Bratislava Galleries

CO KRYT (Civil Defence Shelter) in the Municipal Theatre of P. O. Hviezdoslav Laurinská 20 Contact:;; FB: BKIS Cultural and Information Centre; FB: Municipal Theatre of P. O. Hviezdoslav Bratislava Open: 15.00 – 23.00 (last entry 22.30) Programme: Koma (Comics) in Bratislava The International Comics Festival : Comics and Music – a showcase of contemporary comics and art Artists: Tomáš Kučerovský, Tomáš Motal, Kamila Brůčková, Jiří Grus (CZ), Przemysław Truściński (PL), Matt Boyce (GB), Artúr Haránt, Gergely Oravecz, Attila Stark, Soma Sebesvári (HU), Tonto Comics (AT) and others Bratislava City Gallery Mirbach Palace, Františkánske nám. 11, Pálffy Palace, Panská 19 Contact: [email protected]; Open: 11.00 – 22.00 Programme: Mirbach Palace 11.00 – 22.00 Permanent exhibitions and displays 09.00 – 12.00 Valuation of works of art A professional jury will judge the artistic and historical value of works of art brought by the visitors. One’s own creative work or objects of arts and crafts cannot be included in the reviewing. 15.00 – 17.00 Search, a programme for families with children. A creative and entertaining tour of the gallery and a creative studio with an artist 18.00 Curator’s guided tour of the Gabriele st. Genois exhibition, curator Jana Luková 19.00 New reality, a commented tour. Curators Gréta Mária Srnová and Filip Bielek will take the visitors round the exhibition reflecting the current state-of-art in Bratislava. Pálffy Palace 11.00 – 22.00 Permanent exhibitions and displays Nedbalka Gallery Nedbalova 17, Bratislava Contact: Open: 13.00 – 23.00 (last entry 22.30) Permanent exhibition: Modern Slovak Art Current: Ladislav Mednyánszky – the 100th death anniversary Programme: 13.00 Festive opening of the Dáždnikova (Umbrella) Street in Nedbalova 15.00 Lecture on the work of Ladislav Mednyánszky – curator Zsófia Kiss-Szemán 16.00 Children’s commented tour of the permanent exhibition 14.00,18.00, 19.00 and 21.00 Commented tours of the permanent exhibition In the gallery café children’s working sheets and colouring books will be available to the children throughout the day. Umelka Gallery – Slovak Visual Art Union Dostojevského rad 2, Bratislava Contact:; 0915 713 315, 0917 405 492; FB: Slovak Visual Art Union – Art Gallery Umelkainstagram/galeria_umelka Open: 12.00 – 23.00 Exhibition: Fero Kráľ – on the occasion of the 100th birth anniversary (1919 – 2008). The artist’s paintings and a book launch on the artist and his times (by Pavol Kráľ) Programme: 16.00 Commented exhibition tour 17.00 Braňo Jelenčík: Workshop for visual artists on copyright and registration in LITA 18.00 Robo Makar: Consultations for people interested in visual arts studies (for all age categories) 21.00 The Atrapa Theatre: The Extra Two Hours, script and direction: Jakub Lazarčík, actors: Katarína Kokošková, Dagmar Labáthová Bordáková, Slávka Dobrotová, Adam Štrba (45 min.). For the 15+ age group. Kunsthalle Bratislava Nám. SNP 12 Contact: Open: 12.00 – 24.00 (last entry 23.00) Exhibitions: Inversive Romance (1st floor, Kunsthalle Bratislava) Exhibiting artists: Josef Bolf, Martin Gerboc, Jiří Petrbok, Ivan Pinkava, Richard Štipl Zorka Lednárová: Perspective (Kunsthalle LAB) Programme: 15.00 Children Mediators. On the Perspective exhibition by Zorka Lednárová Children mediators provide a guided tour of the exhibition and present it through their own optics. For children and also adults who will see new aspects of the world of art through children’s mediation. 17.00 Curator’s guided tour of Zorka Lednárová’s exhibition Perspective. Guided by Lucia Gregorová Stach. 12.00 – 24.00 Commented tour of the Inversive Romance exhibition. Provided by the KHB art mediators. The exhibition is suitable for the 18+ age group. Dom Quo Vadis Hurban’s Sq. Contact:; FB: /domquovadis Open: 10.00 – 22.00 Exhibition: Display of the winning art works registered in the competition for basic and secondary schools entitled Family and the Basic Human Right of Life. Programme: 18.30 Evening of music and painting and a Discussion on the topic: The community and the values. How can art develop children? Slovak National Gallery Bratislava Esterházy Palace, Berlinka café, Ex Libris bookshop in the SNG, Ľudovít Štúr Sq. 4 Contact: [email protected];; FB: SlovenskaNarodnaGaleria Open: 10.00 – 24.00 (last entry 23.00), Programme from 16.00 onwards Exhibitions: Experimental exhibitions Landscapes Behind the Maps: Kornel and Naďa Földvári’s Library & Strange History of Art with professor Škreček (1st floor) From the Academy Towards the Nature. Landscape Painting Images in Central Europe 1860 – 1890 (2nd floor) Programme: 16.00 – 18.00 Into the Gallery Light. A programme for families with children, 4 +, where you can discover children’s books dealing with the Slovak National Gallery, Where is Esther N? (3rd floor) 17.00 – 18.00 Curator Katarína Beňová’s lecture on the exhibition From the Academy Towards the Nature (2nd floor) 17.17 – 19.19 While-You-Wait Poem. Street poet Šimon Ondruš will create a made to measure poem (Ex Libris bookshop) 18.00 – 20.00 The Gained Places. Workshop for adults. Current possibilities of depicting landscapes via a specific artist’s photographic theme. Reservations: [email protected] (lower ground floor studio) Bloc Landscapes Behind the Maps 18.00 – 18.30 Curator Alexandra Kusá’s lecture on the exhibitions Landscapes Behind the Maps: Kornel and Naďa Földvári’s Library & Strange History of Art with professor Škreček (1st floor) 18.30 – 20.00 Presentation of Kornel Földvári’s collected works & book readings. Koloman Kertész Bagala (KK Bagala publishing house) and guests will present 3 new books by Kornel Földvári: A Shot in the Mirror, On the Detective Story and On the Brevity. Read by actors: Ján Mistrík, Kristína Tormová, Boris Farkaš (1st floor) 21.00 – 22.30 Kornel and Naďa Földvári’s books reading by actors: Štefan Bučko, Alfréd Swan, Lucia Hurajová, Juraj Hrčka (1st floor) Bloc Mednyánszky 19.00 – 19.45 Curator Katarína Beňová’s lecture on the life and work of painter Ladislav Mednyánszky (2nd floor) 20.00 – 20.45 a 22.30 – 23.15 Site-specific performance Mednyánszky. On the painter and his relationship to creative work – combination of artistic installation, movement theatre, videoart, music and texts from the artist’s diaries. NOMANTINELS theatre/ direction Dáša Krištofovičová (atrium + balconies 1st and 2nd floor) Slovak Design Centre Satellite Design Gallery and the Slovak Design Centre, Kollárovo Sq. 10 Contact:; FB: /slovakdesigncenter Open: 13.00 – 23.00 Satellite Design Gallery Exhibition: Extended authorship Slovak Design Museum Exhibition: 100 Years of Design / 1918 – 2018 Programme: 17.00 Children in action. Commented tour for children (6 – 14 years of age) with Helena Cibulková 18.30 Tesla people at work. Commented tour for general public with Maroš Schmidt and his guests, ŠUR building, Vazovova St. 3-5 16.00 With architecture round the school. Tour of the ŠUR building with Peter Szalay and Soňa Ščepánová. Meeting point: school building in Vazovova St. 3-5. An accompanying event to the exhibition Have No Fear of Modernism! installed in the SNM – Historical Museum

