied

MCF,al (5)

6 Date: 6129/66 t ) STEWART EDWARD ALBERT SM - PLF Re report of 9/66 /~ R., __ STEWART _E,,,DW,,A,,,R,,,D~A,.L,,,B,,,-E,,RT~______,_­ , . I t· (" .5:: Olt is ~commer.d<'!d that # Security o The Securitr Index Curd on ilia :,t.,. tndex Card be Pfepared 00 the >,1uptiolwd indlvidoal $houl.d be f above.-.captioned individual. changed us follows (¥pcci(y chunS" rml:t),' Michigan ,;;;;:;;------~ IN.... ------,----of EDWARD AL~B~E~RTL____,___"______'_·-.B' /.'>j University


I C!Netive Born o Naturalized o Alien

o Socialist Collections~ Party

Prggre~sive Labor Party Special in ,




- ureau - !'ta'lf Fr,ancisco F 11''$ REGISTEREQ)A~J UL9 5: 10811) FTD:mfm .' (3!)J II I \ I SF 100-56066 FTll:mfm , iI Subject is recommended for Security Index in vie~ of his self-admitted membership in PLP and his arrests for disturbing I the peace and battery and interfering with an officer. I

Michigan of



.. Collections

Special in i original



Copy to, 1 - U.S~ Secret Service, , California (Class 1,2,3 ,Sc) (REGISTERED I1AIL)

RtpOft of: SAN FRAlICISCO 0..., 6/29/66

Field OWn Fil1l' ;, 100-56066 105-B9231



Michigan of




Special in




automatic nR' nd ifica ion

Th!~ dceunmM """"7!"'" r.ellh.·; , .. "r,,,,!n;md"b.. ,,,,,,, <>t !he vg;. it I.>; .i,.. I'>,()~ ..tlf of th.. r&~ "nd hi to'!""ti \<­ Y""< "c:t"no;;Yi It ",,,(I I!~ e"~"'(',,!,, CI." "olIo".. 4'''ltthuted ""laid ... Y"'" ':''J"r.[",. SF 100-55066 FTD:mfm



Subject Has born December 4, 1939, Ue:1 York City~ nureau of Vital Statistics, ~orouqh 0 f ~1anha 'ttan I ~Iew YO!'K City, 9/113/60

Subject is a u~s. Citizen by birth. Michigan of Education

9/54 - 6/57 JamesUniversity i"I"adison Hi 17'1 School Brooklyn, ;'TCN York

9/57 - ';/62 Library,Pace Collerc} I:ew YOI'k City, SA C!istct'y)

9/53 - 1/:)4 PaC2 Colle~e; Graduate Collections '-Jork

Pecords of Act~issions Special in Offic~, Pac3 Colle~e, 7/20/6"

1ilitary original

Su::jectfrom re:;ister>ed Uit:1 Local :lodr>d (L,) 39, 1301 Surf Avenue .. 3rooklyn., :ilew York) on D~ccF.t~er 6 1957 ~ a:ld ~.J'as classifie1Copied lAo at t:v~.t tine.

Records of L~ 39, Brooklyn. He'''' York, 12/13/60

2 SF 100-56066 FTD:mfm

Identific(3tion Record

Under date of t~ay 6, 1966) the FBI Identification Divisbn furnish ... 1j the fo11owin,(t identification record fot' Subject~ under FaI frGIC 295 f:

Contributor of Arrested or Fin,(:rerp~il?,ts__ ~_, ::a~o:: and lluM!>er Received

PD Sacra>ncnto Stc.,

Michigan of



Vlhich time ::,"rhen ALB!:P,'!' Collections struc:: t..LBERT the State Police Special in On June 14~ lQGS that Subject;1?: trial haG been 20, 1965. original _ is a memD<:!X' of the Prcf!,:t:'essive ~LP)from in Berkeley~ Califo;;;.ia.

Copied A charactc;riz<1tion of t:l€ Bay Area PL:? (3APLP) is contai!1t~d in the Appendix :l.creto.

3 SF 100-5503& ITD:mfn

On t}18 night of April 12~ 1966, a number of PLP membe:'s :lad atte:nded a Vi:!tnam n£lY CO:"1IDi t'tce (V])C) dem.on­ stration in front of the flerk:Jley) Cali fOr'nia City Hall which had been broken up. A police officer stopped 'the r.;roup because he claimed he heard !iO:rleone S:10Ut ~n obscene word) and he. arbitrarily arrested one of the .n:roup. The rest of the PLP g1"OUD tie!!1a.'1ded to kno·,J ltlhat ripht the officer had to arrest someone on mere sUST)icion. The officer Hhistled for aid) and fe llo~'; offic~r5, apparently belicvin:1 that their fello'} officer -,las ~ninp: attac'ksd ~ PLP 11e;;,oers off, i:1cl'.Join'.! ST£:'lART AL"1ERT and were arrc5ted~

Michigan of



.. Collections

Special in





• VI£TNth D~Y C0i1HITTEE (VDt;)

A. booY.Jet publinhed 'bv tho:; VDC contained the follolttlnf. policy stai:Em:el1't cf the VDC adopted by t:ht.: ge'leral membeffhipt ,June; J965: The Vietnam Day CQrr&ittee is a group of students, facul't"j and othRI" mer-hers of t:1e Bay l:rea cOI'P;'1tlnit'l ot'rD:lsed tn Jlrr:er:'ca:1 intet'·Jer:.tion in Vietnam,' "the' Dominican Republic and Hhel"e'ler else it mav occur, Pevchr::icnal"Y stt"ugglcs .for self-deterr.:\lnation are Bvleeping the world today. .,dmeri::'iu'\ sU?!1resc~or, of these mC'/e­ ments,. we bel!eve, is immoT'dl ,:mc a tr.Y-eat: tc the ?eac~ of the -..:crld. 'rIce Vietnam Day Commi ttee is o!'f';imizing nrjn-violent direc't; actions, tpi:.ch-i ns, i';oor-to-dor)Y' or~;:H'i zinr and other educa~i0na! activities to oppc~e f..rneric,;Jn intervention. We lJelif've that'Michigan the st~uPrl~ fol" ~elf~dete~ination in otherof cO"Jil'tri'3s is l"eJc:ted to 'the st:,uggl~ feT' de:rocracv in I\;neri Cd--i3 democrac:!.' i'l t-.'hi::::h the T'eonle have the fa::::ts and the poUniversity.... er to make dec'::sions for tl:err;stelves. The struggles i.n A;"'i!:l~:i ca acainst racism, povertv, a!)d bureilU­ c-:"atic conformity a'..~e partLibrary, of thE' Same move­ IT'C;}t as tl,e strugl?le agair:st ,A::'nerican ~ilitarisjl. iVe Must bui Id a i"EM Ameri eel and ~oin (..Ii t;, thC3e pcopJe in Psi.J t Africa and L~ti!"1' j\:neric.3 'building a Ne,,' vlor].d~ Collections

Special in



Copied SF lOO-5G056 fTD:mfm

P.n article in the May 1ft, 1956 edition of the nSan Francisco Chrcmic1~':;, a San Francisco daily newspaper, noted that the Sur,jcct. STEIJAP.T AL:~ERT. a Co-Founder of th~ fre.a University of Berkeley, vlCvious month h'ho Here convicted and placed on probation by the }iunicipal Court. STEl.-IAF.T ALRERT was fined $110. GO and put on 6 !llOnt:ls probation for resisting arreGt. Em:e1oyment

Junr; .. SepteJ"'lber, Loews Oriental Theat9I", 1956 Ne l '; York City, usher

June - September} !:lank of America)Michigan ;':ew York, of 1951 messeng~r

~ecords> Adnissions Office, UniversityPace Co11e ....E!) 7/20/64

Clo dato) Def'ilrtmel".t. of ~';elfare, l':cI>,;' Library, York City

1965 Free. University of ner-keley .. Collections lIS an Francisco E""ii"'lin~rP) San 'francisco daily net-Js~ paper, 2/27/65 Special Residence in

1940 -original1964 2140 East 2qth Street Brooklyn, 1:'21-1 York from ~ecord5, Admissions Office::;. 1 Copied Pace Co11e,\c 7/20/6 f 2705 Derby STreet Berl~eley 1 Califo,...nia

Record;.;: > Sacra!'l1ento Police DcpartM:e:rt, 4/'3/'03

6 I

Sl" 100-56066 I fTD:mfm I , II. PLP AND/OR RE~TED ACTIVITIES i f Free University of.Berka1o¥ The "San l"rancisco ChrOnicle", issue of February 17, 1966, described the Free University of Berkeley as an educational experiment $ ~vhose curriculum of non­ credit> ungraded courses in a variety of subjects is molded after' ,". a similar effort which attracted :'·; writers and scholars to New York City the r>I'evious sum~er. The article concerned the attempts Michigan of the Free University to find quarters I' which they were finally successfulof in doing at 2819 Telegraph Avenus* Berkeley_ The artiCle noted that classes were scheduled to begin on February 28, 1966~University The article w- further noted that the rr~e University aims . to offer -'radical sch:olarship~ not found . at conventional eolle2es.Library, Its catalo~ue includes sucn courses'as ~!nevolutionary Thought a.nd Action"} "The United States and Vietna.."'1'·" "Corporate lnvestlflent in Latin AfJIerica h and Collections a "Prospective for U.S. Radic~ls. t; .. In the latterSpecial part of Octo~e!", 1965) STEI~ART ALBERT. who had recently arrivedin in the San Francisco nay Area. con­ tacted HORT...:,:S-CHEER t- a. National Vice President and: West Coast Or~anizer for PLP) work on a Free University for i the Bay Area. ALl:ERToriginal in Hay 2 ! from

Copied J

A characterization of 'the M2U is contained in t~e Appendix hereto. SF HO-SGO£G FTD:mfm

In article in th<3 ""San Francisco Exa::"'!lner' ~ issue of February 27, 196:), contained in"tet'vie:·]s of various me::ilieps of the '~ne .., left' ~s to 'Jhy t;,ey rCl'J':' 2~,q~ 23 de:::cribed as tile Co,·Co0Y'dinator of the free University of 3erl~cley. l1.::rE~T saic1 h2 Cd7!l.e to ,1;C':rkeley from i':eH York City,. ''';:;ere ~l';: ua::;: ,1. case ";orker in the f·lc:2.fare Depart::,ent.. He said that after' exneriencin~ class hostilit:' to tile poor in the :"J21f0r~ Department ~ he Quit and C2.r.:~ to th~ i3.7.y 1',r€\El..

;\ troc:"l'"fre issued by the Frf't: tIniversit;, of )erk~ley. listcc tjH: -::CUt''}~S off~r'erl for t 11G first" ses3ion , startina: in F(!~ruary> 1955. STE:r' ," A:".;ER7" d:::scl'ibe~ as a pr3.duate stur::ent l.rt':~ activist in V;)C q<.\s l:'st,,,:dMichigan as the ins tructcr 1.:1 a c:)ursc on .: P,evolutione.ry Ttlou':::1.tof and JI.ction· TIlis course Has c.e'1cY'ibed as a $c;.::linl!r' to disCLl'SS t:t.e ciffers:1'f: avenues to t'cvolutior.ary ch?';"J.tLibrary, <1CtiO:l end t~le ovet'­ thro 1 of "the r'e-actiOCli'!r'1 !,olitical '3vst?r1s· T:")'", neci'',!ssitv of a disci?lineCi pa:.:'ty a,!d of nost-1"€volutionary c'ictator-A r;:hi;;:>. L~n~n, ":<30) Ca-"'u5, Gun:vara, ·.loot7coc}: _:~tts, Dostoyevs}(y. Collections fUl":1isher. by 2/14/", Special in On F~';):"uary 21, 1<':60, t:-le Subject tau'!ht a class at the Free Univ~rs~ty of i3et"kelI1'!Y .::mo used as :'.l text the: b00k 'State and originalRevolution - by '1. I. L"S';1"; 'l.'1c. also. 't:-!.;-) "Eussitrn R'1volution - :))1 ':O?-:}:li2/,.). In tl-;0 c::'ass _, i\L3E~T from attempte.d to eiv" his OUT: V5.€.'-lS on th~ STA1.lIH-'I'qOTSKY con fliet. Copied

A de>no!l~:tra_tiC'11 H?S ~Qld in S,1.n t:'P,,,,,X:C"i,ZCO} California~ an ~1r1rci1 2!'i _ lOGO. at t'::~ Civic Cellt(!!"' Pl:1zri, in COimection 'Hi t:l t:le Intcrnation.31 !)ay~ of' f'r'ot~st Con­ cerninn: U. S. Involv~:1)ent in ti-!,z 'iap in Vietnar;.. Arno<1p t.l1os,z. pl"C!sent ,·las STE:Jt~~T l,LtlZ'RT, ~:~;,o t-:mced a tahle a:t '-Jhich PLP \ • s1' 100-G6066 FTD:mfn

Iitv-ratUl"2 ~>J(\S sol(1. During the demonstration,. ALBERT attempted to ~et some other PLP members to challenge members of the American ilazi Party, 'h'ho were harrassinp, the ce:monstrators, and ALRERT also became involveC'_ in an argument with another individual nne Has overhearu to state that t:-te PLP vIas o?posed to the Co;rununist Party (CP) and 'fhat CP ~"'era not rtvolutionists" and the PLP is the only !'Cv61utionary party.

