PRG. 119-C. I (N)(OnII1IIIJSI) 1415





B. A. KULKARNI of the Indian Admlnlstratlw Service Superintendent of Census Operations, Maharashtra


~E!) IN :rNDU BY THE MANAGER, GOVEBNMENT CENTRAL PRE8S, BOlI.OAy AND PUBLISID!'.D BY THE MANAGER OF PUm.ICATIONS, ma..m:-8 Price-Rs. 5·25 or 12sh. 3d. or $ 1·89 . ~ o w ~ .• 0 J J W I~ II j i I- ~ en .....- « ==- 0::: .... I- ..... :r: ..a:: (/) ..... « -= 0::: :IE « "'" :r: - « D ~



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Central Govemment Publications Census Report, Volume X-Maharashtra, is published in the following Parts

I-A and B General Report

I-e Subsidiary Tables

II-A General Population Tables

II-B (i) General Economic Tables-Industrial Classification

II-B (ii) General Economic Tables-Occupational Classification

II-C (j) Social and Cultural Tables [the present volume]

II-C (ii) Migration Tables

III Household Economic Tables

IV Report on Housing and Establishments

Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Maharashtra-Tables

V-B Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Maharashtra-Ethno­ graphic Notes

VI (1-35) Village Surveys (35 monog.raphs on 35 selected villages)

VII-A Handicrafts in Maharashtra

Fairs and Festivals in Maharashtra

VlII-A Administration Report-Enumeration (For official use only)

VIII-B Administration Report-Tabulation (For official use only)

IX Census Atlas of Maharashtra

X (1-12) Cities of Maharashtra (15 volumes-Four volumes on Greater Bombay and One each on other eleven Cities)

State GoverDDlent Publications 2S Volumes of District Census Handbooks in English 25 Volumes of District Census Handbooks in Marathi Alphabetical List of Villages in Maharashtra ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

lhe inset tables on classification of mother-tongues (pages 121-128) have been prepared by Shri R. C. Nigam, Linguist of the Census Commis­ sioner's Office. The eight Special Tables on Scientific and Technical Personnel (pages 296 to 316) have been prepared by Shri S. C. Sharma, Mechanical Tabulation Officer in the Census Commissioner's Office. We are grateful to both of them.

In the Maharashtra Census Office, Shri D. V. Rangnekar, Deputy Superintendent of Census Operations, rendered valuable assistance in compila­ tion of tables and notes. I should also mention Sarvashri V. M. Deole, Head Assistant, G. S. Gokam, A. W. Mahatme and J. G. Deshmukh, Tabulation Officers, R. N. Pongurlekar, J. S. Natekar, Vyas Rao, and S. D. Bhatwadekar, Statistical Assistants, for their painstaking efforts and valuable assistance in compilation of this volume. Sarvashri K. H. Shevade, V. G. Surve and C. M. Kane have looked after its printing.

We ~re grateful to Shri S. A. Sapre, Manager, Government Central Press, Bombay, and his staff for the excellent printing.

BOMBAY: B. A. KULKARNI 27th March 1965




TABLE C-I-Composition of Sample Households ,by relationship to head 8f family classified by size of land cultivated 7

TABLE C~I1 EXPLANATORY NOTE 19 TABU C-I1-Age and Marital Status 21


TABLE C-~II-PART A-Age, Sex and Education in all areas 56 , TABLE C.In-PART B-Age, Sex and Education in Urban areas only .. (;2

TABLE Colli-PART C-Age, S~X and Education in Rural areas only._ 74

TABLE C-IV EXPLANATORY NOTE 83 TABLE C-IYt-Single year age returns 85



TABLE C-V-Mother- TonJUe ,129

ApPBNDIX I-Abstract of Classified and Unclassified Languages 161.

ApPENDIX II-Linguistic Survey of India-Classified List 164


T AaLB C VI-Bilingualism


TABLB Q..VII-Rcligion 270



TABLE e-VIn-PART A-Classification by Literacy and Industrial Category of workers and non-workers among Scheduled Castes .. 282

TABLE C.VIII-PAllT B-Classification by LiteracY and Industrial Cate&OfY of workers and non-workors among Scheduled Tribes .. 286


SPBClAL TABLE I-Classification by each branch and sub-branch of Science or Technoloj)'. . 296

SPECIAL TABLE II-Type of activity and Marital Status of persons in each branch of St:i.~ or TechnoloaY 29~ ii

SPECIAL TABLES ON SCIDNTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PERSONNEL-contd. SPECIAL TABLE In-Year of obtaining post-graduate degrees in Physical Scie:nces and graduates and doctorates in Engineering, Technology and selected branches of Medicine 100

SPEC1'AL TABLE IV-Persons holding degrees in Engineering and Technolo&y and also degrees in selected branches of Physical Sciences 102

SPECIAL TABLE V-Nature and Sector of Employment of persons in each branch of Science or Technology ]03

SPECIAL TABLE VI-Total monthly income of persons employed in each branch of Science or Technology classified by Sector of Employment 307

SPECIAL TABLE VII-Tenure and Sector of Employment of persons in each bmnch of Scietl(» or Technology ., JIG ! SPECIAL TABLE VIII-Age and Period of Unemployment of unemployed person$ qualified in each branch of Science or Technology / .• 312



HIS PART of the 1961 Census Report presents eight The Scheme of PreseDtatiOD T Social and Cultural Tables. The first Table C-I 5. A note is added at the beginning or each table shows the distribution of househo1d population by to explain its layout, method of presentation, concetlts, relationship to head of household. The next seven definitions and limitations of the material presented. Tables present the distribution of population by Those notes are not, however, intended to present an marital status, literacy and educational levels, single analysis or review of the material presented, for which vear ages, mother-tongues, bilingualism, religions and Part I-A of the Maharashtra Census Report is exclu­ Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. siveJy reserved. The 1961 Census 6. All the tables present the Census material for 2. The 1961 Census was conducted between 10th 31 units, i.e. the State, its four administrative divisions and 28th February, 1961. The enumerators called and 26 districts. For purposes of the 1961 Census, 011 each household in their assigned areas and nlled the districts had been given a serial (code) number in the Census Forms (Individual Slips and Household running from north-west to south-east. The order of Schedules) by interviewing one or more responsible presentation uniformly followed in the tabJes is based members of the household. They revisited all the on those code numbers and is shown below :- households between 1st and 5th March, and corrected BOMBA Y DIVISION AURANGABAD DIVISION I their forms for changes occurring between their first visit and the Census reference date, viz., sunrise of 1st (l) Greater Bombay (14) Aurangabad l'vhl,rch, 1961. These corrections were, however, res­ (2) Thana (15) Parbhani tr;cted to changes due to deaths or new births. No corrections were made for the change of any person's (3) Kolaba (16) Bhir economic activity during the intervening period. The (4) Ratnagiri (17) Nanded material presented here is th,us relevant for 1st March, (5) Nasik (18) Osmanabad 1961. (6) Dhulia DIVISION 3. The two forms used in the Census and the ins­ tructions issued to the enumerators for filling them (7) Jalgaon (19) Buldhana have been reproduced at pages 11 to 26 in Part II-A POONA DIVISION (20) Akola of the Maharashtra Census Report. Table C-I alone has been prepared from the information collected in (8) Ahmadnagar (21) Amravati the Household Schedule and on a 20 per cent sample (9) Poona (22) Yeotmal of households. All the other Tables included in this (10) Satara (23) Wardha Part are prepared on the basis of a full count from the information collected in the Census Individual Slip. (11) Sangli (24) Nagpur Urban Areas (12) Sholapur (25) Bhandara 4. Urban areas or towns are places which either (13) Kolhapur (26) Chanda. have a municipality or cantonment or have been 7. Each table starts with entries for the State. Then treated as towns because they have- follow entries for Bombay Division and its districts ; (a) a population of 5,000 or more ; and then Poona Division and its districts ; and so on. (b) 7S per cent or more of male workers engaged in non-agricultural pursuits. 8, None of the tables presented in this volume gives break-up below the district level. Talukawise An additional criterion of urban density not being tables have been prepared in some cases and are less than 1,000 per square mile applied in some of presented in the District Census Handbook volumes the States was not applied in Maharashtra. concerned.


Composition of Sample Households by . Relationship to Head of Family Classified by Size of Land Cultivated


This Table presents the distribution of household 7. "Household " is thus slightly different from population by relationships to heads of households. " family" in that it includes unrelated persons also. The distribution is shown separately for three types of A domestic servant residing and eating at the employer's households classified by economic activity, i.e., partici­ house is according to the above definition a member of pation or otherwis~ in. cultivation and/or househol~s the household. Similarly, a friend or a guest (related industry. The cultlvatmg households are further classI­ or unrelated) residing and eating with the household fied according to the size of land cultivated by them. during the Census enumeration period has been treated Such comprehensive information on the composition of as a member of the (host) household. On the other households has never before been published in India. hand, a son or a daughter residing in a hostel (may 2. Material is presented for the State, its four be in the same town) is not treated as a member of administrative divisions and 26 districts and for total, the household. rural and urban areas of each unit separately. The 8. The above definition of the household also applies break-up of households by size of cultivated land is to the group of inmates of hotels, hostels, prisons, hospi­ shown for rural areas only. tals, etc. They are, however, treated as 'non-family' 3. The classification' of the household population or 'institutional' households. Others are family type by relationships to heads of households is shown households as in spite of the slight differences in compo­ by a horizontal spread in columns 7 to 17 of the table sition they are largely based on families. and is in five categories, viz. :- 9. The 1961 Census Household Schedules had-been (i) Heads of households; filled in for institutional households also. These (ii) Spouses of heads of households; Schedules were, however, excluded at the time of draw­ (iii) Married relations; ing the sample of households. The material presented (iv) Never married, 'widowed and divorced or in the table, thus, relates only to family households. separated relatiQns ; and 10. The" head of household" was defined as the (v) Unrelated persons.; person on whom fell the chief responsibility for the A break-up for males and females is presented under maintenance of the household. No elaborate enquiry each category. The number of sons is also shown was, however, made about this and the person who was separately in column 11 under the third category of actually acknowledged in the household as the head was married relations. recorded as such. If the head of household was away 4. The classification of households by economic throughout the enumeration period from the 10th to 28th activity is shown by a vertical spread under column 2 February, 1961, the person who was in charge in his and is in three types, viz. :- absence was recorded as the head of the household and (a) Households engaged neither in cultivation the actual head was not even included as a member of nor in household industry ; his legitimate household. The intention was, of course, to avoid double counting. (b) Households engaged in household industry only; and 11. Cultivated land includes all land normally used (c) Households engaged in cultivation. for cultivation including temporary fallows. It includes The type (c) above also includes the households engaged only those plots or parcels of land which are cultivated in cultivation and in addition in a household industry. by the household itself. Owned land which is leased out to others is not included. Naturally, it will be the 5. A break-up of the households engaged in ~ulti­ lann which lies within the village or in adjacent villages vation [type (c)] is shown only for rural areas by or within such distances as enables the household to work the size of land cultivated by them. It is in the follow­ on the land or actively supervise the cultivation. It ini ten size groups ;- does not include the land owned or held in distant places (1) Less than one acre; where distance itself is a bar to active cultivation, (2) 1·0 to 2·4 acres; constant supervision or direction. (3) 2·S to 4·9 acres; 12. Cultivation involves ploughing, sowing and (4) 5·0 to 7·4 acres; harvesting of land but does not include operations (5) 7·5 to 9·9 acres; treated as industry such as fruit-growing, keeping of (6) 10·0 to 12-4 acres; orchards or groves and working for plantations like (7) 12·5 to 14·9 acres; coffee, tea, rubber, cinchona and other medicinal plan­ (8) 15·0 to 29·9 acres; tations. This restriction of excluding certain activities (9) 30·0 to 49·9 acres; relating to growing of fruits, orchards, plantations, (10) 50 acres and above. etc. was not, however, rigidly applied in Maharashtra at One more group of " unspecified " is added at the end the time of 1961 Census enumeration and the areas of to represent the households for which the area of cultivated lands recorded in the household schedules cultivated land had not been returned at the 1961 are the areas of cultivated lands as returned by the Census. responding households, some of whom might not be 6. A household is defined as a group of persons aware of the finer distinction made by the definition. commonly living together in the same house and eating 13. Household industry is defined as an industry from the same kitchen unless the exigencies of work conducted at home in urban areas or within the village prevented any of them from doing so. in rural areas by the head of the household himself and/ or 6

mainly by the members of the household. A household separately. The household schedule pads for aU the industry is not run on the scale of a registered factory villages in a taluka, city and non-city urban areas of and relates to production, processing, servicing or repair­ district were first arranged in the order of their code ing of goods. This may include sale of goods, but should numbers and for each of these beginning from a separate not be confined to buying and selling only. Thus, the random start, every fifth household schedule was first main criteria for household industry are its smaller scale, stamped as a sample and later separated from the pad. its being run at home in urban areas and within the Institutional households were not taken into considera­ village in rural areas and the essential factor of partici­ tion in drawing the sample. Those selected sample pation of the head of the household and/or one or more household schedules were then coded and processed for members of the household. mechanical tabulation. - 14. The form of the Household Schedule had 17. The other household economic tables prepared a provision for recording more than one household from the Household Schedules are presented in Part IIJ industries conducted by the household. In such cases, of the Maharashtra Census Report. Tables B-X, B-XI the household industry conducted by the household for and B-XVn of those tables may be speciaIJy mentioned a longer period in the year has been treated as its princi­ here. Table B-X shows/the distribution of households pal household industry. The classification by the nature by participation in cultivation and! or household of industry is, in all cases, based upon the principal industry, Table B-XI shws the 9istribution of. cultivat­ industry. ing hou~e-holds by size of cult~vated land in the same 15. As has been described earlier, the table has been groups as are used in this table aI1d Table B-XVII prepared from the information collected at the 1961 shows the distribution of households by their size Census in the Household Schedule and on a 20 per cent cross-tabulated by economic activity. sample of family households. 18. A subsidiary table (C-I.1) prepared" from this 16. The sample of hpuseholds was drawn from the table and showing the family composition of 1,000 sample filled in household schedules for rural areas of each households is presented in Part I-C of the Maharashtra taluka, city and non-city urban areas of each district Census Report. \ 7 TABLE C·I OOll"l .. \CCO--"ItI.n\oM_, I -.:tl'''':f'N~N('f'') -_ !::I '" I ...... I 'ltt----VI ~l"l(J\a-

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1 I I I I I -II I If TABLE Col

0-\0\00\ ...... ("1('10::0 ~~;;;~~~~MM~~~ MC,(,l:;'JCO ('10', "1" t'-- oc r-..,..... NO\"'i"-M C-:l...:r-: It) 00'" "':o\O:-OMN"'-~M I,()'" lI1lr, ("')

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I~ I~ ~~::;;!~~~;:;;:S~b N('~ ,...... rr:_~C';,.[' ~... v N""" 0:. ""':O\OOtr)N- _ tn





This Table presents the distribution of popUlation in all the other 1961 Census Tables, is in years com~ by sex and marital status, cross-classified by age­ pleted at the last birthday. The last group 'age not groups. stated' includes those for whom age had not been recorded in the Individual Slip at the 1961 Census. 2. Material is presented ~eparately for total, rural and urban areas of the State, its four administrative 7. The entire population in the first age-group divifions and 26 districts. of 0-9 years has been treated a~ never married for the compilation of this table irrcsp~ctive of the answers 3. The classification of population by marital status actually recorded in the individual slips against i~ shown for each age-group by a horizontal spread question 3 on 'Marital Status' and it does not, in columns 6 to 13 and is into lour marital statuses, therefore, show any further classification by marital viz., (i) never married, (ii) married, (iii) widowed and status against that age-group. (iv) divorced or separated. 8. Table SCT-ll presented in Part V-A of the Census 4. (i)" Never married" are persons who have Report shows a similar distribution of population by never been married ; marital statuses for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. No general assumption (as in paragraph 7 (if) " Married" are those persons who are currently above) or classification of the entire population o( 0-9 married, whether for the first or another time. These years age-group as never married, has been made while include those recognised as married by custom or compiling that table. The figures for different marital society and those in stable de/acto union; statuse~ presented in the two T<1bles (C-1I and SCT-II­ (iii) " Widowed" are those persons whose husbands Parts A and B) may not, therefore, be qUIte consistent or wives are dead and who have not married again ; so far as age-group 0-14 is concerned. (iv) " Divorced" are those persons who have been 9. Table c-n ha<; been prepared from the total divorced in a lawful manner, either by a decree of count of population recorded at the 1961 Census. The a law court or by a regular social or religious custom corresponding tables in the last Census had been but who have not remarried. "Separated" are those prepared on a sample basis. persons who have been separated from wives or husbands and are staying apart with no apparent 10. The following three subsidiary tables have intention of living together again. The table shows been from this table. TJley are presented only the combined figures for 'divorced' and in Part I-C of the Maharashtra C~nsU5 R(pwt :- , separated' persons. Subsidiary Table C-U.l :-Distribution of 1,000 5. Persons for whom marital status could not be persons of each sex by marital status. decided for want of correct or adequate answers at Subsidiary Table C-II.2 :-Marital status of 1,000 the Census are included under' unspecified status '. persons of each sex in general population and comparison with previous Censuses. 6. The cross-classification by age is shown by vertical spread under column 1 and is in 14 age-groups, Subsidiary Table C-II.3 :-Distribution of 1,000 viz., 0-9, 10-14 and consecutive five-year age-groups married persons by age-groups in each ,sex upto 65-69 and 70 years and above. Age here, as and comparison with previous Censuses.

21 TABL'2 e.n "' .... '" ~~~ I ...,'"""'''.0 !;:[e I I l

"''''''D~!.:t'-o "'~~~ .... "'1 II

II 00",_~~~ ~~II') I ~~~ !

"'-on"""'''' II "'''' I

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0"'''' "'('tt--V'l ...... , v)'_;rf')

00('1\.:1 ...,"'­...... ,- on",",~jV'lOO "' ... on 00'1"'''': o,,_o~ ""'on'_ ...,"'...., ("f"')",0"I("f"') "''O'"

.... + J ~ 1 M 22 TABLE C·II 1 1 1 1 I

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M :N

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..,--"''''0MOO", '"1'"'11')"0\

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oot ."1" 00 .00 00 .00 M .'"

'C .\0 N .N .... oot ~ .~ ~ :~ ~ .~ .,., .." N .N ...... 00 .00 00 .00 00 .00 '" .M ." ~'" . ..; .'"

.,., . .,., ~...... ~

00 00 M M V"l .", .,., . .,., M ·M '" .M M M 00 00 ...... ~:-.o V;;:v:i...... -00 .a,;

00 ...... on on M ·M t- .1';, o ·0 ...... :r---" ~.~ M M ......

o 0 M ·M :~ ·00 '"r-::r--: .'" ·e; N

...... 00 ·00 ...... II"> ~ .0\ ~ :~ '" .", on00 .'".00 ~ :c; '0 C""l... ~ 'C • .., oMOM'" .", oot ·oot ...sf .~..... If'l'' 'tr)" - -

.N 00 .00 00 .co .0 ...... N ·N 00 oc ...... ", .'"00 QO :00 ...... '" o In" .,.; N M M

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00 .00 00 .00 N N 00 .-.", ~" .~~ ~:~ M M ....

...... ·00 .... a. '" ...... ", .'" '" .", ...... 1'... " "'_0. :~ Co.'" '0\ ·00 .....' 00 00 ~ .~ '" M '"....


'" '" 1 1 + N '" :e I I 'l'ABL! C.Il I

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...... Ill......

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...... ",,,,,,, 0"'''' ~.,. : \C...... ~-

...... "'1' ...... - .. ~f'i "''''"'-'"

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",,,,,,, -"'­... ",,,, ...... eeM~"

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I g+ 26

... 00\0'" "" ...... "'M MM 0000 "'''' MM

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00000 NN 01_00 "'<"> ('-M"1" 1I1"~"'_'" i "'<"> I 1 .,.,.,., ~ 1 NN ~ "") i 00\0'" 000 I V'>r-oo _"'00 1 ] ..I, "' ..... 00\0-" o"':~" 8 a _0 "'.,.­('1('1 ~ ~ I -- g ~ 1 ",,,,,,,,..... 0 ...... OOOM .,.,­ ",,,,00- ",00.,., z ..a \.Cl 1 vlv)o\ NV"'r---" ::E 1 _0 \0'" I 1 -- I I \0\00 \ "'--0 ... .,., '0","'" 00.,.,,,, .,.,\ o\t<"')"'I.0'" MOI"'M"'--0 I ... <"> 1 ...... 1 I I 1 ! 1 I 0I_r--00'" ... 1 -"'.,.,Ot"'l"'\o"' i "' ... I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I , I I I I \ I I I I I I I I I "'j I 1 I I I \ I I ,I 1 1 I 1 I _I I 1 I I I I 01 I + I I 1 ~ I I '" I I I 27 TABLE C-Il

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TABLE C-ll "'lI')O NNO ~"Cf"" III')MM


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"' ...... :g~~ ""'0 .... -"' .... "'M_ _M .... MMO--a- MoO.,..." .,;otio"''''''' "'...... =OON "'","-


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TABLE C-JI ...... 00· ...

"' ......



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~M~ ;:j~g ...t'!.C!.trl - r----n_


1 j + 'OJ" ~ ott.

TABLE c..n



00000 ." .... 00 ",-M 0",,,, _00,,", \O"'~O\.. ~""";M "' ...... ,-­on ......

I + ~ T.uLII CJ:r ...... ri:::~ "'<'1'" ...... '" ~ :"

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1000 00 101<> .., .... ", ~:.. -

.... 0""' 10 .... '" "'-­--~-.. -:.

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_"'00 """10 00"'''' ..,..,on"'..,00...: ...... "' 51

TABLE e.n ...... ,"'"

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PA~T A-Age, Sex and Education in all Areas PAR T B-Age, Sex and Education in Urban Areas only p ART C-Age, Sex and Education in Rural Areas only



This Table presents the distribution of population age-groups of 35-44, 45-59 and 60 years and above. by educational levels, cross-classified by age-groups. The last group of" Age not stated" represents those The table is in three separate Parts-" A " for all areas, who had not returned their ages. " B " for urban areas and" C " for rural areas. 7. "Literacy" has been defined in the Census as 2. The material is presented in each part separately ability both to read and write a simple letter. for males and females and for the State, its four If a person could both read and write and had also administrative divisions and 26 districts. Part C, passed one or more written examinations as proof of which relates to rural areas, presents material only , an educational level attained, the highest examination for twenty-five districts, as Greater Bombay District is he had passed was recorded in the enumeration slip. entirely an urban area and does not, therefore, appear there. 8. Persons who have studied upto the 4th standard but have not passed the primary stage are included in 3. The classification by educational levels is shown the group of literates (without educational level). by a horizontal spread in columns 5 to 12 in Pupils studying in the 1st and 2nd standard who could Parts A and C and in columns 5 to 32 in Part B. For not read and write a simple letter are included in the Parts A and C, the classification is in the following four group of illiterate persons. categories : (i) i1li terate ~ 9. The figures of literates (without educational (ii) literate without educational level; level) presented under columns 7 and 8 are exclusive of (iii) primary or juni


Literate Educational Levels Total Population Dliterate (without educational level) Primary Matriculation Aae-irQUP or Junior Basic and above

Penons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 • 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


All Aaes 3J,S53.7111 20,4211,11112 ",124,836 11,840,215 15,920,423 4,075,188 1,728,864 3,767,865 1,281,656 745,604 193,8'3 8-4 5,934,812 2,992,377 2,942,435 2,992,377 2,942,435 5-9 5,732,646 2,889,082 2,843,564 2,072,619 2,317,987 787,554 503,62'1 28:909 21:956 10-1. .,410,070 2,327,050 2,083,020 744,627 1,259,214 862,606 453,652 719,511 369,886 '306 'i68 15-19 3,211,129 1,678,674 1,532,455 568,615 1,053,903 315,335 163,154 720,4,68 278.576 74,256 36,822 20-204 3,497,572 1,717,160 1,780,412 643,458 1,363,394 354,916 158,484 526,821 197,588 191,965 60,946 25-29 3,461,329 1,771,939 1,689,390 802,509 1,373,869 392,138 131,129 433,492 145,087 143,800 39,305 3~34 2,840,790 1,509,847 1,330,943 734,304 1,118,610 331,335 91,452 345,640 96.986 98,568 23,895 35-44 .,391,717 2,364,766 2,026,951 1,261,523 1,787,240 489,053 114,691 491,538 103,183 122,652 21,837 .5-511 3,973,154 2,145,989 1,827,165 1,306,188 1,683,603 387,394 80,449 368,276 54,570 84,131 8,543 60+ 2,083,216 1,023,011 1,060,205 705,752 l.O12,114 154,499 32,057 132,918 13,766 29,842 2,263 Ap DOt atated 17,283 8,987 8,296 8,253 8,054 358 175 292 58 84 9

BOMBA Y DIVISION .A" A'~8 JS,t162,J21 1,231,105 6,431,216 3,1543,574 4,861,1715 1,587,986 780,824 1,570,228 660,590 429,317 128,1526 " fJ-4 1,9-16,533 98-1,692 9151,8-11 984,692 961,841 .... \ !J-9 1,900,201 965,166 935,035 6-11,027 695,624 308,97j 22i,979 15)66 13,432 10-14 1,473,859 181,832 692,027 198,420 325,962 299,704 185,764 283,585 180,185 . iij 116 15-19 1,138,0-18 602,84-1 535,204 165,823 30-1,661 114,438 68,379 286,733 140,821 35,850 21,343 20-24 1,301,860 685,647 616,213 205,990 406,009 147,676 70,314 229,786 99,719 102,195 -10,171 25-29 1,285,463 690,349 595,114 255,226 428,388 61,854 190,171 77,744 oIJ4,930 27,128 30-34 1,04C,5-12 578,828 461,714 229,877 347,055 1~~:m · 45.007 151,460 53,021 '60,868 16,1531 35-44 1,564,132 878,497 685,635 390,602 555,790 203,871 58,584 207,508 55,921 76,516 15,340 45-59 /,361,691 740,406 615,285 388,403 532,336 156,122 45,470 151,126 31,313 50,755 6,166 60+ 645,632 314,617 331,015 181,488 301,437 60,465 19,440 54,613 8,415 18,051 1,723 A,. "tit stlllM 4,360 2,227 2,133 2,026 2,073 92 33 80 19 29 8

1 Greater 'Bomba)' District AU ..tees 4,152,tl56 2,496,176 1,655,880 871,218 847,634 647,575 357,273 654,329 343,195 323,054 107,778

~ 458,961 234,554 224,407 234,554 224,407 !J-9 463,185 237,395 225,790 108.115 111,813 119,ii3 103',922 10:i47 10:055 10-14 389,997 210,524 179,473 26,010 33,004 77,128 59,201 107,306 87,179 80 "89 1S-19 364,867 218,210 146,657 37,969 41,235 44,607 23,385 108,898 64,639 26,736 17,398 20-24 515,997 324,288 191,709 70,792 78,776 73,330 32,563 104.899 47,619 75,267 32,751 25-29 498.748 316,805 181.943 87,146 85,083 79,364 32,760 87,004 41,569 63,291 22,531 30-34 397,638 261,644 135,994 79,015 64.939 68,449 26,021 68,629 30,781 45,551 14,253 35----44 .542,593 369,761 172,832 120,679 89,321 99,253 35,407 91,008 34,576 58,821 13,528 45-59 378,747 246,372 13:.:~ 5 82,265 76,163 66,006 30,010 58,894 20,574 39,207 5,628 60+ 140,118 76,004 {J., 24,122 42,337 20,271 13,990 17,522 6,194 14,089 1,593 Alii not stated 1,205 619 551 556 34 14 22 9 12 7

2 Tbana District

All Aies 1,6S2,6'r8 861,117 791,561 507,164 640,709 163,982 '2,~97 151,128 69,038 38,'743 9,417

~ 250,820 125,804 125,016 125,804 125,016 S-9 250,595 126,018 124.577 91,657 100,297 32,887 23,249 (474 t',o:ii 10-14 175,463 94.160 81.303 36,287 46.664 30,651 17,270 27,211 17,355 "ii "i4 1S-19 129,205 66,538 62,667 25,706 40,894 11,965 6,144 26,207 14,171 2,660 1,458 20-24 153.261 75,895 77,366 28,761 55,607 15,428 6,959 22,593 11,426 9,113 3.374 2S-29 156,198 81,345 74,853 36,390 57,483 17,010 5,684 19,351 9,300 8,594 2,386 30-34 123,532 67.909 55,623 32.243 44,504 14,154 3,862 15,527 6,074 5,985 1,183 35-44 184,1()1 1()2,521 81,580 54,436 70,534 20,544 4,502 20,334 5,765 7,207 779 4S-S9 159,622 86,423 73,199 53,487 66,492 15,508 3,34() 13,599 3,197 3,829 170 60+ 69,323 34,235 35,088 22,256 32,935 5,815 1,382 .,824 718 1.340 53 Age not stated !ISS 269 289 237 2S3 20 5 8 4

3 Kolaba District

AD Al:es 1,058,855 514,5304 544,~21 327,396 471,378 105,737 43,846 75,032 27,601 6,369 1,496

~ 167,213 83,426 83,787 83,426 83.787 S-9 163,491 81,879 81,612 62,192 70,296 19:iS6 11:026 501 • 290 10-14 115,795 61.025 .54,770 20,881 35,082 24,537 12,086 1.5,605 7,602 "'2 1S-19 82,650 38,037 44,613 14,578 32,459 8,748 4,981 14,316 6,839 395 '334 20-24 84,276 35.491 48.785 15,740 40,050 8,50 3,87. 9.723 4,151 1,521 610 25-29 88,302 39,951 48.351 21.541 .1,914 9,41 1 3,215 7,691 2,931 1,308 291 30-34 72,248 34.216 38,032 19.076 33,595 7.983 2,246 6.243 2,064 914 127 35-44 113,432 55.324 58108 33,734 52.802 11.509 3.071 9,079 2,139 1,002 96 45-59 113,203 57,487 55,716 37,619 52.082 10.906 2,394 8,138 1,208 824 32 60+ !l7,888 27,506 30,382 18,428 29,150 4,946 951 3,729 276 4()3 S A8e not atated 357 192 165 181 161 4 2 7 ~


Literate Ed~tiona1 Levels Total Population Dllterate (without ed~tiona1 level) Primary Matriculation Ap-sroup or Junior Basic and above

Persous Males Females MaIe8 Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

" RatDqlri DWrict All >\aes 1.827,203 816.804. 1.610,3" 472.472 134,1'3 172.772 ".451 161,22.0 74,552 10,348 2,1!l6 ()....4 259,752 130,549 129,203 130,549 129,203 5-9 271,467 135,232 136,255 98,773 110,449 3;,770 25:275 '689 ';ji 10-14 230,5"~ 116,172 114,370 25,087 56,201 '3,365 35,437 37,715 22,730 5 "'2 15-19 147,01 65,811 81,208 17,6'3 48,643 lI,lIBl 10,942 3',404 '1,108 773 SIS 20-24 130,010 50,191 79,819 17,741 60,094 10,702 7,447 19,277 11,366 2,471 912 25-29 134,537 49,0" 85,452 :11,794 71,416 10,504 5,957 14,727 7,646 2,060 433 30-34 110,364 41,462 68,902 20,OIl 60,619 8,596 3,848 11,386 4,253 1,469 182 35-44 190,931 73,566 t17,36S 40,762 107,885 15,050 5,268 16,247 4,084 1,507 128 45-59 215,886 93,397 122,489 '8,867 116,268 16,817 3,894 16,301 2,303 1,412 24 60+ 136,025 61,012 15,013 40,933 73,099 9,972 1,386 9,466 528 641 AIIO not stated 650 327 323 302 316 IS 4 8 2

5 Nasik District AU A,es 1,855,246 953.531 fOl.715 578.U5 778,075 167.710 66,331 186,451 53,334 21.105 3,975 ()....4 300,550 ISO,8'9 149,691 150,8.59 149,1191 :5-9 277,287 140,549 136,738 104,268 114,559 3s:i66 2d02 i,iis '677 10-14 208,676 110,450 98,226 37,10' 62,258 38,424 19,416 34,915 16,545 "'(; 7 15-19 155,645 80,277 75,368 29,107 56,383 12,496 6,507 36,677 11,738 1,997 748 20-24 160,445 ~8,121 82,318 30,231 66,216 13,935 5,812 27,993 8,999 5,962 1,291 2:5-29 158,916 0,924 77,992 39,039 66,982 15,664 4,277 22,157 5,948 4,064 785 30-34 126,637 66,832 59,855 33,747 53,057 12,849 2,712 17,347 3,631 2,889 455 35-44 194,158 102,288 91,870 58,061 84,461 18,299 3,314 22,799 3,662 3,129 433 45-59 181,562 98,040 83,522 63,821 79,479 14,68' 2,047 17,228 1,784 2,306 212 60+ 90,437 44,688 45,749 31,573 44,1111 6,178 738 6,1'3 348 744 52 Aa. not stated 883 497 386 448 a78 14 6 27 2 8

, DlmUa District All A,es 1,351.236 686,942 664.294 429,822 !81,621 114.845 46,&66 132.,837 34.762 9,~ 1,245 ()....4 227,461 114,841 112,620 114,841 112,1120 :5-9 212,800 108,339 104,461 83,747 90,706 23:'82 13:344 . ilio ·.iii 10-14 153,380 82,101 71,279 30,978 46,374 27,097 14,261 24,025 10,644 '''i 15-19 112,138 56,660 55,478 22,543 41,250 11,408 5,596 2.4,760 8,275 949 '351 20-24 115,279 54,040 61,239 23,383 50,416 9,374 4,468 18,541 5,974 2,742 381 25-29 110,5$5 54,539 56,016 26,156 48,$86 10,603 3,332 15,980 3,865 1,800 233 30-34 91,658 47,126 44,532 23,661 4O,Cll1 9,030 2,072 13,103 2,333 1,332 H6 35-44 142,231 74,098 68,133 41,136 63,716 13,146 2,094 18,411 2,208 1,405 115 45-59 127,448 67,589 59,859 43,998 57,'49 9,578 1,173 13,051 900 962 37 60+ 57,961 27,411 30,550 19,183 30,068 3,627 325 4,355 lSI 246 6 Aae not stated 325 198 127 196 125

., Jalpoa District All Ales 1,765,047 902,001 W,046 4S'1.U7 707,566 215,565 94,853 209,231 58,108 20,268 2,519 ()....4 281,776 144,659 137,117 144,659 137,117 :5-9 261,356 135,754 125,602 92,215 97,504 42:849 2i,i;6i '630 '437 10-14 200,006 107,400 92,606 22,072 46,379 48,502 28,093 36,808 18,130 " is 4 15-19 146,524 77,311 69,213 18,267 43,797 16,233 10,824 40,471 14,051 2,340 541 20-24 142,592 67,615 74,977 19,336 54,850 16,400 9,191 26,760 10,084 5,119 852 25-29 138,207 67,700 70,507 23,160 56,924 17,466 6,629 23,261 6,485 3,813 469 30-34 118,415 59,639 58,776 22,124 50,330 15,562 4,246 19,225 3,885 2,728 315 35-44 196,686 100,939 95,747 41,794 87,071 26,070 4,928 29,630 3,487 3,445 261 4:5-59 185,223 97,098 88,125 48,346 84,103 22,622 2,612 23,915 1,347 2,215 63 60+ 93,880 43,761 50,119 24,993 49,237 9,656 668 8,524 200 588 14 Age not stated 382 125 257 11l 254 5 1 7 2 2

POONA DIVISION All Ag~s 10,36(),282 5,273,680 5,086,602 3,057,158 4,267,932 1,045.908 478,137 1,011,352 302,641 159,262 31,892 0-4 1,598,434 809,624 788,810 809,624 788,810 5-9 1,582,770 797,241 785,529 568,242 650,227 221,404 130,289 ',595 5,ois 10-14 1,236,134 651,686 584,448 190,246 362,882 245,815 130,585 2!j,5S5 90,9<10 10 41 15-19 859,528 451,256 408,272 141,829 2!U,621 89,441 50,225 201,738 65,458 18,248 7,968 .'0-24 840,848 400,800 440,048 141,549 33",463 81,901 46,002 135,352 45,813 41,998 11,770 25-29 831,252 404,971 426,281 175,914 348,632 89,179 37,149 IlI,238 33,132 28,640 7,368 30-34 686,411 344,545 341,866 163,070 290.087 74,587 25,304 87.072 21.927 19.816 4,548 35-44 1,092,729 564,333 528,396 302,019 468,538 112,409 31,019 124,816 24,669 25,089 4,170 45-59 1,048,909 557,204 491,705 350,987 457,175 93,317 20,165 94,342 12,713 18,558 1,652 60+ 579,731 290,IlO 289,621 211,929 278,904 37,781 7,375 33,580 2,967 6,820 375 Age not staled 3,536 1,910 1,626 1,149 1,593 74 24 64 9 23 "8


Literate Educational Levels Total Population lJIiterate (without educational level) Primlry M:ltricui ation Age-aroup or Junior Basic and abuve

Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

8 Ahmadnagar District

All Ales 1,775,969 905,313 870,656 549,014 757,226 215,084 79,510 125,423 31,397 15,792 2,523 (}...-4 279,583 139,882 139,701 139,882 139,701 5-9 268,343 133,692 134,651 93,953 112,198 39,256 22:1'39 483 ' '3'1'4 10-14 202,9042 105,641 97,301 35,391 66,080 45,753 22,048 24,488 9,166 9 15-19 152,220 78,292 73~28 29,503 56,761 20,970 9,277 25,995 7,3Z1 1,824 "',563 20-24 147,740 69,972 77, 68 28,177 63,835 19,659 8,066 17,969 5,038 4,167 829 25-29 146,170 74,336 71,834 34,760 62,145 ZI,272 5,845 15,369 3,379 2,935 465 30-34 120,731 63,191 57,540 32,244 50,983 17,313 4,031 11,553 2,231 2,081 295 35-44 187,019 98,596 88,423 56,798 81,221 24,454 4,512 14,927 2,447 2,417 243 45-59 178,605 95,177 83,428 63,839 79,323 18,818 2,804 10,708 1,205 1,812 96 60+ 91,669 46,021 45,648 33,981 44,558 7,577 779 ,3,918 286 545 25 Aile not stated 947 513 434 486 421 12 9 13 4 2

9 Poona District All Aces 2,466,880 1,268,710 1,198,170 682,799 937,681 260,310 134,348 249,68' 102,437 75,912 23,704 0-4 381,388 192,052 189,336 192,052 189,336 5-9 370,733 186,799 183,934 132,123 146,902 53:i04 35',5;i t',572 t',4~ 10-14 280,429 148,047 132,382 37,384 69,161 57,234 34,719 53,398 28,47 .. 3i "25 15-19 202,168 107,118 95,050 27,178 ~7,151 22,003 12,597 49,087 20,575 8,850 4,727 20-24 215,548 106,516 109,032 30,917 74,388 21,874 12,486 34,863 15,319 18,862 6,839 25-29 207,213 101,529 105,684 37,911 78,144 23,589 10,545 27,279 12,200 12,750 4,795 30-34 172,925 89,696 83,229 37,063 64,364 20,723 7,394 22,329 8,434 9,581 3,037 35-44 268,256 144,647 123,609 71,897 101,644 28,159, 9,457 31,468 9,633 13,123 2,875 45-59 241,389 129,058 112,331 74,023 98,312 24,142 7,931 21,869 4,969 9,024 1,119 60+ 125,633 62.628 63,005 41,701 57,713 9,446 3,639 7,802 1,366 3,679 287 Age not stated 1.198 620 578 550 566 36 9 22 3 12

10 Satara District All Alles 1,430,105 698.555 731,550 367,391 576,785 176,652 114,145 139,951 38,118 14,561 2,502 0-4 224,471 114,646 109,825 114,646 109,825 .5-9 225,993 113,153 112,840 71.782 87,651 40,565 24',697 '806 '492 10-14 175,015 92,153 82,862 15.938 41,789 44,452 29,075 31,762 11,998 1 15-19 114,864 57,611 57,253 11,610 33,476 15,110 14.266 29,281 8,961 1,610 '550 20-24 105,481 45,051 60,430 10,901 40,494 11,668 13,170 18,278 5,882 4,204 884 25-29 105,487 45,794 ~9 693 14,831 43.985 13,101 11.278 15,021 3,960 2,841 470 30-34 86,534 38,849 47,685 14.645 37,302 10,916 7,614 11,480 2,507 1,808 262 35-44 144,207 67,209 76,998 30,418 65,068 18,693 8,977 16,181 2,720 1,917 233 45-59 152,639 76,758 75,881 46,7Q5 70,321 15,777 4,110 12,603 1,361 1,583 89 60+ 95,339 47,282 48,057 35,791 46,851 6,362 955 4,532 237 597 14 Aile not stated 75 49 26 34 23 8 3 7

11 Sangli District .w Ages 10230,716 628,754 601,962 365,410 519,827 107,879 43,364 141,406 36,355 14,059 2,416 (}...-4 186,539 95,512 91,027 9.5,512 91,027 .5-9 191,447 97,688 93,759 71,114 79,393 25,227 13,755 (347 '6ii 10-14 152,489 80,972 71,517 22,826 47,119 26,693 12,328 31,449 12,067 '''4 "'3 15-19 102,213 54,597 47,616 16,643 34,953 8,486 4,181 27,638 7,865 1,830 617 20-24 9S,SOI 45,583 49,918 16,180 39,842 7,726 3,800 17,632 5,463 4,045 813 25-29 94,361 45,786 48,575 19,748 41,524 7,973 2,899 15,415 3,725 2,650 427 30-34 77,112 37,619 39,493 17,668 35,202 6,617 1,817 11,725 2,236 1,609 238 35-44 126,610 63,632 62,978 33,161 57,743 11,163 2,365 17.456 2,653 1,852 217 <45-.59 127,558 68,334 59,224 43,096 56,074 9,738 1,594 13,960 1,464 1,540 92 60+ 76,429 38,712 37,117 29,157 36,812 4,249 625 4,778 271 528 9 Aile not stated 457 319 138 305 138 7 6

12 Sho)apnr District AtlAlles 1,860,11l1 960,655 899,464 606,259 786,101 152,344 59,626 181,696 50,103 20,356 3,634 0-4 293,396 148,566 144,830 148,566 144,830 5-9 285,301 143,297 142,004 107,417 121,664 34,'1'00 19;288 dso l;osi 10-14 222,452 118,714 103,738 45,554 71,307 34,690 16,497 38,448 15,930 22 "'4 15-19 154,382 81,902 72,480 32,031 54,866 12,313 5,837 35,400 10,994 2,158 783 20-24 150,259 72,424 77,835 31,547 64,086 11,514 5,069 24,252 7,477 5,11 1 1,203 25-29 148,080 74,993 73,087 39,067 63,531 12,508 3,831 19,644 5,058 3,774 667 30-34 125,182 63,802 61,380 35,202 54,784 10,440 2,706 15,515 3,475 2,645 415 35-44 196,802 103,934 92,868 61,398 85,219 16,466 3,454 22,764 3,830 3,306 365 45-59 182,988 100,320 82,668 66,363 78,414 14,014 2,182 17,426 1,899 2,517 173 60+ 100,669 52,425 48,244 38,858 47,075 6,291 759 6,460 386 816 24 AIIo not stated 608 278 330 256 325 8 3 7 2 7 59


Literate Educational Levels Total Population Illiterate (without educational level) Primary Matriculati on or Junior Basic and abOve Age-group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Maies Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12

13 Kolhapur District

All Ages 1,596,493 811,693 784,800 486,285 690,312 133,639 47,144 173,187 44,231 18,582 3,113 0-4 233,057 118,966 114,091 118,966 114,091 5-9 240,953 122,612 118,341 91,853 102,419 29;is2 14;Sj9 1;607 1,083 10-14 202,807 106,159 96,648 33,153 67,426 36,993 15,918 36,010 13,302 3 .. '2 15-19 133,681 71,736 61,945 24,'864 47,414 10,559 4,067 34,337 9,736 1,976 728 20-24 126,319 61,254 65,065 23,827 53,818 9,460 3,411 22,358 6,634 5,609 1,202 25-29 129,941 62,533 67,408 29,597 59,303 10,736 2,751 18,510 4,810 3,690 544 30-34 103,927 51,388 52,539 26,248 47,452 8,578 1,742 14,470 3,044 2,092 301 35--44 169,835 86,315 83,520 48,347 77,643 13,474 2,254 22,020 3,386 2,474 237 45-59 165,730 87,557 78,173 56,871 74,731 10,828 1,544 17,776 1,815 2,082 83 60+ 89,992 43,042 46,950 32,441 45,895 3,856 618 6,090 421 655 16 Age not .tated 251 ' 131 120 118 120 3 9

AURANGABAD DIVISION All Ages 6:297,373 3,208,458 3,088,915 2,360,003 2,91I,294 553,2II 127,178 255,758 46,852 39,486 3,591 0-4 973,943 483,875 490,068 483,875 490,068 5-9 973,406 487,479 485,927 400,652 451,546 85',53i 33,768 i,i96 '6i} 10-14 722,966 384,227 338,739 215,726 291,519 123,323 34,872 45,152 12,326 26 22 15-19 493,047 " 247,295 245,752 ]38,648 217,415 48,897 15,677 55,336 II, 715 4,414 945 20-24 544,800 250,732 294.068 145,081 270,153 50,655 13,976 41,596 8,677 13,400 1,262 25-29 542,885 275,548 267,337 178,564 251,252 57,380 9,873 31,372 5,536 8,232 676 30-34 447,616 233.359 214.257 160,341 204.292 45,694 6,297 22,592 3,295 4,732 373 35-44 690,210 366,638 323,572 265,0/9 312,736 66,423 7,371 29,956 3,22! 5,240 244 45-59 581,833 3/5,476 266,357 239,337 26/,096 52,366 3,987 2/,032 1,218 2,741 56 60+ 322,959 161.923 161,036 130,981 159,442 22,861 1,336 7,392 245 689 13 Age not stated 3,708 1,906 1,802 1,779 1,775 81 21 34 6 12

14 Aurangabad District AII·Ages 1,532,341 781,635 750,706 557,705 700,661 139,712 32,650 70,306 15,693 13,912 1,702 0-4 236,289 117,556 118,733 117,556 118,733 ..... 5-9 239,631 120,896 118,735 99,488 110,098 21,089 8)86 '3i9 151 10-14 169,282 89,980 79,302 48,143 67,253 30,246 8,181 11,583 3,859 8 '''9 15-19 126,499 63,700 62,799 34,016 54,672 13,035 3,912 14,823 3,810 1,826 405 20-24 132,867 61,895 70,972 33,154 63,879 13,146 3,631 10,958 2,880 4,637 582 25-29 130,889 66,160 64,729 40,590 59,805 14,578 2,677 8,414 1,903 2,578 344 30-34 107,060 56,315 50,745 36,905 47,550 11,470 1,790 6,333 1,199 1,607 206 35-44 166,284 88,928 77,356 61,114 73,831 17,000 2,155 8,953 1,255 1,861 115 45-59 143,491 77,222 66,269 56,171 64,366 13,335 1,344 6,600 524 1,116 35 60+ 78,767 38,370 40,397 29,988 39,823 5,790 460 2,318 108 274 6 Age not stated 1,282 613 669 580 651 23 14 5 4

15 Parbbani District All Ages 1,206,236 611,787 594,449 457,169 563,619 105,279 22,492 43,030 7,845 6,309 493 0-4 186,439 91,707 94,732 91,707 94,732 5-9 182,193 90,984 91,209 76,210 85,402 14',6i6 5;iii .iss "so 10-14 137,856 73,885 63,971 42,967 55,752 23,309 6,221 7,603 1,994 '''6 '''4 15-19 90,790 44,736 46,054 26,565 41,352 9,247 2,652 8,377 1,924 547 126 20-24 105,070 48,026 57,044 29,213 52,933 9,941 2,447 6,720 1,490 2,152 174 25-29 107,145 53,942 53,203 36,101 50.275 11,109 1,831 5,401 1,013 1,331 84 30-34 '90,967 48,058 42.909 33,759 41,016 9,325 1,236 4,160 602 814 5~ 35--44 140,446 75,771 64.675 55,705 62,712 13,523 1,390 5,611 532 932 41 45-59 109,270 58,745 50,525 44,450 49,592 10,148 747 3,735 182 412 4 60+ 55,575 25,680 29,895 20,260 29,623 4,044 239 1,263 28 113 5 Age not stated 485 253 232 232 230 17 2 2 2

16 Bbir District All Ag •• 1,001,466 508,827 492,639 383,657 466,670 79,263 18,112 41.054 7,475 4,853 382 0-4 158,668 78,476 80,192 78,476 80,192 5-9 159,541 79,372 80,169 64,392 74,753 14,sii; 5',i74 '464- '242 ... i .. , i 10-14 112,244 59,895 52,349 34,734 45,527 16,506 4,678 8,654 2,143 15-19 75,894 37,732 38,162 21,956 34,006 6,604 2,223 8,615 1,816 557 117 20-24 81,396 37,153 44,243 22,373 40,966 6,887 1,903 6,316 1,233 1,577 141 25-29 83,024 41,531 41,493 27,931 39,109 7,897 1,467 4,678 849 1,025 68 30-34 70,083 35,730 34,353 25,210 32,947 6,585 878 3,341 498 594 30 35--44 111,075 5R,247 52,828 43,687 51,272 9,448 1,065 4,442 474 670 17 45-59 96,058 52,575 43,483 41,486 42,752 7,537 544 3,202 179 350 8 60+ 52,742 27,715 25,027 23,033 24,808 3,268 178 1,336 41 78 Age not stated 741 401 340 379 338 15 2 6

ya 2774-5 60


Literate Educational Levels Total Population Illiterate (without educational level) Primary Matriculation Age-group or Junior Basic and above

Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

17 Nanded District

All Ages 1,079,674 547,974 531,700 411,922 504,252 88,443 20,076 41,326 6,869 6,283 503 0-4 165,718 83,064 82,654 83,064 82,654 5-9 164,276 81,855 82,421 67,065 76,547 14,604 5,780 186 94 10-14 124,430 65,963 58,467 38,585 50,858 19,719 5,828 7,653 1,778 '6 3 15-19 82,075 41,405 40,670 24,355 36,548 7,445 2,277 '8,935 1,711 670 134 20-24 94,830 43,524 51,306 26,774 47,861 7,925 1,973 6,619 1,292 2,206 180 25-29 96,836 49,476 47,360 33,663 44,998 9,309 1,419 5,155 849 1,349 94 30-34 79,911 42,126 37,785 30,169 36,302 7,379 970 '3,819 469 759 44 35-44 117,920 62,410 55,510 46,413 53,881 10,392 1,099 ' 4,806 488 799 4l 45-59 98,902 52,685 46,217 40,872 45,507 8,211 550 3,208 155 394 5 60+ 54,298 25,203 29,095 20,712 28,881 3,450 180 941 33 100 1 Age not stated 478 263 215 250 215 9 4

18 Osmanabad District All Ages 1,477,656 758,235 719,421 549,550 676,092 140,514 33,848 60,042 8,9Z0 8,129 Sl1 0-4 226,829 113,072 113,757 113,072 113,757 5-9 227,765 114,372 113,393 93,497 104,746 20j06 8',6