Central European House of Photography Prepoštská 4 Contact: +421 2 544 182 14;; FB: /stredoeuropskydomfotografie/?ref=ts Open: 13.00 – 18.00 Martin Martinček’s gallery (1st floor) David Těšínsky (CZ). People’s stories: series on the rastafarians, the war in eastern Ukraine, rappers in New York Profile Gallery (2nd floor) Dominika Ličková (SK). Keywords – a selection of works 2014 – 2018, series: Beech, Absence of Bratislava, Archive of Temporary Objects University Library Bratislava Michalská 1 Contact: [email protected];; FB: /ulibsk; Instagram: /ulibsk Open: 11.00 - 23.00 (last entry 22.30) Exhibition hall of ULB, Michalská 1 Exhibition: Jaromír 99. Jaromír Švejdík alias Jaromír 99 has divided his life between music (Priessnitz, Umakart and Kafka bands) and visual art. Expressive comics handwriting is quite close to the aesthetics of the noir film or pop art. His graphical novellete is based on the famous unfinished novel by Franz Kafka – The Castle. This absurd, grotesque work, full of black humour will be presented in Slovakia. Baroque courtyard ULB, Ventúrska 11 Exhibition: In Between in a Different Place. Recapitulation of the Czech comics history in ten chapters, through historical and social connotations and that which has, in between, happened in a different place. Focusing thematically at central genres, decisive historical moments and inter-cultural inspirations, it narrates the story of the „first century“ of modern comics. Both exhibitions are part of the Bratislava Book Festival 2019. Museums CVTI SR Museum of Education and Pedagogy Relaxation park Na Grbe, Charkovská 1 Contact: +421 917 693 235;; FB: /Muzeum skolstva a pedagogiky Duration: 20.30 – 22.00 Programme: Video projection on the life of the museum and screening of contemporary educational films from the museum fund in the relaxation park of Devínska Nová Ves neighbourhood. In case of unfavourable weather the event will be cancelled. The Theatre Institute Museum of the Theatre Institute, Jakub’s Sq. 12 Contact: [email protected];; FB: /Divadelný ústav, Štúdio 12 Open: 16.00 – 22.00 (last entry 21.30) Exhibition: From story to story – Designers of theatrical costumes. The exhibition illustrates the origin of a theatrical costume, from its design up to its resulting shape on the stage. From the initial euphoria, idea, director’s interpretation, a number of sketches and drawings, selection and combination of materials, pattern books and different stylisations up to the final costume in which the actor acts on the stage. The exhibition presents flat costume designs and selected theatrical costumes from the collections of the Museum of the Theatre Institute from more or less known stagings in Slovak professional theatres, across the regions and developmental periods of theatrical costume. Museum of Customs and Financial Administration Istrijská 49, Devínska Nová Ves Open: 10.00 – 20.00 Programme: The development of tolls, taxes and customs, the development of financial police from the time of Austro-Hungary up to the year 1948, the Guard of the State Defence 1936 – 1939, samples of tax documents from A-H up to the periods of the 1st Czechoslovak Republic, the ČSSR a ČSFR (custom officers’ objects of everyday use), the early stages of kynology in the 1st Czechoslovak Republic and at the time of the socialist customs administration, photo documentation (smuggling), In the Sign of Mercury – extracts from the film on the work of customs officers. An opportunity to get stamped souvenir photographs and try sealing Museum of Photography Prepoštská 4 Contact: +421 2 544 18 214; [email protected],; FB: /stredoeuropskydomfotografie Open: 13.00 – 18.00 Exhibitions: The 19th Century Photographic Techniques Photographic Studios in Bratislava up to the Year 1918 Programme: 16.00 Commented tour of the Bratislava Photographic Studios exhibition by Martin Kleibl, a Museum of Photography curator

