April 2009 429 Association News
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President’s Page Dear Colleagues and Friends; Some of you may wonder whether or not AsMA has any impact on the Aeromedical community as a whole; whether there is anything more to our organiza- tion than our annual meeting, networking, and our monthly journal. I can tell you that due to the efforts of so many of you who serve on committees, working groups, and in a host of leadership roles, AsMA contin- ues to be recognized as the voice of international aero- space medicine. Here are but a few examples. There are a number of programs and 'tools’ that are employed by the airlines and military that are de- signed to proactively identify and control those behav- Andrew H. Bellenkes, Ph.D. iors that have the potential to contribute to or directly cause mishaps. Several of these programs involve the released a point paper concerning medical standards as- voluntary and anonymous reporting by aircrews and sociated with civilian passengers who will be on board ground personnel of such behaviors via various means. commercial sub-orbital flights. As a follow-up to this ef- This type of reporting is founded on the principle of fort, AsMA Home Office has been working with both non-attribution and is theoretically non-punitive. One of our Space Medicine Association (Ms. Genie Bopp, these, the Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP), has President) and Society of NASA Flight Surgeons (Dr. J. been used by airlines for some time. It recently came to Michael Duncan, President) as well as an an Ad Hoc AsMA’s attention, however, that several airlines had group to help define aeromedical standards for the opted to terminate the use of ASAP in the course of their crews of these flights. This point paper is currently operations. AsMA quickly responded. The AsMA under review. Aviation Safety Committee (Dr. Arnold Angelici, Chair) In addition to these examples, AsMA representa- was tasked to explore this issue and provide a response tives actively participate on dozens of panels, commit- to this action. They created a letter strongly recommend- tees, and represent our Association at many other pro- ing that the ASAP program be retained. This letter was fessional society meetings. We are highly recognized by sent to the airlines in question, and the responses to date government, civil, and commercial bodies that create have been promising. plans and policies and control budgets for present and There are other recent examples of AsMA’s impacts future implementation. We are frequently sought out as on flight safety. Dr. Russell Rayman, our Executive the principle resource for aerospace medicine and Director, attended recent National Transportation Safety human factors expertise by professional and lay news Board (NTSB) hearings in Washington, DC, on heli- organizations and publications, especially when there is copter medical evacuation transport safety. It was noted a 'hot topic' issue to be addressed. In other words, we that there are unique man-made and environmental haz- have over these past decades become that voice of aero- ards associated with aeromedical evac operations (e.g., space medicine to whom others first turn. poor weather, power lines, limited space landing zones, As you can see, AsMA is indeed much more than etc.), as is suggested by the mishap/fatality rates for an annual meeting and the Blue Journal; it is a means civil medevac units. There are many reasons for this, in- by which all of us in the plethora of specialties that de- cluding a desire to help patients even if to do so requires fine the umbrella term "aerospace medicine" are able to flying in marginal hazardous conditions. AsMA re- help make policy, provide expert guidance, and, as per sponded to this by tasking the Air Transport Medicine our mission, to "apply and advance scientific knowl- (ATM) Committee (Dr. Nigel Dowdell, Chair) as well as edge to promote and enhance the health, safety and the AsMA home office to prepare a letter addressing performance of those involved in aerospace and related these issues. The letter was approved by AsMA leader- activities." ship and has been forwarded to the NTSB. I look very much forward to seeing you next Finally, you may recall that some time ago, AsMA month at our annual scientific meeting in Los Angeles! Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine • Vol. 80, No. 4 • April 2009 429 Association News Airline Pilots Association (ALPA). (The letter Executive is posted under Policy Compendium on our Director’s website.) At the time of this writing, the CEO MEETINGS CALENDAR 2009 of Delta Airlines, Mr. Richard Anderson, sent April 26-29, 2009; American Column a letter to your AsMA Home Office stating Occupational Health Conference; that Delta has reinstated ASAP. Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA. The third issue was medical standards for For more information: www.acoem.org; e- commercial space pilots flying suborbital mis- mail: [email protected]. sions. It was strongly recommended to May 3-7, 2009. 