
1965 Entertainment opuir Movies

Action pisMeDejy#ove, stoning Natoiie1JJo1. CndStber?lUffltt and Thoertdfon1 Th&n oeBa starring Hen fclxia, tobenflaw and CnarlesBronson The PaaRw,vker. stoning Rnd lger. Gerd ne Fitzgerald and BmcI peters In Harw Wax SIaYrIngJOnn Wa,Ta 1<111< Doog as and Patdca Neal The CIrCmI,ac’Kd Stoning tSVe Mae1i. Edward & ninson aS AnwMa,aret Qrati’ C,oztaL4 starrIng George peppard. SoPnla [pen and torn Courmey Child re n’s I.QkyansQnen starrlngrranpc 9}naoa, Hek1 starring Eva 1nghammer, Gustav K NJI41 Tror HN&iOrd and Edward Mulriare and Gertraud Mltternlrnr P1ouwr stannR MariO! Brando, ‘,tlBTynner TharDamcectardngHayley MilLs. Dean and TrevOr Ho4oard Jones and dy MCDOUJaII The 7D3/I stanlng{Jrt[ncaswraul Thaw CM#awen storTlngsrlan eifl, Vera co1eid and Jeanne Moyau MiieLWalterflrEnnan The WaTLThT starring Cnarlton HeStCIlMCO MusiCals ardEoo1e and MaJrICe Evans 77erfl,zc staffing JIlueArrnetus. ThuItall, Stan41ig sean Connei,. Adowo Ced Cnristcner ?lumber and Pegq Wood and Clauclitte Auger Beach B/aoArt starting 4nriette hjni Rmc Blp QurMat, staning James CoTt. Lee 3. Cello, FranIe Avalon, and Dai Cobb and GlLa Golan ThCk[es Comedy Thrillers 7e&eerat1E sran1ngTy sack Cut, flhrge starting Gregory ?ECjc DianefiaKer and Lemmon and NataLie Wood Walter Mattaau flae Mw4O7t Mm’ II, 71efrThttg Ma The $‘Y4¼0 Ga*,ein frTh me COWL Starring climes starting t1JartWrntman, sara MiLe, and Richard Burton. Osicar Werner and cairo Broom James FOX pear &/ø’f* stoning James wwartfatiar Westerns biUY Mwny and GLT’iS Jonns raraFew Doflan Mow, starring ClintEast How w Murder fl,, k stoning JaCK [an- urod, Lee Van deer and Klaus KFnSE1 mon. VIFOaLIS] and Ten, Plotnas fle5u OfKatie E°’ Staffing John WM,e, JtY New jncafltarriflwr OToole. Dean Mardn, Martlta Hr and Earl HolLiman Veter 9e1err and Woody Alien Ma,OrpeIt Starring CharIton HeSton,Ricn Drama ard Hanis and James Cobum CetBaUeo, starring Jane Fonda. Lee Manhin and W3t 77w Gird cw,’EWr Inn stating ManN, DWa,t1O HicFcman E°A Do,oth, MC&Jire and José Rnr Dr ZONat stoning Omar flarW. Julie Coristie and GeraldjneCnaplin Theatp*7ei stanicwEUzatet TaMr.1JCfl- ard 8IUIIri and Eva Made 9a]nt Ha,M4stoning Carrod Baer. peter Lo4slFord and d Buttons

Page 2 Academy Awards

-Thcte TheSrd c,cMucfc 1cte-t uSe. producer rIl,ec.tetn Cet,tun-Fo,c - - Lee Mann. Cat Bjffo" - - 3 tale Clne Difpc Actor iLl wetngvple Mardli Balsam. ‘4 Thoacend C/Owns ACttS it. a itcrtng Pole gnelley gnters,4 PatcO 018/lie Dirct,g 1pbet Use, negowdocmare

