Aerospace Nursing Section
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Send information for publication on this page to: Maj. Jana Campbell, USAF, NC 9619 Ridge Heights East St. Louis, IL 62208-2319 AEROSPACE NURSING SECTION stability to the section. We have tentatively A Message from the New President selected our speakers for the next year. My focus for the coming year will be on As I assume the presidency of the Aero- Patricia Ravella; and Executive Board Mem- communication. Communication tends to space Nursing Section I would like to bers-at-large Maj. Betty McCoy and Col. taper off after the annual meeting. I hope to present my vision of the following year for Georgia Hale. Committee chairpersons are see improved communication within the sec- our section and its relation with our parent as follows: Scientific Program--Lt. Col. tion and between the section and the parent organization. Garye Jensen; Nominations--Maj. Anne organization. Through communication I ex- After over 10 years' of flying I find my Hamilton; Editorial/Publicity--Maj. Jana pect to see greater involvement of our chair- role changing. Though I am no longer in an Campbell; Education/Training---Capt. Lee persons with our parent organization com- active flying position I find I can still have Williamson; Long Range Planning--Lt. Col. mittees. an effect on that which I enjoy so much. Sarah Wright; History/Archives--Maj. As we look toward next year's meeting in The prospect of a new role became clear Charles Tupper; Awards--OTC Patricia Pe- San Antonio I anticipate an even better when I realized I had more to contribute ters; Membership/Marketing Lt. Col. Patri- meeting than this year. Many of you are fa- than just being a flyer. cia Ravella and Maj. Richard Holt; Conven- miliar with what San Antonio has to offer. While many of you do contribute time and tion Arrangements---Maj. Richard Holt; As your president, I anticipate our commit- energy to the section I would like those who Constitution/Bylaws---Col. Elizabeth Hinze; tees can offer you an outstanding scientific have unchallenged talents to give a little Research--Maj. Ellen Lewis. Col. (Ret.) program as well. more. If you want to do more for the organi- Stella Bellarts will continue to do her out- zation than fly, if you want to have an effect standing job as our parliamentarian. on the future of Aerospace Nursing, if you At our closing business meeting we ac- want to pave the way for those to follow as complished a great deal. Most of our com- those before you, if you want to be recog- mittee chairpersons are returning, providing nized for your accomplishments, then get involved in a capacity other than being a flyer. There are so many avenues in which we each can be involved including research, editing, chairmanship, committee member- ship in both the ANS and AsMA. If you are interested in a greater participation in your organization and don't know how, call me. Financially, while costs have increased, we are doing well. Thanks to new members, contributions, and fund-raising efforts of many of our members, we met all of our GARRECHT AWARDmThe Brig. Gen. obligations and are looking strong for the Claire E. Garrecht Award for the best sci- next year. entific paper by a member presented at I feel we have an outstanding group of HOEFLY AWARDmThe E. A. Hoefly the meeting was awarded to Maj. Kirk section leaders for the coming year. Your Award was presented to Lt. Col. Patricia C. Nailling, USAF, NC, for his paper, "Decom- executive committee for the following year Ravella, USAF, NC, (left) by Mr. Ben pression Sickness of Flight Nurse Students includes Maj. Regina Aune,. Vice President/ Daughtry, representing the sponsor, at Brooks AFB." Pictured left to right are President Elect; Lt. Col. Patricia Moss, Sec- SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals, Brig. Gen. Claire Garrecht, USAF(Ret.), retary; Lt. Col. Eileen Hadbavny, Trea- (center) as Stacy Alger, R.N., M.S.N., Pres- Maj. Nailling, Hans Krakauer, Ph.D., who surer; Past Presidents Lt. Col. (Ret.) Stacy ident of the Aerospace Nursing Section, sponsored the award, and Stacy Alger, Alger, Lt. Col. Marian Sides, and Lt. Col. looks on. President of the ANS. Space Medicine Branch Awards YOUNG INVESTIGATORS AWARD~ThIs year there was a tie for the best paper by a young investigator. Awards were presented to (left photo) Reiner K. Effenhauser, M.D., STRUGHOLD AWARDmThe Hubertus (left) for abstract #97, "Pulse Waveform and Transcranial Doppler Analysis During Strughold Award was presented to G. Lower Body Negative Pressure," and (right photo) Carinna E. Lathan (left) for abstract Wyckliffe Hoffler, M.D., (left) by Karl E. #33, "The Effect of Linear Acceleration on the Range of Optokinetic Performance in Klein, M.D., President of the Space Medi- Humans." Presenting the awards is Jeff Myers, Secretary of the Space Medicine Branch. cine Branch. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 9August, 1993 783 .