NAGPUR DIVISION All Ages 9,233,742 4,715,639 4,518,103 2,779,490 3,880,021 888,083 342,725 930,527 271,573 1J7,539 23,784 0-4 1,415,902 714,186 701,716 714,186 701,716 5-9 1,276,269 639,196 637,073 462,698 520,590 171,64;; 113,585 4,85i 2,898 10-14 977,1I1 509,305 467,806 140,235 278,851 193,764 102,431 175,219 86,435 87 89 15-19 720,506 377,279 343,227 122,315 247,206 62,559 28,873 176,661 60,582 15,744 6,566 20-24 810,064 379,981 430,083 150,838 350,769 74,684 28,192 120,087 43,379 34,372 7,743 25-29 801,729 401,071 400,658 192,805 345,597 85,557 22,253 100,711 28,675 21,998 4,133 30-34 666,221 353,1I5 313,106 181,016 277,176 74,431 14,844 84,516 18,743 13,152 2,343 35-44 1,044,646 555,298 489,348 303,883 450,176 106,350 17,717 129,258 19,372 15,807 2,083 45-59 980,721 526,903 453,818 327,461 432,996 85,589 10,827 101,776 9,326 12,077 669 60+ 534,894 256,361 278,533 181,354 272,331 . 33,392 3,906 37,333 2,139 4,282 157 Age not stated 5,679 2,944 2,735 2,699 2,613 111 97 114 24 20

19 Buldhana District All Ages 1,059,698 541,026 518,672 318,374 455,274 95,603 34,787 117,949 27,383 9,100 1,118 0-4 162,649 82,490 80,159 82,490 80,159 5-9 152,329 76,839 75,490 60,350 65,622 15,330 9,668 i,is9 200 10-14 116,574 60,685 55,889 17,734 37,022 22,357 10,498 20,588 8,367 '''i; "'2 15-19 89,937 46,747 43,190 14,865 32,403 7,207 3,850 23,194 6,539 1,481 398 2()-24 88,992 41,860 47,132 16,815 39,128 7,667 3,132 14,588 4,474 2,790 398 25-29 89,278 44,735 44,543 21,915 39,129 9,067 2,452 12,028 2,758 1,72.5 204 3()-34 74,532 39,139 35,393 19,405 31,601 8,319 1,697 10,447 1,977 968 118 3.5-44 116,601 61,534 55,067 31,832 50,985 11,871 2,029 16,911 1,971 920 82 45-59 11 1,073 59,904 51,169 34,660 49,098 9,950 1,104 14,372 943 922 24 60+ 57,240 26,835 30,405 18,094 29,899 3,814 352 4,645 152 282 2 Age not stated 493 258 235 214 228 21 5 17 2 6

20 Akola District All Ages 1,189,354 613,832 • 575,522 338,786 479,485 120,986 52,956 141,261 41,004 12,799 2,077 0-4 187,234 95,427 91,807 95,427 91.807 5-9 168,357 84,601 83,756 59,133 66.209 24,5Si 17.osi 917 46S 1()-14 123,867 65,284 58,583 14,970 31,940 25,493 14,452 24,808 12.184 13 '7 15-19 94,596 48,839 45,757 14,041 31,139 8,077 4,926 25,028 9,070 1,693 622 2()-24 102,386 48,188 54,198 17,327 41,820 9,62~ 4.825 17,579 6,857 3,660 696 25-29 103,846 52,446 51,400 22,151 42,790 11.61 3,770 16,126 4.486 2,554 354 3()-34 86,038 45,990 40,048 21,239 34,365 10,037 2,520 13,280 2,975 1,434 188 35-44 134,291 72,639 61,652 35,664 55,241 14,768 3,060 20,552 3,186 1,65.5 165 4.5-59 122,926 68,001 54,925 37,571 51,710 11,976 1,733 17,102 1,444 1,352 38 60+ 64,959 31,985 32,974 20,874 32,050 4,830 587 5,846 330 435 7 Age not stated 854 432 422 389 414 17 23 7 61


Literate Educational Levels Total Population Illiterate (without educational level) Primary Matriculation Age-group or 1 unior Basic and above

Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

21 Amravati District All Ages 1,232,780 637,861 594,919 345,000 472,542 125,428 63,720 149,536 55,398 17,897 3,259 0-4 192,240 97,544 94,696 97,544 94,696 5-9 168,842 85,156 83,686 58,756 63,155 25,841 20:008 . 'S59 ' '523 10-14 133,389 69,233 64,156 14,438 27,451 26,083 17,985 28,706 18,710 ti 10 15-1'1 96,7Ml 52,000 44,7Ml 13,131 25,218 7,552 5,544 28,404 12,902 2,913 1,076 20-24 103,MlI 49,607 53,794 17,024 38,682 9,325 5,522 17,767 8,5Ml 5,491 1,050 25-29 100,411 49,776 50,635 20,733 39,623 10,943 4,842 14,903 5,653 3,197 517 30-34 86,420 45,847 Ml,573 20,199 33,583 10,509 3,186 13,345 3,548 1,794 256 35-44 1Ml,420 75,311 65,109 36,277 57,394 15,515 3,776 21,447 3,686 2,072 253 45-59 134,318 74,641 59,677 41,383 55,887 13,611 2,184 17,883 1,532 1,764 74 60+ 76,130 38,520 37,610 25,336 36,678 6,031 614 6,495 296 658 22 Age not stated 469 226 243 179 175 18 59 27 8 2 1 22 YeotmaI District All Age. 1,098,470 557,010 541,460 360,171 480,417 98,760 35,916 90,674 23,978 7,Ml5 1,149 - 0-4 173,224 86,195 87,029 86,195 87,029 5-9 156,809 77,782 79,027 58,206 66,994 19;3i8 1t:8ii '248 'iii 10-14 116,394 60,622 55,772 20,803 36,738 21,789 10,873 18,024 8,157 6 4 15-19 84,649 44,194 40,455 17,889 30,951 7,374 3,295 18,125 5,841 806 368 20-24 95,494 43,082 52,412 20,672 45,136 8,302 3,036 1t,899 3,854 2,209 386 25-29 97,766 48,965 48,801 27,484 44,026 9,775 2,343 10,Q95 2,259 1,611 173 30-34 78,483 42,Ig6 36,377 25,522 33,362 7,957 1,495 7,784 1,412 843 108 35-44 121,650 64,7 1 56,919 Ml,435 53,630 11,381 1,771 11,950 1,440 965 78 45-59 114,788 61,3l' 53,471 41,874 51,801 9,3Ml 985 9,389 656 714 29 60+ 58,779 27,7 9 31,030 20,837 30,587 3,510 295 3,153 145 249 3 Age not stated 434 267 167 254 163 4 2 7 2 2 23 Wardha District All Age. 634,277 322,894 311,383 182,641 258,522 65,935 29,793 66,496 21,757 7,822 1,311 0-4 99,312 50,031 49,281 50,031 49,281 5-9 83,858 41,837 42,021 28,Mll 31.870 l3:ij~ 10:020 . i97 131 10-14 67,111 34,216 32,895 6,897 16,559 1.'5,141 9,632 12,176 6,701 "'2 3 15-19 42,130 23,707 18,423 6,673 11,377 4,058 1,998 12,099 4,681 877 367 20-24 55,138 24,452 30,686 9,074 24,038 4,906 2,Mll 8,310 3,803 2,162 444 25-29 53,605 26,018 27,587 11,966 23,093 5,530 1,846 6,998 2,427 1,524 221 30-34 45,835 24,298 21,537 12,348 18,596 5,380 1,254 5,746 1,557 824 ,130 35-44 73,527 39,707 33,820 20,418 30,769 8,200 1,373 9,810 1,564 1,279 114 4~-59 71,097 38,403 32,694 22,960 31,018 6,669 923 7,925 727 849 26 60+ 42,119 ' 19,986 22,133 13,664 21,630 2,800 334 3,220 163 302 6 Age not stated 545 239 306 209 291 12 12 15 3 3 24 Nagpur District All Ages 1,512,807 784,161 728,646 407,318 573,746 146,213 70,857 181,806 70,931 48,824 13,112 0-4 227,637 115,754 111,883 115,754 111,883 5-9 199,096 100,458 98,638 65,085 71,847 33:963 25',622 (4io 1',i69 10-14 164,320 86,163 78,157 17.057 35,595 31,417 20,499 37,640 22,004 49 "59 15-19 121,795 65,778 56,017 16,379 33,676 9,684 4,766 32,915 14,283 6,800 3,292 20-24 140,104 69,419 70,685 21,726 50,551 11,094 5,215 23,088 10,717 13,511 4,202 25-29 129,826 65,267 64,559 26,130 50,235 11,983 4,147 18,790 7,829 8,364 2,348 30-34 110,862 59,712 51,150 25,767 41,629 11,406 2,885 16,934 5,251 5,605 1,385 35--44 171,511 93,060 78,451 43,891 67,854 16,798 3,645 25,206 5,687 7,165 1,265 45-59 157,895 85,288 72,607 47,525 66,272 14,044 2,748 18,418 3,136 5,301 451 60+ 89,289 42,998 46,291 27,778 44,012 5,797 1,315 7,395 854 2,028 110 Age not stated 472 264 208 226 192 27 15 10 1 1 25 Bhandara District All Ages 1,268,286 635,174 633,112 381,752 581,248 136,459 33,096 109,721 17,920 7,242 848 0-4 186.480 93,381 93,099 93,381 93,099 5-9 172,381 85,518 86,863 61,243 74,477 24:06; 12',2;:2 '208 114 10--14 127,091 66,113 60,978 17,072 43,758 29,529 10,938 19,509 6,280 3 2 15-19 97,643 49,700 47,943 16,209 40,987 10,827 2,665 22,010 4,069 654 222 20-24 113,119 52,5Ml 60,579 20,259 55,051 13,836 2,353 15,942 2,876 2,503 299 25-29 112,836 56,152 56.684 26,251 53,011 15,246 1,708 13,096 1,807 1,559 158 30-34 94,019 48,529 45,490 24,649 43,195 12,463 1,066 10;549 1,143 868 86 35-44 147,554 75,717 71,837 44,437 69,522 15,972 1,211 14,425 1,038 883 66 45-59 137,958 71,033 66,925 49,355 65,790 10,958 643 10,137 481 583 II 60+ 77,795 35,739 42,056 28,162 41,701 3,556 239 3,834 112 187 4 Age not stated 1,410 752 658 734 657 5 1 11 2 26 Chanda District All Ages 1,238,070 623,681 614,389 445,448 578,787 98,699 21,600 73,084 13,202 6.450 800 0-4 187,126 93,364 93,762 93,364 93,762 5-9 174,597 87,005 87,592 71,524 80,416 15',3:27 i,092 ' iS4 "84 10-14 128,365 66,989 61,376 31,264 49,788 21,955 7,554 13,768 4,032 '''2 "'2 15-19 93,016 46,314 46,702 23,128 41,455 7,780 1,829 14,886 3,197 520 221 20-24 111,430 50,833 60,597 27,941 56,363 9,932 1,708 10,914 2,258 2,046 268 25-29 114,161 57,712 56,449 36,175 53,690 11,398 1,145 8,675 1,456 1,464 158 30--~4 90,032 47,494 42,538 31,887 Ml,845 8,360 741 6,431 880 816 72 35-44 139,092 72,599 66,493 50,929 64,781 11,845 852 8,957 800 868 60 45-59 130,666 68,316 62,350 52,133 61,420 9,041 507 6,550 Ml7 592 16 60+ 68,583 32,549 36,034 26,609 35,774 3,054 170 2,745 87 141 3 Age not stated 1,002 506 496 494 493 7 2 4 1 Ya 2774-5a 62


Educational Levels

Total Population Illiterate Literate (without edu- Primary or Matriculation or Technical diploma Age-group cational level) Junior Basic Higher Secondary not equal to degree

p M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14

MAHARASHTRA STATE All Ages 11,162,561 6,197,948 4,964,613 2,378,696 3,082,863 1,378,647 832,934 1,791,886 863,415 496,686 147,148 12,915 2,048 0-4 1,473,745 751,634 722,tll 751,634 722,111 5-9 1,450,119 740,127 709,992 414.140 437,460 305,720 254,180 20,267 18,352 10-14 1,209.196 646,420 562,776 93,283 159,194 224,840 170,412 328,063 232,930 . 234 'i31i '''i 15-19 998,239 572,159 426,080 88.955 159,582 87,083 59,344 330,606 172,210 64,733 34,025 127 61 20-24 1.189,042 676,237 512,805 138.291 253.951 126.355 73,657 251,900 127,568 136,553 46,677 2,521 454 25-29 1.102,958 625,514 477,444 161,8tl 268.853 135,495 68,457 206,818 102,486 86.483 27,504 2,698 497 30 -34 907,197 535,686 371.511 152,980 222,965 122.349 52,695 173,573 72,765 59,528 16,446 1,827 332 35-44 1,316.297 798,233 518.064 258,498 345.241 1~3.046 71.072 245,235 80,483 79,451 14,721 2,456 383 45-59 1,036.380 608,812 427,568 218.194 316.641 140.163 57,683 174,089 44,891 51,489 5,759 2,468 256 60+ 475.844 241,359 234,485 99,414 195,172 53.469 25,388 61,233 11,700 18,183 1,774 817 64 Age not stated 3,544 1,767 1,777 1,496 1,693 127 46 102 30 ~ 4


All Ages 5,993,982 3.472,485 2.521,497 1,256,358 1,411,124 847,828 487,826 964,178 496,923 306,424 ~8,/32 7,499 1,576 0-4 726,276 371,055 355,221 371.055 355,221 5-9 722,962 370.569 352,393 1fi7,322 194.087 170',263 146,006 12,984 12,300 10-14 602,232 322,987 279,245 42,885 62,578 Jl6,831 88,633 163,179 127,932 92 100 '''j 15-19 530,459 309,415 221,044 51,423 69.835 56,746 33.696 167,384 96,81I 33,427 20,159 55 47 20-24 697.057 420.4112 276,575 89,325 121.()07 88,815 44,U96 147,398 72547 80,401 31,058 ,229 378 25-29 f63.698 403.1111 260,597 107.355 130,671 94.746 121,488 60,'746 56,440 19,07 1,589 68 30-34 533.639 336.347 197,292 97.772 104,022 82.893 1}:~f;' 98,459 43.693 39,328 11,598 1,162 257 35-44 743,781 482.000 261,781 153.47/ 153,975 122,524 45,054 133,142 47,589 51,963 10,430 1,566 295 45-59 548,6111 339,OOS 209.610 114.276 138.283 85,807 37,541 90,476 27,678 33,050 4,310 1,485 180 60+ 223.295 116.605 106.690 4().689 80,436 29,146 16,932 29,619 7,614 ll,705 1,402 413 50 Age not stated .. 1,965 916 1,049 785 1,009 57' 19 49 13 18 4

1 Greater Bombay District All Ages 4,152,056 2,496,176 1,655,880 871,218 847,634 647,575 357,273 654,329 343,195 240,212 83,343 6,029 1,489 0-4 458,961 234,554 224,407 234,554 224,407 5-9 463,185 237,395 225,790 108,115 111,813 119',133 103',922 10:147 10:055 10-14 389.997 210,524 179,473 26,010 33.004 77.128 59,201 107,306 87,179 . 80 87 "'j 15-19 364,867 218,210 146,657 37,969 41,235 44.607 23.385 108,898 64,639 26,358 16,917 43 46 20-24 515,997 324,288 191,709 70,792 78,776 73,330 32,563 104,899 47,619 62,518 25,647 922 365 25-29 498,748 316,805 181,943 87,146 85.083 79.364 32.760 87,004 41,569 43,602 15,926 1,248 352 30-34 397,638 261,644 135,994 79,015 64.939 68,449 26,021 68,629 30,781 30,421 10,052 943 248 35-44 542,593 369,761 172,832 120,679 89,321 99,253 35,407 91,008 34,576 41,158 9,351 1,258 274 45-59 378,747 246,372 132,375 82,265 76,163 66,006 30,010 58,894 20,574 26,499 4,034 1,254 158 60+ 140,118 76,004 64,114 24,122 42,337 20.271 13,990 17,522 6,194 9,567 1,325 361 45 Age not stated .. 1,205 619 586 551 556 34 14 22 9 9 4

2 Thana District All Ages 499,328 273,895 225,433 102,958 130,772 58,712 38,248 79,252 47,949 26,659 7,104 627 34 0-4 68,090 34,850 33,240 34,850 33,240 5-9 66,881 34,043 32,838 18.529 19,263 14,50i 12.7Si (Oi3 '794 10-14 52,145 27,400 24,745 4.219 5,983 9,281 7,537 13.895 11,221 5 '''4 15-19 41,590 22,715 18.875 3,704 5,898 3,591 2,649 . 13,166 9,047 2,226 1,260 ''';' 20-24 56,038 31,007 25.031 6,046 10,439 5,789 3,678 1I,681 7,905 6,622 2,660 126 "'7 25-29 53,461 30,083 23,378 6,844 11,407 5,605 2,996 10,358 6,793 5,605 1,760 142 8 30-34 42,000 24,843 17,157 6,334 9,205 4,955 2,239 8,394 4,620 3,920 830 100 4 35-44 56,773 34,854 21,919 10,294 13,995 7,281 2,806 !l,015 4,413 4,908 476 134 6 45-59 42,325 23,888 18,437 8,035 13,219 5,407 2,469 7,111 2,603 2,510 84 91 1 60+ 19,802 10,106 9,696 4,014 8,007 2,292 1,092 2,616 553 860 30 19 2 Age not stated 223 106 117 89 116 10 3

3 KoJaba District All Ages 106,681 54,916 51,765 21,075 31,109 11,522 8,675 18,493 10,967 3,169 915 106 12 0-4 14,052 7,112 6,940 7,112 6,940 5-9 15,374 7,805 7,569 4,732 4,970 2:869 2:452 '204 . i47 10-14 13,456 7,062 6,394 1,095 1,806 2,277 1,864 3,688 2,724 2 15-19 9,778 5,025 4,753 773 1,43U 685 633 3,354 2,467 210 '22i 2 20-24 9,264 4,626 4,638 886 1,920 795 722 2,114 1,604 , 772 366 19 '''j 25-29 8,784 4,423 4,361 1,006 2,238 813 634 1,833 1,279 660 183 28 .. 30-34 7,504 3,941 3,563 912 2,047 788 489 1,669 945 453 66 16 35-44 11,677 6,095 5,582 1,683 3,679 1,296 781 2,452 1,045 532 58 18 '''3 45-59 11,282 6,078 5,204 1,926 3,751 1,394 792 2,213 636 376 17 19 3 60+ 5,492 2,740 2,752 944 2,321 604 308 964 119 164 3 4 I Age not stated .. 18 9 9 6 7 2 63


EducatIOnal Levels Non-technical University degree Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree diploma not or post-graduate equal to degree degree other than Engineering Medicme Agriculture Veterinary and Technology Teachmg Others Age-group technical degree DaITymg

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 30 31 32

MAHARASHTRA STATE 7,273 4,289 80,334 22,172 9,665 40 8,299 2,000 1,218 5 309 884 34 6,020 . 4,764 25.116 2,900 All Ages 0-4 5-9 1 10-14 "59 209 302 458 "33 13 26 6 1 5 1 5 55 231 'i08 15-19 783 1,003 11,326 7,230 1,546 11 651 349 216 33 123 4 141 721 5,798 1,179 20-24 1,165 904 18,649 6,315 2,585 14 1,509 452 226 85 259 13 785 1.132 6.946 816 25-29 1,047 727 14,905 3,722 1,805 7 1,271 381 242 63 201 10 1,207 1,048 4,688 413 30-34 1,678 842 17,544 3,279 1,683 5 1,751 458 246 34 184 4 1,701 1,284 4.726 291 35-44 1,909 514 12,449 989 1,517 1 1,986 265 185 63 98 2 1,861 482 2,341 83 45-59 630 89 5,156 176 495 2 1,118 69 97 30 14 319 42 384 9 60+ 2 3 3 .... 2 Age not stated BOMBA Y DIVISION 3,939 2,219 52.685 16,699 7,271 36 5,565 1,466 283 2 1/3 688 23 2,618 3,351 17,036 2,118 All Ages 0-4 5-9 1 10-14 "jj 78 178 289 30 I1 21 4 4 I 1 43 11/ 15-19 400 472 7,218 5,389 1,170 10 443 256 27 IJ 84 2 89 531 3,871 '/137 20-24 654 520 12,602 4,809 1,948 13' 1,007 332 41 27 211 10 305 809 4,688 60J 25-29 600 387 9,947 2.812 1,345 6 803 270 56 27 148 8 482 704 '3,325 323 30-34 908 451 11,726 2,526 1,319 4 1,202 340 68 .. 16 149 2 677 887 3,269 228 35--44 1,034 263 7,856 748 1,094 1 1,332 201 56 i 21 81 902 344 1,538 59 45-59 3I1 47 3,155 123 364 2 767 46 31 10 11 161 34 2J3 4 60+ 3 3 1 Age not stated Grea.ter Bombay District 2,390 1,124 45,771 15,495 6,498 36 4,651 1,333 141 2 65 609 21 1,577 2,948 1;;,111 1,986 All Ages 0-4 5-9 .. I 10--14 2,3 . i6i 42 '270 29 11 21 4 4 1 " 40 103 61 15-19 256 239 6,477 4,977 1,043 10 419 246 9 5 74 2 7i 487 3,473 778 20--24 431 228 10,910 4,448 1,678 13 895 299 21 12 193 9 188 689 4,113 566 25-29 368 183 8,592 2,600 1,214 6 660 244 24 23 126 8 250 607 2,930 305 30--34 543 242 10,201 2,361 1,206 4 1,005 308 26 8 129 I 415 772 2,872 215 35-44 608 158 6,718 718 1,003 I 1,031 176 34 II 72 554 323 1,423 58 45-59 161 31 2,710 118 324 2 630 39 23 6 11 99 30 197 3 60+ 2 Age not stated 2 Thana District 320 351 3,295 577 406 263 56 19 8 60 276 270 1,040 71 All Ac:es 0-4 5-9 10--14 2 7 '''7 9 3 13 2 15-19 24 77 378 193 "79 8 5 4 '''i <} 10 35 230 32 20--24 44 121 950 185 137 32 II 2 I IS 20 79 328 18 25-29 49 59 706 110 62 39 14 3 19 50 64 203 12 30--34 80 63 729 66 62 73 16 3 16 54 70 202 7 35-44 84 21 372 12 42 66 7 6 2 1 108 15 53 45-59 37 3 153 2 24 45 3 1 34 4 10 60+ Agenol stated 3 Kolaba District 19 2 271 52 33 78 7 12 53 14 76 II All Ages 0-4 5-9 10--14 I I 15-19 4 17 22 3 I 2 1 13 2 20--24 1 38 12 6 6 2 (, I 2 6 22 3 25-29 2 58 II 7 6 I I 14 2 13 3 30-34 7 47 4 7 II 4 2 17 5 23 2 35-44 ~ 69 2 6 42 3 4 20 4 45-59 J 41 4 12 I I 60+ Age not stated 64


Educational Levels

Total Population Illiterate Literate (without edu· Primary or Matriculation or Technical diploma Age-&!'oup cational level) Junior Basic Higher Secondary not equal to degree

P 1vI F M F M F 1vI F 1vI F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

4 Ra tnagiri District All Age. 147,858 74,412 73,446 28,830 44,410 15,091 11,804 25,286 15,917 4,170 1,195 114

~ 18,215 9,398 8,817 9,398 8,817 5--9 20,244 10,279 9,965 5,949 6,350 4j4i 3',4i i . iS9 '204 1Q....-14 19,322 10,030 9,292 1,162 2,180 4,072 3,078 4,796 4,032 .. '2 15-19 14,841 7,687 7,154 1,187 2,052 884 952 5,214 3,852 400 296 I 2Q....-24 12,878 6,573 6,305 1,552 2,607 942 803 2,929 2,389 1,010 478 33 25-29 12,261 6,189 6,072 1,722 3,244 901 715 2,523 1,775 824 234 23 3Q....-34 9,982 5,021 4,961 1,441 3,036 157 543 2,065 1,259 558 106 11 35-44 16,123 1,839 8,284 2,534 5,894 1,343 969 3,179 Ij332 584 6S 28 45--59 15,859 1,627 8,232 2,554 6,434 1,359 915 2,952 '864 556 14 18 60+ 8,107 3,757 4,350 1,319 3,782 692 358 1,439 210 238 Ale not stated .• 26 12 14 12 14 t···

5 Nasik District All A,l,," 474,982 253,394 221,588 103,873 152,463 48,583 29,953 83,318 35,456 14,401 2,822 326 33

~ 73,761 37,315 36,446 31,315 36,446 5-9 68,023 34,789 33,234 21,984 22,632 12~075 10~078 '730 524 I Q....-I 4 54,493 28,864 25,629 4,906 8,485 9,629 6,964 14,326 10,173 3 ''':'' 15-19 43,558 24,659 .18,899 3,567 8,512 2,835 2,271 16,517 7,424 1,724 663 3 2Q....-24 48,432 26,577 21,855 4,979 12,123 3,829 2,672 12,956 5,869 4,454 970 55 "'4 25-29 41,703 21,845 19,858 5,354 12,587 3,778 2,293 9,459 4,245 2,635 510 74 3 3Q....-34 34,087 19,010 15,077 4,848 10,347 3,733 1,606 8,061 2,691 1,822 ~85 40 5 35-44 49,294 27,549 21,745 8,268 16,451 5,779 2,OSO 10,787 2,799 1,978 252 74 9 45-59 41,034 22,617 18,417 8,242 15,383 4.665 1,405 7,662 1,434 1,352 103 62 10 60+ 20,317 10,024 10,293 4,298 9,367 2,251 580 2,803 296 428 32 18 2 Aie not stated 280 145 135 112 130 9 4 17 5

6 Dbulia District All Alles 215,856 112,815 103,041 47,046 72,632 19,448 13,223 39,347 16,058 5,605 875 105 8 Q....-4 32,771 16,762 16,009 16,762 16,009 5-9 31,328 16,065 15,263 10,645 1l,101 5: ii3 3',889 . 297 273 1Q....-14 25,318 13,477 1l,841 2,341 4,048 3,864 3,083 7,271 4,710 1 15-19 20,353 J I,S99 8,754 1,684 3,799 1,111 1,334 8,021 3,278 782 338 '''j 20-24 20,419 10,S97 9,822 2,098 5,691 1,385 1,178 5,156 2,613 1,816 271 . 2S 1 25-29 17,365 8,419 8,946 2,031 5,766 1,349 1,092 3,835 1,884 904 144 24 I 30--34 15,410 8,069 7,341 1,978 5,179 1,382 806 3,751 1,253 683 63 20 35--44 23,223 12,473 10.750 3,657 8,321 2,299 994 5,449 1,334 771 46 15 '3 45-59 20,101 10,921 9,174 3,884 7,872 2,080 650 4,156 620 537 12 17 2 60+ 9,541 4,423 5,118 1,962 4,823 855 197 1,411 93 III I 1 Age not stated 27 4 23 4 23

7 J algaon District AllAin 397,221 206,877 190,344 81,358 132.104 46,897 28,650 64,153 27,381 12,208 1,878 192 Q....-4 60,426 31,064 29,362 31,064 29,362 5-9 57,927 30,193 27,734 17,368 17,958 12>iii 9',473 '404 '303 10-14 47,501 25,630 21,871 3,152 7,072 10,580 6,906 1l,897 7,893 1 15-19 35,472 19,520 15,952 2,539 6,909 3,033 2,472 12,214 6,104 1,727 '463 20--24 34,029 16,814 17,215 2,972 9,451 2,745 2,480 7,663 4,548 3,209 658 "46 25-29 31,376 15,337 16,039 3,252 10,346 2,936 2,087 6,476 3,201 2,210 322 SO 3(1-34 27,018 13,819 13,199 3,244 9,269 2,829 1,508 5,890 2,144 1,471 196 23 55--44 44,098 23,429 20,669 6,356 16,314 5,273 2,017 9,252 2,090 2,032 182 39 45-59 39,270 21,499 17,771 7,370 15,461 4,896 1,300 7,488 947 1,220 46 24 60+ 19,918 9,551 10,367 4,030 9,799 2,181 407 2,864 149 337 11 10 Aile not stated 186 21 165 11 163 3 5 2

POONA DIVISION All Ago. 2,305,727 1,219,668 1,086,059 470,852 698,867 244,882 17J,178 378,869 181,539 96,975 28,295 3,074 376 0--4 324,794 165,625 159,169 165,625 159,169 5-9 335,814 171,199 164,615 102,244 108,900 64,835 5:i,097 4,120 3',6is 10-14 276,616 146,082 130,534 20,677 41,800 48.1l5 37,853 77,243 50,847 47 "j~ 15-19 212,033 118,391 93,642 15,022 37,064 14,655 12,683 73,598 36,616 14,966 7,087 "ji "ii 20-24 219,455 Jl6,312 103,143 19,172 52,260 17,937 14,504 47,854 25,863 27,349 8.807 633 46 25-29 197,801 99,510 98,291 20,065 57,531 19,255 13,187 39,583 20,895 15,059 5,160 564 109 30-34 167,120 88,942 78,178 21,036 49,073 18,249 10,095 34,223 14,840 10,740 3,092 396 58 35-44 256,195 143,137 113,058 44,2lJ 77,972 26,655 lJ,838 51,158 17,355 15,090 2,813 535 73 45-59 211,354 118,139 93,215 40,948 70,693 24,494 11,694 37,187 9,278 10,122 1,036 621 67 60+ 103,9()7 51,974 51,933 21,547 44,131 10,667 5,224 13,882 2,223 3,594 266 292 12

Age not .taUd " 638 357 281 305 274 20 3 21 4 8 65


Educational Levels Non-technical University degree Technical Degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree diploma not or post-graduate equal to degree degree other than Engincerin/ii Medicine Agriculture Veterinary and Technology Teaching Others Age-group technical degree Dairying M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

4 Ramagiri District 58 8 401 78 102 103 11 8 1 133 18 115 5 All Ages 0-4 5-9 10-14 2 "'i 15-19 , '30 2 , '32 ' '22 14 "'4 '''2 27 2 20-24 10 2 75 31 45 ·'i2 '''9 3 24 1 27 1 25-29 3 92 8 29 17 28 8 20 1 30-34 8 2 81 14 5 18 .. '2 4 29 7 26 1 35-44 7 86 3 8 35 1 43 8 45-59 35 1 21 5 6 60+ Age not stated S Nasik District 615 467 1,363 274 126 199 26 41 8 9 214 65 318 29 All Ages 0-4 5-9 10-14 4 22 7 7 2 15-19 49 109 169 88 ii 7 1 4 '2 4 56 is 20-24 83 114 287 69 47 22 8 5 '2 2 23 21 74 8 25-29 99 72 230 51 16 35 2 8 42 Hi 76 2 30-34 129 76 315 50 20 37 6 14 2 1. 64 19 81 3 35-44 168 64 267 6 20 71 7 8 2 6 70 5 22 45-59 82 10 88 3 6 27 2 2 2 12 7 60+ Age no! stated 6 DhuUa District 231 132 603 82 38 97 12 21 7 3 130 9 134 10 All Ages 0-4 5-9 10-14 1 . 3 1 15-19 16 27 65 35 4 2 '6 1 22 4 20-24 40 30 134 21 13 17 1 1 3 22 3 46 4 25-29 41 22 110 13 7 19 4 9 1 1 33 1 34 30-34 60 35 127 11 7 23 1 4 1 1 33 5 26 35-44 54 12 126 2 5 25 3 1 1 36 5 ,i 45-59 19 3 41 2 13 1 1 6 1 60+ Age not stated 7 J all:aon District 306 135 981 141 68 174 21 41 16 6 235 28 242 6 All Al:es 0-4 5-9 10-14 1 2 2 2 1 . i '2 15-19 21 18 80 52 10 8 2 2 6 2 '2 SO ·4 20-24 45 24 208 43 22 23 4 7 3 1 26 10 78 2 25-29 38 51 159 19 10 27 6 11 2 1 6S 6 49 30-34 81 226 20 6S 9 32 12 35 5 15 2 2 39 " 35-44 109 8 218 5 10 62 3 3 3 2 71 1 23 45-59 11 87 3 19 1 3 5 1 60+ Age not stated POONA DIVISION 1,819 1,068 12,903 3,073 1,686 4 1,637 352 404 2 63 87 3 1,758 812 4,659 490 All Ages 0-4 5-9 '''] 10-14 18 71 46 87 1 1 3 I 1 5 48 14 15-19 169 283 1,776 996 276 1 82 54 42 1 3 13 33 117 973 211 20-24 245 173 2,443 838 ~44 1 291 79 71 10 22 1 234 178 1,224 139 25-29 262 168 2,179 535 321 1 229 72 81 7 24 1 345 180 850 63 30-34 475 205 2,847 436 259 1 326 88 80 13 16 480 230 992 47 35-44 488 150 2,432 143 282 437 41 80 16 10 1 551 98 471 14 45-59 161 18 1,/80 38 103 271 15 49 14 2 112 4 100 2 60+ J J Age not .. stated 66


Bducational Level.

Total Population Illiterate Literate (without edu· Primary or Matriculation or Technical diploma AIle-srouP cationallevel) Junior Basic Higher Secondary not equal to degree

p M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

8 Ahmadnagar District All Ages 187,315 99,088 88,227 35,712 55,844 24,163 17,000 30,101 13,580 7,615 1,563 123 2 0---4 26,913 13,825 13,088 13,825 13,088 5-9 26,820 13,684 13,136 7,922 8,001 5',596 4,981 . i66 . iS4 10--14 22,438 11,920 10,518 1,604 3,670 4,453 3,076 5,861 3,766 "j 6 15-19 18.207 10,434 7,773 1,633 2,918 1,537 1,502 6,194 2,930 1,061 419 '''i 20--24 17,899 9,225 8,674 1,395 4,195 2,217 1,866 3,231 2,026 2,214 523 27 25---29 15,908 8,270 7,638 1,003 4,246 2,101 1,522 3,612 1,549 1,249 264 38 30--34 13,706 7,387 6,319 1,381 3,725 1,797 1,233 3,057 1,152 894 166 12 35-44 20,407 11,210 9,197 2.762 6,375 2,893 1,421 4,022 1,231 1,184 126 19 1 45-59 17,147 9,200 7,947 2,908 6,153 2,321 1,105 2,889 619 ' 764 48 25 60+ 7,812 3,896 3,916 1,251 3,453 1,245 294 1,064 152 246 11 1 Aee not stated .. 58 37 21 28 20

9 Poonll District

All AIel 939,906 502,174 437,732 181,174 252,969 108,040 82,087 143,034 79,742 53,293 19,176 1,93~ 191 0-4 129,675 65,679 63,996 63,996 65,679 " 5-9 132,808 67,616 65,192 40,796 42,244 25j45 21',748 1:075 1',200 10-14 106,899 55,732 51,167 6,380 12,219 20,148 17,657 29,176 21,270 "2S 21 .. 15-19 83,795 46,482 37,313 4,343 11,306 7,029 6,211 26,713 15,192 8,320 4,508 IS "io 20-24 94,683 51,755 42,928 7,275 17,850 8,550 7,192 19.066 11,332 14,279 5,532 381 26 25-29 84,843 42,646 42,197 6,763 20,855 9,410 6,919 15,203 9,799 7,995 3,658 335 41 30-34 72,871 39,920 32,951 8,047 17,564 9,486 5,326 13,570 7,108 6,031 2,248 33 35-44 1l0,577 64,737 45,840 20,257 27,552 11,703 7,166 20,269 8,311 9,010 2,155 1m 39 45-59 85,009 48,307 36,702 15,000 24,641 11,550 6,619 13,'207 4,354 5,512 827 417 34 60+ 38,497 19,166 19,331 6,528 14,629 4,406 3,248 4,747 1,175 2,113 227 221 8 Aie not stated •• 249 134 115 106 113 13 8

10 Satara District All AI" 158,427 82,832 75,595 28,787 44,533 17,489 14,939 27,948 14,185 6,798 1,512 232 24 0-4 21,920 11,334 10,586 11,334 10,586 5-9 23,256 11,842 11,414 6,574 6,954 5',027 4:265 'i4i 'i95 10--14 20,551 10,856 9,695 1,147 2,316 3,832 3,289 5,876 4,090 '''i 15-19 15,584 8,996 6,588 832 1,994 942 1,078 6,155 3,106 1,062 402 I 20--24 14,255 7,471 6,784 876 2,896 1,023 1,265 3,164 1,963 2,178 555 57 2 25-29 12,485 6,049 6,436 948 3,317 1,075 1.228 2,560 1,557 1,048 239 57 5 30--34 10,212 5,323 4,889 970 2,739 1,031 871 2,318 1,081 699 140 36 5 35--44 16,460 8,465 7,995 1,934 5,072 1,949 1,403 3,412 1,330 821 125 36 4 45-59 15,308 8,224 7,084 2,490 5,151 1,764 1,113 2,919 738 714 44 34 7 60+ 8,385 4,263 4,122 1,675 3,506 839 477 1,302 125 275, 7 11 1 Aae not stated 11 9 2 7 2 1

11 Sangli District All All" 192,430 100,653 91,'777 40,676 63,897 17,297 10,918 34,369 15,091 6,420 1,420 219 47 0-4 26,751 13,754 12,'>97 13,754 12.997 5-9 28,178 14,539 13,G39 9,086 9,418 5',073 3".896 '380 .:iis 10--14 23,715 12,632 11,083 2,043 4,279 3,924 2,309 6,664 4,493 I "':i. 15-19 18,118 10,059 8,059 1,214 3,764 874 775 6,804 3,050 1,151 439 5 1 20-24 17,670 9,016 8,654 1,566 5,059 1.042 861 4,195 2,108 1,978 502 68 5 25-29 15,949 7,854 8,095 1,824 5,409 1,194 724 3,528 1,613 977 251 38 10 30-34 13,074 6,825 6,249 1,836 4,483 1,056 522' 2,982 1,073 649 102 20 8 35--44 20,371 10,863 9,508 3,235 7,159 1,789 791 4,624 1,387 812 90 32 9 45-59 18.304 9,900 8,404 3,605 6,771 1,508 690 3,721 867 643 31 40 13 60+ 10,242 5,175 5,067 2,480 4,536 835 350 1,471 175 209 3 16 1 Aile Dot slated 58 36 22 33 22 2

12 Sholapur District All Ales 519,374 271,657 248,217 123,486 185,549 51,028 21,347 81,440 32,106 12,321 2,300 321 83 0-4 76,212 38,824 37,388 38,824 37,388 S-9 79,232 40,153 39,079 25,107 28,321 13,999 9,995 t',il47 "63 10-14 64,080 34,392 29,688 7,038 13,562 9,948 6,321 17,393 9,802 13 3 15-19 46,701 25,504 21,197 4,833 11,758 2,945 1,981 15,910 6,748 1,791 669 7 20-24 45,799 22,973 22,826 5,381 15,009 3,501 2,147 10,268 4,619 3,424 819 64 6 2S-29 42,519 21,223 21,296 6,422 15,554 3,781 1,799 8,308 3,373 2,073 367 62 49 30-34 36,356 18.417 17,939 5,981 13,757 3,347 1,429 1,137 2,387 1,373 231 46 7 35--44 55,769 30,302 25,467 11,156 20,498 5,871 1,897 10,597 2,741 1,897 164 64 14 45-59 47,764 27,007 20,757 11,865 17,918 5.162 1,300 7,934 1,378 1,335 41 55 7 60+ 25,189 12,729 12,460 6,752 11,668 2,474 476 2,842 293 413 6 23 Age not stated .. 253 133 120 127 116 2 4 2 2 67


Educational Levels Non-technical University degree Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree diploma not or post-graduate equal to degree degree other than Engineering Medicine Agriculture Veterinary and Technology Teaching Others Age-group technical degree Dalfying ------M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

8 Abmadnagar District 30 12 936 139 80 143 34 29 4 111 51 40 2 All Ages 0-4 5-9 10-14 "'j '''8 I :2 15-19 '''5 2 118 50 7 "'3 3 '''2 1 9 5 20-24 4 3 179 35 22 24 5 7 16 11 15 2 25-29 7 168 24 17 21 10 7 24 9 2 30-34 10 '''4 229 14 18 30 10 7 28 15 8 35-44 2 2 173 10 9 55 3 5 1 36 7 9 45-59 2 61 5 7 10 1 1 6 1 60+ Age not stated 9 PooDa District 248 60 7,553 2,307 1,279 2 880 229 229 2 26 64 771 582 3,644 384 All Age. 0-4 5-9 10-14 '''5 '''j "j4 70 1 1 1 1 3 5 "38 8 15-19 23 14 1,079 687 217 56 46 28 1 2 10 16 92 773 156 20-24 28 11 1,358 635 317 180 48 37 3 19 87 120 911 111 25-29 26 14 1,313 424 242 1 126 54 41 2 16 131 125 648 54 30-34 63 11 1,676 346 190 1 172 53 45 9 10 200 165 805 41 35-44 70 7 1,406 116 228 201 19 45 6 7 1 276 71 382 13 45-59 33 2 707 29 84 144 8 33 4 2 58 4 86 1 60+ Age not stated 10 Satara Di,trict 211 136 776 152 94 100 7 33 8 3 1 152 43 201 12 All Ages .... 0-4 5-9 10-14 3 '''s 3 1 15-19 15 40 "96 51 18 '''2 '''3 1 '''j '''5 '''4 32 7 20-24 33 27 162 44 38 16 '''2 7 1 1 1 26 13 77 3 25-29 33 20 117 17 14 5 5 1 37 15 51 1 30-34 58 24 145 30 14 19 "'2 5 3 1 42 4 26 1 35-44 51 18 157 5 9 35 1 9 1 29 7 12 45-59 18 2 99 2 1 23 2 4 1 13 2 60+ Age not stated 11 Sangli District 333 241 732 91 75 150 18 24 9 8 1 168 25 173 28 All Ages 0-4 5-9 '''5 10-14 "27 2 3 1 3 " 15-19 29 60 63 42 15 "':' 1 2 '''j '''2 1 48 15 20-24 53 48 120 18 25 26 7 3 1 21 8 44 7 25-29 49 32 118 16 9 23 4 7 1 4 1 36 5 35 3 30-34 82 48 172 10 10 32 4 5 1 1 41 9 27 I 35-44 89 25 166 2 12 38 2 2 2 1 61 2 12 1 45-59 25 1 91 4 24 4 5 7 4 1 60+ Age not stated 12 Sholapur District 880 535 1,298 195 71 203 34 45 6 8 292 39 258 29 All Ages 0-4 5-9 10-14 4 34 11 4 3 3 15-19 75 124 186 82 9 8 .. '2 '''4 .. 's 5 45 13 20-24 109 69 277 60 11 28 9 9 1 60 7 79 9 25-29 126 95 223 20 22 34 2 13 3 59 9 52 2 30-34 240 109 282 21 10 40 10 8 3 82 11 52 2 35-44 247 91 222 6 14 62 9 10 "'j 1 76 7 23 45-59 79 13 97 2 5 31 2 1 1 7 4 60+ Age not stated 68


Educational Levels

Total Population Illiterate Literate (without edu- Primary or Matriculation or Technical diploma Age-group cationallevel) Junior Basic HiBher Secondary not equal to dellfee

P M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

13 Kolbapur District All Ages 307,775 163,264 144,Sl1 61,017 96,075 26,865 18,837 61,977 26,835 10,528 2,324 240 29 0--4 43,323 22,209 21,114 22,209 21,114 5-9 45,520 23,365 22,155 12,759 13,962 9;395 7;iii {,iii ' 9si .... 10-14 38,933 20,550 18,383 2,465 5,754 5,810 5,201 12,273 7,426 '''i '''i 15-19 29,628 16,916 12,712 2,167 5,324 1,328 1,136 11,822 5,590' 1,581 650 3 20-24 29,149 15,872 13,277 2,679 7,251 1,604 1,173 7,930 3.815 3,276 876 36 '''7 25-29 26,097 13,468 12,629 3,105 8,150 1,694 995 6,372 3,004, 1,717 381 34 3 30-34 20,901 11,070 9,831 2,821 6,805 1,526 714 5,159 2,039: 1,094 205 41 5 35-44 32,611 17,560 15,051 4,867 11,316 2,450 1,160 8,234 2,355, 1,366 153 56 6 45-59 27,822 15,501 12,321 5,080 10,059 2,189 867 6,517 1,3n 1,154, 45 50 6 60+ 13,782 6,745 7,037 2,861 6,339 868 379 2,456 303 33~ 12 20 :2 i Age not stated 9 8 4 3 ···f


All Ages 794,196 415,372 378,824 212,052 301,823 89,331 45,769 88,474 28,109 20,321 ~727 581 25 0-4 119,451 60,363 59,088 60,363 59,088 5-9 120,082 60,765 59,317 41,670 46,852 18;isii 12,144 '484 '3ii 10-14 95,046 52,147 42,899 15,912 24,354 19,488 11,121 16,729 7,407 18 'jj' 15-19 72,674 40,368 32,306 10,190 20,274 5,611 4,598 21,330 6,597 3,178 820 17 20-24 73,829 37,018 36,811 11,004 26,089 6,208 4,781 12,331 4,888 6,512 153 7 25-29 65,241 32,710 32,531 12,212 24,486 6,939 3,933 8,862 3,524 3,378 ~g\ 121 10 30-34 55,836 29,419 26,417 11,788 20,987 6,726 2,900 7,577 2,191 2,335 255 74 4 35-44 84,703 46,124 38,579 20,419 32,655 11,025 3,503 10,640 2,194 2,935 172 110 3 45-59 68,758 37,286 31,472 17,795 28,506 9,697 2,098 7,586 817 1,572 41 86 1 60+ 38,228 19,017 19,211 10,560 18,350 5,022 685 2,926 165 390 8 20 Age not stated 348 155 193 139 182 4 6 9 5 3

14 Aurao,abad District All Ages 216,711 114,566 102,145 54,243 76,294 22,959 13,692 27,014 10,603 8,065 1,332 282 11 0--4 32,231 16,309 15,922 16,309 15,922 5-9 31,902 16,150 15,752 10,827 11,825 5',i40 3,806 183 121 10-14 25,200 13,784 11,416 3,955 5,709 4,806 3,001 5,017 2,697 6 "'9 15-19 21,003 11,836 9,167 2,528 5,055 1,427 1,284 6,324 2,454 1,515 362 "io 20-24 21,514 11,324 10,190 2,744 6,471 1,588 1,380 3,804 1,812 2,670 456 67 "'i 25-29 17,715 9,049 8,666 2,959 5,906 1,704 1,158 2,660 1,290 1,150 247 66 4 30-34 15,128 7,985 7,143 2,887 5,194 1,622 889 2,264 869 802 144 42 3 35--44 22,656 12,574 10,082 4,961 7,943 2,759 1,129 3,361 903 1,069 86 49 1 45-59 18,757 10,278 8,479 4,329 7,280 2,5~ 787 2,443 380 671 25 41 1 60+ 10,402 5,192 5,210 2,663 4,878 1,348 254 956 74 181 3 7 Age not stated , , 203 85 118 81 III 4 2 3

15 Parbbaoi District All Ages 166.702 86,526 80,176 46,580 65,805 18,331 8,720 17,625 5,229 3.253 377 97 0-4 24,756 12,454 12,302 12,454 12,302 5-9 25,345 12,846 12,499 8,980 lO,ll9 3jii iji9 "95 " iii 10-14 19,678 10,920 8,758 3,633 5,230 3,860 2,192 3,422 1,332 5 "'4 15-19 13,949 7,500 6,449 2,378 4,301 1,015 828 3,698 1,209 345 III 2 20-24 14,805 7,217 7,588 2,530 5,674 1,246 852 2,327 923 991 133 29 25-29 13,806 6,825 6,981 2,779 5,439 1,434 745 1,833 725 610 61 16 '''i 30-34 12,261 6,352 5,909 2,725 4,845 1,433 569 1,598 445 437 42 13 35--44 18,914 10,384 8,530 4,880 7,429 2,379 680 2,399 384 547 20 20 45-59 15,065 8,045 7,020 4,007 6,478 2,076 407 1,633 131 247 3 11 60+ 8,087 3,970 4,117 2,202 3,966 1,057 127 620 19 70 3 6 Age not stated 36 13 '23 12 22

16 Bbir Dist!1ct All Ages 98,649 51,344 47,305 26.134 38,234 10.844 5,229 11.630 3,548 2,194 259 49 3 0-4 15,245 7,612 7,633 7,612 7,633 5-9 15,136 7,727 7,409 5,415 6,020 2,239 dS2 73 37 10-14 11,974 6,663 5,3ll 1,880 3,056 2,231 1,278 2,552 976 "'i 15-19 9,298 5,173 4,125 1,132 2,629 651 526 3,001 877 383 93 3 20-24 8,579 4,202 4,377 1,238 3,189 728 526 ' 1,535 561 621 92 16 "'i 25-29 7,739 3,751 3,988 1,394 3,000 859 500 1,028 437 356 38 9 30-34 6,825 3,457 3,368 1,327 2,721 877 340 875 281 270 18 4 1 3S--44 10,662 5,734 4,928 2,616 4,227 1,411 423 1,236 263 348 12 6 45-59 8,567 4,678 3,889 2,242 3,579 1,238 212 924 91 182 5 10 60+ 4,594 2,336 2,258 1,268 2,161 610 72 406 25 33 1 Age not stated 30 II 19 10 19 69


Educational Levels Non-technical University degree Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree diploma not or post-graduate equal to degree degree other than Engineerinll Medicine Agriculture Veterinary and Technology Teaching Others Age-aroup technical degree Dairying M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2~ 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

13 Kolhapur District 117 84 1,608 189 87 1 161 30 44 10 3 264 72 343 35 All Ages 0--4 5-9 10-14 I 3 II "'(; .. "i 3 3 15-19 22 43 234 84 10 6 3 "'i "'i 6 70 20 20-24 18 15 347 46 31 1 17 8 8 3 24 19 98 7 25-29 21 7 240 34 17 20 2 8 2 "'i 58 17 62 3 30-34 22 9 343 15 17 33 9 10 1 87 26 74 2 35--44 29 7 308 4 10 46 7 9 3 73 4 33 45-59 4 1~ 2 39 2 6 2 21 3 60+ .... Aile not atated AURANGABAD DIVISION 284 27 2,721 ' 213 179 219 19 143 38 2 410 75 617 37 All Ages 0-4 5-9 10--14 2 3 28 '''9 2 1 1 ""] 8 2 15-19 71 5 448 63 30 9 1 45 5 1 5 9 196 21 20-24 26 5 738 69 62 31 8 31 17 85 21 208 8 25-29 13 1 596 42 36 60 7 24 9 1 94 26 86 4 30--34 57 10 568 26 25 71 2 34 155 12 85 2 35-44 86 1 289 4 22 40 1 8 6 67 3 32 45-59 29 2 54 2 7 1 4 1 2 60+ Age not staUd 14 AurADgabad District 81 6 1,228 134 102 106 8 37 10 2 149 44 2118 21 All Ages 0--4 5-9 10-14 1 "25 '''7 2 1 .. '(; 3 "'4 '''i 15--19 50 3 265 45 16 3 1 .. '2 1 "'2 5 106 15 20-24 7 1 316 41 39 22 3 4 3 33 12 86 4 25-29 3 1 233 26 21 30 3 9 1 1 35 14 35 30--34 8 231 13 9 27 14 48 6 38 '''i 35--44 12 129 2 14 22 1 4 3 28 3 18 45-59 1 29 1 1 1 3 1 1 60+ Age not stated 15 Parbhani District 71 16 317 13 23 21 2 57 7 56 7 88 6 All Aae. 0--4 5-9 10--14 '''j 1 15-19 7 1 33 '''3 1 31 1 1 21 1 20--24 3 2 90 4 6 1 9 1 9 2 34 2 25-29 8 94 2 5 6 6 5 5 3 17 3 30--34 27 10 71 4 10 7 '''i 7 27 1 10 35--44 15 1 27 ' I 4 3 1 14 6 45-59 11 2 1 1 2 60+ Age not stated 16 Bhir Diatrict 34 292 22 15 27 4 14 5 41 6S 5 All Ages 0-4 5-9 10-14 .. '4 3 15-19 4 "33 3 2 "'2 20 20-24 1 68 10 3 2 2 4 3 7 17 25-29 1 65 3 5 8 2 3 12 1 10 30--34 9 54 3 2 9 4 17 12 35--44 15 50 2 2 5 I '''i 5 :! 45-59 4 12 1 60+ Age no! stated 70


Educational Level&

Literate (without edu- Primary or Matriculation or Technical diploma Age-group Total Population Illiterate cationallevel) Junior Basic Higher Secondary not equal to delll"CC

P M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

17 Nanded District

All Ages 155,868 81,138 74,730 44,068 61,519 17,626 8,514 15,280 4,249 3,391 398 81 9 0-4 23,836 12,011 11,825 12,011 11,825 . '45 5-9 23,712 11,995 11,717 8,277 9,352 3),73 i,297 68 .. '4 10-14 18,138 9,864 8,274 3,234 4,994 3,913 2,227 2,713 1,051 2 15-19 13,530 7,461 6,069 2,165 4,125 1,092 854 3,698 966 500 121 1 .. '2 20-24 14,761 7,318 7,443 2,469 5,606 1,295 887 2,251 799 1,185 137 13 25-29 13,345 6,645 6,700 2,778 5,352 1,432 691 1,644 575 565 68 22 5 30-34 11,155 6,185 4,970 2,829 4,087 1,386 539 1,421 302 401 28 10 ., '2 35-44 16,374 8,896 7,478 4,308 6,490 2,140 596 1,810 351 ' 459 36 22 45-59 13,446 7,209 6,237 3,838 5,792 1,788 325 115 ' 211 5 11 60+ 7,536 3,525 4,011 2,134 3,890 905 98 1,~~ 22 66 1 2 Age not stated 35 29 6 25 6 2 2.

