Bomb threat at Newark Babes and waves Liberty bounces back

two hour search yields nothing Kam reviews "- Playoff series now tied

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THE COMMERCIAL 25. I like a man who grins when he fights. - Winston Churchill

THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2002 Established 1922 OF LYNDHURST BRIEFS Warehouse, Volunteer cleanup day Paraders to meet office space at Town Hall Park to cover area Sept. 20 The Department of Recreation, un- planned for More than 500 employee volunteers "We've seen a tremendous increase der the direction of Commissioner fmm corporations in the Bergen Count) m the numhei ol participating compa- Paul Pasiamaoo, Jr announces that area will fan out on Iriday. Sept 20, to nies and volunteers, and expect that the public ts invited to watch the An Marin Ave. spruce up properties. the opportunity lodoa service project nual Boys and Girls Soccer Parade Catanese Inc. has received approval Armed with shovels, lakes and painl in memory of Wl I victims will increase on Saturday. Sept. 7. from the board of adjustment for an P • P brushes, the squads v> ill clean up. plant those numbers even more," she added. Parade participants will assemble at I l,(K)O-square-tiH>t warehouse/office and paint non-profit agencies in the The Unity in the Spun ot America the Town Hall Park! [Vlaficld Avenue) county. building to be located at 611 Mann An architect's rendering of a new warehouse/oftice building. (USA) act signed into law by l*resi at 11 am and inarch In Volunteer Sta Avenue. The volunteer Corporate Day >»1 Car- dent Hush m January created a volun dium tm Sparta Drive, where (here will Replacing an existing one-story ga- A steel canopy, set against a boldly ing projects will be dedicated to the leei progi.untohelp Americansivmcm he a brief ceremony. ant Catanese & Sons Inc. a local con rage, the new mixed-use facility will patterned thtoe-slory structure, tronts crete and construction company. memory ol individuals and groups Ivi those lost in the attacks The line of inarch is as follows: Town cater to the needs of the local construc- the proi*>si\| building. The site h.tslven a construction stor- who perished in the Sept. 11 terrorist The USA act calls tor a unique!) Hall Park onto Oelafield Avenue, left tion industry. A sliviM ot gln/cd ctirminwall inter- age yard since the mm ol the century, attacks. American positive response to the at- onto Valley Brook Avenue, up to Ridge Such a facility will fill a void in ware- rupts ihv symmetry.offering glimpses when Bianvhi Bros. Paving con- The annual cleanup effort is spon- tacks by rebuilding communities Koad. left at Page Avenue and left at house space tor construction use. ac- ot movement within the emulation structed area roadways sored by the Her gen County United through volunteer service. More in- Sparta Drive into the field cording to architect Serge IX*mer|ian core, the architect says. The Catanese family has leased the Way. in partnership \\ ith the Volunteer formation on the initiative can be For further information, call the Rec- U ot Bloomtield Phe remaiiHk*! ot the building is clad property since the I 7(K ami pur- Center ol Bergen County. . found at www.usa.pointsoflight.qrg. reation Department at (20I) X(H 24X2 The design lor the warehouse fea- in masonry. \\ iih horizontal accents, to chased it in urns Participating companies give theil Bergen County companies are in- tures overhead door access on the first complement neighboring Owttei James Catanese is A volun- employees the day off to join their col vited to participate in 2002 Corporate LHS seeks classmates floor, with 12-foot interior clear stor- and commercial structures, he said teer and loiiiK'i ehiel ol the l.ymlluirst leagues in work that will make a posi- Pay of Caring, lor information, or to for 20th reunion Nov. 30 age heights and 8-loot high inter In addition, ihc design will allow a l-ue Department. He also is involved live impact on the community. register, contact Susan llogge at the changeable oft ice/warehouse areas on ma|«>r portion ol the