Bomb threat at Newark Babes and waves Liberty bounces back two hour search yields nothing Kam reviews "Blue Crush- Playoff series now tied Page 3 Page 7 Page 9 THE COMMERCIAL 25. I like a man who grins when he fights. - Winston Churchill THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2002 Established 1922 OF LYNDHURST BRIEFS Warehouse, Volunteer cleanup day Paraders to meet office space at Town Hall Park to cover area Sept. 20 The Department of Recreation, un- planned for More than 500 employee volunteers "We've seen a tremendous increase der the direction of Commissioner fmm corporations in the Bergen Count) m the numhei ol participating compa- Paul Pasiamaoo, Jr announces that area will fan out on Iriday. Sept 20, to nies and volunteers, and expect that the public ts invited to watch the An Marin Ave. spruce up properties. the opportunity lodoa service project nual Boys and Girls Soccer Parade Catanese Inc. has received approval Armed with shovels, lakes and painl in memory of Wl I victims will increase on Saturday. Sept. 7. from the board of adjustment for an P • P brushes, the squads v> ill clean up. plant those numbers even more," she added. Parade participants will assemble at I l,(K)O-square-tiH>t warehouse/office and paint non-profit agencies in the The Unity in the Spun ot America the Town Hall Park! [Vlaficld Avenue) county. building to be located at 611 Mann An architect's rendering of a new warehouse/oftice building. (USA) act signed into law by l*resi at 11 am and inarch In Volunteer Sta Avenue. The volunteer Corporate Day >»1 Car- dent Hush m January created a volun dium tm Sparta Drive, where (here will Replacing an existing one-story ga- A steel canopy, set against a boldly ing projects will be dedicated to the leei progi.untohelp Americansivmcm he a brief ceremony. ant Catanese & Sons Inc. a local con rage, the new mixed-use facility will patterned thtoe-slory structure, tronts crete and construction company. memory ol individuals and groups Ivi those lost in the attacks The line of inarch is as follows: Town cater to the needs of the local construc- the proi*>si\| building. The site h.tslven a construction stor- who perished in the Sept. 11 terrorist The USA act calls tor a unique!) Hall Park onto Oelafield Avenue, left tion industry. A sliviM ot gln/cd ctirminwall inter- age yard since the mm ol the century, attacks. American positive response to the at- onto Valley Brook Avenue, up to Ridge Such a facility will fill a void in ware- rupts ihv symmetry.offering glimpses when Bianvhi Bros. Paving con- The annual cleanup effort is spon- tacks by rebuilding communities Koad. left at Page Avenue and left at house space tor construction use. ac- ot movement within the emulation structed area roadways sored by the Her gen County United through volunteer service. More in- Sparta Drive into the field cording to architect Serge IX*mer|ian core, the architect says. The Catanese family has leased the Way. in partnership \\ ith the Volunteer formation on the initiative can be For further information, call the Rec- U ot Bloomtield Phe remaiiHk*! ot the building is clad property since the I 7(K ami pur- Center ol Bergen County. found at www.usa.pointsoflight.qrg. reation Department at (20I) X(H 24X2 The design lor the warehouse fea- in masonry. \\ iih horizontal accents, to chased it in urns Participating companies give theil Bergen County companies are in- tures overhead door access on the first complement neighboring icsulcnti.il Owttei James Catanese is A volun- employees the day off to join their col vited to participate in 2002 Corporate LHS seeks classmates floor, with 12-foot interior clear stor- and commercial structures, he said teer and loiiiK'i ehiel ol the l.ymlluirst leagues in work that will make a posi- Pay of Caring, lor information, or to for 20th reunion Nov. 30 age heights and 8-loot high inter In addition, ihc design will allow a l-ue Department. He also is involved live impact on the community. register, contact Susan llogge at the changeable oft ice/warehouse areas on ma|«>r portion ol the construction in the coiiMiuction of the new "Corporations know thai a strong county Volunteer Center; call (201) The Lyndhuist High School Class the second and third floors. equipment io he housed inside, he 1 yndhursl High School Held House, and healthy community is critical to 4X9 44M. ext. 20. or visit of I982 will hold us 2(Kh reunion on shogget"1 hergenvoluBteen.org. Demcrjian plans a vigorous facade, added doing business, and realty put re Nov. 30 al San Carlo Restaurant in ConsUuction on the Mann Avenue mixing matcnals and colors to achieve sources behind this day, Raid Mary The