Teegarden/Nasht Digital Stock Images of Movie Memorabilia COLLECTION 100 Movies You Should See
HE Teegarden/NashT Digital Stock Images of Movie Memorabilia COLLECTION 100 Movies You Should See Movie Date Genre Director Stars Adventures of Robin Hood, The 1938 Adventure M. Curtiz Errol Flynn, Olivia de Haviland All About Eve 1950 Drama J. Mankiewicz Bette Davis, Anne Baxter Annie Hall 1977 Comedy W. Allen Woody Allen, Diane Keaton Apartment, The 1960 Drama B. Wilder Jack Lemmon, Shirley MacLaine Apocalypse Now 1979 Action F. Coppola Marlon Brando, Martin Sheen Avventura, L’ 1960 Foreign M. Antonioni Monica Vitti Ben Hur 1959 Epic W. Wyler Charlton Heston, Stephen Boyd Best Years of Our Lives, The 1946 Drama W. Wyler Fredric March, Myrna Loy, Teresa Wright Bicycle Thief, The 1949 Foreign V. De Sica Lamberto Maggiorani, Enzo Staiola Birth of a Nation 1915 Silent D. W. Griffith Lillian Gish, Mae Marsh, Henry Walthall Bonnie and Clyde 1967 Drama A. Penn Warren Beatty, Faye Dunaway Breakfast at Tiffany’s 1961 Comedy B. Edwards Audrey Hepburn, George Peppard Breathless 1959 Foreign J-L. Godard Jean Seberg, Jean-Paul Belmondo Bride of Frankenstein 1935 Horror J. Whale Elsa Lanchester, Boris Karloff Bringing Up Baby 1938 Comedy H. Hawks Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant Cabaret 1972 Musical B. Fosse Liza Minnelli, Joel Grey, Michael York Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The 1919 Silent R. Weine Werner Krauss, Conrad Veidt Casablanca 1942 Drama M. Curtiz Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman Cat People 1942 Horror J. Tourneur Simone Simon, Kent Smith Chinatown 1974 Film Noir R. Polanski Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway, John Huston Citizen Kane 1941 Drama O. Welles Orson Welles, Joseph Cotten Conformist, The 1970 Foreign B.
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