

We are committed to the provision of a broad and balanced education to meet the individual needs of all students so enabling them to realise their full academic, personal and social potential.

We aim to achieve this by:

providing a rich, varied and challenging curriculum that fosters enjoyment in learning.

having high expectations of students and celebrating effort and achievement.

encouraging staff and students to be independent, reflective and lifelong learners.

broadening students’ experiences beyond the formal curriculum.

equipping students for a rapidly changing technological world.

fostering an atmosphere of caring, responsibility and mutual respect.

fostering the creative and imaginative talents of individuals and teams.

promoting a sense of pride in the school and providing a healthy and safe environment.

developing partnerships with students’ families, the world of work, local, national and international communities.

continuous improvement through self-evaluation and making decisions after wide consultation.

BOARD OF GOVERNORS As from 1st September 2005

Mr. R. Christie: Partnership Governor - Chairman of Governors Mrs. S. Pullen, M.B.E. Partnership Governor - Vice-Chairman of Governors

Parent Governors:

Mrs. P. Holden Mr. K. Wilford Mrs. C. Whyborn Mr. M. Carter Mr. G. Darby Mr. R. Davis Mrs. F. Yorke

LEA Governors:

Mrs. P. Leslie Mr. D. Poole

Staff Governors:

Mrs. S. Turner Mrs. J. Faulkner Mr. D. Smith Mr. M. Staley

Partnership Governors:

Mr. R. Christie Mr. D. McTeer Mrs. B. Salter, M.B.E. Mrs. S. Pullen, M.B.E Dr. C. Wakeman

Community Governors:

Mrs. L. Keeling Mr. G. Cave




Mrs. S. Turner Head Teacher

Mrs. S. Bridgen Deputy Head Teacher Geography

Mr. P. Jeffery Assistant Head Teacher History

Mr. J. Elliott Senior Teacher ICT Co-ordinator

Mrs. M. Pettit Senior Teacher Inclusion Manager


Mrs. E. Adams Science Mr. C. Daglish History Advanced Skills Teacher Mr. A. Alba Castro Spanish Mr. M. Day Asst Head of Middle School Mrs. J. Badley English Mathematics

Mr. A. Baker Mathematics Mr. E. Dixon D & T

Mrs. D. Beale D & T Co-ordinator Mr. R. Durant ICT Technology/Food Mr. R. Edwards Science Mrs. R. Bebbington Applied ICT/IBT2 Miss E. Evans Modern Languages Mrs. L. Berry Modern Languages Mrs. S. Evans Science Mrs. S. Bick Science Mrs. R. Flower Specialist Support Teacher Mr. I. Bird Business Studies/ICT Mrs D. Fotheringham Jt Acting Asst Head of Middle School Mrs. J. Bishop Co-Head of Music English

Mr. K. Bostock D & T/ICT Miss L. Gale Art

Mrs. C. Burton R.E. Mrs. I. Garbett Asst Head of Modern Languages

Mrs. P. Calder Asst Head of Mathematics Mr. J. Gould Art

Mrs G. Cannon Asst Inclusion Manager Miss R. Greenway Asst Head of English (Learning Support) Miss H. Grice D & T Mrs. P. Chamberlain English/Media Studies Mrs. E. Griffiths Head of History Mrs. M. Claridge Head of Lower School Science Mrs. S. Gummow Head of Business Studies Key Stage 3 Strategy Manager

Mr. A. Hamilton Asst Head of Sport &Recreation Mr. T. McCulla Head of Art

Mrs. L. Handley Mathematics Ms L. Midwinter ICT

Mrs. N. Hanlon Science Mrs. M. Mouat Geography

Mr. C. Harris Joint Acting Head of Upper School Mrs. C. Murphy Modern Languages Science Ms C. Neveu Modern Languages Miss J. Hawkins English Mrs. H. Nicholson D & T Miss M. Holliday English Food Technology

Mr. S. Howell D & T Mrs. C. Nicol D&T Responsibility for CAM/CAD Development Mrs. K. O’Sullivan Geography Ms B. Imrie English/Media Studies Advanced Skills Teacher Mrs. J. Payton English

Mrs. P. Jolleys Food Technology Mr. J. Pearson Head of Mathematics Psychology Mrs. C. Jone