A t'hroHatvay leaflet advertisin:3 a me;r.oT'ial meetinlS to T'f.t"otest the r.rurder of LEO DER:,fARD 1 a tV:~R~;('r of th.z: Sociali~t l!or':-:.eTls P?rt:v (S~.·lP) in }!~."'; York, vJlic': ',.;as to be Michigan held on the University of California (:)C) car.::pus, Berkeley f of on tray 24, 196(;. Listed a~on~ the speil'kers was STE'HART ALBERT of the PLP.

LeafletUniversity obtained by a;. Spacial Agent of the FBI, 5/21/56 Library, The S;:? 11as been desi:rnat~d by the Attorney Genaral of tile Onited States pursuant to Executiva Order 10450 . .. Collections An article in t~c April R, 19~6, issue of t~e j'Berkelcy Bart><} weeklySpecial newspap'2!I" !Jublis~ed in B

On iTay 13 j 1966 J the Subject attended a social affair held at 1502 lJalnut Street;- Berkeley 3 California~ the purpose of which f,

9 SF 100-56036 FTD:mfm

areas who were meetinp; the follollin~ day with each other and give them o9portunity to talk politics.

On Hay 14, 19GB} the Subject dttended a general meet~ns of PL members held at 225 Valencia Street. San francisco. The pur?-:Jse of the me.etin9: {las to hear reports from various PLP clubs, which reports Hould be sent to a National Comnittee ~1eeting in Nev' York. The reports in a discussion cent


Special A~cnts of the Library, FBI observed the Subject anong a p;rou'P of P!~P members -depa!'ting fror: the above-described Collections , - meetin~ a~ 225 Valencia Stl"'eet. Special Oa nay 15 ~in 1956> the Subject attended d r-:.eeting of PL f.1em'l-;er's ~eld at hission Club PL Heoadfjuarters, 2g29 16th Street;, San Frcncisco. t.t this meeting a Central Comrni ttee original W,IlS elected and t:te menbers present t·Jer::: broken up into four g'!"'oups tofrom c:iscuss student activities, cor;;..-nittf'€ activi­ ties') labor activities and' activities regardin)?; ';Sparlc! newspa?er, publication of PLP in San Fra:1cisco. Copied


10 SF 10)-55066 FTD:mfm

On Decerr~er 9, 1155, the VDC held e noon rally at t-rte UC campus:} and t:".e Subject Horked at thp.: Michiganvnc ta':>le, 5e"'lling literature. of

University In January, 1966, the Subject contactecl_ ~-:::onc(;rni!1:3 the status of tile VDC in nerkeley. He s:dc ~ has become p

On January 31,Special 1966, the Subject }las observed in a derlonstration ofin a ,\!,oup of individuals nu:;e,erin.'~ -lp­ proxinately 200, uhe marched fron the ca::\pu$ of UC J Berkeley, to the office of Congressman JEFFERY COHELA1'! in Oakland. California, to demonstrateoriginal ar.ainst U#S. involvement in the t.;ar in Vietnam. The spokesma."'l fot" the ~roup said the purpose' from of the de;no:1stl'atio:'< Has t'(> urge COIl2Ltl'r to introduce a bill in Coneress to impeach President JOHflSO~L Copied Observation by a S?ecial Agent of the fBI

On Barch 26.1 19GB. ~ the Suhject pnrtici;:>.:lted in a Vietnam Day dsmonstration held at Civic Ce:1't€r. So..1 Franciscc.

11 Sf 100-5&OS6 FTD:mfm

On April 2 and 3~ 1.965, the 2 day convention sponsored by the Conference on Vietnam. The Sui)ject an-! represented the BAPLP at this convc~ti

Michigan of





Special in


from On January 31, 1963" the Subj~ct waS issued a passport and indicatec. t!'iat he intended to trave'!. fron NeYJ' York for Copieda period of G T"Ionths study anG travel in Europe.

~ecord::. J Passport O;fic~, Department of State; '}ashinP:toD" I).C., SJ'23/f)l+

On :~arch 27, 1964} S. }\L:JE;,(T of ?148 £Z'!st 29th Street J Brooklyn _ In..,., York, contacted the Stucent CO::l!nittee for Trav.l to Cuba (serc), 15/64 12 t1AY 2 MQVENENT

f;.. ~OUX'C& advised on l"i.£rcr. 3, 19£5) as follows:

The flay 2 {lOVell,cnt (b21J) , for

'ihe h2d \10$ Gor.tinat€:':' ar.c. controlled by the Progrescive L&bo~ Party (?LP) and had for its aim ana pur~ose tne cLr..bdrrdssr;:,ent of the tmitea States Government oy meet~ngs) rallies,. l!icken:ini; aerr.onBtrations, anG for.maticnMichigan of un.i.vE.:X'sity hovel clubs at l;.hict'. a ~.arxist-wr.inist orier-tedof approach an!! analysis was taken of United States ao;;.estic and foreif;;;n ?olicies. This source aevised on tlay 19, 19135, that the head­ qu.;;.rtt!2"s of the n2i". Has 1340 Bl'oadl..;ay, l~ewUniversity York City) Roo!;. 307.

A seco;uJ $curce .advised on FelJruary ~, 1966. that the :,:2;; was officially dissolved as Library,an organization on FEbruary 6, 1966, at a lJ:eeting held on the SdJ,;e oate in l'!eii York City, lJy the leadershi;) of h2l. and the Progressive Lubor Party. Collections , ­

Special in




i'.PPLNDIX. Siii 1 0 C -!. " (. " '; • STUDE:;T COrllITTEE FOP. TRAhL TO CUJA

tIThe Co:i.'.lmbia Ot"/1, n weekly student news paper of Colur.!!)ia University, Kew York City, December 121 1962, issue, pAge one, cont~lined an article entitled "Students to Visit CUba Dut'ing 1l01fays. II This article stated in part that the Ad Hoc Stu<..ient. ­ _ Co:r: . ttee for- Travel to Cuba was fot'i,ed October 14, 1962, by a Ere' of students from j·;ew York City universities, the University of \',isconsin, O!:>erlin College and the University of North Carolina, who stated that as students they would like a cha:1ce to see and , evaluate the situation in Cuba for themselves and had received an I offer of transportation and two weeks stay in Cuba from the Federation of University Students in Havana, as guests of the Federation + The Comrn5.ttee accepted the offer and apolied to the I State Dep'art:r.ent of the United States fer pa£sport validation which was refused; hor'H':Ver, over fifty students planned to defy the State Departnent ban and go to Cuba~

I! , A source advised on Decemb~r 6, 1362, it was learned the Ad Hoc Student Committee for Travel to Cuba had recently beon Michigan formed by the Prosressiva Labor Group. of I A second source advised on September 13, 1963, that durin~ I the SUlTS"ler of 1963" fifty-nine individuals tr~1veled to Cuba; the' I le;Stders of the group weI'e members of the ProgressiveUniversity Labor l1oveme>1t; and the trip was planned and organized by Progressive Labor Hovc:;;<;;nt members. Library, A third source advised on October 9, 1963, the Student Committee for Travel to Cuba was utilizing Post Office Box 2!18, t:ei4 York, New York, as its mailing address. Collections

... On March 12, 1965, Philip Abbott Luce, self h}cst 5~th Strce",:~ ~-:ew York, New- York, a self-admiSpecial t'ted menber of the Student COP.'lf.

, original The St:ucen".:: CO!rJ:dtts~ for Travel tc C'Jba (-CTC) was forr.:er:.:,.' kno\o-'n as th~ Ad Hocfrom Student COlr.mittee for TravE'-l to Cuba and the Per-;nanent Student COII'u'nittee for Travel to Cuba.

Luce U?sCopied a lead~r dna pd!'ticipant of the 1963 trip to CIJL.:;. I ('inc an organizer' of the 1961; trip to Cu!>a alld both trips we'!'€ I sponsored by the 3CTC~ By the Spring of l'2fili. the Executive Cor..rIIittce of tha SeT,: ! '.1('3:;;; consider~d to oe m';'!r.:bcrs of t:le Pcop;re8sive La!>or HoveITtcat. , Ho tri.p to Ct,;l:-a (;'4' C!1ina wa.: ceing plc.nr:ed by the SeTtY £0,1955. APPENDIX GUlfI' I ] W. I 7 'if< , ! ? I lUTED STATES DEPARTMENT .' JUSTICE ; FEDERAL BUREAU OF INV£STIGATlON

San Francisco~ California

June 29, 1966



Reference Report dated and cuptioned as above, ,ilt San Francisco, California Michigan of All sources (except any listed below) whose identi­ ties are concealed in referenced communication have furnished reliable information in the past. University



Special I in original



This docuir.cnt contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your a,!,!;tmcy ~ it and its contents , are not to be distributed outside your agency. , UNITED STATES Go-'RNMENT Memon zdum I,

on in file and destroy 0-1 (For SOG ldCI (;n 111)

Michigan of




Special in

original -' from

W,___ _.. Copied , ," . ~ ..,.., ...... ,.', . ~....,~.~<.."' -':-',- ~' ""., ~* .' -. , - '-',~'''''''.;.:-.-;--;;''-,' ' , . . ... - "'::~~~"-'~ . -'...... " , ,', -,' .,,", .,~ " ;.""<, ;.~' . .. ' - :,;-~~:;;.:<~"'~~:~~;:'-', ' , _~ ":_',IJ/"'r''''''', ... -' " ~-'."'" -'--.'

,'," . - UN, ~l> STA'fES IJEPAR l'MENT OF J ..-'fICE


San Francisco, Califo~nia ,,. R~fy. Pko,t Rtfa tel September 21, 1966 FihN.. au 105·69231 SI100.5606~


Report of dated June 29, Fr>an,ci,IC(), California.

Rl'leH'Oet.,d commuui<-"atjon contuined subject's l't-sid{'llce ann 'or {'mplo)"IiMJnl IIddroSB..\ rt't'eJlL chaliJt(; has b"'l'll detcrminl~d Dnd is IR!IJlg set forth he'low idu:mgc on!y .;:podfil!d): Michigan of Renidcnce: 1930-A Blake, Berkeley, California University


.. Collections

Special in


from :-. / / " / /

Copied -"--~ N':--'; :-:..... ~.~


Thif dOClUnt'1l ccmlllwr ncithN fi'rom:m

u Re: ______

o It j" recommended that n Security U The Security Index Card on the Index Card be prepared on the captioned individual should be abovc-captioned individual. changed as follows (specify change only); Michigan of


Aliases University


o Native Born o Naturalized o Alien

DCommunisl o Socialist WorkersCollections Party

. o Miscellaneous (specify) , :~ Special .-. ~ Race in s.. o Tab foc Detcom o MaJe o Female ," I • Dale of Birth Place of Birth original

Business Address {show T)ame of employmgfrom cOTlcem and address}


Key Facility Datn 1 EI st.r "'" '"' ~. Geograjlhiclli Rcfl'rcTlce Number _.______....."~,~,~plf"''"sib.Hil)' ---~.. ~~}',.oV ~ cot' .~b~I"~"~'I:'~d;..~';"C~i~.~.-======:::::,,~.~~:'"'::':.~:J,:.==='==~ '.:"'" - Ret;ide 'Addres8 B193kO-Al BlaJcCe ,. f . 'fll,r,.);,~J~'I ~!--" 7 ~ er e ey, a 1 1 orn1a r;:..p-' (2 - Bureau (ENC. 2) -_. - ...... ,.. ---,.~..,­ '. .! UNITED STATES cd .tNMENT - I< I Memoraitdum I I i to DIRECTOR, FBI (105-89231) ~. SAC, NEW YORK (105-42122)(P) .. , } , "~fSUBJECT: STEHART EDWARD ALBERT SM - PLP (00: SF)

II Rerep of at San Francisco dated 6/29/66. ~

the persor~el f~'l~:li;e;":;}".~~J! Michigan O~~Ol"Ulg information: of :!a.n.e STEvlART EDVlARD ALBERT DOB 12/4/39 POB New YorkUniversity City Marital stutus Single Draft classification lY Library, SSN 070-32-6522 Education James Madison High School, graduated 1957; CollectionsPace College, ~'YC, received BA September, 1962; New School, NYC, ­ Special attended September, 1962 '/,'< \ Past employmentin Greenrield press, ~O Fourth Avenue,1 NYC, as a clerk from?IS8 to original 1/63 from IV<­ Bureau (HM)Copied 47= San Franc1~co ( 100-56066)( HM) I - New York REC- 61 / MCF:jat (5) ---- ... -­ - --

&.y U.S. S#1Iinv &",1, 1{'gularly on the Payroll Savings PI.. . , .~,' ~- '. - ,~. -,' I ,. .. , ,. . . , -:. .-' - ." . .-~ ; .:.".,':',':,,," ...... ' ,. ,. , 105-~212~, .. ' .. . , , .' " X References Dr. JOl!N WALSH 1 Monta~int, NY., I Dr. ROBER~OLLACK . . 653 :i:~~.~s.tr"e.~,_ NYC. (I.;;' .. , . . , • < , ' , ' - - , ' , • :. • <, . ," BERNARD CHWARTZBERG . " : 4023 Dedf rd Avenue ooklyn, NY 1 .- ---- . - ­ Mother ROSE' BERT ~2148 East 29th street Brooklyn, NY . ~- - -_..-.., _." -". -­Michigan of Subject was apPOinted a Social Investigator . (trainee) on 10/7/63. He was separated on 11/14/63. when his draft board advised subject had lY classification because of' tl versif'1ed convulsive or pseudoUniversity convulsive disorder". On 4/12/65, he was reappointedLibrary, a Social Investigator (trainee) having been certified as fit by the Depar~~ent of Personnel, NYC, on 4/29/64. ' " .. Subject resigned 9/10/65Collections to seek other emp1oy­ .. ment. Position at time of resignation was a case worker.

