Publisher: Igitur, Utrecht Publishing & Archiving Services. Website: Content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License URN:NBN:NL:UI:10-1-100997. TS •> # 28, december 2010, p. 89-107. Tijdschriften van onder de Kankantri en Klapperboom De periodieke pers in Suriname en Nederlands-Indië/Indonesië ANGELIE SENS
[email protected] ABSTRACT The periodical press in the former Dutch colonies of Surinam (Dutch Guiana) and the Dutch East Indies/Indonesia is to be seen in its own respect and certainly not as a mere derivative of the press in the Netherlands. The press in the former colonies has a long history, starting in the eighteenth century. In the twentieth century, periodicals in both the Dutch language and indigenous languages became a strong vehicle and important cultural and political instrument for emancipation of colonial peoples and ultimately independence of the colonies. Besides the history of this peculiar press, the author discusses the meaning and impact of terms such as „colonial‟ and „postcolonial‟. In using these concepts with regard to the periodical press in the former colonies, its vibrancy, diversity and above all its independent character is often downplayed. KEYWORDS Surinam, Dutch East Indies, Indonesia, periodical press, 'colonial/post colonial' Suriname, Nederlands-Indië, Indonesië, periodieke pers, 'koloniaal/postkoloniaal' Onderzoek naar de periodieke pers in de voormalige koloniën staat nog grotendeels in de kinderschoenen. Baanbrekend werk is verricht door Gerard Termorshuizen (Nederlands- Indië) en Michiel van Kempen (Suriname).1 Het Persmuseum presenteerde in 2005 Jour- nalistiek in de Tropen, bestaande uit een tentoonstelling, website en publicatie over de 1 Gerard Termorshuizen, Journalisten en heethoofden.