18 Osmanabad Di.trict All Ages 156,266 81,798 74,468 41,027 59,971 19,571 9,614 16,925 4,480 3,418 361 72 0-4 23,383 11,977 11,406 11,977 11,406 5-9 23,987 12,047 11,940 8,171 9,536 3j88 2j70 "88 34 10-14 20,056 10,916 9,140 3,210 5,365 4,678 2,423 3,025 1,351 3 '''i 15-19 14,894 8,398 6,496 1,987 4,164 1,366 1,106 4,609 1,091 435 133 "'i 20-24 14,170 6,957 7,213 2,023 5,149 1,351 1,136 2,414 793 1,045 129 28 '''i 25-29 12,636 6,440 6,196 2,302 4,789 1,510 839 1,697 497 697 53 8 30-34 10,467 '5,440 5,027 2,020 4,140 1,408 563 1,419 294 425 23 5 35-44 16,097 8,536 7,561 3,654 6,566 2,336 675 1,834 293 512 18 13 45-59 12,923 7,076 5,847 3,379 5,377 2,031 367 1,296 100 261 3 13 60+ 7,609 3,994 3,615 2,293 3,455 1,102 134 538 25 40 1 4 Age not stated 44 17 27 11 24 5 2

NAGPUI/ DIVISION All Ages 2,068,656 1,090,423 978,233 439,434 671,049 196,606 128,161 360,365 156,844 72,966 17,994 1,761 71 0-4 303,224 154,591 ]48,633 154,591 148,633 5-9 271,261 137,594 133,667 82,904 87,621 52,01 I 43',9jj i,679 i,jij 10-14 235,302 125,204 110,098 13,809 30,462 40,406 32,805 70,911 46,744 77 87 15-19 183,073 103,985 79,088 12,320 32,409 10,071 8,367 68,294 32,186 13,162 5,959 "ij '''j 20-24 198,701 102,425 96,276 18,790 54,595 13,395 10,276 44,317 24,270 22,291 5,873 506 23 25-29 176,218 90,193 86,025 22,]79 56,165 14,555 8,700 36,885 17,321 11.606 2,798 424 10 30-34 150,602 80,978 69,624 22,384 48,883 14,481 6,488 33,314 12,041 7,125 1,501 195 13 35-44 231,618 126,972 104,646 40,397 80,639 22,842 8,677 50,295 13,345 9,463 1,306 245 12 45-59 207,650 114,379 93,271 4?_175 79,159 20,165 6,350 38,840 7,118 -6,745 372 276 8 60+ 110,414 53,763 56,651 2,618 52,255 8,634 2,547 14,806 1,698 2,494 98 92 2 Age not stated 593 339 254 267 228 46 18 23 8 3

19 Buldhana District All Ages 175,438 92,181 83,257 39,602 60,337 14,236 9,340 32,287 12,486 5,128 980 156 11 0-4 25,628 13,044 12,584 13,044 12,584 5-9 23,484 11,975 11,509 8,296 8,533 3,sii 2,845 .iss 131 10-14- 20,519 11,107 9,412 1,764 3,432 3,312 2,226 6,027 3,752 '''4 2 15-19 16,512 9,615 6,897 1,342 3,275 734 703 6,471 2,557 1,065 361 1 20-24 15,727 7,996 7,731 1,694 4,679 903 758 3,680 1,951 1,590 306 35 '''j 25-29 13,976 7,037 6,939 2,032 4,749 962 682 3,024 1,326 835 152 37 1 30-34 12,207 6,499 5,708 1,910 4,076 1,022 554 2,878 973 503 83 17 4 35--44 18,918 10,034 8,884 3,280 6,904 1,563 817 4,521 1,088 525 56 17 2 45-59 18,723 10,141 8,582 3,890 7,398 1,509 560 4,075 601 476 19 35 1 60+ 9,669 4,681 4,988 2,309 4,686 699 193 1,453 107 130 1 14 Age not stated 75 52 23 41 21 11 2

20 Akola District All Ages 262,833 139,728 123,105 59,991 84,640 20,708 15,141 49,513 21,425 7,642 1,623 254 26 0-4 39,301 20,011 19,290 20,011 19,290 5-9 35,587 17,955 17,632 11,724 12,463 5',496 4,82i . 735 348 10-14 29,555 15,954 13,601 2,363 4,151 4,381 3,547 9,198 5,896 "ii 7 15-19 23,678 13,593 10,085 2,211 4,179 1,022 1,047 9,017 4,290 1,331 561 "'j 20-24 24,758 12,751 12,007 3,028 6,558 1,385 1,335 5,807 3,481 2,296 559 70 "ii 25-29 22,330 11,783 10,547 3,378 6,762 1,519 1,111 5,117 2,355 1,320 253 56 5 30-34 18,888 10,245 8,643 3,218 5,880 1,465 863 4,458 1,727 746 123 41 6 35-44 28,804 15,956 12,848 5,335 9,459 2,335 1,205 6,969 2,030 966 100 26 I 45-59 '26,073 14,525 11,548 5,443 9,583 2,109 876 5,897 1,051 728 16 42 3 60+. 13,821 6,927 6,894 3,259 6,305 995 336 2,309 247 243 4 16 Age not stated .. 38 28 10 21 10 6 71


Educational Levels Non-technical University degree Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree diploma not or post-graduate equal to degree degree other than Engineering Medicine Agriculture Veterinary and Tedmology Teaching Others Age-group technical degree Dairying M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

17 NlInded District

30 1 429 27 30 29 14 6 62 8 92 4 All Ages 0-4 5-9 10-14 . "i "'i . "i '''i "'j 15-19 I 63 8 7 I '''2 2 '''i '''i 28 2 20-24 I 1 126 6 11 2 7 3 14 I 40 I 25-29 I 93 8 3 8 '''j 3 1 19 5 10 30-34 8 100 3 4 13 2 19 II 35-44 16 37 5 3 8 2 45-59 1 r. 2 1 60+ .... Age not stated 18 Osmanabad District 68 4 455 17 9 36 4 21 10 102 15 84 1 AIl Ages 0-4 5-9 10-14 '''i 15-19 1 "54 "'j -4 2 '''4 .. 'i I '''i 21 20-24 14 1 138 8 3 4 '''3 7 7 22 6 31 25-29 '''" 111 3 2 8 I 3 2 23 3 14 30-34 '''5 102 3 15 7 .... 44 5 14 '''i 35-44 28 46 6 12 4 45-59 12 4 I 60+ Age not stated NAGPUR DIVISION 1,231 975 12,025 2,187 529 878 163 388 I 95 107 8 1,234 525 2,804 255 All Ages 0-4 5-9 10-14 8 57 "50 "73 2 1 1 1 4 54 28 15-19 143 243 1,884 782 70 ll7 38 101 13 25 2 14 64 758 no 20-24 240 206 2,866 599 131 180 33 83 31 26 2 16! 124 826 67 25-29 172 171 2,183 333 103 179 32 81 20 J8 1 286 138 427 23 30-34 238 176 2,403 291 80 152 28 64 1 5 19 2 389 155 380 14 35-44 301 100 1,872 94 119 177 22 41 20 7 1 341 37 300 10 45-59 129 22 767 15 26 73 8 17 5 I 42 3 59 3 60+ Age not stated 19 Bnldhana District 20 462 56 8 57 9 18 8 102 22 96 15 All Ages 0-4 ., .. 5-9 10-14 '''i 1 '''i 15-19 1 S8 "2j 1 7 1 '''j '''2 1 1 2 21 7 20-24 1 84 15 I II 2 1 3 13 6 32 6 25-29 3 86 8 5 II I 8 I 33 9 22 30-34 6 73 9 7 2 3 24 5 15 I 35-44 7 94 1 I 17 2 3 1 28 5 45-59 2 66 4 I 1 3 60+ Age not stated 20 Akola District 22 30 1,114 151 48 83 14 32 12 5 7 163 46 141 2 All Ages 0-4 5-9 10-14 '''i 5 7 '''i '''3 15-19 1 '''i; 117 51 8 7 7 1 1 5 24 20-24 4 9 285 36 II 14 8 4 3 2 IS 12 49 2 25-29 2 6 223 22 13 12 '''3 8 6 1 I 31 12 21 30-34 5 7 210 27 5 21 4 6 I 1 2 54 13 22 35-44 5 2 197 6 <) 19 6 2 1 1 54 4 19 45-59 4 77 2 2 10 1 8 3 60+ Age not stated 72

TABLE com-PART B C-ID-PART B-AGE, SEX AND Educational Levels

Total Population Illiterate Literate (without edu- Primary or Matriculation or Technical diploma Age-group cationallevel) Junior Basic Higher Secondary not equal to degree

p M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

21 Amravati District All Ages 322,194 170,374 151,820 71,680 103,643 31,334 19,841 53,941 25,427 10,721 2,377 297 14 0-4 47,624 24,304 23,320 24,304 23,320 5-9 41,937 21,235 20,702 13,701 14,315 7,228 6,094 ' 306 293 10-14 36,456 19,214 17,242 2,546 4,559 6,049 4,826 10,614 7,847 5 10 15-19 29,693 16,920 12,773 2,247 4,708 1,670 1,474 10,671 5,652 2,314 922 '''8 '''i 20-24 30,379 16,110 14,269 3,225 7,811 2,344 1,775 6,563 3,754 3,592 774 76 I 25-29 26,204 13,383 12,821 3,475· 8,117 2,446 1,547 5,213 2,692 1,545 338 71 2 30-34 22,339 12,003 10,336 3,383 7,127 2,433 1,175 4,831 1,800 892 148 33 2 35-44 35,709 19,332 16,377 6,309 12,475 3,959 1,538 7,442 2,122 Ij1l1 143 49 7 45-59 33,256 18,575 14,681 7,621 12,497 3,579 1,073 6,030 1,040 898 30 47 1 60+ 18,525 9,260 9,265 4,842 8,687 1,622 337 2,264 222 364 12 13 Age not stated " 72 38 34 27 27 4 2 7 5 22 Y.otmal District All Ages 138,525 72,334 66,191 29,626 45,847 12,961 8,960 24,906 10,414 3,818 828 150 7 0-4 20,030 10,029 10,001 10,029 10,001 5-9 18,496 9,290 9,206 5,570 5,919 3',594 j,is4 ' ii6 ' 't33 10-14 16,151 8,536 7,615 1,040 2,236 2,776 2,161 4,717 3,215 "'3 '''3 15-19 12,961 7,478 5,483 1,027 2,295 704 613 5,193 2,265 552 307 1 20-24 13,210 6,638 6,572 1,471 3,897 914 751 2,995 1,610 1,150 272 30 '''2 25-29 11,653 6,057 5,596 1,605 3,709 979 632 2,488 1,100 718 117. 48 30-34 9,764 5,218 4,546 1,545 3,283 862 450 2,199 719 416 68 13 35-44 15,003 7,999 7,004 2,672 5,455 1,308 640 3,317 842 501 46 25 ''':i 45-59. 14,103 7,673 6,430 3,019 5,547 1,249 423 2,865 435 362 13 24 3 60+ 7,123 3,393 3,730 1,627 3,498 573 135 1,006 95 116 2 9 Age not stated 31 23 8 21 7 2 i'" 23 W ardba District All Ages 150,015 78,261 71,754 29,103 47,912 15,267 10,293 27,792 12,431 5,004 962 39 0-4 22,341 11,415 10,926 11,415 10,926 5-9 20,131 10,043 10,088 5,671 6,319 4;239 l:i;64 133 105 10-14 18,219 9,705 8,514 656 1,984 3,295 2,849 5,753 3,678 1 "'3 15-19 12,320 7,196 5,124 579 1,628 636 526 5,246 2,646 733 317 I 20--24 13,328 6,509 6,819 912 3,711 837 771 3,177 1,964 1,437 322 5 25-29 11,968 5,922 6,046 1,074 3,838 939 652 2,792 1,371 883 149 12 30--34 10,310 5.255 5,055 1,202 3,399 1,074 527 2,331 1,023 486 79 2 35-44 17,215 9,660 7,555 2,540 5,796 1,946 644 4,096 1,016 814 73 3 45-59 15,331 8,372 6,959 3,016 5,952 1,590 472 3,061 513 491 15 12 60+ 8,789 4,161 4,628 2,024 4,321 706 187 1,201 114 157 4 4 Age not stated 63 23 40 14 38 5 2 1 2 24 Nagpur District All Ages 787,700 416,401 371,299 161,643 246,003 78,401 51,533 129,970 60,845 34,345 10,092 718 13 0-4 115,002 58,923 56,079 58,923 56,079 5-9 101,218 51,846 49,372 28,736 29,521 22:039 18;874 i,07i '977 10--14 88,222 46,620 41,602 4,044 9,718 15,666 .. 13,537 26,862 18,288 "48 "59 15-19 67,915 37,791 30,124 3,712 11,892 4,169 3,147 23,366 11,838 6,449 3,119 9 2 20--24 78,582 41,049 37,533 6,539 20,417 5,190 3,802 16,674 9,185 10,224 3,269 226 '6 25-29 69,269 35,272 33,997 8,118 21,595 5,701 3,215 13,604 6,884 5,045 1,585 164 2 30-34 59,782 32,271 27,511 8,716 19,084 5,769 2,319 12,418 4,732 3,318 906 72 I 35-44 89,590 49,959 39,631 15,830 30,146 9,038 3,039 18,190 5,198 4,691 818 106 45-59 76,817 42,468 34,349 17,029 28,542 7,637 2,421 12,722 2,940 3,243 267 108 60+ 41,091 20,076 21,015 9,898 18,936 3,170 1,167 5,058 802 1,326 69 33 2 Age not stated 212 126 86 98 73 22 12 S 1 25 Bhandara District All Ages 136,261 70,797 65,464 27,342 48,801 14,125 7,785 25,020 8,176 3,530 627 87 0-4 19,704 9,937 9,767 9,937 9,767 5-9 17,564 8,755 8,809 5,058 5,896 3,588 i,827 ' iil9 "86 10--14 15,210 8,155 7,055 736 2,542 2,823 2,024 4,593 2,487 3 2 15-19 11,515 6,687 4,828 719 2,500 714 499 4,860 1,637 390 189 20--24 13,154 6,479 6,675 1,023 4,413 1,085 648 3,100 1,377 1,149 213 "36 25-29 11,963 6,021 5,942 1,320 4,358 1,128 513 2,701 942 691 112 23 30--34 10,403 5,607 4,796 1,303 3,732 1,142 369 2,598 623 427 58 11 35-44 15,957 8,381 7,576 2,641 6,386 1,585 489 3,522 642 474 45 12 45-59 13,937 7,597 6,340 3,009 5,714 1,512 303 2,637 316 303 4 3 60+ 6,759 3,133 3,626 1,555 3,443 547 113 897 66 93 4 2 Aile not stated 95 45 50 41 50 3 26 Chanda District AIJAges 95,690 50,347 45,343 20,447 33,866 9,574 5,268 16,936 5,640 2,778 50S 60 0-4 13,594 6,928 6,666 6,928 6,666 5-9 12,844 6,495 6,349 4,148 4,655 i,306 i,654 "4't 40 10--14 10,970 5,913 5,057 660 1,840 2,104 1,635 ,3,148 1,581 1 1 15-19 8,479 4,705 3,774 483 1,932 422 358 3,470 1,301 328 183 20--24 9,563 4,893 4,670 898 3,109 737 436 2,321 948 853 158 ":i8 25-29 8,855 4,718 4,137 1,177 3,037 881 348 1,946 651 569 92 13 30-34 6,909 3,880 3,029 1,107 2,302 714 231 1,601 444 337 36 6 35-44 10,422 5,651 4,771 1,790 4,018 1,108 305 2,238 407 381 25 7 45-59 9,410 5,028 4,382 2,148 3,926 980 222 1,553 222 244 8 5 60+ 4,637 2,132 2,505 1,104 2,379 322 79 618 45 65 2 1 Age not stated 7 4 3 " 2 73

EDUCATION IN URBAN AREAS ONLY-concld. TABLE C-III-PART B Educational Levels Non-technical University dearee Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree diploDlll. not or post-graduate equal to degree degree other than Engineering M.edicine Agriculture Veterinary and Technology Teaching Others Age-groUP technical degree Dairying 1.1 F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

21 Amravati District 129 102 1,482 258 65 102 13 59 12 9 229 112 314 33 All Ages 0-4 5-9 ... i 10-14 4 4 '''9 2 "'s 1 15-19 25 33 187 86 8 9 2 5 '''3 4 13 69 20 20-24 21 20 407 73 18 17 7 18 5 2 33 17 112 8 25-29 12 18 256 37 14 21 1 16 1 4 51 25 56 3 30-34 18 17 274 34 12 21 1 13 I 2 80 39 41 1 35-44 30 8 252 16 II 22 2 3 2 I 53 14 26 45-59 22 2 102 3 2 12 4 8 2 5 60+ Age not stated 22 Yeotmal District 31 30 600 87 13 25 4 27 9 84 9 84 5 All Ages 0-4 5-9 10-14 3 I 15-19 "'2 10 49 27 3 3 '''3 I 18 2 20-24 4 7 143 27 8 3 1 9 5 ... 17 2 30 I 25-29 5 4 121 18 2 6 I 8 1 24 2 16 1 30-34 9 9 124 7 1 5 26 2 12 35-44 9 III 5 1 10 1 1 17 2 5 45-59 2 ...., 52 2 3 1 2 60+ Age not stated 23 Wardha District 69 21 787 106 26 27 4 15 1 4 5 47 23 76 1 All Ages 0-4 5-9 10-14 4 1 3 15-19 '''8 7 111 40 5 2 1 4 14 20-24 10 8 168 25 6 5 4 '''i 3 3 25 25-29 4 1 116 17 4 II I I I II 6 11 30-34 15 200 13 2 5 6 1 1 3 20 10 9 1 35-44 20 139 7 7 5 1 1 I 12 16 45-59 12 1 52 1 2 1 1 1 60+ Age not stated 24 Nagpur District 881 769 6,781 1,459 336 538 111 221 41 79 442 278 2,005 196 All Ages 0-4 5-9 10-14 '''6 "49 34 49 I ... i 1 I '44' "26 15-19 95 179 1,267 535 41 84 32 80 3 23 5 29 598 79 20-24 186 1(i1 1,604 406 79 112 23 38 10 18 43 76 550 50 25-29 134 137 1,227 216 58 110 20 33 9 21 103 77 283 19 30-34 165 137 1,349 187 54 94 18 30 2 10 133 78 267 10 35-44 213 87 932 57 86 97 10 30 12 5 138 16 216 9 45-59 82 19 368 9 18 41 7 10 4 1 20 I 47 3 60+ Age not stated 25 Bhandara District 41 7 470 32 17 17 3 8 5 1 89 30 45 3 All Ag•• 0-4 5-9 10-14 3 '''2 1 1 15-19 '''9 2 62 12 4 1 '''i 1 8 "'s '''2 20-24 6 1 109 10 4 3 4 '''3 1 16 6 12 25-29 7 1 84 3 2 4 '''3 2 1 13 7 13 30-34 7 2 97 4 4 3 1 30 7 5 1 35-44 9 1 84 1 3 4 '''i 26 1 6 45-59 3 31 2 2 1 60+ Age not stated 26 Chanda District 38 16 329 38 16 29 5 8 4 7 78 5 43 All Ages 0-4 5-9 10-14 2 15-19 '''2 '''6 33 8 '''3 '''6 '''3 1 '''2 '''2 1 2 "'(; 20-24 8 66 7 4 15 1 1 21 2 16 25-29 5 ... " 70 12 5 4 5 1 20 5 30-34 13 4 76 10 3 1 '''i 3 22 '''i 9 35-44 8 2 63 1 1 3 1 1 2 13 7 45-59 2 19 1 60+ Age not stated 74


Educational Levels Literate Total Potlulation Illiterate (without educational Primary Matriculation Age-&!"oup level) or Junior Basic and above

Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12


All Ages 28,391,157 14,2.30,934 14,160,223 9,461,529 12,837,560 2,696,541 895,930 1,975,979 418,241 96,885 8,492 U-4 4,461,067 2,240,743 2,220,324 2,240,743 2,220,324 5-9 4,282,527 2,148,955 2,133,572 1,658,479 1,880,527 481,834 249,«1 8,642 3,604 10--14 3,200,874 1,680,630 1,520,244 65],344 1,]00,020 637,766 283,240 391,448 136,956 72 "28 15--19 2,212,890 1.106,515 1,106,375 479,660 894,321 228,252 103,810 389,862 106,366 8,741 1,878 20-24 2.308,530 1,040.923 1.267,607 505,167 1,109,443 228,561 84,827 : 274,921 70,020 32,274 3,317 25-29 2,358,371 1,146,425 1,211,946 MO.698 1,105,016 256,643 62,672 226,674 42.601 22,410 1,657 30-34 1,933,593 974,161 959,432 581,324 895.645 208,986 38,757. 172.01i7 24,221 11,784 809 35-44 3,075,420 1.566,533 1,508,a87 1.003,025 1,441,999 306,007 43,619: 246.30J 22,700 11,198 569 45-59 2.936,774 1,537,177 1,399,597 ' 1,087,994 1,366,962 247,231 22,766 194,187 9,679 7,765 190 60+ 1,607,372 781,652 825,720 606,338 816,942 101,030 6,669, 71,685 2,066 2,599 43 Age not stated 13,739 7,220 6,519 6,757 6,361 231 129 1~0 28 42


All Ages 7,668,339 3,758,620 3,909,719 2,387,216 3,450,052 740,158 :<92,998 606,050 163,667 25,196 J,002 0-4 1,220,257 613,637 606,620 613,637 606,620 " 5-9 J,177,239 S94,597 582,642 453,705 501,5n 138,7io 79,97.1 2,182' 1,Jji 10-14 871,627 458,845 412,782 155,535 263,384 182,873 97,H1 120,406 52,253 jj j.i 15-19 607,589 293,429 314,160 114,400 234,826 57,692 34,683 119,349 44,010 1,988 641 20-24 604,803 )65,165 339,638 116,665 285,002 58,861 26,218 82,388 27,172 7,251 1,246 25-29 621,765 287,248 334,517 ,147,871 297,717 65,276 19,217 68,683 161998 5,418 585 30-34 506,903 242,481 264,422 132,105 243,033 53,730 1l,795 53,OUI 9,328 3,645 266 35-44 820,351 396,497 423,854 237,131 401,815 81,347 13,530 74,366 8,332 3,653 177 45-59 813,073 407,398 405,675 274,127 394,053 70,315 7,929 60,650 3,635 2.306 58 60+ 422,337 198,012 224,325 140,799 221,001 31,319 2,508 24,994 801 900 J5 Age not staud 2,395 1,311 1,084 1,241 1,06<1 35 14 31 6 4

2 Thana District All Ages 1,153,350 587,222 566,128 404,306 509,937 105,270 34,149 71,876 21,089 5,770 953 0-4 182,730 90,954 91,776 90,954 91,776 5-9 183,714 91,975 91,739 73,128 81,034 18;386 10',468 '46i ' i37 10--14 123,318 66,760 56,558 32,068 40,681 21,370 9,733 13,316 6,134 "'6 " Hi 15-19 87,615 43,823 43,792 22,002 34,996 8,374 3,495 13,041 5,124 406 177 20--24 97,223 44,888 52,335 22,715 45,168 9,639 3,281 10,912 3,521 1,622 365 25-29 102,737 51,262 51,475 29,546 46,076 11,405 2,688 8,993 2,507 1,318 204 30--34 81,532 43,066 38,466 25,909 35,299 9,199 1,623 7,133 1,454 825 90 35-44 127,328 67,667 59,661 44,142 56,539 13,263 1,696 9,319 1,352 943 74 45-59 117,297 62,S35 54,762 45,452 53,273 10,101 871 6,488 594 494 24 60+ 49,521 24,129 25,392 18,242 24,928 3,523 290 2,208 165 156 9 Age not stated 335 163 172 148 167 10 4 5

3 Kolaba District All Ages 952,174 459,618 492,556 306,321 440,269 94,215 35,171 56,539 16,634 2,S43 482 0-4 153,t61 76,314 76,847 76,314 76,847 5--9 148,117 74,074 74,043 57,460 65,326 16ji7 8'.574 297' i4:i' 10--14 102,339 53,963 48,376 19,786 33,276 22,260 10,222 11,917 4,878 15-19 72,872 33,012 39,860 13,805 31,029 8,063 4,348 10,962 4,372 , iS2 .i ii 20-24 75,012 30,865 44,147 14,854 38,130 7,712 3,152 7,609 2,647 690 218 25-29 79,518 35,528 43,990 20,535 39,676 8,598 2,581 5,858 1,652 537 81 30--34 64,744 30,275 34,469 18,164 31,548 7,195 1,757 4,574 1,119 342 45 35--44 101,755 49,229 52,526 32,0$1 49,123 10,213 2,290 6,627 1,094 338 19 45-59 101,921 51,409 50,512 35,693 48,331 9,512 1,602 5,925 572 279 7 60+ 52,396 24,766 27,630 17,484 26,829 4,342 643 2,765 157 175 1 Age not stated 339 183 156 175 154 3 2 5

4 Ratnagiri District All Ages 1,679,345 742.392 936,953 443,642 789,783 157,681 87.654 135,934 58,635 5.135 881 ().....4 241,537 121,151 120,386 121,151 120,386 5--9 251,243 124,953 126,290 92,824 104,099 3t',6i9 2(864 . 500 ' 327 10-14 211,220 106,142 105,078 23,925 54,021 49,293 32,359 32,919 18,698 '''5 15-19 132,178 58,124 74,054 16,466 46,591 11,097 9,990 30,190 17,256 371 'ii7 20--24 117,132 43,618 73,514 16,189 57,487 9,760 6,644 16,348 8,977 1,321 406 25-29 -122,276 42,896 79,380 20,072 68,172 9,603 5,182 12,204 5,871 1,017 155 30--34 100,382 36,441 63,941 18,570 57,583 7,839 3,305 9,321 2,994 711 59 35--44 174,808 65,727 109,081 38,228 101,991 13,707 4,299 13,068 2,752 724 39 45-59 200,027 85,770 114,257 56,313 109,834 15,458 2,979 13,349 1,439 650 5 60+ 127,918 57,255 70,663 39,614 69,317 9,280 1,028 8,027 318 334 Age not stated 624 315 309 290 302 15 4 8 3 2 75


Educational Levels Literate Total Population Illiterate (without educational Primary Matriculation Age-group level) or Junior Basic and above

Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12

5 Nasik Distrl,ct

AIl Ages 1,380,264 700;137 680,127 474,392 625,612 119,127 36,378 103,133 17,878 3,485 259 0-4 226,789 113,544 113,245 113,544 113,245 5-9 209,264 105,760 103,504 82,284 91,927 23,091 11,424 385 153 10-14 154,183 81,586 72,597 3~,199 53,773 28,795 12,452 20,589 6,372 3 15-19 112,087 55,618 56,469 2 ,540 "7,871 9,661 4,236 20,160 4,314 257 48 20-24 112,013 51,550 60,463 25,258 54,093 10,106 3,140 15,037 3,130 1,149 100 25-29 117,213 59,079 58,134 33,685 54,395 11,886 1,984 12,698 1,703 810 52 30--34 92,600 47,822 44,778 28,899 42,710 9,116 1,106 9,286 940 521 22 35--44 144,864 74,739 70,125 49,793 68,010 12,520 1,234 12,012 863 414 18 45-59 140,528 75,423 65,105 55,579 64,096 10,020 642 9,566 350 258 17 60+ 70,120 34,664 35,456 27,275 35,244 3,927 158 3,390 52 72 2 Age not stated 603 352 251 336 248 5 2 10

6 Dhulia" District All Ages 1,135,380 574,127 561,253 382,776 508,989 95,397 33,443 93,490 18,704 2,464 117 0-4 194,690 98,079 96,611 98,079 96,611 5-9 181,472 92,274 89,198 73,102 79,605 18,859 9,455 313 138 10--14 128,062 68,624 59,438 28,637 42,326 23,233 11,178 16,754 5,934 15-19 91,785 45,061 46,724 20,859 37,451 7,297 4,262 16,739 4,997 166 14 20-24 94,860 43,443 51,417 21,285 44,725 7,989 3,290 13,385 3,361 784 41 25-29 93,190 46,120 47,070 24,125 42,820 9,254 2,240 12,145 1,981 596 29 30--34 76,248 39,057 37,191 21,683 34,832 7,648 1,266 9,352 1,080 374 13 35-44 119,008 61,625 57,383 37,479 55,395 10,847 1,100 12,962 874 337 14 45-59 107,347 56,662 50,685 40,114 49,877 7,498 523 8,895 280 155 5 60+ 48,420 22,988 25,432 17,221 25,24' 2,772 128 2,944 58 51 1 Age not stated 298 194 104 192 102

7 J algaon District All Ages 1,367,826 695,124 672,702 375,779 575,462 168,468 66,203 145,078 30,727 5,799 310 0-4 221,350 113,595 107,755 113,595 107,755 " 5-9 203,429 105,561 97,868 74,907 79,546 30,4i8 18,188 . iii; 134 10--14 152,505 81,770 70,735 18,920 39,307 37,922 21,187 24,911 10,237 17 '4 15-19 111,052 57,791 53,261 15,728 36,88R 13,200 8,352 28,257 7,947 606 74 20-24 108,563 50,801 57,762 16,364 45,399 13,655 6,711 19,097 5,536 1,685 116 25-29 106,831 52,363 54,468 19,908 46,578 14,530 4,542 16,785 3,284 1,140 64 30--34 91,397 45,820 45,577 18,880 41,061 12,733 2,738 13,335 1,741 872 37 35-44 152,588 77,510 75,078 35,438 70,757 20,797 2,911 20,378 1,397 897 13 45-59 145953 75,599 70,354 40,976 68,642 17,726 1,312 16,427 400 470 60+ 73,962 34,210 39,752 20,963 39,438 7,475 261 5,660 51 112 2 Age not stated 196 104 92 100 91 2 2

POONA DIVISION All Ages 8,054,555 4,054,012 4,000,543 2,586,306 3,569,065 801,026 306,959 632,483 121,102 34,197 3,417 0-4 1,273,640 643,999 629,641 643,999 629,641 5-9 1,246,956 626,042 620,914 465,998 541,327 156,569 78,192 3::175 ],395 10-14 959,518 505,604 453,914 169,569 321,082 197,700 92,732 1:18,312 40,093 23 7 15-19 647,495 332,865 314,630 126,807 247,557 74,786 37,542 128,140 28,842 3,132 689 20--24 621,393 284,488 336,905 122,377 284,203 63,964 31,498 87,498 19,950 10,649 1,254 25-29 633,451 305,461 327,990 155,849 291,101 69,924 23,962 71,655 12,237 8,033 690 30-34 519,291 255,603 263,688 142,034 241,014 56,338 15,209 52,849 7,087 4,382 378 35-44 836,534 421,196 415,338 257,808 390,566 85,754 17,181 73,658 7,314 3,976 277 45-59 837,555 439,065 398,490 310,039 386,482 68,823 8,471 57,155 3,435 3,048 102 60+ 475,824 238,136 237,688 190,382 234,773 27,114 2,151 19,698 744 942 20 Age not stated 2,898 1,553 1,345 1.444 1,319 54 21 43 5 12

8 Ahmadnagar District All Ages 1,588,654 806,225 782,429 513,302 701,382 190,921 62,510 95,322 17,817 6,680 720 0-4 252,670 126,057 126,613 126,057 126,613 5-9 241,523 120,008 121,515 86,031 104,197 33,660 17,158 3ii 160 10-14 180,504 93,721 86,783 33,787 62,410 41,300 18,972 18,627 5,400 7 I 15-19 134,013 67,858 66,155 27,870 53,843 19,433 7,775 19,801 4,397 754 140 20--24 129,841 60,747 69,094 26,782 59,640 17,442 6,200 14,738 3,012 1,785 242 25-29 130,262 66,066 64,196 33,757 57,899 19,171 4,323 11,757 1,830 1,381 144 30--34 107,025 55.804 51,221 30,863 47,258 15,516 2,798 8,496 1,079 929 86 35-44 166,612 87,386 79,226 54,036 74,846 21,561 3,091 10,905 1,216 884 73 45-59 161,458 85,977 75,481 60,931 73,170 16,497 1,699 7,819 586 730 26 60+ 83,857 42,125 41,732 32,730 41,105 6,332 485 2,854 134 209 8 Age not stated 889 476 413 458 401 9 9 8 3

Ya 2774-6 76


Educational Levels Literate Total Population lilitcrate (without educational Primary Matriculation A,CollfouP level) or Junior Basic and above

Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

9 POOD. District

All A,es 1,516,974 766,536 760.438 501,615 684,711 151,170 52,161 106,655 22,695 5,986 770 ()..-4 251,713 126,373 125,340 126,373 125,340 5-9 237,925 119,183 1!8,742 91,327 104,658 27,359 13,823 497 26i 10-14 173,530 92,315 81,215 31,004 56,942 37,086 17,062 24,222 7,207 3 '4 15-19 118,373 60,636 57,737 22,835 45,845 14,974 6,386 22,374 5,383 453 123 20-24 120,865 54,761 66,104 23,642 56,538 13,324 5,294 15,797 3,987 1,998 285 25-29 122,370 58,883 63,487 31,148 57,289 14,179 3,626 12,076 2,401 1.480 171 30-34 100,054 49,776 50,278 29,016 46,800 11,237 2,068 ,8,759 1,326 764 84 35-44 157,679 79,910 77,769 51,640 74,092 16,456 2,291 ,11,199 1,322 615 64 45-59 156,380 80,751 75,629 59,023 73,671 12,592 1,312 8,662 615 474 31 60+ 87,136 43,462 43,674 35,173 43,084 5,040 391 3,OSS 191 194 8 Ace not stated 949 -486 463 4-44 453 23 8 14 2 S

10 Salara District

AlIAaas 1,171,678 615,723 6S5,9!5 338,604 532,252 159,163 99,156 112,003 23,9~3 5,953 614 , 0-4 202,551 103,312 99,239 103,312 99,239 S-9 202,737 101,311 101,426 65,208 80,697 35',338 20,432 ' 565 '29; 10-14 154,46-4 81,297 73,167 14,791 39,473 40,620 25,786 25,886 7,908 15-19 99,280 48,615 50,665 10,778 31,482 14,168 13,188 23,126 5,855 '543 'i40 20-24 91,226 37,580 53,646 10,025 37,598 10,645 11,905 15,114 3,919 1,796 224 25-29 93,002 39,745 53,257 13,883 40,668 12,026 10,050 12,461 2,403 1,375 136 30-34 76,322 33,526 42,796 13,675 34,563 9,879' 6,743 9,162 1,426 810 64 35--44 127,747 58,744 69,003 28,484 59,996 16,744 7,574 12,769 747 43 45-59 137,331 68,534 68,797 44,305 65,170 14,013 2,997 9,684 1,~~~ 532 7 60+ 86,954 43,019 -43,935 34,116 43,345 5,523 478 3,230 112 150 Ace not stated 6-4 40 24 27 21 7 3 6

11 SaD,1i Distriet AllAIN 1,038,286 528,101 510,185 314,734 455,930 90,S81 32,446 107,037 ,21,164 5,748 545 0-4 159,788 81,758 78,030 81,758 78,030 5-9 163,269 83,149 80,120 62,028 69,975 20,i5.i 9:859 '967 'is6 10-14 128,774 68,340 60,434 20,783 42,840 22,769 10,019 24,785 7,574 "'3 '''i 15-19 84,095 44,538 39,557 15,429 31,189 7,612 3,406 20,834 4,815 663 147 20-24 77,831 36,567 41,264 14,614 34,783 6,684 2,939 13,437 3,355 1,832 187 25-29 78,412 37,932 40,480 17,924 36,115 6,779 2,175 11,887 2,112 1,342 78 30-34 64,038 30,794 33,244 15,832 30,719 5,561 1,295 8,743 1,163 658 67 35-44 106,239 52,769 53,470 29,926 50,584 9,374 1,574 12,832 1,266 637 46 45-59 109,254 58,434 50,820 39,491 49,303 8,230 904 10,239 597 474 16 60+ 66,187 33,537 32,650 26,677 32,276 3,414 275 3,307 96 139 3 Age not stated 399 283 116 272 116 5 6

12 Sholapur Distriet AlJAles 1,340,145 688,998 651,247 481,773 600,552 101,316 32,179 100,156 17,997 4,653 419 ()..-4 217,184 109,742 107,442 109,742 107,442 5-9 206,069 103,144 102,925 82,310 93,343 20,ioi 9,293 ';33 '289 10~14 158,372 84,322 74,050 38,516 57,745 24,742 10,176 21,055 6,128 "'9 1 15-19 107,681 56,398 51,283 27,198 43,108 9,368 3,856 19,490 4,246 342 73 20-24 104,460 49,451 55,009 26,166 49,077 8,013 2,922 13,984 2,858 1,288 152 25-29 105,561 53,770 51,791 32,645 47,977 8,727 2,032 11,336 1,685 1,062 97 30-34 88,826 45,385 43,441 29,221 41,027 7,093 1,277 8,378 1,088 693 49 35-# 141,033 73,632 67,401 50,242 64,721 10,595 1,557 12,167 1,089 628 3-4 45-59 135,224 73,313 61,911 54,498 60,496 8,852 882 9,492 521 471 12 60+ 75,480 39,696 35,784 32,106 35,407 3,817 283 3,618 93 155 1 Ace not stated 355 145 210 129 209 8 3 5

13 Kolhapur Distriet All Aees 1,288,718 648,429 640,289 425,268 594,237 106,774 28,307 111,210 17,396 5,177 349 0--4 189,734 96,757 92,977 96,757 92,977 5-9 195,433 99,247 96,186 79,094 88,457 19,757 7,627 '396 ' i02 10-14 163,874 85,609 78,265 30,688 61,672 31,183 10,717 23,737 5,876 "'i 15-19 104,053 54,820 49,233 22,697 42,090 9,231 2,931 22,515 4,146 377 "66 20-24 97,170 45,382 51,788 21,148 46,567 7,85t> 2,238 14,428 2,819 1,950 164 25-29 103,844 49,065 54,779 26,492 51.153 9,042 1,756 12,138 1,806 1,393 64 30-34 83,026 40,318 42,708 23,427 40,647 7,052 1,028 9,311 1.005 528 28 35--44 137,224 68,755 68,469 43,480 66,327 11,024 1,094 13,786 1,031 465 17 45-59 137,908 72,056 65,852 51,791 64,672 8,639 677 11,259 493 367 10 60+ 76,210 36,297 39,913 29,580 39,556 2,988 239 3,634 118 9S Ale not stated 242 123 119 114 119 2 6 " e.m-PART C-AGE, SEX AND EDUCATION IN RUlU.L AUA~ ~NL:r--eontd.

Educational LcYcola Literate Total Population llliterat. (without educational Primary Matriculatiort AiC-aroup level) or Junior Basic and above , Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males P,males Males Femal.. 2 3 4 !! 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


All Ai~s 5,503,1'f7 2,793,086 2,710,091 2,147,951 2,609,471 :463,880 81,409 167,284 18,743 U,97I ~ 0-4 854,492 423,512 430,980 423,512 430,980 -'-9 853,324 426,714 426,610 358,982 404,694 66:920 21:624 ',m ';9; 10-14 627,920 332,080 295,840 199,8]4, 207,165 103,835 23,751 28,423 4,919 '''8 '''5 15-19 420,373 206,927 2IJ,446 128,458 197,141 43,286 JI,079 34,OO() 5,JI8 1,177 108 20-24 470,971 213,714 257,257 134,077 244,064 44,447 9,195 29,265 3,789 5,925 JO:9 25-29 477,644 242,838 234,806 166,352 226,766 50,441 5,940 22,510 2,012 3,535 88 30-34 391,780 203,940 187,840 148,553 183,305 38,968 3,397 15,015 1,104 1,404 34 35-44 605,507 320,514 284,993 244,600 280,081 55,398 3,868 19,316 1,027 1,200 11 45-59 513,075 278,190 234,885 221,542 232,590 42,669 1,889 13,446 401 533 5 60+ 284,731 142,906 141,825 120,421 141,092 17,839 651 4,466 80 180 2 Age not stated 3,360 1,751 1,609 1,640 1,593 77 15 25 1 9

14 Aurangabad District

,all Ages 1,315,630 ~7,0611 4148,5111 503,462 624,367 116,753 18,1158 43,2112 5,0110 3,!l62 146 0-4 204,0!!8 101,247 102,811 101,247 102.811 5-9 207,729 104,746 102,983 88,661 98,273 1!!,949 4,680 136 30 10-14 144,082 7',196 67,886 44,188 61,544 25,440 !!,180 6,566 1,162 ':i 15-19 105,496 5A,864 53,632 31,488 49,617 11,608 2,628 8,499 1,356 269 si 20-24 111.353 5 ,571 60,782 30,410 57,408 11,558 2,251 7,154 1,068 1,449 515 25-29 113,174 57,111 56,063 37,631 53,899 12,874 1,519 5,754 613 852 32 30-34 91,932 48,330 43602 34,018 42,356 9,848 901 4,069 330 395 15 35-44 143,628 76,354 67,274 !!6,153 65,888 14,241 1,026 5,592 352 368 8 45-59 124,734 66,944 S7,79O SI,842 57,086 10,771 557 4,157 144 174 , 60+ 68,36S 33,178 35,187 27,325 34,94!! 4,442 206 1,362 34 49 2 Aae not stated 1,079 528 '51 499 S40 :u 10 3 4

15 Parbhani District

~IAaIS 1,039,534 515,261 514,273 410,589 497,814 86,948 13,771 15,405 2,6111 2,319 Y1 0-4 1111,683 79,253 82,430 79,2!!3 82,430 !!-9 156,848 78,138 78,710 117,230 75,283 10,845 3,403 il3 i9 10-14 118,178 62,965 S5,213 39,334 50,522 19,449 4,029 ",181 6S2 . i 15-19 76,841 37,236 39,60~ 24,187 37,051 8,172 1,824 4,679 715 198 is 20-24 90,265 40,809 49,456 26,683 47,259 8,695 1,595 4,393 567 1,038 35 25-29 93,339 47,117 46,222 33,322 44,836 9,675 1,086 3,568 .288 552 12 30-34 78,706 41,706 37,000 31,034 36,171 7,892 667 2,562 157 218 5 35-44 121,532 65,387 56,145 50,825 55.283 11,144 ,.10 3,212 1"'1 2011 4 45-59 94,205 SO,7oo 43,505 40,443 43,114 8,072 ~4O 51 83 60+ 47,488 21,710 25,778 18,058 25,657 2,987 112 2,~~ 9 22 Aae not stated 449 240 209 220 208 1'7 1 ' 2

16 Bblr District

~IAces 902,81'7 45'7,483 445,534 SS'7,523 428,436 68,419 12,883 29,414 S,92'7 2,11'7 II

0-4 143,423 70,864 72,559 70.864 72,5~9 5-9 144,4()S 11,645 12,160 58,977 68,733 12,211 3,~H 39; U/j 10-14 100,270 53.232 47,038 32,854 42,471 14,275 3,400 6,102 1,167 1 15-19 66,596 32,559 34,037 20,824 31,377 ~,953 1,697 5,614 939 168 24 20-24 72,817 32,951 39,866 21,135 37,777 6,159 4,781 672 876 40 25-29 75,285 37,780 37,505 26,537 36, \09 7,038 1,~~~ 3,650 412 !!5S 17 30-34 63,258 32,273 30,98S 23,883 30,226 5,708 538 2,466 217 216 35--44 100,413 52,513 47,900 41,071 47.045 8,037 642 3,206 211 199 •:1 45-59 81,491 41,897 39,594 39,244 39,173 6,299 332 2,278 88 76 1 60+ 48,148 25,379 22,769 21,765 22,647 2,658 106 930 16 26 Aa;e not stated 711 390 321 369 319 IS 2 ..