Special" in

NEW YORK original AT NEl'i YORK, NEVI YORK. Will, at Selective Service Headquarters,from review ?TIe of subject.


-,Y ., .' , - 2 ­ !- " ...... -.. WASHINGTON. D.C. aosn ,­ ~,.,3

.It(o 10 """'""'" DiHctOJ'.

, .Th. following FBI l'eCorG. NUMBER 610 286 F • is I",rushed FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY,

see ! supplement I I

Michigan of

I University I 1 Library, \

.,; , Collections

Special in •


from 'I,

Copied , " "', .~.~.,~ j.(~ .. ­ . \J' D~lM'. j . .

The following FBI :tec:Q,d. NUMBER 610 286 , ,Is hltnlahed FOR OFFICIAL US!: ONLY •

.":'­ , J' , .' I, I #5.7483 $100. ('ne or 20 das Co Jnil on eng,of 415 PC $220, f1 ne or 4( das Co ~all " 90 das "Co J.l1 CtlG:B '" " for 3 years on -23-6G,on chg of 242 PC. i • I • ' I I I

Michigan of


Library, . . .. Collections

" Special . in .. . , original , ' from , I Copied ,

. SlJPPLEAtl!= iT

, ~ , .. , , " , , • , . .. " ..' ; , ! fil.o. ~ iiit;.; "JI-It.. ! " UNITED STATES GOV" NMENT f Alemorandum ~ f ,L: DIRECTOR, FBI (105'-89231) DATE: 11/8/66 , j"~tc NEW YORK (~5-1t2122) (RUC) ,


ReNYlet to Bureau dated 9/30/66.

Michigan of

SubJect born 1~/39, at New York, 9/18/63, WaS found by Selective Service nn~ot~~i~:~1;~' j for induction on the basis of "verified Universityc pseudo-convulsive disorder", and was 1s still his present classification. f that lY classification means that theLibrary, time 1s not phys1 cally qualified for m1.L11:'H'V $.,rvie,••

Op B/It/58 subject Collectionsrequested from Selective Service perm1ssion to v1sit Canada for two weeks' vacation which was granted. On 7/2B/6O, subject submitted I request to go to Cuba forSpecial one month vacation which WaS granted. On 1/15/63, subjectin submitted request to go to , Italy and France for eight months' vacation which was granted. original

I from

Copied /' .J. I I •

'. , ..

, >- • ,", - '<', ,,<~:.. ... ::~.·;'i··<''"t- . ,.; - ,:. ,,:':-',. I;.?:,::; ".',,'; . ,"'" "':',':,.;c )- .--:,", ,- :}t'-·"",·. '\"'!"~:_~\_--<_:,_-IY 10SJt.2122''''''·'·' -,",.; •..."<,' .~' '. ". -""-; "~_"_:: •.':..':'~_"""";':""'~~"'.',,/ '.: ,', ... _'" .'<0••• , _ '; \,.,'.""i'~'~:"~-'~"',;",.",'_ ' ~. _,- __ .. ~:_ _ . jo::.:- :f~~' '. \~~le eo~ta1ne~ a l~t~~~' dated 1/JltI63,fr':' ':':;;, . : . MAX S:rEIIIMANlI, lID, indicating that the subject was treated by him since ,/15/62, tor grand mal seizures with possibility that they may be psychomotor se1zures. Subject at that tIme was being treated with pheno­ ,barbital., SX3INlIAIilI' recommended" long :vacation tor" '. subje,ct;. :-.:.-, ,,". '0'., ..' •• '~.. "r" ' . " . -,:.., . :-.:._,~'-_'.~ _,-' ~ , "" " • ' ~ ~- - ,/ - '.-.' ~- i'<'-..' . ;. Subject has Selective Service ,·,0 3939 748," and Social Security.' 070-32-6522. Last local address for subject was 21~ East 29th Street, New York CIty, New York.

- -:' Michigan I of . ,

University j Library, , ":- ~."" -. " ... , " ...... , ."'" " ," , . . Collections~, ''\ " I -.,. < # - -,' " M Special ~~~

in " ; " I r~l.': '" , original t"::

I from i ! Copied i


S!l-PLP .1-h----L-----1 Report of aa1ted 6129/66 at San fr,mc,is,co Michigan -c­ of




Special in

original -_..._-----­


Copied 1 - Secret Service, San Francisco X-tI3 (Class 1, 2, 3 and oc) (Rl!) li, JUL :; 1 1967 3 - San Francisco (100-06066) < I, f t SF 100-56066 ITD/sle

),' ! i I I I Michigan of

,<:'0 observed Subject on 9/29/66University and 4/15/67 was

Harriage records reviened by Library,

Collections . . Special in




f -c­ COVl:R PAGE 1 ; Sf 100-560" I ITD!slc ! , I. ~ Subject's name is included in the Sc("urity lnde-x. ; 2. o Tht'" data. appearing on tlU! Security Index catd are current. , !. a Changes. on the SecudlY Index card are necessary and form FD~122 l , bas. b~en submitted to the Bureau. ;, i. ~ A suitable photo-graph ID is 0 is jlQt available. Dale photograph was taken _. 1~~.~6,-~.~~~~_ ! 5. o Subject is employed in a key facmty and ~__~_____ i. t f charged with security responsit.llity. Interested agencies are 6. OJ This report is dassHied CONFIDENTIAl. _ because ! (stale rCQ$(m) info~mation furnished from could reasonably result in I a confidential informant of continuing value and I compromise future effectiveness thereof.

7. D Subject previuusly interviewed (dales} ~___. ___~___ Michigan o Subject was not reintetviewed because (state reason) of



8, 0 This: case no longer meets the Secudty Inde" criteria apd a letter bas been difected to the Bureau recommending cancellation of the . . Security Index card. Collections 9. C:XTh.s caSC' bas been re-evaluated in the light of the S~curity Index ctileria and it continuesSpecial (0 fall within such criteria because (st#.le reasDn) in Subject was membe~ of PLP in 1966; propensity for violence as indicated in arrests in connection with demonstrationsoriginal April, 1966j May, 1966 and November, 1966. His disregard for law ~~d order reflected in contemptfrom of court citation January, 1967 •


•0. ~] S"bject'i'j. SI card i~.1 is 0 is not tabbed Dc-teom. lKl Suhject':. ACtivities warrant DetcoUi tabbing bl'cause (~-!att' ufJ.sc!7Is)


1,.. lUply. Phfuf' Rtf.... CONF ENTIAL Fi/lNo. 10S-692al Director r July 29, 1967 , Unitf:" Slates Secret Service Dcp tmcnt of the Treasury I WllS ngf.;)n~ D. C. 20220 . , • Dear Sir. The information furnifihcd herewith concerns an individual who is believed to be covered by the agraement ootwcen the FBI and Secret Service concerning Presidential pro­ tection, and to (aU within the c8wgory or categories checked. I 1. 00 Has attempted or threatened bQdHy harm to any government officinl or employee, including fore igo government. ofricia1s residing in or planning an imminent visit to the I U. S., because of his omeial status. ! 2. iX] Has at.tempted or threatened to redress It gricvance again$l any public oificiaJ by otber than legal means, I Michigan ! 3. !Xl Becauljc of background is potentially dangerous; or has henn identifiedof as member or participant in communist movemcnt; or hos been under active investigation as member of other group or organization inimica~ to U. S. University

5. 00 Subversives. ultrarightists. racists and fascists: whoLibrary, meet one o-r more or tbe foUowing criteria:

Collections . . cot"""io.n,) or or stai,.",.t. indicating a propeflSlty (orSpecial violence and antipatby t.Qwuro good order and government. in

original has i Photograph IXJ been furnishedfrom 0 enclosed 0 is not available g .CJ.'_m.a_'__h_e.•_v.".i1.".h!_e_t.h_ro.u. .h__-.-_.__--..----..------======~---- Copied I Very truly yours •

.....1· John Edg r ! nover ~ . I '\l Dk••t 1 .. special Agent in Charge (F.nclosure(s) (1) (RM) CONfr Dr: TIAL q. S. Seeret Service , San Francisco

En-closure($) (1) (RM) /Upon r~fflQ"al fI/ dutIBl[ied ellclMuU'8, if any.. thi. lNJlumittai form becQmu UNCLA.SSIFIED.! UIO'TED STATES DEPARTMENT OF' .IUSTICE j FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTJGAl { ,I > k 1 - Secret Service, San (Class 1, 2, 3 and 5c) (PJl) ,!, i 011;"" SAN FRAi,eI SCO . ! fIeld OWCIt File I: ,! 100-56066 841r_" FII. I: 100-89231 i STEIIART ED~ARD ALBERT I ! ! SECURITY t~TTER - PLP

Michigan Synopft'l of Subject resides 1930A Dlake Street, Berkeley, and is employed by "Berkeley Free Press", 1705 Grove Street, Berkeley. Subject classified lY withUniversity Selective Service Board, New York City. Subject married JOANN WEILER, Berkeley, California, 9/11/66. Subject was arrested on campus of University of California,Library, Berkeley (UCB) 11/30/66 for maintaining public nuisance and trespass. He was later cited for contempt by defying court order banning publicity of case. Sentenced to 60 days .. and $300 fine, "hich he hasCollections appealed. Contempt charge pending. Subject quit Pro~re.sive Labor Party in September, 1966. lie attended public meeting sponsored by Young Socialist AllianceSpecial and Socialist i'lorkers Party. Subject participatedin in picketing of Soviet Representative speaking at uca for alleged Soviet betrayal of North Vietnam..original Subject attended l'neeting of artti-draft session of Students for a Democratio Society Conference, Berkeley, in fromDececber, 1966 and reportedly attended conference on Power and Politics sponsored by Californians for Liberal Representation, Los Angeles, 9/30/66 - 1012/66. Subject Copiedalso participated in demonstrationsprotestina f u.s. participation in Vietnam. racial discrimination in San Francisco and proposed tuition at University tt of California .. He wrote article in " , weekly newspaper, concerning failure of House Co~~ttee on Un-American Activities to subpoena him. These ! articles were critical of the HOld Left". • -C­ CONFID ;=:= I F downgrading 'fblll doeu_fit ,,,mtatID:! "flllb",!" t",;::ana..dilIiJ::1Q $.i. y_t C<:,llACr; U And Ufl COllI_AU. tn. COl h'M 4ifl;db1U",d .. I.ld.. I I Sf 100-56066 I FTD/slc ~


A. iofilitary Status " . Subject is registered with Local noard 39, New York City. He has Selective Service Nu~ber 50-39-39-746. On September IB t 1963 he was found not qualified for induction on the basis of verified convulsiva Qr psuedo­ convulsive disorder. He toJ'as classified lY as not physically que.lified for' r:lilitary service and this is still his present ~lassification~ Michigan J~":::-"2".~\J)~3 b': .sl t,r November,of 1966) ~ ,". ~\.~\ :-",.!.~.: Y. l!i'/'.. _ B. ~'d.rital Status University~1 L ,! I . \'/ h f', (: X;';;. f I '-. 1­ The I-!arriage License Records, Alameda County" Clerk's Office, revieued in June, 1967 reflect that STE:VlART ED;IARD ALBERT of 618 63rd Library,Street, 0ykland, " college teacher, the son of HOWAt1D and ROSE ,ALDERT, I' "! (1 .! /,1 t,' : both born NeH York City,. was mat'!'ied in Alameda County i,n September 11, 1960 to JOtJ;;; HEILER, 1930ABlakc Street, Derkeley, born June 18, 1942Collections in Oakland and em~loyed .. at: the

I I ; ~ i , I

SF 100-56066 FTD/slc , •

The Subject ~esides at 1930A Blake Street, Berkeley. and is employed as a writer at the uBerkeley Free Press", 1705 Grove Street, nerkeley, California.

E. Pr~viou.~ EmploY!:lents

The SU:Jject Has employed by the Greenfield Press as a Clerk, 88 4th Avenue. Neu Yorr. City, from July, 1958 to January, 1963. Michigan He was employed as a Social Investigatorof Trainee with the Depart:rent: of Uelfat"1, Net" York. City, from October to November of 1953 and from April to Septenber, 1965. University I 9125/66 ) I Library, , F. Travel I Subject sought 'Det'mission frOD Selectiv.! Service Board to travel to CanadaCollections in 1958 for neriod of tt~O . . weeks, to Cuba in 1960 for a period of-one tmnth and to Italy and France in 1963 for a period of eizht t~nth6. Special in JoveJ:\..~er, 1966)

~. Identificationoriginal Record On februaryfrom 9 .. 1967 the F3I IdAntification Division advised that the Subject had the following record ofCopied c,rrests., under rBI Number 610 286 f:

On April g; 1966 Subject 11a5 ~1.rl"e5ted by the Police Departrr.ent at Sacpamento, Califor':lia; on a. chat'ge of disturoin~ the peace and battery. The Subject received fine of $100 or 20 days in the Count'\! J.:1il for disturbin£ the pee.ce and a fine of $220 or 40 days in the County Jail fot' batte~'. Subject paid these fines rd:t}<,M' f than service time in jail. ,

J I I SF 100-56066 ,•~. FTD/slc

I~,, i On April 12, 1966 Subject was arrested by Berkeley I f t Police Departc~nt a~ Berkeley, California, Berxeley Police .Depertrnent Number 23127, for interferrinE., tlith I police officer and receiv~d a six mont~s court ?I"obation I and 60 days suspended sentence with $110 fine. On z..~ay 3, 1966 Subject Has acain arrestee by the 1 Police Department on charge of battery, disturbing the peace and resisting arrest. These charce~ were dismissed.