construction in the coiiMiuction of the new "Corporations know thai a strong county Volunteer Center; call (201) The Lyndhuist High School Class the second and third floors. equipment io he housed inside, he 1 yndhursl High School Held House, and healthy community is critical to 4X9 44M. ext. 20. or visit of I982 will hold us 2(Kh reunion on shogget"1 Demcrjian plans a vigorous facade, added doing business, and realty put re Nov. 30 al San Carlo Restaurant in ConsUuction on the Mann Avenue mixing matcnals and colors to achieve sources behind this day, Raid Mary The county United Way ami Volun Lyndhurst. The committee is still The propciiy is being warehouse/office property is sched- the building. Catanese to he leased by primal y ten- uled lo start m November Connolly, the Bergen United Way's leer Center also sponsor monthly I ain looking tor a number ol class mem- vice president ol strategic partner ily Day of Caring projects on week ben. ships. ends. Visit www.bergeuvolunleeis org. Send class member information to the committee at the e-mail address: LHS. classof82 V County Senior Services Skin cancer screening annual picnic Sept. 18 program expanded Beigen County Executive William P. en Market where participants will be I IK- I \ II.IIHII .i Health Dcpanment. Scltuher reports that the Division of able lo purchase Jersey Itesh farm uiulfi (IK direction of Commissioner Senior Services will hold Us annual Se produce. Additionally, a special Thomas B. Oraffam, announces the nior Picnic on Wednesday, Sept. IS surprise will take place al 12:30 p.m. at expansion ol its skin cancer screen- dam dale Sept 19) from 10 the snowmobile where there will he ing program. a.m. to 3 p.m. at Van Saun County Park entertainment by a well-known guest Gangaram Kagi. M.I) .a dermatolo- in Paramus. performer. gist and member ol (he American "The picnic will feature plenty ot en- "The day is quite enjoyable asoldei Academy ol ol iX'iTnaiology, will con- tertainment, a craft lair, (lea market, adults from all over the county duct the lull body screening at the agency information tables and lunch." participate in many of the activities," Health Center on Stuyvesanl Avenue satd Anne Ciavaglia, director. said Schuber. on Wednesday. Sept 25. at 6:30 pin Division of Senior Services. "Year alter is wonderful to see The program is open to adult resi- "Last year, nearly two thousand se so many new and I ami liar laces dents of I \mihuiM only. Appoint niors attended Ihe event and had it having a great time in one ol Bergen ments are required; absolutely no great time listening to music, dancing ('ouiiiy's finest parks." walk-ins will be seen and meeting new friends." lor more information, please call Call the Health IX'partment at (2011 The picnic will also feature a Farm- (201)336-7427, 804-2500 lor an appointment New trips planned Family Services seeks for senior citizens Commissioner Paul Passamano. Jr., mentors for adolescents Director of the LX*partnienl ot Parks A classroom like your great-grandparents attended is featured at the schoolhouse museum The Children's Aid and I'amily Ser- Children's Aid and Family Services and Recreation has the following trips vices in Para n HIS says all it takes to provides nine hours of training to pre set up tor Township of Lyndhurst se- Schoolhouse become a mentor is the desire to make pare mentors tor their new role and nior citizens. a difference. ongoing program support. Breakers In Spring Lake - Monday. The agency is kicking off a brand new The tact is that one individual can Sept. 9. The cost will be $50 by bus to showcase mentoring initiative working with ado make a significant difference in the lite and $36 by car. lesccnts living in group and treatment ot one child. Mentors have the poten- This will include a "Brunch, Beach. famous sons foster homes. tial to promote healthy development The presence of a caring adult in a and giowth in our youth by building Pool. Dinner" and gratuities. There The Little Red Schoolhouse at Riv- vulnerable youngster's life can be a positive relationships, organizers say. will be one Saddle River