17 Nanded District !UAau 923,806 466,836 456,970 367,854 442,733 '10,817 11,562 26,046 2,620 2,119 IS

0-4 141,882 71,O~3 70,829 71,OS3 70,829 S-9 140,564 69.860 70,704 S8,788 67,195 10,93i 3,483 ·i41 26 10-14 106,2'12 56,099 50,193 35,351 45,864 15,806 3,601 4,940 727 ':i ' i 1~-19 68,545 33,944 34,601 22,190 32,423 6,353 1,423 5,237 745 164 10 20-24 80,069 36,206 43,863 24,305 42,255 6,630 1,086 4,368 493 903 19 25-29 83,491 42,831 40,660 30,885 39,646 7,877 728 3,511 274 S~8 12 30-34 68,756 35,941 32,815 27,340 32,215 5,993 431 2.398 167 210 2 35-44 101,546 53,514 48,032 42, lOS 47,391 8,252 S03 2,996 137 161 1 45-59 85,456 45,476 39,980 37,034 39,715 6,423 225 1,918 40 101 60+ 46,762 21,678 25,084 18,578 24,991 2,545 S2 53S 11 20 Aae not silted 443 234 209 225 209 ., 2

1'a !7T4.-e1l 78


Educational Levels Literate Total Population Illiterate (without educational Primary Matriculation Age-aroup ------level) -_------or Junior Basic and above Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12'

18 Osmanabad District

AIl Aces 1,321,390 676,437 644,953 50S,523 616,121 120,943 24,234 43,117 4,490 3,S54 lOS 0-4 203,446 101,095 102,351 101,095 102,351 5-9 203,778 102,325 101,453 85,326 95,210 16,9iil 6,231 81 12 10-14 159,098 83,588 75,510 48,087 66,764 28,865 7,541 6,634 1,201 2 4 15-19 102,895 51,324 51,571 29,769 46,673 11,200 3,507 9,977 1,363 378 28 20-24 116,467 53,177 63,290 31,544 59,365 11,405 2,886 8,569 989 1,659 50 25-29 112,355 57,999 54,356 37,977 52,276 12,977 1,640 6,027 425 1,018 15 30-34 89,128 45,690 43,438 32,278 42,337 9,527 81i() 3,520 233 365 8 35-44 138,388 72,746 65.642 54,446 64,474 13,724 987 14,310 179 266 2 45-59 121,189 67,173 54,016 52,979 53,502 11,104 435 '2,991 78 99 1 60+ 73,968 40,961 33,007 34,695 32,852 5,207 145 996 10 63 Aee not stated 678 359 319 327 317 16 2 12 4

NAGPUR DIVISION All Ares 7,165,086 3,625,216 3,539,870 2,340,056 3,208,972 691,477 214,564 570,162 14,729 23,521 1,605

0-4 1,112,678 559,595 553,083 559,595 553,083 .. ~ 5-9 1,005,008 501,602 503,406 379,794 432,909 119,635 69,652 2)7j 785 10-14 741,809 384,101 357,708 126,426 248,389 153,358 69,626 104,307 39,691 ' 10 2 15-19 537,433 273,294 264,139 109,995 214,797 52,488 20,506 108,367 28,396 2,444 440 20-24 611,363 277,556 333,807 132.048 296,174 61,289 17,916 75,770 19,109 8,449 608 25-29 625,511 310,878 314,633 170,626 289,432 71,002 13,553 ' 63,826 11,354 5,414 294 30-34 515,619 272,137 243,482 158,632 228,293 59,950 ; 8,356 51,202 6,702 2,353 131 35-44 813,028 428,326 384,702 203,486 309,537 83,508 ' 9,040 78,963 6,027 2,369 98 45-59 773.071 412,524 360,547 282,280 353,837, 65,424 4,477 62,936 2,208 1.878 25 60+ 424,480 202,598 221,882 154,736 220,076 24,758 1,359 22,527 441 577 6 Age not stated 5,086 2,605 2,481 2,432 2,385 65 79 91 16 17

19 Buldhana District

All Ages 884,260 44S,845 435,415 278,772 394,937 81,367 25,447 S5,662 14,897 3,044 13~ 0-4 137,021 69,446 67,575 69,446 67,575 5-9 128,845 64,864 63,981 52,054 57,089 11,809 6,8'23 1,001 69 10-14 96,055 49.578 46,477 15,970 33,590 19,045 8,272 14,561 4,615 2 15-19 73,425 37.132 36,293 13,523 29,128 6,473 3,147 16,723 3,982 413 36 20-24 73,265 33.864 39,401 15,121 34,449 6,764 2,374 10,908 2,523 1,071 55 25-29 75,302 37,698 37,604 19,883 34,380 8,105 1,770 9,004 1,432 706 22 30-34 62,325 32,640 29,685 17,495 27,525 7,297 1,143 7,569 1,004 279 13 35--44 97,683 51,500 46,183 28,552 44,081 10,308 1,212 12,390 883 250 7 45-59 92,350 49,763 42,587 30,770 41,700 8,441 544 10,297 342 255 1 60+ 47,571 22,154 25,417 15,785 25,213 3,115 159 3,192 45 62 Aile uot stated 418 206 212 173 207 10 17 2 6

20 Akola District All Ages 926,521 474.104 452,417 278,795 394,845 100,27S 37,815 91,748 19,579 3,283 178 0-4 147,933 75,416 72,517 75,416 72,517 5-9 132,770 66,646 66,124 47,409 53,746 19,055 12,26i 182 117 10-14 94,312 49,330 44,982 12,607 27,789 21,112 10,905 15,610 6,288 I 15-19 70,918 35,246 35,672 11,830 26,960 7,055 3,879 16,011 4,780 350 53 20-24 77,628 35,437 42,191 14,299 35,262 8,237 3,490 11,772 3,376 1,129 63 25-29 81,516 40,663 40,853 18,773 36,028 10,096 2,659 11,009 2,131 785 35 30-34 67,150 35,745 31,405 18,021 28,485 8,572 1,657 8,822 1,248 330 15 35-44 105.487 56,683 48,804 30,329 45,782 12,433 1,855 13,583 1,156 338 11 45-59 96,853 53,476 43,377 32,128 42,127 9,867 857 11,205 393 276 60+ 51,138 25,058 26,080 17,615 25,745 3,835 251 3,537 83 71 Age not stated 816 404 412 368 404 16 17 7

21 Amravali District All Ages 910,586 467,487 443,099 273,320 36S,899 94,094 43,S79 95,595 29,971 4,478 350 0-4 144,616 73,240 71,376 73,240 71,376 5-9 126,905 63,921 62,984 45,055 48,840 18,613 13,9i4 253 230 10-14 96,933 50,019 46,914 11,892 22,892 20,034 13,159 18,092 10,863 I 15-19 67,047 35,080 31,967 10,884 20,510 5,882 4,070 17,733 7,250 581 137 20--24 73,022 33,497 39,525 13,799 30,871 6,981 3,747 11,204 4,786 1,513 121 25-29 74,207 36,393 37,814 17,258 31,506 8,497, 3,295 9,690 2,961 948 52 30-34 64,081 33,844 30,237 16,816 26,456 8,076 2,011 8,514 1,748 438 22 35--44 104,711 55,979 48,732 29.968 44,919 11,556 2,238 14,005 1,564 450 II 45-59 101,062 56,066 44,996 33,762 43,390 10,032, 1,111 11,853 492 419 3 60+ 57.605 29,260 28,345 20,494 27,991 4,409 277 4,231 74 126 3 Age not stated 397 188 209 152 148 14 57 20 3 2 79


Educational Levels Literate Total Population Illiterate (without educational Primary Matriculation Age-group level) or Junior Basic and above

Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

22 Yeotmal District

All Ages 959,945 484,676 475,269 330,545 434,570 85,799 26.956 65,768 13,564 2,564 179 0-4 153,194 76,166 77,028 76,166 77,028 5-9 138,313 68,492 69,821 52,636 61,075 15,734 8,667 Iii 79 10-14 100,243 52,086 48,157 19,763 34,501 19,013 8,712 13,307 4,942 3 1 15-19 71,688 36,716 34,972 16,862 28,656 6,670, 2,682 12,932 3,576 252 58 20-24 82,284 36,444 45,840 19,2Ql 41,239 7,388 2,285 8,904 2,244 951 72 25-29 86,113 42,908 43,205 25,879 4O,3l7 8,796 1,711 7,607 1,159 626 18 30--34 68,719 36,888 31,831 23,977 30,079 7,095 1,045 5,585 693 231 14 35-44 106,647 56,732 49,915 37,763 48,175 10,073 1,131 8,633 598 263 11 45-59 100,685 53,644 47,041 38,855 46,254 8,091 562 6,524 221 174 4 60+ 51,656 24,356 27,300 19,210 27,08') 2,937 160 2,147 50 62 I Age not stated 403 244 159 233 156 2 7 2 2

23 Wardha District All Ages 484,262 244,633 239,629 153,538 210,610 50,668 19,500 38,704 9,326 1,723 193 0-4 76,971 38,616 38,355 38,616 38,355 5-9 63,727 31,794 31,933 22,730 25,551 9,000 6,356 64 26 10-14 48,892 ·24,511 24,381 6,241 14,575 11,846 6,783 6,423 3,023 1 15-19 29,810 16,511 13,299 6,094 9,749 3,422 1,472 6,853 2,035 142 43 20-24 41,810 17,943 23,867 8,162 20,327 4,069 1,631) 5,133 1,839 579 71 25-29 41,637 20,096 21,541 10,892 19,255 4,591 1,194 4,206 1,056 407 36 30-34 35,525 19,043 16,482 11,146 15,197 4,306 727 3,415 534 176 24 35-44 56,312 30,047 26,265 17,878 24,973 6,254 729 5,714 548 201 15 45-59 55,766 30,031 25,735 19,944 :!5,066 5,079 451 4,864 214 144 4 60+ 33,330 15,825 17,505 11,640 17,309 2,094 147 2,019 49 72 Age not stated 482 216 266 195 253 7 11 13 2

24 NallPur District All Ages 725,107 367,760 357,347 245,675 327,743 67,812 19,324 51,836 10,086 2,437 194 0--4 112,635 56,831 55,804 56,831 55,804 5-9 97,878 48,612 49,266 36,349 42,326 11,924 6,748 3j9 192 10-14 76,098 39,543 36,555 13,013 25,877 15,751 6,962 10,778 3,716 1 15-19 53,880 27,987 25,893 12,667 21,784 5,515 1,619 9,549 2,445 256 45 20-24 61,522 28,370 33,152 15,187 30,134 5,904 1,413 6,414 1,532 865 73 25-29 60,557 29,995 30,562 18,012 28,640 6,282 932 5,186 945 515 45 30-34 51,080 27,441 23,63Y 17,051 22,545 5,637 566 4,516 519 237 9 35-44 81,921 43,101 38,820 28,061 37,708 7,760 606 7,016 489 264 17 45-59 81,078 42,820 38,258 30,496 37,730 6,407 327 5,696 196 221 5 60+ 48,198 22,922 25,276 17,880 25,076 2,627 148 2,337 52 78 Age not stated 260 138 122 128 119 5 5

25 Bhandara District All Ages 1,132,025 564,377 567,648 354,410 532,447 122,334 25,311 84,701 9,744 2,932 146 0-4 166,776 83,444 83,332 83,444 83,332 5-9 154,817 76,763 78,054 56,185 68.581 20,479 9,445 99 28 10-14 111,881 57,958 53,923 16,336 41,216 26,706 8,914 14,916 3,793 15-19 86,128 43,013 43,115 15,490 38,487 10,113 2,166 17,150 2,432 260 30 20-24 99,965 46,061 53,904 19,236 50,638 12,751 1,705 12,842 1,499 1,232 62 25-29 100,873 50,131 50,742 24,931 48,653 14,118 1,195 10,395 865 687 29 30-34 83,616 42,922 40,694 23,346 39,463 11,321 697 7,951 520 304 14 35-44 131,597 67,336 64,261 41,796 63,136 14,387 722 10,903 396 250 7 45-59 124,021 63,436 60,585 46,346 60,076 9,446 340 7,500 165 144 4 60+ 71,036 32,606 38,430 26,607 38,258 3,009 126 2,937 46 53 Age not stated 1,315 707 608 693 607 4 8 2

26 Chanda District All Ages 1,142,380 573,334 569.046 425,001 544,921 89,125 16,332 56,148 7,562 3,060 231 E; 0-4 173,532 86,436 87,096 86,436 87,096 5-9 161,753 80,510 81,243 67,376 75,761 13,021 5,438 113 44 10-14 117,395 61,076 56,319 30,604 47,948 19,851 5,919 10,620 2,451 i 1 15-19 84,537 41,609 42,928 22,645 39,523 7,358 1,471 11,416 1,896 190 38 20-24 101,867 45,940 55,927 27,043 53,254 9,195 1,272 8,593 1,310 1,109 91 25-29 105,306 52,994 52,312 34,998 50,653 10,517 797 6,729 805 750 57 30-34 83,123 43,614 39,509 30,780 38,543 7,646 510 4,830 436 358 20 35-44 128,670 66,948 61,722 49,139 60,763 10,737 547 6,719 393 353 19 45-59 121,256 63,288 57,968 49,985 57,494 8,061 285 4,997 185 245 4 60+ 63,946 30,417 33,529 25,505 33,395 : 2,732 91 2,127 42 53 1 Age not stated 995 502 493 490 491 7 2 4




This Table shows the distribution of population 6. Figures shown in this Table are crude or un­ by single year ages both for males and females smoothed returns as were actually returned in the Census. separately. Single year age returns smoothed by the Actuary in the Census Commissioner's Office and Life Tables 2. The material is presented separately for total, prepared from them will be found in Chapter on Age rural and urban areas of the State its four adminis­ Composition in Part I-A of the Maharashtra Census trative divisions and 26 districts. Report. Age returns for units below the district level, i.e., for talukas and towns have been compiled only by broad age-groups. They will be found in Tables 3. The presentation is for each single year from B-1 and B-IJ publisbed in PartII·B (i) oftbe Mabarasbtra , 0' (i.e. less than one year) to 100 years and for all Census Report as well as in the IIstrict Census Hand­ ages above 100 combined together. The last group of book volumes concerned. SingJe year age returns for " Age not stated" represents those whose ages had not each of the twelve cities in Maharashtra are presented been recorded in the Census Slips at the 1961 Census. in the concerned monographs published as Part X of the Maharashtra Census Report. 4. The age recorded at the 1961 Census and presen­ ted here is in years completed at the last birthday. 7. The following two subsidiary tables have been For infants below one year the age had been recorded prepared from this table. They are presented in a~ '0 '. Part I -C of the Maharashtra Census Report:,.. Subsidiary Table C-IV.l :-Females per 1,000 5. The figures presented in the table are compiled males by age-groups and comparison with from the answers recorded at the Census al!ainst ques­ 1951 Census. tion 2 on "age" in the Individual Slip, a;;d relate to Subsidiary Table C-IV.2 :-Distribution of 1,000 a full count. The corresponding tables in the previous persons of each sex by age-groups and compa­ Censuses had been prepared on a sample basis. rison with 1951 Census.

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This Table shows the distribution of population the study are incyorporated in the five notes prepared by by mother-tongues. him and presented as Fly-leaf to this table at pages 120 to 128. These five notes cover the following topics :- 2. Material is presented for the State, its four (1) Mother-tongues classified in the Linguistic administrative divisions and 26 districts. The break-up Survey of India. for rural and urban areas is shown only for the State (2) Tentative classification or reclassification of and not for each administrative division or district. mother-tongues by the Linguist. It is presented for districts and talukas in the District Census Handbooks concerned. (3) Mother-tongues outside the Indian Sub­ Continent. 3. Tbe table has been prepared from the answers (4) Unclassifiable mother-tongues. returned to Question 7 (a) 'Mother-tongue' at the (5) Variant spellings or forms of mother-tongues. 1961 Census. Mother-tongue is defined as a 7. A few symbols are shown against some mother­ spoken by the person's mother to the person in his tongues to show (i) whether they were unclassified in childhood or mainly spoken in the household. In the the Linguistic Survey; (ii) though classified in that case of infants and deaf mutes, it is the language usually Survey are either tentatively reclassified or considered spoken by the mother. unclassifiable by the Linguist; and (iii) unclassified by Grierson but are tentatively classified by the Linguist. 4. Mother-tongues are presented in alphabetical Explanation of those symbols has been given at t~ top order by a vertical spread under co~umn 1 and t~e .num~er of the table on page 129. The marking of those symbols of their speakers are shown for different admIDlstrabve is, however, limited only to the Maharashtra State portion units by a horizontal spread. of the table and will not be found in the remaining portion pertaining to divisions and districts. As 5. Answers to Question 7 (a) had been recorded mentioned above, these five notes have been prepared in Marathi except in Greater Bombay where they w<:re by the Linguist in the Census Commissioner's Office. recorded in English. Enumerators recorded them With We do not agree with his tentative classification or different spellings. During compilation and tabulation, reclassification of a few mother-tongues as shown in some of these names were transferred to and recorded in Note 2 at page 125. It was, however, decided not to the compilation sheets with different spellings. All discuss those controversial points in this volume. They . those variant forms of names have been very carefully are discussed in Chapter on Language in Part I-A examined and the names of mother-tongues are shown of the Maharashtra Census Report. with standardised spellings adopted in consultation with the Linguist of the Census Commissioner's Office. S. Appendix I at page 163 shows the distribution of Note 5 in the Fly-leaf (pages 127-128) also shows those 454 mother-tongues according to the classification in variant forms of names of mother-tongues recorded the Linguistic Survey of India and tentative classification during enumeration or transcription. or reclassification by the Linguist. 9. For facility of reference, Grierson's classified 6. Four hundred and fifty-four mother-tongues list of languages is reproduced as Appendix II at pages were returned in Maharashtra and are shown in the 164 to 174. table. The Linguist of the Census Commissioner's Office has, on our request, studied the list of mother­ 10. A subsidiary table (C-V.1) has been prepared tongues with reference to Grierson's classification from this table to show distribution of 1,000 persons (the Linguistic Survey of India) and has tentatively by mother-tongues. It is included in Part I-C of the classified or reclassified some of them. The results of Maharashtra Census Report.


FLY-LEAF TO TABLE C-V NOTE 1 ( i) The following mother-tongues arranged in tongue mentioned against it in column 1 which in alphabetical order in column 1 of the table given its turn has been classified by the Linguistic Survey below as per Table C-V have been classified in the of India in the appropriate place for that tongue. Linguistic Survey of India. The Linguistic Survey of India Classification number is mentioned against (iv) If in column 1, there i., a tongue which bears each mother-tongue in column 3. no Classification number in the Linguistic Survey of India then in column 2 the name of the classified (ii) If in column 3 110 Classification number is language or group will be given of which the mother­ given against any mother-tongue of column 1 then tongue of column 1 is either a dialect or another it would mean that the name refers to either old _or name or form. In such a case the number of classi­ middle Indo-Aryan language or a language group or fied language of column 2 has been given in branch or family name from the Linguistic Survey column 3. of India. (iii) Wherever a tong\le is mentioned in column 3 ( v) In column 2 standardized spellings according it is to be understood that the mother-tongue is to Linguistic Survey of India has been given agl!inst either a dialect or another name or form of the each mother-tongue of column 1. ._------Alphabetical order of mother-tongues Classified name in the Classification number in the classified by the Linguistic Linguistic Survey of India Linguistic Survey of _India Survey of India 1 2 3 ------Agari Agarl 462 Angami Angami 154 Ardhamagadhi Ardhamagadhi Assamese Assamese 552 Awadhi Awadhi 558 Mirzapuri, Pardesi Baghelkhandi BaghelkhaI,l<;li 559 Baglani Nahari 695 Banjari Banjari •• 771 LamanilLambadi, Naiki-Ban­ jari, Tanda. Bengali Bengali 529 Beradi Bera<;li 324 Bhandari Bhal).<;iarl 464 Bhatia Bhatia 454 Bhili BhUi • • 677 Dhanki, DungarL Ranati, Tadavi, Vasava, Walvi. Bhojpuri Bhojpuri 519 Bhoyari BhOyari 767 Bhunjia BhunjHi 491 Bhutani BhOtiii of Bhutan 69 Bihari Bihari 506 Bikaneri Bikiineri 737 Birjia/Brijia/Binjhia Brijiii 24 Bori VMriisiii 672 Braj Bhasha/Braj Bhakha Braj Bhiikha 592 Mathuri-Banjari, Cf. Note 2 Bundelkhandi BundelkhaI,l<;ii 610 Kahari Charani ChiiraI,li 683 Chaurasi Chauriisi 745 Chhattisgarhi Chhattisgarhi 572 Kankeri, Laria Chinawari Chiniiwari 421 Chodhari Ch6dhari 684 Coorgi/Kodagl.l Ko<;iagu/Coorgi 301 122

FLY·LEAF TO TABLE C·V-eontd. NOTE l-contd.

Alphabetical order of mother-tongues. Classified name in the Classification number in ilia classified by the Linguistic Linguistic Survey of India Linguistic Survey of India Survey of India 1 2 3

DakanilMusalmani Dakhini Hind6stani/Musalmfmi 587 Daldi Diildi 497 Bhatkal, Cf. Note 2; Nawait, Cf. Note 2. Dangi lIangi 710 Dasari Diisari 327 Deswali/Hariani Hariiini/De&wiill 591 Dhodia l;>hOc,liii 686 Dogri l;)ogn 647 Dravidam Dravidian Family Dubli l;>ubli 687 GaoH Gaoli 626 Garhwali Garhwiili 804 Ghisadi Ghisiic,li 676 Godwari Goc;lwari 725 Golari-Kannada Golan 300 Holiya Gondi GOQc;li 313 Bhoi-Marathi, p. Note 2; Raj Gandi. Govari G6viiri 481 Gujarati Gujarati 652 Gujaru, Jaini, Saurashtri Gujari •• Cujari 780 Halabi Halabi 490 Halai Hala?i 669 Hindi Hindi 586 Budali, Devanagari, Nagari­ Hindi, Purbi. Hindko Hindk6 433 Peshawari Ho Ho 20 Jaipuri Jaipun 741 Jangali .• Janggali 82 Kachchhi Kachchhi 451 Khoja Kaikadi Kaikac;li 291 Kamathi Kfunathi 326 Kandiali KaQc;lii'ili 649 Kannada Kanarese 296 Karhadi Karhiidi 466 Kashmiri Kashmiri 399 Kathiyawadi •• Kathiyawaw 666 Katia .:. Katiii 488 Katkari Katkari 471 Kathodi Kewati Bagheli/Niigpuri Mariithi 559/478 Khandeshi Kbandesi 707 Ahirani, Dhedgujari, Chitodi Kharia .• Khariii 27 Khasi .. :~-.; Khasi ..' 8 Khatri ~ PataQuli 674 Cf. Note 2 Kirari •• Kirliri 628 Kisan .... -.- Koc,lli/Kurukh 19/305 123

FLY-LEAF TO TABLE C-V-contd. NOTE l-contd.

Alphabetical order of mother-tongues Classified name in the Classification number in the classified by the Linguistic Linguistic Survey of India Linguistic Survey of India Survey of India 1 2 3

Kokna/Kokni/Kukna KoukaI,li .. 691 Kolami Kolami 309 Koli KoJi 459 Konda Kui 308 Cf. Note 2 Konkani KoukaI,li 494 Cf. Note 2; Firangi, Cf. Note 2; Goanese, Cf. Note 2. Korku Kiirkii 26 Muwasi, Nihali Korwa Korwa 25 SingH Koshti-Marathi .'. Koshti 482 Rangari Kotali Kotali 692 Kcya K6i 316 Cf. Note 2 Kului Kului 833 Kumauni Kumauni 785 Kumbhari Kumbhari 483 Kunbau Kunabaii 484 Kurmi Bhumij 17 Kuruba/Kurumba Kurumba 299 UraH Kurukh/Oraon Kurukh/Orao 305 Kuthari Baghati 820 Ladhadi Ladha<;li 329 Lahnda Lahnda 415 Jatki Lodhi L6dhi 621 Lushai/Mizo Lushei . 224 Magahi/Magadhi Magahi 516 Maithili Maithili 507 Malayalam MalayaJam 293 Malhar Malhar 306 Malyi Malyi 760 Bhopali, Ujaini Mandeali MaI,l<;leaJi 837 Mangari Magan 114 :Manipuri/Meithei Manipuri/Meith ;i 206 Marathi •• Marathi 455 Burdi, Dhanagari, Doharahu, Tekari. Maria Maria 317 Marwari ..- Marwari 713 Agarwali, Dingal, Jodhpurt Mahesri, OswaH. Mawchi Mawchi 694 Baychi, Gamti/Gavit Mewari Mewap 720 Mulki Thali Lahnda 432. Multani Miiltam 426 Bahawalpuri, Derawal Kol :M unda-Unspecified MUI,lc;1a Branch. Naga-Unspecified ••' Naga Group. Nagarchal Nagarchal 746 Naikadi Naikac;1i 696 Nepali •• Naipali 781 Darhi, Gorkhali

Ya 2774-9 124

FLY-LEAF TO TABLE C-V-contd. NOTE l-concld.

Alphabetical order of mother-tongues_ . Classified name in the Classification number in the classified by the Linguistic Linguistic Survey of India Linguistic Survey of India Survey of India 1 2 3

Newari Newan 116 Nimadi Nimiigi 770 Ojhl (jjhi 571 Oriya Oriya 502 Jagannathi; Mali, Cf. Note 2; Moghia. Pahari-Unspecifled Paharl Group Pall Pali Panchali Panchali .• 698 Paradhi Paradhi 699 Parsi Parsi GUjaratl 660 Patvi Patavi ... 769 Pawri Pawarl 701 Powan Powan 569 Punjabi Paiijabi ro2 Gurmukhi \ Raghobansi Raghobansi 627 Rajasthani Rajasthani 712 Rajputani Rathauri Rat}lauri 645 Rathi Rat}li 643 Rohilkhandi Vernacular Hindostani 583 Sadan/Sadri Nagpuria 526 Sanskrit Sanskrit Santali SantaIi 15 Har Savara Savara 29 Sham Ladakhi 61 Budhi Sikkim Bhatia BhOpa of Sikkim 68 Sindhi Sindhi 445Balai Siraji Outer SirajI/lnner Sirliji 8311834 Surti Suf'l;ti 657 Memani Takankari TAkat;tkari 700 Tamil Tamil 285 Arava, Kongar Tehri Tehri 813 Telugu Telugu 319 Yenadi/Yanadi Thakri Thakari 465 Tibetan Tibetan 58 Tinauli Tinauli 435 Toda Toda 303 Tulu Tulu 302 Koraga, Malekudi Urdu Urdu 585 Vadari Va<;lrui 325 VarIi Varli 472 Wagdi Wagagi 706 Warhadi Varha<;li 477 Brahmani, Jhari Yerava Yerava 295 125

FLY-LEAF TO TABLE C-V-contd. NOTE 2 The following mother-tongues arranged in alphabetical order as per Table C-V and indicated by asterisk and dagger (*t) or a dagger alone in that Table have been tentatively classified or reclassified by the Linguist in the manner stated below :- (T) against the mother-tongue in column 1 indicates that it has been tentatively classified. (TR) means that it has been tentatively reclassified by the Linguist.

Alphabetical order of Alphabetical order of the mother-tongues Manner in which tentatively classified the mother-tongues Manner in which tentatively classified indicated by asterisk or reclassified by the Linguist indicated by asterisk or reclassified by the Linguist and dagger or a dagger and dagger or a dagger alone in Table C-V alone in Table C-V 2 2 , Almori (T) Kumauni. Konkani (TR) A language of the Southern Group of Outer Sub-Branch of the Aryan Sub· Bahane (T) Urdu. Family. Bahusar (T) Marathi. Kosari (T) Hindi. Bairagi (T) Hinll.i. Koya (TR\ A language of the Dravidian family. Bhangari (T) Hindi. Bharati (T) Hindi. Lingayati (T) Kannada Bhatkal (TR) Konkani, a language of the Southern Lohari-Marathi (T) Marathi Group of Outer Sub-Branch of the Aryan Sub-Family. Madurai (T) Tamil Bhoi-Marathi (TR) Marathi. Mali (TR) Baghelkhandi Bhuj (T) Kachchhi. Manglorese (T) Kannada Mankari (T) Korku Chamari (T) Hindi. MarH (T) Baghelkhandi Daldi (TR) Konkani, a language of the Southern Mathuri-Banjari (TR) Banjari Group of Outer Sub-Branch of the Aryan Sub-Family. Nagesia (T) KurukhjOraon Dhamdi (T) ChhaUisgarhi Nagli (T) Telugu Dhiwari (T) Marathi. Nawait (TR) Konkani, a language of the Southern Etawali (T) Hindi. Group of Outer Sub-Branch of the Aryan Sub-Family. Firangi (TR) Konkani, a language of the Southern Group of Outer Sub-Branch of the Padmashali (T) Telugu Aryan Sub-Family. Padvi (T) Mawchi Palwali (T) Telugu Gadaria (T) Gujarati. Pankhali (T) Gondi Gaiki (T) Gondi. Pardhan (T) Gondi Goanese (TR) Konkani, a language of the Southern Group of Outer Sub-Branch of the Patharwati (T) Marathi Aryan Sub-Family. Pinjari (T) Urdu Gosavi (T) Marathi. Pomla (T) Telugu Gouda Saraswata (T) Konkani, a language of the Southern Group of Outer Sub-Branch of the Rohidasi (T) Marathi Aryan Sub-Family. Sali (T) Marathi Hatakari (T) Marathi. Sonari (T) Marathi Himachali (T) Pahari. Takari (T) Paradhi Kalali (T) Marathi. Tamboli (T) Marathi Kandra (T) Gondi. Teli-Marathi (T) Marathi Karwari (T) Konkani, a language of the Southern Group of Outer Sub-Branch of the Aryan Sub-Family. Udipi (T) TuIu Kashi Kapadi (T) Telugu. Vaidu (T) Telugu Khatri (TR) U nclassifiable. Wani (T) Marathi Khristy (T) .. Marathi. Konda (TR) A languJge of the Dravidian family. Zoroastrian (T) Gujarati "1'., 2774.-0a 126

FLY-LEAF TO TABLE C-V-contd. NOTE 3 NOTE 4 Mother-tongues outside the Indian sub-continent The following mother-tongues which appear in the which have beef! printed in italics in the Table have been Table have been found unclassifiable by the Linguist arranged by the Linguist according to (a) mother-tongues for want of any dependable information on them of other Asian countries and (b) mother-tongues of so far :- each of the other continents in the following manner:- Abhahatik, Adhuni, Adivasi, Adnis, Alkari, Andhi, Araji 2 Ascrini, Ashia, Aurkhati, Balhapuri, Bangargi, Banor, Barai: Basali, Bask, Beldari, Bhagnadi, Bhagnari, Bhagwati, Bhamti, Other Asian Afghani Kabuli/Pakhto, Pashto/Pathani, An­ Bhigoli, Bhivadi, Bidichoras, Bojwari, Canthars, Chachi, Chaubar Countries. namese 'Annamite, Arabic! Arbi, Arme­ Chhushmeni, Cushai, Dichi, Dombari, East Indian, Elonguria, nian, Balochi/Baluchi, Bukhari, Burmese, Cambodian, Ceylonese, SimelujSinghalese, Fatma, Fernada, Gangasi, Garpagari, Garudi, Ghamoli, Ghasi, Chinese, Chini, Hebrew/Jewish, Indone­ Godhami, Gopal, Gurjara, Guthara, Halvado, Hamar, Hardasi, sian, Irani/Iranian, Japanese, Mahl! Maldivian, Malai/Malay/MalayajMalayan, Helgo, Kanjari, Kapati, Katgi, Katwi, Khanali, Kharkhadi, Persian, Philippine. Siamese/Thai, Siberian, Khati, Khuku, Kolhati, K;osan, Kudu, Ladi, Lalgi, Lamzali, Turkish/Turkistani. Lazodi, Madari, Madgi, Mahajani, Makhiya, Mainuti, Manda­ Africa African, Somali. kini, Mani, Maral, Mashan, Masti, Matrai, Momidomi, Mungi, Oceania Fijian. Myalor, Nandiwali, Narmadiya, /Nuniya, Panchrangi, Parki Europe Austrian, Belgian, Corsican, Czech/CzechO­ Pathari, Pathisadi, Pilgar, Pohani', Pokrlne, Razali, Rumai' slovakian, Danish, Dutch, English, Eurasian, Flemish, French, German, Greek, Hunga­ Samishra, Sanap, Sanku, Sarnarthi, Sarsar, Savaji, Shusha: rian, Irish, Italian, Latin, Lithuanian, Sikalgari, Sonjhari, Sungi,Taban, Talami,"I:anjarvalngo, Tarane, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Roumanian, Russian, Scottish, Serbocroa­ Taroa, Thakai, Thatwari, Tirguli, Tolar, Topi, Trimali, tian, Slavic, Spanish, Swedish, Swiss, Trivedi, Tungo, Umathi, Urani, Wakarali,.Walli, Walmiki, Yugoslavian. Wandgiri, Watankari, Zunwar. 127

FLY-LEAF TO TABLE C-V-contd. NOTES Column 2 shows variant spellings or forms of mother-tongue returns which are rationalized to the names given against them in column l. Rationalized forms of Variant forms of the names of mother­ Rationalized forms of Variant forms of the names of mother­ names of mother­ tongues recorded during enumeration names of mother­ tongues recorded during enumeration tongues as listed in and/or transcription tongues as listed in and/or transcription Table C-V Table C-V 1 2 1 2 Adivasi Adewari, Adiwasi Garudi Garodi Agari Agri Ghasi Ghansi, Ghyasi Agarwali Agrawal Goanese Goanies, Gomantak, Gowan, Gowanese, Ahirani Aherawi, Aiarani, Yerni Gowani Araji Argina Godwari Godiyal, Godwal Arava Arvi Golari-Kannada Golar, Golari, Golewar Assamese Asami, Asambe, Asamese, Assami, Gondi Gaudi, Godi, Gondiva, Gondwadi. Assamis GoudwaI, Goudi, Goundhi Awadhi Awhadi, Kosali Gopal Gopali, Gopani, Gupali Baghelkhandi Marari, Mannadi Gorkhali Gorakhi, Gorkha, Gurakhi, Gurathi. Bahane Bahana, Bahani Gurghadi, Gurkha, Gurkhali, Gurkhi Bahawalpuri Bawalpuri, Bhavalpuri Gouda Saraswata Saraswati Bahusar Basor, Bhavsari, Bhosari Govari Gawari, Govaki, Gowari Banjari Bangori, Banjara, Banji, Banjorin, Van- Gujarati Gujarathi, Gujrathi, Gujrati jari, Wangari, Wanjara, Wanjari, Wanji Gujari Gujri Bavchi Boehi Gujaru Gujara, Gujarau Beldari Wod-beldari, Toldari Gurjara Gurjar Bengali Bangali, Bangoli Gurmukhi Gurumukhi, Gormathi, Gurukabli. Bhangari Bhangadi Guruma!, Khalsa Bhatia Bhad Halabi Halba, Halvi, Bastari Bhatkal Bhatkali Har Har Bhasha Bhili Bhilari, Bhilla, Bhilli, Bhilori Hatakari Hataki Bhoi-Marathi Bhoi, Bhoyanchi, Bhor-Marathi Himachali Himayachalli Bhojpuri Bhojapuri Hindi Hindu Bhoyari Bhoyaroo, Bohoyeri Hindko Hinkto Bhunjia Bhunia Holiya HoIar, Holari, Hole, Holi, Holian, Holor Birjia/Brijia 'Binjhia Birji, Burja HoIu, Holya Bori ' Borai Jagannathi Jaga Aao, Jaganathi, Jagannath, Surya Brahmani Brahmin, Brahmi Jagannathi Braj Bhasha/Braj Bijbhasha, Brij, Brijbhashi Jaini Jain, Jainta Bhakha. Jatki Jat, Jath Budali Bulari Jhari Jahadi, Zadi BundeIkhandi Bundeli, Bundheli Kachchhi Kacchchi, Kachai, Kachchi, Kachhi_ Burdi Beradi, Barda, Burud, Burudi Kachichi, Kachihi, Kutchi Chamari Chambhari, Cham bar. Chambhar Boli Kahari Kohari, Karbhasha Charani Charami, Charini Kaikadi Kokadi Chaurasi Chaurashi, Chourasi Kalali Kalal, Kalari Chhattisgarhi Chattisgadi, Chhatisgarhi Kamathi Kamati Chhushmeni Chhushmoni Kandiali Kandoli Chinawari Chanwari Kandra Kendris Chitodi Chinogadi, Chittodi Kanjari Kagari, Kangar Bhat, Kangri Chodhari Choudhara Kankeri Kankari Coorgi, Kodagu Koorgi, Kurja Kannada Banglori, Canarese, Canadi, Kanadi, Dakani/ Musalmani Dakhani Kannad, Kannadi, Kannady, Kyanadi Daldi Dali Kapati Kadpati Darhi Dari Karhadi Karadi Dasari Dasi Karwari Karwali Derawal Derawadi Kathiyawadi Kalyanwadi, Kathewadi, Kathiawadi Deswali/Hariani Hariyani Katia Katiya Devanagari Deonagari Kewati Kawathi, Kenat, Kevat Boli, Kevati, Dhamdi Dhamdhi Kewani Dhanki Dhanka Kharia Khariya, Dhiwari Dhawarboli, Dhimar,Dhimara,Dhimbar. Khasi Khashi Dhivarau, Dhiwari Khatri Khetri, Kshtra, Kshatriya Dhodia Dhobi, Dhodi, Doria Khoja Khoji Dingal Dinyal Khristy Christian Dogri Dogari Kirari Keradi, Kiradi, Kirali Doharahu Dohori, Dohari, Dhori, Dhorki, Dhor- Kol Kolar, Kolari koya Kolami Kolamboli, Kolmi Dravidam Dravid, Drawidi Kolhati Kolati Dubli Dubali Konda Kondi Dungari Dongari, Dongri Kongar Congari, Kangadi, Kongadi, Kongari Gadaria Gadhari Konkani Kokani, Concorinum Gaiki Gaiki Gond Koraga Korangi Gaoli , Gawalan, Gawalani.Gawalbhashi, Korku Kodaku, Korki, Korkoo Gawali, Gawani, Gowali Korwa Kochi, Koravi, Korawi, Korvi, Kuru 123

FLY-LEAF TO TABLE C-V-conclct. NOTE 5-concld.

Rationalized forms of Variant forms of the names of mother­ Rationalized forms of Variant forms of the names of mother­ names of mother­ tongues recorded during enumeration names of mother­ tongues recorded during enumeration tongues as listed in and/or transcription tongues as 1is ted ill andlor transcnption TableC-V Table C-V 1 2 1 2

Koshti-Marathi Coshti, Kashta-Bhasha, Koshi, Kosh· Oswali Oswal tau, Koshti, Kosti, Toshti Pahari-Unspecified Pahadi KotaJi KotwaI Paradhi Pardhi, Jangali Pardhi, PaIpardhi, Paravi, Koya Koyato, Koitar Pardhychi, Phanse Pardhi Kului Kulu Pardesi Paradeshi, Par des hi Kumauni Kumaoni, Kumau, Kumawani, Kumgoni, Pardhan Pardhani, Pradhan, Pradhani Kumoni Parsi Parasi, Parshi Kumbhari Khumbari, Kumari, KUmhari, Pathari Padhari, Patri Kunbau ~ Kumbi (Kunbi) Patharwati Patharwat KurubajKurumba Kurumwar, Kurmwari, Pathisadi Pathsadi, Pathi Kuthari Kutheli Patvi Patvikari Ladhadi Ladari, Ladsi Pawri Pawari Ladi Lad Peshawari Paswari LamanijLambadi Labhani, Labhani Muka, Lumadale, Pilgar Poligltr Luman, Lumani, Lumbada, Lambardi, Punjabi Panjabi Lumbhadi, Lemadi Purbi Poor bin, Purbhi, Purvia Lamzali Lanzahari Raghobansi Raghiivanshi, Raghawaoo, Raghawi Laria Lariya RaJasthani Rajastani, Ra_jlstani Lazodi Lazad Raj Gondi RaJgond ' , Lingayati Langayati Rajputani Rajaputani, Rajaputi, Rajput, Rajputi Lodhi Lodl, Lohi, Lozi Ranati Ranchi, Ranti Lohari-Marathi Lohara, Lohari Rathauri Rathod, Rathodi, ,Rothri Lushai; Mizo Lusago, Lusai, Misso Rohidasi Rohidas , Madari Madri Rohilkhandi Rohili Madgi Madghi Santali SamtaIi, Santhali Magahi,'Magadhi Maghori Saurashtri Saurashtra Mahesri Maheshwari, Mahaheshi Savaji Savji Maithili Mathili, Mithila Savara Shabari Makhiya Myethilin, Makhadi Shusha Shusa Malayalam AleaJam, MaJayaJum, MaJeam, Maliyad, Sikalgari Shikalgari Maliyalam, MaHali, Mallayalam, Mal­ Sikkim Bhotia Sikkimese lealie, Mallyali, Malyalam, Malyali, Sindhi Sindi Mopla Singli Sanglish, Singoli Malekudi Malguti Siraji Simla Malhar Maladi, Malhari, MaIur Sonari Sornari Malvi Mallow, Malwa, Malwai, Mavi Sonjhari Sonzari Mandakini Mamdakini Tadavi Tadvi Mandeali Mandyoli TaJami Talam Mangari Mangri Tamboli Tambodi, Tambul Manglorese Manglori, Manglory Tamil Tamal, Tamalsan, Tamili Mankari Mankar Tanda Tandali Marathi , Warathi Tanjarvalngo Tangarvalngo Maria Madi, Modi, Madiya Taroa Taruba Marwari Marwadi, Marwadi Rajput, Masadi Tehri Tahari Mathuri-Banjari Mathura, Mathuri, MathuriJogi, Mathuri Tekari Telari, Thelari Muka, Mathuri Prasad Telugu Telagu, Telangi, Telangire, Telangu, Matrai Matri Telgi, Telgu, Terangi, Terangu, Tiranga Mawchi Mauchi, Mawachi Thakri Thakari, Thakuri Memani Memani Kahdri, Meman, Memoori, Tibetan Pohbetian, Tibeti Menan Tinauli Tinyal Mewari Mevadi, Mewadi Tirguli Tegoli, Tiranguli, Trigoli, Triguli, Triguni, Moghia Moghya Turguii, Tiruangali Munda~Unspecified Mondi, Mundari Toda Todi Mungi Mongi Trimali Trimal Muwasi Mowasi Trivedi Triwedi Naga-Unspecified Nagin Tulu Tal, Thalu, Tullu NagarchaI Nagarchi Udipi Uddapi Nagari-Hindi Nagari, Nagri, Nagrik Ujaini Ajgani, Ajjaini Nagesia Nageshia Urali Urli Nagli Negoli Urdu Undri Naiki-Banjari Naiki, Nayki Vadari Badari, Gadiwadar, Odary, Odwad, Nawait Nawaithy Wadari, Wadrau Nepali Naipa!i Varli Warli Newari Newadi Vasava Vashadi, Vashi, Vasvi, Wasave Nimadi Nemadi, Nimari Wagdi Vaged, Vagi, Wagari, Waghari, Wa&holi Ojhi Ojaboli, Ozha, Ozhi, Oza Warhadi Warddi, Berari Oriya Odiya, Oliya, Oria, Orean, Orisa, Yenadij Yanadi Yadi Orissa, Orissan, Oriyan, Udia, Udisa, Yerava Yoruba Udiya Zoroastrian Zorostrian 129

C-V-MOTHER-TONGUE Notes.-{i) Mother-tongues printed in italics belong to countries outside the Indian Sub-Continent. (ii) Names occurring after hyphen ( - ) have been introduced by the Linguist to indicate groupings. (iii) Asterisk ( *) means that the mother-tongue is unclassified in the Linguistic Survey of India. (iv) Dagger ( t ) denotes that the mother-tongue though classified in the Linguistic Survey of India is either tentatively re-c1as~ified or considered unclassifiable by the Linguist. (v) Asterisk and dagger ('" t) denote that the mother-tongue is unclassified by Grierson but is tentatively classified by the Linguist.

Total Rural Urban Mother-tongue Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


All Mother-TODI:Ues •• 39,553,718 20,428,882 19,124,836 28,391,157 14,230,934 14,160,223 11,162,561 6,197,948 4,964.613 1 oAbhahatik 1 I 2. 'Adhuni 5 5 5 '''5 3. 'Adivasi 34 "23 II 16 '''8 8 18 15 3 4. °Adnis 3 3 3 3 5. Afghani/Kabull/p'akhlo/Pasilt~/Pathani 3,162 2,319 . 843 . 357 202 · i55 2,805 2,117 '688 6. African 61 51 10 -- 2 2 59 49 10 7. Agari 8 5 3 1 1 7 4 3 8, Agarwali 9 5 4 9 5 4 9. Ahlrani 358,775 118,424 180,351 330,409 163,734 166);75 28.366 14,690 J3.676 6 6 6 10. • Alkali 6 '''i '''j II. • tAlmor I 1 1 '''6 12. 'Andhi .. 6 6 6 '''j 13. Angami .• I 1 1 14. Annamesel Annamite 1 I I I 15. Arabic/Arbi 1,918 1,142 776 '495 '346 ' i49 1,423 796 '627 16. 'Araji 2 2 2 2 "57 . i08 "57 17. Arava " 108 51 51 18. Ardhamagadhi 19 10 9 19 10 9 19. Armenian 14 5 9 "i4 "'5 "'9 20. *Ascrini 3 3 3 3 21. °Ashia I I I 1 22. Assamese 272 232 40 "ii "ii 260 220 "40 23, °Aurkhati 1 I 1 1 14. A5l~trian 4 1 3 .... J 4 1 3 25. Awadhi 7 5 2 7 5 2 26. Bhghelkhandl 3,646 1,836 1,810 3,629 1,825 1,804 17 11 6 27. Baglani 2 2 2 2 28. *tBahane 9 3 '''6 '''9 3 ''';; 29. Bahawaipuri 171 84 87 171 84 87 30, *tBahusar 25 13 12 5 1 4 "20 .. ii 8 31. *tBairagi I 1 I 1 .... 12. Balai 23 12 "ij 23 12 "ii 33. *Balhapuri " 3 2 I 3 "'2 '''i 14. Balochl/ Ba'uchi 76 53 23 '''9 8 '''i 67 45 22 35. 'Bangare,i 2 2 2 2 36. Baniari 242,046 124.483 117.563 240,404 123',498 116,906 1',1;42 '985 . 657 37. ·Banor 2 2 , 2 2 38. *Barai 2 2 2 39. *Basali 1 1 1 1 40. "Bask 1 I '''j '''i 41. Bavehi 1 I I I 42. *Beldari 2.478 1.292 U86 i.478 (292 (is6 43. B~lgian 3 2 1 3 2 '''i 44. Bengali 29,114 11.750 1l.364 (083 ' 704 · 379 28,031 17.046 10,985 45. Beradi 121 47 74 121 47 14 46. *Bhagnadi 65 14 51 65 "i.j "5i 47. *Bhagnari 97 41 56 97 41 S6 48. °Bhagwati 2 2 2 2 49. *Bhamti 3 3 3 3 50. Bhandari I 1 1 1 51. *tBhangari 3 2 1 3 2 '''i 52. *tBharati I I I '''j 53. Bhatia 185 96 89 115 59 56 70 37 "33 54. tBhatkal 2 2 2 2 55. *Bhigoli 1 '''i 1 I 56. Bhih 320.717 16i.6Si 158.066 311.611 15i.868 153,743 9:io6 4'.783 4:3l3 57. *Bhivadi I 1 I 1 58. tBhoi·Marathi : : 114 42 "72 114 42 "7i 59. Bhojpuri 65 40 25 65 "40 "25 60. Bhopali 2 2 2 2 61. Bhoyari 5,319 2,733 2:586 5joo 2,'7ij 2,;17 19 10 '''9 62. 'tBhuj 1 I 1 1 63. Bhunjia I 1 1 64. Bhutani I I 1 65. • Bidiehoras 21 11 10 21 II 10 66. Blhari 142 105 37 22 20 2 120 85 "35 67. Bikaneri I I 1 1 68. ~irji!,/Br,iji./Binjhia 5 3 '''i I 4 3 '''i 69. BOjWarl .. I 1 I 1 7


Total Rural Urban Mother·tonRUe Persons Males .Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

MAHARASIlTRA STATE-contd. 79. Cambodian 1 I 80. -Canthars • . • • I I I "'i 81. Ceylonese/Simelu/Singhalese J08 86 "ii I I 107 85 82. -Chachi I 1 I 1 83. ·tChamari 1,900 914 '986 1',885 '907 '978 15 7 84. Charani 18 12 6 11 5 6 7 7 85. -Chaubar 3 3 3 3 86. Chaurasi •. 407 184 .iij ..isi 158 193 56 26 "jo 87. Chhattisgarhi •. lS,84~ 7,857 7,991 14,280 7,060 7,220 1,568 797 771 88. -Chhushmeni .. 2 2 2 89. ChiQawari •. 8 5 3 4 4 '''4 "'j '''j 90. Chinese/Chini .. 2,032 1,169 863 3 3 2,029 1,166 863 91. Chitodi 8 4 4 4 2 4 2 2 92. Chodhari .• 8 8 8 93. Coorgi/Kodagu 160 108 52 '160 108 "52 94. Corsican I I I 1 95. ·Cushai .. 7 7 7 7 96. Czech/Czechoslovakian 76 44 32 9 8 67 36 "ji 97. Dakani/MusaImaOI 34 22 12 34 22 12 98. tDaldi 1 1 I '''j 99. Dangi I I .... I 1 100. Danish 80 51 "29 3 2 77 50 "27 101. Darhi 8 5 3 8 5 3 102. Dasari 4 3 1 4 3 1 103. Derawal •. I I I 1 104. Deswali/Hariani 5 5 5 5 105. Devanagari •. 8 7 I 2 2 6, 5 '''i 106. *tDhamdi 1,560 793 767 1,560 793 '767 107. Dhanagari 186 108 78 186 108 78 108. Dhanki 375 J93 182 375 193 182 109. Dhedgujari 48 28 20 48 28 20 I10. *tDhiwari 125 64 61 125 64 61 III. Dhodia 35 18 17 23 Ii 12 12 '''7 '''5 111. -Dichi 2 2 2 2 113. DingaI 5 5 5 '''5 Jl4. Dogri 626 537 89 626 537 "89 115. Doharahu 339 213 126 '267 'm 95 72 41 31 116. -Dombari 5 3 2 5 3 2 117. Dravidam 38 14 24 12 9 3 "26 '''5 "ii tl8. DubU 12 6 6 5 5 7 1 6 119. Dungari 157 115 42 157 115 42 120. Dutch 186 154 32 186 154 32 121. -East·Indian 7 6 7 6 122. -Elonguria 1 I I 1 123. English 60,423 29,661 '993 455 59,430 29,123 124. -tEtawali 3 2 3 I 125. Eurasian I I '''i '''i 126. ·Patma I I I 1 127. ·Femada I I I I 128. Fijian 2 2 2 2 129. tFirangi 2 I I '''2 1 I 130. Flemish 7 7 '''7 7 131. French 298 157 141 "iii "'9 '''; 282 148 . i:i4 132. *tGadaria 539 266 273 539 266 273 133. *tGaiki 24 10 14 24 10 14 134. Gamti/Gavit 173 66 107 173 66 107 135. -Gangas; I I 1 1 136. Gaoll 798 383 415 608 . j08 '300 190 75 .i is 137. Garhwali 1,406 875 531 60 37 23 1,346 838 508 138. *Garpagari 7 4 3 7 4 3 139. *Garudi 101 53 48 89 41 48 "i2 12 140. German 668 393 275 52 29 23 616 364 '252 141. -Ghamoli I I 1 I 142.- -Ghasi 25 '''9 16 1 I 24 9 15 143. Ghisadi 1,691 782 909 1,553 .iii 841 138 70 68 144. tGoanese 3,567 1,766 1,801 116 75 41 3,451 1,691 1,760 145. -Godhami I I 1 1 146. Godwari .. 6 4 2 '''j 3 3 1 2 147. GOIari·Kannada 274 120 154 264 117 . i47 10 3 7 148. Gondi 314,863 156,468 158,395 301,674 149,659 152,015 13,189 6,809 6,380 149. -GopaI 134 72 62 116 59 57 18 13 5 150. Gorkhali 502 439 63 32 28 4 470 411 59 151. -tGosavi " 235 100 135 235 100 135 152. *tGouda·Saraswata 18 12 6 18 · 'i2 "'6 153. Govari 2,787 1,462 1,325 2,758 1',437 Jj2i 29 25 4 154. Greek 67 59 8 67 59 8 155. Gujarati 1,067,509 581,682 485,827 100,422 54,036 46,386 967,087 527,646 439,441 156. GUjari 10 1 9 10 1 9 157. Guiaru 24,577 12,724 11,853 23,923 12,415 11,508 -654- · 309 '345 158. *Gurjara 303 155 148 303 155 148 159. Gurmukhi 1,708 1,023 685 337 183 154 1:3'1i · 840 531 160. *Guthara I I I I 161. Halahi 4,276 2,163 2,113 2,111 1,382 1,329 1,565 781 784 162. Halai 10 5 5 10 5 5 163. ·Halvado 3 3 3 "'j 164. ·Hamar 1 I '''i '''i 165. Har 9 1 8 "'9 8 1~1


Total Rural Urban Mother-tongue Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