On Nove!!lber 30, 19G6 the Subject was arrested by the Sheriff' 5 Office;: Oa}::land, California, for r;\aintainine: I a public nuisance and trespass. Michigan ! of On January 14, IS67 the Subject was cited by the i Police Departrr.ent of Berkeley, California, on the charge of conte~?t of court. University In connection with the arrest on Hovenber 30, 1966 the SUbject Has found guilty forLibrary, maintaining a public nuisance on January 21, 1967 dnd Has sentenced to 60 days (five days suspended) Rnd $300 fine and $30 pehalty ($10 suspended). He ~as found not guilty on the trespassinc charee. This Collectionsconviction has been appealed .. by the Subject and the appeal is still pendinli• In connection withSpecial the criminal contempt complaint filed acainst Subjectin on January 14, 1961. These charces are still pendine. original


InCopied connzction with the Subject's arrest on November 30, 19G6 an article in the Decer.:tber It 1966 ft i issue of the "San FrA.ncisco Chronicle , daily nSHspaper. noted that Al~F£da County Sheriff's Deputies had arrested nine persons on the University of California campus durinc I a day-long student demonstration. The article noted that the ap-parently spontaneous demonstration erupted ,.. in the Student: Union buildinG in protest over a Navy

-i " i i SF 100-56066 ITO/sic

recruiting table being manned 'there by two !'Javy officers. The demonstrators protested that not only was the military recruiting allowed but that a student and non-student manning a draft information table had been ous~ed f~otl the Student Union Building. The article noted that six p~rsons whom school officials believed responsible for the trouble were arrested including STEilART ALBERT of 193M Blake Street. Three other students were arrested for interferring with officers in connection with these arrests.

An article in the Dece~ryer 4, 1966 i5SU~Michigan of the I u "San Francis-co Sunday Examiner-Chronicle ofnoted that the Subject v.'tiS one of ten non-students ~~hor.t University of California administrators des'cribed as the most visible figures in a larce gro~p of activists who wake their headquarters on the camous. TheyUniversity descriLed ALBERT, age 26, as a fort".e!' Vietnam Day Conmittee (VDC) leader, who came to the University of CaliforniaLibrary, the previous year after quiting his job as a tIe.v York City social worker~ He was described as one of the founders of the Free University at 3erkeley. He was also described as one time professional Collectionswrestler uho d:"d not attend .. the University of California. The article noted t~at ALBERT dropped out of the Progressive Labor Party (PLP) the sur.r.wr of 1966 andSpecial joined the Students for a Denocratic Society (SDS). in Characterizations of the VDC, PLP and SDS are containedoriginal in the appen:!ix. from An article in the January 13, 1967 edition of the ftDaily Califor-nianu newspaper puhlished by the Associated StudentsCopied of the University of California, noted that the six non-students who were arrested on ~Jovenbet' 30 ~ 1966 on the canpus at UCB had announced that they are violatine an or'der not to corr~'nent on their court case to the press.

5 ,! I SF 110-Sl'Or.S ,I FTD/slc t ( j i , The aX'ticle noted that Berkeley ~~unicipal Court Judge GEORGE DRUNH had imposed a U gag rule" on December 16, 1966 in order that the defendants could ! receive a fair trial, however, the six defendants were planning to bre~~ the order because they claimed it would I deny them a fai~ tri~l. I The January 27, 19£1 issue of the tlDaily Californian" noted that the Subject and three other defe~dants have been chargee with conter,pt of court for deliberately I violating a court order forbidding then to discuss their recent trial involving cha::-ges of creating I public nuisance and tl~espassing in the StudentMichigan Union on November 30, 1966. of

The article noted t~at the defendents scheduled a press conference and violated the ruling because it hurt their chances for a fair trial. University


STEWART ALBERT uas inCollections contact "1it~ the West Coast Oreanizer of the PLP , on Septe4~er ~, 1966, concernin~ some ouestions he ~ad about PLP. On Sentember 6, 19fi___",,,ported toSpecial PLP President HILT ROSe;, that ALBERT had !,,!uit the inPLP. ~ _-, / .' , _.. , B/31-9/6/66) original

In Septemberfrom of 1966 a former member of the Socialist y!orkers Party (SHP) from Seattle was in contact tiith the Subject and noted that when the Subject had attended the Pacific HorthwestCopied Reeional Conference Against the War in Vietnam. the Subject had e~pressed the susricion that the political position of the PLP as expressed at t~is conference Has a turn to the right from PLP policy and was oriented toward reformism in the Democratic Party. f s ! ,r I• ! , SF 100-56066 ,,'. fTD/slc r i., j ,'. This individual pointed out that ALB£RTfg suspicions ! , had been confir~£d in that the PLP had, particularly in the area of Seattle, revp.rt~d to the old Communist I Party line to establish a political alliance between • the COJ:l.munists, liberal pacifists and the Democratic Party.. This individual noted that he had recently I heard that ALBERT had dropped from the PLP. ! I '1. '{SA and 811? Characterizations of the YSA a:;Q SH'P I are contained in the appendix. Michigan I of • ,I On ~!ay 24, 1966 the Subject attended an open rr.eetins s~on3ot"~d by the Say area ¥SA and the SUP at: veB. The ,urpose of this meetine Has a memorial protest in behalf of three individualsUniversity who had been shot in Detroit. The Subject, who represented the PLP at this meeting,....?as one of thoseLibrary, i1~O spoke and he spoke of the different atmosp'!1er>e affecting: the "Leftll in Der'keley and He,>, York City_ He noted that he had recently been ar'!'e:sted for delllonstretin~;: in Sacra:'!':ento and urced all left-wing orcanizationsCollections to work top-ether to .. help each other in the event of arrests during de~onstration~ etc. Special in

original C. SDS from An ar'ticle in the ;~over.1bcr 13 t 19C6, issue of the nSan francisco Lxaninel"" noted that the Subject was one of threeCopied individu~ls organizing a protest de~onstration at the appearance of IGOr: ROGOCnr;Z, First Secretary of the International lie lations Division of the Soviet I:1!'bassy w ROr;OCHEZ W-9,S scheduled to spcak at the University of C,:\lifol"'ni.:l~ Berkeley, on tile effects of cultural exchance pro~rams on the international scene.. The Subject Was quoted in the ne\lspaper article as saying f

I 7 I$ Sf 100-56066 ,",I FTD/slc I f that Russia's apparent willinGness to enter into new cooperative agreements with' the U~S. at this time is a hetrayal of the North Vietnail1 government and for this reason a demonstration was being organized against ROGOCHEZ. The "Daily Californian" issue of Nove:nbel" 15" 1966 noted that merrbers of the SDS had picketed IGOR ROr,OCHEZ at UCB and thGt they in turn were picketed by other mern;:.ers of SDS, who claimed that STE~,1ART &l"OUp ALD:t:RT anu his represented only a minorityMichigan within the 5DS. of The article noted that the group picketing ROGOCHEZ called itself the Foreign Affairs Committee of SDS, but an official statement of Universitythe 8DS Steerin~ Committee noted that the picketing was in no way approved or sponsored by the SDS. Library, The a~ticle noted that ALBERT, a non-student interru~ted ROGOCHEZfs speech several ti~es to read from a le~flet dist~ibutecl by the Foreign Affairs Collections . . Committee.

Tite VoluJ!'.e 1, NumberSpecial 1 t issue of HOnanft, an internal bulletin ofin the SDS at Berkeley. California, , was distributed on the UeD campus on ;~ovember 22, ~966. This issue contained an article ca'Jtioned "New Left r T1ilitat'ism or Oldoriginal Left Rer..nantslf and ct'iticized the so-called nroreignfrom Affairs CoU'.r.uttee" of 5DS cOIl,?osed of STE;IART ALBERT and some members of PLP. The article noted that this COMmittee reflected and perpetuated the laneuageCopied and loeic of militarism that dominates the I United States, the Soviet Union, and China~ I The article noted that the questiomthat the ttForeign Affairs COi'nl!l;ittee" asked the Soviet representative reflected the kind of militaristic thinkinr, that SCS as radicals are attemptine to change. -,,­ _ furnished copy of "0nan f --;::;;""'ri'3 0 166 )

8 j, I. t Sf 1OO-S6066 , ITD/slc ,"> I. J ,, i On December 28, 1966 the Subject attended an anti-draft session of the conference held by the SDS •i in Berkeley, California f The purpose of this session Has to decide upon SDS position on the draft and discussion was held on the proposals of the anti-draft I committee of the conference. I 1/12167) I I D. Protests Against U.S. Policy in Vietnam On August 6, 1966 and on April IS, 1967 the Subject participated in demonstrations in SanMichigan Francisco protesting U.S. position on the war in Vietnam.of I on 8/12/66 and observation of FBI on ~/l5/67) University E~ Miscella~eous Demonstrations Library, On September 28, 1966 a demonstration by re3idents of the Bayview and Hunters Point areas of San Francisco took place tricgered by the shooting of a 16 year old Negro youth the previousCollections day by a San Francisco Police . - officer.

On September 29,Special 1966 a protest demonstration of some tt·Jenty persons in took place at City Hall in San Fr-ancisco. A leaflet distributed at the demonstration noted that it i t4as sponsored by the Berkeley canpus SDS and protested original discrimination against the black people and da~anded t~at the policefrom officer involved in the shooting be tried for murder and that the mayor and g6vernor be denounced fo~ using troops to quell a riot provoked by conditionsCopied for which they were responsible. AMong those present at the demonstration was STE~lART ALBERT., I (Ohservation of SA of fDI I on 9129/66) f 9 1

I, i i

SF 100-560G6 FTP/slc

An article in the HDaily Californian", issue of JfUluary 20, 19:67" noted that some 3,000 students marched in protest at the University of California, against proposed tuition charges at the Unlversity of ·California~ At this demonstration STEUART ALBERT, who was awaiting trial for an arrest on November 30, 1966, talked to the audience about the alleeed disparity between the governorts concept of education I and the gove~nmentfs concept. F. Californians for Libe~al Representation (CLR) Michigan CLR is a self-described organizationof for liberal thought and action pled~ed to support candidates who by their past records anc announced views would be champions of civil rights, civil liberties and Horld poace. University

At a meeting of the Co~~uni6t Party held on Library, Aucust 4, 19~6 at Long Beach, California, it was announced that the Com,nunis't Party, USA recorr.rnended that the CLR conference to be held in Los Angeles September 30, 1966 to October 2, 19G5Collections be a. major concentration for the . - Comr:tunist Party.

I Special in The names of Mr. and 1lrs. STEiVART ALBERT, 1930A I Blake Street, Berkeley, was contained on a list of individuals whooriginal had been offered and accepted housing in the Los Angelesfrom area in order to attend the State-wide conference on Power and Politics sponsored by the CLR, September 30, 1966 to October 2, 1966. Copied I I I 10 t • I, r SF 100-56066 \ c FTD/slc

, ~G:.:._-,M""i::.:s"c",e::.l=l"a"n"(~..:o:.:u,,,-s The IIBerkeley Barb", weekly newspaper published in Berkeley, California, in its issue of August 19, 1966, contained an article by STEHART ALBERT captioned "Old HUAC t NeH' Left". The article was satiricle and described t~e Subject's frustrations in not being subpoenaed by the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HCUA) • The article was also critical of the "Old Left" and noted that they built much of their strength on an idealized and false view of Soviet life.

The "Berkeley Barb" issue of Au;;ust 26, 1966, contained the second part of this article byMichigan ALBERT j in which he continued his criticism of the Oldof Left and the need for a new radical movement. ALBERT said that a new party and political perspective were needed and that independent politics are presentlyUniversity dominated by an old and irrelevant Left. He said that in our own time and in our own way we will bring the new political founnation about and theLibrary, politics will be radically different.


Special in



Copied !

. • 11 I• f I 1 I CAMPUS VIETIIAM DAY COMMI1 . E, 0 SI' -tOO-51') formerly known as the I " r'r;G (VDC), / Berkeley 0 ~ t , A source advised in May. 1965 that the VDC was founded in ~ Ma ,j196S to organize the May 21-22, 1965 community 'Jteach_intt on I, y , .the ,niversitY of California, Berkeley, California (UeS) CampuS. \ . Public literature distributed by the VDC revealed that the ,\ purpose of the VDC was to mo Id public opinion to force Hithdrawal <• of the United States from Vietnam and to utilize dramatic, large­ scale demonstrations in increasing public alarm about the 'A second source advised on June 2Q, 1966 that at a meeting !, of the San Francisco Branch of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) in San F.rnncisco, Caliior-nia on June 22, 1966, KIP? DANSON, whom source identified as a member of the Ol"'anch, commented among other things that "with our help,H the VDC was finally recognized as a political power and was under /lour control .. n Michigan The SliP has geendesignated by the of Attorney General of the United States pursuant to Executive Order 10450. A third source related on SeptemberUniversity 29, 1966 that as of September 29, 1966, the VDC was controlled and dominated by PETE CAMEJO. Source added that the VDC was Library,no longer under the control of the old stalwarts of the ori~inal VDC and there was no continuity between the original and current VDC~ , i ! A fourth source on OctoberCollections 27, 1966 I, identified PETE CAMEJO as a me~ber of the S~P. I Third source informedSpecial on April 18, 1967 that the activities of the VDC had been taken overin by the Campus VDC, and there no long­ I er was an off-carnpu$ VDC in Be~keley. Source related Campus VOC is a registered on-Campus organization with UCB. Source added that original for the "time being, Campus VDC is expected to remain dormant~ Uow­ I ever-, its name and skele'tal org.l1rdzation \Olould be kept alive by the from i Young Socialist Alliance (YSA) as a listandby organizationU to be used only when necessary. Copied I Third source identified JANICE fRANK as Treasurer of the Campus VDC and stated those active in the Campus VDC when it function ed included CARL FRANK and JACK SANDERSwno consulted with Sv/P and YS.\ lea.dership regarding Camp;Js VDC opera.tions and activities. Third source on April 24, 1967 identified JANICE FRANK and J.1CK SANDERS as members of I the Berkeley 8r~nch of the YSA~ Third source on rebruary 6. 1967 identified CARL FRANK as a m~fn;,~r of the B~rkeley Branch of the YSA. A??EfrDIX UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE

FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION San Francisco, California I i July 29, 1967


CHARACTER SECURITY ilATTER - PLP REFERENCE Report of [ Michigan atdateaSan a~nd~a;~~!l;~;~:,eF of All sources (except any listed belov) whose identities are concealed in referenced communicationUniversity have furnished reliable information in 'the past.



