Special Notice to Former Recipients of Association Annual Awards
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AEROSPACE MEDICAL NEWS Special Notice to Former Recipients of Association Annual Awards The Chairman of the Awards Committee in charge of selecting LOUIS tL BAUER FOUNDERS AWARD the recipients for the Association's Ten Annual Awards requests / all former recipients of these awards to make nominations for Established by Eaton Laboratories Division of +he I~orwich Pharm- acal Company, to honor Doctor Bauer, the founder of the Aero- the specific award which he has received. space Medical Aasociatlon. It is given annually for; the most sig- These nominations are in addition to nominations made by nificant contribution in Space Medicine. members of the Awards Committee. Since the responsibility 1961ELf. Col. Stanley C. White, USAF, MC and privilege of submitting nominations is restricted to previous 1962EDon Fllckinger, M.D. winners and Committee members, it is most desirable and, in 1963--Col. Paul A. Campbell, USAF, MC fact, most necessary that 'these individuals take action and send 1964~Col. William K. Douglas, USAF, MC their recommendations now, so that the Committee will have 1965~Hubertus Strughold, M.D. ample time for review and selection. Former recipients should forward their nominations, accom- HARRY G. MOSELEY AWARD panied by curriculum vitae and adequate supporting material, to The award was established to honor the memory of Colonel Mose- the Chairman of the Awards Committee: lay, in recognition of his material accomplishments in Flight Safety. George J. Kidere, M.D. It is given annually for the most outstanding contribution to Flight Safety. Honorarium and trophy sponsored by the Lockheed Aircraft Uni+ed Air Lines, Inc. Corporation. P.O. Box 8800 1961~Capt. Carl E. Wilbur, MC, USN Chlcago 66, Illlnois 1962~Col. F. M. Townsend, USAF, MC 1963~Brig. Gen. Kenneth E. Plefcher, USAF, MC No particular form for supplying supporting material will be 1964--Capt. W. Harley Davidson, USAF, MC provided; however, it should definitely be accompanied by a 1965~apf. Richard E. Luehrs, MC, USN statement of the special accomplishments and the basis for which it is believed the Award is deserved (approximately 250-300 THEODORE C. LYSTER AWARD words). For those who have copying equipment at their dis- posal, the Chairman would appreciate receiving twelve (12) Established +o honor the memory of Brigadier General Theodore C. Lyster, the first Chief Surgeon, Aviation Section, United States copies for circulating to the Committee members. If this is not Army Signal Corps. It |s given for oufstanding achievement in the possible, a clear, sharp original which can be duplicated is re- general field of Aerospace Medicine. Honorarium sponsored by the quested. Nominations must be received by November 15, Purdue Frederick Company, Keith Loring Genfilcore Memorial Fund. ! 965. *1947~Louis H. Bauer, M.D. 1948--Wilbur R. Franks, M.D. The following policies regarding nominations for awards are I949~Mai. General Harry G. Armstrong, USAF, MC furnished for guidance: 1950--Capt. Ashton Graybiel, MC, USN 1. Except in the case of the Theodore C. Lyster Award, which 1951~Rear Adm. B. Groesbeclc, Jr., MC, USN shall be open to both members and non-members, nominees for 1952EKenneth A. Evelyn, M.D. awards must be members of the Association. 1953~Capt. Wilbur E. Kellum, MC, USN 2. The Chairman of the Awards Committee is ineligible for *1954--W. R. StovML M.D. an award during his tenure of office. 1955~Brig. General Otis O. Benson,Jr., USAF, MC 3. Individuals are eligible for only one award in any one year, 1956---Brig. General Don Flickinger, USAF, MC 19S7~Capt. Charles F. Gall MC, USN and are not eligible for additional awards in subsequent years 19SB---Hubertus Strughold, M.D. until after a minimum five-year interval. 1959~Capt. Clifford P. Phoebus, MC, USN 4. Individual nominees only are eligible to receive awards-- 1960~Air Commodore A. A. G. Corbel, RCAF not a team of people or a group of scientists. 1961~Air Commodore William K. Stewart, RAF 5. It is possible for an employee of a company, which com- 1962~Robert J. Benford, M.D. pany is the sponsor of an award, to be eligible to receive that 1963~Maj. General M. Samuel White, USAF, MC particular award. 1964--William Randolph Lovelace, II, M.D. 1965~William J. Kennard, M.D. For immediate reference, a list of the Association's Annual Awards and recipients follows: ARNOLD D. TUTTLE AWARD Established by United Air Lines in memory of Colonel Turtle. Awarded for original research that has made annually the most significant contribution toward the solution of a challenging problem Annua/Awards in Aerospace Medicine. 