bus which erside and Fern avenues (across from major (actor in successfully crossing It you arc interested in becoming a leaves Town Hall Park at 8:15 a.m. the county park) is assctnhlying an the bridge to adulthood, staffers say. volunteer mentor and participate m the Brownstone - Wednesday. Sept. 18. exhibit of works by Lyndhursc resi- training, or want to find out what is This trip includes transportation dents who attained prominence in Mentors provide information, oppor- involved, please cull Kelly Kopf, pro (Parks Department buses) lunch and their fields. tunities, nurturing and support to chil- show: "Paddy McMurphy's Wake." dren who so often lack positive adult gram coordinator, at (201 »2nl 2WX),ext Scheduled for an unoffical opening The cost is $36. Buses will leave from role models. 238. in September, and a grand opening the Town Hall Park at 10:45 a.m. accompanied by a festival Oct. 26. the Call the Recreation Department at "Arts in Lyndhurst" exhibit will iden- 804-2482 for details or to sign up. tify local residents who excelled and Supt. Abate announces also display their works, according to museum's site collections manager Inside Sylvia Kleff. public school openings The 1893 school house has been Joseph Abate. Jr., Superintendent of year): Prc-Kindcrgarten AM, 8:30 The historic Little Red Schoolhouse in Lyndhurst. Classified. 11 restored and features a classroom of Schools, has announced the fol- to 10:30a.m.; Pre-Kindergarten P.M., Opinion.... >•• scene from the 1911 era. of each month, between 2 and 4 p.m. For more information, contacl Sylvia lowing schedules for the Lyndhurst 10:50 a.m. to 12:50 p.m.; Kindergar- Obituaries • The schoolhouse museum is open The next dates are Sept. 7 and Sept. Klcffof the Lyndhurst Historical So- Public Schools. ten to Grade 8, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Paopt* -4 Single session schedule for Sept. Lyndhurst High School. 8:39 a.m. to R*al Estate 10 on the second and fourth Sundays 22. Admission is free. 4, 5. and 6: Pre-Kindergartcn A.M., 1p.m. Sports • 8:30tolO:30a.m;Prc-Kindcrgartcn Delayed opening: Pre-Kindergarten P.M., 10.50a.m. to 12:50p.m.; Kin- A.M., II a.m. to I p.m.; Pre- Lyndhurst Police Blotter dergarten., 9:15 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.; Kindrgarten P.M., I to 3 p.m ; Kin- Subscribe to the Leader for B\ TOM G\NMIN Grades 1 - 8, 9:00 a.m. lo 1 p.m.;dergarten - Grade 8. 11 a.m. lo 3 t10ayemr~Outottate$12 Missing Person: Mary C. charged with the vandali/ation. and the operator of the vehicle was Lyndhurst High School, 8:39 a.m. to p.m.;LHS IOa.m.to2:2l p.m. CaH 439*700 tor mom Into Copabianca. resident of Lyndhurst, Theft from establishment: On or arrested. I p.m. Parents enrolling students m the or tax u* at 436-9022 was reported missing on Aug. 17. about Aug. 16. Ciarofalo Contractors Altercation: On Aug. 17, between Regular full-day schedule: Prc-Kin- Kindergarten or Pre-Kindergartcn She was found later that day and on 840 Valiey Brook Avenue was Second and Stuyvesant avenues, a dcrgartcn A.M.. 8:30 a.m. to'l I a.m.; Program may do so immediately at Commercial Irabrr returned home to her family. broken into and lost S20.000.00 in verbal dispute erupted between two Pre-Kindergartcn P.M., 12:20 p.m. to the Board of liducation Offices in al Criminal Mischief: A car parked at merchandise, including tools. parties. After Police arrived on the 2:5Op.m.;Kindergat1en-Gradc8, 8:45 Lincoln School, 281 Ridge Ro.-ui. 251 Ridge Road. Lyndhuret scene, the altercation was halted and ftrtodica] Postage Paid al 1 Park Place was vandalized on Aug. DWI: On Aug. 17, a 1998 BMW, with am to 3:05 p.m.; Lyndhurst High Students entering the public Kutlvrford. NJ 07070 17. The damage to the vehicle NJ. registration RH472J,was on the the two parties were able to leave the School, 8:05 am to 2:40 p.m. school system for the first lime may Subscription 810 PublWhrf Weekly scene, with no incidents and no USPS 125 620 consisted of a number 420 carved in corner of Kingsland and Stuyvesant Single session schedule (remainder enroll at any public school. r i f ll W» "iT/ "' the hood of the car. No one has been avenues. The cur was then towed further complaints. THE LEADER PAGE 2 • THURSDAY, AUGUST 22.2002 Ballet School warms up for fall