Special in




." J I ------I This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the Fill and is loaned - to agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed . ~5DS) I •

I;. , The following FE! reearo, 'h"'UMEER ,• CO...,.RIBVl'O" 0' -_''''lA'"T~

PD Edward 4_9_66 dist pence ~ bat see SaCT;?mcnto supplement CaUf

PD Stewart Edwn.rd 4_12_66 148 PC inter! 6 IllOS crt p,."o';) DCl'keley Cali! Albert #23127 w/officer 60 das susp ~llr; l' ! PD Stewart Edv/ard 5-3-66 242 415 & 140 dism Ilerlteley Calif Albert #23127 PC (batct diet. pe~ce & resistMichigan arr) of

SO Oaklcnd Stewart Edward 11-3V-6G 72 PC (pub. I, Calif Albert ~is"noe)University C02 L 1166/11910 ~... (""resp) cnrt Berlteley ­ Residence: 1930 A L~ko Library,S ~, Bcr1;eley I Cal f.

PD Stewart Edward 1-14-67 166.4 PC Berkeley Cnlif Albert #23127 Collections (contempt of -. crt) Special in ;;;.1- 01 ._1 ~r 1-; • "j original 1,' F'<.,' "\~I­ from


, '­

t!..L.____ ...-L. _ ••__.....L..__~ __.l~___. In!ormo.tion sl\own on this 1d~n'!iHcotiQn Recotd J'()p:('sant.a cola {•.unishca FBI by fingcipn:,t eontri.hutol:J. Whtlr'C. tinal disposition is not 5hown or fUl"w()r ~xplo.n(\ti.on of Ch0-1!;!$ is dt'!>l.rcC. eQm~ tl\l.U'Ii:cah with (lQ'ot\cy contributi"9" these finq~rprints. ' Notations indl.ca!~d by • o:r", NOT hClSed on fingflr:prina in rBt £lIn hut ate listod only (lS hWMU" ~Q.Uve lends OS being PO$31bly identical with sub]ect of this l"o!eorc.. '" s. _ .....n' ''''~''~l'''~~, lfU .~ ...... WA5HDJOTON. V.C. 2GSJ1 1 i l The following FBI record. J.WroiE£R 610 286 F • • Is lurnlshed FOR OITICIAL USE ONLY.

CONTR! ' T¢I'!; Ofll' .. nl'u'sn::o ¢1It C,,",AR(O£ DI$J"'OStTlOH NAML "NO NUMtt£IC JUlCEI'V£D ..~ .,"'"

- {S-7483 $100. f 'ne or 20 dos Co JAil on C~1 of 415 PC nil t.: 90 dus"Co J~ll .C\1GB -, $220. fine or 4 dus Co J . for 3 ycars·on -23-66.on chg of 242 PC. I I -' . . >­ , '.i'

Michigan of



.. Collections - Special .. in .





.. . .'

f ,--~- Jnformation shown on this IdentifkoUon Rt'<:ol'd represents cbta fumi'5h"d FBI by fit'l'G"{ll'pnnt contributors. Wh~. linCll disposition is net shown or farther explanation of qho.rg'l is de-zrd. corn.. municaoo with og::mey conhihuUr.~ Ll,.c>so fingerprints. NototieM inQ,lcllted by • axo NOT bas"a. on fimJ'~rprit\ts in FBI tiles but OX(l Ur.tcd only as inv::;sU~ 1J1lllVe leuds us bf:ing poas:ihly id,t)nti


REFERENCE: Report of dated 6/29/66 at San Fr'anCisC;o,

Referenced communication contained subject's ret.idane¢ anri/or elllploYlU('ot Michigan address. A recent chango has been determined and is being set forthof beJow (change only specified):

Residence: University

Library, Employment: tlBerkeley Free Press" 1705 Grove Street Berkeley, CollectionsCalifornia

COpy't:tJi.(.C: ___~£s...____ Special in by routin£; ~l1p tor 10 into 0 a.ction dat•. _.8t=__2__ ~_~~---.------original [J-<',1-/~------from- FD-l22 DETACIIEI).Copied

19611 """~ .,q...... "'" _~ ' ....00...... , , <1$.4 "''', .11_ ><0 If I / UNlTE!) STATES GO\ ~.(NMENT ,J Memorandum ~ TO . Director. FBi iBufile~105-89231 DAT£..: 7126/67 f ! SAIl fRANCISCO (100-56066) C SUBJECT: STEWART EO,lARD ALBERT SII-PLP

R!!: _R__e"p_o_"_t_,~ 7/28/61 at San r~ancisco.

Lj It ill fl.!urity IXXThe St.'eurily Inde. Card on the lnciex Card be prcplI."'t'd on the cnptioncd individual "hould be: ah"v(,wcapillllwd individual. chlll1/

L___ __,__,__,____ ,--,--,--,--,--,----­Library, o Alien ~.:nH\:~~I- ,,__,___ --- o CommUIli6t Collections

L0 Mit<;cdl1ine(Jul1 (!>Melly) Special in !Sex fi Tab (Of l)etcQm o Mull) . [!n!t\' Of Birth '---'--'-'--'-~P",.-O.--G''''Birth~---''----~' ,', ' ,~ I I,' 'I, original from "Berkeley Free Press", 1705 Grove Street, Berkeley, CaliforniaCopied


In!.er'¢.tLt!d Ageneif's _____


I SF 100-56066 I FTO/sle ,£ The Subject is tabbed for Detcom because of his defiance of law and order as evidenced by his arrests on 4/9/66, 4/12/66, 5/3/66 and 11130/66 and his contempt of court on 1/1~/67. These arrests have all been in connection with some type of protest demonstration generally opposing U. S. foreign policy_ j

Michigan I of



Collections . . Special in

, original I I from I Copied

2 United States Gov: '-itment J MEMORA',l , SECRET ,i f I ~ ) To: n'rector , deral Bureau of Investigation ! \ \~ istant Attorney General I -, vln rnal Security Division Subject. INDEX REVIEW Re: S·ri.Fullt~r FJ)i Reports of investigation have been reviewed as requested Michigan , of \i It has been determined that indexing of this case fot' futur,e ,I University • review should be i 1 Library, ' /, ~continued o discontinued

Collections commentary: . ­ Special I in

original l I from ­ iI Copied ,:1. .' ·t/ I I, , cc: FBI lSD-SO Dept. 146-012_18_2 SECRET GROUP 1 Eltcluded from o.ul.OlDalie dQWRg!lQdifl9 Ql'td d('clo:5$iiiea6on

-' ' , ' UNl rw b"TATES CL lRNMENT f I Memork,ldum

---~-~ o 1. Bufiles indicate this ease is delinquent. Give specific reason for delinquency,

---~-~-.-.--.-----~------~------­ o ___~__-\,'L c. '-~ '.' ~~." ~.~....l' "'-;,,_,___,_,-i__ ~c4~~-Y_~_.__._____ ~,


o airtel o letterhead memo o submittedMichigan o 2. DATE 0 report of o letter o 90~day p.rogress tetter o will be submitted _ ~___ , II'~ Reponing employee --,----­ / f o 3. If valid reason exists tot not -submitting report at'thisUniversity time, state reason speciflC¥IY~ l/~; whe~ report will be submitted ______~ __~_._-__.______--{+-_,,--..::... l

/.L------..,/ _____ ~ ______~____• ..,-" / -"----1\-­ ,'.~,.,----r-----'- T----­ Library, (~r 4. Status of O.Appeal 0 Inquiry . ~nves~.igationr-- \ 0 Prosecution' , o au'iel 0 letterhead memo li.: ~ t .4 :f~Urd'7 ~ / o 5. Submit 0 report ' r o letter 0 9O-day progressCollections letter by ___...L:- ;__ --::~~____ {p..~ '(Plae~ reply hcreoo and return to Bureau. Note receipt and acknowledgment on tQP'~;rml in case file.) "- - /" ...., Special I '5 ....'" l.l I. CCVt:H"""NTin P'ltmT!Nf; QTn~l!I"'~ 0 _ ,,,,"" / -, '. ~~ . ~ . -"."....,.,.,... original


Copied.~ .. -, . -"-'-~- <"'-- .,~ , ~ .- -­ .- _~, ____ ~.I"J..,.'" .....vv. 'MJ£.NT Memorar fum

TO DIRECTOR, FBI (105-89231) DATE: 6/11/68 fftJt SAC, SAN FRANCISCO (100-56066), (P) 1 ;- .J .ti.JECT; STEWART EDWARD ALBERT ) 8M - PLP , \l Subject is on the Security Index in this office. \ His whereabouts are unknown. I land, California, Pol__ .~< Department that was an applicant for a demonstration _ permit in Oakland approximately one month ago...... stated on Michigan this application ALBERT listed his address as of25~lton Stre,~,~• Bark eley. ~ CUrrent telephone directories occupant of 2531 fulton Street as University I to San Francisco files but is not Reserve Index• Library, •


Special I, A review of Sanin Bancisco files disclosed that Subject's parents, HAROLD and ROSE ALBERT, were last reside at , I 2148 East 2Sth Street, tion to this, I Subject in apparentlyoriginal known also appears to have involved n~;ms,,"r in from New York. When Subject was arrested at the pe,~!;~~:~~,t~:;,lO/23/67, he listed his address as 13 East Third Street, New York. Copied I , ,,. SF 100-56066 ; LJN/sea ,:~ f ,f' lEADS , "l NEW YORK ~ AT NE~v YORK., NEW YORK: ,Through contacts with dfore­ mentioned informants-;-possilJle contact with parents t and other logical investieation, will attempt to determine current residence I and employme.nt of the Subject. I I I

Michigan I of University


Collections I Special • in ! original ,•, from



San Francisco~ California July 31, 1968


Referr>tlt"cd communication eontaincd subject'.. rrRidcD(,(, and/or t':mployment addresB. A recent change has heen d!'termincd and ie beina 8et forthMichigan below (change only specified); of

Residence: 13 East Third StreetUniversity New York, New York

Library, Employment:


Special in

! ! original I from I Copied , 'Fll-12f:1 DETACllEP. - I f .. -..-. ..."...,.,.""""" I ;:":,:':.::::::,;;,:;:; AUG 2 1968

I, '",I 'U'..-_._--" __ .~ ...... ftC_'" ., UNITED STATES GC RNMENT Memorandum

TO 105-89231 ' 7/31/68 ATTENTION: Identification Division FROM SAN FRANCISCO (100-56066)(1') 'f' SUBJECT: STEWART EDWARD ALBERT P ,1 lie s i SM-PLP (f>-,.J. ;?_~. f 1!1S9! I 00: New York 1 Md';;"? Re New York letter to San Francisco 6/27/6a; The 0;:<1.,110''''-\1 ifldlv,<.!\l t!;1.. ".rH...d. til. pertl:-on../l,1 p,....".:-. o{ th...Ilbjecl '1'1 11. -...... 1I"I.. d b.lo",••1>" New York Oh'lew" Ie b"lnq ,I ! i I

13 East Third Street, New York New York . Michigan ------~------~------I of ,I I ___q~~o~~ ______! University J ! Library, " f.iJ Thu. In3t"!d"",, l" 11> .....t.;eet oj 0 $eclIf/ty Ind... Cord. (Th. 5 .... ~" .. 1.. "'lfue.l~d h' ""..h. lh. opp.opt/.Qt• ! .;nanq,," '" In\" S&<' .. ~Uy ;"<;1 ..,, 0\ fn'" SeO\ of G.,,,..mme,,l. Th. Phi.II»" ! IIh'Hdd ..Ut%" the ..dd....,.;".. l"dl"QI'~6 "h""...nd the qpproj><"klle ca... lil. """,\ar.) Collections .r.;J Th,,, IlIlbjec\ tJJ ,,,I>h..d i'.If Del,;'om. c:J Thi...... I>j"el w<>.. eOHled 0 .. d """Y r'qur<:l nr T(op P"""'!lonoty, H"."d.... tIH,.,~ .,,"'CI_". h:n'.. b..e" f"" ...hed 10 Ihe a,,",Qv. Special A ~~,~ in

y (iJ S..::",II), 1."4",,, Curd. original IX; S'mol. /28/67 at San Fra.ncisco. I 00 Pb"I"~t"'l'h,,1 ! from [iJ N.o.uh" ,,"'!, th..... copt... hI ""':..' t*<=.,,1 .... oe.. , IIk.."e•• phoToqnlpft. o Non...... ,U"bl",. o p".,,,,I!HallY tWIII.hed. Copied •