oreEnodayBastd eli Material laobe,-t Bolt. Dccwr 2dj I/ago Frollfl6Otte MSiiW to and QaoplaY Wtitte,. Dlreotc? for the - WedaicaphaeL Dr/mr Onatctr.bv and.TSte Ert.t LaK. ClD 01 COT Ireddie Von DCCWr&WatO 4rt ThaCE-rnld-k@tS Pten Oatta14, art dirot,oq. Joseph Klfl. Set decoration. çhi 4C/C/S CNor Seth Oth and Ten? Niarsti. art dIreOC4,; DarloW,nl. set decoratice, fltOr ZM‘1‘ago Sotmd flettueth CettuTy-yog gojdio gould Qept and TOdOAO gC4IDd Dept The fourd Crtlust Music gong 1wgndocvsr n1ne? TheçandpØa Xlrnt.v ‘andeI, musfl Paul flirr4s Wsta, wrs rlusicai scOre. gustaI,aiiy D3I Mew ice Jen £ftZhN gcftg C Music. 4daptat or qnet,t bljlL, Kostal. The $0uod Cf flapt jim Editing UMlIJom Remolds. The could orIuac - r- BlaatandUThRe JuLie HaTTiE. Dat/mg C04at PbYIJLS DaltoL tOr244/O idI VpsUal EffCtS Jom Thorbao OiJlid EfftS EdJting Tertheth &V, The GPat RICO EcLm,eptary ghott tAjiect ThB,A/awflanoLSltOcro&on. producer 3Otn UJl Feat ut TheEanOrRtYgidne Glazier DructioFi; American II nngQ. 1tI&eT, MemorlaLatiard MlUom WtIer J* HerSt.ott HWudhitatMo AMJanj EdmoodL. L$Pate H04’ a I? 4dard Hq ir uNsxe and distinflished servLc to our Jndustai cod tIle Academy

pages Television ii ABC pa an unprecedented $ illllon for a Four-year contract wIth the NCAA to broadcast Football games on 9atuniay afternoons Bill Cost, starrln In 19’x became thefh-stAfYcan 4fllericlfl to headLine a televisioo Show.

196q-1965 Eminy Awards

The Dt/r Van CAFch,l

rn/macrn He/i rron,e memajn4qcan Yonne NBC Outstanding proqram Actieemetfts ii, EntertaInment I’ WiPe is Ba,trj ICBI New ,Drc P i/Ce iivOnlC Vowe Pew/Es CCoCats CØø L flat ,osrst at IS On6ta Totmt C Leonard Bellistein New OrK m,irnamop/c tune par/n CcZ&ts W/Y Leona,d Ber/ctein LYnn Pantati ne Na//mart Hail flC mITE The MaS?M7CePC hKe Outstanding ThdMdual Achieveffients In Alfred Cant, I-ia/loam HEN 01ThITt Eritertajiwnent Actors and ?erFormers The /WaerTiRceht Yankee Battra gtrersaiid. f4yNw7,ejfla,jva

Dicl< Van DiKe The Dick Van Dma c/mw

Director Paul Bogart. TheDerden?ffte’wearld Gfl

Writer David Xarp, TheD*Wders:’1te,&J-YearCid Ganr

Outstanding Program AhieQenta in MoJs. cagsoceernnen:n Lfif,aTdODa tnciLABO tRUe*ta riBs. 1D1Ildt04. and gpOTts The t0ulee NBC

Richard Baseliart. tar frttpleGo Outstanding lndMdual 4thleemeots In Nen Dumentanes. 1tfThat$on and gts Narratols Charles BOYer 7?’eLooe

