Remote Extra Terrestrial Healthcare: a View from India
Editorial 1 Remote Extra Terrestrial Healthcare: A View from India Krishnan Ganapathy* Apollo Telemedicine Networking Foundation & Apollo Telehealth Services, Chennai, India Correspondence to: EJBI 2019; 15(1):01-02 Received: September 10, 2018 Prof. K.Ganapathy M.Ch( Neuro) FACS, FICS, FAMS, Ph.D Accepted: September 29, 2018 Director, Apollo Telemedicine Networking Foundation & Apollo Published: October 06, 2018 Telehealth Services, 21,Greames Lane, Chennai, India. E-mail: Breaking with tradition, this editorial from India, in the of unexpected medical emergencies need to be addressed official mouthpiece of the European Federation for Medical and prepared for. Removing the effect of Earth‘s gravitational Informatics, is truly an example of how the world is shrinking. force alters all organic functioning. Space motion sickness, A paradox, the inhabitants of the planet, however are expanding characterized by impairment of performance, nausea, vomiting their reach, albeit slowly. The recent announcement by ISRO and a diffuse malaise, occurs in astronauts and lasts for the first 72 (Indian Space Research Organisation) that India would be hours of a space mission. Normal process of bone formation and embarking on a Human Space Program Gaganyaan, scheduled resorption is disturbed. for launch in December 2021 has excited hard core telehealth Medical challenges and care during space missions include enthusiasts in India. India will now be the fourth country in the attention to space pharmacology, nutrition, immunology, world, after Russia, USA and China, to launch a manned space countermeasures to withstand microgravity and attention to flight. Monitoring in real time, the health parameters of the three aerospace physiology.
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