Beverly R. Cameron City of Fredericksburg City Manager P.O. Box 7447 Fredericksburg, VA 22404-7447 Telephone: 540 372-1010 Fax: 540 372-1201 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Beverly R. Cameron, City Manager 715 Princess Anne Street Fredericksburg, Virginia (540) 372-1010
[email protected] June 13, 2013 FREDERICKSBURG CITY COUNCIL SCHEDULES JULY 9, 2013 PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED MULTI-PURPOSE MINOR LEAGUE BASEBALL STADIUM IN CELEBRATE VIRGINIA SOUTH The Fredericksburg City Council will hear public comment on a proposed multi-purpose baseball stadium in Celebrate Virginia South at its regular meeting on Tuesday, July 9, 2013, 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers, 715 Princess Anne Street. The City Council wishes to gauge public support for the project, which involves the construction of a multi-purpose Minor League Baseball stadium at an estimated public cost of $30M. The stadium is proposed to be financed through a special tax district which would tax property within Central Park and Celebrate Virginia South at an estimated rate of $0.32/$100 of assessed value. The Hagerstown Suns, the Class A South Atlantic League affiliate of the Washington Nationals, are interested in relocating to Fredericksburg. After considering public comment, the Council will decide whether or not to refer proposed Comprehensive Plan and Capital Improvement Plan amendments to the Planning Commission for public hearing and recommendation. Upon receipt of the Planning Commission’s recommendations, the City Council would hold a second public hearing before making a decision whether to amend the City’s Comprehensive Plan and Capital Improvements Plan. The amendment process would take an estimated 90 days.