Bratislava City Museum Radničná 1 Contact: +421 917 61 77 80; [email protected];; FB: /muzeummestabratislavy; instagram City History Museum, the Old Town Hall 11.00 – 23.30 (last entry 23.00) Exhibition room in the Old Town Hall Exhibition: Bratislava 1919 / Annexation to Programme: Primate’s Square and the Old Town Hall courtyard (in case of rain in the Apponyi Palace, the Faust Hall in the Old Town Hall) 13.00 – 19.00 How Our Elders Played? In courtyards and streets. A happening to the 2-year project How Our Elders Played... Exercising and playing at 12 stands 13.00 – 14.00 Golden Age Women. Children and parents. Acrobatic performances by pupils. Slovak Sokol Union, Sports Club Vinohrady Bratislava The Old Town Hall courtyard Children – Seniors, charity sale of children’s works of art 14.30 Iveta Malachovská in the programme How Our Elders Played... A studio in three blocs: What are the toys whispering; Tell me! Paper museum and production of toys our grandmothers used to play with 16.30 Play is a serious matter – a guided discussion with a psychologist on the topic Play and Child 17.00 Playing with a book – BUVIK is coming 18.00 Playing with a song – let’s sing with the Spievankovo, concert in the Old Town Hall courtyard 21.00 From Prešporok to Bratislava / 100 years of annexation of Bratislava to Czechoslovakia FUNNY FELLOWS concert Museum of Viticulture Apponyi Palace, Radničná 1 Open: 11.00 – 23.30 (last entry 23.00) Wine tasting in cooperation with the National Wine Salon of the SR, continuously Museum of Historical Interiors Apponyi Palace, Radničná 1 Open: 11.00 – 23.30 (last entry 23.00) Museum of Clocks House of the Good Shepherd, Židovská 2 Open: 11.00 – 23.30 (last entry 23.00) Museum of Weapons Michael’s Tower, Michalská 22 Open: 11.00 – 23.30 (last entry 23.00) Museum of Pharmacy Pharmacy at the Red Crayfish, Michalská 26 Open: 11.00 – 23.30 (last entry 23.00) Arthur Fleischmann Museum Biela 6 Open: 11.00 – 23.30 (last entry 23.00) Johann Nepomuk Hummel Museum Klobučnícka 2 Open: 11.00 – 23.30 (last entry 23.00) Devín Castle Muránska 10, Devín Open: 10.00 – 20.00 (last entry 19.30) Exhibition: History is not crashing bore. The rivers Danube and Moravia say Programme: Castle Search. Hidden symbols in the castle compound. Who will discover them all? Ancient Gerulata Rusovce Gerulatská 7, Rusovce Open: 10.00 – 20.00 (last entry 19.30) Permanent exhibition: Ancient Gerulata Rusovce Current exhibition: Jewels from the graves of burial ground III. Museum of Trade Bratislava Linzbothova 16 Contact: +421 2 4524 3167;; FB: /muzeumobchodubratislava Open: 10.00 – 24.00 Programme: 18.00 – 22.00 Concert: „Polish Blues Show V“ Forsal (PL – Blues), Pola Chobot & Adam Baran (PL – Blues), Blackberry Brothers (PL – Blues). Czechoslovak Fortification Museum Bunker B-S 4 Lány, Viedenská cesta, border check point Berg Contact: +421 904 972 254;; FB: /Muzeum petrzalskeho opevnenia Open: 10.00 – 23.00 (entrance every 30 minutes, last entry 22.30) Exhibition: Exhibition of fire arms from the period of the 2nd world war Military museum in bunker B-S 4 „Lány“ presents the best reconstructed object of the 1938 Czechoslovak fortification in Bratislava, including the massive external system of antitank and antiinfantry obstacles. Guides, who have been reconstructing the bunker for eight years, will show the visitors special interior furnishings, snipers’ rooms, a functional machine room, living rooms, storage rooms and an exhibition of fire arms. Programme: 10.00 – 23.00 Commented tours of the exterior and the interior of the fortress (approx. 45 min) Primate’s Palace Primate’s Sq. 3 Contact: Tourist information centre, BTB, Klobučnícka 2; +421 2 593 56 651 [email protected]; Open: 15.00 – 23.00 (last entry 22.00) Programme: Commented tours of the Primate’s Palace 15.00 Tour in English 16.00 – 22.00 Tours in Slovak (every full hour) Slovak National Museum (SNM) Main building of the SNM and SNM – Natural History Museum Vajanského nábr. 2 Contact - exhibitions and events SNM – Natural History Museum: +421 204 69 154 (127) (148);; FB: /prirodovedne.muzeum/ Contact - humanities exhibitions and events: +421 204 69 109 (238) (105); [email protected];; FB: /slovenske.narodne.muzeum/ Open: 9.00 – 23.30 (last entry 23.00) Permanent exhibitions: The Miracle of Nature – The History of Life on Earth The Miracle of Nature – Biological Diversity on Earth The Miracle of Nature – Biological Diversity of Slovakia Treasures of Earth Current exhibitions: Visions of Modernity. Rudolf Sandalo (ground floor) Czecho / Slovakia (ground floor) Beauty Created for Women (1st floor) Fascination by Plants 2019 (The Miracle of Nature – Biological Diversity of Slovakia, 2nd floor) Programme: 15.00 – 22.00 The Most Beautiful Bonnet, accompanying event to the exhibition Beauty Created for Women Lectures, Natural History Museum: (Discovery room, 3rd floor) 16.00 Reconstruction of the tower and the western facade of Bratislava Cathedral (1762 – 1767). Excursion to the building site, Patrik Baxa 17.00 Flying insects – how to live with them, Martin Sečanský 18.00 Nature trails – sources of knowledge of Slovak countryside, Mária Bizubová 19.00 Wandering round southern Africa, Erika Pisarčíková Natural history activities: 18.00 – 22.00 Encounters with people from primaeval times: human skeletons and mummies – visit to the anthropological depository (4th floor, every 30 – 45 min., registration 3rd floor from 17.30 and 20.00 onwards) 15.00 – 23.00 Plant seeds and their preservation (The Miracle of Nature – Biological Diversity of Slovakia, 2nd floor) 15.00 – 23.00 Noah’s ark – a seed bank (The Miracle of Nature – Biological Diversity of Slovakia, 2nd floor) 15.00 – 22.00 Deposits of raw materials in Slovakia: history and presence (Treasures of Earth, 2nd floor) 15.00 – 18.30 How to make a copy of a fossil, creative workshops for