THE ROTARY Flyer - World Bulletin INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP OF FLYING ROTARIANS WORLD PRESIDENT SECRETARY-TREASURER BULLETIN EDITOR BRIAN SOUTER ROY MARSDEN ROSS EWING 5 Baxter Way 33 Kurupae Road 8 Haddon Lane Karori Harewood Wellington 6012 Taupo 3330 Christchurch 8051 New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand Phone: +64 4 476-7910 Phone: +64 7 378-2673 Phone: +64 3 360-2400
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] From the International President GREETINGS to all. at least one prospective member What a wonderful introduction or IFFR member to attend their to my new role as President first fly-in or fly-about and share to be able to participate in what we all enjoy in the year the Scandinavian fly-about in ahead. Like most beers, there are June. Thank you, Bo, and all no bad fly-ins but some may be your helpers and to my flying better than others. chauffeur for the occasion, Talking of fly-about’s, it was Audun Johnsen – they are really pleasing to me – as it was such wonderful memories that no doubt to Bo Johnsson – to Jeannette and I can savor in the see the dynamics of the decision Brian Souter of New Zealand (right) takes over from his predecessor, Angus Clark. years to come. We really enjoyed making process to postpone the meeting many wonderful people flight from Fagernes to Sindal the delay enabled some to enjoy on our first visit to Scandinavia. for a day. My thanks to Alan tramping the hills behind our Fellowship is the reason we all Grady from Australia, Angus Storefjell Hotel.