The Granite Monthly, a New Hampshire Magazine, Devoted To
ilxhrurv tf£ illiberal Hrts Near iScttnp^ljtr^ BULLETIN OF THE NEW HAMPSHIRE PUBLIC LIBRARIES SEPTEMBER 1903— JUNE 1904. NEW SERIES V, NUMBERS I AND 2. VOLUME IV, NUMBERS 3 AND 4; VOLUME INDEX TO THE GRANITE MONTHLY. VOLUMES ONE TO THIRTY-FOUR. 4--C" -t-~-~— 4rrd&* / INDEX TO THE GRANITE MONTHLY. VOLUMES 1-34. Compiled by OTIS G. HAMMOND. This index includes titles of ar- ., authors, Abbott, Henry Livermore, portrait ticles, portraits, and pictures of buildings of 9:32S erected for the use of the public. Pictures John, portrait of 22: 330 of private property, such as residences, John G., obituary of 17:285 hotels, mills, and business blocks and loca- portrait of 32: 361 tions, are not indexed unless they axe of sketch of (H. H. Metcalf) ... 32:361 some particular historical interest. Land- John R., portrait of 32:360 scapes are not indexed, but the few views of sketch of (H. H. Metcalf).. 32:360 towns and cities appearing in the volumes John T., portrait of 18: 72 are included. Joseph C., portrait of 18:348 In indexing authors the names have been Josiah Gardner, sketch of (J. H. 9 : 278 given iu the fullest form in which they ap- George) Matilda of 24:308 pear, and are printed in italics. The titles Brooks, obituary of articles following each author's name are Myra M., portrait of 30: 4 NellieS. The Club 26:323 exact. For economy of space the names of Outing of 26:329 authors as used in the subject index are portrait Oscar of 32: 62 abbreviated, and are enclosed in paren- D., obituary theses.
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