children (The History of Life on Earth, 2nd floor) 19.00 – 23.00 The past inscribed in fossils (The Miracle of Nature – The History of Life on Earth, 2nd floor) 14.00 – 17.00 Observation of solar activity by astronomical telescopes (in good weather outside the building) 20.00 – 23.00 The Earth and the Universe (meeting room of the Natural History Museum, 3rd floor) 20.00 – 23.30 Observation of nocturnal sky by astronomical telescopes (in good weather outside the building) SNM – Historical Museum Contact:; FB: /SNMHistorickemuzeum Open: 10.00 – 23.00 (last entry 22.00) Permanent exhibitions: . From Prehistory to the Middle Ages (3rd floor) The Treasury (passageway under the gate) Current exhibitions: (3rd floor) Have No Fear of Modernism! (3rd floor) Russia and the Habsburg Monarchy – fragments from the 18th century history (2nd floor) Bratislava Castle on Prints (2nd floor ) The Celts of Bratislava (lower 1st floor) Castle Compound: Coronation Tower (3rd floor) Francis Stephen’s representational halls (1st floor) Castle Chapel (Music Hall, 1st floor) Archaeological finds in situ beneath the courtyard (lower 1st floor) Castle Well (courtyard) Programme: 11.00 Silver from museum collections. Andrea Milanová. Commented tour of the Treasury 13.00 From the history of Bratislava Castle. Juraj Kucharik. Lecture in the Castle Chapel (Music Hall, 1st floor) 14.00 Have no fear of juvenile guides! Helena Cibulková, commented tour of the Have No Fear of Modernism! exhibition for children (8 – 14 years of age) 14.30 Story of a monstrance. Alena Piatrová. Commentary in the anti-room of the Castle Chapel (1st floor) 16.00 Russia and the Habsburg Monarchy. Pavol Komora. Commented tour of the Russia and the Habsburg Monarchy exhibition – fragments from the 18th century history 17.00 Benka is painting Slovakia. Programme for children (7 – 15 years of age) and creative workshops during the Martin Benka exhibition 18.00 Have No Fear of Modernism! Klára Prešnajderová and Zuzana Šidlíková. Commented tour focusing on the Department of Fashion and Textiles and the Department of Prints 20.00 Benka is painting Slovakia. Programme for children (7 – 15 years of age) and creative workshops at the Martin Benka exhibition. The maximum number of children at the Benka is painting Slovakia programme is 20. Register in advance at: [email protected] Open depositories: 15.00 and 18.00 Depository of paintings and sculpture. Hana Kližanová 16.00 and 19.00 Depository of paper. Martina Vyskupová a Zuzana Luprichová 17.00 and 20.00 Depository of combined material. Eduard Belušák The maximum number of people is 10. Register in advance at: [email protected]; or personally on the 3rd floor next to the main staircase SNM – Music Museum Brämer’s Mansion, Žižkova 16 Contact: +421 918 906 787; +421 2 2049 1281; Open: 10.00 – 23.00 (last entry 22.30) Exhibition: ... and they called her Virtue® Programme: 14.00 – 16.00 Creative workshops for children 16.00 and 20.00 Curator’s lecture on the ... and they called her Virtue® exhibition 18.00 Ľuboš Beňa & Bonzo Radványi. Bluesmen’s concert with resophonic guitars SNM – Archaeological Museum Žižkova 12 Contact: +421 220 491 273;; FB: /SNMarcheologickemuzeum/ Open: 10.00 – 23.00 (last entry 22.30) Exhibitions: Archaeological Discovery No. 4 – Getting to Know Egypt, an interactive programme Departmental Collection of the Evangelical Lyceum in Bratislava Open-air-museum – A Slavonic Hut How People in Bratislava Lived in the 4th Millennium BC – an interactive exhibition Czech Archaeologists in Slovakia Laterarius – The History of Brickmaking in Slovakia The Marcus Aurelius Column and Slovakia New Acquisitions in the Collections of the Archaeological Museum of SNM Programme: The first 100 paying visitors will get a nice archaeological present 10.00 – 17.00 Creative workshops for children – Getting to Know Egypt (production of ushabti, figurines of Narmer, clay scarabaei) 13.00, 15.00, 17.00 Performances by the Svjatogor historical fencing group, presentation of arms and fighting strategies from the early Middle Ages 10.00 – 17.00 Playing at archaeologists in the archaeological sand pit 18.00 On swords and the swordsmith’s trade. Robert Môc, manufacturer of historical swords, an expert on early medieval military techniques 19.00 Egyptology lecture. Veronika Dubcová, Lucia Hulková SNM – Museum of Carpathian German Culture Žižkova 14, Bratislava (entrance from Žižkova St. 16) Contact: +421 2 544 15 570; Open: 10.00 – 23.00 Exhibition: Transformations of Zuckermandl Programme: Projection of documentary films on the history and culture of 16.00 – 20.00 The Ways of Copper. Following the traces of copper from the Bom Jesus shipwreck. The film is documenting the significance of mining in Slovakia and the role and activities of the Fugger family in the development of mining and trade. SNM – Museum of Hungarian Culture in Slovakia Žižkova St. 18 Contact:; [email protected]; FB: / Open: 10.00 – 23.00 (last entry 22.30) Permanent exhibitions: The Hungarians in Slovakia Meals, drinks, dreams...... ordinary days and festivities in people’s lives Current exhibitions: Exchanged Homes The Time is Up – the years 1848/49 in Prešporok SNM – Museum of Jewish Culture Zsigray’s Mansion, Židovská 17 Contact: +421 2 20 490 101; [email protected]; FB: /MuzeumZidovskejKultury Open: 15.00 – 22.00 Exhibition: Masaryk and the Holy Land (at the museum entrance) Programme: 1st floor 15.00 – 17.00 Jewish feasts, customs and traditions. Lecture by Viera Kamenická who says: „What is important for the Jewish community is the link between the past and the future, keeping the traditions through observation of the commandements and festive rituals that are reminiscent of the happy as well as tragic events in the history of the Jews.“ 15.00 – 17.00 Circle of life in a Jewish family. A lecture by Eva Poláková will present the life of a Jewish family. 