Good Book Goes on Vacation—Thirty two children from the Church of Saint Mary in Rutherford attended a Vacation Bible Camp from July 8 to July 19. The annual summer bible program is coordinated by Erin Services in N.J. to observe Sept. 11 The Garden State Ballet School is staff includes professional instructors duction of "The Nutcracker." accom- On the evening of Thursday. Sept. On Sept. 11. McGreevey will take pickup locations at Giants Stadium in accepting registrations for fall classes who become involved in each panied by the New Jersey Symphony 5, the Governor and First Lady Dina part in the commemoration services at East Rutherford and at the PNC Bank to be held at its Randolph School lo- student's individual program, regard- Orchestra. Matos McGreevey will host a private Ground Zero, along with the victims' Arts Center in Holmdel. Lunch will be cation at 28 Glen Road, off Park Av- less if the students goal is a career in Workshops are available to interme- reception at Drumthwacket for the families. provided by the Red Cross upon re- enue, in Rutherford, director Jody dance or fitness and enrichment. diate and advanced students who re- families of victims of September 11. "On the morning of September 11, turn to Liberty Stale Park. Jaron reports. The school offers a wide range of hearse and perform in new and tradi- On Tuesday, Sept. 10, from 7 to 9 we are providing transportation for all McGreevey is also asking all houses Special adults only ballet classes arc performing potential. Each year, stu- tional ballets staged by the faculty and p.m. a Candlelight Vigil Memorial Ser- New Jersey families who wish to at- of worship in New Jersey to ring their planned for beginner and intermediate dents have an opportunity to he se- guest choreographers. vice will be held at Liberty State Park lend the memorial services at Ground bells in commemoration of the mo- students Children's ballet classes are lected to join the Garden State Ballet Scholarship assistance is available to in Jersey City. This event is closed to Zero," said McGreevey. mcnls that each hijacked plane look available for ages pre-kindergarten Youth Company, a 65-member troupe qualifying students who are enrolled the press and all members of the media "We will ensure the security and con- the lives of so many innocent victims. through 7lh grade Teenagers may reg- which appears in more than 70 New in intensive training programs. are asked to respect the wishes of the venience of all families attending the The first two planes—which would ister tor classes in ballet, pointe and a Jersey communities on its annual tour. Nov. 15 is the deadline for enrollment victims' families at (he vigil. ceremony." eventually destroy the World Trade musical theater workshop. Also, students are selected to per- in fall classes. "The input we have received from Attendees will leave from the Liberty Center — struck the Twin Towers at form at the New Jersey Performing Arts BriK-hures and schedule information victims' families have indicated an Science Center and ferry to Lower 8:46 a.m. and 9:03 a.m. Might 77 struck Established in 1951. the non-profit Q Center(NJPACland in children's roles are available by contacting Ihe Ballet overwhelming desire for the State ol Manhattan at 7 a.m. NY Waterways is the Pentagon at :43 a.m. and Flight school enjoys a national reputation lor in the American Repertory Ballet's pro- Office, (201)939-3398. New Jersey to recognize and honor providing ferry service to the buses 93, which originated out of Newark, "Excellence in training." Its teaching each New Jerseyan whose life was lost free-of-charge. was brought down in a Pennsylvania in the attacks." said McCircevey. "The Those who do not wish to drive di- Held at 10:10a.m. vigil will abide by this sentiment. We rectly to Liberty Slate Park will be pro- On Sept. 11. there will be an Orches- Coalition rallies for Italian inventor will