MAHARASHTRA STATE--contd. 166. • Hardasi 4 2 2 4 2 167. "tHatakari .. 8 3 5 8 3 5 168. Hebrew/Jewish 457 246 211 "6i 36 "26 395 210 185 169. "Helgo 3 3 3 3 170. *tHimachali 4 3 1. 4 3 1 171. Hindi 1,088,927 674,913 414,014 309,210 163,010 146,200 779,7i7 511',903 26i,si4 172. Hindko 2 2 2 2 173. Ho 2 2 2 2 174. Holiya 2,315 1,173 1,142 1,089 164 84 80 175. Hungarian 22 14 ~ 22 14 8 176. Indonesian 22 15 7 22 15 7 177. Irani/Iranian 831 450 381 . jj 15 "is 798 435 363 178. Irish IO 7 3 10 7 3 179. Italian 153 88 65 2 2 151 86 65 180. Jagannathi 22-l 113 111 156 79 77 68 34 34 181. Jaini 976 290 686 927 268 659 49 22 27 182. Jaipuri I 1 1 1 183. Jangali I 1 I '''i 184. Japanese 265 228 37 '265 228 185. latki 81 41 40 "SO 40 "40 1 1 186. Jhari 7 3 4 7 3 4 187. Jodhpuri I 1 '''j 1 188. Kachchhi 45,576 23,499 22,077 1,59 1 892 699 43.985 22,607 21,378 189. Kahari 674 311 363 671 311 360 3 3 190. Kaikadi 8,161 4,135 4,026 6,1 33 3.101 3,032 2,028 1,034 994 191. *tKalali 1,797 889 908 1,7J~ 884 895 18 5 13 192. Kamathl 142 76 66 16 13 113 60 53 193. Kandiali 24 19 5 24 19 5 194. *tKandra 4 2 2 4 2 2 195. OKanjari 63 43 20 "ji; 29 "'7 27 14 13 196. Kankeri 9 4 5 9 4 5 197. Kannada 629,583 338,601 290,982 414,049 214,45i 199.598 215,534 124,150 91,384 198. * Kapati 3 3 3 3 199. Karhadi 15 11 4 5 1 4 "in 10 200. *t Karwari .. 281 190 91 27 14 13 254 176 "78 201. 'tKashi Kapadi 10 7 3 10 7 3 202. Kashmiri 658 447 211 "ii 12 646 435 211 203. OKalgi 62 22 40 62 22 "40 204. Katruyawadi .. 1,297 660 637 597 319 278 '700 341 '359 205. Kathodi 587 294 293 582 289 293 5 5 206. Katia 99 61 38 99 61 38 207. Kalkari 4,264 1,887 2,377 4,190 1,838 2,352 "74 "4'9 208. 'Katwi 3 3 3 3 209. Kewati 3,468 1,649 (Bi9 3,468 1,649 (Bi9 210. 'Khanali 1 1 1 1 211. Khandeshi 457 230 'iii 435 223 ':iii "22 7 15 212. Kharia 2 2 2 2 213. *Kharkhadi 1 1 1 1 214. Khasi 42 34 8 '''6 6 36 34 "':i 215. ·Khati 52 33 19 50 ":ij 17 2 2 216. tKhatri 822 373 449 46 21 25 776 352 424 217. Khoja 17 12 5 8 6 2 9 6 3 218. 'tKhristy 12 8 4 7 3 4 5 5 219. 'Khuku 14 8 6 14 8 6 220. Kirari 632 380 252 533 323 210 "99 57 "42 221. Kisan " 1 1 1 1 222. Kokna/Kokni/Kukna 37,400 18,247 19,is:i 37,258 18,167 19',09i . i42 80 "62 223. Kol " 15 10 5 14 9 5 1 I 224. Kolami 38,822 19,365 19,457 38,744 19,307 19,437 78 58 "20 225. *Kolhati 952 433 519 947 429 518 5 4 1 226. Koli 49 24 25 3 3 46 21 25 227. tKonda 3 2 1 3 2 '''i 228. Kongar 19 13 6 5 3 2 "i4 10 4 229. tKonkani 210,810 113,660 97,150 4,16~ 2,018 2,144 206,648 111,642 95,006 230. Koraga 42 13 29 42 13 29 231. Korku 59,491 30.037 29,454 59',iJ99 29',820 29',279 392 217 175 232. Korwa 459 211 248 156 76 80 303 135 168 233. *Kosan 1 1 1 1 234. *tKosari .. 249 . iij 126 240 . ii9 121 9 4 S 235. Koshti-Marathi 25,409 12,754 12,655 6,406 3,165 3,241 19,003 9,589 9,414 236. KOMi 224 105 119 224 105 119 237. tKoya 45 26 19 45 26 19 238. °Kudu 1 1 1 1 239. Kului 2 2 2 2 240. Kumauni 233 194 39 7 3 '''4- 226 191 "3S 241. Kumbhari 262 119 143 258 116 142 4 3 1 242. Kunbau 22 9 13 19 7 12 3 2 1 243. Kurmi " 21 5 16 21 5 16 244. Kuruba/Kurumba 697 325 372 . 697 . 325 . 372 245. Kurukh/Oraon 20 13 7 4 3 1 "ii; 10 '''6 246. KUlhari 1 1 1 1 247. Ladhadi 305 157 148 305 157 148 248. 'Ladi 94 51 43 89 49 40 5 2 "'3 249. Lahnda 8 4 4 8 4 4 250. 'Lalgi " 1 1 1 1 251. Lamani/Lambadi 115,557 58,962 56;595 l13j4i 57,719 55,622 2,216 1,243 '973 252. *Lamzali .. 22 15 7 22 15 7 253. Laria 10 6 4 10 6 '''4 U2


Total Rural Urban Mother tongue Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

MAHARASHTRA STATE-;:ontd. 254. Latin 37 37 37 37 255. *Lazodi 485 241 244 '485 241 244 256. *tLingayat) 49 27 22 22 16 6 · '27 11 •• i6 257. Lithuanian 1 1 1 1 258. Lodhi 16,902 8,415 8;487 16,582 8,256 8;:i26 · :i20 159 ·iiii 259. *tLohari-Mar~ihi 49 29 20 32 21 11 17 8 9 260. Lushai/Mizo 17 17 17 17 261. *Madari 281 142 139 246 129 117 35 13 22 262. " Madgi 3 2 1 3 2 1 263. *tMadurai 10 10 ... i · .. i 10 10 264. Magahl/Magadhi 5 4 4 4 ... i 265. * Mahajani .. 4 3 I 4 3 266. Mahesri .. 209 115 94 . i25 · '72 53 84 43 41 267. Mahl/Maldivian 39 39 39 39 268. Maithili 371 323 . '48 . '28 19 '9 343 304 · '39 269. *Makhiya.. .. 2 1 1 I 1 1 1 270. Malai/Malay/Malaya/Malayan 4 1 3 4 1 · "3 271. Malayalam .. .. 90,459 65,602 24,857 3:ii7 2:549 • 568 8p42 63,053 24,289 272. Malekudi 2 2 2 2 273. Malbar 54 34 "io 45 25 "20 ,""9 '''9 274. tMali 969 540 429 966 537 429 3 3 275. * Malnuti 1 1 1 I 276. Maltese 9 6 '''3 9 6 .. '3 277. Malvi 374 206 168 ·.i9i · i54 · i37 83 52 31 278. " Mandakini 1 I 1 1 .. '2 279. Mandeali 2 '''2 2 280. Mangari .. 1 '''i 1 "'j 281. ·tManglorese .. 321 . i66 ISS 4 2 2 · 3i7 · ii;4 'm 282. *Mani .. 3 2 1 3 2 1 283. Manipuri/Mcithoi 73 69 4 I '''i 72 68 4 284. ·tMankari 475 244 231 475 244 '23i \ .... 285. 'Maral 30 6 24 30 6 24 286. Maratbi 30,233,034 15,371,790 14,861,244 24,108,432 12,049,946 12,058,486 6,124,602 3,321)144 2,802:;58 287. Maria 31,608 15,786 15,822 31,602 15,780 15,822 6 6 288. "tMarii 11 3 8 11 3 8 289. Marwari 235,339 127,444 107,895 101,107 53,304 47,803 134',232 74,i40 60;092 290. "Mashan 1 I 1 I 291. °Masti 1 '''i 1 '''i .. '3 292. t Mathuri-Bania~i 2,750 t",448 1,302 2,744 1",445 1,299 .";; 3 293. * Matrai .. 1 I 1 I 294. Mawehi 29,484 15,159 1(325 29,045 14',940 14;i05 439 219 'i20 295. Momani 588 280 308 134 65 69 454 215 239 296. Mewari 1,232 832 400 165 99 66 1,067 733 334 297. Mirzapuri 33 21 12 33 21 12 298. Mogbia 17 14 3 .. i7 · 'i4 3 299. * Momidomi 4 2 2 4 2 2 300. Mulki 1 1 "'i '''i 301. Multani 1,429 '790 639 '7i2 '395 377 657 ':i95 262 302. Munda-Uns~jfied 22 18 4 8 6 2 14 12 2 303. " Mungi .. 5 1 4 5 1 4 304. Muwasi 2 1 1 2 1 1 305. • Myalor 1 1 1 1 306. Naga-Unspecified 19 14 :; 19 14 5 307. Nagarehal .. 77 40 37 "ii · '40 • ':i7 308. Nagari-Hindi " 40 27 13 2 2 · '38 · '2S "i3 309. *tNagesia 1 1 1 1 310. "tNagli 19 11 8 19 11 .. ·s 3J1. Naikadi 312 162 150 ':iii 'i62 150 312. Naiki-Banjari : : 61 29 32 61 29 32 313. "Nandiwali 39 12 27 39 12 27 .. '3 314. " Narmadiya 3 3 3 315. tNawait 5 '''3 2 5 "'3 2 316. - Nepali 12,002 9,797 2,205 'iii; 618 · '98 11,286 9,179 2,107 317. Newari 6 I 5 I 1 5 5 318. Nlhali 689 3S6 333 689 356 333 319. Nimadi 1,072 534 538 938 460 478 · i34 "74 "60 320. Norwegian 31 23 8 6 3 3 25 20 5 321. "Nuniya 41 25 16 41 25 16 322. Ojhi 220 103 117 220 103 111 323. Oriya 3,383 2,384 999 467 260 207 2:9i6 2;ii4 '792 324. Oswall 2 2 2 2 325. *tPadmasbali .. 16 4 12 5 5 11 4 7 326. *tPadvi 43 26 17 40 · '23 17 3 3 327. Pahari-Unspecified 117 81 36 11 8 3 106 73 . '33 328. Pali .. 18 17 1 8 7 1 10 10 329. "tPalwali 1 1 1 1 330. Panchali 431 196 '235 365 174 • i9i '"iii; '"22 . '44 331. "PanchraI}!li 6 4 2 6 4 ~2 332. "tPankhall 1 1 1 '1 333. Paradhi 8,731 4:ssi 4,150 8',4is 4',390 4',028 313 • i9i 122 334. Pardesi 30,499 U,447 13,052 27,575 13,983 13,592 2,924 1,464 1,460 335. *tPardhan 217 -104 113 216 104 112 1 1 336. °Parki 15 5 10 15 5 10 337. Parsi 4,303 2,489 1,814 93 36 57 4',iio 2;453 1',757 338. OPathari 84 72 12 28 16 12 S6 S6 339. "tPatbarwati 14 10 4 14 10 4 340. "Palbisadi 10 7 3 9 6 3 "'i 1 341. Palvi 37 11 26 6 3 3 31 8 23 199


Total Rural Urban Mother-tonaue Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

MAHARASHTRA STATE~ontd. 342. Pawri 38,593 19,466 19,127 38,556 19,437 19,119 37 29 8 343. Persian 899 487 412 44 25 19 855 462 393 344. Peshawari 5 I 4 I I 4 I 3 345. Philippine 8 8 .00 8 8 346. 'Pilgar 17 8 9 oois 6 9 2 2 347. ·tPinjari 5 3 2 5 3 2 348. 'Pohani 5 3 2 5 '''3 00'2 349. 'Pokrine I 1 OOjj I I 350. Polish 18 5 18 5 00 jj 351. ·tPomla 41 41 oo,ji oo,ji 352. Portuguese 2,108 1,030 1',078 559 285 '274 1',549 . 745 '804 353. Powari 64,078 32,014 32,064 63,618 31,758 31,860 460 256 204 354. Punjabi 101,317 60,498 41),819 3,345 2,248 1,097 97,972 58,250 39,722 355. Purbi 19 II 8 3 2 1 16 9 7 356. Raghobansl 2,484 1,273 1,211 2,451 1,255 1,196 33 18 15 357. Rajasthani 20,044 11,249 8,795 7,7~g 3,834 3,894 12,316 7,415 4,901 358. Raj Gondi 335 188 147 45 34 256 143 113 359. Rajputani 4,846 2,531 2,315 4,064 2,084 1,980 782 447 335 360. Ranati 8 6 2 8 6 2 361. Rangari 45 34 11 13 9 4 32 . '25 -00'7 362. Rathauri 543 294 :149 542 293 2..JY I J 363. Rathi 6 6 2 2 4 4 364. *Razali 9 S 4 5 3 2 4 2 2 365. ·tRohidasi II 9 2 10 Q 1 1 1 366. Rohilkhandi 11 7 4 11 7 .j 367. Roumanian 7 4 3 7 4 3 368. *Rumai 2 2 2 2 369. RUSSIan 70 18 52 70 oois 52 370. Sadan/Sadrl I 1 371. ·tSali 9 9 9 '''9 372, ·Samishra 17 10 '00:" ooi7 10 7 373. 'Sanap 1 1 1 1 374, 'Sanku 1 1 1 1 375. Sanskrit 82 46 36 14 5 9 68 "4i 27 376. Santali 12 11 1 12 11 I 377, ·Sarnarthi 4 4 '''2 2 2 2 378. ·Sarsar 6 2 4 6 2 4 379. Saurashtri 103 85 18 2 101 84 11 380. ·Savaji 2 2 1 I I 381. Savara 1 1 I 382. Scottish 7 6 I 7 6, 1 383. Serbocroatlan :: 1 1 I I 384. Sham I I I 1 385. 'Shusha 11 11 "ii 11 386, Siamese/Thai :: 5 5 5 5 387. Siberian " I I 1 1 388. • Sikalgari • 4 3 1 4 I 389. Sikkim Bhotia ' I I I 1 390, Sindhi 295,131 152;452 142,679 6,550' 4;376 2:174 288,581 148,076 140,505 391. Singli 7 1 1 1 6 6 392, Siraji I 1 393, Slavic 10 '''9 10 9 394. Somali 1 t 1 1 395. °tSonari 56 15 ".i "$4 13 "4i 2 2 396. ·Sonjhari 41 41 41 41 397. Soanish 140 115 25 3 1 2 137 114 "23 398. ·Sungi I I I 1 399. Surti I I 1 I 00 400. Swedish 74 33 41 10 " '5 5 64 28 401. Swiss 36 20 13 7 20 13 7 .:02. ·Taban 2 2 2 2 403. Tadavi 4,097 2,125 1;9;2 3;980 1:9i4 117 59 sa 404. Takankari 9 6 3 9 i.~ 3 405. ·tTakari 101 51 50 101 51 50 406. ·Talarni 3 3 3 3 407. ·tTamboli 142 "7. 132 .. ;;; 65 7 '''3 408. 68 10 Tamil .. 159,396 95,158 64,238 3,873 2,371 1,502 155,523 92,787 62,736 409. Tanda .. 35 5 30 35 5 30 410. *Tan,arvalneo I 1 1 '''i 411. ·Tarane I '''i '''i 412. *Taroa 1 I I 1 413. Tehri I I 1 1 414. Tekari 249 144 ' ios . 249 . i.w ' i05 415 ·tTeli-Marathi ' 130 112 51 ooii 416. 57 73 61 18 6 Telugu 623,801 337,709 286,094 295,501 152,191 143,310 328,302 185,518 142,784 417. ·Thakal 2 418. 2 2 2 Thakri 4,226 (S6; 2,361 4:iio I;S6i 2',359 6 4 2 419. "Thatwari I 1 I I 420. Tibetan 81 421. "62 19 48 "47 1 33 "is 18 Tinauli 1 I I I 422. • Tirguli 1,000 ' 4ili 423. 519 '855 '«0 'm 145 79 "66 Toda 5 5 5 5 424. ·Tolor 5 "'5 '''5 5 425. ·Topi I 426. I 1 I 'Trimali 2 2 "'2 '''2 427. ·Trlvedi 2 '''2 2 2 428. Tulu 11,199 429. i,s67 3,632 172 ' iil 49 11:02; 7;444 3',583 ·Tungo .• I I 1 I 430. Turklsh/Turklltani 26 18 OO·S "'2 '''i '''j 24 17 '''7 1~4


Total Rural Urban Mother-tongue Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

MAHARASHTRA STA TE-concld. 431. °tUdipl 16 10 6 16 10 6 432. Ujaini 13 11 2 13 11 2 433. "Umathi 6 6 6 6 434. Urali 5 5 5 5 435. "Urani 1 "'j 1 1 436. Urdu 2,725,689 1,44i,Q.i4 1,283,645 1,24i,233 624,937 616,296 1,484,456 81'7;107 667,349 437. Vadari 16,538 8,390 8,148 12,986 6,623 6,3~~ 3,552 1,767 1,785 438. "tVaidu 63 33 30 54 27 9 6 3 439. Var1i 133 64 69 95 51 44 38 13 25 440. Vasava 226 122 104 222 118 104 4 4 441. Wagdi 77 57 20 29 16 13 48 41 7 442. ·Wakarali 1 1 1 1 443. ·WaJIi 2 1 1 1 '''i '''i '''i 444. "Wahniki 3 3 3 3 445. Walvi 130 S4 "76 . j30 "54 . '76.' 446. "Wandgiri 1 1 1 1 447. "tWani 3 3 3 3 448. Warhadi 6 4 "'2 6 4 '''2 449. ·Watankari 9 3 6 9 3 6 .~ .. 450. Yenadi/Yanadi 37 16 21 37 16 21 451. Yer)lva 1 1 "'j '''i 452. Yugoslavian 46 42 4 46 42 4 453. "tZoroastrian 4 3 1 .... 4 :3 454. "Zunwar 2 I 1 2 I 135 TABLE C-V ...,.

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Mother-tongues of the Indian Sub-continent

Total number of Classified by the Linguistic Unclassified (bearing·) Unclassified by the Linguistic Classified by the Linguistic Mother-tongues out- side mother-tongues Survey of Indid Survey of India but tenta- Survey of India but re- Indian Sub-continent tively Classified by the Lin- classified by the Linguist guist (bearing ·andt) (bearingt)

No. of Males l'emales No. of M F No. of M F No. of M F No. of M F Mother-tongues Mother-tongue, Mother-tongue Mother-tongues Mother-ongues

2 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

454 230 20,382,647 19,081,036 121 3,516 3,302 49 4,351 4,267 12 117,864 101,:26 54 38,368 36,231

NOTE.-The total of columns 2, 5, 8 and 14 will aive the total number of mother-tongues. 164

APPENDIX n LINGUISTIC SURVEY OF INDIA-CLASSIFIED LISt Serial Name of Language or Dialect Serial No, No, Name of Language or Dialect AUSTRIC FAMILY KAREN F AMID' Austro-Nesian Sub-Family 31 Karen Indo-Nesian Branch 32 Bwe Malay Group 33 Karenbyu 34 Sgaw 1 Salon 35 Pwo 2 Malay 36 Taungtl.m Austro-Asiatic Sub-Family 37 Padaung Mon-Khmer Branch 38 Yinbaw Mon-Khmer Group 39 Gheko 3 Man or Talaing 40 Karenni 41 Zayein Palaung-Wa Group 41a Others and Unspecified 4 Palaung MAN FAMILY 5 Wa 6 Yanglam 42 Yao 7 Danaw 43 Miao or Hmong 7a Others TlBETO-CllINESE FAMILY Khiisi Group Siamese-Chinese Sub-Family 8 Khasl Tai Group 9 Standard 44 Lao 10 Lyng-ngam 45 Siamese 11 Synteng 46 Lii 12 Wiir 47 Khiin Unspecified 48 Daye Nicobar Group 49 Shan 13 Nicobarese 50 Aiton 51 Ahom M ur:tcJii Branch 52 Khamti 14 Kherw:in 5.'3 Khamti Proper 15 Santali 54 Phakial 16 MUI;l9ari 55 Tai-rong 17 Bhumij 56 Nora 18 Birhar Tibeto-Burinan Sub-Family 19 K6c;la 20 H6 Tibeto-Himalayan Branch 21 Tun Tibetan Group 22 Asuri 57 BhOtiii 23 Agariii 58 Bhatia of Tibet or Tibetan 24 Brijia 59 Bhatia of Baltistan or Balti 25 Korwa 60 Bhatia of Purik Unspecified 61 Bhatia of Ladakh or Ladakh! 26 Kiirkii 62 Bhatia of Lahul or Liihuli 27 Kharia 63 Bhatia of Spitl 28 Juang 64 Bhatia of Upper Kanawar or 29 Savara Nyamkat 30 Gadaba 65 Bhatia of Tehri Garhwal or Jac;l Unspecified 66 Bhatia of Garhwal l~


Serial Serial Name of Language or Dialect Name of Languag~ or Dialect No. No. 67 Sharpa Bhotia 110 Thaksya 68 BhOtia of Sikkim or Da-njong-ka U nspeci£ied 69 Bhotia of Bhutan or Lhokf' Non-pronominalized Himalayan Group Kagate 70 III Gurung Bhotiii of Khams 71 112 Murmi Other Dialects (Unspecified) 113 Sunwiir Pronominalized Himalayan Group 114 MagarI Western Sub-Group ll5 Newan 72 Manchati or Patui 116 Newiiri Proper 73 Chamba Lahuli 117 Pa<;lhi, Pahn, or Pahi 74 Bunan 118 R6ng or Lepcha 75 Rangloi, Gondla, or Tinan 119 Kiimi 76 Kanashi 120 Manjhi 77 Kanauri 121 Toto 78 Rangkas N ol'th Assam Branch 79 Darmiya 122 Aka or Hrusso 80 Chaudiingsi 123 Abor 81 Byiingsi 124 Miri 82 Janggali 125 DaRii Eastern Sub-Group 126 Mishmi Assam-Bmmese Branch 83 Dhimal 84 Thami Bdrd or Bodo Group 85 Limbfl 127 Bara, Bodo, or Plains Kachiiri 86 Yiikha 128 Bodo Proper 87 Khambii 129 Mech 88 Rai or Jimdar 130 Liilung 89 (Khambii Dialects) 131 Dima-sa or Hills Kachiiri 90 Bahing 132 Standard 91 Balali 133 Hojai 92 Siingpang 134 Garo 93 Loh6rong 135 Achik or Standard 94 LiimbichhOng 136 Abeng 95 Waling 137 Atong, Ating. or Kuchu 96 Chhingtang 138 AWl 97 Riingchhenbfmg 139 Chibok 98 Diingmali 140 Dalu 99 Rodong or Chamling 141 Ruga 100 Nachhereng Unspecified 101 Kiilung 142 Koch 102 Thiilung 143 Harigayii 103 Chaurasya 144 Satpariyii 104 Khaling 145 Dasgaya or Banai 105 Diimi 146 Wanang 106 Vayu Or Hayu 147 Tintekiya 107 Chepang Unspecified 108 Kusiinda 148 Riibha 109 Bhnlmu 149 Rangdania 166

APPENDIX II-contd. LINGUISTIC SURVEY OF INDIA-CLASSIFIED LIST -comd. Selial Serial }lame of Language or Dialect No. No. ~clllle of Language or Dialect 1,')0 Maitaria or Matrai 190 Standard 151 Tipura Or Mrung 191 Bhoi Mikir 152 Chutiya 192 Amri 153 ~loran 19.3 Rengkhang Nag(l Group 194 Sopvoma or ~ElO N~lgi.i 195 :\laram Westel'/1 Niiga Sub-Group 196 ~,Hyangkhi'mg 154 Angami 197 Kwoircng or Liyang 155 Tengima 198 Tangkhul 156 Dzuna 199 Tangk}1UI Proper 157 Kehena 200 Phad,ing 158 Nali or ~Hma :201 Khangoi 159 Sema 2ll:2 :Maring. 160 Simi Nagii Unc1assec1 161 Zhimomi 162 Rengma or U nza. [(uchin Grollp 163 Unza 20:1 Kachin 164 Mayi 204 Chingpaw 165 Kezhama 205 Singpho Central Niigii Sub-Group :20,5,1 Others 166 Ao or Hatigorria [(tiki-Chill Group 167 Chungli or Zungi Meit1tei S~llJ-Group 168 Mongsen \'hnipmi, \!t"ithei, K,l\l1C, or P6l)~la 169 Lh6ta or TsOntsi.i Sorthcrn Chin Sub-Group 170 Tengsa Nagi'\. 171 Thukumi :207 Thado 172 Yachumi :20R KhongziU 209 La.ngtung Eastern Niigii Sub-Group 210 Jangshen 17:3 Angwfmku or Tableng :211 Sairang 174 Tamlu or Chingmegnu Unspecified 175 Banpara 212 Sokte 176 Mutonia 213 Siyin 177 Mohongia, Borduaria or Paniduaria :214 Riilte 178 Namsangia :215 Paite 179 Chang or Mojung 180 Assiringia Cent}'({l Chin Sllb-Grollp 181 M6shang :216 Shunkla Or TashOn 182 Shangge :217 Shunkla Proper 218 Zahao Or Yah ow Nagii-Bodo Sub-Group :219 Lai 183 Empeo or Kachcha Naga :220 Haka 184 Inzemi 221 Tlantlang 185 Sengima 222 Yokwa 186 Yema or Jema 223 Lakher, Mara, or Tlongsai 187 Kabui Or Kapwl 223:1 Others and Unspecified 188 Khoirao 22-1 Lushei or Dulien :Viigii-Kuki Sub-GrO!lp 22.5 Fannai 189 Mikir 226 Ngente 167


Serial Serial Name of Language or Dialect No. No. Name of Language or Dialect 227 Banjogi 268 Intba 228 Pankhii 269 Danu Old-Kuki Sub-Group 270 Tavoyan :?71 Chaungtba :2:29 Hrangkhol, Rangkhol, or Hrangchal 272 Yanbye 230 Hrangkhol Proper 272 a Others 231 Bete :232 Hallam LoIo-MMo Group 233 Hallam Proper 273 Lolo :2.34 Khelma 274 Mo-s'o 235 Sakajaib or Sht!kaship 275 Lisu :236 Langrong 276 Aka 237 Aimol 277 Kwi :238 Chiru 277a Others 239 Kolhreng or Koh'en Sak (Liii) Group :240 Kom 278 Liii 241 Kyau or Chaw 279 Andro-Sengmai 242 Hmar Chairel 243 Chote 280 Kadu 244 Muntuk 281 Daingnet 245 Karum 282 Ganan 246 PUriim 283 Sak or Thet 247 Anal 284 :248 Hiroi-Lamgang DRAVIDIAN FAMILY 249 V::liphei Dravi(la Group Southern Chin Sub-Group 28.5 Tamil 250 Chinme 286 Standard and Unspecified 251 Wf)laung 287 Korava 252 Chinbok 288 Yerukala 253 Yindu :289 lrula 254 ChinbOn 290 Kasuva 255 Taungt;ba 291 Kaikii<;li :2·56 Khyang or ShO 292 Burgal).c;1i 257 Khami, Khwe-myi:, or Kumi 293 Malayiilam 258 Anu :294 Standard and Unspecified 209 M'hang 295 Yerava Unclassed Kuki-Chin 2,96 Kanarese :2,59a Kuki ( Unspecified) 297 Standard 25gb Chin Unclassed and (Unspecified) 298 Bac;1aga Kurumba or Kurumvari Burma Group 299 :300 Galari or Haliya :2(;() ::\Iaingtba 301 Koc;1agu or Coorgi 26J Szi or Atsi :302 Tulu 262 Lashi .303 Toda 263 ylaru 304 Kota 26·1 Mrii 265 Bum1ese Intermediate Group :266 Arakanese :305 Kurukh or Orao .~()-:- Taungyo ,306 Malhar 168


Serial Name of Language or Dialect Serial No, No, Name of Language or Dialect 307 Malto or Maler 343 Bajaur Sub-Dialect 308 Kui, Kandhi, or Khond 344 Ghilzai Sub-Dialect 309 Kolami 345 Afridi Sub-Dialect 310 Kolami Proper 346 Chhachhi Pa~l:tto 311 BlUll of Basim 347 Banga~l:t Sub-Dialect 312 Naiki 348 South-Western Dialect 313 GOI).<;li 349 Standard of Bannu 314 Standard 350 Khatak Sub-Dialect 315 Gattu 351 Banhiichi 316 Koi 352 Mru;wat Sub-Dialect 317 Mariii 353 WaiID 318 Parji 354 Standard of Kandahar Unspecified Kakari i 355 , ' Andhra Language 356 LUI).i 319 Telugu 357 Shirani 320 Standard and Unspecified 358 Mandokl:teI Sub'IDialect 321 Komtau 359 Tarin6 or Chalgari 322 Siilewari U nspeciRed Dialect 323 Golari 369 Ormup: or Bargista 324 Bera<;li 361 Balochi 325 Va<;lari 362 Western Dialect 326 Kamathi 363 Makrani (Kechi) 327 Diisari 364 Makraru (Panjgfui) North-Western Language 365 Eastern Dialect 328 Brahm 366 Standard (of Dera Ghazi Khan Semi-Dravidian Hybrids and Jacobabad) 329 Ladha<;li 367 Standard (of North Baluchistan) 330 Bharia 368 Kasriini 369 Mixed Dialects ( of Las Bela, INDO-EUROPEAN FAMILY Sind, & Bahawalpur) Aryan Sub-Family Unspecified Dialect Eranian Branch Ghalchah Sub-Group Pe'"sian Group 370 Wakhi Shighni 331 Persian 371 Sirikoli 332 Dehwari 372 333 Mastung Sub-Dialect 373 IillkaIDmI Iillkaillmi Proper 334 Kalat Sub-Dialect 374 Sanglichi 335 Kirani Sub-Dialect 375 Zebaki 336 BadakhWi 376 377 Munjani or Mungi Eastern Group 378 Yud~a Afghanistan-Baluchistan Sub-Group Dardic or Pisiicha Branch 337 P~l:tto 338 North-Eastern Dialect Kiifir Group 339 Standard of Peshawar 379 Baillgali 340 Buner Sub-Dialect 380 Wai-ala 341 Yiisufzai Sub-Dialect 381 Wasiveri or Veron 342 Swat Sub-Dialect 382 As_bkund 169 APPENDIX II


Serial Serial No. Name of Language or Dialect No. Name of Language or Dialect kalii-L_hii-Pa@ai Sub-Group 423 Kachhri 383 Kalawa 424 Bardi Boli 384 Gawar-bati or Narsiitl 425 Jatatardi Boli 385 Pawai, Laghmani, or Dehgani 426 MUltani 386 Eastern Dialect 427 MUltani Proper 387 Western Dialect 428 Hindki, or Jatki of Dera Ghazi 388 Diri Khan 389 Tiram 429 Siriiiki Hindki or Sind 430 ") Khihoiir Group Khetrani and Jafiri 431 390 Khowar, Chitrali:, or Arniyii J 432 Thali or Jatki Dard Group 433 N orth-Western Dialect, or Hindko 391 ShiI}a 434 Standard 392 Gilgiti 435 Tinauli 393 Astori 436 North-Eastern Dialects 394 Chiliisi 437 a. Pothwari 395 Gurezi Pahiiri (including I)huI}c;li) 396 Dras Dialect :} 397 Brokpa of Qah-Hanu 440 Chibhali: 398 North-Western Dialect 441 Punchhi 399 Kiishmiri 442 b. Dialect of Western Salt Range 400 Standard 443 Awa1).kari 401 Kashtawiiri 444 Ghebi 402 Mixed Dialects Unspecified Dialects 403 Paguli 445 Sindhi 404 Siriiji of Qoc;la 446 VichOli 405 Rambani 447 Siraiki Sindhi 406 Riiisi Dialects 448 Thareli Unspecified 449 Lasi 407 Kohistiini 450 Lap 408 Garwi or Bawgharik 451 Kachchhi 409 Torwiili or TOrWiiHik 452 Kachchhi Proper 410 Chilis 453 Kayastill 411 Maiya 454 Bhatia 412 Kili-])uberi Fb Unspecified 413 Koli-Piilus Southern Group 414 Seo-Bankar 455 Marathi Indo-Aryan Branch 456 Sta~dard or Desi Sanskrit 457 Standard Outer Sub-Branch 458 Parabhi N orth-Western Group 459 KoJi 415 Lahnda or Western Panjabi 460 KiriSitav 416 Standard 461 KU1).nbi 417 Standard of Shahpur 462 Agari 418 Jatki 463 Dhanagari 419 PailjabI 464 Bha1).c;liiri 420 JaIigli 465 Thaknri 421 Chinawari 466 Karhac;li 422 Niswani 467 Sangamesvari 170 APPENDIX II-contd. LINGUISTIC SURVEY OF INDIA-CLASSIFIED LIST-colltd. ~,,__""~"" Serial Serial ~ame of Language or Dialect Name of Language or Dialect No. No. 468 Bankoti 512 Thfuii 469 Ghap 513 Chhika-chhiki 470 Maoli 514 Western 471 Katkari or KathOQ,i 515 Jolaha Boli 472 Varli Unspecified 473 VaQ,uval 516 Magahi 474 PhuQ,Ugi 517 Standard 475 Siimvedi 518 Eastern 476 Dialect of Berar, the Central Pro­ Unspecified vinces, and the Nizam's Dominions 519 Bhojpuri 477 VarhaQ,i or Berari 520 SoutheJ,'I1 Standard 478 Nagpun 521 Northern Standard 479 Dhanagari 522 Saran Diale.ct 480 Dzarpi 523 Gorakhpuri 481 Govar! 524 Sarwaria 482 Koshp 525 Western 483 Kumbhari 526 Nagpuria 484 Kunabau 527 Madhesi 485 Mahan 528 Thiirii Bhojpuri 486 Marheti Unspecified 487 Natakani 529 Bengali 488 KatHi. 530 Central or Standard 489 Broken dialects 531 Western 490 Halabi 532 Standard 491 Bhunjia 533 Saraki 492 Niihari 534 Kharia-thar 493 Kamar! 535 Paharia-thar Unspecified of Hyderabad 536 Mal Pahiiria 494 KonkaQi 537 South-Western 495 Standard 538 Northern 496 KUQ,~i 539 Standard 497 Daldi 540 Koch 498 Chitpavani 541 Siripuria Unspecified 542 Rajbangsi Marathi Unspecified 543 Standard 499 Singhalese 544 Bahe 500 Standard 545 Eastern 501 Mahl 546 Standard Eastern Group 547 Haijong 502 Opya 548 Sylhettia 503 Standard .549 South-Eastern 504: Mixed Dialects of the North 550 Standard 505 Bhatti .551 Chakma Unspecified Unspecified 506 Bihari 552 Assamese 507 Maithili 553 Standard 508 Standard 554 Western 509 Southern Standard 555 Mayiing 510 Eastern 556 Jharwa 511 Eastern Pl"Oper Unspecified 171


Serial Name of Language or Dialect Serial Name of Language or Dialect No, No, Mediate Sub-Branch 601 Ougar-wari Mediate Group 602 Kalimal 603 Oailghhiiilg 557 Eastern Hindi 604 Kanauji 558 Awadhi K6sali, or Baiswap 605 Kanauji Proper Bagheli: Baghelkhal)<;'ii, or Riwai 559 606 Mixed Dialects 560 Standard 607 Kanauji of Cawnpore 561 Broken Dialects of the West 608 Tirhiiri of Cawnpore 562 Tirhari 609 Kanauji of East Hardoi 563 , Bundeli' 610 Bundeli or Bundelkhal)<;'ii 564 GahOra 611 Standard 565 Jiirar 612 Piiwari 566 Baniiphari 613 Lodhiinti or Rathora 567 Broken Dialects of the South 614 Khatola 50s Maran 615 Dialects of the North-EaSt 569 Powan Mix~d 616 Baniiphari 570 Kumbhari 617 KUI)~ 571 i)'hi 618 Nibhatt;a 512- Chhathsgarhi, Laria, Or Khaltahi 619 Bhadauri or T6wargarm Chhattisgarhi Proper 573 620 Broken Dialects of the South 574 SurgujHi 621 LOdhi 575 Broken Dialects 622 Chhindwara Bundeli 576 Sadri Korwa 623 , Bagheli' 577 Baigiini 624 , Bundeli' 578 Binjhwiiri 625 Pc}wfui 579 Kalanga 626 Gaoli 580 Bhuliii 627 Raghobansl Inner Sub-Branch 628 Kirfui Central Group Others 581 Western Hindi 629 Koshti Dialects 582 Hindostani 630 Kumbhar Dialects 583 Vernacular Hindostiini 631 Nagpuri Hindi .584 Literary Hindostiini 632 Pafijabi 585 Urdii 633 Standard 586 Hindi 634 Majm 587 Dakhini Hindostiini or Musalmani 635 Jullundur DoaJli 588 Bangarii, etc. 636 Doabi Proper 5S9 Bangarii Proper Kahliiri or Bilaspuri, and 590 Jatii :} Hoshiarpur Pahap 591 Hariani or Deswali 639 P6wadhi 592 Braj Bhakha or Antarbedi 640 PachhaQi, Raw, JaQ.Q, Or Naili 593 Standard 641 MaIwai, Jangali, or Jatki 594 Standard Proper 642 Bhattifmi 595 Ja-d-bati 0 . 643 Rathi of Bikaner 596 'Sikarwap 644 , Bagp' of Fazilka 597 North-Western 645 Riithauri of Ferozepore ,598 Southern 646 Pafijiibi merging into Lahuda 599 Southern Dialect Proper 647 pogra or :Oogri 600 I)angi or Ka-kachhii-ki Boli 648 1;>ogra Proper Ya 2774-12 172


Serial Serial Name of Language or Dialect Name of Language or Dialect No, No.

649 Kat;u;"l.iiili 695 Niihari or Baglani 650 Kiiligra Dialect 696 Naikac;li 651 Bhateali 697 Nori Unspecified 698 Pancha}i 699 652 Gujarati } Piiradh'i and Tiikal).kar; 653 Standard 700 6.54 Nagari 701 Piiwari 655 Bombay Dialect 702 Ranawat 656 Gamac;lia 703 Ra1).i Bhil 657 SurRti 704 Rathavi 658 Anaw"-\ii or BhatheHi 705 Siyalgiri 659 Dialect of Easte~n Broach 706 Wiig"-c;li 660 Parsi Gujarati 707 Khandesi 661 Charotari 708 Standard 662 Piitidiiri 709 KUl).abaii 663 Vac;l6dari 710 J?ang! 664 Gamac;lia of Ahmedabad 711 Rangari 665 Pattanl 712 Rajasthani 666 Kathiyawac;li 713 Marwap 667 }halawac;li 714 Standard 668 Sorathi 715 Eastern 669 Haliic;1i 716 Marwari-J?hul).c;lhari 670 Gohilwac;li 717 Gbrawati 671 Unspecified 718 Ajmer Dialect 672 VhOriisai 719 Merwara Dialect 673 Khiirawii 720 Mewap 674 Patal).uli 721 Merwari 675 Kiikan 722 Sarw1iri 676 Tiirimllki or Ghisa<;li 723 Khairari Unspecified Dialects 724 Southern 677 Bhui 725 Goc;lwari 678 Bhili or Bhiloc;li 726 Sir6hi 679 Ahiri 727 Standard 680 Anarya or Pahiic;li 728 Abii Lok-ki Boli 681 Baori 729 Siieth-ki Boli 682 Barel 730 Deo:plwiiti 683 Chara!).i 731 Marwari-GujariHi 684 Chodhari 732 Western 685 Dehiiwali 7.33 ThaJi 686 OhOc;lHi 734 Marwari-Sindhi 687 J?ubli 735 J?hataki 688 Gamap 736 Northern 689 Girasia 7:37 Bikaneri 690 Habiira 738 Shekhawati 691 K6nka!).i 739 Bagri 692 Kotali 740 Central Eastern Rajasthani 693 Magari 741 Jaipuri 694 Mawchl 742- Standard 173


LINGUISTIC SURVEY OF INDIA-CLASSIFIED LIST-contd. Serial Serial Name of Language or Dialed Name of Language or Dialect No. No. 743 Toriiwiiti 788 Pachhai 744 Kat}1airii. 789 Rau-Chaubhaisi 745 Chauriisi 790 Rau-Chaubhaisi Proper 746 Nagarchiil 791 Standard of Naini Tal 747 Riijawiiti 792 Chhakatiya 748 Kishangarhi 793 Ramgarhiya 749 Ajmen 794 Baziin 750 Harauti 795 Bhiibari of Rampur 751 Standard 796 Kumaiya 752 Sipap 797 Chaugarkhiyii 753 North.. Eastern ' Rajasthani 798 Gangolii 754 MewlHi 799 Diinpuriyii 75.5 Standard 80(1 Soriyiili 756 Riithi 80] Asko? 757 Naherii Mewiiti 802 Sirrui 758 Kather Mewiiti 803 Johfui Unspecified 804 Garhwali 759 Ahirwati or Hirwati 805 Srinagariyii 760 MalYi 806 RatID or RiithwaIi 761 MalYi Proper or Ahiri 807 Lohbya 762 Rangri or Raj-wiiri 808 Dasaulyii 763 SOl).c;lwiiri 809 Badhani 764 Mixed Dialects 810 Majh-Kumaiya 765 Hoshangabad Dialect 811 Nagpuriyii 766 I)hOlewiiri 812 Salam 767 BhOyari 813 Tehr! or Gangiipariya 768 Katiyiii 814 Western Pahari 769 PatRvi 815 Jaunsan 770 Nimiigi 816 Sirmauri 771 Banjfui or Labhani 817 Dhartbi 772 Labhiini of Panjab and Gujarat 818 Giripiiri 773 Other Banjari 819 Bissau 774 Kaken 820 Baghiiti 775 Bahriipiii 821 Kiuthali 776 Gujan 822 Kiuthali Proper 777 Gujari of Hazara 823 Hal).gfui 778 Ajiri of Hazara 824 Simla Siriiji 779 Kashmir Gujun 825 Baran 780 Gujari of the Plains 826 SoriichOli Unspeci£.ed Dialects 827 Kimi Pahiiri Group 828 Kochi 781 Eastern Pahari, Khas-kura, or Naipiili 829 Satlaj Group 782 Standard 830 SOdochi 783 Piilpa 831 Outer Siriiji 784 Central Pahiiri 832 Kulu Group 785 Kumauni 833 Ku}ui 786 Khasparjiya 834 Inner Siraji 787 Phaldakotiyii. 835 Sainji Ya 2774-12a 174


Serial Serial Name of Language or Dialect No. Name of Language or Dialect No. 836 Mandi Group 852 Warwikwar or Biltum of Yasin 837 MaQQeali 853 Andamanese 838 ChhOtii Banghali 854 Gipsy Languages 839 Mal)QeaJi Pahlq-i or MaQQi Siraji 855 Beldari 840 Suketi 856 Bhamti 841 Chamba Group 857 110m 842 ChameaJi 858 Garo<;!i 843 Gadi or Bharmauri 859 Gulgulia 844 Churahi 860 Kafijari 845 Pangwi$ 861 T Kuchbandhi 846 Bhadrawah Group 862 K6lhati 863 Uc;li , 847 Bhadrawahi 1.­ 848 BhaJesl 864 .M ac h alila 849 Pa<;Iari 865 Malar; 866 . Myanwale or Lhari Unspecified 867 Nati Unspecified Pahari 868 OQki 869 . PeJ)c;Ihari ('NCLASSED LANGUAGES 870 Qa~ 850 Buw@aski or Khajuna 871 Sasl 851 Standard ofHunza-Nagar 872 Sikalgari TABLE C-VI




This Table is on "Bilingualism" and shows the Serial Name (of Mother-tongue No. of Speakers distribution of speakers of each mother-tongue who No. also speak one or more subsidiary languages classified by those subsidiary languages. ' 9 Bhopali .. 2 10 Bhuj 1 2. Material is presented only for the State, its 11 Budhi .. 1 four administrative divisions and 26 districts, but 12 Chaubar 3 without any break-up for rural and urban areas. 13. Diehl 2 14' Firangi .. 2 3. Mother-tongues are presented in column 3 in 15 Godhami 1 alphabetical order. Columns 1 and 2 show the 16 Halvado 3 total speakers for each mother-tongue and columns 17 Helgo 3 4 and 5 show out of them: the numbers of those who 18 Kapati .. 3 speak one or more subsidiary languages. The break­ 19 Kharkhadi 1 up of those speakers of subsidiary languages is shown 20 Kosan 1 21 Kudu in column 6 by subsidiary language~ arranged in the 1 order of their number of speakers. The first figure 22 Lalgi 1 in the bracket against each subsidiary language is of 23 Laria 10 male speakers and the second of female speakers. 24 Mahajani 4 25 Mandakini 1 4. Out of the 454 mother-tongues shown in 26 Mangari 1 1able C-V the present table shows only 403, against 27 Mani 3 whom some speakers have returned as speaking one or 28 Maral .. 30 more subsidiary language~. Fjfty-one mother-tongues 29 Mashan .. 1 shown ?elow, together having 201 speakers, are not 30 Masti I 31 Mulki .. shown 1D the table as no subsidiary language has 1 been returned in respect of any of these persons. The 32 Muwasi .. 2 number of speakers of all languages shown in the table 33 Oswali .. 2 is, therefore, less than that shown in Table C-V by 201. 34 Palwali .. 1 35 Pokrine .. 1 5, The table is prepared from the answers regar­ 36 Pomla .. 41 ding subsidiary languages known, recorded against 37 Rumai .. 2 Question 7 (b) in the Census Individual Slip. In the 38 Siberian .. 1 case of persons knowing more than one subsidiary 39 Sanap 1 language, the tabulation has been done with reference 40 Sanku 1 to the first of the languages recorded at the Census. 41 Sarsar 6 42 Sham 1 Mother-tongues/or which there is no bilingualism 43 Somali 1 44 Surti 1 Serial Name of Mother-tongue No. uf Speakers 45 Tarane Nc. 1 46 Topi 1 1 Adnis 3 47 Vrali 5 2 Ashia 1 48 Wakarali 1 3 Bairagi I 49 Walli 2 4 Balhapuri 3 50 Walmiki 3 5 Banor .. 2 51 Yenadi/Yanadi 37 6 Basali 1 7 Bhandari 1 Total 201 8 Bharati .. J



Total of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary Total Speakers Mother-tongue to the mother-tongue Subsidiary Languages

Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6


aO,41,8,760 19.124,757 All Languages .• .• 4.186,971 2,099,043 Hindi (M. 1,819,446-F. 616,265) ; Marathi (M. 1,308,793-F. 999,162); English (M. 733,828--F. 242,478) ; Kallllada (M. 109,16S-F. 98,816) ; Gujarati (M.58,757- F. 33,912) ; Urdu (M. 65,692-F. 24,071); Telugu (M. 37,002-F. 35,897) ; Gondi (M. 10,436-F. 9,210) ; Tamil (M. 5,318-F. 4,006) ; Arabic/Arbi (M. 3,204-F. 4,31'7) ; Ahirani (M.3,342-F. 3,997); Marwari (M. 4,306·F. 2,858) ; Konkani (M. 2,485- F. 2,487) ; Punjabi (M. 2,379-F. 1,557); Malayalam (M. 2,059-F. 1,799); Sanskrit (M. 3,355.F. 312) ; Chhattisgarhi (M. 1,669-F.l,686); Banjari (M. 1,848-F. 1,318); Korku (M. 1,602-F. 1,439); Maria (M. 1,562-F. 1,323); Bhili (M. 3S9-F. 1,804) ; Gurmukhi (M. J80-F. 1,366); French (M. 694-F. 780) ; Sindhi (M.772·F. 644); Lamani/Lambadi (M. 734-F. 534); Portuguese (M.549·F. 709); Parsi (M. 833- F. 233) ; Bengali (M. 779-F. 284) ; Kolami (M. 516-F. 525) ; Vadarl (M.353·F. 590) ; Powari (M. 366-F. 452); Kachchbi (M. 32I-F. 446); Tulu (M. 461·F. 243) ; Koohti­ Marathi (M. 272-F. 321) ; Kaikadi (M. 242-F. 300) ; Lodbi (M. 269-F. 218) ; Beradi (M. 49-F. 434); Pardesi (M. 252-F. 203); Rajasthani (l\{. ISS-F. 215) ; Persian (M. 2l9·F. 128); Katkari (M. 92·P. 165); Afghani/Kabuli/Pakbto/Pasbto/Pathani (M. 190-F. 34) ; Boldari (M. US-F. 91) ; RagjJobansi (~f. IOO·F. 104) ; Tadavi (M. 142- F. 49) ; German (M. l30-F. 42) ; Paradhi (M.96·F. 61) ; Rajputani (M. 76-F. 45) ; Nepali (M. 93-F. 20) ; Oriya (M. 67-F. 43) ; Latin (M. t02-F. 3); Guriara (M. 40- F. 59) ; Halabi (M. SI·F. 33) ; Burmese (M. 39-F. 33) ; Kolhati (M. 20-F. SO) ; Kewati (M. 35-F.32) ; Memani (M. 24-F. 43) ; Hebrew/Jewish (M.33-F. 33) ; Spanish (M. 43- F. 21); Gorkhaii (M. 32-F. 31); Bhoyari (1\1. 31-F. 27); Irani/Iranian (M. 32 F. 19) ; Guiaru (M. 28·F. 22) ; Govari (M. 24-F. 25) ; Italian (M. 37·F. 10) ; Goanese (M. 22-F. 24) ; Nimadi eM. 23-F. 22) ; Kathiya"adi (M. 3·F. 41); Tirguli (M. 7 F. 34); Chamari (M. 13-F. 27); Kahari (M. 23-F. 17) ; Bihari {M. 28-F. 11); Dhamd (M. ll-F. 26) ; Mali eM. 37); Ghisacli (M. 22-F. 9) ; Kosari (M. IS-F. 16) ; Volans (M. 22·F. 9) ; African (M lO·F. 20) ; Katwi (F. 26); Ladi (M. U-F. I4); Tbakri (P. 25); Ka.hmiri (M. 17·F. 6); ASiamese (M. 14-F. 8);' Chinese/Chini (M. J3-F. 8) ; Mewari (M. 13·F. 7) ; Raj Gondi eM. 9-F. 11) ; Jaini (\\1. 10-F. 9) ; Kalali (M. 8-F. 10); Baloelli/Baluelli (M. 12-F. S); Japanese (M. 12-F. 3) ; Khasi (F. 15); Jagalmathi (F. 14) ; Lingayati (M. IO-F. 4); Bahusar (M. 7-F. 6) ; Garb. wali (M. 9-F. 4) ; Kirari (M. 7·F. 6); Holiya (M. 2·F. 10); Indonesian (M. 8-F. 4) ; Jhari (M. 5-F. 7) ; Khatri (F. 12); Madari (M. 9-F. 3); Naikadi (M. 8-F. 4) ; Cey]onese/SimelujSingbalese (M. 8-F. 3) ; Dogri (M. IO-F. 1); Dutch (M. Sop. 6); Gosa,i (M. 4-F. 7) ; Kathodi (M. 4-F. 7) ; Kumbhari (M. 6·F. 5) ; Malvi (M. S-F. 6) ; Wandgiri (M. 11) ; Padvi (M. S-P. 5) ; Russian (M. 9·F. I); Swedish (M. 9-F. I); Bundelkhandi (M. 7·F. 2); Gopal (M. 9) ; Khande.hl (M. 5·F.4) ; Madurai (M. 9); Maitbili (M • 9); Pnhari-Unspecificd (M. S-F. 3) ; Pawri (M. 7·F. 1) ; Varli (F. 8); Brahmani (M. 6- F. I); Kol (J.1. 6-F. 1); Coorgi/Kodagu (F. 6); Czech/Czechoslovakian (M. 6); Dllanagari (F. 6); Kuruba/Kurumba (M. 4·F. 2); Bhojpuri (M. I-F. 4) ; Dakani/ Musalamani (M. 3·F. 2); Dhiwari (M. 4·F. 1); Kumauni (M. 5); Manglorese (M. 2-F. 3); Multani (M 3·F. 2); Panehali (M. 2·F. 3); Arava (M. 2-F. 2) ; Baghelkhandi (M. 4); Chitodi (M. 3-P. 1) ; Greek (M. 4) ; Hatakari (M.4) ; Kamathi (M. 3-F. 1); Karwari eM. 3·F. 1); Manipuri/Meithei (M. 4); Norwegian (M. 4) ; Pali (M. 4); Pardhan (M. 3-F. 1); Austrian (M. 3); Burdi (F. 3); Doharabu(M. 1- F. 2); Koli eM. 3); Lamzali (M. I-F. 2); Mathuri-Baojari (M. I-F. 2); Ardhama­ gadhi (F. 2) ; Awadhi (M. I-F. 1); Budhi (]\I, 2); GaoJi (F. 2); Garudi (p. 2) ; Golari.Kaonada (M. 2); Gujari (M. 2) ; lri'h (M. 2) ; Kurmi (M. 2) ; Lohari-Marathi (F. 2) ; :\ladgi (F. 2) ; ]\la\\ehi (P. 2) ; :\lulki (:\1. 2) ; Polish (M. 1--F. 1) ; Tamboli (M. 2); Wani (M. 2) ; Basali (F. 1) ; Danish (ll. 1) ; Darhi ; (F. 1) ; Dubli (F. 1) ; Dungari (M. I); Godhami (M. 1) ; Katgi (M. 1); Koya (F. 1) ; Lazodi (F. 1) ; Lithu­ anian (M. 1); Mahesri (F. I); Makhiya (M. 1); Malhar ; (M. 1); Munda-Unspecified Ill. 1) ; Naga·Unspecified (\1. ll; Nagari·Hindi (M. 1); Patharwati (F. 1) ; Robidasi i:\l. 1); Santali (M. 1); Sls·.ie (M. 1); Telj·Malatbi (F. 1); Tbakai (P. 1); Turkish/Turkistani (F. I); Vdipi (M. I). Abhahatik English (M. I). 5 Adhuni 5 Urdu (P. 3) ; Hindi (f. 2). 23 11 Adivasi 16 9 Marathi (M. 8-F. 9) ; HindI (~1. 6) ; English (.'.1. 2). 2,319 843 Afghani/Kabuli/Pakhlo/ 1,283 265 Urdu (M 680-F. 145); Hindi (M. 409·F. 65); Macathi ("I. 91-F. 34); English Pashlo/Pathani (M.69·F. 11) ; Arabic/Arbi (M. 9·P. 5); GUjarati (M. 8-F. I); Parsi (M. 4-F. I); Bengali (M. 3) ; Kannad.l (M. 3) ; Per.ian (M. 3) ; Sindhi (F. 2) ; Japanese (M. I) ; Kookani (F. I); Marwari (M. I); Punjabi (M. I): Tamil (M. I). 51 10 African 43 9 Engli&h eM. 36·F. 4) ; Marathi eM. 3·P. I); Hindi (M. I-F. 2); Arabic/Arbi (M. 2); Gujarati (F. 2) ; Tamil (M. 1).