19.00 – 21.30 Jewish feasts, customs and traditions. A lecture by Eva Poláková 19.00 – 21.30 Circle of life in a Jewish family. A lecture by Kristína Dublanová 2nd floor 15.00 – 17.00 Andrew Steiner, a Jewish architect of labour camps. Projection of a documentary film 16.00 Quiz on the planned exhibition on Richard Réti, a chess champion. Michal Vaněk 17.00 – 19.00 Lecture on the exhibition Bibles From the Library of the SNM – Museum of Jewish Culture. Kamila Fircáková 19.00 – 21.00 Jewish Bratislava. Lecture by Viera Kamenická SNM – Museum of Croatian Culture in Slovakia Istrijská 69 Contact: +421 2 204 931-3; +421 915 807 494; FB: /chorvati/ Open: 12.00 – 22.00 (last entry 21:30) Permanent exhibitions: The History and Culture of Croatians in Slovakia The History and Culture of Croatians in Devínska Nová Ves Exhibition: Three in one. Exhibition of a local amateur artist Norbert Kovačič. Presentation of the artist’s work made of wood, ceramics and painting Programme: During the day there will be presentations of the artist’s work displayed in the current exhibition. 19.00 Guided tour of the museum On arrival every visitor will obtain a quiz on the exhibition and the museum. There will be a sale of books from the Croatian library. Slovak Technological Museum – Museum of Transport Šancová 1/A Contact: +421 2 524 44 163, FB: /muzeumdopravybratislava Open: 10.00 – 22.30 (last entry do 22.30) Exhibitions: Slovak Traces in the Universe – the 20th anniversary of the Štefánik mission 100 Years of Shipbuilding in Czechoslovakia 20 Most Significant Collection Items in the Museum of Transport, on the occasion of the 20th anniver- sary of its foundation Programme: 15.00 – 19.00 Creative workshops with clay, production of transport vehicles from clay, clubroom 16.00, 17.00, 18.00 and 21.00 Curator’s lecture on the 100 Years of Shipbuilding in ČSR and in Slovakia exhibition 15.00 until 20.00 A model harbour. Setting in motion model mini boats 16.00, 17.00 and 18.00 Fairytales on the road. Author’s reading for children, presented by Mr. Carrot (Tibor Hujdič) 22.00 Slovak Traces in the Universe – the 20th anniversary of the Štefánik mission, guided tour During the whole event: Škoda Popular – the story of the Night of Museums and Galleries Presentation of the Museum of Transport’s new acquisitions, rooms A,B + on the platform Coffee refreshment in the Museum of Transport Private Military Museum B-S 6 Vrba Bratská ul. Contact: +421 908 431 153;; FB: /bs6vrba Open: 15.00 – 24.00 Exhibition: Furnishings, equipment and arms in the B-S 6 Vrba bunker Programme: The visitors will see the infantry log cabin (bunker), hear about the furnishings and the history of the object as well as the overall Czechoslovak fortification in Bratislava-Petržalka. Guides will be wearing contemporary uniforms and there will be an opportunity to take a picture with them. The visit in the pleasant environment will be accompanied by the contemporary 1930’s music. Centre for Folk Art Production - ÚĽUV Gallery ÚĽUV, Obchodná 64 Contact: + 421 2 527 313 49; [email protected]; [email protected]; +421 905 370 683; FB: /ÚĽUV; Instagram/uluvslovakia Open: 14.00 – 22.00 (last entry 21.30) Exhibition: Glory to the Baskets. Exhibition of Polish and Norwegian basketmaking Programme: 15.00 – 22.00 Presentation of selected objects from the ÚĽUV Museum (natural wicker), quiz Stebielko – ošatka Activities for children 15.00 – 21.30 Let yourselves be enchanted by the magic of crafts. Presentation of production and an opportunity to try it out (straw, dry corn leaves and wicker) 15.00 – 22.00 Projection of video documents on natural wicker 16.00 – 16.30 Guided tour of the Glory to the Baskets exhibition 16.30 – 17.30 Application of natural wicker in the traditional environment. Lecture by ethnographer Elena Beňušová 12.00 – 18.00 Presentation of basket production by Polish manufacturers 16.00 – 18.00 and 19.00 – 21.00 Creative workshops. Whattling on frames for adults and children Water Company Museum Bratislava Devínska cesta 1 Contact: +421 2 6020 1915;; FB: /vmbvs Open: 15.00 – 20.00 Exhibition: Sewage pumping station in the Winter harbour and the construction of the sewage system in Bratislava Programme: 15.00 – 19.00 Sihoť Island – a unique water source for Bratislava and the surroundings. The first water well from 1886, an electric pumping station and the tunnel under the Karlova Ves Danube distributary will be made accessible to the public. 15.00 – 20.00 Exhibition of the Bratislava water supply engineering 06.00 – 21.00 Water Company Garden in the museum compound Railway Museum of the Slovak Republic Dopravná St., Bratislava (correspondence address Klemensova St. 8) Contact: Ing. Michal Tunega; +421 911 425 451;; FB: /zeleznicne.muzeum Railway Museum Bratislava East Open 11.00 – 20.00 Programme: Special steam train will be going round Bratislava, powered by the steam engine Mazutka Special historical motor train will be going round Bratislava stations Special historical train will be going round nocturnal Bratislava Guided tours of the museum Rides in motor draisines Rides in engine driver’s stand Tour of the module rail yard Children’s corner More information on the rides of special trains will be continuously published on the web address above. Partners of the event up! city Volkswagen Slovakia The Old Market Hall Alliance SNP Sq. 25 Contact: +421 948 940 437;; FB: /upcitysk Open: 10.00 – 22.00 Exhibition: Experience electromobility for size Programme: 10.00 Paint yourself a Volkswagen e-up! / pexeso card game Children’s activities 12.00 Virtual 3D show of car production 15.00 Volkswagen e-up electromobile production 18.00 The first travelling electromobile café 19.00 Adrenaline ride in an electromobile VWSK stand Children’s activities and tours of the factury with 3D glasses. During the Saturday