light a candle and conduct a read- vided with complimentary bus trans- tra of St. Peler by Ihc Sea concert al I'NICO National is the nation's larg- ing ot the names in honor ol each New portation to the Park by New Jersey Trenton Stale Park and New Jersey A coalition of 1° Italian-American or- development of the telephone. est Italian-American service organiza- Jersey victim." Transit. There will be park-and-ride Symphony Orchestra at Liberty Park. ganizations, representing more than The resolution notes that in 1857 three-quarters of a million Americans Meucci finalized plans for an inven- tion, with approximately fiOOO members of Italian descent, is rallying support tion he called a Iclctrofono that would in chapters throughout the U.S. lor a congressional resolution that rec- carry the human voice great distances. I'NICO'National's Disaster Relief ognize* Antonio Meucci's contribu- Unable to pay the patent tees and in Fund, administered under the tax-ex- tions to the development of the tele poor health. Meucci was forced lo empt umbrella ol the I'NICO Founda- phone. abandon the project, which was crt'il tion. Inc.. contributed to victims of the The groups arc urging all members itcd lo Alexander Graham Bell nearly '1/11 tragedy. Other charities it sup- and supporters to contact their U.S. 20 years later in 1876. ports include Cooley's Anemia Re- senators to support a resolution simi- A subsequent lawsuit against Bell search. Mental Health Research. lar to one passed by the House of Rep- revealed that he had worked in the Scholarships, and the 'V Foundation resentatives in June. same laboratory ai Western 1 'nion Tele- lor Cancer Research. House Resolution 269 was co-spon- graph Company had •> model of I NICO National is located in Fairfickl sored by Congressmen Vito Fossella, Meucci's invention and ils designs. ( ominous, 271 U.S. Hwy. 46 West, Suite Jr. (R-N.Y.)and Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.). It The case was drop|Vil with Meucci's AI08.Fairtteld.NJ07004. U is the first official government recog- death in IHS anil the expiration ot More information at the UNICO Web THEIR nition of Meucci's contributions to the Bell's patent in IS'M site, REBATE AFL-CIO asks members to assist blood drive the AHL-CIO Community Services scy Blood Services. of Bergen County asks union members Blood donations will be al the IBIiW AcavuLan. &tudio- to assist its blood drive. Local 164. 65 West Century Road in Private Lessons The drive is sponsored by the Bergen Paramus Tuesday. Aug. 27. Wednes- OUR AUTO LOAN Accordant Key Board ^Drums County Trades and Labor Council, day. Aug. 28. and Thursday. Aug. 2°>. 580 Kearny Ave. Kearny IT JUST MIGHT BE THE BEST DEAL FOR YOU! AIT.-CIO and United Labor Agency from 2 lo 8 p.m. of Bergen County, with the New Jer- For information, call (2011 %7-5si5.V 991-2233 UNION NON-UNION Medical. Surgical & Diagnostic Services MEMBER RATE MEMBER KATE Send your news and photos, Dogs. Cats &rds. Ferrets. Exotic Arwnals even your ads... Rutherford Animal Hospital FA NMI L BMbar. DVM. DAEWP %' bye-mail! Boaiti Cert. In Companion Animal MedicineOffice visits By Appointment APR Loradana Brigand, DVM 24 Hr. Emergency Coverage 5.50% 6.00 Man Pomeranz MS. DVM *For new or used cars . Term: 12-60 months. [email protected] House Calls Loan must be approved by 1*2/31/02; Commitment is for 90 days. Christopher Grant. MS. DVM Howard Sllberman VMD Eve & Sat Appts Available With many dealers offering the from your account at Amal- Answer to August 15 option of low interest loans or a gamated Bank or other bank, you 201-933-4111 can save an additional 1/4%. Super Crossword 755 Rutherford Avenue Rutherford rebate, what should you do? In Visit us on the Web at many cases, the best deal is to take So contact Amalgamated today. the rebate and get your auto loan When you need a from Amalgamated Bank. Ilight annnn nr-ino now, we're offering a low loan Q Han rate. And, if you're a union GOOD LAWYER.. ••no anna QOHUO nna member, you can save even more! nnnn HED onra anoa Anthony J. Riposta, Esq. Also, if you arrange to have pay- nnnnnnna Bank ODD nonn CERTIFIED CIVIL TRIAL ATTORNEY ments automatically withdrawn America's Labor Bank mrann Member FI1IC COUNSELLOR AT LAW Kqiml Opportunity lender Call Today For a FREE Consultation 212-620-8655 • 800-332-2669 OCEia •••DB QQOH MANHATTAN • BRONX • QUEENS • LYNDHURST. NJ nan ann •••• Banna 991-0067 WASHINGTON. DC • PASADENA. CA 432 Ridge Rd., N. Arlington, NJ