Note.-This Table is exclusive of figures of mother-tongues. the speakers of which do not speak a sub~idiary language in the State (in the sense that they are not bilingual). ISO


Total of persons returned hS speaking a language subsidiary Total Speakers Mother·tongue to the mother.tongue Subsidiary Languages

Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6


3 Agari 2 Marathi (M. 2-P. I). 4 Agarwali 3 I Hindi (M. 2) ; English (M. n ; Marathi (F. n. 180,351 Ahirani 18,224 5,207 Marathi (M. 9,398·P. 4,193); Hindi (M. 7,868.F. 827) ; English (M. 602·F. IS); Gujarati (M. 28S·P.1I4); Marwari (M. 36·P. 11); Telugu (M. 9-F. 33); Urdu (M. 15·F. 3) ; Bhili (M. 6-F. 4) ; Gujaru (M. 3-F. 7) ; Brahmani (M. I); Sanskrit (M. I). 6 Alkari 4 MarBthi (M. 4). Almon Hindi (M. I). 6 Andhi Cbhattisgarhi (F. I). Angami English (M. I). \ Annamese/ AllIlamite 1 English (M. I). 1,142 776 Arabic/Arbi 695 452 English (M. 273-F. 199) ; Hindi (M. 13S-F. 96); Maral,lu tM. 143-F. 73); Urdu (M. 97-F. 59); Kannada (M. 19·F. 11); Gujara!i (M. S-F. S); Parsi (M. 6); Telugu (M. 4-F. 2); French (M. 2-F. 3); Bengali (M. I-F. 1); Hebrew/Jewish (M. I-F. I) ; Gunnukhi (F. I); Indonesian (M. 1); Persian (M. I); Sanskrit (F. 1); Tamil (M. I). . ", 2 Araji English (M. I). 51 57 Arava 28 22 Marathi (M. 2()"F. 13) ; Telugu (M. 7-F. 3) ; Urdu (M. I-F. 6). 10 9 Ardhamagadhi .. 6 4 Marathi (M. 5-F. 3) ; Hindi (M. I-F. 1). 5 9 Armenian 3 a English (M. 2-F. 6) ; Irani/Iranian (M. I-F. 1); Turktsh{Turkistani (FI I). 3 Ascrini 3 English (M. 2) ; Arabk{Arbi«M. I). . 232 40 Assamese 183 32 English (M. 99~P. 19) ; Hindi (M. 71-F. 9) ; Bengali (M. 7·F. 1); Marathi (M. S_ F. 3) ; Gujarati (M. I). I Aurkhati 1 Hindi (M. I). 1 3 Austrian 1 3 English (M. I-F. ,3). 5 2 Awadhi 5 I English (M. 3) ; Hindi (M. I-F. 1) ; Marathi (M. O. 1,836 1,810 Baghelkhandi .. 621 416 Hindi (M. 451·F. 255) ; Marathi (M. 169·F. 157); Gondi (F. 4) ; English (M. I). 2 Baglani 1 Marathi (M. 1). 3 6 Bahane 2 6 Marathi (M. I-F. 6) ; Hindi (M. I). 84 87 Bahawalpuri 30 5 Hindi (M. 20·F. 2) ; Marath; (M. 6-F'. 3) ; English (M. 3) ; Urdu (M. 1). 13 12 Bahusar 7 4 Marathi (M. 6-P. 2) ; Hmdi (M. I-F. 2). 12 II Balai a 9 Hini (M. 7-F. 7) ; Korku (M. I·F. 2). 53 23 BalochilBaluchi 41 II Hindi (M. 2a·F. II) ; Urdu (M. 10) ; Maratni (M. 2) ; English (M. I). 2 Bangargi 2 Marathi (F. 2) 124,483 117,563 Banjari 61,986 49,686 Marathi (M. 60, 513-F. 49,069) ; Hindi (M. 1,057-F. 377); Telugn (M. 192-F. 185); Urdu (M. 64-F. 8) ; Kannada (M. 35-F. 36) ; Ahirani (M. 59-F. 1) ; English (M. 43- F. 3) ; Beldari (M. 16); Chhattisgarhi (F. 6); Gujarati (M. 4); Korku (M. 2) ; Gondi (M. 1); Marwari (F. 1). 2 Barai 2 Hindi (M. l) ; Marathi (M. I). 1 Bask 1 English (M. I). 1 Bavehi I Hindi (M. I). 1,292 1,186 Beldari 865 732 Marathi (M. 849·F. 725) ; Hindi (M. 16.F. 6) ; Telugu (F. 1). 2 1 Beliian 2 English (M. 2). 17,750 II ,364 Bengali 13,452 6,995 Hindi (M. 6.04I.F. 3,767); English (M. 6,394-F. 2.633) ; Maralhi (M. 50S·P. 461) ; Urdu (M. 338·F. 65) ; Gujarati (M. 77-F. 29) ; Kannada (M. 39·P. 6) ; Assamese (M. 9·P. 7) ; Telugu (M. 12-F. 3); Sanskrit (M. 8-F. I); Sindhi (M. SoP. 4) ; Tamil eM. 6·F. 3) ; ArabiclArbi (F. 7) ; French (M. 4-F. 2) ; Italian (M. 2-F. 2) ; Punjabi (M. 3-F. I) ; Oriya (M. 2-F. I); German (M. 2) ; Konkaoi (M. I-F. I) ; Bihari (M. 1); Gorkhali eM. 1); Kachchhi (F. 1); Malayalam (P. 1); Matwari (M. I); Russian (M. 1). 47 74 Beradl 30 37 Marathi (M. 30·P, 34) ; Hindi (F. 3). 14 51 Bhagnadi 12 30 English (M. 6·P. 13) ; Sindhi (M. 2-F. 10) ; Hindi eM. 3·F. 7) ; Gujarati (M. 1). 41 56 Bhagnari 39 51 English (M. 27·P. 19) ; Hindi (M. 7-F. 31) ; Sindhi (M. 4) ; Gnjarati (M. I.F. I). 2 Bhagwati 1 English (M. 1). 3 Bhamti 3 Maratbi (M. 2) ; Kannada (M. 1). 2 1 Bhangari 1 Hindi (F. 1). 96 89 Bhatia 61 56 Marathi (M. 38.F. 36) ; English (M. IS.F. 8) ; Hindi (M. S-P. 8) ; Gujarati (M. 3-F. 2) ; Kannada (F. 1) ; Tamil (F. I). 2 Bhatkal Urdu(M. I). 1 Bbigoli Marathi (F. I). 162,651 158,066 Bbili 8,514 4,353 Marathi (M. 5,621-F. 3,802); Hindi (M. 2,418-F. 303); Ahirani eM. 138-F. 201); Gnjarati (M. 269-F. 39) ; English (M. 52-F. 5) ; Urdu (M. I()"F. 3) ; Pawr; (M. 3) ; Gujaru (M. 2) ; Marwari (M. 1) . • •• , Bbi.adi Marathi (M. 1). 181


Total of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary Total Speakers Mother-tongue to the mother-tongue Subsidiary Languages

Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 s 6


42 72 Bhoi-Marathi 26 24 Marathi (M. 15-F. 12) ; Hindi (M. IO-F. 6) ; Gondi (P. 5) ; Telugu (M. I-F. 1). 40 25 Bhojpuri 37 17 Hindi (M. 17-F. 8); English (M. IS-F. 2); Marathi (M. I-F. 5); Urdu (M. I-F. 2); Rajasthani (M. 2) ; Bengali (M. I). 2,733 2,586 Bhoyari 2,189 2,046 Marathi (M. 2,113-F. 2,040) ; Hindi (M. 76-F. 6). 1 Bhunlia I Marathi (1\1. I). I Bhutani 1 Marathi (M. I). II 10 Bidichoras 11 7 Maratbi (M. II-F. 7). 105 37 Bihari 73 25 Hindi (M. 59-F. 18) ; English (M. 100F. 3) ; Gujarati (M. 2-F. 2) ; Benaali (M. 1); Marathi (P. 1); Telugu (F. I) ; Urdu (M. I). Bikaneri ' I Hindi (M. I). 3 2 Birjia/Brijia/Binjhia 2 2 Maratbi (M. 2) ; Gujarati (F. I) ; Hindi (F. I). 1 Bojwari 1 Hilldi(M.1). 2 Bori 2 Hindi (M. I) ; Marathi (M. I). 17 17 Brahmani 14 15 Hindi (M. 9-F. 13) ; English (M. 5) ; Marathi (F. 2). 17 15 Braj Bhasha!Braj Bhakha 10 10 Hindi (M. 8-F. 7) ; Korku (F. 2) ; Marathi (M. I-F. I) ; English (M. I). 1 Buda1i I Marathi (M. I). 8 Bukhari 8 Urdu (M. 8). 223 234 Bundelkhandl 90 79 Marathi (M. 61-F. 55) ; Hindi (M. 27-F. 24) ; English (M. 2). 7J 73 Burdi 51 53 Marathi (M. 42-F. 51) ; Hindi (M. 9-F. 2). 50 30 Burmese 37 22 English (M. 20-F. 12); Hindi (M. 14-F. 6); Marathi (M.2-F. I); Bengali (M. I-F. 1\; Malayalam (F. I) ; Tamil (F. I). Cambodian English (F. 1). 1 Canthars I English (M. I). 86 22 Ceylonese/SimelulSinghalese 75 16 English (M. 43-F. 8); Hindi (M. 25-F. 8); Gujarati (M. 2); Marathi (M. 2) ; Urdu (M. 2) ; Tulu (M. I). I Chachi I Marathi (M. I). 914 986 Chamari 610 589 Marathi (M. 498-F. 460) ; Hindi (M. 1I2-F. 129). 12 6 Charani 3 2 Marathi (M. 3-F. 2). 184 223 Chaurasi 114 130 Marathi (M. 80-F. 93); Hindi (M. 21-F. 17); Telugu (M. II-F. 15); Kannada (M. 2- F.5). 7,857 7,991 Chhattisgarhi 2,472 1,554 Hindi (M. 1,7J8-F. 1,121); Marathi (M.560-F.290); Gondi (M. 186-F. 141); English (M. 7) ; Halabi (F. 2) ; Urdu (M. I). 2 Chhushmeni 2 English (M. 2). 5 3 Chinawari 2 3 Marathi (M. 2-F. 3). 1,169 863 Chinese/Chini 609 369 English (M. 365-F. 201) ; Hindi (M. 214-F. 137); Marathi (M. 16-F. 21) ; Urdu (M. 9-F. 7); Konkani (M. 3); French (M. I); Gujara!i (F. 1); Malayalam (M. I); Sindhi (F. I) ; Tulu (p. I). 4 4 Chitodi 2 English (M. 2); Marathi (F. 1). 8 Chodhari Sindhi (F. I). 108 52 Coorgi!Kodagu 97 42 English (M. 41-F. 17); Hindi(M.42-F.13); Kannada(M. 9-F. 7); Marathi(M.2-F.S); Tamil (M. 2) ; Malayalam (M. 1). Corsican English (M. I). 7 Cushai 7 English (M. 6) ; Hindi (M. I). 44 32 Czech/Czechoslovakian 35 23 English (M. 24-F. 19); Hindi (M. 3-F. I); German (M. 3); Tamil(M. 2); Arabic/Arbi (M. 1) ; French (F. 1) : Gujarati (M. 1) ;Marathi(M. 1); Persian (F. 1); Telugu(F.l). 22 12 Dakani/Musalmani 15 9 Marathi (M. 12-F. 9) ; Hindi (M. 2) ; Telugu (M. I). I Daldi 1 English (M. I). 1 Dangi I Gujarati (M. 1). 51 29 Danish 41 28 English (M. 40-F. 27) ; Hindi (M. 1) ; Marathi (F. 1). 5 3 Darhi 5 3 English (M. 2-F. 1) ; Persian (M. 2-F. I) ; Gujara!i (F. I) ; Hindi (M. 1). 3 1 Dasari 3 English (M. I-F. I) ; Hindi (M. 2). 1 Derawal English (M. I). 5 DeswalifHariani English (M. 3) ; Hindi (M. 2). 7 I Devanagari 4 Hindi (M. 1) ; Kannada (M. I) ; Marathi (M. 1) ; Punjabi (M. 1). 793 767 Dhamdi 279 130 Hindi(M. 153-F. 76); Marathi (M. 1l0-F. 29) ; Gondi (M. 10-F. 16); Chhattisgarhi (M. 6-F. 9). 108 78 Dhanagari 65 38 Marathi (M. 63-F. 38); Hindi (M. 2). 193 182 Dhanki 1 Gujarati (M. 1). 28 20 Dhedgujari 27 20 Marathi (M. 27-F. 20). 64 61 Dhiwari 46 44 Marathi (M. 46-F. 44). 18 17 Dhodia 5 3 Marathi (M. 2-F. 3) ; English (M. 2) ; Hindi (M. 1). 5 Dingal 5 Hindi (M. 3) ; English (M. 2). 537 89 Dogri 472 44 Marathi (M. 230-F. 2) ; English (M. 145-F. 4): Hindi (M. 73-F. 37); Urdu (M. 16) ; Punjabi (M. 7-F. 1) ; Tamil (M. 1). 213 126 Doharahu 135 57 Marathi (M. 131-F, 53) ; English (M. 2-F. 4) ; Hindi (M. 2). 182


Total of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary Total Speakers Mother·tongue to the mother-tongue Subsidiary Languages

Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 S 6


3 2 Dombari 3 Marathi (M. 3.F. I). 14 24 Dra\'idam 8 10 Marathi (M. 'I-F. 4) ; Hindi (M. 2-F. 4) ; English (M. I-F. 2) ; Kannada (M. I). 6 6 Dubli 3 Hindi (F. 3). 1I~ 42 Dungari 99 26 Hindi (M. 72-F. 12) ; English (M. 14-F. 4); l>unjabi (M. 8-F. 9); Urdu (M. 'I-F. 1); Gurmukhi (M. 1). 154 32 Dutch 120 15 English (M. 1l6-F. 11) ; :Hindi (M. 3-F. 2) '; French (F. 1) ; German (M. 1) ; Marathi (F. 1). 6 East Indian 6 English (M 5-F. I) Marathi (M. 1). 1 Elonguria 1 Hindi (M. 1). 29,661 30,762 English 16,860 17,184 Hindi (M. 10, 278-F. 10,222) ; Marathi (M;. 4,066-F. 4,123) ; Konkani (M. 8OO·F. 993) ; French (M. 360-F. 562) ; Tamil (M. 28S-F. 335) ; 'Gujarati (M. 175-F. 245), Urdu (M. 218-F. 145) ; Portuguese (M. 106-F. 159) ; Kan~ada (M. I02·F. 114) ; Malayalam (M. 88-F. 66); Arabic/Arbi (M. 65·P. 39); German (M. 56-F. 32); Telugu (M. 35-F.31); Latin (M. 47-F. 2); Spanish (M. 33-F. 16); Bengali (M. 12-F. 12); Persian (M. 4·F. 17) ; Burmese (M. 6-F. 13); Hebrew/Jewish (M. S-F. 14) ; Sindhi (M. 6-F. 9); Goanese (M. 4-F. 5); Italian (M. 4-F. ~; Dutch (M. 4-F. 4); Indonesian (M. 3-F. 3); Ceylonese/Sime1u/Singhaiese (M\ 4-F. 1); Chinese/Chini (M. 2-F. 3) ; Tulu (M. 5) ; African (M. 3-F. 1) ; Greek (M. 4) ; Swedish (M. 3-F. 1) ; Kachchhi (M. I-F. 2); Punjabi (M. 2'F. 1); Russian (M. 2-F. 1); Sanskrit (M.2-F. 1) ; Brahmani (M. I-F. I) ; Irish (M. 2) ; Nepali (M. 1. F. 1) ; Norwegian (M. 2); Polish (M,< I-F. 1); Assamese (M. 1) ; Basali (FI I) ; Danish (F. t) ; Dubli (F. I) ; IraniiJranian (M. I) ; Tamboli (M. I) ; VarU (F. 1). 2 Etawali 2 Hindi (M. 2-F. 1). ' Eurasian 1 English (M. 1). Fatma Malayalam (M. I). 1 Fernada English (M. I). 2 Fijian 2 English (M. 1); Hindi (M. I). 7 Flemish 7 Hindi (M. 6) ; Marathi (M. I). 157 I'll French 112 107 English (M. 89-F. 88) ; Hindi (M. II-F. 13); Urdu (M. 7-F, 4); Gujarati (M. 3-F.!); Marathi (M. 2-F. 1). 266 273 Gadaria Marathi (M. 3) ; Hindi (M. 2). 10 14 Gaiki 9 8 Marathi (M. 9-F. 7) ; Korku (F. I). 66 107 GamtijGavit Gujarati (M. 3). 1 Gangasi Hindi (M. 1). 383 415 Gaoli 221 191 Hindi (M. 168-F. 111); Marathi (M. 21-F. 'IS); Korku (M. 24-F. 29); English (M.8. F.6). 875 531 Garhwali 655 282 Hindi (M. 380-F. 110) ; Marathi (M. 206-F. 157) ; English (M. 59-F. 8); Gujarati (M. 2- F. 'I), Punjabi (M. 4) ; Urdu (M. 3) ; Tulu (F. 2) ; Kannada (F. I) ; Telugu (M. 1). 4 3 Garpagari 3 Marathi (M. 3-F. 3). 53 48 Garudi 45 46 Marathi (M. 3S-F. 46) ; Hindi (M. to). 393 275 German 280 206 English (M. 227-F. 186) ; Hindi (M. 34-F. 7) ; French (M. 9-F. 8); Marathi (M. 6-F.2) ; Czech/Czechoslo'lakian (M. 2); Bengali (M. I); Gujarati (F. I); Holiya (F. 1); Malayalam (F. 1); Spanish (M. 1). 1 Ghamoli Hindi (F. 1). 9 16 Ghasi 6 I Hindi (M. 3-F. 1); Konkani (M. 3). 782 909 Ghisadi 478 531 Marathi (M. 4S8-F. 509) ; Hindi (M. I3-F. 11) ; Urdu (M. 2-F. 7) ; Gujarati (M. I-F. 4) ; English (M. 2) ; Kannada (M. I) ; Telugu (M. 1). 1,766 1,801 Goanese 982 795 English (M. 42OoF. 260) ; Hindi (M. 298-F. 238); Marathi (M. 23OoF. 250); Gujarati (M. 9,F. 27); Konkani (M. 4-F. ll) ; Kannada (M. 7-F. 2); Portuguese (M. I-F. 3); Telugu (M. 4); Urdu (M. 2-F. 2) ; Arabic,'Arbi (M. 3); Sanskrit (M.2) ; Bengali (F. I) ; Spanish (M. I) ; Tamil (M, I) ; Tulu (F. I). 4 2 Godwari 3 Hindi (M. 3). 120 154 Golari-Kannada 79 125 Marath! (M. 72-F. 110) ; Hindi (M. 6-F. 10) ; Gondi (M. I-F. 5). 156,468 158,395 Gondi 106,608 97,868 Marathi (M. 93,468-F. 87,245) ; Telugu (M. 5, 197-F. 5,209); Hindi (M. 6,138-F. 3,707); Chhattisgarhi (M. 1,187-F. 1,178) ; Maria (M. 356-F. 300); Korku (M. 153-F. 183) ; English (M. 71-F. 8); Urdu (M. 23-F. 9) ; Dhamdi (M. 3-F. 13); Halabi (M. 3-F. 12) ; Govari (M. 2-P. I) ; Kolami (M. I-F. 2) ; Gujarati (M. 2) ; Lamani!Lambadi (M. 1) ; Lodhi (M. I) ; Marwari (M. I) ; Punjabi (F, 1) ; Tamil (M. I). 72 62 GopaJ 20 41 Marathi (M. 2OoF. 36) ; Hindi (F. 5). 439 63 Gorkhali 328 22 Hindi (M. 274-F. 14) ; English (M. 3S-F. 2) ; Marathi (M. 12-F. 3); MaJayaJam (M. 3) ; Gujarati (M. 2) ; LAmani!Lambadi (M. I-F. I) ; Urdu (F, 2) ; Italian (M. 1). 100 135 Gosavi 77 90 Marathi (M. 77-F. 90). 12 6 Gouda Saraswata II 6 Marathi (M. 'I-F. 3) ; Hindi (M. 3-F. 3) ; English (M. 4). 1,462 1,325 Govari 790 667 Maria (M. 362-F. 337); Marathi (M. 287-F. 210); Goodi (M. 117-F. 115); Hindi (M. l3-F. 2); English (M. 6-F. I); Telugu (M. 4); Chhattisgarhi (M. I-F. I); Halabi (F. 1). 183


Total of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary Total Spe.lkers Mother-tongue to the mother-tongue Subsidiary Languages

Males Females Males Females

2 4 5 6


59 8 Greek 27 7 English (M. 23-F. 7) ; French (M. 2) ; Hindi (M. I) ; Italian (M. I). S81,682 485,827 Gujarati 329,597 193,559 Hindi (M. 137,712-F. 80,619) ; English (M. IOS,998-F. 48,296); Marathi (M. 76,300- F. 56,S86); Urdu (M. 7,S85-F. 6,195); Kannada (M. 556·F. 594); Kachchhi (M. 188-F. 242) ; Arabic/Arbi (M. 128-F. 212); Sindhi (M. 215-F. 106); French (M. 129-F. 92); Telugu (M. lOS-F. 109); Tamil (M. 5O-F. 165); Parsi (M. 127-F. 65) ; Sanskrit (M. Ill-F. 20) ; Ahirani (M. 9S-F. 26) ; Konkani (M. 36-F. 46); Bengali (M. 42-F. 33) ; Marwari (M. 4O-F. 20) ; Bhill (M. 42-F. 16) ; Malayalam (M. IS-F. 31); Punjabi (M. 16-F. 10); Persian (M. IO-F. 14); African (M. 5-F. 13); Portuguese (M. 9-F. 9) ; German (M. IS-P. I); Trani/Iranian (M. S-P. 6) ; Burmese (M. S·P. 3); Banjari (M. 4-F. 3) ; Japanese (M. S-F. 1) ; Tulu (M. 2-F. 4) ; Rajasthani (M. 3-F. 2) ; Ceylonese/Sirnelu/Singbalese (M. 2-P. 2) ; Latin (M 4); Memani (P. 4); Swedish (M. 4); Austrian (M. 3); Chinese/Chini (M. 2-F. I): Czech/Czechoslovakian (M. 3) ; Gujaru (M. 3) ; Italian (M. I-P. 2); Kathiyawadi (M. I·F. 2) ;- Hebrew/ Jewish (F. 2); Korku (M. I-F. I); Kurmi (M. 2); Manglorese (M. 2); Oriya (P. 2) ; Dutch (F. I); Goanese (F. 1) ; Gondi (M. I); Gujari (M. I); Lamanil Lambadi (F. I) ; Mulki (M. I) ; Pardesi (F. I) ; Vadari (M. I). 9 Gujari 4 Marathi (M. I-P. 4).. 12,724 11 ,853 Gujaru 4,122 1,348 Marathi (M. 3,128-F. 1,039) ; Hindi (M. 794-P. 120) ; Gujarati (M. 93-F. 173); English (M. 96.F. 3) ; Bhili (M. 10-F. 10) ; Ahirani (F. 2) ; Kannada (M. I-F. 1). ISS 148 Gurjara 32 3 Marathi (M. 2S-F. I) ; Hindi (M. 7-F. 2). 1,023 685 Gurmukhi 641 369 Hindi (M. 345-F. 236) ; Marathi (M. IOI-F. 83); English (M. 125-F. 28); Urdu (M.54-F. 9) ; Punjabi (M. 10·F. 9) ; Sindhi (M. 3·F 3) ; Malayalam (P. I); Marwari (M. I); Sanskrit (M. I); Telugu (M. I). 1 Guthara Marathi (M. I). 2,163 2.113 Halabi 1,485 1,219 Marathi (M. I,ll I-F. 906); Gondi (M. 135-F. 156); Maria (M. 76-F.99); Hindi (M. 90-F. 48) ; Telugu (M. 27) ; Chhattisgarhi (M. I6-P. 10); Urdu (M. 24); English (M. 5) ; Oriya (M. I). 5 5 Hala! 2 Hindi (M. 1) ; Marathl (M. I). 1 Hamar I Hindi (M. 1). 1 8 Har 1 7 Kannada (F. 5) ; Marathi (M. I-F. 2). 2 2 Hardasi 2 2 Marathi (M. 2-F. 2). 3 5 Hatakari 2 2 Sindhi (M. 2-F. 2). 246 211 Hebrew/Jewish .. 196 157 English (M. 139-F. 104); Marathi (M. 39·F. 32); Hindi (M. I7·P. 19); French (M.I·F.2). 3 I Himachali 2 1 Hindi (M. 2-F. I). 674,913 414,014 Hindi 250,448 136,409 Marathi (M. 172, 370-F. 114,483) ; English (M. 54,038-F. 10,661); Gujarati (M. 8,376- P. 3,213) ; Urdu (M. 7,756-F. 1,868) ; Punjabi (M. 1,786-F. 1,076) ; Korku (M. 1,249· F. 1,059); Marwari(M.984-F. 966) ; Telugu(M.606-F. 640) ; Kannada(M.481-F. 521); Sanskrit (M. 634-P. 40) ; Gondi (M. 331-F. 244); Sindhi (M. 2S2-P. 285) ; Bengali (M. 333-P. 86); Chhattis garhi (M. 202-P. 205); Lodhi (M. 197-F. 192); Tamil (M. 177-F. 137) ; Gurmukhi (M. 26-F. 203); ArabiciArbi (M. 52-F. 137) ; Abirani (M. 73-F.90); Rajasthani(M. 83-F. 77); Nepali(M. 79-F.15}: Pardesi(M. SO-F. 36); Malayalam (M. 33-P. 12); Nirnadi (M. 19-F. 12) ; Konkani (M. 23-P. 7) ; Kachchh i (M. II.F. 18); Oriya (M. 12-F. 14) ; Persian (M. 13-F. II) ; Bihari (M. I2-F. 9) ; Banjari (M. 10-P. 10); Prench (M. 100P. 7) ; Bhili (M. 6-P. 7) ; Garhwali (M. 9-P. 4) ; Malvi (M. 5-F. 6); Powari (M. 5-P. 6) ; Burmese (M. 9-F. 1) ; Mewari (M. 7-F. 3) ; German (M. 8-P. 1); Madurai (M. 9) ; Maria (M. 6-F. 3) ; Portuguese (M. 6·P. 3) ; Bundelkhandi (M. 6-F. 2); Dogri (M. 7-F. 1) ; Koshti-Marathi (M. Sop. 3) ; Pahari­ Unspecified (M. 5-F. 3): Afgbani/Kabuli/Pakhto/Pashto/Pathani (M. 7) ; Gorkhali (M.4-F. 3) ; Italian (M. 7); Holiya (M. I-F. 5) ; Maithili (M. 6) ; Kumauni (M. 5) ; Kumbhari (M. 5) ; Madari (M. 4-F. I); Bhojpuri (F. 4); Chinese/Chini (M. 4) ; Gujaru (M. 2-F. 2) ; Kashmiri (M. 3-F. 1); LamanifLambadi (M. 2-F. 2) ; Ragbo­ bansi (M. 2-F. 2) ; Tulu (M. 2-F. 2) ; Brahmani (M. 3); Multani (M. t·P. 2) ; Parsi (M.3) ; BagbeJkhandi (M. 2); Beldari (M. I-F. t); Japanese (M. I-P. l) ; Lingayati (F. 2) ; African (M. 1); Assamese (M. 1); Chamari (M. I); Dungari (M. 1) ; Goanese (M. I); Govari (F. I); Gujari (M. 1); Irani/Iranian (M. 1); Karwari (M. 1) ; Manipuri/Meithci (M. 1) ; Nagari-Hindi (M. 1); Naikadi (M. 1) ; Panchali (F. 1); Russian (M. 1) ; Tirguli (p. 1) ; Vadari (p. I). 2 Hindko 2 English (M. 2). 2 Ho 2 English (M. I) ; Hindi (M. 1). 1,173 1.142 Holiya 864 721 Marathi(M. 797.F. 671) ; Hindi (M. 62-F. 45) ; Gondi (M. 4-F. 4); English (M. t-P. 1). 14 8 Hungarian 13 8 English (M. IO-F. 6) ; German (M. 2-F. 1) ; French (F. I) ; Hindi (M. 1). 15 7 Indonesian 11 7 English (M. ll-F. 6) ; Dutch (p. 1). 450 381 Irani/Iranian 303 205 Hindi (M. 106-P. 62) ; English (M. -79-P. 53); Gujarati (M. 61-P. 56); Marathi (M. 28-P. 17) ; Urdu (M. 2O-F. 9); Parsi (M. SoF. 3); Arabic/Arbi (M. I-F. 4); Persian (M. I-F. 1); Ceylonese/Sirnelu/Singhalese (M. I); Goanese (M. 1). 184


Total of persons returned as speakinll a language subsidiary Total Speakers Mother.tongue to the mother·tongue Subsidiary Languages

Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6


7 3 Irish 7 2 English (M. 7-F. I) ; Maralhi (F. I). 88 65 Italian 69 49 English (M. 58-F. 26) ; French (M. 3-F. 13); Hindi (M. 7-F. 8) ; German (,,1. 1) \ Marathi (P. 1); Spanish (P. I). 113 HI Jagaonatbi 69 70 Maratbi (M. 48-F. 48) ; Kann_da (M. 21-F. 21) ; Hindi (F. I). 290 686 Jaini 222 407 Mar_thi (M. 189-F. 270); Hindi (M. 28-F. 137); English (M. 2); Urdu (M. Z) ; Marwari (M. I). Jaipurl Hindi (M. 1). 1 Jangali I Marathi (F. I). 228 37 Japaoese 109 25 English (M. 93-F. 25) ; Hindi (M. (6). 41 40 Jatki 36 15 Maratbi (M. 3S-F. 15); Hindi (M. I). 3 4 Jbari 2 4 Marathi (M. ;Z-P. 4). I Jodhpuri I Hindi (M. I). 23,499 22,077 Kachchhi 16,541 11,925 Gujarati (M. 5,794-F. 5,072) ; Hindi (M. 4,954-F. 3,ll7); Maratbi (M. 2,561-F. 1,969); English (M. 2,539-F. 1,039) ; Urdu (M. 619-F. 658) ; Kann.da (M. 19-F. 22) ; Sindhi (M. IS-F. 9) ; Telugu (M. 14-F. 9) ; Tamil (M./S-F. 7) ; Arabic/Arbi (M. S-F. 7) ; Konkani (M. 4-F. 2) ; Tulu (M. 2-F. 3) ; FrencH (M. 3) ; 'Gurmukhi (F. 3) ; Malaya­ lam (M' I-F. 2) ; Bengali (M. I-F. I) ; Marwari (M. 2) ; Punjabi (F. 2) ; Sanskrit (F. 2); Goanese (F. 1) ; Gondi (M.) ; Portuguese (M. 1); Rajasthani (M. 1). 311 363 Kahari 201 209 Marathi (M. 19S-F. (97) ; Hindi (F. 7) ; Marwari (F. 5) ; Ur'tJ,u (M. 3) ; Gujarati (M.2) ; English (M. 1). 4,135 4,026 Kaikadi 2,705 2,521 Marathi (M. 2,S4S-F. 2,372) ; :Kanoada (M. 66-F. 93) ; EngliBh (M. 46-F. 13) ; Hindi (M. 32-F. 16) ; Telugu (M. 10-F. (7) ; LamanilLambadi (F. 8); Urdu (M. 3-F. 2) ; Gujarati (M. 3). \ 889 908 Kalali 629 531 Marathi eM. 453.F.,388) ; Hindi (M. 172-F. 139) ; Gondi (M. 2·F. 3) ; Urdu (M. t­ F. 1,); English (M. I). 76 66 Kamathi 18 25 Maratbi (M. 14-F. IS) ; Hindi eM. 4-F. 10). 19 5 Kaodiali 11 Marathi (M. 6); English (M. S) ; Hindi (M, 5); Tamil (M. I). 2 2 Kandra 2 2 Hindi (M. 2) ; Marathi (F. 2). 43 20 Kanjari 31 7 Marathi (!'vI. 25-F. 3) ; Hindi (M. 4-F. 4) ; English (M. 2). 4 S Kankeri 3 3 English (M. I-F. I) ; Hindi (M. I-F. l) ; Marathi (M. I-F. I). 338,601 290,982 Kannada 191,307 123,040 Marathi (M. 151,983-F. 109,6(3); Hiodi (M. 20,279·F. 6,510) ; English (M. 15,077 F. 4,105) ; Telugu (M. 1,897-F. 1,609) ; Urdu (M. S44-F. 310) ; Tamil (M. 478-F. 314) ; Gujarati (M. 403-F. 122) ; Tulu (M. 347-F. 129) ; :Konkani (M. 194-F. 108) ; Malaya­ lam (M. 39-F. 29) ; Vadari (M. 10-F. (0) ; LamanilLambadi (M. 14-F. 4) ; Sanskrit (M. IS-F. 2) ; Marwari (M. 3·F. 12) ; Punjabi (M. 2-F. 7) ; Gondi (M. 4-F. 3) ; French (M.6) ; Bengali (M. I-F. 3); Portuguese (M. 2·F. 2); Kaikadi (M. I-F. 2) ; Arabic/ Arbi (M. I-F. I); Kachchhi (M. I-F. I); Sindhi (M. I-F. I); Ceylonese/Sirnelu/ Singhalese (M. I) ; Coorglj:KodagU (F. 1) ; Kashmiri (M. 1) ; Lingayati (P. 1) ; Marla (M. 1) ; Persian (F. I) ; Titguli (M. 1) ; Udipi (M. I). 11 4 Karhadi 10 2 Hindi (M. S-P. 2); Marathi (M. 3) ; English (M. 2). 190 91 Karwari 160 65 English (M. 92-F. 21) ; Marathi (M. 28-F. 29) ; Hindi (M. 28-F. 13) ; Urdu (M. 10-P. 1) ; Kannada (M. I-F. 1); Malayalam (M. 1). 7 3 Kashi Kapadi 5 3 Marathi (M. S-F. I) ; Hindi (F. 2). 447 211 Kashmiri 337 135 Hindi (M. liS-F. 82) ; English (M. 147-F. 41) ; Urdu (M. 55·F. 6) ; Marathi (M. 9· F. 3) ; Punjabi (M. 8) ; Kannada (F. 3) ; Arabic/Arbi (M. I) ; Sanskrit (M. I) ; Tamil (M. I). 22 40 Katgi 13 16 Oriya (M. l3-F. (4); Marathi (P. 2). 660 637 Katbiyawadi 352 269 Marathi (M. 223-F. 181) ; Hindi (M. 77-P. 50) ; Gujarati (M. 16-F. 26) ; English (M. 31- F. 10) ; Kannada (M. 2-F. 2) ; Urdu (M. 2) ; Tamil (!'vI. I). 294 293 Kathodi 14 5 Marathi (M. 14-F. 5). 61 38 Kalia 46 38 Marathi (M. 24-F. 18) ; Hiodi (M. 19·F. 15) ; Gondi (M. 3-F. 5). 1,887 2,377 Katkari 695 891 Marathi (M. 694-F. 879) ; English (F. 9) ; Hindi eM. I-F. 3). 3 Katwi 2 Marathi (M. 2). 1,649 1,819 Kewati 1,346 1,414 Marathi (M. 1,342-F. 1,414); Hindi (M. 3); Telugu (M. 1). I Khan.1i I Hindi (M. 1). 230 227 Khaotieshi 97 64 Marathi (M. 79-P. GO) ; Hindi lM. li-F. 1) ; English (F. 2); Gujarati (M. I-F. 1). 2 Kharia I English (M. I). 34 8 Khasi 28 6 English (M. 17-F. 2) ; Marathi (M. 4-F. 4) ; Hindi (M. 6) ; Sindhi (M. I). 33 19 Khati 28 12 Marathi (M. 28·F. 12). 373 449 Khatri 269 256 Marathi (M. 186-F. 239) ; Hindi (M. 43-F. 14) ; English (M. 33) ; Kannada (M. 6-F. 2); Telugu (M. I-F. 11. 12 5 Khoja 10 3 Marathi (M. 5-F. I) ; English (M. 3) ; Hindi (M. I-F. 2) ; Gujarati (M. 1). 8 4 Khristy 5 Hindi (M. 4); En~h (M. 1). 8 6 Khuku S 2 Marathi (M. 2-P 2); Kanoada (M. 3). 185


Total of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary Total Speakers Mother.tongue to the mother.tongue Subsidiary Languages

Males Females Males Females

2 4 5 6


380 252 !Grari 248 169 Marathi (M. 217-F. 161) ; Hindi (M. 2S-F. 8) ; English (M. 6). I Kisan I Urdu ,(M. 1). 18,247 19,153 Kokna/Kokni/Kukna 398 1,143 Marathi (M. 20S-F. 1,105) ; Hindi (M. 136-F. 2) ; English (M. 30-F. 11) ; Ahirani (M. 3- F.20) ; Gujarati (M. 20-F. 2) ; Urdu (M. I-F. 2) ; Bhili (M. I-F. 1) ; Kannada (M. 2). 10 5 Kol 6 Hindi (M. 5); Marathi (M. I.F. 3). 19,365 19,457 Kolami 12,520 11,663 Marathi (M. 12,196-F. 11,352); Gondi (M. 282-F. 297); Hindi (M. 31·F. I) ; Telugu (M. 9·F. 12); English (M. 2) ; Banjari (F. I). 433 519 Kolhati 276 338 Marathi (M. 2S5-F. 309) ; Telugu (M. 17-F. 21) ; Hindi (M. 2·F. 4) ; Gondi (M. I·F.4); Banjari (M. I). 24 25 Koli 14 9 Marathi (M. 14-F. 4) ; Hindi (F. 3) ; English (F. I) ; Punjabi (F. I). 2 I Konda J I English (M. J); Maratbi (F. O. 13 6 Kongar 8 4 English (M. 7) ; Maratbi (M. I·F. 3) ; Hindi (F. 1). 113,660 97,150 KonkilDi 80,427 58,473 English (M. 41,376-F. 26,694) ; Hindi (M. 18,973-F. 12,452); Marathi (M. 15,280- F. 14,940) ; Kannada (M. 3,OOS·F. 2,445) ; Gujarati (M. 667·F, 790) ; Urdu (M. 471- F. 441): Portuguese (M. 3S0-F. 418); Tamil (M. 92-F.69); Tulu (M. 58-F. 66) ; Malayalam (M. 45-F.52); Telugu (M. 22-F. 44); French (M. 26-F. 15); Latin (M. 30); Kaikadi (M. 18); Parsi (M. I.F. 15); Goanese (M. 2-F. 10); Sanskrit (M.2-F. 7) ; Arabic/Arbi (F. 3); German (M. 2-F. 1); Kachchhi (M. 2-F. 1); Bengali (M. I·F. 1) ; Manglorese (F. 2) ; Punjabi (F.2); Burmese (P. I) ; Chinesel Chini (F. 1); Gurmukhi (F. 1) ; Italian (M. I) ; Sindhi (F. I); Spanish (F. I). 13 29 Koraga 13 26 Kannada (M. S.F. 26) ; Hindi (M. 8). 30,037 29,454 Korku 16,353 1O,37S Hindi (M. 14,890-F. 9,402) ; Marathi (M. 1,439-F. 957) ; Gondi (M. 16·F. 8); Nimadi (M. 3-F. 8) ; English (M. 5). 211 248 Korwa 87 116 Marathi (M. 54-F. 59) ; Kannada (M. 16·F. 27) ; Hindi (M. 13-F. 11) ; Telugu (M. 2- F. 14) ; English (F. 5) ; Gujarati (M. 2). 123 126 Kosari 63 39 Marathi (M. S6-F. 38) ; Hindi (M. 7) ; Urdu (F. J). 12,754 12,655 Koshti-Marathi 7,513 5,711 Marathi (M. 6,30S-F. 5,526) ; Hindi (M. 1,13I-F. 173); En&lish (M. 72-F. 7); Gondi (F. 3) ; Urdu (M. 3) ; Chhattisgarhi (F. 2) ; Kannada (M. 1) ; Telugu (M. 1). 105 119 Kotali 52 57 Marathi (M. 48·F. 53) ; Hindi (M. I-F. 3) ; Banjari (M. 2-F. I); English (M. 1) . 26 19 Koya 25 10 Maratbi (M. 25-F. 10). 2 Kului 2 English (M. 1) ; Hindi (M. I). 194 39 Kumauni 179 21 Hindi (M. 125·F. 16); English (M. 42-F. 4); Marathi (M. 7-F.' I); Kannada (M. 3) ; Urdu eM. 2). 119 143 Kumbhari 83 55 Marathi (M. 44-F. 45); Hindi (M. 39-F. 10). 9 13 Kunbau 9 10 Maratbi (M. 7-F. 10) ; Hindi eM. 2). 5 16 Kurmi 4 11 Hindi (M. 4-F. 3); Marathi (F. 7); Telugu (F. I). 325 372 KurubalKurumba 245 302 Maratbi (M. 14O-F. 184) ; Telugu (M. lOS-F. 118). 13 7 Kurukh/Oraon " 7 5 Hindi (M. S-F. S) ; English (M. 2). I Kuthari I Hindi (P. I). 157 148 Ladhadi 135 123 Marathi (M. 135-F. 123). 51 43 Ladi 40 36 Marathi (M. 38·F. 36) ; Urdu (M. 2). 4 4 Lahnda 3 I English (M. 3·F. I). 58,962 56,595 Lamani/Lambadi 29,424 26,294 Marathi (M. 27,791-F. 24,849); Kannada (M. 1,154-F. 1,123); Hindi (M. 244-F.I04) Telugu (M. I 67-F. 159) ; Urdu (M. 52-F. 18) ; Tirguli (p. 23) ; English (M. 7·F.6) Gujarati (M. 5·F. 6); Gondi (M. I-F. 2) ; Marwari (M. 2); Rajputani (F. 2) Kachchhi (M. 1); Pardesi (F. I); Persian (F. I). 15 7 Lamzali 13 6 Marathi (M. 13-F. 6). 37 Latin 30 English (M. 30). 241 244 Lazodi 178 187 Marathi (M. 178-F. 187). 27 22 Lingayati 20 9 Marathi (M. 16-F. 9); Hindi (M. 3); English (M. J). 1 Lithuanian I English (M. I), 8,415 8,487 Lodhi 4,670 2,854 Marathi (M. 2,264.F. 1,761); Hindi (M. 2, 383·F. 1,093); Urdu (M. 19); English (M.4). 29 20 Lohari-Marathi 21 15 Marathi (M. 12-P. 13); Hindi (M. 9-F. 2). 17 Lushai/Mizo 8 English (M. S); Hindi (M. 2); Manipuri/Meithei (M. I). 142 139 Madari 15 6 Hindi (M. 3-F. 4) ; Marathi (M. 6-F. I) ; Urdu (M. 4-F. I) ; English (M. 1) ; Tamil (M.I). 2 Madgi I Hindi (M. I). 10 Madurai 10 Hindi (M. 8) ; English (M. 2). 4 MagahilMagadhi 2 Marathi (M. 2). 115 94 Mahesri 76 44 Marathi (M. 52-F. 37) ; Hindi (M. 18-F. 7) ; English (M. 5) ; Gujarati (M. I). 39 MahllMaldivian 37 Urdu (M. 36) ; Hindi (M. I). 323 48 Maithili 136 27 Hindi (M. I06-F. 22) ; English (M. IS-F. 2) ; Marathi (M. 9-F. 3) ; Sanskrit (M. 5) ; Telugu (M. 1). Makhiya Hindi (M. 1) : Marathi (p. 1). 186


Total of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary Total Speakers Mother-tongue to the roother-tongue Subsidiary Languages

Males Females Males Feroales

2 4 5 6


lIJalai/Malay/Malaya/ 2 English (M. I-F. I) ; Hindi (F. 1). Malayan. 65.602 24,857 Malayalam 47.063 14,406 English (M. 23,563-F. 7,785); Hindi (M. 18,SOO-F. 4,655) ; Marafhi (M. 1,466-F. 843) ; Tamil (M. 1,299-F. 853); Urdu (M. 1,679-F. 110); Kannado (M. 261-F. 74); Guja­ rati (M. 81-F. 43); Telugu (M. 72-F. 19); AraDic/Arbi (M. 72-F. 5); Konkani 1M. 16-f. II); Samkrit (M. 14-F. 2); French (M. B-F. 2); Tull' (M. 6-F. 5); Kachchhi (M. 6) ; Sindhi (M. 4) ; Latin (M. 3) ; Bengali (M. 2) ; PunJabi (M. 2) ; African (F. 1); Burmese (M. 1); Chlnese/Chini (M. 1); Gurmukl1i (F. 1); Mar- wari (M. I) ; Slavic (1'.1 I). ' 2 Malekudi I Marathi (M. 1). 34 20 Malhar 10 6 Marathi (M. 3-F. 5) ; English (M. 2-F. I) ; Hindi fM. 3) ; Urdu (1'.1. 2). 540 429 Mali 189 136 Marathi (1\1. 186-F. 136) ; Hindi (M. 3). ' I Malnuti 1 English (M. 1). 6 3 Maltese 3 3 Hindi (M. 3-F. I) ; English (F. 2). 206 168 Malvi 156 129 Marathi (M. 1l4-F. 91); Hindi (M. 14-F. 21) ; Guiarati (M. 1loF. 6) ; English (M. 11- F. 4); Urdu (M. 4-P' 6) ; Kannada'(M. I-P. O. '\ 2 MandeaIi 2 English (1'.1. 2). 166 155 Manglorese 97 93 Hindi (1'.1. 48-F. 39) ; English (M. 31-F. 31) ; Marathi (M. 6-F. 17) ; Gujarati (M. 3- F. 4) ; Kannada (M. 6) ; Urdu (M. 3-F. 2). 69 4 Manipuri/Meithei 55 English (11,[, 27) ; Hindi (M. 23-F. 2) ; Bengali (M. 4-F. I) ; Qujarati (M. 1). 244 231 Mankari 178 163 Marathi (M. 177-F. ~63) ; Hindi (M. 1). \ 15,371,790 14,861,244 Marathi .. 1,836,398 582,427 Hindi ~M. 1,285,840-F. 337,349) ; English (M. 355,086-F. 97,422) ; Kannada (M. 83,840- F. 77,013) ; Urdu (M. 39,004-F. 11.840) ; Telugu (M. 23,018-F. 23,035) ; Gujarati (M. 24,099-F. 12,724); Gondi (M. 8,017-F. 7,232) ; Ahirani (M. 2,744-F. 3,391) ; Marwllri (M. 2,998-F. 1,678); Ban]ari (M. 1 ,80S-F. 1,294); Sanskrit (M. 2,303. F. 220) ; Konkani (M. 1,057-F. 1,031); Bbili (M. 286-F. 1,761); Lamani/Lambadi (1'.1. 70S-F. 508) ; Maria (M. 680-F. 532) ; Kolami (M. SiS-F. 523) ; Tamil (M. 474- F. 481) ; Vadari (M. 333-F 574) ; Powari (M. 361-F. 446) ; Koshti-Marathi (M. 267- F. 318) ; Kaikadi (M. 207-F. 292) ; Punjabi (M. 28~-F. 211); Cbhattisgarbi (M. 233· F. 261) ; Beradi (M. 46-F. 434) ; Pardesi (M. 190·F. 162) ; Katkari (M. 92·F. 165) ; Sindhi (M. 128-f. 126) ; Parsi (M. 210-F. 20) ; Arabic/Arbi (M. 114-1". 88) ; Ragho­ bansi (M. 98-F. 102) ; Beldari (M. 108-F. 87) ; Portuguese (M. 68-F. 102) ; Korku (M. 74-F. 68) ; Paradhi (M. 83-F. 58) ; Rajasthani (M. 52-F. 68) ; Rajputani (M. 76- F. 43) ; Gurjara (M. 40-F. 59) ; Bengali (M. 70-F. 25) ; French (M. 59-F. 25) ; Tadavi (1'.1. 69-F. 8) ; Kolhati(M.20-F.SO); Lodhi(M.42-F.26); Malayalam(M. 38-F. 30) ; Kewati (M. 35-F. 32); Bhoyari (M. 31-F. 27); Hebrew/Jewish (M. 25-F. 15); Kathiyawadi (M. 2-F. 38) ; Persian (M. 4-F. 36) ; Chamari (M. 12-F. 27) ; Ralabi (M. 20-F. 17) : Mali (M. 37) ; Kahari (M. 18-F. 17) ; German (M. 29-F. 3) ; Kosari (M. 15-F. 16) ; Ghisadi (M. 20-1". 6) ; Katwi (F. 26) ; Gorkhali (M. 20-F. 5) ; Ladi (M. 11-F. 14) ; Thakri (F. 25) ; Dhamdi (M. 8-F. UJ ; Oriya (M. 11-F. 10); Raj· Gondi (M. 9-F. 11) ; Gujaru (M. 9-F. 10) ; Govari (M. 6-F. 12) ; Jaini (M. 9-F. 9) ; Kachchhi (M. 13-1". 5); Goanese (M. 12-F. 5) ; Kalali (M. S-F. 9); Irani/Iranian (M. 12-F. 4) ; Rhasi (F. 15); Tulu (M. 8-F. 7) ; Italian (M. 14); Bahusar (M. 7- F. 6) ; Kirari (M. 7-F. 6) ; Nepali (M. 9-1". 4) ; Khatri (F. 12) ; Jhari (M. S_F. 1) ; Gos:lvi (M. 4-F. 1) ; Kathodi (M. 4-F. 7) ; Lingayati (M. 10-F. 1) ; Naikadi (M. 7- F. 4) ; Wandgiri (M. 11) ; Tirguli (M. 4-F. 6) ; Gopal (M. 9) ; Khandeshi (M. 5- F. 4) : Kol (M. 6·F. 1); VarU (F. 7) ; Dhanagari (P. 6) , Kurobhari (M. I-F. 5) ; Dhiwarl (M. 4-F. I) ; Holiya (1'.1. I-F. 4); Latin (M. 5); Chitodi (M. 3-F. 1); Dakani/Musalmani (M. 3-P. 1); Kamathi (M. 3-F. I); Kuruba/Kurumba (M. 3· F. I); Panchali (M. 2-F. 2); Pardhan (M. 3-F. 1) ; Pawri (M. 3-F. I); Mrican (1'.1. I-F. 2) ; Burdi (F. 3) ; Doharahu (M. I-F. 2) ; Koli (M. 3); Lamzali (M. 1- F. 2) ; Maithili (M. 3); Mathuri-Banjari (M. I-F. 2); Nimadi (M. I-F. 2); Pali (\f, 3) ; Russian (M. 3); Afghani/Kabuli/Pakhto/Pashto/Pathani (M. I-F. I) ; Arava (F. 2) ; Budhi (M. 2) ; Garudi (P. 2) ; Gaoli (F. 2) ; Golari-Kannada (M. 2) ; Kar­ wari (M. I-F. 1); Lohari-Maratbi (F. 2) ; Mawchi (F. 2) ; Mewari (p. 2) ; Wani (M. 2) ; Assamese (M. I) ; Baghelkhandi (M. 1) ; Bhojpuri (M. 1) ; Bihari (M. 1) ; Burmese (M. 1); Chinese/Chini (F. 1); Czech/Cz.:chosiovakian (M. J); Darhi (F. 1) ; Dogri (M. 1) ; Godhami (M. 1) ; Gurmukhi (M. 1) ; Japanese (M. 1) ; Katlli (M. 1): Lithuaniyan (M. 1); Madari (M. 1): Mahesri (F. 1); Mulki (M. 1); Multani (M. I); Munda-Unspecified (F. 1); Patharwati (F. 1) ; Rohidasi (M. 1); Spanish (F. 1); Swedish (M. 1); Tamboli (1'.1. 1); Teli-Mar.tthi (F. 1); Thakai (F. 1) ; Volans (1'.1. I). 15,786 15,822 Maria 3,169 2,043 Telugu (M. 1,483-F. 1,213); Marathi (M. 1,161-F. 525) ; Gondi (M. 490-F. 289) ; Govari (M. 16-F. 11) ; Hindi (M. 18-F. 3) ; Halabi (M. I-F. 1); Koya (F. 1). 3 8 Marl; 4 Marathi (F. 4). 187