7· New York 1 - San Fra.ncisco LJlI/tt ! (5), I I .,...... , ..,,-_._. "6111>1'_ .... 01... 01...... # UNITED STJ.. ERNMENT Memorandum

! :o~Ob;$'o:~, ~:~I:::-::::~56066)(P) ! ~ 0 : SUBJE~T' STEWART EDWARD ALBERT i J SM-PLP I! " 00: New York I \1; Re New York letter to San Francisco 6/27/68~ The captioned Individual has been lhe BllbJecl of a security InveeU\l0tlon by thle olilee. To. 'I ____--'N"e"-'w'--~Yco"'rck"______OlYJ.s!on has verified Ihe permanent presence of Ihe s .. h/ecl In lie dJ,yje!on Oe I r.el


[j(] TO>, '""'''00' .. "0 ..,.,.« 0' 0 ',o~'" ,"'n CO", ITO. B~""" .. '.'0..... 10 mo..... '''..~.... c:honQse in the Serurlly lnd..I al the Seal of Government. j"he Dlvlaloll .. hnuld offlI the addreSfle"lndl,'ol..d ahave ond theCollections oppropriate coae Ille numher.) i«J This ..uhJect Is l

SeCUJlty lnd.u Card.. original Serial" ,,,pecilYJReport at San Francisco. Ph"too;lrnph 01 .."bJect ( from [Xl Neo;l0li.... on

,'\ ~ 2. UU"''''J (Fl'·'j.) \.../.~ New York L ..... 7 (Reo.) 1 - San Francisco , R£C, WN/tl'm .. (5) , " , - ~O~ -­2 1968 U AUG " ~ ~-- ~ -:;'1Et' ... , '1c;.-I, i· / ./r~."y'''; " -~',.J.~.' r .. ', ~ .,,'" '54 AUG1"2 19S5, FEDERAl dUREAU OF INVr :iTIGATION •

SAN FRANCISCO NEW YORK 9/6/68 5/1~/68 - 8/26/68 ,,--, ED;IARD ALBERT , <' I 51!

REFERENCE, Report 7128167, at San franc'is' San Francisco FO-128, 7/31/68.

Michigan of


Library, I I Collections

Special PENOI>lQ QVER aNIt VEAR Ovt:,: ON;:> P~ ..PtNG PR05.(:(';V'I'IO" in

6"1:(';,JlIw Jl.Qji;;,.T 00 NOT WRITE IN SPACES BELOW IN C;""'''GE original i, (''' ~ from "-.~,_~ -'Ilureau n05-89231) (RMl ~'--::-1;ew York (105-42122) (RMl " (1 - SecretCopied Service, New , .-.-. York)(Class 1, 2, 3, &Sc) , , (Rill I 2 - San francisco (100-56066) SF 100-56066 Ipae

, ADt1INISTRATIVE: Michigan of Agents observing Subject as set forth in the de­ tails of this report were as follows! I University Date of Observation Obsnt'ving

6129/67 Library, 1110/66

Collections .. 4/23/68 Special I This l"epo!'t inis it contains information supplied confidential informantsoriginal or sources va !, whose identities could reasonably be determi.ne.d from the information furnishedfrom and thereby destroy r effectiv~ness I in the internal security field. I Copied \ ... B* ­ COVER PAGE I '.1) ';TATES IJEI'AIlTMEi'lT OF: TiCE ;"rWEHAt" nunt.:At! 0''' 1:\\,,f;~'rJGA'j'lON CONFI Bth 21 j L 'ltASUIS';TuN. b~O:;3S In &pi},. Pl..tJu &ff'T" Fit.l\Q. ... September 6, 1968 Dire"", Unft~ Stau's Secret Service ; Depa(LrOOnt or the Trcu8ury , Washington. n. C. 20220 STEWART EDWARD ALBERT Deat Sir: The inft)rmation furnished herewith concerm!i an individual who is belioved to be covered by the agreement. bct.w~en the FBI and Secret Service concerning Presidential pro­ I tection. and to raIl within tile calcgory or categories. checked. L IX] flas attempted or threatened bPdily harm to any governmont official or employee. including foreign govcrnnwnt. officials residing in or planning an imminent visit to the lL S .• because or his oCCinial status.

2. IX! Has attempted or threaumcd to redress a griCVUUt'C against any public orncial by other than legal means. Michigan of 3. [iJ Because or background is potentially dangerous; or has been identified as membor or participant in communi~t movement; or has been under active inv(>stigation as member of other group or organization inimit::al to U. S. University

Library, 5. [iJ Subversives, ult[arightj8t~. racists and fascists who nlC'ct onc or more of the following criteria:

. - Collections

IX] Prior ncts Unduding arrestsSpecial or or > or statement.s indicnting a propensityin (or violence and antipathy toward good erder and governmenl.


Pbotogrnpn ki has boon fromfurnisbed 0 eneJosed 0 is not available o may be Iwailable through ______------"'­ Copied

1 Very truly yOUTS.

1 r ' ... .Joh" 8dg , i oover I ~ Direct 1 .:L cial Agent in Charge U<:nciO!lureh.l (l) ( ) U. S. Secret Servico, New York City i I CONFI ENTIAL EnciQ$urets) (1) (RM) tL'p4n ''''!/loval tlr danifjed fmd()~ rfll. if GIl)" tlli. uutUMitlnl {ann I, MC(lRI£'I' UNCL SSIFIED.J UI'''', .) STATES DEPARTMENT OF JI, neE FEDERAL BUREAU OF JNVESTIGAT. -. 1 - Secret Service, New York (Class I, 2, 3, • Sc)(RH) ,


SF 100-56066 III,,"u Fif. 1:105-89231 STEWART EDWARD ALBERT


Michigan of

ALBERT resides 13 E. 3rd Street, New York, Mew York; employ­ ment unknown. Appeal pending in SuperiorUniversity Court, Alameda County, Calif., on a 1961 conviction of maintaining a public nuisance. A contempt of court charge in connection with his trial for public nuisanceLibrary, was dismissed on 7/24/67a ALBERT participant in actions in protest of the Selective Se~vice System 7/67-4/68. Subject present at demonstration at Collectionsthe Pentagon 10/21-23/67, sponsored .- by National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam. Arrested on 10/23/67, at Pentagon entrance~ Other activity in NationalSpecial Mobilization Committee set forth. Subject describedin as one of the original founders of the Youth International Party (YIPPIESl. original

from - RUe ­

DETAILS: Copied I 1. BACKGROUWP I A. Residence I, , ' t from autom.atic and

Thill dQCum<)o,,1 .;;onl~ln. FI..Uh you, <:I9 ...."YI1I (;Imt It& cont....,. ot. nol to b. ,U&l.tli;Jut.d aut.ld_ youf aqen.;;y, ! I ,I

SF 100-S6066 N pae ) ,f / • 't STEviART ALBERT is back in New YorK City and residing at 13 E. 3rd Street. ,

I B. Employment SUbject's current employment, if any, is unknown. C. Identification Record Michigan , of I

University I STEWART ALBERT was One of six persons arrested on the campus of the University of California at Berkeley (UeB) on November 30, 1966. He wasLibrary, charged with violation of Section 372 and 602L of the Penal Code of the State of California. At a jury trial held in January, 1961, he was found guilty of violation of Section 372 Penal Code Collections .. (maintaining a public nuisance)~ The jury was unable to decide guilt or innocence on the charge of violation of Section G02L (trespassing).Special in for conviction of violation of Section 372 ALBERT was sentenced to 60 days in jail with five days suspended and finedoriginal $330400 with $10.00 suspended. An appeal of this conviction was filed and the appeal papers sent to fromthe Superior Court for the County of Alameda On January 24, 1967. This appeal is still pending in SuperiorCopied Court.

On July 21~, 1967. the charge of trespass was disr:df;,sed at the l"oquest of the District Attorney.

On January 14, 1967, a criminal conte~pt co~plaint was filed against ALBERT and others for violating an order, ssued by the Judge who presided over the trial for tres- " ass and maintaining a public nuisance. This contempt iharge was also dismissed and discharged on July 24, 1961.

2 Sf' 100-56066 ·fN/Pae


A. Activities In ~~ition to the Selective ,Service System On June 29, 1967, a demonstration was held at the' U. S. Army Induction Center, 1515 Clay Street, Oakland, California. Pickets carried such signs as U "Hell no, we won't golf, !lU.S. Get Out of Vietnam , "JOHNSON's War on Poverty--the Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Shot. 11 At 1: 30 a .m~ the Oakland Police Depart­ n\ent arrested 20 persons for blocking the entrance to the Induction Center. Michigan of A Special Agent of the FBI noted that one of the persons present and participating in this demonstration was STEWART ALBERT. University On December 14, 1967, a meeting was held at 2001 Milvia Street, Berkeley, Caljfornia.Library, The persons present styled themselves as a temporary stee~ing coro­ m!ttee for a so-called "Stop the Draft Week" which was to be held during the Spring of 1968. The proposed date for the Stop the braft CollectionsWeek was discussed but no .. decisions made~ It WaS decided to introduce the Stop the Draft Week to the students at UCB at a rally on January Special 10, 1968. A mass meetingin for the night of January 10 or 11 was also discussed. STEWART ALBERt was present at this meeting. original


CopiedOn January 10, 1965 t a rally to announce a tlStop the Draft WeekftWl,s held on the steps of Sproul Hall on the UCB campus. It was announced that Stop the !, Draft Week would be held during the period february 26 through March 1" 1968. The first speaker at this rally identified hi~sclf as STEWART ALBERT. He was ohserved by Special Agents of the FBI as he s.po.i

,i SF 100-56066 ! ,fN/Pae ,\ , " A Stop the Draft Week (STDW) mas. planning I meeting was held at Washington School, Grove Street ~ I and Bancroft Way, Berkeley. California, on April 2, 1968. Six persons, including STEWART ALBERT, were elected to an s'rDW steering committee. It was also announ·ced that ALBERT was one of the leaders of a monitor school, which was preparing for STDW demonstrations~ I ALBERT stated that he was a monitor captain. ,I One of the demonstrations during STDWMichigan was 1 held on April 23, 1968, at the U. S. Army Inductionof Center, ISIS Clay Street, Oakland. By 7:00 a.m. it t was estimated that approximately 1,000 demastrators were in the immediate vicinity of the InductionUniversity Center. During confrontations between the police and demonstrators a st:iall nu...nb~r of arrests were made. S'l'EWAR'l' ALEERT was observed by Specidl Agents of the Library,FBI as he participated I in this demonstration. In the April 22, 1968. edition of "The Daily Californian," there appearedCollections a story on page one concerning II activities~ n}f~·mber STDW 'l'he article identified STeWART as a I of the STDW steering committee. Special "The Daily Californian"in is a campus newspaper published by the Associated Studentsoriginal of the UCB.

B. Na.tional Mobilizationfrom Committee to End the vial" in Vietnam OH1C)

The liMe was originated at a conference Copiedin Cleveland, Ohio, in November, 1966, for the specific purpose of holding massive anti-war demonstrations in New York City and in San francisco on April l~, 1961~ The organization was .1

4 I I, I

i0, } 1 ., SF 100-56066 ~ LJN/pae t ;• ,~ t "t first titled as the· Spring Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam t (SHe). Its first Chairman was the noted late pacifist A. J~ MUSTE. The founding convention urged all persons interested in the anti-war movement to conver~on I either San Francisco or New York City on April 15, 1967 1 to participate in mass marches and rallies protesting United States intervention in Vietnam. East Coast and Hest Coast headquarters forMichigan I the SMC were establiShed in New York of dnd San Francisco. The above demonstra­ tions were held. The SMC however, I t remained active. Eventually it evolved ,l into the NMC. University

On August 6, 1967, a West c~ conference of the NMC was held in San Francisco, California.Library, STEWART ALBERT was present at this conference~ &~ong the items discussed was a Itpeacc Torch Marathon." The Peace Torch Marathon was a plan whereby a torch first lighted in Japan (the only nation which has undergone Collectionsatomic attack) would be trans­ ported to the United States by air and then carried by . ~ vehicle or runners fromSpecial the West Coast to Washington, D. C. STEl,-lART ALBERTin had been one of the approximately six persons planning the Peace Torch Mar~thon. It now

developed, however J that other members of the Marathon planning staff wishedoriginal to exclude ALBERT and three other persons from fromthe planning staff~ After much debate ALBERt' was excluded f~om this staff.


previously advised that ALBERT's Peach Torch Marathon Planning Committee was the result of a fight for control of this committee within the SHe. The battleline was generally drawn beb,ee~

f 5 ~~ 100-56066 - . rrl/pae " !f Communist Party (CP) elements and their friends on the one hand and clc~ents of the Socialist Workers Party {SWP) on the other hand. The CP people gained control of the Peace Torch planning and then excluded the non-CP members and adherents from the committee. The SWP has been designated by the Attorney General of the United States pursuant to the provisions of Executive Order 10450. Michigan On Se~mber 15, 1967, the Administrativeof Committee of the NMC, held a meeting at Academy Hall, New York City. According to the minutes of this ~eeting, STEWART ALBERT was among thoseUniversity present. The entire meeting was devoted to planning for the October 21­ 22 action at the Pentagon in Virginia. TI)C plan for October 21 is generally to march toLibrary, the Pentagon with as many people as possible from staging areas in Washington;D.C. At the Pentagon a rally with noted speakers would be held. Later civil disobedience would ensue. This would take the Collectionsform of blocking the entrances .- to ~he Pentagon on all five sides, thereby preventing people from entering the Pen~agon to work. Special in

original As of September 21~ 1967, STEWART ALBLRT is on the NMC stafffrom at its headquarters, 857 8roadway, i New York City. ALBERT's duties are that of editor of ! liThe Mobilizer, It the official publication of the NMC~ ! Copied