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AUGUST 22,2C0i- A tense flight from Poland lands safely at Newark v BY BARBARA ALF.KSASDROWICZ Dr. Mecheal 24 HOUR Emergency Care* A bomb threat aboard a Polish Air- alarm. Everyone was asked to slay shoes." said Urbanowski. lines jet touched off a two-hour search calm. He also told us that we will re- He admitted he didn't feel comfort- at Newark International Airport upon ceive further instructions." able at this moment and he saw many LYNCDHU, Urhanowski said. terrified faces around him. landing, "but no device was found. " yANIMANIMAp AL HOSPITAL. Surgical * CHnta^ l federal authorities said. People were calm. Urbanowski re- "I am happy to he home. Fortunately, ^L forForO Dogs. Cola and Eaottc P*ta "The plane flying from Warsaw. Po- called, bui one smalt incident was dis- it was a false alarm. Oh. God! Thai was Offlc« Appowttmants A Nous* C*JU turbing. A woman refused to fasten • long flight." Urbanowski said. MO RMgi ftoad • lyndhurvt NJ 0 7071 land was about two hours into its flight ^^^^^*VJTal. : I'(201M ) M5 1000 • F« <»t)6351MM when the pilot was notified that War- her scathelt and was reprimanded hy "When the plane finally landed, law saw police had received an anony- the stewardess. After, people became officers from several agencies, the mous bomb threat." said FBI Special vigilant and uneasy; some of them Essex County bomb squad and bomb- Agent Sandra Carroll. were scared. sniffing dogs checked the Boeing 767 Lyndhurst Board of Education "1 had a seat next to a businessman for nearly two hours, but no explosives Affirmative Action • The Lyndhurst Board ol Education, an equal opportunity Neither Carroll nor FAA spokes- employer, has voted to reaffirm our district's commitment to equal woman Arlene Saluki had specifics from Texas who was traveling with his were found." FBI agent Carroll said. educational opportunity and affirmative action. We have established about the threat. The pilot was told to two small children. He was scared, "Baggage was spread on the tarmac policies and procedures which are commensurate with Title VI. Title IX even though 1 (old him 1 thought it was next to the plane, which was parked and Section #504, and will fulfill these laws in such a manner that wUI continue the flight. guarantee no discrimination in education against anyone on the basis of LOT Polish Airlines Flight 11 landed a false alarm. Bui to be honest. 1 was several hundred yards from Terminal race, color, creed, national origin sex or handicaps an hour later than scheduled at New- also a little uneasy," Urbanowski said. C, and all the luggage was matched to passengers." she added. We are regularly evaluating our system through selected committees so ark and taxied to a remote area where Photo, Barbara Aleksandrowicz He said that the most dramatic mo- as to be in accordance with the law and to maintain a continuous process the 189 passengers were taken off be- Joseph Urbanowski ment was lOoc 15 minutes before land- According to Alan Hicks, a spokes- or improvement In this way. we hope to bettei serve our educational fore the Boeing 767 was searched. 