market, 2nd floor The Old Market Hall Sq. 15.00 and 18.00 Workshop/presentation of the production of electromobiles and production of Volks- wagen coffee up! Presentational rides in electromobiles Street food park In front of the Old Market Hall during the whole event up! City Children’s activities and factory tours with 3D glasses (available in the office of up! city – entry left of the main market hall entrance) Bratislava Region Small Carpathian Museum in Pezinok M. R. Štefánika 21/4, Pezinok Contact: +421 33 641 20 57;; FB: /Malokarpatské múzeum Open: 17.00 – 22.00 Permanent exhibitions: The Story of Wine, History of Viticulture and Winemaking at the Foot of the Small Carpathians Exhibition: Ondrej Pijak – A Distorted World Programme: 18.00 Curator’s lecture for families with children in museum exhibitions finished with an interactive quiz 20.00 Curator’s lecture for families with children in museum exhibitions finished with an interactive quiz. MCK - Michael Tillner’s Museum Malacky Záhorácka 1919, Malacky Contact: +421 347 722 110;; FB: / Open: 10.00 – 18.00 Exhibitions: Milan Hruboš and His Followers Malacky Historical Seals and Stamps Malacky During the 2nd World War Programme: 10.00 – 18.00 Sightseeing tours Pálffy Mansion Crypts beneath the Franciscan Church Synagogue Michael Tillner’s Museum Municipal Museum in Pezinok M. R. Štefánika 1, Pezinok Contact: +421 910 953 943;; FB: /Mestské muzeum v Pezinku Open: 10.00 – 22.00 Permanent exhibition: From the Earth Exhibition: City Squares Programme: 14.00 In traces of Svätý Jur and Pezinok Counts, guided tours of the town (chateau, Parish church, Holuby’s Street) 18.00 Projection of old Pezinok pictures followed by a quiz Municipal Museum in Senec Turkish House, 1st May Sq., Senec Contact: +421 2 202 05 501; +421 911 169 754; www.msks-senec/muzeum/ Open: 14.00 – 23.00 Permanent exhibition of the nature and the ancient history of Senec and the surroundings Exhibition: Johann Nepomuk Hummel (1778 – 1837) Programme: 14.00 – 20.30 Creative workshops at the Turkish House. Traditional black smith’s workshop, creatively with BEYA, etc... 15.00 Hello Mr. Owl! Drama and puppet show full of mad humour, adventure and songs, SpozaVoza Theatre 16.00 Pozsonyi mesék/Bratislava fairytales. Readings for children from the books of the Bratislava Rolls civic association. In Hungarian language. 16.45 Bratislava fairytales. Readings for children from the books of the Bratislava Rolls civic association. In . Artistic cooperation: Árpád Korpás, publicist and tourist guide (Bratislava Rolls civic association) 17.30 – 20.30 Dancing house in front of the museum with the Varjos folk music group and children’s folklore ensembles Slnečnica (Sunflower) and Möggyes from Senec 20.30 – 23.00 J. N. Hummel and the classicist music culture on the territory of present day Slovakia in the 18th century. Lecture by musicologist Andrew Šuba followed by a concert of works by J. Haydn, W. A. Mozart, F. P. Rigler and J. N. Hummel. Artistic cooperation: Peter Guľas, clavichord The Labyrinth Gallery (2nd floor, The Municipal House of Culture in Senec) will be opened until 20.30 during the event. In case of unfavourable weather the workshops, the performance and the Dancing house will be held in the museum building and the Labyrinth Gallery premises. Mini exhibition of slate mining and processing in Marianka Marian Valley (at the 3rd station chapel), Marianka Contact: +421 911 500 400; Open: 19.00 – 23.00 Guided exhibition tours: The History of Slate Mining and Processing in Marianka Programme (continuously): Projection of the film A Pilgrimage to Marianka Slate (in case of favourable weather) The Metamorphoses of Ice, publication launch by the author A. Russ Commented presentations of mining lamps Fluorescent minerals Presentations of working with slate, followed by a sale of objects made of slate Sale of mining engineering literature, tourist cards and stamps An opportunity to obtain an imprint of the Slate Mine stamp Schaubmar’s Mill of the SNG – Visual Art Gallery Cajlanská 255, Pezinok-Cajla Contact: +421 902 366 416; [email protected]; Open: 10.00 – 21.30 (last entry 21.00) Exhibitions and displays: Into the Wilderness Miller’s Exhibition Programme: 15.00 – 17.00 Kids +/workshops for both small and big children 17.00 – 18.00 Into the Wilderness. Alexandra Tamásová’s curator lecture on a new exhibition 18.00 – 20.00 Snacks. Quick curator’s lectures in different places and on different topics – in short, about the virtue, the mills, the art gallery and the orchard 20.00 – 21.00 There’s something in the loft. Hush, there’s a secret! Registration in advance: [email protected] 20.30 – 22.00 Orchard cinema: Záhrada (Garden), a film (SR/ČR/FR, 1995, 99 min., directed by Martin Šulík). In the open air and in the mill’s fruit orchard SNM – Červený Kameň Museum Červený Kameň Castle, Častá Contact: +421 33 690 58 03; Open: 19.00 – 22.00 Programme: 19.00 – 22.00 Guided tours of castle cellars 19.00 – 22.00 Ways of Copper, projection of a documentary film 19.00 – 22.00 Individual tours of a part of the permanent exhibition SNM – Ľudovít Štúr Museum Štúrova 84, Contact: +421 33 647 2765; Open: 09.00 – 22.00 Permanent exhibitions: Ľudovít Štúr and Modern Slovakia Ľudovít Štúr’s Memorial Room Current exhibition: Women in the 19th century national emancipation movement and the Štúr group Programme: 18.00 and 20.00 Guided tour of the exhibition with a lecture Slovak Ceramic Sculpture Museum Ignác Bizmayer’s Gallery Kukučínova 15, Modra Open: 09.00 – 22.00 Exhibitions: Ignác Bizmayer’s Gallery From the History of Modra Ceramics Exhibition: Folk Piety Expressions in a Ceramic Decoration Special public transport arrangements during the event in Bratislava and the Bratislava Self-Governing Region Bratislava Historical vehicles Public Transport Company Bratislava (free transport)