DIrector John J gugrirue, Thefloliwe

Sidney Canoll The Loliwe

Page Primetime cheduIe

ABC CB NBC sunday Lrnday ma aV Voyar £0 c/ia flottaD OF theçea Lassie 8eN The/one Ho4otw city The PB.!. 1W raO,fte Ma/tan Specie/c ABCcurdayNigin Mt"ne Ed cirnivan chow Cife Diioefl IenderFl,i cbya cr - - Color Monday Branded IIIJeVCCC/OCA H Candid Cair,era L,d n.m mal W,at1nyn10e? uacnest çnIo m theArn,V Man Calledchenandn,/, Monday FEnnOr Ca ter Th Tell The 711th Monday B Casor [Ye Got a rret Hullabaloo John Fonnhe chew Tuesday Lucy chow Anoyaro 0en Dr K/dare Cwn/mat chow Andy WIlIarec bao MOHa/Es A/a W R"n Air t’ir Jye F flat’ Se Lawrence Pottt Place Tuesday Tuesday mane/Ova lMrelil& My Macnor toe Car POaJP CO/tEat tOeDaipes Wednesday Red Ak&tW Hour D’ IC//dare Aavortures oroaf. AC macday AUe,t Pony PlAteS/mow aBc ,tcwews HOOT Wednesday Wednesday 8/Eva/a/v Lore Ii, chace The VrgYnIal, Hope Presents The Christ AatoS 8urnerer ,4rrt 3et.,’ Hillbillies B Thursday rteu4cr Drre s/ce, ;mhd/E L2eM Van ye Thursday Din Ca Reed cOu Canny chow L’onA tøe glimmer /W Threecons k1n Friday GB Thindey Nnt Friday Friday Canto RLbiamtcic Via RlfltftOneS w/d win t Addarns AWjnsH6T0 ‘In Roterts Holier @ft GC/7TerPfle, c,cnC Wet, Porn - P/ace caT l,ere 8’ tars c/mali CMCLE. clanafl Jo,mY Deal, 5/oa people saturdaY saturdaY saturdaY R/- c/losE JaCX1eG5a, Chow Itt-w Cfjeci,nlo 7WelSOrOVr/go Get a, Family c/ow Rewyday Nl7fl vial Lnmence I#o ow TheL000r Vat MO HOlfYWccd Palace Gun 4Bccct,,e

Page Music

P .4ftor Wlittng Die Darns WhFI docln lsthdly at a ZL1rO*eOh concert 175 RbruaTY, the bolster. ousP. J prcy was milnWt to perform on ABCS music variety Stcej cnrngdig J After spiftdng flisp its reflhie dand,g wildly eta Eurcean Concert it] Imotuaff. the bO,ster 0usD. J. proby is uninvited to perform oo 43Cc music variety show nhligdig. Ja oeieand MsaorblpnLcctler banned all rl< cosjcertsjn the Cal fThlowlng 5-PollInlitones oetontmanca. ‘ qlleBarr, Nlccuire song tVe of [tructon was pulled prom retail stotesand radio Stations norore the county after so/ne rDLa compisined that it Was IiirnrlstJO and Could pro/nOte suicleat çeeliogs a moclgst teens. The Curts Knight single feltur;ng Jrni Hendrix CHow Wiuld YOU reer was lvev little alyplay Ott radio because the Soq,g deacs wftrl the Pirot OF blacics iii America. c in aune. radio stations aOrO&S the Country banned the1Pllil]S states nit I Caist Get NO atis aftiOti because the, belleeathe srJcsweretw se,144011y stggest?re. *‘ hiany radio st.totis banned The to.s single -pictures of Vir beCausethe song ContaIned a reFerence to mar tilt-p. .P MGMPordsalteted thertank Zappa songNloney because it COnts,hed a se,uel refrence. J TheBeatles maaethe,r second mo’de. Heo/at]d toiS America jtr te second t,ne. ! Triearitiet invaon cwtitie at full speed JO 1565 There wereFour U.K. ngs lb theyeanendtco 20 and SliD thetco 1W. Thfleatles nod cm four dtles on tlsetop 100. SurpesSed by HermaDS Hermits who had five. .‘ American artists 000tit]ued to harden ct/li, SpecJIlly these Signed Loath N10t0450. Theupremes hidthiee number one cOngs included it, thet a and theTemptotOns were In shea 10 çor the @st time with Nly Girl. The highest rated Nlot,t, ecog of the year was uCar, Help MyceIr bytr,erourmps. P The number one ssa of 2565 uasofBritisl, oriili FOrtheseCoDd ConseCutiveyear. T5WOIIIDlitOneC first tiucnber one sire, -aCM’ Get NOl atJsfaCtlOn. Was the mgnest-ranNed record ofthe year. The sobJs Origrr, can be traced vi Clanoar, florida. KeitnFjcflardc was having trouble sleening In hotel room that night od thought Jo a Chord profession. When ne played it baCt the next tTVrltir,9 tr MICIt 3aer, Keith had Some rds towitl, tnerifthatwasadmittedry inspired by Martha and trleVahdlas anck,gb, the9treet ft Petula Clark Was the lOtte female vWalist in the topic in 19E3. The *st British FemaLe Vocalist tO have a number one song In Amerrc. during the1oclc Era, she was Well NnoJJn aYotmd the world but i]eliCooler to the Cl.. when 0 ,ntnu.s released. P cam theharn 4thtvharaonsuere number ur fortbeyear totrir Orstchart 510gw. IJIyBLJly.