'Along flight' ing. man for Ihe Port Authority of New community and to safeguard its civil rights. One of the passengers was Joseph "The captain of the plane told us "All passengers were ordered to put York and New Jersey, the incident did Affirmative Action Officers 2001-02 School Year Urbanowski. a resident of Wallington about the bomb threat in a very deli- their hands on lop of the seal in front not disrupt any other flights or opera- Valerie Nichols Dennla Slrti who was coming back from his vaca- cate way. He said they had received of them and their heads on their hands. tions at Newark. I .it i uai .11 .i or John F. Lincoln School Washington School :ill 4>S ShKI i-xt. I 14 "I v>,, •„•! tion in Poland. the information, but it may be a false We were also told to take off our Kennedy airports. Jill Tozuman Section #504 Coordinator Lincoln School Amu- DCJHIII Carlstadt Plaza 100% full 201-438-5683 «L 126 SiH-1'inl Services Bergen legislators back 201-4JW-5683 t\i 129 Motorist assistance law The Bogle Agency, Inc. Governor James E. McGreevcy on hand lo obtain needed assistance. signed legislation that will protect mo- "This is an essential step that must 3(X) Stuyvesani Avenue torists whose vehicles break down on be taken lo protect the safety of mo- Lyndhurst. N.J. 07071 New Jersey roadways. torists when they become stranded Phone 201-939-1076 Fax 201-507-5394 The Governor said the bill. A-1743, along busy interstate highways or in Specializing in all types of insurance. was prompted by the death of LX'bbie unfamiliar surroundings." said Assem- Personal. Commercial. Industrial. Santiago, a Moms County woman who blyman Matthew Aheani (D-Bcrgen). was left stranded on Route 287 in IW. Assemblyman Gordon Johnson ( D- Health and Lite because she did not have $40 in cash Bergen), the bill's other sponsor said, to pay lor her car to be towed. She "Signing this hill into law reinforces later was struck and killed by another the principle lhat human life is more vehicle. important than a cash payment." SECURE YOUR "From this terrible tragedy and the •"Although this does not lake our FUTURE Business is bustling at the Carlstadl Shopping Plaza, which has reached I(X) courage of the Sandage family, New pain or loss away, it dt>es bring some percent occupancy since its opening in the spring of 2000. Jersey will now have a common sense sense to my daughter's death. This bill Train for a Career A Grand Union Superstore, which bowed at ihe opening, became a Super law that guarantees all motorists— re- will hopefully protect other families in the BOOMING Slop & Shop six months later. gardless of their method of payment from suffering the same loss," said Health Care Field Other new stores lhat have opened are Blockbuster Video, Subway sand- —access to towing services." Iterance Sandage. the victim's father. wiches. Dollar Mania, Harmon Cosmetics and the Dry-cleaning/Laundromat McGreevey said. The bill imposes tines of $500 for a • CERITIFED MEDICAL ASSISTANT A new BurgerKing on Paterson Avenue is situated at the entrance to the The legislation signed last week re- first offense and penalties of up lo • CERTIFIED DENTAL ASSISTANT $ 1,000 lor additional violations. • MEDICAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATION plaza. There is ample parking and the prices are competitive at all the stores. quires tow truck operators to accept • MEDICAL BILLING/HEALTH CLAIMS Opportunities are encouraging for part-time jobs for students and seniors and both cash and credit cards for payment. Senatoi Joseph l'i>mglu>(D-Bergen) EXAMINER (ICD9CPT4 COOING, full-time jobs for career-oriented individuals. Motorists who break down are already sponsored the measure in the upper HCFA/UB92 CLAIMS) The plaza was designed to enhance the neighborhood with open space and confronting difficult situations, the house. landscaping. It also provides a much-needed tax ratable to the borough of Governor said, and this legislation en Accredited by: Carlstadt, avoiding a tax increase to the residents, according to Assemblyman sures them lhat they will not have to BERDAN INSTITUTE American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) Joe Crifasi. also worry about having ample cash 265 RT. 46 West American Dental Association (ADA Totowa, NJ Accrediting Commission of Career Call (973) 256-3444 Schools & Colleges ot Technology Get to Know the Send your news and photos by e-mail! Door Gallery Difference Editor® Marco Duarte The fax number is 201-438-9022 And Save 20-25% on Selected Entry Doors. PreOwned Manager 790 Route 3 West The address is Clifton NJ 07012 251 Ridge Road 973-473-7800 Close in on a low mortgage rate with No Application Fee!