By letter dated December 12 t 1957 + the \'!ashineton Office advised as follows! 1 6 i I I I SF 100-56066 WN/pae j - ); u. S. Commissioner's Docket Number 597 Alexandr-ia, Virginia,. contains the fol.lowing infor­ I mation: STEWART ALBtRT, born December 4, 1939, and furnishing a home address of 13 E. 3rd Street,. New York City, was arrested by U. S« Marshals at the mall entrance to the Pentagon at 12!20 a.m. on October 23, 19S7. He I was charged with "refusing to leave." For this offense ! ALBERT received a $25.00 fine, a IS-day suspended jail I sentence, and six months probation. The October 20, 1967, edition of the 111';ew York t Timcs· carried an article entitled, IfLeaders ofMichigan SANE Split on Leftists." The article began as follows:of ItTne National Corom! ttee for A SANE I Nuclear Policy is split by a disputeUniversity over whether to cooperate with extreme left-wing I groups in its c~paign against the war in Vietnam." Library, The article went on to sta.te that certain members of SAIJE were concerned with the cooperation that some SANE leaders had been eivingCollections to the NMC. Particularly . _ disturbing to some SAN!: members was the fact that DR. II I BENJA1HN SPOCK is a BoaI'd member of SANE and at the same time is a co-chairman ofSpecial the NMe. Near the end of the article the following inparagraph appeared;

liThe officersoriginal of the Mobilization CNMC) J have never disguised the fact that several ~ prominent fromcommunists were on the Administrative ! Committee. Among those who have publicly iden­ I tified themselves as such are the following: Copied STEWART EDt-lARD ALBI:R'r 1 Prcgressive Labor Party. ~ • If

A characterization of the Progressive Labor Party is contained in the I Appendix attached hereto. " The article then listed other members of the . ministrative Committee of the NMC. f , .

7 I, , , ~

SF 100-56066 - ,tN/Pae , 'I liThe New York Tirnes tl is a daily newspaper of general circulation published in New York City. C. Youth International Party (YIP)

In March, 1968, a leaflet appeared in New Yo~k City, which announced the formation of the Youth Inter­ national Party (YIP). 1~e leaflet stated that a group of 25 artists) writers, and musicians have agreed to participate in the founding of this party. The leaflet stated that YIP will stage a massive youth festivalMichigan in Chicago duping the time of the Democratic Nationalof Convention. The leaflet urged epople to join YIP in Chicago for a festival of youth, music, and theatre. The leaflet did not announce any plans for YIP other than the ChCago activity. One of the personsUniversity listed as an original founder of YIP was "STU ALBERT.n Library, ft I . . Collections 1 Special ; in i original / from I Copied I


FEDf.~nAL DUREAU OF INVESTIGATION f , , San Francisco, California ~;::-'l.p/om R<:f~." September 6, 19GB ., . I ! - •• I

I 'l'itle STEWART EDWARD ALBERT I, I I I I Character SECURITY MATTER - PLP Reference Report of dated and Michigan I of j, at San

All sources (except any listed below)University whose identities are concealed in referenced co~~cation have furnished reliable infonnatlon in the pas~. Library,

Collections .. Special I in

original : ; from


• f f i , . . t. '~. t '. i

\ PI)


PD st.C'·,"tI\·t E

! Ph Bork(!lc:{ Cul~.f Michigan I of t ~:(; O~1:..1 ,; nO. Ct;:,':::f.rt l~d ,;itrd 1.1_3n_0f:' '('fl· UniversityPC hinb. "o1it Alb":.·~·t .li)}W,1':C0) CI')? L I.':iO!lHJlO ._,.R (":)'<"''''~»., ...... '.. 'r'-.1" ".1­ Library,1orl':,clcy , '., Dc;,·1l;.·.,,) t:,1, (;:,.1 r.

Collections PD Stm,'nrt l·~~t~.';;;:ru )60 . .IJ. PC r:orkclDY Calif Ii 11',,2'1' ~', :r':;'::; J '27 (ct",!.tcn}1~ of 0:: i:) .. Special I in p,) n.J St •.:\'!_'l·t :F.. :>2~~-(;:< ~ .Yt ~)c1' t (.1-J ;;;,,;·W I original

from 1 .... ·.::/ .' Copied I

i I ._ ... L\"\I I ,


-";';;'l:~;;-;~:;:--Ir.IJK",lltI.U ,~ ',:",',-,,",••• ,," '"':"'~""~~:'--f:;;;:;;:;:-;;'-f---'::-" ... ~. fi~'";lV,O .... "",...... '" " ---J"" --:,-.><:,:',,~:-',-"".,-'" --::_,_yC ___.,._':-' ,,-, ------,,-"'''-'''' "'------­

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I• i ;

Michigan of




, ­ Special in

original i from I Copied I I I I

"j- " ',r ' ',-;;: r l. ;-,. ,!;. -',':t::,,<:,!\ 1~'·."_,>(1 ,",' -">" ,'. ~~, ~. , .' :.1 : •• _ "-_nd'~~ _.(,,, ;.,::~;,.•. :.,;:"" ; , ',- , '

',,"'>" ',' , "'-'-f""'

" ~ • 1 C:/ OiARACHR Or CASE STEWAr.,:, EDWARD ALBERT akn StC\\al't' Alpert· AA' \ '/ ­ I 1 V....FERE~{CES : Report ted 9/16/68 at Ch icayo. , '\ Report of 9/19/68 at San Fr'~n:c Report 9/19/68Michigan at New • of Bureau airtels to Now York and San Francisco dated 9/24/68. ":, r, _.-" p University"2. , , • - - " r) LE!.DS Library, , , ,. YORK . '

WillCollections conduct investigation

Special in



Copied --"'"r: /

, ... _..,...... ,...... ,.. ,.... '­ •• •


AT_ SAy'_FRANCIS<:g~_~.~L1X..O&-~nA. Will conduct inves­ tigation requested in rcBuairtel.


AT C!llC~~~~LL}l'.c>.!~. 1) Upon return of 1 will exhibit pbotog:raphs of AWERT to de - til person who stayed at his residence during Democratic National Convention~

2) Will discuss with United States AttorneyMichigan upon completion to obtain his opinion UB to what furtherof federal action. if any, is war~anted.




Special ~ . in




- B* ­ COVER PAGE SAC, San Francisco (lOO~58066) 11/20/68

1 - 1Ir. J.R. 1fagoner FBI (105-89231) D~ector., 1 - 1Ir. S.B. ezarnec1t1 I o Card. UTD 1 - Mr. II.S. Ramey STEWART EDWARD ALBERT Cord'r Se~t" 00 II "j"lbi'J .' 511 - ANA 11'""'«( (KEY AC'I'IVIST) f ,. AI) f~\ r: 4~;J;e'~'1 'j1~;' .~1i i :r:. Character of tbis case 1s cbanged from SM - PLP to SM - ANA as the latter character is more appropriate to I subject's current activities. Subject is also being designated a Key Activist in view of hi. activities and importanee in the New Left movement. Michigan A re'.iew of subject'. activities disclosesof him to bs If • prolific ~~~~,2~~OU5 publications ot tbe New Left II and a ~ea~er at many New lett meetings and demonstrations. He was arrested in October, 1967 during theUniversity massive deaonstra­ tion at the Pentagon and in August, 1968 during disturbances . in Chicago dur1n~ the Deaoer.tic National Convention. He '\ ,• bas also been arrested on numerous otherLibrary, occasions in the 21--. ./ past three years. the most recent arrest beng 10/24/68 duri"}/ l'" a sit-in demonstration on the campus of tbe University of / California, Ilerkeley. California. . v , Collections The extent and nature of subject'. activities warrant mQre intensive investigationSpecial and consequently he 18 being designated a Key Activist.in Hill Security Index Priority 18 ") () I being changed fro.. Priorlty III ,~o,\ ~ior1ty I. /oc;-- 'i2.~ !.l';:;;;";>;;;'-­ -----, ~ ': • ,j REC· 131 , co You should originali ...... dlately submit recommendations C~ I> 1\163 1 eluding .ubject's name 1n the Agitator Index. t ~ I ,f\1 ~ iii from ~ :jt;.l' 0 :t~ In conducting investigation 01 the .ubject. ---you should...--" .;; co i osely followCopied instructions set forth in Dureau airtel 1/30/68 '" 1"; t! pUoned "Investigation of the New Left (Key Activists)." « Eery effort must be nade to promptly develop adequate, bigb­ ____~~·vel informant coverage to provide means of keeping abreast of subject·s day~·to ....day activities.. Tbrou"h sources ava:llable to your office, arrange to monitor his"tinancial activity on ,.,," ___A_ continuing basis~ ,