Trams Tram Line H1: 12.00 – 24.00 (30 min. intervals) Route: Main Railway Station (STM-Museum of Transport) – Radlinského – Obchodná (ÚĽUV, Slovak Design Centre, Bratislava City Museum) – Kapucínska (SNM – Museum of Jewish Culture, Bratislava City Museum) – tunnel (SNM Žižkova) – river bank (SNM Žižkova, Slovak National Gallery, SNM – Museum of Natural History) – Slovak National Theatre, old building (Bratislava City Museum, Slovak National Gallery) – SNP Sq. (Bratislava City Museum, Kunsthalle Bratislava, Old Market Hall, Nedbalka Gallery, DPOH – CO kryt) – Obchodná (ÚĽUV, Slovak Design Centre, Bratislava City Museum) – Radlinského – Main Railway Station (STM-Museum of Transport)

Tram Line H6: 12.00 – 24.00 (30 min. intervals) Route: Karlova Ves – Riviéra (Water Company Museum) – river bank (SNM Žižkova, Slovak National Gallery, SNM – Museum of Natural History) – Slovak National Theatre, old building (Bratislava City Museum, Slovak National Gallery) – SNP Sq. (Bratislava City Museum, Kunsthalle Bratislava, Old Market Hall, Nedbalka Gallery, DPOH – CO kryt) – Kapucínska (SNM – Museum of Jewish Culture, Bratislava City Museum) – tunnel (SNM Žižkova) – river bank (Slovak National Gallery, SNM Žižkova) – Karlova Ves