Total of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary Total Speakers Mother-tongue to the mother-tongue Subsidiary Languages

Males Females Males Females

2 4 5 6


127,444 107,895 Marwari 88,962 61,012 Marathi (M. 56, I 15-F. 46,632) ; Hindi (M. 26,507-F. 13,004) ; English (M. 4,231-F. 440) ; Gujar.ti (M. 1,499-F. 581) ; Urdu (M. 280·F. 83) ; (M. 131·F. 166) ; Telugu (M. 62-F. 53) : Sanskrit (M. 43-F. I) ; Sindhi (M. 15-F. 8) ; Ahirani (M. IO-F. 11) ; Bengali(M. i3-F. 2) ; Arabic/Arbi(M. 5-F. 7) ; Lamani/Lambadi(M. 2-F. 8) ; Gujaru (M.7) ; Banjari (M. 3-F. 3) ; Malayalam (M. 6) ; Tamil (M. 5-F. 1) ; Punjabi (M. 5) ; Ghisadi (M. I-F. 3) ; Kachchhi (M. I-F. 2) ; Mewari (M. 3) ; Parsi (M. 3) ; Rajas­ thani (F. 3) ; Ardhamagadhi (F. 2) ; Assamese (M. 2) ; Gondi (M. 2) ; Baghelkhandi (M. I) ; BhiH (M. I) ; Chhattisgarhi (F. I) ; Goanese ('4. \) ; Jaini (M. \) ; Kaikadi (F. 1) ; Manipuri/Meithei (M. 1). 1,448 1,302 Mathuri-Banjari 940 711 Marathi (M. 926-F. 702) ; Banjari (M. 7-F. 1) ; Hindi (M. 5-F. 2) ; Gujarati (P. 5) ; Telugu (M. 2-F. I). I Matrai 1 Hindi (M. 1). 15,159 14,325 Mawehi 304 28 Gujarati (M. 134·F. 18) ; Hindi (M. 146-F. 6); Marathi (M. 19·F. 4) ; English (M. 3) ; Urdu(M.2). ~80 308 Memani 212 141 Gujarati (M. 74-F. 34) ; Urdu (M. 42-F. 46) ; Marathi (M. 34-F. 32) ; Hindi (M. 38- F. 19) ; English (M. 23-F. 10) ; Burmese (M. I). 832 400 Mewari 582 199 Hindi (M. 393-F. 89) ; Marathi (M. 138-F. 89) ; English (M. 28-F. 7) ; Gujarad (M. 17- F. 4) ; Urdu (M. 5-F. 9) ; Bengali (M. 1) ; Gurmukhi (F. 1). 21 12 "nrzapuri 16 10 Hindi (M. 16-F. 10). 14 3 Moghia 12 Hindi (M. 12-F. 3). 2 2 Momidomi 2 Hindi (M. 1) : Marathi (M. I). 790 639 Multani 468 347 Hindi (M. 113-F. 125) ; Urdu (M. I 23-F. 94) ; Marathi(M. 107-F. 69) ; English (M. 112- F. 48) ; Sind hi (M. 5-F. 4) ; Gujarati (M. 3-F. 3) ; Punjabi (F. 4) ; Kannada (M. 2); Tamil (M. 2); Arabie/Arbi (M. I). 18 4 Munda-Unspecified 15 3 Hindi (M. I2-F. 3) ; English (M. 2) ; Marathi (M. I). 1 4 Mungi Hi'ldi (M. I). I Myalor Hindi (M. I). 14 5 Naga-Unspecified 13 1 Hindi (M. 8) ; English (M. 5-F. I). 40 37 N agarehal 33 30 Marathi (M. 23-F. 18) ; Hindi (M. 9·F. 5) ; Gondi (M. I-F. 1). 27 13 Nagari-Hindi 17 8 Marathi (M. II·F. 6) ; Hindi (M. 4) ; Kannada (F. 2) ; English (M. I) ; Punjabi (M. I). I Nagesia 1 Hindi (M. I). 11 Nagli 5 English (M. 2); Marathi (M. 2); Gujarati (M. I); Kannada (F. I). 162 150 Naikadi 121 105 Marathi (M. I21-F. 105). 29 32 Naiki-Banjad 17 19 Hindi (M. 9-F. 9) ; Marathi (M. 5-F. 10) ; Telugu (M. 3). 12 27 Nandiwali 4 23 Marathi (M. 4·F. 23). Narmadiya 3 Hindi (F. 2) ; Urdu (F. I). 3 2 Nawait Urdu (M. 1). 9,797 2,205 Nepali 6,122 769 Hindi (M. 5,309-F. 639); English (M. 416-F. 41); Marathi (M. 339-F. 76) ; Urdu (M. 33-F. 2); Gujarati (M. S-F. 5) ; Bengali (M. 8) ; Tamil (M. 6) ; Konkani (F. 3) ; Arabic/Arbi (M. 2); Punjabi (M. 2) ; Sanskrit (M. 2) ; French (F. I) ; Malayalam (F. 1) ; Telugu (F. I). I 5 Newari 1 1 English (M. I) ; Marathi (F. I). 356 333 NihaIi 71 21 Marathi (M. 44-F. 13) ; Hindi (M. 27-F. g). 534 538 Nimadi 369 335 Hindi (M. 236-F. 220) ; Korku (M. 77-F. 83) ; Marathi (M. 47-F. 32) ; English (M. 9). 23 8 Norwegian 22 6 English (M. 20-F. 6) ; French (M. 1) ; Marathi (M. 1). 25 16 Nuniya 22 10 Marathi (M. 20-F. 10) ; Banjari (M. 2). 103 117 Ojhi 68 76 Hindi (M. 29·F. 34); Marathi (M. 26-F. 24); Chhattisgarhi (M. 8·F. 8); Gondi (M. 2-F. 6) ; Korku (M. 3-F. 4). 2,384 999 Oriya 1,429 412 Hindi (M. 990-F. 271) ; English (M. 279-F. 20) ; Marathi (M. I 22-F. 114) ; Bengali (M. 14-F. 3) ; Telugu (M. II-F. 3) ; Urdu (M. II) ; French (M. I); Gujarati (F. 1) ; Sanskrit (M. I). 4 12 Padmashali 2 5 Hindi (F. 5); Marathi (M. 1) ; Telugu (M. 1). 26 17 Padvi Hindi (M. 1). 81 36 Pahari-Unspecified 63 21 Hindi (M. 53-F. 19) ; English (M. 6) ; Marathi (M. 2-F. 1) ; Punjabi (M. 2) ; Telugu (F. 1). 17 Puli 9 Hindi (M. 7) ; English (M. 2). 196 235 Panchali 112 132 Marathi (M. 109-F. 130) ; Hindi (M. 3-P. 1) ; Urdu (F. I). 4 2 Panchrangi 4 I Marathi (M. 4-F. Il. Pankhali 1 Marathi (F. 1). 4,581 4,150 Paradhi 2,652 2,186 Marathi (M. 2,464-F. 2,094) ; Hindi (M. 139-F. 69) ; Kannada (M. 30-F. 16) ; Urdu (M. 5-F. 4) ; Lamani/Lambadi (M. 4-F. I) ; Marwari (M. 3·F. 2) ; English (M. 3) ; Gujarati (M. 2); Telugu (M. I); Tirguli (M. 1).

Ya 2774-13 188


Total of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary Total Speakers Mother-tongue to the mother-tongue Subsidiary Languages

Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6


15,447 15,052 Pardesi 7,759 6,703 Marathi (M. 6,670-P. 6,005) ; Hindi (M. 1,036-F. 673) ; Urdu (M. 27-F. 10) ; English (M. 12-F. I) ; Ahirani (M. 2-F. 7) ; Chhattisgarhi (M. 4-F. 2) ; Gujarati (M. l-F. 3) ; Telugu (M. 3) ; Gondi (M. I-F.l) ; Marwari (M. 2) ; Arabic/Arbi (F. 1). 104 113 Pardhan 79 87 Marathi (M. 79-F. 86) ; Hindi (F. 1). 5 10 Parki 3 3 Marathi (M. 3-F. 3). 2,489 1,814 Parsi 1,828 1,183 English (M. 754-F. 416) ; Hindi (M. 462:P. 310) ; Gujarati (M. 297-P. 221); Ur4u (M. 244·P. 158) ; Marathi (M. 61-F. 64) ; Arabic/Arbi (M. 3-F. 3) ; Tamil (M. 2-P. 3) ; Irani/Iranian (M. 2-P. I); Portuguese ;(F. 3); French (1'11.. 2); Kannada (F. 2)"; German (M. I) ; Hebrew/Jewish (P. 1) ; Konkan; (P. 1). 72 12 Patbari ~3 11 Marathi (M. 28-F. 10); Hindi (M. 5-P. 1). 10 4 Patharwati 10 4 Marathi (M. 1O-F.4). 7 3 Pathisadi 1 Marathi (M. I). 11 26 Patri 9 20 Marathi (M. 8-F. 20) ; Hindi (M. 1). 19,466 19,127 Pawri 1,384 427 Marathi (M. 864·F. 195); Hindi (M. 452-F. 193); Gujarati (M. 57-F. 31); Padvi (M. 5·F. 5) ; Bhili (M. 3-F. 3) ; English (M. 3). 487 412 Persian 377 184 Hindi (M. 149-F. 66) ; English (M. Ill-F. 36); Urdu (M. 71"R. 37); Marathi (M.40- P. 42); Gujarati (M. 3·F. I) ; Konkani (M. I-F. 2) ; Kannada (M. 2). 4 Peshawari I 3 Hindi (M. I·F. 2) ; English (F. I). 8 Philippine 4 English (M. 4). 8 9 PlIgar 4 6 Marathi (M. 4·P. 3) ; Goodi (F. 3). 3 2 Pinjari 3 I Marathi (M. 2-P. 1); ,Hindi (M. I). 3 2 Pohani I 2 Marathi (M. I-P. 2). 5 13 Polish 5 13 English (M. 4·F. 10) ; Hindi (M. I-F. I) ; French (F. I) ; Marathi (F. I). 1,030 1,078 Portuguese 676 608 English (M. 353-F. 303) ; Marathi (M. 195-F. 151) ; Hindi (M. 81·F. 112) ; Konkani (M. 30,P. 19); Gujarati (M. 6-F. 13); French (M. 5-P. 3) ; Urdu (M. I-F. 5) ; Latin (M. 2) ; Tamil (M. I·F. !) ; Telugu (M. 2) ; Kaonada (F. I). 32,014 32,064 Powari 21,119 17,022 Marathi (M. 18,157-F 16,222); Hindi (M. 2,951·F. 798) ; English (M. 7-P 1); Gondi (M. 2) ; Telugu (M. 2) ; Chhattisgarhi (F. 1). 60,498 40,819 Punjabi 44,340 22,620 Hindi (M. 23,509·F. 15,038) ; English (M. IS,993-F. 5,409) ; Marathi (M. 1,945-F. 1,463); Urdu (M. 2,548.F. 415) ; Gujarati (M. 137-P. 121) ; Gurmukhi (M. 34-F. 80) ; Sindhi (M. 61- F. 45) ; Telugu (M. 14-F. 12) ; Bengali (M. IS-F. 4) ; Prench (M. 12-F. 5) ; Parsi (M. 16-P. 1) ; Tamil (M. ll-F. 6) ; Kannada (M. 8·F. 8) ; Persian (M 3-F. 3); Sanskrit (M. 3·F. 3); Chhattisgarhi (M. 5) ; Portuguese (M. I-F. 3) ; Burmese (M. 3) ; German (M. 3) ; Afghani/KabulilPakhtolPashtolPathani (M. 3) ; Arabic(Arbi eM. 2); ChineseIChini(M.2) ; Dogri(M.2) ; Italian(M. 2) ; Russian(M.2) ; Assamese(F. 1); Gondi (F. I); Gorkhali (M. I) ; Kacbchhi (F. I) ; Kashmiri (M. 1) ; Kookani (F. I) ; Malayalam (M. I). 11 8 Purbi 9 2 Hindi (M. 7·F. 2) ; Marathi eM. 2). 1,273 1,211 Raghobansi 942 790 Marathi (M. 843-F. 721) ; Hindi (M. 98-F. 69) ; Enilish (M. I). 11,249 8,795 Rajasthani 7,955 5,203 Marathi (M. 4,457.F. 3,791); Hindi (M. 2,575-P. 1,210); English (M. 586-P. 81); Gu.iarati (M. 220·F. 73); Kannada (M. 79-F. IS); Urdu (M. 19·F. 2) ; Punjabi (F. 9) ; Telugu (M. 7) ; Bengali (M. 4·P. 1) ; Gorkhali (M. 3·P. 2) ; Sindhi (F. 4) ; Portuguese (P. 2); Sanskrit (M. I·F. I) ; Tamil (M. I·P. I) ; Ahirani (F. 1) ; Gondi (F. 1) ; Marwari (M. I); Mewari (M. I) ; Oriya (M. 1). 188 147 Raj Gondi 115 72 Marathi (M. 72-F. 69) ; Gujara!i (M. 22) : Hindi (M. IS-F. 2) ; English (M. 5) ; Lazodi (F. 1) ; Telugu (M. 1). 2,531 2,315 Rajputani 1,556 1,145 Marathi (M. 1,371-P. 1,062); Hindi (M. 154-F. 75); English (M. 25); Urdu (M.4- F.4) ; Ahirani (F. 2) ; Kannada (F. 2) ; Gujarati (M. 1) ; Pardesi (M. I). 6 2 Raoati I Marathi (M. I). 34 II Rangari 20 S Hindi (M. 13) ; Marathi (M. 6·P. 4) ; Ahirani (F. l) ; Gujarati (M. I). 294 249 Rathauri 174 87 Marathi (M. 166·F. 85); Hindi (M. 8·P. 2). 6 Rathi Hindi (M. 4). 5 4 RazaH '"3 Marathi (M. 3·P. 1). 9 2 Rohidasi 7 Marathi (M. 7-F. I). 7 4 Rohilkhandi 3 I Marathi (M. 3·P. I). 4 3 Roumanian 2 3 English (M. I·F. 3); French (M. I). 18 52 Russian 16 41 English (M. 14·P. 26) ; Hindi (M. 2-F. 5) ; Gujarati (P. 5) ; Marathi (F. 3) ; French (F. 2). 1 Sadan[Sadri Hindi (M. 1). 9 Sali 5 Hindi (M. 5). 10 7 Samishra 9 5 Marathi (M. 9-F. 5). 46 36 Sanskrit 36 27 Marathi (M. II-F. 13) ; Hindi (M. II-F. 6) ; English (M. 8) ; Gujarati (M. 2·F, 5); Kannada (M. 2) ; Punjabi (F. 2) ; Urdu (M. 2) ; Tamil (F. I). 11 Santali 9 Hindi (M. 5-F. I); English (M. 3): Bengali (M. I). ,oJ Sarnartbi 2 Hatakari (M. 2). 189


Total of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary Total Speakers Mother·tongue to the mother.tongue Subsidiary Languages

Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6


85 18 Saurashtri 44 9 Hindi (M. 24·F. 2) ; English (M. II·F. 2) ; Tamil (M. 5-F. 5) ; Gujarati (M. 2); Telugn (M.2). 2 Savaji I KanQada (M. I). I Savara 1 Hindi (M. I). 6 Scottish 3 English (M. 3). Serbocroatian 1 English (M. I). 11 Shusha 1 Maralhi (M. I). 5 Siamese/Thai 5 English (M. 5). 3 Sikalgari 3 1 Maralhi (M. 3·F. I). Sikkim Bhotia 1 English (F. I). 152,452 142,679 Sindhi 83,223 54,032 Hindi (M. 45,956·F. 33,492) ; English (M. 30,357·P. 13,085); Marathi (M. 4,417. F. 2,533) ; Gujarati (M. 1,394·P. 1,355) ; Gunnukhi (M. 99·P. 1,075) ; Urdu (M. 640· F. 195) ; Punjabi (M. 75·F. 139) ; Telugu (M. 106-P. 2) ; Rajasthani (F. 65) ; Sanskrit (M. 29·F. 5) ; Prench (M. I2·P. 19) ; Halabi (M. 27) ; Parsi (M. 19·F. 6); Gorkhali (M. 3·P. 21) ; Kannada (M. 17·F. 5) ; Arabic/Arbi (M. IS·F. 5) ; Tamil (M. 10·P. 10) ; Persian (M. 8·F. 2) ; Spanish (M. 8-F. I) ; Malayalam (M. 4·F. 4) ; Indonesian (M. 4· F. I) ; Bengali (M. 2·F. 2) ; German (M. 2·P. 2) ; Japanese (M. 3·F. I) ; Kachchhi (M. 3·F. I); Chinese/Chlni (M. I·F. 2); Afghani/Kabuli/Pakhto/Pashto/ Pathani (M. 3) ; Banjari (M. 2) ; Hatakari (M. 2); Tulu (F. 2) ; Gondi (M. I); Hebrew/Jewish (M. I); Irani/Iranian (M. I); Konkani (F. I); Multani (M. 1) ; Pardesi (F. 1) ; Portuguese (M. I). 7 Singli 5 English (M. 2) ; Hindi (M. 2) ; Urdu (M. I). 1 Siraji Marathi (F. I). 9 1 Slavic 9 English (M. 9·F. I). 15 41 Sonari 13 37 Marathi (M. 12·F. 36); Enillish (M. I); Hindi (F. I). 41 Sonjhari 40 Marathi (M. 40). 115 25 Spanish 107 24 English (M. 90-F. 20); Latin (M. 10) ; Marathi (M. 6·F. I) ; Gujarati (F. 2) ; French (P. I); Hindi (M. I). I Sungi I Hindi (M. I). 33 41 Swedish 31 35 English (M. 26·F. 29); Marathi (M. 2·F. 2); Hindi (M. I·F. 2); French ·(M. 2) ; German (F. 1) ; Urdu (F. I). 13 7 Swiss 12 7 English (M. 12·F. 7). 2 Taban I Hindi (M. 1) 2,125 1,972 Tadavi 676 319 Marathi (M. 548.F. 264); Hindi (M. 74·F. 14); Urdu (M. 43·F. 39); Enillish (M. 9. F.2) ; Arabic/Arbi (M. 2). 6 3 Takankari 6 3 Marathi (M. 6-P. 3). 51 50 Takari 23 7 Marathi (M. 23·P. 7). 3 Tatami 3 Marathi (F. 3) 74 68 Tamboli 21 13 Maratbi (M. 14·P. 10); Hindi (M. 4·P. I) ; English (M. 2·F. 2) ; Gujarati (M. 1). 95,158 64,238 Tamil 56,626 29,469 Hindi (M. 24, 408-F. 12, 548) ; English (M. 25, 411·P. 9, 966) ; Marathi (M. 3, 733- F. 3,960); Malayalam (M. 964·F. I, 438); Urdu (M. 908·F. 463); Kannada (M. 499.P. 436); Telugu (M. 495·F. 437) ; Gujarati (M. 83·F. 146) ; Konkani (M. 30·P. 16) ; Arabic/Arbi (M. 7-F. 26) ; Sanskrit (M. 22·F. 2) ; French (M. 16-F. 2) ; Marwari (M. 14·F. I); Bengali (M. 4·F. 8) ; Tulu (M. 9·F. 2) ; Chhattisgarhi (M. 5) ; Coorgi/Kodagu (F. 5) ; Tirguli (M. I·F. 4) ; Punjabi (M. 2·F. 2); Sindhi (M. 2.P. 2); Burmese (M. 3); Persian (M. 3); Italian (M. I-F. I); Kachchhi (F. 2); Parsi (M. I·F. 1); GUrn1ukhi (F. I); Latin (M. 1); Nepali (M. 1); Oriya (M. I) ; Santali (M. I) ; Swedish (M. I). 5 30 Tanda S Maratbi (M. 5). 1 Tanjarvalanllo 1 Marathi (M. I). I Taroa English (M. I). I Tehri Hindi (M. I). 144 105 Tekari 11 2 Marathi (M. II·F. 2). 57 73 Teli·Marathi 34 44 Marathi (M. 33·F. 43) ; English (M. 1) ; Telugu (P. I). 337,709 286,094 Telul:u 161,712 111,557 Marathi (M. 115, 240·P. 92, 456); Hindi (M. 30, 658·F. 10,922); English (M. 7, 864- F. 2,114); Kannada (M. 4. 859·F. 3, 959); Urdu (M. I, 190·F. 548); Gondi (M. 786.F. 643) ; Tamil (M. 737·F. 637) ; Gujarati (M. 8S·F. 48) ; Maria (M. 80·F. 48); Abirani (M. 48·F. 42) ; Marwari (M. IS·F. 53) ; Malayalam (M. 29·F. 19) ; Oriy. (M. 24-F. 2); Konkani (M. IO-F. 11); Sindhi (M.8·F. 13) ; Kaikadi (M. 16·F. 4) ; Korku (M.13.P. 7) ; Vadari (M. 7·P. 5) ; Arabic/Arbi (M. lO-F. 1) ; Banjari (M. 5-F. 5); Tulu (M. 6-F. 2); Bengali (M. 2-F. 5); Portuguese (M. 2-P. 3); Sanskrit (M. 2-P. 3); Lamani/Lambadi (M. 3-F. I); Burmese (M. 2-F. I); Punjabi (M. 3); French (M. 2) ; Kuruba/Kurumba (M. I-F. 1); Madgi (F. 2); German (M. I); Latin (p. I); Manipuri/Meithei (M. 1) ; Spanish (F. I).

Ya 2774-13a 190


------Total of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary Total Speakers Mother·tongue to the mother·tongue Subsidiary Languages

Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6


2 Thakai 1 English (F. I). 1,865 2,361 !hakri 487 561 Marathi (M. 487.F. 561). Thatwari Hindi (F. I). 62 19 Tibetan 10 Hindi (M. 6-1". I) ; English (M. 4). Tinauli 1 Hindt(M.l). 519 481 Tirguli 271 245 Marah; (M. 269-F. 240) ; Hindi (F. 2); Marwari (F. 2); English (F. I); Telugu (M. 1); Urdu (M. 1). 5 Tod. Hindi(M.I). 5 Totor Marathi (1". 1). 2 Trimali 2 Marathl (M. 2). 2 Trivedi 2 Marathi (P. 2). 7,567 3,632 Tulu 5,306 1,816 Hindi (M. 1, 995.F. 477) ; Kannada (M. I, 271·F. 529) ; Enilish (M. I, 163·F. 413); Marathi (M. 814-F. 356) ; Gujarati (M. 16·F. 19); Tamil (M. I4·F. 8) ; Konkani (M. 5-F. 9); Telugu (M. 14),; Urdu (M. 9); ~layalam (M. 4·F. 4); Goan_ (M. l·F. 1). Tunga Hindi (M. I). 18 8 Turkish/'fu,kistani 5 4 English (M. I·F. 2) ; Urdu (M. 2-P. I) ; Hindi (M. l·F. 1) ; Sanskrit (M. 1). 10 6 Udipi 3 Marathi (M. 2) ; Kannada (M. 1). 11 2 Ujaini 7 2 Marathi (M. 4-F. 2) ; Hindi (M. 2) ; Urdu (M. I). 6 Umathi Rindi (M. 1). Urani 1 Hindi (F. 1). 1.442.044 1,283,645 Urdu 596,437 387;729 Marathl (M. 411,593·1".304,141) ; Hindi (M. 104,078·1".41.003); English (M. 37,295 1".7,702) ; Kannada (M. 1:!,S37.P. 11,430) ; Gujarati (M. 14,181·F. 8,498): Arabic Arbi (M. 2,702·P. 3,766) ; Tclugu (M. 3,211·F. 2,850) ; Tamil (M. 1,643·F. 967) Malayalam (M. 782.F. 107); Parsi (M. 438.F. 121); l{onkani (M. 208·F. 216) . Ahirani (M. 161-F. 199) ; Bengali (M. 231·F. 93) i Marwari (M. 196·F. 107) ; Kachchh' (M. 94.F. 170); Punjabi (M. I 54·F. 70); Afghani/KabuJi/Pakhto/Pashto/Pathau' (M. 176- F. 33); Persian (M. I 67·F. 40); Sanskrit (M. 152·F. I); Tadav' (M. 73-1'. 41) ; Memani (M. 24.1'. 39) ; Sindhi (M. 43-F. 8) ; Gondi (M. 38.1'. 12) ; Tulu (M. IS-F. 17) ; Volans (M. 21·F. 9) ; Lodhi (M. 29) ; French (M. 12-1'.12); Burmese (M. 8·F. 14) ; Gurmukhi (M. 19) ; Balochi/Baluchi (M. 12.F.5) ; Kashmiri (M.12·F. 5); Bihari (M. 14·F. 2); Paradhi (M. I3-F. 3); Jagannathi (F. 14) ; Rajasthani (M. 14) ; Iraniflranian (M. 6·F. 7); Pardesi (M. 11·1'.2) ; Bhili (M. 4-F. 2) : lI1adari (M. 4·F. 2); Gujaru (M. 2.1'. 3); Kahari (M. 5); Korku (M. 5); Banjari (M.4); Gennan (M.4); Mewari (M. 2·F. 2); Portuguese (M. 2·1'.2); African (1'. 3) ; Beldari (1'. 3) ; Beradi (M. 3): Chbattisgarhi (M. 2.1'. 1) ; Italian (M. 3) ; Nepali (M. 3); Arava (M. 2); Awadhi (M. I-F. 1); Lamani/Lambadi (M.2) ; Norwegian (M. 2); Oriya (M. 2); Vadari (M. 2); Bra}\rrlani (M. l}; Bundelkhandi (M. I); Chinese/Chini (M. 1); Dakani/Musalmani (1'.1); Dutch(M.I); Ghisadi (M. 1); Goanese (F. I); Hebrew/Jewish (M. 1); Japanese (M. 1); Kaikadi (F. 1) ; Kalali (F. 1) ; Karwari (M. 1) ; Kathiyawadi (1'. 1) ; Makhiya (M. I); Malbar (M. I) ; Manglorese (F. I) ; Maria (M. I) ; Naga·unspecified (M. I) ; Pali (M. 1) ; Pawri (M. 1). 8,390 8,148 Vadari 4,987 4,507 Marathi (M. 4,793-F. 4,334) ; Hindi (M. l00-F. 47) ; Kannada (M. 53-F. 84) ; 'felugu (M. 22-F. 29) ; Englhb (M S-F. 8) ; Ahirani (M. 6-1' 3) ; Urdu (M. 3-1'. 2) ; Guiarati (M. I) ; Tamil (M. I) ; 33 30 Vaidu 19 12 Marathi (M. IS-F. 11) ; Hindi (M. 2) ; Telugu eM. l·F I) ; Urdu (M. I). 64 69 Varli 10 9 Hindi (M. 8-F. 4) ; Marathi (M. 2-F. 4) ; Gujarati (F. 1). 122 104 Vasava 2 Hindi (M. 1) ; Marathi (M. I), 57 20 Wagdi 31 13 Marathi (M. 14-F. ll) ; Hindi (M. 13-F. 2) ; English (M. 2) ; Gujarati (M. 2). 54 76 Walvi 2 Gujarati (F. I) ; M:lrathi (F. I). I Wandgiri I Maratbi (M. I). 3 Wani 3 Maratm (M. 3). 4 2 Warhadi 4 2 Marathl (M. 4.1'. 2). 3 6 Watankari 2 4 Maria (P. 4) ; Marathi (M. 2). I Yerava I English (M. 1). 42 4 Yugoslavian 40 English (M. 4()"F. 3). 3 Zoroastrian 3 Englisb (M. 2-F. 1) ; Gujarati eM. 1). 1 Zunwar Marathi (M. I·F. I). 191


Total of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary Total Speakers Mo\l_l.r-tongue to the mother-tongue Subsidiary Languages

Mal~ Males Femal~

2 4 5 6


7231,080 6,431,208 All Languages .. .. 1,691,605 748,572 H{/t(l!(\f.8U8,668-F.313,325),' Ellg/csh(M.506,l25-F.184,906),' Marathc(M. 265,825- F.177,374),' Gujaratc (llf. 52,076-F. 29,343): Urdu (M. 24 , 592-F, F-14,007),' Kannad (M. 9,915-F. 6,595),' Tami/(M. 4,158-F. 3,263),' Ahirani (M. 3,303-F. 3,936),' Konkani (M. 2,299-F. 2,282) " Telugu (M. 2,483-F. 1,929) " Malayalam (M. I,850-F. 1,726) " Punjabi(M. 1,674-F.1,190),' Arablc/Arbi(M.I,348-F. 1,381); Bhili(M. J09-F.l,532) Marwari (M. 7II-F. 730) " French (M. 632-F. 745) ; Sanskrit (M. 1,265-F. 108); Portuguese (M. 523-F. 669) ; Silldlzi (M. 670-F. 503) " Gurmukhi (M. l08-F. 1,052) ; Bengali (M. 597-F. 235) " Parsi (M. 502-F. 213) " Tulu (M. 454-F. 243),' Kochchhi (M. 257-F. 352) ; Rajasthani (M. 96-F. 125) " A/ghani/Kabuli/Pakhto/Pashto/Pathani Of. 169-F. 25) " Tadavi (M. 142-F. 49) " Banjar; (M. 96-F. 83) " Katkari (M. 51-F. 122) " German (iII. 101-F. 41) .. Latill (,\1. 100-F. 2) " Gurjara (M. 40-F. 59) " PerSian (M. 72- F. 22),' Nepali(M. 68-F.15),' Memalli(M. 24-F. 42),' Burmese(M. 33-F. 32); Hebrewo/ lewish (M. 32-F. 3J) " GUjaru (M. 28-F. 22) " Spancsh (M. 26-F. 18) i Irani/IraniQll - (M. :!2-F. 16) .. Goallese (M. 14-F. 21) .. Valalls (M. 22-F. 9),' Blhari (M. 22-F. 8) " Oriya (M. 26-F. 2) " Halabi (M. 27) ; Italian (M. 18-F. 9) " African CM. 6-F. 19) " Thakri (F. 25) " Vadari (M. 14-F. 7) " Chinese/Chilli (M. ll-F. 7) " Kaikadi (M. 18) ; Kashmir; (M. 12-F. 5) ; Beldari (M. 4-F. 12) ; Balochi/Balucl!i (M. lO-F. 5) .. Jaini (M. 7-F. 7) " Lamani/Lambadi (M. 8-F. 6) " Japanese (M. 10-F. 3) " Indonesian (M. 8- F. 4); Dutch (M. 5-F. 6); MaM (M. 5-F. 6); Ceylonese/SimelulSinghaiese (M. 7-T. 3) " Pad"i (M. 5-F. 5) " Bahusar (M. 3-F. 6) ; Kathodi (M. 4-F. 5) .. Pawr! 0\1. 7-F. 1) : Maithili (M. 7); Swedeish (M. 6-F. 1) " Czech/Czechoslovakian (M. 6) ; Dhanagari (F. 6) " Garhwali (M. 3·F. 3) .. Mewari (M. 4-F. 2) " Assamese (M. 4-F. 1) ; Afanglorese OII. 2-F. 3) : Multani (llf. J-F. 2) " Russian (M. 4-F. 1) " Garkhali (M. 3- F. I) ; Greek (M. 4) : Kathiyawadi (M. I-F. J) " Kumbrwri eM. 4) " Norwegian (M. 4) ; Au,trian (M. 3) ; Brahmani (M. 2-F. l) .. Karwari (M. 2-F. 1); Koli (M.3); Mani­ puri/Meithei (M. 3) " Pard.. i (M. 2·F. 1) " Bhojpuri (F. 2),' Dogri (M. I-F. 1) ; Gujan (M. 2) " Hatakari (M. 2) " Holiya (F. 2),' Irish (M. 2),' Khandeshi (F. 2),' Kurmi (_'If. 2) ; Lingayati (F. 2) ; Mawchi (F. 2) ; Pali (M. 2) ; Polish (M.1-F. 1) " Awadhi (F. 1) " Bundelkhandi (M. 1),' Coorgi/Kodagu (F. 1),' Danish (F. J) ; Doharahu (/!. 1) .. Dublt (F. 1) .. Kumauni (M. 1) " Mulki (M. l) " Rajputani (M. 1) " Rohidasi (M. 1) ; Santali (M. 1) .. Thakai (F. 1) " Tllrkislc/Turkistani (F. I) " Varli (F. 1). Adivasi Hindi (M. 1). 2,103 728 Afghani/K.buli/Pakhlo/ 1,112 214 Urdu (M. 60I-F. 125) ; Hindi (M. 376-F. 55); English (M. 57-F. 9); Marathi (M.50- Pashlo/ F. 16) ; Arabic/Arbi (M. 7-F. 4) ; Gujarati (M. 8-F. I); Parsi (M. 4-F. 1) ; Kannada (M. 3) ; Bengali (M. 2) ; Sindbi (F. 2) ; Japanese (M. I); Konkani (Fo eI); Marwari (M. 1); Punjabi (M. 1); Tamil (M. 1). 41 10 Mrican 36 9 English (M. 3I-F. 4) ; Hindi (M. I-F. 2) ; Marathi (M. 2-F. I) ; Gujarati (F. 2) ; Arabic/ Arbi (M. I) ; Tamil (M. I). 4 3 Agari Marathi (M. I-F. 1). 177,826 179,67S Ahirani 17,999 5,006 Marathi (M. 9,208-F. 4,003) ; Hindi (M. 7,851-F. 821) ; English (M. 602·F. 10) ; Gujarati (M. 28S-F. 114) ; Telugu (M. 9-F. 33); Marwari (M. IS-F. 11) ; Urdu (M. IS-F. 3) ; Bhili (M. 6-F. 4) ; Gujaru (M. 3-F. 7) ; Brahmani (M. I) ; Sanskrit (M. 1). Almori Hindi (M. I). Annamese/ Annamite English (M. 1). 618 463 Arabic/Arbi 439 298 English (M. 251-F. 186) ; Hindi (M. 79-F. 65) ; Urdu (M. 62-F. 27); Marathi (M. 30- P. 8) ; Gujarati (M. 4-F. 3) ; Parsi (M. 6) ; French (M. 2-F. 3) ; Kannada (M. I-F. 3); Bengali (M. I-F. I) ; Hebrew/Jewish eM. I-F. I) ; Indonesian (M. 1) ; Tamil (M. I); Telugu (F. I). 1 Araji •• English (M. I). 9 9 Ardbamasadhi S 4 Marathi (M. 5-F. 3) ; Hindi (F. I). 4 9 Armenian 2 8 English (M. I-F. 6) ; Irani/Iranian (M. I-F. 1) ; Turkish/Turkistani (p. I). 144 27 Assamese 105 19 English (M. 54-F. 12) ; Hindi (M. 42-F. 4) ; Marathi (M. 4-F. 2); Bengali (M. 4-F. I) ; Gujarati (M. I). Aurkhati Hindi (M. 1). 3 Austrian 3 English (M. I-F. 3). 3 Awadhi English (M. 3). 2 Baglani 1 Marathi (M. 1). 82 85 Bahawalpuri 28 5 Hindi (M. 20-F. 2) ; Marathi (M. 4-F. 3) ; English (M. 3) ; Urdu (M. I). 12 7 Bahusar 6 2 Marathi (M. 6-F. 2). 32 4 Balochi/Baluchi .. 24 2 Hindi (M. 14-F. 2) ; Urdu (M. 9) ; English (M. I). 192


Total of penons returned as spcakinll a lauguallc subsidiary Total Speakers Mothcr·tonluC to the mother·toDluc Subsidiary LalliURIll

Malcs Fomales Males Females

2 4 5 6


18,594 16,399 Banjari 6,415 3,658 Maralhi (M. 6,073-F. 3,639) ; Hindi (M. 27S-F. 16) ; Ahirani (M. 59·F. 1); Enalish (M. 4-F. 2) ; Gujarati (M. 4). 115 106 Beldari SO 66 Marathi (M. 79-F. 66) ; Hindi (M. 1). 2 1 Beillian 2 English (M. 2). 11,364 6,425 Bengali 8,618 3,820 English (M. 4,414-F. 1,668) ; Hindi (M. 3,532-F. 1,776) ; Marathi (M. 298-F. 269): Urdu (M. 232-F. 64) ; Gujarati (M. 73-F. 28) ; Kannada (M. 39-F. 1) ; Sindhi (M_ S· F. 3) ; Tamil (M. 6-F. 2) ; Assamese (M. 3-F. 1) ; French (M. 2-F. 2); Punjabi (M. 2· F. I) ; Sanskrit (M. 3) ; Te)ugu (M. 3) ; German (M. 2); Italian (F. 2) ; KOnkani (M. I-F. I) ; Arabic/Arbi (F. I) ; Bihari (M. 1) ; Gorkhali (M. 1) ; Kachcbhi (F. 1) ; Marwari (M. I). 14 51 Bhainadi 12 30 English (M. 6-F. 13) ; Sindhi (M. 2-F. 10) ; Hindi (M. 3-F. 7) ; Gujarati (M. 1). 41 56 Bhagnari 39 51 English (M. 27-F. 19) ; Hindi (M. 7-F. 31) ; Sindbi (M. 4) ; GUJarati (M. I-F. I). 2 Bhagwati Englisb (M. I). Bhangari 1 Hindi (F. 1). 37 26 Bhatia 19 14 English (M. 14-F. 8) ; Gujarati (M. 3-F. 2) ; Hmdi (M. 2-F. 3) ; Tamil (F. 1). 2 Bhatkal 1 Urdu (M. I). 157,721 153,308 Bhili 5,650 1,779 Md'llt hi (M. 2,781-F. 1,235); Hindi (M. 2,403-F. ~98); Abirani (M. 138·F. 201); Gujar ali (M. 269-F. 39) ; English (M. 51-F. 5) ; Pawri (M. 3) ; Urdu (M. 2-F. 1) ; Gujaru (M. 2); Marwari (M. I). J3 35 BhDi-Marathi 3 7 Maralh i (M. 3-F. 7). 21 15 Bhojpuri 20 10 English (M. 9-F. 2) ; Hindi (M. 6-F. 5) ; Marathi (M. I-F. 3) ; Rajastbani (M. 2) ; Ben ga\i (M. 1) ; Urdu (M. 1). \ 64 25 Bihari 45 16 Hindi ll'A. 32:F. 10); Engli>h (M. 9-F. 3) ; Gujara!i (M. 2-F. 2) ; Bcnllali (M. 1); Telugu (P. 1); Urdu (M. 1). Bikaneri Hindi (M. I). Bojwari H41di (M. 1). Bori Maralhi (M. 1). Brahmani Hindi (F. I). Bra) Bhasba/Braj Bbakha Maralhi (M. I). 8 Bukhari 8 Urdu(M.8). 6 8 Bundelkhandl 2 Marathi (M. I-F. I) ; Hindi (M. I). 7 8 Burdi 39 30 Burmese 31 22 Englisb (M. 19-F. 12) ; Hindi (M. 9-F. 6) ; Marathi (M. 2-F. I) ; Bengali (M. I-F. 1) ; Malayalam (F. I) ; Tamil (F. 1). Canthars 1 Enillish (M. I). 62 19 Cejlonese/Simelu/Singhalese 55 13 Englisb (M. 27-F. 7) ; Hindi (M. 21·F. 6) ; Gujarati (M. 2) ; Maratbi (M. 2) ; Urdu (M. 2) ; Tolu (M. I). Cbachi 1 Maralhi (M. I). 30 9 Cbamari 8 2 Maratbi (M. 8·F. 2). 7 Charani 18 11 Cbaurasi 9 Marathi (M. 9-F. 3). 3 Chhattisgarhi 3 Hindi (M. 2) ; Englisb (M. I). 1.124 823 Chinese/Chini 576 345 English (M. 357-F. 189) ; Hindi (M. 2oo-F. 129) ; Marathi (M. 6-F. 18) : Urdu (M. g. F.7) ; Konkani(M.3) ; Frencb(M.1) ; Malayalam(M. I) ; Sindbi(F. I) ; Tulu (F. I). 8 Chodhari I Sindhi (F. I). 74 35 CoorgilKodagu .. 69 27 English (M. 27·F. 13) ; Hindi (M. 31·F. 4) ; Kannada (M. 7·F. 5); Marathi (M. 2·F. 5) ; Malayalam (M. I) ; Tamil (M. I). 7 Cushai 7 English (M. 6) ; Hindi (M. I). 34 20 Czech/Czechoslovakian 28 16 English (M. 21·F. 13) ; Hindi (M. 3) ; German (M. 2) ; French (F. 1) ; Gujarati (M. I) ; Maralhi (M. I) ; Persian (F. I) ; Telugu (F. I). Dakani/Musalmani Daldi English (M. I). 1 Dang; 1 Gujarali (M. I). 49 29 Danish 40 28 Englisb (M. 39-F. 27); Hindi (M. I); Maratbi (F. 1). 5 3 Darhi 5 3 English (M. 2-F. I) ; Persian (M. 2·F. 1) ; Gujarati (F. 1) ; Hindi (M. 1). 3 I Dasari 3 English (M. I-F. 1) ; Hindi (M. 2). 1 Derawal 1 English (M. I). 5 Deswali/Hariani 5 English (M. 3) ; Hindi (M. 2). 5 1 Devanagari 3 Hindi (M. I) ; Kannada (M. I) ; Punjabi (M. I). 35 33 Dhanagari 14 4 Marathi (M. 14-F. 4). 193 182 Dbanki 1 Gujarati (M. I). 16 15 Dhodia 3 Maralhi (M. 2.P. 3) ; Hindi (M. 1). S Dingal 5 Hindi (M. 3) ; English (M. 2). 140 42 Dogri 119 25 Hindi (M. 67·F. 21) ; English (M. 48-F.1) ; Urdu (M. 4) ; Marathi(F.2) : PUDjabi(F.1). 193 ,


Total of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary Total Speakers Mother·tonguo to the> mother·tongue Subsidiary Languages

Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 6


50 31 Doharahu 7 4 English (M. 2-F. 4) ; Marathi (M. 5). 4 Dravidam 2 Hindi (M. I) ; Kannada (M. I). 6 6 Dubli 3 Hindi (P. 3). 99 30 Dungari 88 19 Hindi (M. 64-F. 9) ; Punjabi (M. 8-F. 9) ; English (M. 11); Urdu (M. 4-F. I); Gurmukhi (M. I). 141 13 Dutch 109 9 English (M. lOG-F. 8) ; Hindi (M. 2) ; French (P. I) ; German (M. I). 6 1 East Indian 6 I English (M. 5-F. I) ; Marathi (M. I). 1 Elonguria I Hindi (M. I). 25,813 26,847 English 14,526 14,708 Hindi (M. 8,677-F. 8,583) ; Marathi (M. 3,629-F. 3,619) ; Konkani (M. 841-F. 954) ; French (M. 330-F. 538) ; Tamil eM. In·F. 246) ; Gujarati eM. 147·F. 193) ; Urdu (M. I8I-F. 92) ; Portuguese (M. 99·F. 157); Kannada (M. 95-F. 89) ; MalaYaiam (M. 62-F. 60) ; Arabic/Arbi (M, 63-F. 39) ;German (M. 52-F. 32) ; Latin (M.46-F. 2); Telugu (M. 23-F. 14); Spanish (M. 19-F. 15); Bengali (M. I2-F. 11); Hebrewl Jewish (M. 5-F. 14) ; Burmese (M. 5-F. 13) ; Italian (M. 4-F. 5) ; Dutch (M. 4-F. 4) ; Goanese (M. 2-F. 5) ; Indonesian (M. 3·F. 3) ; Persian (M. J-F. 2) ; Tulu (M. 5) ; CeyIonese/SimeIu/Singhaiese (M. 3·F. I) ; Chinese/Chini (M. 2-F. 2) ; Greek (M. 4) ; Swedish (M. 3-F. I) ; African (M. 2-F. I); Punjabi (M. 2-F. I) ; Russian (M. 2·F. I) ; Smdhi (M. I-F. 2); Irish (M. 2) ; Kachchhi (F. 2) ; Nepali (M. I-F. I) ; Norwegian (M.2) ; Polish (M. I-F. I) ; Sanskrit (M. I-F. I) ; Brahmani (F. I) ; Danish (F. 1) ; Dubli (F. 1) ; Irani/Iranian (M. I) ; Varli (F. I). Eurasian English (M. I). I Femada I English (M. I). I Fijian 1 Hindi (M. I). I Flemish I Marathi (M. I). 143 111 French 100 82 English (M. 79-F. 67) ; Hindi (M. 10-F. 9) ; Urdu (M. 7-F. 4) ; Gujarati (M. 3-F. I); Marathi (M. I-F. I). 241 240 Gadaria 2 Hindi (M. I); Marathi (M. I). 66 107 Gamti/Gavit GUjarati (M. 3). I Gangasi I Hindi (M. I). 12 2 Gaoli 4 I Hindi (M. 2) ; Marathi (M. I·F. I) ; English (M. I). 399 110 Garhwali 296 61 Hindi (M. 23I-F. 46) ; English (M. 52-F. 8) ; Gujarati (M. 2-F. 4); Marathi (M. 6); Punja"i (M. 4) ; Tulu (F. 2) ; Kannada (F. l) ; Urdu (M. 1). Garudi 334 238 German 229 189 English (M. I 84-F. 172); Hindi (M. 32-F. 6); French (M. g·F. 8): Czech/Czecho­ slovakian (M. 2) ; Bengali (M. I) ; Gujarati (F. I) ; HoJiya (F. I) ; Malayalarn (F. 1) ; Marathi (M. I); Spanish (M. I). I Ghamoli Hindi (F. I). 4 15 Ghasi 4 KOnkani (M. 3) ; Hindi (M. I). Ghisadi 3 English (M. I) ; Hindi (M. I) ; Marathi (M. I). 1,429 1,477 Goanese 763 612 English (M. 352·F. 203) ; Hindi (M. 232·F. 186) ; Marathi (M. 159-F. 176) ; Gujarati (M. 9-F. 27); Konkani (M. 3-F. 11); Kannada (M. 2-F. 2) ; Portuguese (M. I·F. 3); Urdu (M. 2-F. 2) ; Sanskrit (M. 2) ; Bengali (F. 1) ; Tamil (M. I) ; Tulu (F. n. I 2 Godwari 317 251 Gondi 104 64 Maralhi (M. 58·F. 47) ; Hindi (M. 33·F. 17) ; English (M. 13). 13 Gopal 156 30 Gorkhali 93 9 Hindi (M. 77-F. 5); English (M. II-F. 2) ; Marathi (M. 2-F. 2) ; Malayalarn (M. 3). 6 3 Gouda Saraswata 6 3 English (M. 4) ; Hindi (M. 2·F. I) ; Marathi (F. 2). 2 Govari 2 English (M. l); Marathi (M. I). 59 8 Greek 27 7 English (M. 23·F. 7) ; French (M. 2) ; Hindi (M. I) ; Italian (M. I). 510,337 423,056 Gujarati 279,922 156,266 Hindi (M. 122,065·F. 70,219); English(M.99,903-F. 45,808); Marathi (M. 49,609. F. 33,531); Urdu (M, 6,903-F. 5,386); Kachchhi (M. 160-F. 230); Arabic/ Arbi (M. 118-F. 197) ; Sindhi (M. 203-F. 10J) ; Kannada (M. 112-F. 165) ; French (M. 12S-F. 92) ; Tamil (M. 47·F. 16I) ; Parsi (M. 127·F. 65) ; Telugu (M. 94·F. 81) ; Ahirani (M. 98·F. 26) ; Sanskrit (M. 108-F. 16) ; Konkani (M. 36-F. 46) ; Bengali (M. 41-F. 29) ; BhiH (M. 42·F. 16) ; Malayalam (M. 18-F. 20) ; Marwari (M. 25-F. 8) ; Punjabi (M. 14-F. 10) ; African (M. 3-F. 13) ; German (M. 15-F. I) ; Portuguese (M. 7-F. 9) ; Irani/Iranian (M. 8-F. 6) ; Burmese (M. 5-F. 3) ; Japanese (M. 5-F. I); Tulu (M. 2·P. 4); Rajasthani (M. 3-F. 2); Ceylonese/Simelu/Singhalese (M. 2-F. 2) ; Latin (M. 4) ; Memani (F. 4) ; Austrian (M. 3) ; Chinese/Chini (M. 2-F. 1); Czech/ Czechoslovakian(M.3} ; Gujaru(M. 3) ; Italian(M.I-F. 2) ; Kathiyawadi(M.I-F.2}; Hebrew/Jewish (F. 2) ; Kurmi (M. 2); Manglorese (M. 2); Oriya (F. 2) ; Dutch (F. I) ; Goanese (F. I) ; Gujari (M. I) ; Mulki (M. I) ; Persian (F. 1); Swedish (M. 1). 12,707 11,850 Gujaru 4,108 1,348 Marathi (M. 3,1I4·F. 1,039) ; Hindi (M. 794-F. 120) ; Guj.rati (M. 93-F. 173) ; English (M. 96-F. 3) ; BhiH (M. IO-F. 10) ; Ahirani (F. 2) ; Kannada (M. I·F. I). 194


