A weekly publication of the KEWEENAW CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVING THE PARISHES OF SACRED HEART, ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE, OUR LADY OF PEACE, AND THE KEWEENAW MISSIONS AUG 1ST, 2021 — “EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME” Sacred Heart Our Lady of Peace Our Lady of the Pines Holy Redeemer st St. Paul the Apostle 56512 Rockland St.; 2854 US Hwy 41; Ahmeek 443 1 St.; 507 South St.; 301 8th St.; Calumet Calumet Copper Harbor Eagle Harbor Pastor: Fr. Gracious Pulimoottil, MCBS Residence: 301 8th St.; Calumet, MI E-mail:
[email protected] Rectory Ph: 906-337-2044 Cell: 906-373-7485 Deacon Art Stancher E-mail:
[email protected] Ph: 906-369-0596 Deacon Jeremiah Mason E-mail:
[email protected] Ph: 906-281-0862 Eucharistic Adoration will be held at St. Paul’s every Friday from 5:30 PM-6:30 PM, every First Friday from 1:00 PM-6:30 PM. and from 6:15 pm to 8:00 pm at the church hosting the Joint Parish Council mtg. 8/2 ___ Monday ____ 6:30 pm _____ Sacred Heart † Dorothy Pietila 8/3 ___ Tuesday ____ 6:30 pm _____ Sacred Heart † June Burich KCC Parish Contact Information 8/4 ___ Wednesday _ 8:00 am _____ Sacred Heart Office Hours: † Clarence Perreault, Sr. Mon-Fri, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; 8/5 ___ Thursday__ _ 8:00 am _____ St. Paul’s Office Phone: 906-337-0810 † Florian Rauch Address: 56512 Rockland St., 8/6 ___ Friday _____ 6:30 pm _____ St.