Trolleybuses Trolleybus Line H212: 12.00 – 23.00 (30 min. intervals) Route: Winter Stadium – Záhradnícka – Kollár’s Sq. (ÚĽUV, Slovak Design Centre) – Hodža’s Sq. – Štefánikova (STM – Museum of Transport) – Pražská – Kramáre – Patrónka – Vojenská nemocnica (ŽST Železná studnička) and back

Trolleybus Line H216: 13.00 – 22.00 (30 min. intervals) Gaštanová (Valašská) – Mudroňova – Palisády (SNM – Historical Museum) – Hodža’s Sq. – Záhradnícka – Svätoplukova – Prievozská – Prievoz – Hraničná and back

Buses Bus Line H29: 12.00 – 24.00 (30 min. intervals) Route: Slovak National Theatre, old building (Bratislava City Museum, Slovak National Gallery) - river bank (SNM – Museum of Natural History, Slovak National Gallery, SNM Žižkova, SNM – Museum of Jewish Culture) – Riviéra (Water Company Museum) – Devínska cesta (Sihoť Island) – Devín Castle (Bratislava City Museum) and back. At each full hour, the bus continues to Devínska Nová Ves (Museum of Customs and Financial Administration, Museum of Education and Pedagogy, SNM – Museum of Croatian Culture in Slovakia) and back.

Bratislava Self-Governing Region Regional bus transport Bratislava integrated transport in cooperation with the Bratislava Self-Governing Region (regular fares according to current tariffs)

Information on extra connections will be on:

Train powered by the historical steam engine Railway Museum of the Slovak Republic (free transport)

Special steam train powered by the steam engine Mazutka: Bratislava hl. st.(main station) (9.50) – Bratislava Lamač (10.00 – 10.20) – Bratislava Nové Mesto (10.40 – 10.45) – Bratislava Petržalka (11.00 – 11.20) – Železničné múzeum (Railway Museum) (11.55)

Historical motor trains: 1st train: Železničné múzeum (Railway Museum) (14.30) – Bratislava hl. st. (main station) (14.55 – 15.05) – Železničné múzeum (Railway Museum) (15.30) 2nd train: Železničné múzeum (Railway Museum) (16.30) – Bratislava hl. st. (main station) (16.55 – 17.05) – Železničné múzeum (Railway Museum) (17.30)

Special steam train powered by the steam engine Mazutka: Bratislava – Malacky and back 1st train: Železničné múzeum Bratislava východ (Railway Museum Bratislava East) (12.50) – Bratislava hl. st. (main station) (13.15 – 13.20) – Devínska Nová Ves (13.35 – 13.37) – Malacky (14.05 – 14.25) – Devínska Nová Ves (14.50 – 14.52) – Bratislava hl. st. (main station) (15.08) 2nd train: Bratislava hl. st. (main station) (16.20) – Devínska Nová Ves (16.35 – 16.37) – Malacky (17.05 – 17.31) – Devínska Nová Ves (17.56 – 17.58) – Bratislava hl. st. (main station) (18.15- 18.23) – Železničné múzeum Bratislava východ (Railway Museum Bratislava East) (18.50)

Evening nostalgic motor train: Železničné múzeum SR (Railway Museum of the SR), Fortification Museum Bratislava – Petržalka and Bunker B-S 6 Vrba) Železničné múzeum (Railway Museum) (19.05) – Bratislava Vajnory (19.30 – 19.33) – Bratislava Nové Mesto (19.48 – 19.50) – Bratislava Petržalka (20.05 – 20.10) – Bratislava hl. st. (main station) (20.40) Railway Transport Slovak Railways Company (regular fares according to current ZSSK tariffs) Travel by trains on the following routes:

Bratislava – Pezinok Bratislava – Senec Bratislava – Malacky

More information on train departures and arrivals on: Competition ! Get 3 stamps in museums and galleries, fill in the name and contact details and leave the form at any ! museums or gallery. You will be entered into a lottery where you can win interesting prizes.

Name:...... E-mail: ...... Phone number:...... YOU WILL BE ENTERED INTO THE LOTTERY WHERE YOU CAN WIN INTERESTING PRIZES By my participation in the competition within the Night of Museums and Galleries 2019 event, by filling in and signing the competition registration form I give my consent to the organiser of the competition, the Slovak National Museum (SNM), to process my personal data in the extent given in the registration form, with the aim to run the competition and the results. The temporary consent is given for the time of duration of the competition and its results and for the purpose of the evaluation of the competition. The consent can be withdrawn at any time at the SNM address or by sending an email to the address: [email protected]. The withdrawal of the consent will result my elimination from the competition.