Total of persons returned as speaking a laJliUaae subsidiary Total Speakers Motber·tongue to the mother·tongue Subsidiary Languages

Males Females Males Females

3 4 5 6

155 148 Gurjara 32 3 Marathi (M 25-F. I) ; Hindi (M. 7·F. 2). 357 215 Gurmukhi 234 141 Hindi (M. 126-F. III) ; English (M. 82-F. 21) ; Urdu (M. 17-F. 3) ; Marathi (M. S-F. 3) ~ Punjabi (M. I-F. 2) ; Mal •• yalam (F. I). 5 5 Rala} 2 Hindi (M. I); Marathi (M. I). 216 205 Hebrew [Jewish .• 168 151 English (M. 1I4-P. 104) ; Marathi (M. 37·F. 29) ; Hindi (M. 17-P. 18). 329,077 117,326 Hindi 88,803 29,499 Marathi (M. 37,611-F. 17,098); English (M. 36,02o..F. 6,923) ; Gujarati (M. 1,769· F. 2,900) ; Urdu eM. 4,446-P. 685) ; Punjabi (M. 1,22S-F. 789) ; Marwari (M. 238- F. 301) ; Sindhi (M. 206-F. 231) ; Sanskrit (M.,347-F. 16) ; Bengali (M. 230-F. 62) ; Kannada (M. I 39-F. 99) ; Telugu (M. 130-P. '76) ; Tamil (M. l02-F. 69) ; Ahirani (M. 73-F. 90) ; Nepali (M. 61-F. 12) ; Raja,thani (M. 43-F. 27) ; Gurmukhi (M. 6- F. 29); Konk.. ni (M. 19-F. 7) ; Kachchhi (1\1. 7-F. 18) ;, Malayalam (M. 2o..F. 4) ; Arabic/Arbi (M. 18.F. 5); French (M. 9.F. 6) ; Bhili (M. ,/j-F. 7) ; Bihari (M. 7-F. 6) ; Malvi (M. 5-F. 6) ; Persian (M. 3- F. 8) ; German (M, 7-F.,ll ; Portqguese (M. 5-F. 3) ; Burmese (M. 7) ; Afghani/Kabuli/Pakhto/Pasbto/Pathanl (M. 6); Garhwali (M. 3- P. 3) ; Italian (M. 6) ; Gujaru (M. 2-F. 2) ; Kumbhari (M. 4l ; Maithili (M. 4); Tulu (M. 2-F. 2) ; Chinese/Chini (M. 3); Multani (M. I-F. 2); Bh~puri (F. 2); Dogri (M. I-F. 1) ; Lingayati (F. 2) ; Brahmani (M. 1) ; Gorkllali (M. \); Gujari (M. 1) ; Japanese (F.1l ; Karwari (M. I); Kashmiri (M. 1) ; Kumauni (M. 1); Mampuri/Meithei (11.1. 1) ; Oriya (M. 1) ; Russian (M. 1). 2 Hindko 2 Englisb (M. 2). 8 13 H.:>liya I English (F. 1). I. 14 8 Hungarian 13 8 English (M. 10-F. 6) ; Gennan (M. 2-F. 1) ; french (F. I) : Hindi (M. I). 8 7 Indonesian 4 7 English (M. 4-F. 6); Dutch (F. 1). 386 301 IraniJiranian 263 173 Hindi (M. 94-F. 51) ; English (M. 72-F. 42) ; Gujarati (M. 56-F. 55) ; Urdu (M. 19-F. 9) ; Marathi (M. 14-F. 10) ; Parsi (M. S-F. 2) ; Arabic/Arbi (M. I-F. 4) ; Ceylonese/Simelu! Singhalese (I\i. I); Goanese (M. 1). 4 3 Irish 4 2 English (M. 4-F. I); Marathi (F. I). 76 59 Italian 63 45 English (M. 53-F. 23) ; French (M. 3-F. 13) ; Hindi (M. 6-F. 8) ; German (M. 1) ; Spanish (F. I). 194 622 Jaini 163 370 Marathi (M. 154-F. 239) ; Hindi (M. 8-F. 131) ; English (M. I). 206 37 Japanese 96 2S English (M. 83-F. 25) ; Hindi (M. 13). 40 40 Jatki 35 15 Marathi (M. 35-F. IS). Jodhpuri 1 Hindi (lvi. 1). 19,943 19,058 Kachchhi 13,957 10,183 Gujarati (M. 5,319-F. 4.667); Hindi (VI. 4,1l5-F. 2,680); English (M. 2,375- F. 1.006); Marathi (M. 1,652-F. 1,280); Urdu (M. 449-F_ 492); Kannada (M. 11- F. 20) ; Sind hi (M. 15-F. 9); Tamil (M. 3-F. 7) ; Telugu (M. 4-F. 3); Konkani (M. 4-F. 2); Tulu (M. 2-F. 3); Arabic/Arbi (F. 4) ; French (M. 3); Malayalam (M. I-F. 2) ; Bengali (M. I-F. 1); Gurmukhi (F. 2) ; Marwari (M. 2); Punjabi (F. 2); Sanskrit (F. 2); Goanese (F. I); Portuguese (M. I). I Kahari I ]\far.thi (F. 1). 126 176 Kaikadi 46 82 M.rathi (M. 45-F. 82) : English (M. I). 59 39 Kamathi 7 7 Hindi (M. 4-F.5) ; Marathi (M. 3-F. 2). 19 5 Kandiali 17 Marathi (M. 6) ; English (M. 5); Hindi (M. 3) ; Tamil (M. 1). 5 Kanjari 4 English (M. 2) ; Hindi (M. 2). 63,619 36,136 Kannada 38,218 14,931 Hindi (M. 16,132-F. 5.214) ; English (M. 12,346-F. 3,428); Marathi (M. 7,782- F. 5,136); Telugu (M. 478-F. 327) ; Tamil (M. 330-F. 274); Tulu (M. 341-F. 129) ; Gujarati(M. 356-F.I02); Urdu(M. 203-F. 157); Konkani (M. 194-F. 108); Malayalam (:\1. 39-F. 27); Marwari (M. I-F. 11) ; Punjabi (M. 2-F. 7); Bengali (M.I-F. 3) ; Portuguese (M. 2-F. 2) ; Sanskrit (M. 3-F. 1) ; French (M_ 3) ; Arabic/ Arbi (M. I-F. 1); Kachchhi (M. I-F.l); Sindhi (M. I-F. 1); Ceylonese/Silllelu/ Singhalese (M. I) ; Coorgi/Kodagu (F. I) ; Kashmiri (M. 1) ; Persian (F. I). I 2 Karhadi 2 Hindi (F. 2). 174 61 Karwari 145 41 English (M. 89-F. 14); Hindi (M. 27-f. 9) ; Marathi (M. 17-F. 17); Urdu (M. 10- F. 1); Kannada (M. 1); Malayalam (M. 1)_ 7 3 Kashi Kapadi 5 3 Marathi (M. 5-F. 1); Hindi (F. 2). 328 161 Kashmiri 247 97 Hindi (M. 82-F. 56) ; English (M. 107-F. 30) ; Urdu (M. 42-F. 6); Marathi (M. 9- F. 2) ; Punjabi (M .5) ; Kannada (F. 3); Arabic/Arbi (M. I); Tamil (M. 1). 319 295 Kathiyawadi 140 91 Hindi (M. 54-F. 26) ; Marathi (M. 44-F. 32); Gujarati (M. IS·F. 26); En~lish (M. 25-F.7) ; Tamil (M. I) ; Urdu (M. I). 159 196 Katb<'ldi 13 S Marathi (M. B-F. 5). 1,524 2,020 Katkari 520 659 Marathi (M. 520-F. 659). I Kewati 1 Hindi (M. I). 8 18 J(handeshi 6 10 Marathi (M 3-F. 7); English (F. 2) ; Gujarati (M. I-F. 1) ; Hindi (M. 2). 2 Kharia 1 English (M. 1). 28 Z Khasi 24 2 English (M. 17-F. 2) ; Hindi (M. 6); Sindhi (M. 1). 23 13 Khatri 15 3 Marathi (M. ll-F. 2); Hindi (M. 4-F. I). 195


Total of per;ons returned as speaking a language subsidiary Total Speakers Motber·tongue to tbe motber·tongue Subsidiary Lanauages

Males Females Males females

2 3 4 5 6

BOMB 4 Y DIV1SIO.V-co,ntd.

18,247 19,153 KoknalKoknilKukna 398 1,143 Marathi (M. 20S·F. 1,(05); Hindi (M. 136·F. 2); English (M. 30·F. 11); Ahirani (M. 3·F. 20); Gujarall (M. 20·P. 2); Urdu (M. I·P. 2) ; Bhili (M. I·P. I) ; Kannada (M.2). Kol Hindi (M. I). 9 5 Kolhati 8 5 Ma.rathi (M. 7·F. 5) ; Hindi (M .\). 21 25 Koli 13 9 Marathi (M. 13·F. 4) ; Hindi (F. 3) ; English (F. I) ; Punjabi (F. I). 9 2 Kongar 7 English (M. 7). 108,959 92,602 Konkani 77,024 55,t12 English (M. 40,120·F. 25,325); Hindi (M. 18,248·P. 11,713); Marathi (M. 14,003. F. 13,830); Kannada (M. 2,887-F. 2,342); Gujarati (M. 658·P. 789); Urdu (M.469·P. 422) ; Portuguese (M. 345·F. 409) ; Tamil (M. 88-F. 67) ; ,TuJu (M. ;8- P.66); Malayalam (M. 43·P. 52); Telugu (M. ;!2·F. 42) ; Prench (M. 25-P. 13) ; Latin (M. 30); Kaikadi (M. t8); Parsi (M. I·F. 15); Goanese (M. I·F. 10); Sanskrit (M. 2·P. 2) ; ArabieJArbi (P. 3); German (M. 2·P. 1); Kachchhi (M. 2·F. 1); Bengali (M. I·F. I); Manglorese (F. 2) ; Punjabi (P. 2) ; Burmese (F. I) ; Chines_/ Chini (P. 1); Gurmukhi (F. 1) ; Italian (M. 1) ; Sindhi (F. 1) ; Spanish (F. 1). Korku English (M. I). 28 22 Korwa 18 19 Hindi (M. D·P. 11); Kannada (M. 3·F. 3) ; English (F. 5); Gujarati (M. 2). 28 11 Koshti·Marathi 18 5 Marathi (M. 7·F. 5) ; Hindi (M. 10); Kannada (M. 1). 57 50 Kotali 12 6 Marathi (M. to·F. 5) ; Banjari (M. 2·P. 1). 2 Kului 2 English (M. 1) ; Hindi (M. I). 67 15 Kumauni 62 11 Hindi (M. 39·F. 7) ; English (M. IS-F. 3) ; Kannada (M. 3) ; Urdu (M. 2) ; Marathi (F. n. Kumbhari 2 Kunbau 2 Hindi (M. 2). 2 Kurukh/Oraon 2 English (M. 2). Kuthari Hindi (P. 1). 3 4 Lahnda English (M. 3·F. I). 127 110 Lamani/Lambadi 83 67 Marathl (M. SO·F. 63) ; Hindi (M. I·F. 4) ; English (M. I) ; Kannada (M. I). 37 Latin 30 English (M. 30). 3 Lingayati English (M. 1); Hindi (M. 1); Marathi (M. 1). 2 Lodhi 2 English (M. 2). 4 Lohari· Marathi 3 Marathi (F. 3). 7 Lushai/Mizo 6 English (M. 4) ; Hindi (M. I); Manipuri/Meithei (M. I). 128 117 Madari 8 Marathi (M. 5) ; Urdu (M. 2) ; Hindi (M. 1). Magahi/Magadhi 19 11 Mahesri 15 7 Marathl (M. 6 F.7) ; Hindi (M. 7) ; English (M. 2). 39 MahllMaldivian .. 37 Urdu (M. 36) ; Hindi (M. 1) .. 295 34 Maithili 112 18 Hindi (M. 93·P. 15) ; English (M. ll·P. 2) ; Marathi (M. 4·F. 1); Sanskrit (M. 4). Malai/Malay IMalayal 2 English (M. I·F. I) ; Hindi (F. 1). Malayan. 54,927 20,156 Malayalam 39,236 11,562 English (M. 20,142·P. 6,257) ; Hindi (M. 15,24().F. 3,726) ; Tamil (M. 1,1lS·F. 792); Urdu (M. I ,517·F. 88) ; Marathi (M. 760·F. 570) ; Kannada (M. 222·F. 65) ; Gujarati (M. 56·F. 25) ; Arabic/Arbi eM. 70·F. 5); Telugu (M. 49·F. 15); Konkani (M. 16· F. 8); French (M. 12·F. 2); Sanskrit (M. 9·F. 2); Tulu (M. 6-F. 5); Kachchhi (M. 6) ; Sindhi (M. 4) ; Latin (M. 3); Bengali (M. 2) ; Punjabi (M. 2) ; African (P. I); Burmese (M. I); Chinese/Chini (M. 1); Gurmukhi (F. 1). 1 J\falhar Marathi (M. I·P. I). 3 Mali Hindi (M. 3). Malnuti English (M. O. 3 Maltese 3 English (F. 2) ; Hindi (F. 1). 35 23 Malvi 25 20 Gujarati (M. II·F. 5) ; Hindi (M. 4·F. 11). English (M. 100F. 4) ; 2 Mandeali 2 English (M. 2). 196


Total of persona returned as speaking a language subsidiary Total Speakers Mother-tongue to the mother-tongue Subsidiary Languages

Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6


165 155 Manglorese 96 93 Hindt(M.48-F.39); English(M.31-F.31) ; Marathi(M.6-F.17); Gujarati(M.3-F.4); Kannada (M. 6) ; Urdu (M. 2-F. 2). 47 3 ManipuIi/Meithei 37 English (M. 24) ; Hilldi (M. 9-F. 2) ; Bengali (M. 3-F. I) ; Gujarati (M. t). 4,761,656 4,554,355 Marathi 696,285 221,641 Hindi (M. 468,499-F. 137,510); English (M. 192,306-F. 59,296); Gujarati (M. 20,684- F.9,99I) ; Urdu (M. 5,857-F. 5,(07); Ahlrani (M. 2,706-F. 3,345); Kannada (M.2,402-F.2,099) ; Konkani (M. 918-F. 879) ; Bhili (M. 36-F. 1,490) ; Telugu (M. 529- F.545) ; Sanskrit (M. 724-F. 57) ; Marwari (M. 380-F. 368) ; Tamil (M. 298-F. 207); Punjabi (M. 207-F. 182); Banjari (M. 94-F. 82) ; Katkari (M. 51-F. 122); Sindhi (M. 106-F. 56); Portuguese (M. 57-F. 73); Gurjara (M. 4O-F. 59) ; Tadavi (M. 69- F.8) ; Rajasthani (M. 35-F. 31) ; French (M. 44-F. 19) ; Arabic/Arbi (M. 26-F. 35)­ Bengali (M. 40-F. 15); Hebrew/Jewish (M. 25-F. 15); MaIayalam (M. 18-F. 19); Thakri (F. 25) ; Parsi (M. 6-P. 16); Vadari (M. 14-F./1) ; Gujaru (M. 9-P. -'10) ; Beldari (M. 4-F. 12); Jaini (M. 7-F. 7); Lamani/Lambac!i (M. 8.-#. 6); Tulu (M. 7- F.7) ; German (M. 10-F. 2) ; Goanese (M. 9-F. 2) ; Kachcbbi (M. 9-P.2 ) ; Bahusar (M. 3-P. 6) ; Kathodi (M. 4-F. 5) ; Nepali (M. S·F. 2) ; Dhanagari (F. 6) ; Latin (M. 5) ; Irani/Iranian (M. 3·F. 1) ; Italian (M. 4) ; Pawri (M. 3-'F< I) ; Koli (M. 3) ; Maithlli (M. 3) ; Odya (M. 3); Pardesl (M. 2-F. 1) ; African (M. I-F. I) ; Kbandeshi (F. 2) ; Mawchi (F. 2); Pali (M. 2) ; Persian (M. I-F. 1) ; Afghani/Kabuli/Pakhto/ Pashto/Pathani (F. I) ; Assamese (M. 1) ; Burmese (M. I); Chinese/Chini (F. I); Czech/Czechoslovakian (M. I) ; Doharahu (,F. I) ; Gorkhali (F. I) ; ,Holiya (P. I) ; Karwari (F. I); Multani/ (M. I); Rajputani (M. I); Rohidasi (M. I); Russian (M. 1) ; Swodlsh (M. I) ; Thakai (F. I); VoIans (M. 1). 36,073 26,167 Marwari 23,846 13,029 Marathi (M. 12,921-F. 9,489); Hindi (M. 7.564-F. 2,762); Engli~h (M. 1,9II-F. 219); GUlarati (M. 1,295-F. 507) ; Urdu (M. 65-F. 28) ; Abirani (M. 10-F. II); Sindhi (M. I4·F. 5) ;' Kannada (M. I4.F. 3) ; Sanskrit (M, II) ; Gujaru (M. 7) ; MaIayalam (M.6) ; Bengali eM. 4-F. 1) ; Tamil (M. 4-F. 1) ; Telugu (M. 3-F. 1) ; Mewari (M. 3) ; Parsi (M. 3) ; Kachchhi (M. I-F. I) ; Punjabi (M. 2) ; Arabic/Arbi (F. I) ; Bhili (M. I); Manipuri/Meithei (M. I). 15,157 14,325 Mawchi 304 28 Gujarati (M. 134-F. 18) ; Hindi (M. l46·F. 6) ; Marathi (M. 19-F. 4) ; English (M. 3) ; Urdu (M. 2). 182 264 Momani 136 117 Urdu (M. 34-F. 41) ; Gujarati (M. 47-F. 30) ; Hindi (M. 21-F. 16); Marathi (M. 12. F.20) ; English (M. 2l-F. 10); Burmese (M. I). 101 82 Mewati 42 25 Hindi (M. 18-F. 5) ; Marathi (M. 9-F. 10) ; Gujarati (M. IO-F. 4); Urdu (M 5-F. 4) ; English (F. 2). 337 221 Multani 210 161 Hindi (M. 84-F. 98) ; English (M. 103·F. 45) ; Marathi (M. 9-F. 6); Sindhi (M. 5-F.4) ; Gujarati (M. 3-F. 3) ; Urdu (M. 2-F. 2) ; Punjabi"(F. 3) ; Tamil (M. 2) ; Arabic/Arbi (M. I) ; Kannada (M. 1). 4 Naga-Unspecified English (M. I). 14 3 Nagari-Hindi 9 Marathi (M. 5) ; Hindi (M. 3) ; Punjabi (M. I). 11 8 NagH 5 English (M. 2) ; Marathi eM. 2) ; Gujarati eM. 1) ; Kannada (F. 1). 3 2 Nawait 1 Urdu (M. I). 7,684 1,623 Nepali 4,660 481 Hindi (M. 4,159-F. 385) ; Marathi (M. 237-F. 52) ; English (M. 221-F. 36); Urdu (M. 23) ; Gujarati (M. S-F. 2) ; Bengali (M. 6) ; Tamil (M. 4) ; Kookani (F. 3) ; Arabic/ Arbi (M. 2) ; Punjabi (M. 2) ; French (P. 1); MaIayalarn (F. I); Sanskrit (M. I); Telugu (F. I). 1 Newari English (M. I). 9 5 Nirnadi 9 4 Maralhi (M. 7-F. 4) ; Hindi (M. 2). 22 6 Norwegian 21 4 English (M. 19-F. 4) ; French (M. I) ; Marathi (M. I). 1,266 291 Oriya 753 80 Hindi{M, 50S-F. 54); English(M.191-F. 13) ; Marathi{M. 3I-F. 10) ; Bengali{M. 11); TeIugu (M. 7-F. 2) ; Urdu (M. 6) ; French (M. 1) ; Gujurati (F. 1) ; Sanskrit (M. 1). 3 5 Padrnashali 1 Marathi (M. 1). 23 17 Padvi 1 Hindi (M. I). 72 31 Pahari-Unspecified 54 18 Hindi (M. 47-F. 16) ; Enghsh (M. 6) ; Marathi (F. 1) ; Punjabi (M. 1) ; Telugu (F. I). 7 Pali 6 Hindi (M. 4) ; English (M. 2). 71 13 Panchali 26 29 Marathi (M. 26-F. 28) ; Urdu (F. 1). 1 Pankhali 1 Marathi (F. I). 184 181 Paradhi 30 2S Marathi (M. 2S-P. 24) ; Hindi (M. 4-P. l) ; English (M. '1). 1,212 1,141 Pardesi 681 546 Marathi (M. 602·F. 472) ; Hindi (M. 75-F. 58) ; Ahirani (M. 2-F. 1) ; Urdu (F. 5); GujaMi (F. 3) ; English (M. 2) ; Arabic/Arbi (F. I). 2,103 1,529 Parsi 1,504 975 English (M. 61 I-F. 335); ,Hindi (M. 417-F. 229); Gujarati (M. 193-F. 213); Urdu (M.240-F. 154) ; Marathi (M. 36·F. 30) ; Arabic/Arbi (M. 2-F. 3) ; Tamil (M .2-F. 3) ; Irani/Iranian (M. 2-F 1); Portuguese (F. 3); Kannada (F. 2); French (M. I); Hebrew/Jewish (F. 1) ; Konkani (F. I). 19,465 19,127 Pawri 1,383 427 Marathi (M. 864-F. 195); Hindi (M. 451-F. 193); Gujarati (M. 57-F. 31); Padvi (M. 5-F. 5) ; Bhili (M. 3-F, 3) ; English (M. 3.) 197


Total OfpcrsollB returned as speakin& a lanllllllP aubsidiary Total Speakers Mothcr-toD.iUe to the mother-tongue Subsidiary Languages

Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6


2 63 Persian 2 17 Marathi (F. 9); Englhh (M.I-F. 3); Hindi (F. 4); Gujarati (F. I); Urdu (M. 1); 1 3 Peshawari 2 Hindi (M. I-F. I) ; English (F. I). 8 Philippine 4 English (M. 4). 2 PUgac 2 Macathi (M. 2). S 10 Polisb 5 10 English (M. 4-F. 8) ; Hindi (M. I-F. 1) ; French (F. I). 935 1,017 PortuiUCSC 587 580 English (M. 323-F. 286) ; Marathi (M. I 73-F. 144) ; Hindi (M. 66-F. 108); Konkani (M.9-F. 19) ; Gujarati (M. 6-F. 13) ; French (M. S-F. 3) ; Urdu (M. I-F. 5) ; Tamil (M. I-F. I) ; Telugu (M. 2) ; Kannada (F. I) ; Latin (M. 1). 39,051 25,980 Punjabi 28,250 14,654 Hindi (M. 13,837-F. 9,472) ; English (M. 12,016-F. 4,208) ; Urdu (M. 1,580-F. 261); Maratni(M. S50-F. 500) ; Gujarati(M. 134-F. 101) ; Sindhi(M. 55-F. 45) ; G~rmukhi (M. 7-F. 41) ; French (M. 1I-F. 5) ; Kannada (M. 7-F. 8); Parsi (M. 14-F. 1); Tamil (M. ll-F. 1) ; Bengah (M. 10-F. 1) ; Portuguese (M. I-F. 3); Sanskrit (M. 1- F. 3) ; Telugu (M. 3-F. I) ; AfghaniiKabuliiPakhtoiPashtoiPathani (M. 3); German (M. 3) ; Burmese (M. 2) ; Arabic/ Arbi (M. 1) ; Chinese/Chini (M. I) ; Gorkhali (M. I); Italian (M. 1); Kachchhi (F. 1); KOnkani (F. 1) ; Malayalam (M. 1).

2 3 Pllfbi 2 Hindi (M. 2). 4,040 2,658 Rajasthani 2,751 1,366 Marathi(M. I,ll I-F. 837); Hindi(M.l,092-F. 395); English (M. 3S2-F. 56); Gujarati (M. In-F. 65) ; Urdu (M. IS-F. 1) ; Bengali (M.3-F. 1) ; Sindhi (F. 4) ; Kannada (M.2) ; Portuguese (F. 2) ; Punjabi (F. 2) ; Sanskrit (M. I-F. 1) ; Tamil (M. I-F. 1) ; Ahirani (F. 1) ; Marwari (M. 1) ; Telugu (M. I). 87 89 Raj Gondi 43 44 Marathi (M. 42-P. 42) ; Hindi (M. I-F. 2). 114 114 Rajputani 56 33 Marathi (M. 29-F. 20) ; Hindi (M. 25-F. 10) ; Ahirani (F. 2) ; English (M. 2) ; Kannada (F. 1). 5 Ranati Marathi (M. I). 32 11 Rangari 19 5 Hindi (M. 12) ; Marathi (M. 6-F. 4) ; Ahirani (F. 1) ; Gujarati (M. 1). 8 10 Rathauri 5 9 Marathi (M. 4-F. 9) ; Hindi (M. 1). 3 Rohidasi 3 Maralhi (M. 3). 3 3 Roumanian 2 3 English (M. I-F. 3) ; French (M. 1)_ 17 50 Russian 15 39 English (M. 13-F.24); Hindi(M.2 F.5); Gujarati(F.5); Marathi(F.3); French (F. 2) Sali 18 9 Sanskrit 15 9 Hindi (M. 6-F. 4) ; Marathi (M. 3-F. 2) ; Gujarali (M. 2-F. 2); En&lish (M. 2); Kanoada (M. 2) ; Tamil (F. 1). 2 Santali 2 English (M. 2). 64 12 Saurashtri 33 7 Hindi (M. 18) ; English (M. 9-F. 2) ; Tamil eM. 4-F. 5) ; Gujarati (M. 2). 6 1 Scottish 3 English (M. 3). 1 Scrbocroatian 1 English (M. 1). S Siamese/Thai S English (M. 5). 1 Sikkim Bhotia English (P. 1). 108,641 104,742 Sindhi 58,650 41,093 Hindi (M. 28,043-F. 23,904) ; English (M. 27,203-F. 13,611) ; Marathi (M. 1,549-F. 1,106); Gujarali (M. 1,IS3-F. 1,139); Gurmukhi (M. 93-F. 977) ; Urdu (M. 343-F. 109); Punjabi (M. 59-F. 111) ; Rajasthani (F. 65) ; French (M. 12-F. 19) ; Sanskrit (M. 25- F. 5); Halabi(M. 27) ; Parsi(M.19-F. 6); Telugu(M. 2O-F. 2); Tamil(M. 10-F. 10); Kannada (M. 14-F. 2) ; Arabic/Arbi (M. 9-F. 2) ; Persian (M. S-F. 2) ; Malayalam (M. 3-F. 4) ; Spanish (M. 6-F. 1) ; Indonesian (M. 4-F. 1) ; Bengali (M. 2-F. 2) ; German (M. 2-P. 2); Japanese (M. 3-P. 1); Kachchhi (M. 3-P. 1); Afghani/Kabuli/ Pakhto/Pashto/Pathani (M. 3) ; Chinese/Chini (M. I-F. 2) ; Hatakari (M. 2) ; Tutu (F. 2) ; Hebrew/Jewish (M. 1) ; Irani/Iranian eM. 1) ; Konkani (F. 1) ; Multani(M. 1) ; Portuguese eM. 1). 6 Singl' 4 English eM. 2) ; Hindi (M. 2). Siraji Marathi (F. 1). 9 1 Slavic 9 1 English (M. 9-F. 1). 94 21 Spanish 94 20 English (M. 77-F. 16) ; Latin (M. 10) ; Marathi (M. 6-P. 1) ; Gujarati (F. 2) ; French (F. 1); Hindi (M. I). 1 Sungi Hindi (M. 1). 28 34 Swedish 26 29 English (M. 21-F. 25) ; Marathi (M. 2-F. 2) ; French (M. 2) ; Hindi (M. I-F. I) ; German (F. 1). 13 7 Swiss 12 7 English (M. 12-F. 7). 1 Taban 2,125 1,972 Tadavi 676 319 Marathi(M. 548-F. 264) ; Hindi(M. 74-F. 14); Urdu(M.43-F. 39) ; English (M. 9-F. 2); Arabic/Arbi (M. 2). 58 43 Tamboli 9 Hindi eM. 4) ; Marathi (M. 2-F. 1) ; English (M. 2) ; Gujarati (M. l). 198


Total of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary Total Speakers Mother·tongue to the mother-tongue Subsidiary Languages

Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6

BOJfBA Y DIV/SIO.Y-concld.

71,840 46,207 Tamil 41,900 20,421 English (M. 20.438·F. 7,898) ; Hindi (M. 17,49()"F. 8,389); Marathi (M. 1,369·P. 1,533) Malayalam (M. 923-F. 1,423); Urdu (M. 813·F. 449); Telugu (M. 324-F. 310) ; Kannada (M. 353·F. 273) ; Gujarati (M. 82·F. 86) ; Konkani (M. 30·F, 16) ; Arabic/ Arbi (M. 6-P. 26); Sanskrit (M. 19·P. 2) ; French (M. 16·P. 2) ; Marwari (M. 14); Bengali (M. 4·F. 8) ; Tulu (M. 9·F. 2) ; Burmese (M. 3) ; Sindhi (M. 2·F. 1) ; Pard (M. I·F. 1) ; Puniabi (M. I·F. 1) ; Gurmukbi (F. I) ; Latin (M. I) ; Santali (M. I) ; Swedish (M. I). Taroa English (M. I). Tehri Hindi (M. I). 143 105 Tekari 10 2 Marathi (M. 10-F. 2). 81,979 51,982 Telugu 31,463 13,922 Hindi (M. 14,845.F. 4,155) ; Marathi (M. 10,016-F. 7,135) ; Englisl1 (M. 4,858.F. 1,296) ; Kannada (M. 735-F. 407) ; Tamil (M. 506-F. 475) ; Urdu (M. 289·F. 321) ;Gujarati (M. 6S-F. 41); Ahirani (M, 48-F. 42) ; ,Malayalam (M. 21·F. 12) ; Oriya (M.22) ; Marwari (M. I3·F. 8); Sindhi (M. 8·F. 13); Konkani (M.l()"F. 6); Arabic/Arbi (M. 9·F. I); Tulu (M. 6-F. 2); Bengali (M. I·F. 4); Portuguese (M. 2·F. 3) ; Burmese (M. 2-F. 1) ; French (M. 2) ; German (M. 1) ; Punjabi (M. I). 2 Thakai English (F. I). 1,504 2,018 Thakri 331 426 Marathi (M. 331-F. 426).; 9 18 Tibetan 6 Hindi (M. 4-F. I); English (M. 2). Tinauli Hindi (M. I). 5 Tirguli 7,094 3,476 Tulu 4,922 1,722 Hindi (M. 1,901.F. 468); Kannada (M. 1,202-F. 507); English (M. 1,109·P. 407) ; Marathi (M. 657·F. 300) ; GUjarati (M. I4-F. 19); Tamil (M. 14·F. 1) ; Koukani (M. 5·F. 9) ; Malayalam (M. 4·F. 4) ; Urdu (M. 8) ; Telugu (M. 7) ; Goauese (M. 1· F. I). Tungo Hindi (M. I). 17 8 Turkish!Turkistani 5 4 English (M. I-F. 2) ; Urdu (M. 2-F. I) ; Hindi (M. I·F. I) ; Sanskrit (M. I). 5 Ujaini 4 Hindi (M. 2) ; Maratbi (M. I) : Urdu (M. I). 6 Umathi Hmdi (M. I). Urani Hindi (F. 1). 542,756 436,390- Urdu 188,673 102,334 Marathi (M. 96,025·F. 66,448) ; Hindi (M. 47,361·F. 18,703); English (M. 25,393· F. 5,296); Gujarati (M. 12,799·F. 7,896); Tamil{M. 1,406·F. 930) ; Kannada (M. 1,636- F. 479); Arabic/Arbi (M. 1,010·F. 1,049); Telugu (M.773·F. 472) ; Malayalam (M. 68S·F. 95); Parsi (M. 316-F. 106); Konkani (M. 207·F. 209) ; Ahirani (M. 160· F. 184) ; Bengali (M. 214-F. 91) ; Punjabi (M. 130·F. 60) : Afghani/Kabuli/Pakhto/ Pashto/Pathani (M. I 57·F. 24) ; Kachchhi (M. 68-F. 94) ; Tadavi (M. 73.F. 41) ; Memani (M. 24-F. 38) ; Persian (M. 55-F. 5) ; Sindhi (M. 38-F. 5); Marwari (M. 16· F. 23) ; Tulu (M. 15·F. 17) ; Volans (M. 21-F. 9) ; French (M. l1·F. 12) ; Burmese (M. 6·F. 14) ; Bihari (M. 14-F. 2); Balochi/Baluchi (M. 10-F. 5) ; Kashmiri (M.I0- F. 5) ; Irani/Iranian (M. 6-F. 7) ; Rajasthani (M. 13); Bhili (M. 4-F. 1); Gnjaru (M. 2-F. 3) ; Portuguese (M. 2·F. 2) ; African (F. 3) ; Mewari (M. I-F. 2) ; Norwegian (M.2) ; Awadhi (F. I) ; Bundelkhandi (M. 1) ; Chinese/Chini (M. I) ; Dutch (M. I) ; German (M. 1); Goanese (F. I); Gurmukhi (M. 1); Japanese (M. I); Karwari (M. 1); Kathiyawadi (F. I) ; Manglorese (F. 1) ; Nepali (M. I) ; Pawri (M. 1); Sanskrit (M. I). I 860 944 Vadari 351 324 Marathi (M. 270-F. 276); Hindi (M. 61·F. 24) ; Kannada (M. 9·F. 13); Ahirani (M. 6·F. 3); English (M. I·F. 8) ; Telugu (M. 2) ; Guiarati (M. I) ; Tamil (M.I). 13 10 Vaidu 5 Maratbi (M. 5·F. 3). 64 69 Varli 10 9 Hindi (M. S·F. 4) ; Marathi (M. 2·F, 4) ; Gujarati (F. 1). 122 104 Vasava 2 Hindi (M. I) ; Maratbi (M. I). 31 7 Wagdi 17 2 Hindi (M. S-F. 2) ; Marathi (M. 5) ; English (M. 2) ; Guiarali (M. 2). S4 76 Walvi 2 Gujarati (F. I); Marathi (F. I). Yerava English (M. 1). 42 4 Yugoslavian 40 3 English (M. 40-F. 3). 19:J


Total of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary Total Speakers Mother-tongue to the mother-tongue Subsidiary Languages

Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6


2,496,160 1,655,873 All Languages .. 1,087,045 495,841 Hindi (M. 515,972-F. 228,251); English (M. 400,731-F. 162,264); Marathi (M. 90,069-F. 55,588); Gujarati (M. 37,868-F. 22,075); Urdu (M. 18,007- F. 8,496) ; Kannada (M.8,445-F. 5,619); Tamil (M. 3,777-F. 3,000); Konkan. (M. 2.05 I-F. 2,085); Malayalam (M. I ,nO-F. 1,623); Telugu (M. 1,833-F 1.424); Punjabi (M. 1,031-F. 888); Arabic Arbi (M. 796-F. 936); French lM. 622-F. 735) ; Portuguese lM. 41}0-F. 655); S\udhi. (M. 400-F. 354); Bengali (M. 500-F. 212); Parsi (M. 475-F 208); Tulu (M. 439-F. 240) ; Sanskrit (M. 513-F. 61) ; Kachchhi (M. 226-F. 312) ; Gurmukhi (M. 15-F. 362) ; Marwari (M. 162-F. 92) ; AfghanijKabuli/Pakhto!Pashto/pathani (M. 162-F. 23) ; German (M. 97-F.41) ; Latin(M. 97-F. 2) ; Nepali lM. 59-F. 14); Rajasthani (M. 44-F. 26) ; Memani (M. 22-F. 42) ; Burmese (M. 27-F. 32) ; Hebrew! Jewish (M. 25-F. 21) ; Spanish (M. 25-F. 18) ; Goanese (M. l1-F. 20) ; Irani/ Iranian (M. 17-F. 13) ; Bihari (M. 21-F. 8) ; Persian (M. I6-F. 13) ; Oriya (M. 26- F. I) ; Italian (M. 13-F. 9) ; African (M. 5-F. 16) ; Kaikadi (M. 18); Chinese/Chini (M. II-F. 6) ; Kashmiri (M. 12-F. 5) ; Balochi!Baluchi (M. 10- F. 5) ; Indonesian (M. 8-F. 4) ; Japanese (M. 9-F. 3); Malvi (M. 5-F,6) ; Ceylonese!Sirnelu!Sin5halese (M. 6-F. 3) ; Maithili (M. 7) ; Swedish (M.6-F. I); Garhwali (M. 3-F. 3) ; Manglorese (M. 2-F. 3) ; Russian (M.4-F. 1) ; Dutch (M. 2-F. 2) ; Greek (M. 4) ; Kathiyawadi (M. I-F. 3) ; Kumbhari (M. 4) ; Multani (M. 2-F. 2) ; Norwegian (M. 4) ; Assamese (M.3) ; Austrian (M 3) ; Gorkhali (M. 2-F. I) ; Karwari (M. 2-F. I) ; Koli (M. 3): Brahmani(M. I-F. I ); Czech/Czechoslovakian (M.2);Dogri (M.I-F.I) ; Irish (M. 2); Kurmi (M. 2) ; Lingayati (F. 2) ; Polish (M. I-F. I); Awadhi (F. I) ; Bundelkhandi (M. I) ; CoorgijKodagu (F. I) ; Danish (F. 1) ; Dubli (F. 1) ; Guiari (M. 1) ; Holiya (F. I) ; Manipuri/Meithei(M. I) ; Mulki(M.I) ; Santa1i(M.I) ; Thakai(F.I) ; Turkishj Turkistani (F. I) ; Vadari (M. I) ; Varli (F. I) . 1 Adivasi Hindi (M. I). 1,929 584 AfghanijKabulilPakhto) 1,042 1'il0 Urdu (M. 581-1'. 118) ; Hindi (M. 352-F. 40) ;English(M. 54-F. 'n; MarathilM. 29- Pashto jPathani. F.4) ; Arabicj Arbi (M. 7-F. 4) ; Gujarati (M. 7-F. I) ; Parsi (M. 4-F. I) ; Kannada eM. 3) ; Bengali (M.2); Sindhi (F. 2); Japanese (M. I) ; Konkani (F. I) ; Punjabi (M. I) ; Tamil (M. I). 35 to African 33 9 English (M. 28-F. 4); Hindi lM. I-F. 2); Marathi (M. 2-F. I); Gujarati (P.2). Arabie/Arbi (M. I) ; Tamil (M. I). Agarii Marathi (M. I). 8 48 Ahiran 6 37 Marathi (M. I-F. 35) ; Hindi (M. 3-F. 2) ; Brahmani (M. 1) ; Gujarati(M.I). 1 Almori Hindi (M. I). 1 Annamese/Annamite English (M. I). 583 439 Arabic/Arbi 414 283 English (M. 246-F. 184) ; Hindi(M. 67-F. 58) ; Urdu(M. 57-F. 25) ; Marathi(M. 27- F. 4); Gujarati (M. 4-F. 3); Parsi (M. 6); French (M. 2-F. 3) ; Kannada (M. 1- F.3) ; Bengali(M. I-F.l); HebrewjJewish (M. I-F.l) ; Indonesian (M.l) ; Tamil (M. I); Telugu (F. I). 4 9 Armenian 2 8 English (M. I-F. 6) ; Irani/Iranian (M. I-F. I) ; Turkish/Turkistani (F. I). 124 27 Assamese 87 19 English (M. 51-F. 12) ; Hindi (M. 29-F. 4); Marathi (M. 3-F. 2); Bengali (M. 3- F. I) ; Gujarati eM. I). Aurkhatt Hindi (M. I). 1 3 Austrian I 3 English (M. I-F. 3). 3 Awadhi 3 English (M. 3). 32 4 Ba10chijBaluchi 24 2 Hindi(M. 14-1'.2) ;UrdulM.9) ;Eng\ish(M.l). 10 16 Banjari 2 3 Marathi (M. I-F. 3) ; Hindi (M. I). 2 I Belgian 2 English (M. 2). 9,467 5.134 Bengali 7.208 3.146 English (M. 3.771-F. 1.468) ; Hindi (M. 2,870-F.I,374) ; Marathi (M. 208-F. 203) ; Urdu(M. 224-F. 63) ; Gujarati(M. 71-F. 26) ; Kannada(M. 38-F.n; Tamil (M. 5 -F. 2) ; French (M. 2-F. 2) ; Sindhi (M. 3-F. I) ; Assamese (M. 3) ; Punjabi (M. 2- F. I) ; Telugu (M. 3) ; German (M. 2) ; Italian (F. 2) ; Konkani (M. I-F. I) ; Sanskrit (M.2); Arabi/Arbic (F. I); Bihari (M. I); Gorkhali (M. I); Kachchhi (F. I); Marwari (M. I). 14 51 Bhagnadi 12 30 English (M. 6-F. 13); Sindhi (M. 2-F. 10); HindiJM. 3-F. 7); Gujarati (M. I); 41 56 Bhagnari 39 51 English (M. 27-F. 19) ; Hindi (M. 7-F. 31) ; Sindhi (M. 4) ; Gujarati (M. I-F. I). 2 Bhagwati I English (M. 1). Bhangari Hindi (F. 1). 32 26 Bhatia 17 14 English (M. 14-F. 8); Hindi (M. 2-F. 3) ; Gujarati (M. I-F. 2) ; Tamil (F. I). 2 Bhatkal I Urdu (M. I). 16 6 Bhojpuri 15 4 English (M. 9) ; Hindi (M. 5-F.4) ; Bengali (M. 1). 200


Total of persons returned as speaking a language sUbsidiary Total Speakers Mother -tongue to the mother-tongue Subsidiary Languages

Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 6


5S 2S Bihari 39 16 Hindi (M. 27-F. 10) ; English (M. 8-1". 3) ; Gujarati (M. 2-1". 2) ; Bengali (M. 1) ; '[elugu (F. 1) ; Urdu (M. 1). Bikaneri HiJldi (M. 1). Bojwari Hil1di (M. 1). Bori Marathi (M. 1). Brahmani HiJldi (F. 1). 1 .1 Brai Bhasha/Braj Bhakha Marathi (M 1). 8 Bukhari 8 UrdU (M. 8). Bundelkhandi Hindi (M 1). Burdi 35 29 Burmese 28 22 English (M. 19-F. 12) ; Hindi (M. 1-1". 6) ; Bengali (M. I-F. I) ; M~rathi (M. I-F. I) ; Malayalam (F. I); Tamil (F. I). Canthars English (M. 1) 59 19 Ceylonese/Simelu/Singhalese. 52 13 English (M. 26-F. 7) ; Hindi (M. 19-F. 6) ; Gujarati (M. 2) ; Marathi (M. 2) ; Urdu (M. 2) ; Tulu (M. I.) ehachi Marathi (M. 1). Chhattisgarhi Hindi (M. 2) ; English (M. I). 1,119 822 ChineseJChini 572 344 En~lish (M.356-F, 188); Hindi (M. 199-F. 129) ; Marathi (M. 4-F. 18) ; Urdu (M. 8-F. 7) ; Konkani (M. 3) ; French (M. 1) ; Malayalam (M. 1) ; Sindhi cr· 1) ; Tulu (1". I)., . 45 28 Coorgi/Kodagu 43 24 English (M. 24-F. 12) ; HindI M. II-F. 4) ; Kannada (M. 5-F. 5) ; Marathi (M. 2- f. 3) ; Malayalam (M. 1). 7 Cushai 7 English (M. 6) ; Rindi (M. 1). 28 20 Czech/Czechoslovakian 23 16 English (M. 21-1".13); . German (M. 2); French (F. 1); Persian (F. 1) ; Teluiu (F. I). Daldi English (M. I). Dangi Gujarati (M. I.). 48 27 Danish 40 26 English (M. 39-F. 26) ; Hindi (M. I). 5 3 Darhi 5 3 English (M. 2-F. 1) ; Persian (M. 2-F.I) ; Gujarati (F. I) ; Hindi ~:d. 1). 3 1 Dasari 3 I English (M. I-F. I) ; Hindi (M. 2). 1 Derawal 1 English (M. 1.). 5 Deswali/Hariani 5 English (M. 3) ; Rnidi (M. 2). 5 Devanagari Hindi (M. I) : Kannada (M. I) ; Punjabi (M. I.) S Dhodia 2 Marathi (F. 2): Rindi (M. I). 5 Dingal 5 Hindi (M. 3) ; English (M. 2). 14() 42 Dogei 119 15 l-Hndi (M. 67-F. 21); English (M. 4S-F. 1); Urdu eM. 4); Marathi (P. 2); Punjabi (f. 1). 7 4 Doharahu 2 4 English (M. 2-F. 4). I 6 Dubli 3 Hindi (F. 3). 17 17 Dungari 15 13 Hindi (M. la-F. 3) ; Punjabi (M. 4-F. 9) ; Urdu (M. I-F. I). 141 11 Dutch 109 8 English (M. I06-F. 7) ; Hindi (M. 2); French (F. 1) : Germal1 (M. 1). 6 East Indian 6 English (M. 5-F. I) ; Marathi (M. I). 1 Elonguria 1 Hindi (M. I). 23,687 24,822 English 13,452 13,697 Hindi (M. 8.oo3-F. 7,943) ; Marathi (M. 3,316-F. 3.298) ; Konkan; (M. 830--F. 949); French (M. 326-F. 531); Tamil (M. 170--F. 240) ; Gujarati (M. 145-F. 190) ; Urdu (M. 168-F. 84); Portuguese (M. 93-F. 154); Kannada (M. 86-F. 86): Malayalam (M. SO-F. 55) ; Arabic/Arbi (M. 63-F. 39); German (M. 51-F. 32) Latin (M. 45-F. 2) ; Spanish (M. 19-F. 1S) ; Telugu (M. 22-F. 10) ; Bengali (M. 10 -F. 10) ; Hebrew/Jewish (M. 5-F.14) ; Burmese(M. 5-F. B); Italian (M. 4-F. 5) Goanese (M. 2-F. 5) ; Indonesian (M. 3-F. 3) ; Persian (M. 3-F. 2) ; Tulu CM. 5) ; Ccylonese/Simelu/Singhalese (M. 3-F. 1); Chinese/Chini (M. 2-F. 2); Greek (M. 4) ; Swedish (M. 3-F. I) ; Russian (M. 2- F. I); Sindhi (M. I-F. 2) ; African (M. 2) ; Dutch (M. 2); Irish (M. 2) ; Kachchhi (F. 2) ; Nepali (M. I-F. I); Nor­ wegian (M. 2) ; Punjabi (M. I-F. I) ; Polish (M. I-F. 1) ; Sanskrit (M. I-F. I); Brahmani (F. I) ; Danish (F. I) ; Dubli (F. I) ; Irani/Iranian (M. I) ; Varli (F. I). Eurasian English (M. 1). 1 Fernada I English (M. 1). 1 Fijian 1 Hindi (M. 1). 124 96 French 86 77 English (M. 72-F. 64); Hindi eM. 7-F. S) : Urdu (M. 3-1". 3) ; Gujarati (M. 3- F. 1) ; Marathi (M. I-F. 1). 1 Ganga5i Hindi (M. 1). 1 Gaoli 1 Hindi (M. 1). 354 98 Garhwali 269 52 Hindi (M. 208-F. 43) : English (M. SO--P. 7) Marathi (M. 4) ; Punjabi (M. 4) : Gujarali (M. 2) ; Tulu (F. 2) ; Urdu (M. I) • 201


Total of persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary Total Speakers Mother-longue to the mother-tongue Subsidiary Languages

Males Females Males Females

2 4 5 6


318 219 German 215 185 English (M. 172-F. 169); Hindi (M. 32-F. 5); French (M. 6-F. 8) ; Czech/Czecho. slovakian (M. 2) ; Bengali (M. 1); Gujarati (F. I) ; Hollya (F. I) ; Malayalam (F. 1); Marathi (M. 1) ; Spanish (M. O. Ghamoli Hindi (F. I). 4 15 Ghasi 4 Konkani (M. 3) ; Hindi eM. 1). 3 Ghisadi 3 English (M. I) ; Hindi (M. 1) ; Marathi (M. I). 1,303 1,372 Goanese 696 565 English (M. 320-F. 193); Hindi (M. 217-F. 174); Marathi (M. 139-P. 152); Gujarati (M. 9-F. 26) ; Konkani (M. 3-F. 11); Kannada (M. 2-F. 2); Portu­ guese (M. I-F. 3) ; Urdu (M. 2-F. 2) ; Sanskrit eM. 2) ; Bengali (F. 1) ; Tamil (M. I) ; Tulu (F. I). I 2 Godwari 43 25 Gondi 32 16 Maratbi (M. IS-F. 10) ; Hindi (M. 17-F. 6). 13 Gopai 91 26 Gorkhali 42 8 Hindi (M. 31-F. 4) ; English (M. 7-F. 2) ; Malayalam (M. 3); Marathi (M. I-F. 2) 6 Gouda Saraswata 6 3 English (M. 4) ; Hindi (M. 2-F. I) ; Marathi (F. 2). S9 8 Greek 27 7 English (M. 23-F. 7) ; French (M. 2) ; Hindi (M. I) ; Italian (M. 1). 434,498 358,273 Gujarati 244,298 135,886 Hindi (M. 113,892-F. 66,659); English(M. 96,600--F.44,937); Marathi (M. 26,394- F. 18,500) Urdu (M. 6,239-F. 4,618); Kachchhi( M. 149-F. 209); Arabic/Arb (M.1 06 F. 178); Kannada (M. 100-F. 158); French (M. 125-F. 90); Tamil (M.46- F. 155) ;Sindhi (M. 130-F. 66); Parsi(M. 125-F. 65); Telugu (M. 94--F. 80); Sanskrit (M.92-F. 13); Konkani{M. 35- F. 46); Bengali(M. 41-F. 29); Maiayalam (M. 18- F. 17); Marwari (M. 2S-F. 4); Punjabi (M. 13-F. 10); African (M. 3-F. 13); German (M. IS-F. 1); Portuguese (M. 7-F. 9); Irani[Iranian (M. 6-F. 4); Burmese (M.5- F. 3); Japanese (M. 5-F. I); Tulu(M.2-F. 4); Ceylonese/Simelu/Singhaiese eM. 2- F. 2); Latin (M.4); Memani (F. 4); Rajasthani (M. 3-F. I); Austrian (M.3); Chinese/Chini (M. 2--F. I); Italian (M. I-F. 2); Kathiyawadi (M. I.-F. 2); Hl'brew/ Jewish (F. 2); Kurmi (M. 2); Manglorese (M.2); Dutch (F. I); Goanese (F. I); MuIki (M. 1); Oriya (F. 1); Swedish eM. 1). 4 Gujaru I Hindi (P. I). 279 161 Gurmukhi 188 111 Hindi (M. 100~F. 85); English (M. 69-F. 20); Urdu (M. 16); Marathi (M. 2-F. 3); Punjabi (M. I-F. 2); Malayalam (F. I). 5 5 Halai 2 Hindi (M. I); Mar.thi (M. I). 175 176 Hebrew/Jewish .. 136 129 Enghsh (