Top 25 Hitsof 2965 I. TheIJlinUwr*5 12. Themwre Ge,yLfaiis 2. 101i Lore That fl_or -1,e ThAT1tEO

Page C

S2OC qoa’,Ilo,37oin 9OUN1 tSM so qoaup,Sec /ndP.aoiad *]so worp’ - .4ry wt jrn asoao me1 st/r 4N 01at103 lcJt rafl WAO J_ wuqrflq IO ‘11! N 1iMCW EOeH spy 4sM2. pile. xc’s ug x04. sJoase - fl ajpw1j Sd - lii VIWJJeLL JeItcted spa iJOD g eJOoI *4 Saktcfl oAMucWi4e ]wo lpsaIo LA cdeJD P sQ 10p0woO Q nI4d aMid! w S2jent t 4,Iy e4L .awj - pnlJar. rneI "a4eS aco s, exei acwS esnp2.5 al2alQ/ttfleh3 In Ctpdt aipOuD meuS 2a2d e] qpqLisPot 9y1t ic]ol2D W5S!O 3% *1pa F2put re3 aaqdU wJaJ trjwrt !sw/7Sd A1tot/tS /eJ WnsOJO iItoqPiffiI mOi tiuFIoelA ilOI7J0*N UV erJtuC ,eopJS leainJI .,ieiwwt z1m00 , /uals uOIe EtJeOatfl:o OpP!V1 qC! liS$ Ps nt4r]4rasmoOpce - AWCW4/ // ON nflfl9 .setoIO IRSI; lspSepjj lE4t0D30M q!4oP95 iStC t r,r.QS oeiinc o4en?,a#oSN,SecL 24e2 £0 iP4as3wInM aocdiad llpJ £0qlsOtO W9O - -O/ae/S tao .auit2r,puo, isno pooon iaVxuoqa?415 .S Psse4Do l!Slt1D R lprqwniC2JoH JdWrpt5 bJ rIo2.S/W w4IS9ntJ 2v/?rU*: iiflO !aAsDdolH*Wv /g1OaWi aSodw,3 eLNIQW a].2qocnnaLz liW?MeL ainxl!d WOW P Sd Sa4411S% aJcos laua1o 2q &,waje7lJongoto awdI uplxECJ49OPUO WulOlVflwfl5 PUWO 10 oIeUaIJ dq 5504 manu.aq; p{2 ]an. qaH .MaIOH 30 V.

Jj9St9 lJOPE2 .J2a p000 sleA B SSM ;L 0 2iiIeJOA p flwdwm iwameseeilyQ

a&i99 2aiV aaH caInH 30 a2stN. eifl ieFe sec IVJU Pqa]9W J5IFW plC tMI9AJA0H OawMCoaneW 40541 Z4UflO l7w Iatt st/ E]OV a4J caS Kisr eacee JogJ ptxetano$ Ire?lsowl _c0 sncqiw lajac £0 10gtOO - sano ei’e’3 ieF2Ivu1 Poe Lou nOD 0N

