Værdier i oplevelsen - et speciale om oplevelsesbaseret kommunikation og værdiformidling


22. december 2006 Maiken Nørgaard Mouritsen Vejleder: Søren Frimann Trads 231.708 tegn = 96 normalsider Humanisitsk Informatik , Kommunikation Universitet 2 Indhold Abstract 5 Forord 7 Indledning 9 Problemstilling- og formulering 11 Valg af casevirksomheder 13 Definition af genstandsfelt 17 Specialets opbygning 19 Videnskabsteori - et ståsted 25 Organisationsforståelse 29 Fænomenet corporate 35 3 Værdier i organisationer 41 Oplevelsesbaseret kommunikation 55 Empirien 71 Indledende interviews 73 Folderanalyser 79 Fokusgrupper 99 Kommunikative forslag 141 Diskussion 147 Konklusioner 151 Noter 155 Litteraturliste 159 Bilag 163 4 Abstract

Why is it that many companies have organizational values but doesn’t seem to really use them? Is it because the values are not successfully communicated? The new buzzword in the Danish world of communication is experience economy and due to this I find it relevant to investigate which part the use of experience communication plays in contributing to the integration of organizational values. Because the integration is shown according to memory and use these are the primary factors in the study. At first a theoretical foundation will be presented in order to place the content in the relevant context. This contains descriptions of the corporate phenomenon, organizational values and the experience 5 communication. To answer the problem definition of the master thesis I have chosen to collect different empirical materials that combined constitutes a considerable amount of data. The empirical investigation will be based upon two case studies, which combines the generalized approach with specific situations. Therefore I have collaborated with two major companies - Cheminova and - that have recently been focusing on their organizational values. Using qualitative methods a hypothesis is created saying that the values at Spar Nord are more successfully integrated than they are at Cheminova. To find out if the initial written presentations have any thing to do with this there will be analyses of these as well. In order to evaluate in which degree the values are remembered and used in the two case companies and to attain an insight in the communication concerning the values, I ask a focus group from each company to evaluate on these factors. The results of these interviews indicate that the previous hypothesis was correct and that the values play a bigger part in the every day life of the employees at Spar Nord. But this cannot be explained solely by the fact, that this company uses more experience communication. The results of the focus group interviews show that a constant follow up on the values combined with visual profiling plays a significant part in the integration and even though this is based upon particular cases, I find the results potentially generalizable. This leads to the conclusion that the communication and integration of company values is much more complex than simply turning towards a new ways of communicating.

6 Forord

Dette speciale kunne ikke være blevet til uden et velfungerende samarbejde med min casevirksomheder. Jeg vil derfor benytte lejligheden til at rette en stor tak til mine kontaktpersoner Ole Zink og Ole Madsen samt til deltagerne i mine fokusgruppeinterviews. Derudover vil jeg gerne takke Jesper Hoffmann for at have tilbudt rum og rammer til skriveprocessen, hvilket har været en uvurderlig hjælp.

Sidst men ikke mindst vil jeg gerne takke Søren Frimann Trads for kyndig og engageret vejledning samt Cuno Jensen for sit skarpe blik i korrekturlæsningen. 7

Maiken Mouritsen, Humanistisk Informatik, Kommunikatiion - medie 8 Indledning

”And though money makes the world go around. It often makes it flat...” - D:A:D1

Det handler alt sammen om penge - altså i sidste instans. For det er penge, der gør det m