80th Annual Scientific Executive Committee by one of our members Meeting of the Aerospace Medical that AsMA prepare a policy statement. Association, Westin Bonaventure Hotel, Los Rayman Subsequently, CDR Bellenkes assigned this to Angeles, CA. www.asma.org an ad hoc committee in the Home Office. The June 2-4, 2009; 4th International Ad Hoc Committee met in October 2008 and Three Issues Conference on Whole-Body Vibration prepared a position statement. At the time of Injuries; Hilton Montreal Bonaventure this writing, the position statement is under In recent months, AsMA has been studying Hotel, Montreal, PQ, Canada. Info: Institut review. de recherche /Robert-Sauvé en santé et en three important aerospace medicine issues: These three issues are of great interest to medevac helicopter accidents, the Aviation sécurité du travail (IRSST), our Association. As a professional organiza- http://www.irsst.qc.ca/en/home-vibrations- Safety Action Program (ASAP), and tion, we have an obligation to speak our mind. Commercial Space Pilot Medical Certification. 2009.html By doing so rationally and timely, AsMA reaf- June 11-12, 2009; XXIst Annual At the time of this writing, position statements firms its leadership in aerospace medicine and are in various stages of preparation. As is cus- International Occupational Ergonomics and sustains our credibility to outside organiza- Safety Conference 2009; Hilton Garden Inn tomary, once approved, each will be posted on tions, institutions, and governmental agencies. our website, published in the Journal, and for- DFW, Dallas, TX. International Society for warded on to appropriate agencies in govern- occupational Ergonomics & Safety; ment and the civil sector. http://www.isoes.info/conference.htm In recent years, there has been an unaccept- AsMA Future Meetings June 25-27, 2009; Undersea & Hyperbaric able loss of medevac helicopters. Although Medical Society Annual Scientific Meeting; this has been noted by the aviation safety com- May 3-7, 2009 Crowne Plaza Los Cabos Grand Faro Beach munity as well as regulators, it really came to Westin Bonaventure Hotel Resort, Mexico. Info: Lisa Tidd/Stacy Rupert a head recently when a medevac helicopter in Los Angeles, CA [email protected]; www.uhms.org Maryland went down, killing three crewmem- June 29-July 2, 2009; 8th USA/Europe bers and the patient. It is believed that some of May 9-13, 2010 Air Traffic Management Research & these crashes are due to crewmembers who Sheraton Hotel; Phoenix, AZ Development Seminar; Napa, CA. FAA and are so anxious to help injured or ill individuals EUROCONTROL, www.atmseminar.org/ that they willingly take off in marginal condi- July 19024, 2009; HCI International May 8-12, 2011 2009—13th International Conference on tions. In some cases helicopter transport may Egan Convention Center not even be necessary when ground trans- Human-Computer Interaction; Town and portation is available. In any event, the Anchorage, AK Country Resort & Convention Center, San National Transportation and Safety Board Diego, CA. http://www.hcii2009.org/ (NTSB) held a meeting in Washington in August 9-14, 2009; IEA 2009—17th February to discuss this issue. In the mean- World Congress on Ergonomics; Beijing while, CDR Bellenkes has asked our Air SAFE Call for Papers Jiuhua International Conference and Transport Medicine Committee, chaired by Dr. Deadline June 19, 2009! Exhibition Center, Beijing, China. Nigel Dowdall, to formulate a position paper International Ergonomics Association, http://www.iea2009.org/ for AsMA with consideration being given to The SAFE Association 2009 Annual October 18-19, 2009; Seventh Annual establishing medical guidelines in determining Symposium will be held October 19-21 at Meeting of the Society for Human the need for air evacuation. the Town & Country Resort and Performance in Extreme Environments; It recently came to our attention that three Convention Center, San Diego, CA.The Grand Hyatt, San Antonio, TX. airlines (Delta, American, and Comair) have SAFE Symposium is the premier interna- http://www.hpee.org/ discontinued their Aviation Safety Action tional showcase for professionals, inven- October 19-23, 2009; 53rd Annual Program (ASAP). This is a program whereby tors, equipment, and systems shaping Meeting of the Human Factors and crewmembers and ground personnel can re- safety in aviation, space, land, and military Ergonomics Society; Grand Hyatt, San port anonymously any safety infractions. disciplines. Antonio, TX. Clearly, its purpose is to enhance aviation Please consider submitting papers, pan- http://hfes.org/web/HFESMeetings/09annualm safety. The three airlines had planned to dis- els, workshops, briefings, demonstrations, eeting.html continue the program mainly because of the and forums. All abstracts must be submit- October 19-21, 2009; SAFE Association perception that those who file a report might ted electronically in MS Word to the SAFE 47th Annual Symposium; Town and Country be subject to disciplinary action. Aerospace Office at [email protected].