eli! k/ tPC _C5T4 alP 30 Joe’l5_ fliPlpetial oA POflaanOS aiOW ,aJojJ w00A i11 Pis Soli ploD - 302PPaJOS ali ihJ aSLQI P0cM alp JO E0!L ai0Sw.2MpoOhawnDseQ It4wIuS 4a11!w eiOll a/wwoouAlatzL wOqrywamM neat Lou,noD sfl eN JaSL.oeQli9lP30]r’A. aS l1Jrgjij Poe Loujnoj i MiJS OW xai SM’ 840 £10 e22q S1r - O OrKu]0] 9na30C aEo! il NnC 14e111 smloS 4 drDiO aW] alo OlaSdJat 72cr pc]eawnou.t t fflx iee ct% iaSWlitrnOC..tlL 8L IPn it*oS a dJ]W9 l55 ./QqwJJa 12cr lP]Ii9wP]2.tit mg !eu,5li Ueao sswar .fleet/ peJ p oo StOOd ,pioaet rt Poe wu25ua ,sa -U eapoIqJan8sS :lIeffl no ,a’oW A aa mtssdJa 9cM PoE *10W 2 WOO usoeoD iq 0lt*±La ti!I4 P 2Q tiDied .flL t IoA rnd p09 *W LAOAOow@mD - 099W awesiad t-pc 5O>l. *aiN 3° A ll1tniW COW eJpdeaThu0D tfl eiIlW Jaao .ppo alJe, S1 01, aa3 ltpp COW apatitjoO 1 -S aifr,y!5 ‘n4E?ok &a*24iV IItaSO P 4 efyflucdiad S* e’ pI *poI/t/sc41 dncI lP P e P3u!n*thad e

noPao3 OlqPg tJqJ#qSfeateN slewo.rsQtaaIad 258q pae4 eJ0d;1 pcao AMP Sor/laL tOW WSdJad iOcOA iou iaeid unaS mad eilcruIwd ,aow C 2SPAV meN 4lp aiffiJtnSids ‘105,20w fJlul4OQ pis JasaeM 30924 nOd 9iSdflenpSaqi bJoJAausetLaedIl .Fms in4AJO Pp0peS aU.. eiJdao eaeths NuPi Th,.1.hb jaqrai*y pA9t143Ow*]’ 4enlU1pp4fl1tdiVq2s44 ‘ass lJoUniV. aAatt PJaJ81J spiem Awwe&S c96t BOORS

a JamesEaldKan 5ofirwewr q,e Man a Amlri ara1q, 77,eDdLa2wrer Hell,rICflBdlE a MaoIn1 77wAotoirpyMflmX Peter Matthiessen. N May, ye pads Q,t-14$LaW a Rh N1er, a,sae.4oflwd SYlVia 2IottL4nt The tans Eudora Welt,, Th/,en$,tc COdret1S

£40 Th Chlklmr,SDIA’e c_ Dr. eusS, Ii,X II, 00’s Journalism * mci Mo,ers 1.nePsdent3oOnsons pyess secretar * CoiumnlstLolAellaParsonsdlsco*tlnoed her column in 1965.

Nefi gmons greatestrowIway gUcCt. The OldCoup/sc ope’,ed.

°L Thflr on tae operied OnTowJ&LY. tq The6VAVt Was su,itten byrranic Gitm, and prOtluced by EdgarLansbUi, receNed alopy for best $ay in 195. The Tony for best dnmaC author entw Nell 1ftiooOr 77$ ad000pIe and for best dramatc producer to CLOt Ntt,tern for tie play. L4JI More Entertainment News

* VOa KayVan D$ce OFMZa was croWred MissAmerJca. * ma cMcLxpremieTed. 4, instant flit. tnefln, wasoneoctae tai-grosslng filets Of 1965 and re,noinsone Of FIIIIVS mostpopotar musicals. * Toll Broia4.u became tim law-n]gnt anchor KUBC In In 1963. * COT, Grant and Dyar, Cairo born amIlEe Diane yriesem manled It, 1965. * Judy Garland maniod Mn Hontfl 02765. * ActoTBnndOti Lee was bert, in Los Angeles in 1965. OBrrUAmE * Comic actor tanLaurel ornArthurStanLeyJeffersoni died on Februanen 1965. AmedCan musician and Coeiposter. Nat Kinig. Cole m Nathaniel Mams Cole passed away In 2965.

Pup e