We believe buying a tirw home should be a p leu all t experience. When you deal with your friends and neighbors at Kearny Federal, it is.We'll make you feel Store Hours: at home,right from the si art Answer questions,explain M-F 10 to 6, Sat 10-4 the procedure,put you at ease. It's the way we've been treating our neighbors since 1884. You can buy an entry door or replacement windows from a home center and Current Mortgage Program 8/14/02 cross your fingers, or you can buy from Door Gallery for quality and selection WBa and get the job done right. For over 17 years Door Gallery has been providing • Our mint popular murtgiigi: 15 >rar fixed 5.875% <,.')blt*: f>8.37 the very best in new entry doors, Sa»= SlOQU't of dollars om UV lilr. * IIK- Iran compaKd to l-i'* i term ojitji og. windows, garage doors, and storm VI MM 5.S00* 4.840* 15.68 and security doors to homes large 7/1 ARM 5.875* 5.170*. »5.9i KM ARM 6,500% 5.830* 16.33 and small throughout New Jersey. 20 year fixed 6.250% 6.330* »7.3I 6.500* 6.570* J6.76 We look forward to serving you. 3O year fixed 6.50O* O.VjO» $6.33 Simplified Applications, Call about Jumbo arid other available mortu-,,- Fast Approvals, *No Application Fee for approved loan* Friendly Faces. Hury-Limiled lime only Visit our Saddle Brook, The Mortgage Experience '(•» to b» Ktbdeid at tin» of cloune 'An Elegant Bergenf ield or Verona stores. at Keamy Federal Savings. 00R Exhibition' Avenel. 1232 St. Georges Ave 732-855-5566 MFG Bergenfield, 116 So. Washington 201-387-1970 ALLERY:INC. Kenvil. Kenvil Plaza, Rt. 46 973-584-6700 .Kearny federal Manalapan. Home Fashion Ctr, Rt. 9 . .732-536-1616 A3K d o iill l m KW o *»* y Saddle Brook. 545 Midland Ave 201-794-9050 ing kin tow ind LTVi ipph» PU»it p k>tfi!Mtti dcw«pi)«ienuolIeMtfi«n30*t Savings Verona, 380 Bloomfield Ave 973-857-2255 ma tequie Pnrate Mofi«»g uMft" MidUieieMe «U hive hghetAW: fflWINDOWS aid monthly piymenu thm U»ie 4*"»i I* Call Toll Free: 877-691-2265 pani! md fcmbo ^«i> »( wiUHt P.tei ire ii*|ea K- dung* • 1-800-994-7272 notice IfctfeipoMNefcc ifpogriphicii BfHi (Myl bank) MEMBER f DIC THE LEADER PAGE 4 - THURSDAY. AUGUST 22.2002 PEOPLE Servideos mark 50th anniversary Police finish public safety course video of Lyndhurst celebrated their 50th wed- ding anniversary on June 29th at a buffet dinner reception held at San Carlo Restaurant, Lyndhurst. The former Ann Petrillo and Angelo Servideowere married May 18,1952ai Sacred Heart Church, Lyndhurst. The\ have two children—a daughter Linda Waldinger and her husband Doug, of Florida, and a son. Micheal Servideo of Lyndhurst. They have five grand- children. Douglas . Matthew and Ja- son Waldinger. and Michael and Daviu Servideo. All attended the celebration, along with extended family and frie