county United Way ami Volun Lyndhurst. The committee is still The propciiy is being developed.by warehouse/office property is sched- the building. Catanese to he leased by primal y ten- uled lo start m November Connolly, the Bergen United Way's leer Center also sponsor monthly I ain looking tor a number ol class mem- vice president ol strategic partner ily Day of Caring projects on week ben. ships. ends. Visit www.bergeuvolunleeis org. Send class member information to the committee at the e-mail address: LHS. classof82 V yahoo.co. County Senior Services Skin cancer screening annual picnic Sept. 18 program expanded Beigen County Executive William P. en Market where participants will be I IK- I \ II.IIHII .i Health Dcpanment. Scltuher reports that the Division of able lo purchase Jersey Itesh farm uiulfi (IK direction of Commissioner Senior Services will hold Us annual Se produce. Additionally, a special Thomas B. Oraffam, announces the nior Picnic on Wednesday, Sept. IS surprise will take place al 12:30 p.m. at expansion ol its skin cancer screen- dam dale Sept 19) from 10 the snowmobile where there will he ing program. a.m. to 3 p.m. at Van Saun County Park entertainment by a well-known guest Gangaram Kagi. M.I) .a dermatolo- in Paramus. performer. gist and member ol (he American "The picnic will feature plenty ot en- "The day is quite enjoyable asoldei Academy ol ol iX'iTnaiology, will con- tertainment, a craft lair, (lea market, adults from all over the county duct the lull body screening at the agency information tables and lunch." participate in many of the activities," Health Center on Stuyvesanl Avenue satd Anne Ciavaglia, director. said Schuber. on Wednesday. Sept 25. at 6:30 pin Division of Senior Services. "Year alter ycar.il is wonderful to see The program is open to adult resi- "Last year, nearly two thousand se so many new and I ami liar laces dents of I \mihuiM only. Appoint niors attended Ihe event and had it having a great time in one ol Bergen ments are required; absolutely no great time listening to music, dancing ('ouiiiy's finest parks." walk-ins will be seen and meeting new friends." lor more information, please call Call the Health IX'partment at (2011 The picnic will also feature a Farm- (201)336-7427, 804-2500 lor an appointment New trips planned Family Services seeks for senior citizens Commissioner Paul Passamano. Jr., mentors for adolescents Director of the LX*partnienl ot Parks A classroom like your great-grandparents attended is featured at the schoolhouse museum The Children's Aid and I'amily Ser- Children's Aid and Family Services and Recreation has the following trips vices in Para n HIS says all it takes to provides nine hours of training to pre set up tor Township of Lyndhurst se- Schoolhouse become a mentor is the desire to make pare mentors tor their new role and nior citizens. a difference. ongoing program support. Breakers In Spring Lake - Monday. The agency is kicking off a brand new The tact is that one individual can Sept. 9. The cost will be $50 by bus to showcase mentoring initiative working with ado make a significant difference in the lite and $36 by car. lesccnts living in group and treatment ot one child. Mentors have the poten- This will include a "Brunch, Beach. famous sons foster homes. tial to promote healthy development The presence of a caring adult in a and giowth in our youth by building Pool. Dinner" and gratuities. There The Little Red Schoolhouse at Riv- vulnerable youngster's life can be a positive relationships, organizers say. will be one Saddle River bus which erside and Fern avenues (across from major (actor in successfully crossing It you arc interested in becoming a leaves Town Hall Park at 8:15 a.m. the county park) is assctnhlying an the bridge to adulthood, staffers say. volunteer mentor and participate m the Brownstone - Wednesday. Sept. 18. exhibit of works by Lyndhursc resi- training, or want to find out what is This trip includes transportation dents who attained prominence in Mentors provide information, oppor- involved, please cull Kelly Kopf, pro (Parks Department buses) lunch and their fields. tunities, nurturing and support to chil- show: "Paddy McMurphy's Wake." dren who so often lack positive adult gram coordinator, at (201 »2nl 2WX),ext Scheduled for an unoffical opening The cost is $36. Buses will leave from role models. 238. in September, and a grand opening the Town Hall Park at 10:45 a.m. accompanied by a festival Oct. 26. the Call the Recreation Department at "Arts in Lyndhurst" exhibit will iden- 804-2482 for details or to sign up. tify local residents who excelled and Supt.
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