1952EEdward H. Lambert, M.D. RAYMOND F. LONGACRE AWARD 1953--James P. Henry, M.D. 1954-~John P. Marbarger, Ph.D. Established to honor the memory of Major Raymond F. Longacre, 19SS~Fred A. Hitchcock, Ph.D. USA. It is given annually for outstanding accomplishment, in the 1956---W. H. Johnson, Ph.D. psychological and psychiatric aspects of Aerospace Medicine. Hon- 1957~Mai. David G. Simons, USAF, MC orarium sponsored by Ell Lilly and .Company. 1958~Siegfrlod J. Gerathewohl, Ph.D. 1947~Ross A. McFarland, Ph.D. 1959~Lawrence E. Lamb, M.D. 1948--Detlev W. Bronk, Ph.D. 1960--Herman J. Schaefer, Ph.D. 1949~Sir Charles P. Symends 1961~Lt. Col. Charles A. Berry, USAF, MC 1950~Donald W. Hastings, M.D. 1962---Clayton S. White, M.D. 1951~Col. Neeley C. Mashburn, USAF, MC (Ref.) 1963~Charles I. Barron, M.D. 1952~Sir Frederick Bartleff 1964---Vincent M. Downey, M.D. 1953~Walter F. Grefher, Ph.D. 1965ECapt. A~hton Graybiel, MC, USN 1954~John C. Flanagan, Ph.D. 1955--Roy R. Grinker, M.D. TAMISIEA AWARD 1956--Saul B. Sells, Ph.D. JOHN A. 1957EBrlg. Gen. Eu~jenG. Reinartz, USAF, MC (Rat.) Established by the Civil Aviation Medical Association in memory *1958mCol. Harry G. Moseley, USAF, MC of Doctor Tamisiea, one of the pioneers in civil aviation medicine. 1959~--~pt. George E. Ruff, USAF, MC Awarded annually to the outs§ Aviation :Medical Examiner 1960--Brant Clark, Ph.D. who has contributed most +o the advancement of the art and 1961~Capt. Philip B. Phillips, MC, USN science of aviation medicine in its application +o the general 1962~George T. Hauty, Ph.D. aviation field. *1963~Henry A. Irnus, Ph.D. 1963~Herber+ F. Fenwick, M.D. 1964~Frederick H. Rohles, M.D. 1964--Delazon S. Bostwlck, M.D. 1965~Anchard F. Zeller, Ph.D. 1965---Neal E. Baxter, M.D. 804 Aerospace Medicine * August 1965 AEROSPACE MEDICAL NEWS JULIAN E. WARD MEMORIAL AWARD TABLE I. DEPLOYMENT OF PHYSICIAN MONITORS Established by the Society of USAF Flight Sucgeons ~n memory DU'P,ING GEMINI FLIGHTS of its first member to have lost his life in an aircraft accident end to honor all FlicjM Surgeons whose lives are lost in the pursuit of GT-3 ( Cape ) GT-4 ( Houston ) GT-5 ( Houston ) flying activities relating to the practice of aerospace medicine. Awarded annually to a resident in aviation medicine or to an in- Mission Control Center dividual who has completed residency training in aerospace medi- C. A. Berry, Director C. A. Berry, Director C.A. Berry, Director cine not more than one year prior fo the date of award. The award is for superior performance end/or oufstnndincj achievement in the J. R. Wamsley A.D. Catterson G.F. Kelly art end science of aerospace medicine during residency training. J. F. Zieglschmid D.O. Coons A.D. Catterson 1963--Cdr. Frank H. Austin, Jr., MC, USN 1964~Maj. Samuel J. Brewer, USAF, MC Staff Support Room 1965~npf. Ronald E. Costin, USAF, MC G. B. Smith S.S. Puma S.S. Puma ERIC LILJENCRANTZ AWARD George Armstrong K.N. Beers K.N. Beers The award was established by Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc., in mem- ~V. R. Carpentier W.R. Carpentier J.J. Droescher ory of Commander Erie Liljencrantz, MC, USN, whose brilliant R. R. Hessberg L. Dietlein R.R. Conley career in Aviation Medicine was cut short by his death in an J. Gordon J.F. Zieglschmid airplane accident in 1942. It is given for the best paper on basic research in the problems of acceleration and altitude. R. Moser J. Billingham 1957mCol. John P. Stapp, USAF, MC 195B--Bricj. Gee. Victor A. Byrnes, USAF, MC (Ret.) Canary Islands 1959--Capt. Edward L. Beckman, MC, USN 1960~James D. Hardy, Ph.D. E. L. Beckman R.H. Shamburek P.F. Nugent 1961--Capt. Ashton Graybiel, MC, USN R. H. Shamburek W. Waiters J.F. Wittmer 1962uWilbur R. Franks, M.D. 1963--Earl W. Wood, M.D. Canarvon, Australia 1964~Capt. Ralph L Christy, MC, USN 1965--David M. Clark, D.Sc. R. A. Pollard R.A. Pollard L.N. Walsh W. Bishop Murray-Alston C.A. Jernigan HOWARD K. EDWARDS AWARD Murray-Alston L.N. Walsh Established by the Aviation Insurance Agency in memory of Doc- tor Edwards. Awarded annually for the outstanding practice of CSQ: Tracking Ship--Coastal Sentry Quebec clinical aviation medicine pertaining +o professional airline pilots. 1961~George J. Kidera, M.D. C. A. Jemigan G.F. Humbert R.M. Chubb 1962~Otis B. Schreuder, M.D. J. E. Hertzog C.H. Sawyer C.L. Ewing 1963--Ludwig G. Lederer, M.D. 1964--Andre Allard, M.D. Hawaii 1965~John E. Smith, M.D. A. D. Catterson C.A. Jernigan Q.W. Jones WALTER M. BOOTHBY AWARD H. R. Unger D.F. Morss L.J. Enders Established by the Aviation Insurance Agency in memory of Doc- K. N. Beers tor 8oothby. Awarded annually for o~standincj research directed at the promotion of health and prevention of disease in professional RKV: Tracking Ship--Rose Knott Victor airline pilots.