;~I~~'''''~~:~~ . llSa'!- New tire Yorl

~~~':;"'";" If not already ~o~. :,ou ISbould det~in: if "UbjeC~ bas a current United States passport. In your dny-to-day coverage remain constantly alert tor any indication of travel by subject outside your D1v1s10n, It is imperative that you promptly advise Bureau and inter&8ted offices 1n advance ot '~. sucb travel and 111Struct otber ottice. to proyid. necess..., ..' '.,; ;ooverage ot subject IS activities ....b11e 1n a travel .tat..... ,"' If be should t ....vel abroad. abide 1>, current Bureau iWltructions I concerning such travel by subversive 1ndlv1dualB. Bear in nlnd tbat a prime objective of the Bureau's investigation is to neutralize subjeot in the New MichiganLett. This pbas@ of your invest1gation ~ust receive daily attentton.of , Carefully evaluate tbiS matter and furnish the Bureau your i suggestions. In thIs regard, however, take no po$itive action, witbout IOpec1f1c Bureau approval. ' , .' I " University I Witbin 30 days of receipt ot this letter, suh.it • co~un1cation to the Bureau outlining Library,what steps have been taken by your office to insure adequate coverage of the subject. This communication Should identify those sources you have furnishing information concerning subject's day-to-day activities, the organizations with whicb be 1s Collectionsatfiliated, the _auroes ot funda, toreign contacts and future plans. Also list informants and .ources under d~veloproent and your plans to develop additbnal cbverage. Furnisb specifies,Special not generalities. in Subjeot was interviewed on 10/28/68 1n Berkeley, California, 1n connectionoriginal witb the antiriot law investigation resulting from his act1vities While in Cblcago durins tbe time of tbe Democratic fromNational Convention, San franciScO i»mediately verIfy subjectts residence and employcent and advise New York Offiee so appropriate comrounleat~on may be submitted bringing bis Security IndexCopied catdup to date. New York and San Francisco shall both insure that all pertinent information dcvelopGd concerning subject durlDg course of the antiriot law investigation has been approprIately

I • - :I ­ SAC, San Franoisco RIll STEWART EDWAJU) ALBEll.T. -., -, 10$-89231.­ ,- " , , '. , . , . ,··1,',",·'. rePorted nnder the above caption. Aleo be su~e to report, 1n full or in summary as appropriate, all articles authored by subject in various New Lett publieation.. The above instructions are to receive prompt attentioD.. .A',.. . -,,, ., It -is' imperat1vetbat this c.". be afforded thorou,b, aggressive and 1maginative attention troM both an IDves~ativ. and supervisory standpoint. This matter will be olosely followed.

Michigan NarE,, of . Suhject is on Security Index, Priority III. In view of bis aotivities Dnddesignatlon as a Key Activist, his Priority is being cbanged to Priority I. UniversitySubject was until recently living in New York but is again in California .t the present time. San FranciSCO and New York being inBtrueted to intensity investigation of subject.Library,

Collections , .. Special I, in , original



, I - 3 - .. I . j /,-."~--~'!I:: ~ '\j T::", ::-: :-- ~ ~ :: ~ \- .,".. "":~I'\'\ l'tJ- ',-".... _--'"G,,~ -~'.f '" ... -t._ ',1,' • J. _;...,./_ ...... '.0 ~'"\..-.:::..}-i..~ '-'. _". .. ,,11>"._ "

~ ~--.~..- r , ---'-'---'--..----_.---_. -~---..~~--~--~- "£1>0"1'",( Q~Vl(\: j D" , ...... , , ..,,..'N ~ I>'" 'I. ! l.. v>-"nG/Il"vt: "1."'0'" __ Sf..~ r.R!\~'PSCO~_L_qj~P,,;g_. ______Lll.LU6a,----,_...iu.~-9/o8 ___ riflE 0; CAS-E . I'l"ypr;o.;... , , l () I bJa__ STEWART Ell'.'ARD },LBERT !-Cl-:rRTct.ej(OFCI.S-E_.---­ -­



Burea~ airtel 12/2/S8.



AT BI:;:;;:cELEY ~ CAL:rORXIA; 'I<1i11University awai't return call \ fro::: ~'repor;; result:s of any interview wi1:h him. ,; F , Library, • . , A" • COVER PAGE


Special in




2 - USA, Chicago - , Report 01: O,nn: San Francisco D_



ANTI-RIOT LAWS Michigan of

University , no 16/68, STEWART ALBERT was con- to comment on the author­ s:tip of an article entitled~ "ChicagoLibrary, Retrospective" appearin.R under his by-line in the 9/6-12/68 issue of the I'Berkeley Barb. If

Collections_.p ­ .­ Special DETAILS: P'T B!RKELI:V,in CALHORtUA

On Septe~ber 6, 1968, a telephone call was placed to the of£1 ces of theoriginal HBcrKel 2042 Univcrsitv Avenue, Br:rkeley t from

Copied office and not expected to would attempt to relay the message and have the office of the FBI+

The following is the result of an interview with S TEW1\R'l' ALfU:RT:

TIt~.. "",..,,,.,,.,,r ~"'.. ''''nr, ""I\)'" ,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,j,.,,,,,.,. "",. .-o"... l"<1''''",'' <>1 !I> .. Fi'l. :. '" tb<· P''f'",tt oj tl,,,. ru: "'''4 i" l~c""d 1<' YO'" <1'1"""'1': ,., n.;>1 {o b'l' dU;:tlh,~t'" U~"""?' ,,,cRAL BI!REAU OF INVESTIGAT

~ f STEWART ED'vlARD ALBERT WitS contacted by telephone - it his residence, lO~9 Keith Ave~ue, Berkeley, California> to make arrangements for an appo~ntment for interview. ALBERT stated that if the interview was to be a brief one, he would prefer to answer the questions on the telephone. STEWART ALBERT was advised that he cid not have to answer the questions, and that if he did 501 the results could·be used afainst him in court. He was also advised that he had the right to a lawyer before ans~ering any question, and that he could discontinue the interview at any time.

ALBER'! stated that he iJas aware of his ri,r::ht s as they had been previously stated to him. He was then adt)ition­ Michigan ally advised that the interview was being conductedof at the direction of Mr. FRED M. VINSON, Jr., Assistant Attorm.-!v General in Char)lc of the Criminal Division~ U.S* Departreent of Justice. University ALBr.:R'r was asked if he recalled the article entitled, "Chicago .Kc'trospective" appearing in the Scptembel" 6-12, 1958 issue of the tlBerkeley earbu under Library,his by-line, He replied that he did. He was then asked if he was the author of that article. ALBERT replied that inasmuch as he felt that to answer this question was not in his best interests~ he would decline to answer and not commentCollections further on the article.

Special in




On ___lli..6Jii.8.___ at E.;.;rkcJ.cy". California ~._.~ Filt, f! ,_ Sf 11 b-lf . t by _.-'0>'''' ...

"I' ~h<· fBI. II '" Iii,· 111·'I.,·t!y ,-,1' I]," VIII _..' J (~ 1.".",·.: I,· ~"ur '41,'1"-'"


,12ll3/68, . , -~ .-".;;;,};.::; 'f!-~'~ -. ' .. -- :';$-";

~ .. ,.

Subject ALBERT has been interviewed byMichigan San Francisco Agents in the ARL matter on three separateof { 'occasions, .the last being 12/9/68. It has been established., /~ ., ... that,ALBERT,is permanently residing at ]()49 Keith Avenue,. '."- . ~~ Berkeley, California .. ALBERT has advisedUniversity on a number of"··· " .'..• . ,". occasiOns that he is primarily engaged as a writer, J.,h~.L- possibly for the so called underground newspapers. / /:. Library, I • New York is requested to submit rD 128 and ' .. - - current report.


\ .. Special • .. in ",0;.('.-; ...... - ... , , ~.. ·. original ~ , .'. . , , . .-~.- from r


.' ,.>0-1_ .

-~~-A""" .-,. .,-" ., _, _ _.=-'.'.,.7"'...... 3 ~ _ -~?: 1' ..... ) ~_ ":"-,-.-,- • 4 ____ ­ .~..~~.i6t."';:~~~~~¥A.~~.."" ~::':';,~,,;,.....,...f"'''~>.!C: I ~,,_ ,

.{ ~. . , . '. ,'. . ,.~ ':'v'f. :: " .•t._ .,

Michigan of

University , " Library,


Special in

original ,! from


t'tOERAL BUREAU OF INVESTltiATtON New York, New York January 10, 1969 1.:;.-89231 105-42122 , I '<


REFERENCE: SAN FRANCISCO Report dated 9;b/68. Uf/;

Refemnced communication contained subject's residence Bnd/or cmployrm~nt address, A recent change has been determined and is bL:ing sct fOl'lhMichigan bolo\\' (cllange only specified): of

Residence; 1049 Keith Avenue, Berkeley,University California

Library, Employmen l: Fre. lance WRITER

Collections .. Special in

I!,,'I : original I I ! /0.;., 'I from NoTR£CORC'i:O . 12 J~N 13 1969 Copied

/ 56 J~t-l~1 1,91)1) ;- This docllmf'nt ('Mt.ai'ls /'Unlha rel'ommendatio"'s nor C:Qrn:(lJ! be di~tribut"d outl;id.e your ascncy. VI: {; !J 1968 \)

\ :';1:.;;..:trt Eu'.'"l'cl AlbC'l't f. At lie";" ..... ,.!;, t:t.!w Ycr~ .. ­ -1 f. '.. ~,,~...-Sioe ,,- J~nuarYf .I, ! 'uld,_~ ·_,~_,t_.. , 2732 Baste Strc~t i Berk"]ley, CrtliZorfiia

~/G5 - 9/~G: 2105 Dcr~y Street Berkeley 1 C~l:i.forllia 9/05 _ 11 /6'1: 1930_A Illake Berkeley, CallIoraia 1946 l'arket Street Sall pablo, Cr.. lifornia Michigan of 3/68 _ 5/G6: 2531 Fulton Strcl;,;t Bcrl;elcy, Caliiorni.Zt

~!c8 - Fall, 1953: 13 Zn~t 3rcUniversity Street lie,,} York 1 l:e\l York

Library, 1049 KoitJ, 1!.';~l~J.~ Serk:.71c>' J Ca 1. \.£ornia. '; Sin.::o Janu;u'y, Collections t:::p 1 OY::liW" ~:

" - 1/(;(; - u/u?: Special in

original 6/67 - Writer, 1'Eer';:';.lcy &":1'('<) Hu6~'20 1~t:8 DiS?:from r/05 Grove Stret't 7 Bcrkel.~y.- Calif- * Copied J O'll"n- h -l-j.. _.""', c· h "P.l,.!'>r'-c".. J'-J<",,, ....)..:,"l.rh _, " n'rl;olcy~ C31!.;c=~:A. oV Mucrl lws Soci,l Sccu,"Hy };,,,,:w,' 070-:'2-G5n. I ., Ii, it" refJ'.lC'::.toJ tint ll"""'''::l't.l!i!oh~ c'j~,~~,.--.:; Q! r.~0C::;:.t () Inc,':';': l'a... }:t:,,'P"U", filod!>y i,1b1lt for lS'GG ?r119G7 be fu::";) '::j,,:.:;t. ~";l!4"a (-<.! "",_,,_NO NI ",,,'00 " .. ~. ".~ ""... ." ....._­", _ 11 UNITED STATES l ,'ERNMENT Memorandum


S"\f.cT, ao

\(/ Th~ ",>pt!o"..d !",:II.',I\)'1) I",,, " .."' .. rhi> ."b''';::! ,;:,t '" ,",cWily It,,,•• u,,mlon ~r ,"j$ "lh<::O\o. TnI' \ ___S=-:a!l )'rl!ncisg~___ C'''IIi!<>r; II",. H,:jh~~ 1"" v ..' ...."\ 'n It.. dlv!>;!t>" «Ii , ..t;!

" Michigan of

University r -, .. , Library, '( •

Iltl TO;. m'w."," .. ".""reo d" '"""" ,.'n C.", ,no Bg..... ""'w, 'r .." 'M '>"'''''"' <:h f",,,,~fo<'d t<> III", S-,oe", .. , in


$"0<''':. i5p'l'c>!yl from PhM.,,,,,,>, ,~_-' N';;,A """ilabl.. , Copied rJ P"'YIOv::

2 .... """"~u 0;"1.: Service '; .San lii'anci:::co New York. l-New York riCK ,,,k (5) ..., .... ,0"",... "h (d....<; "0 " j\1emorandum

TO DATE, 8/13/69 ~ - CUI'a urn -. SAN FMNCIS:O (100-56066) (P) fR",{J;~c, C.r~ seot 00 d1.~1 Sl;HJf.CT· STEWART EDWARD ALBERT SM-ANA{KEY ACTIVIST ;;650/ 00. SF

AGITATOR, INDEX o New Subjflct ~ Change CJ Delew

Michigan of


Orgnnizationu; AffiliatIOn Library,

LJi.liJ A.,,"p CJOfl KLA''; [=rl2l PLP C n;J S:\CC rloi] AV~ !=JUS: LA Lliil PRN r::::Il8J SI'o'P L...::::n:iJ H~AT LJo9J MiN CollectionsL.,::o:;u RAM ! 1IR ! WWP DliL upp r..IiI] ~OI r~~w SCLC c=ra;rl MISC

Special E;~.~.- --I"":~.~~-in ,","~~_S_D_S_.__ .~. __ ~._._.::.::._.=.::.::.,"--='='C=l=f-'=')...::-:::::-:::-=.==:::

original P"l\jlIU[l ir. Orllldr.itulion \ OCCLlPlIhot), b;;!~AdilresB ,tihow Name of EmplaYl~.g Cf1r.n·rn·, from


Rl'siriN.,<"j't\,ldreBs---- .--~~-----.-.-.----_/_-.--.------­ Alameda County, California, Rehabilitation Center, Pleasanton I California -_._-_._------.-..---..­ .. -.-~--.-.-.-­ ~'iTEREO MAIL ('2-Sureau (RM) '-l":San Francisco LJN,st , (3) I ;;J ~t. .- iu;:. I""y' ,-­ -. / " ," 00""..... •..... - •• "A~ ,"". fI'"'''''' ~.. "'...... -" UNITED STATES (;.... JER!\;MENT Memorandum (BoWe:- 105-89231 ) HATE: 8/13/69 -

FRANClSCO (100-56066) (P) UNAVAILABLE SEC'l'~ /., t l/d SUBJECT; STEWART EDWARD ALBERT l SlI-ANA Cnl'd3 tJ1 }) (KEY ACTIVIST) Cardl'l S~n~ or) 3/28/6!t____- ____If'-' 1'eL-_-____ OH is tt-tOlllrllt-nded that a SV(u:ity lndex Cud be ex Th~ Security ll,de'l Card on dB" (aJltL.on~d individual should I pu:parrd 011 the auovr_c"ptiooed Uld.vldu.. 1. be cha!lsrd change rm!y): Nam-,-~~-----·-~~--·~------~·------·~------·------,, Michigan AHas("s------.------.------.--TI~ N4m::m-­of T:";-'" , ON3tl1rah~ ..d 0 Prionty U i UniversityI , 0 Allen 0 J>norHy IH I

L: S\\f' OSPL Library,OAifC =rPPA



Special in



Copied r---~------_L_____._--- --~--.-~ I~":::::~:h:::·' R, kn:':,",=".:''..:: _=-:~=-=-..:::::-:-~:::.:====::-_R"r~."ibih.".-:~==~===--= r-R£GISTERfD MAIL '...2-:B.ureau (Encls. 2) (RM) ,I• I-San Francisco , 1 5 ¥A'UG 2r!T6~ . .~ r •I -,--- • ­ •I . . f II 1 I D.... 5/1173 I I TflmStnit the foUowtno tn ...;...------;ITT:.:::-.':-:"'r.::..;C;;oi;;;..:::'..;;-"':::::..:::."'".------;f, ...... r I· t . AIRrEL I . .':' ... Via -~I---c:------:--;·"'"==------!I..(Priori,,) , • " _" ".', .­ _~;- .. -._~-- __------___ -______-----__ ------L-~-----r- -j< ", TO: ACTING DIPECTOR, FBI ., I PROt!! SAC. NEW YORK I I ,•I • SUBJECT: CAPBOI! ; (OO:WFO) Bufi1e 174-1891 NYf:!.le 174-13"0 Michigan of


S~lAP,T ALBERT SI! - RP. (EXTPEMIST1 Library, Buf:!.le 10S-892 3l NYfi1e 105-"2122 .­ Collections \ Special in

i original dated I from I Copied I.

So., _____101 "", ______"$>Pr.ved; _~_....,..,...__::-__ 8 (MAY 1 7 lms£e~~ ~~nl 1ft Cbaroo 11 (,L" __.utT l'ItI_~ l"t-4fJl"'" , -. ...,. 5,. 'AM = ,

~"':~_~__ "'--' .-~ "---0"~N~--~---"'- , r •

. ,

.., '

• " ~ f The May, 1973 editlon (No, 29) of University ~eviewl continues to list STEW ALBERT as being en the ., Editer1a1 Staff. t~iversity ~eview is pUblished eight , . times a year at 2929 Broadway. NYC. , ,r S;:;~~'~~U:O;~f, to the advise NYO familiarthat ALBERT with andNewJLei"iift:-r ~' ,. ~ Michigan t, of

l I . , University r U:PD • Library, II'EW YOl'K , AT me. YOPle,' II'EW YORK. Will continue to follow 8Ubjects~ activities. Collections • ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN 11~! LE"T EXTPE!!IST 'Al:TtVrl.'Y SpecialSHoULD BE to!1stDnw t:fiM£PI\l:S StOVSI: 'at TEEHin R:;O,:)I Anv/icp,C? MID Ost of' !:l'Pt:1!SIVES ,- . Rtpa~'ftb J:t6uISITIGt OF FTfj~AppS A:lD 12,Jctm5!0A.i Y . 1)tvlctsoriginal NlI5 J

from • Copied I I . " I - f

I! t